Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Aug 1870, p. 3

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Parlor, Wishes to intimate to tho inhabi- lams of Richmond Hill and vicinity that he will sell the balance of his GREAT BARGAINS ! AT COST PRICE! Gold, Velvet é‘FancyBorderings WALL PAPERS! COMPETE WITH TORONTO PRICES FURNITURE!!! The most Elegant NEW FRUIT JARS! GROCERIES ! ! PROVISIONS l l GLASS IN ALL SIZES. HALL PAPERS 1 PEOPLE’S STORE, CHEAP FOR CASH. Richmond Hill. July 19, 1870. Also Paints, Oils, Varnish, r. SAVAGE ALWAYS 0N HAND P. G. Savage has no hesitancy in calIing atxemion lo Which will be found to comprise A LARGE QUANTITY OF GO ODS DELIVERED. 660. 850. &c. 860. IN VARIOUS PATTERNS, HIS STOCK 0F RICHMOND HILL. GOOD AND CHEAP He has also on hand WHICH WILL BE SOLD FLOUR AND FEED! JAPAN. PUTTY AND NOW GOING AT THE A FULL STOCK OF Kitchen, CONSISTING 0F BEING ABLE TO Call and see our AS WELL AS The most Durable. AND Bedroom Richmond Hill, 11th August, 1870. ~ an examination of Common l Teachers. and others. will take place on Mrs. Campbell’s DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL COMMON SCHOOL TEACHERS! OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an examination of Common School Wednesday, the Thirtyfirst day of August, 1870, AT THE COURT HOUSE. CITY OF TORONTO. AT RICHMOND HILL, AND AT NEWMARKET, A! 9 o’clock Aim. Candidates will be required to produce Cer- tificates of moral character. from their respecv tive ministers. and if teachers before, also lrom their respective trustees. U 7 ED cloms. bunlions. large and small. inâ€" growing nails, sweat scalded reel. &c.,relieved immediately: a.nd soon cured by applying Dr. 5. Brigésr’r Modern Curative acco'rdi'nfg'lo dvirec- tions ; i! never doe» harm,l.\ut it always does good. 583-)y-cq In Young Hyson,Japan.Gunpowder, Souchong and Congo, which for Aroma. Strength orfine Flavor are not surpassed by any house in the Trade. Try my Young Hyson Tea at 50 and 60 cts per lb, they are not excelled; and my 81) can! is acknowledged Io be the best. Strongest and lines! flavored i\ the neighborhood. The Finest. Black Tea, imported. at 80 and 90 cts per l’b, unrivalled. l’ure unadulterated ground West India Coffee, 25 cents per lb- Pure ground old government Java Coffee, 30 cents per lb. r vrAfiiriul of the above is earnestly requested as he will guarantee they will give general satis- faction. G. A. BARNARD, Sign of the Briiish Flag Siafi‘. Richmond Hill, Aug. 10, 1870. 6304f W. H. MYERS’ HARNESS GREAT BARGAINS l The Best for the Price to be had in the Dominion. Entire Stock of Summer Goods THE PUBLIC MAYRELYon BARGAINS City Toronto. 4th August. 1870. EXAMINATION MAGAZINES, PAPERS, 8w. ORNS, HARDK SOET AND ‘FESTER- E0. A. BARNARD HAS NOW_ ON CHOICE TEAS, ON TUESDAY. THE 233D INST. Fine French Calf Boots, AVE YOU GOT YOUR. LIFE IN. Richmond Hill. Aug. 4. 1870. Teas! Teas!! Teas!!! EQUALLY LOW! SHRED '.’ THEY ARE W ARRANTED IN BOOTS AND SHOES! THE FALL GOODS I COUNTY OF YORK. As he wishes to dispose of hi! AND OTHER. GOODS IF NOT GET A SET A SET OF JOHN JENNINGS. D.D. ‘VILL RE-OPEN, D.V-, A'l‘ W. H, MYERS’ hand a selection of TO MAKE ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN’S At $4-00 per pair. s‘vnmzn H 1-H: HERALD BOOK STORE. 0|" CHAIRMAN. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1870. 630-2 c29-Iy 20 CENTS PER 1b FOR BUETTR, SELLING IT AT 17 CTS. PER lb, THE TEA CHEST,’ 40 POUNDS 0F SUGAR FOR $100 And that it can’t Honestly be done, for he finds it a diflicult job to Buy the thld a New Frock when he has been Upon Mature Reflection, finds that he has been making a Big Simpleton of himser for the last Two Weeks, by giving Good and Just Value in Goods. But will give as much Sugar as any other man.and as good Whis- key as can be bnught in the Province. far the money. Good Tangle Lv‘g @ 80 cent per gallon; a splendid harvest whiskey @ $1 per gal. (one dram of which is equal to two extra men); and the “ Raul ould shtnflL itsilf” for $190 per gallon; he will make a still greater reduction to persons huv- ing 5 gallons and over. As he intends going out of the Hardware trade he is offering SYECIAL HARVEST TOOLS From 5 cts. to 15 cls. each. as good as can be bought in the market. From (30 cents upwards; and other goods in proportion. Gram-7 ,-Liquor, Flow é‘ Feed BEST FLOUR. ON RICHMOND HILL ! Talking about Flour, “ My Conscience,” if he hasn‘t got- the CELEBRATED VALLEY MILLS! THE BEST DUMPLINGS GOODS DELIVERED 1 GOODS AT LESS THAN COST, on WHISKEY @ 50 01‘s PER GAL. So that he intends in future 10 give a fair and honest price for it and give You may call him Davy; he getsit all the way from BEST WHITE WHEAT! He also intends. in future. to devote himself entirely to tha Richmond Hill, July 5. 1870; HERRAH FOR. THE TEA CHEST ! GIVING 20 ms. PER 1b Where they understand their business and use noteing but the You ever ato. just bring it back and he will eat it himselfâ€"Bag and allâ€" for he is a hungry ‘cuss’ any way. Just come and try a bag of it. and if it don’t make He has no intention of offering THREE-PRONG FORKS MOUNT ALBERT Nor does he intend to ofi'er BUSINESS. IND UCEMENTS IN For Butter and RAKES . AT THE I. FRENCH; 535 Whiie thanking his customers and the public generally for past patronage, begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding country lhat his NEW SPRING GOODS! LARGER AND BETTER STOCK CLOTHs IN EVERY DESCRIPTION, BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, DRESS GOODS ! 3,000 YDS. NEW PRINTS, READY MADE CLOTHING! Is unsurpassed. and consists of New Pattern Bonnets, New Shaped flats In Straw, Mauilla, Masilla and Sataline, NEW SHAWLS, MANTLES, PARASOLS, SUNSHADES. MOURNING GOODS ! FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS! ! ! THxs PUMP 1s EASIEST WonKED, Mos-r Dum- ISLE AND Nm'rnsw MAN: IN THE DOMINION. It is so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all light therefore pro- vemiug children from putting anything Into it, The Subscriberwould respectfully announce that he is prepmed to put in Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. These Pumps are suitable to all depths from a. cistern to a well of l50 feet, They are not so liable to get out of repair. being Double-valved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the jclnls which is invariably the case the common Log Pump made by hand. This Pump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted Price: $5 above platform, and 40 cents per foot below. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6. complgte for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. Churn Pumps for Cislorns $3 each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address,stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, August 9. 1870. 630-137 RICHMOND IJILH ALWAYS 0N HAND. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 0F A to \v'hiom “19 highest wages will he iven' . g Enquire at the “York Herald” Office. MILLINERY l MILLINERY l AME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE J Subscriber. Maple, on Sunday. the 3|st ult., a Dark Bay Colt about 3 years old. with a white spot on the oif' hind foot. The owner is requested to prove property, my expenses and take it away. ROBT. THOMPSON. Maple. August 3. 1870. 629-3 For quantity go to the For qualiky go to the For ‘Aow prices go to the See tho New Goods and observe the Prices April 13. 1870. In endless variety, Shirtings. Tickings, Never has been on Richmond Hill. LACES OF ALL KINDS Hats and Caps for the Million, Spring Stock is now complete, FRESH GROUERJES ! AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN~ Prices to suit every Customer! E EXCELSIORV PUMP, factured by P. Phillips, Richhlond Hill FIRST CLASS SERVANT? GIRL, DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. For sale, Cheap; only 25 cts.,at the WARRANTED TWO YEARS, NEW FEATHERS. an nowms, In Coats, Pants, Vests. &c. NORTH OF TORONTO. Hallanda. Counterpanes HARDWARE. CROCKERY, W. ATKINSON, DRESS GOODS ! THE GODDS INCLUDE Also a full supply of Hosiery, Gloves, &c. &c. LACE CURTAINS. THE STOCK 0F Wanted. And a Strayed. AND AT HERALD BOOK STORE - AND CENTRAL STORE CENTRAL STORE. CENTRAL STOR E. W, ATKINSON, DRESS GOODS : Richmond Hill 613 SEWING MACHINE ! FULL INSTRUCTIONS GRATIS NOISE LESS MOVEMENT, GREAT SPEED. MR- C. CHAPMAN, Dear Sir,-â€"I had been informed by in- terested parties that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine was not to be depended upon. which for a time induced me to defer purchasing one. After your description of said machines, I purchased one, and Mrs. Fawceil, who is well acquainted with other nmchins. states that after a year’s (rinl in various Limis of work, she can confidently renemmmid it as a useful family sewing machine, and as all that you stated it to be. M. FA WCE'I‘T. TVcsleyun Minislcr. Mn. C. CHAPMAN, Dear Shyâ€"“Ye have used the Wheeler & Wilson Sewng Machine about nine Years, and during that time it has cost nothing for repairs. We sew heavy fulled cloth with coarse linen thread, stronger than can be done by hand: while all fine stitching on light fabrics gives the best satisfaction. We can with confidence re- commend the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Mazhine as the best for family use. REFERENCES ' Kindly permitted to: Mrs James Newlon, jun., Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. Clarke, Miss White. Mrs. William llm‘dinngiss Rutsell. Mrs. Alex Marsh, Miss Sanderson, Mrs. Jus. Kefi‘er. Mrs. D. Hexse. Mrs. Ham'y Lever. PIANO â€" FORTE'S! 'l'hese Instruments are made with a full Me- tallic Frame,aro all oversll‘llh;.. and mo manu- facmred bv the best workmen, *nder the su )er- . _ l Iendence of Mr. Helntzmun. who has had up» wards of thirlv years experience I“ 11x0 business. All instruments am furni~:hed \“ilh tho A1“- grafle Anr, and am ulslmgmshcd fm‘ Her smgmg qua My, ‘Jb'llfllD. and p'v-‘m' of Imp. :Vruitlr‘. even touch. dum' of r'nxmmnution, and Emmi} oi finik: l’iflllu‘ Um‘m‘s (Rubber) and Music Stools in great variety. ORGANS & M ELODEONS, The above instruments are all fully warranted, and sold at manufacturer’s prizes. Perfect satis- faction guaradkecd in every case. Circulars post free. TUNING AND REPAIRING ATTENDED TO. LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE, CALL AND SEE IT. C. CHAPMAN, AGENT. Including the Canadian IHush-ated News. Har- pm’s ‘vaokly, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated, and The Chimney Corner. at the Herald Book Store. No. 80 Queen Street West, TORONTO, ONTARIO.‘ All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting Knives,Forks,Spoons. Crnits, &c., &c.. &c., Sflver Plated in the best Style warranted to wear any length oftime. Also manufacturer nf Show Cases, Metal Sash Bar For Slam fronts, &c.. importer of French and English Show Cases, Glass, «Sm. 8m, Markham March 18th, 1870. Cedar Grove, March 18. |870 W. MILLICHAMP, QLECTRO AND CLOSE SILVER PLATER THE BEST PRINTING INKS ARE used at the Herald Oflice. . ONE BUT THE BEST MATERIALS made use of at the Herald Uflice, LLUSTRATED PAPERS, U ntlhe Herald Oflice) is from the‘Joaeph Hall Works. Oshawa, Jun015,1870 Gold Medal. Paris Exposition, 1870; 82 Competitors. Toronto. April 7. 1870. N NEATNESS THE HERALD PRINT 'N ADDITION TO OUR NEW PRESS EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. RINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION executed at Ihe Herald Office. ECENTLY ADDED, A N012 GORDON EATNESS, CHEAPNESS, QUIQKDZESS is without a rival. .ORDON’S N0. 2770ARD ERESS (USED HEINTZMA N & 0 OMI’ANY’S New Type has also been added. WHEELER & WILSON AND 0TH ER CF ‘BRA'I'ED MAKERS. S. TVILLIAMS, P. H. DALTON, Card Press. to the Herald Book and Job Priming Estab‘iahment. three chai‘acteristics of thé Herald Office From the Establishments of A FULL ASSOR'I'MENT OF TESTIMONIALS. CICLICBRATED SAMUEL REESOR. with a full Me- and mo manu- nder the super- ho has had up« 1H ark/m m . 612.13’ FIRE: PROOF STORE ! SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS l for board, lent money, work and hook accounts, (of less than six years’ standing) must settle the same immediately, or they will be sued. as he leaves for England in the Fall, Composed of Lot No. 10, in the 14th conces- tiou of the Within 52; miles of the village of Wilkspcrt. and 4 from St Clairâ€"oiihor place baing a good market for xx end. It is a corner lot wilh a good road on two sides of it, and situated in an aid settled neighborhood. COUNTY OF LAMBTON/ The Improvements consist of a comfortable log house, together with four or five acres denred rud free from stumps. Se)”, clay loam ; with a never-failing stream of water .mnning through the contra 0! it. The lot is well limberod and will mer a first-class hil'ln ; and is well worthy the attention or any person wanling to secure a good home in a good locality. For paliculnrs enquire of Containing 8 0 Acres, In a good state of cultivation. Tim'mr land consists of aplendid Pine and Hardwood In the vicinity. [hero is a church. and a saw- mill. and a school within a half mile. There is on the premisas a quad frame house, whh stone cellar, kitchen and woodshed, new ; large frame barn, two threshing floors, nearly new ; stable, sheds and root house ; lwo novar failing springs of water ; soft. water oistel‘u. and thriving orchard. 'l‘mrms EASY. For further particulars apply to the owner on the ptemises. ' JOHN BROWN. N. B. Accounts rendered 1st October. Richmond Hill, April 7, 1869. EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Posh. Rice. lst Alignsl. 1870:â€" AtkinSnn, Martha Bernard. H G Bernard. J G Boolhby: EdWin Connor, Thomns Campbell. John Legge. George Matticc. John [2] Martin, J. Morrison, Wallace Mackneil, Charley Nigh. John Clarke. Sergeant JohnO’Hern. John Donor. Emanuel Doner, Sylvenus Glover, Thomas Giehner. ()lto Heiso, Jacob. junior Huflman. William Heslop, Gideon Hendsrson. Mary Kefi'or, E. A. D. Keller. Henry B Kilhps. Williiam Kerr, John Osler. Catherine Phillips. Isaac G. Siver. Robert [2] Sullivan, Andrew Trench. William [3] Thomas. George Vickers. William Wilson, Mrs James Wood, Benjamin Wilson. G Wiiliams, Miss M A LARGE AND VARIED GEO. SIMSON, Richmond Hill, June 30, 1870. 624-4 JOB PRINTING July 7, [870. EBSONS OWING THE SUBSCRIBER 200 ACRES OF TIMBERED LAND. N EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT: TATIONERY Vaughan, June 29, 1870. PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR KEPT CONSTANTLY TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, SPRING q~ SUMMER TRADE. The Subscriber has now in stock YMN AND PRAYER BOOKS Sale, bning part of lot No . 59,11) xhe 1st Concession of the Dona Neat and Quick at the Herald Oflice TOWNSHIP OF SOMBRA, Framing on Yonge St‘, SEVENTY CLEARED, ASSORTMENT OF JOHN B. HARRINGTON, Richmond Hill. Farm for Sale. List of Letters SUITABLE FOR THE A LARGE STOCK 0F OF ALL KINDS AT THE Fork Over ! &0. &c. &c. FOR SALE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. ON HAND. For Sale HERALD BOOK STORE. New AT THE ISAAC CROSBY. M. TEEFY, P. N. 624-5 85 1f TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN,‘ About 75 acres cleared with two good dwellin houses (one brick). Barns, Stables, sheds an orchard. thereon, also living streams crossing the lot, situate one mile from Richmond. of. a mi In from Pails-115011.? miles from Riéhmond Hill Station on the Northern Railway. EORGE WILTSHIRE, TINSMITH,‘ most respectfullv calls the attention of the inhabitanis of Richmond Hill and §urronnding neighborhood to the fact that he has com: menced business in the above line, and will keep in stock all kinds of Tinware. New Work made on the Premises. Repairs on Iron. Tin, Zinc and Copper Ware done with Punctuality and on Reasonable Terms. . Shop on‘e door south of the “ York Herald " Buildings. The above farm will be sold by auction abofii THE FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT!‘ For {ex-ms and farmer particulars by letter provpaid. to Sand for Pfice list :6 The Late Malcolm Cameron; G. A. Barnard has been appointed agent fdii lho Sale of HIS LATE STOCK, Which has been bought at a bargain thorofcno, Otter his customers an advnnmgo, by giving them Goods at Lower Prices than ever. an hopes to have a share of puLlic patronage. He has assorted up the Stock with a variety of new Goods. bought for Cash. at the Lowest Prices and will sell them at a small advance. The Stock will crmprise a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries. Wines and Liquors of tho finest nnd best brands. Paints, Oils. Glass. &c., with the host assortment of Shelf Hard- ware to ho had in the neighborhood. Having manv yearsoxpoi‘ieuoe in the business, he is cnnfiflent he cannot be underbought and. shall not be undersold by um‘ House in the Trade. Being thanlat'ul to his friends and patrons not lllell past fovor:-, he hopes to merit a continu- once of the same. G. A. BARNARD. P OCKET BOOKS A or England) having claims against the estate of ilw late John Simpson, of Richmdnd Hill. Cuuhty (:f York, Caliuda West. formerly of llouyrl‘ on the Hill. County of Lindolu. England will communicate will) Geo. Slmson, Richmond Hill. immediately. to appoint Ad- ministrators fur the final seltlumeut of bid affairs. Stamford Mercury and 'Grant/zam Journal to copy one month, and send accoiui! to GEO. SIMSON, Richmond Hill. Ont. June 30. 1870. 624-4 COLLARS AND CUFFS Nomiricxg to his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond Hill‘ that he ha- leased the premises lately occupied by 011 Richmond Hi“, and has opened with a complete stock of The public will observe that he is in a posi- tion to Sell. Goods at Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers; Inspection and Comparison are Invited. PETER G. SAVAGE. , _ Ezecutérs. Richmond Hill. June I, 11570. 620-4ni Richmond Hill. July 9. 1870. [METER G. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- FOUNCE to his friends, and the public; in Groceries, FANCY GOODS June 9, 1870. Rakes. Forks. Cradles, Scythes, Snuiths.dcc. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST Ar 1m: CENTRAL STORE. POETICAL WORKS {ichmond Hm, June 23, 1870. EING THAT WELLâ€"KNOWN FARM CONTAINING 100 ACRES, June 30, 1870. THE BEST & CHEAPEST MADE.“ GRICULTURAL MACHINES!’ ARNAR-D’S STORE REâ€"OPENEDI CHEAPâ€"’87 000$; NORTH HALF OF Mn 23, 2ND Coiu'. Richmoni Hill. Dec. 9,1869 LL PERSONS (EITHER IN CANADA W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, July 7. 1870. 625 ‘ARVEST TOOLS; FOR CASH! And Implements (If all Kinds: MR. THOMAS COGHLAN, If not previously disposed of. OF TB in DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE Provisions, Important N oti‘ce- NEW TIN SHOP. WM. ELLIS. Lucknow, - JAS. RALS'I‘ON,Richmond Hill; Farm for Sale. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE OF ALL KINDS AT THE Composed of the BELONGlNG T0 WM. RENNIE, N otiee; HERALD BOOK STORE. Paints, HERALD BOOK STORE; HERALD BOOK STORE. Oils, Eglingtan, Ont. 621 Varnish”, apply, if 623-1.! he Will; 4m; 4w. 595- tf

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