3‘50 paper discontinued until all arroarages are paid: and )mliesrefnsing papers without payiu'r up, willbe held Accountable for the su', ‘nion, And dispatched Lo subscribersm the earlies mullsmrOlllortzollv "anceuvlrelrso desired. The YORK lllcuAur’will always be fuund to contaimlrel:Lloslund most iurportaml‘breigu and Provincial News and Murkets,and the greatest care will he {alien to renderitac- coplalrle lo the mam nl'business.aud a valu- able Family Newspaper. 'i‘l‘lRMS:â€"â€"-One Dollar perannum, 1N AD- VANCE; if nnlpaid wiLhin 'l‘wo Montlrs,Ono Dollar and Filly cents willba charged. \ll olldl‘s addressed L0 the Editormustbe post-paid. q‘x inosaudunder,ï¬rst.Il?81‘li01\....$005f‘ (5|) subsoquem insul‘tiol].... .... ... . (H) [3" 'on inuwnml uudm‘. Hrslinserlion. . .. 00 7’5 ‘xlzuzh subseqqu «nation. . . . . . . . . . . .. ()0 '20 Abovolon'inus, ï¬rsmlserli01l, pox'line. ()0 U7 Hitch subsequenl lll50]‘[,i011. per line. . . . U() 02 One Column per HVOWO mouths. . . . 50 ()U Hull‘u column do do 30 (H) Quunerol'a column pamvclve months. 20 (N) one column pm six months, .. . . . .. . 40 (IO Halfurtohnnn (lo 25W) Qunrlm' 01' :1 volumu pol-six mouths. . . . 18 (H) A card of Lon lines, for one year. . . . . . 4 (IO A (Nu-d 01‘ lifloml Hues. do .... 5 $25 A nun".oftwontylines. do ($50 It?AdV8rtiwmomxwithou{written directions: HS‘CNOd [EH forbid. unflclmrgod n('cordingly Alladvcriisenmnh puMi led For {HUSH period an: 0116M){)l.'ll,llm\‘l bepaid("orillndvzlnco. .k H musimrynd‘;o:'1i<mnonl>. From slrungm-s K} streets, 'l'hornhill. 47m 'oflicenn [1m mornings 1' 'l‘m and Suturdm‘a. from :3 to '10 1V5. Surgeons, J'Ingizmd, “(‘SiM’HCC; North of Richmond Iiiâ€. opposilo 11m Elgin House. All calls (night 01' (lav) promptl} attended to. ill): {with ï¬erulb CHEMIST AND URL'MG IST, RIC] 1 MOM) HILL. Physicuans prm-(rrumuns carefully prop. : Richmond Hill, Dec. 1, 1669. 5944f Dm‘é J the h1hnl)iL:H\lS 01' K iuuburg and surround- ing country that ho nusopcuod a Drug Store in the! ahovo named placa All/illLVIS Qf He: [Is and [IL-Tb Mcdicinw supslicd. humo from b‘ to Mr A. F. Arnhtrong Accounts. Richmond NEH, Out. By Ray/ll [mum‘s put/mill/ has bcm (szjminlal ISSILILI‘ of I‘lkrl'z'iyr‘g'n Lira/L568. 'l‘hrmzhill. FOILZU, ISUR. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ALEXA NDER SCOTT, RICHMOND HILL, Call when you visit the c'rh', inspect the stock and learn the price»; we shall feel Mea- sure in showing gnmh whether you purchase or not. Satisfaction Guarantood. Toronto, July 15, 1869. 550-1 ' 3 DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Vurnishes ! BRUSHES, AR'I‘ISTS’ IVIA'I‘ERIAL. M†am, At Low Rates for Cash. I repair Clocks. \Vau-hvs nml JUWOlIV, at hi< slmp opposilo Hm Grammar Scllol, Rial-1â€" moml Hill. A trial in respectfully solicited. I Civil Engineer and Draughtsmnn. ijcn A'I' Willowdale, on Yougo St. in the County of York. Orders-11y letter promptly attended to. VViHowdalo. Dec. 15. 1809. SUB-IV DRUG STORE TN KLINEBURG POCKET CUTTLERY; The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in the County, A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodgef’s, and also other celebrated "mnuf‘nctures. al the York Herald Book Store. nichmond Hill. JOHN H. REID, 1\I.D-, NOR. OF YONGE AND COLBORNE JNO‘ D. BICCONIFTELL, Ix’I.D., W RADUATE OF TORONTO L‘NIVEIL 3‘â€" sl’l'Y. chsmzcxcnâ€"Adjuiuing ’l‘lmrnhiil [1010]. July 2:2, him. 575-17; IVIARGACH, ANDERSON & 00., Klineburg, March I , 1869 Elgin Mills, January]. 1870 i'horu‘nillJunu ACOB YELINSKHG BEGS TO INFORM RA {‘15 S ()F ADVERTISING. Richmond H-ill, March, 24, 1870 VOL. XII, N O. 13 "TKOMAS CARR, EALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, ‘FFERS FOR SALE A LARGE AND Val ied Assortment ol‘ 33115111955 DI} HOSTETTEE, EMBEIL 01“ TH 1‘3 ROYAL COLLEGE TIME 1 TIME !! TIME ! I! PETER S. GIBSON, RQURCLM; mgr) SURVEYOR, DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF ILL GENERALLY ma FOUND AT IS PUBL1§HED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY L. SKEELE IS PHEI’ARuD TO A‘- L King Street East, ToronZo, ormu‘iGsflViHcs and Liquu [Formerly J. L. Margach] all-SR pi; W . iircttarg. RunnullnHm-s in [he 'l‘nosdnxs, 'thulsdays » ‘20 Am. Mlle (Mica, Cash. Lhorised to collect l‘LOI‘lllli‘l {ISO-[f EUG-Iy .98 610 Sam, 1\ph‘nl)‘ {0 (iv T ICEXSED AUC'J‘JUNICEH FULL TUE J (Journly ol' York. Waffle-111:0 lot No. H» 211d (7011. Vaughan 1’. 0. Address, (Jul‘rxhlu AH orders 16R :11 11 e “ Ym’l; Harald†oilicm lichmoml Bill, or attho l’,0.1\1ap|0, Will [)0 attended [0. JLJ Counties of York and [’90]. Residomtoâ€"MLut 520.1'oax'0f31'd Cmmpssion of Markham. l’,0,Addrcssâ€"â€"Bnl[unviIle. Parties requiring Mr. Sandersou’h services can makmrx'uugcmcutsatthe HERALD office. n a Junuars‘4. 1th" 'nuglmn. 1’. l), A prumlnly (mende 10 (Tonuurd, Mulch I 11.41 Commas 01' York. Veal and ()mxmo. ’wsidmmo: Lot Sflilh unnuvssiun Mudghnm. I’ustOfliceâ€"Unionvilh-. Sales muendnd on Liw murzmst notice.zmd rm reasonable terms. Urdm‘s laf‘L atthu “ Herald†ofï¬ce for Mr Carter" ‘scl‘vices will be pronlpfly attended to D Solicilol's in Chancery, &c. , (hymnâ€"77. King SL East, (over Thompâ€" son’s East India House) TORONTO. D -'1'0u in Chandel‘y, Conveyaucer, «Sac. OFFICE: No. 78 King: Street East, Toronto; over the \Vesleyan Book Room. (hymnâ€"Church Street, 2 doors north (1 King Street, Toronto. December 29, 1869. 598 i and Fine Jewnh'y,113YumgeSlw'l‘oronto' * Masonic and other umbiems made 10 order. TorontoApril '27. {866. £- FARMERS BOOT & SHOE STORE 1.1 618 Yongu Sweet, Toronto. Doors. Sash. Flooring, Blinds, Showing, Mouldings, fee. All kinds Qj‘ Building ‘rlvliarials supplied. I‘osf Olï¬co Addressâ€"Yurkville. Toron‘o, Mny18,1808. ' 3-m, J and Dealer in ï¬ll kinds 0" Boots and Shoes. 33 went Mmket Square. 'l'momc. GEO McPHILLIPS&SON. PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS, Seaforth. Ontario. {13" BootsundShoes made to Measure, of the Hes: Mmerialsund \‘Vorkmnnship, at the Lowest Ilcnmuex‘uting l’rices Toronto, Dec, 3, 1861. l c all kinds of I‘vlunumuuw. Hondslmugxï¬c Call an“ examine my Stock and Prices he- forpllrclinsmg elsewhere, as you willï¬nd 1110 your interest. 01‘? Issuer of flfarriagc Licenses. Ringwood. Sept. 13,156i. 497 V 0 take notice that Mr. Jouh Tailor has ceased to collect for John N. Reid. M.D., and that Mr. John Gm'lon, of 'l'horuhill. iq aullmr- ised to collect for the subscriber unlil further notice. Luskex‘. March 2nd 180;) J Solicitors in Chancery) Convoynncors,&0 OFFICEâ€"1n the Court House. Toronto August 1,1865. 95 Vaughan, 001 Toronto, December 2, 1869 Markham. July 224, 11:65 RINGWOOD MAR BLE \VO RKS '7 SEGSWORTH, MPORTJm 0F WATQHES, CLOCKS, May 0.186 . Juueï¬l} . ID J a: umnto Dec. 24.1868. Seaforth, Ontario June7,1882. flimusch Qkurxiouncrs. ()HN 3A RICON, MAN UFACTURER MCNABB, MURRAY & JACKES, AIIIHSTIQRS, A’J‘TORNEYS-AT-LAW uh- HENRY SMELSOR, ICICNSICI) Al‘ki'I‘IUXEICR 190R TH! FRAI‘QIS BUTTON, JR , ICMXSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE JOHN GARTH ICENSED AUCTIONEE JOHN N. REID. M.D Thornhill. December 22, 1869. f EDVV. 7-2 ND ,, , , ICENSED UTCTIONI'IEH FOR THE READ AND BOYD, ARRTSTERS, AT’IORNEYS-AT-LAW IvI. FISHER. ICENSEI) z‘x('C',I'IONICB FOR, THE WILLIAM MALLOY, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SQLTCI- P. A. SCOTT, UMBER MERCHANT & BUILDER, J. N. BLAKE, ARRISTER, CUXVELANCER, 6:0. WIDE )1 A N. MANUFACTURER OF So Conn Cuu my ul~ Y ork B.â€"â€"THE PUBLIC ‘Hl H. D flaw QEarhs. :sul' York and i 111 Sm: I(11\ 16, 1870‘ 10A 18 ml-I, [mi 4, Sui cunces.i0n. \(idmss, Concord. Urdu]. CARD 0. .\(i:h' 1d i‘m", Collector of Small mrg‘os and H .L. .1. A. BOYD, B.A hm WILL PLEASE Bu FOR '1‘] H4 mice and 544-ly 52-“ {9- 13‘ 606 34 597 (hmd Stalyling attached 1 van in altendzm lei Having purchased the Stock and Interestof R‘ H. Hall, (late Chemist and Druggist of the same place) have greatly enlarged the old stock and have now on hand a good assort- mentof Drugs, Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soape, Medicines, Varnislles. Fancy :mmles Dye Slufl's. Patent Medicines. and all other articles kept by Drug‘gisls generally. *‘ I’ll} sicians l’rescriphons carefully com- pounded. and all ordexs amended to Wth care and dospalch, (3X [(31] LI any numherâ€"notexceedingthreehundred dollars by any one depositor.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Oï¬ice. for which Government will allow Interest. “3* MR. TEEFY is Government Agent for the sale of MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY li‘al‘mers and I’llysiciansfrom the country \vi'l ï¬nd our stock of Medicines completeâ€"wan nub ed genuineâ€"and oi'lho best quulity. JAM O‘HMA 3:: , ‘ESSUER 9F†MARI-{TAGR Lxcnxmas, K7 BUTCHER, 52nd door north OFG. A. Barnards More. Kirkmond Hill, keeps always on hand the lmstof Beef, Mutton. Lamb. V0211, l’ork. Szmsa ,s, kc. and sells at the lowest prices. The highest marketprice given for Cattle, Sheep, Ifeunbs: A30: Ofï¬ce hours: from 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 PM. May 4,1869. 563-tf h g H.8ANDERSON&SONS, CHEMISTS AND DRUGGJSTS, RICHOMND HILL, WILLIAM: COX, (QUCCESSOR TU JAMES HOLLIDAY‘ W. C To these who have favored him with their patronage in the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who mav do so in [he fu- ture, he would say that no (.lxdeuvm‘on his part will be wanting to meet then‘npproval. (W WV . King Street, East, 'l‘orbmo, near Chuiclx Sli‘cct, is prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in or- der to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new tooth in the mmt approved style. Also to regulate the teeth of those who need 1!. ConsulLations free, and all work war- ralm‘d June, 1865. G. U. H.. having had over ELEVEN Y1;Ans‘ PRACTICE, feels couï¬demofgiving emirosati. faction. lixcnzn11NCEs.â€"'I‘hefollowinggomiemencan, with conï¬dence,recoxnxnend G. H [{usl)and,to all requirng Denial aid: Ur Reid, Thornhill; Dr. Bull, \Veston: Dr. I)’Evlyu, Burwicu‘, Dr. Corson, Brampton. Rraslmmcr:.â€"-’[‘hornhiH. Thornhill September 17, 1808. 1y RICHMOND HILL Unionviile, . . . lsl Monday ofench month, \Voston .. . . . .Mh day “ Klineburg. . . .Hith “ Burwick . . . . .EZ‘lnd " Scarboro’. . . .23x‘d " Where he wille prepared and mosthnppy to wait onthose who may require his services, G. H. HUSBANIL LDS. ENTIST, BEGS MOST RE- ï¬ m. fully to announce that he will he .21 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2?), 1870. M L ferred then Library to the HERALD Book Stare. where Stockholders and others may drocul'e Books every Fridn" afternoon. A. SCOTT, Librarian. HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS- ierred then Library to the HERALD Book QCHOOL REQUISITES Richmond Hill. Nov w imul‘sr G A n- liichnmhd lliii. Ur 101w Markham. No ‘gEPOSITS OF 1 ONE “DOLLAR, (QR. Yongu St .Ava 5:}? P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. 5215 and :21? Yongo Street, Toronto l'oronto, April I, 1865) HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLle ELSON DAVIS, 1‘ R O P R I E T 0 1i Fox particulars apply to ONEY TO LEND ON GOOD FARM LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RICHMOND HILL GOLDEN LION HOTEL; imim Mil uhovu Home, at (UW wins. "'1 ï¬ve Stable zulaclmd, and largo An allcniivo and obligiug hu: MARRIAGE LICK GREEN BUSH HOTEL, hocm'ity, in Sums to suit applicants. Apply to UI H Corned and Spiced Hoof. Smokedund runs. ‘ MARRIAGE LICENSES and Hiâ€, Octubor 15, 1867 MONEY TO LEND. will ï¬nd 1} ALSO AGENT FOR THE OF ALL KINDS, AT THE “(2'1 NEW FIRM. DUGGAN &. M EVER S DENTISTRY. YONGE S" ‘lsl Monday ofench month, Shh day “ Hith “ 22nd " L‘ PARKER, I’ M. TEEFY, Postmaster }IERALD BOOK STORE- ‘ADiXMS, _D. D:__S., 9.3 Wll‘LiA M COX 35,1669 A tia rum 5, COMM class {wcomudutiun POST OFFICE. ’l‘rnstv Hus! 593, muddled, t. ought to hztve been nt 31 , but that some terrible Violence had prostrath ine. .l’reu-ntly l heard the whi>tle of an engine, as if comingr from M , and, confused as I was, I knew the fate which awaited me it" in the storm the advancing train should be upon me ere the driver noticed my cnlrinn‘e. I made a despe- rnto attempt. to rise7 but, in Vain. The shrill whistle sounded again, still nearer, nnd this time it was answered by another m‘ d: oper tone from the opposite direc- r‘wh, and I enught in a lull of the storm, sound of wheels of the approaching,r _.-'i;,-,ines:. I became sick with horror, and closed my eyes in drend. Then advancing engines whiwtled again nit-:7 tin, and t) j! f “ll-'1 tell they Wen 1 :‘1' in)†my {tn-1w" f t l ., . it :all (ant 1701161an once more, 3'? hm l. :xgnein been: to Fensihle,Ii'elt1nyâ€" svlt’ sitting upy and some one heldingme. I Felt, too, that the enrringe was in 1110- til '2. I opened my eyes, and found myâ€" / ' ‘7 . 7' I y ' V a Wltll n11. “ihnot am. the cashier master of \V to speak, but could not. I made a mo- tion with my hand to make them com- prehend that I could not speak. only remembered that ,t' than xtoimt‘rt.‘ â€"were also there. I tried l the present: out, " Mr. Porto to N at: m addressing: the “ I will art and also teleng clear]? I y While this W: asked the doet moved. he N , to be rt :1nts,yshonld th tor gave it as h be when ; and ness to accent t, Cns’n of, need. the - i a nd v t root 0‘ Mi: Gztrstnng ' gov», away ('nrl but the detoe where they cou 'l'he yorter of the hon]; und the stzittion- t ed the bank. had gone rouné tradesman in found a person as one which h wintry fury. 11.; situation muddled, E ought to 11an some terrible ((‘OX‘JLI‘IH;D.) “Then I came to 1nymÂ¥1ï¬ I was lying: on the floor 01' the carriage, too weak to mow; the (1001's were Open, and the bilth Harm bent in upon me in all its wintry fury. ,1 would nut quite rcah'sc 11.; bxtuutiun; all seemed confused and muddled, 1 only x'emmubcrcd that I to speak, but could not. I made a 1110- 11011 with my hand to make them com- prehend that I could not speak. “ He wants something to drink,†said Mr. Wilmot. “ Has any one got some brandy ?" No one had, but in a few initiates more we were at W , and I was taken in- to the refreshment room and placed under the care of a surgeon. Under the effects of warmth and stimulants I soon revived sufï¬ciently to give an account of what had happened so far as I understood it. The station-master stated it as be- yond doubt that the men who at‘aeked me were prepared with a careful? core sidered plan, which they had but to» well succteded in carrying out. They ‘ad evidently got along the footboard of' the carriage, and, when ascending a steep incline7 they had undone the couplings. so that the carriage 'an hack to thelevcl, Their place had been well chosen, as it was in a Very lonely part of the country, and far from any station. The fact that the turnpike road approached the line at. a point some three hundred yards from where the carriage stopped, had possibly faciliated their escape. I was lost to account for the arri 'al of the two engines, which evidently came to search for the missing carriage. This was soon explain» ed. As regarded the engine from 31â€"â€" that was sent back as soon as ever the train reached the station, because the carriage was it’nmcdiately missed. The engine from \V ,with )[1’.\Vilnrot and the others, started on account of a discovery made by Mr. Wilmot, which caused the utmost. consternaton. The discovery was nothing less than that the telegram from M was a iorgzery. Mr. \Vilmot had telegraphed to Mr. Dane to say that the relin asked for had been sent. To this announcement Mr. Dane replied that he could not understand it, that somethingr was wrong, and that he should await Mr. “"ilmot’s explanation rat the station at M The false telegram had been craftiily conceived, and, unfhrtunntoly for me‘ was in the private code 01“ our bank. \Vhen it was telegraphed from ‘M- that the train had arrived minus my carriage the case against me 100de douny strong, and the two men who entered at \VMâ€" Were set down as confederates, who were to help 1110 to carry ofl‘ the booty. “Then, however, I was found in the carriage, a new light broke in upon the minds of my rescuers, and it was seen that I was the victim, not the chief criminal. It remained now to try to discover the daring scoundrels who had planned and" executed this nefarious need, and, if pos-f siblo, “Nuke the booty. This seemed a very hopeless task. Men of proved skill; had been taken to the scene of the ontJ Prosperity will bring us friends As thick as bees in May; But should adversity approach, How seen they’re seared away! Begene, then, summer friends, ye’re but A poor and helpless band ; Not one amongr you yet. was kgown To lend a. helping hand. H The genial shower t renerous rain; \Vill lay :L clmu‘l (admit; But grndning aid piuvolies contempt, And lem‘ behind distrust. A little help’s worth more than all The pity in the land; Then let‘s resolve, when Sorrow calls, T0 lend a. helping; hand. 011, call not thnt, good-fellowship which in the smmhine husks, But shuts out kindly sympathy‘ When \Ve‘nt 1L bounty asks. Give me the man who by his‘ friend In weal m: woe will stnnd~ A friend who "or a: friend Will fuel, And lend :1 helping llilllll. 0h, wake not sorrow when it sleeps, ’Twill soon enough return 2, The comfort-givintgr heart ne’er aches, But will with ardour burn. [glo\v, When friends meet friends the heart; will With freedom ’twill expand; And be prepared in adverse times To lend a, helping hand. Lend a Helping Hand. A Torrib' 0 Night i;i;s::l’£11‘£;111’,££ rage from both iV and M with the special engines which came to the rescue, but it was very doubtful whether they would ï¬nd any clue. A second time was the special engine sent. from Wrâ€"m, and it ere long returned With one of' the deteetives. This man had found a gold watch on the ballast near where the carriage stopped on the level. New this watch did not belong to inc-â€" mine being‘ stillin my pGClici»â€"1201‘illl4‘9’l to any amongst our party it was; then»- l'ore very evident. tlmtit had been two; poll by one of the thieves. in the noulltea n' in net i. the e: 05 ml. The delveâ€" tive hannml the watch to .‘l: “Iihnot, and Mr. Dane, but they could not make anything of it. By this time nmva of the robbery had spread into the to". '1â€"- though ever'thinér was alone to hwy ": quietâ€"and many people ma com :1* the stution to Sit‘i '1 , .heivuzuriosity. Among-5t others, a rm imwxer who worked tor Min “Tile-ml came (in the platform. The detective at once nuwested that Mr. \Vilson, the WHICllln: (n in question, Should make an examination of the watch, and that a report of Such exami- nation should be drnwn up. Mr. \Vilson was accordingly called into the room and the watch handed to him. lle opened it and leek ell“ the case, while the delve» live prepared to note down the result No sooner had Mr. lVilson removed the case, than an explanation of surprise fell from him. “ “"1ng Mr. \Vilmot !" said he, “ this watch is (me which used to belong to Mrs. “rihno‘r, and which was stolen some three yczu‘s ago.†“ What!" mid Mr. \Vilmob; “ Mrs. \Vilmnï¬s watch ? Are you sure I?†“ Yes, sir; quite sum. I remember mzmy peculiaritiis about it; and hero T can identify some special repairs that I myself made,†“'Eiiis is \‘CI‘V siranwo†said 0111‘ r: 1? manager. “ The thieves who : 1c iliis “iy munccicd with witch must he do: the pi‘oscnt 011m 5 } " Mr. Purim: can We have a spwciui to N f†said our manager, {1‘s OllCC 7 addressing: the Ctuticn master. “ I will Qi‘dci‘ one i'.ii1nodi.'itely,sir; and {1150 thcgmph to see if' the line is clear.†While this was hoian done, Mr. \Vilmot asked the doctor if I could be safely moved. he wished to take me to N , to be ready to identify my assailâ€" ants,vshould they be captured. The doc- tor gave it as his opinion that I might be taken ; and ho oxprcsscd his willingâ€" ness to accompany us, to he i-t-ulv in Cass. of Hood. We were sum on our WHY to V and only in the morning no (how. i" . "fill: rot Lilli two (le- ‘ :w-l to tar hmk; ï¬nd in about lum' a hour Mr. “'ilmot :‘lui'iwl to th.‘ L. r where l Immiin ‘. "lw rostol H.015" Ill «xiii that, it Garsiang was not there; he harm: gown, away (‘tll‘l" the prori Ins )1)(,2'!!lt|;,‘"2 but the dvteeiiws :wl liven stvtimlud where they could watch M \\ ho app unch- cd the bank. \Vilson, thc watchmalmr‘ had gone round to seve 'al of his fellow tradesman in Nâ€"â€"fl; and at last, he found a person who recognized the watch as one which he had cleaned on several occasions, and for Garstanfxl Thus. then, had we got on another link in our chainâ€"one staonger than any of the others. Porter, the station-master, had ascertained that (,‘i‘irstangr often drove in one direction. Un arririnzz at. this town, we succeed in ascertaining where Garstang’s dog-cart inrariahly went. This was to a house in the subnrhs. standingr in grounds of its own. and ii hahited by an old women and her d :ugrh» ter. When we reached this house. pa. of our three appror: mid it, the ï¬rm an". out hy the hard; the dutifur remain- ing: with me in the carriage at. fir vern- cr of the lane. ~‘tl'r'hile we waited in sins pence for the rmult of the raid upon the house. we heard the sound of Wllta is 1 and the doctor, on lookin’: out. snv. carriage, the hares of wh‘w‘y lu .‘n‘li‘i seemed hard driwn f")‘-ni";,'.‘ at a rapid pace down tlu: l'm' . ; i) the house. \Vherc our "“)'I‘!Ili‘-"- stood, it could not be seen by the drivrr ot' the other. To run in by the hack way of the lrmse was but the Work of a moment, with the now thoroughly excited doctor; and he anc- ceeded in warning our party just. in time for them to conceal themselves. As we expected. the carriage turned into the grounds of the house. It was instantly surroundrd. The occupants. it is need» less to say. were the two who had attack- ed and ruhhed me. They at first show- ed an inclination to use their ï¬rearms: but. seeing" the hop.rle<suess of resistance, they desisted, and grave themselves up. \Vhen they were Confronted with me, 1 at once identiï¬ed the man whose flice T had seen \;». and. though they had changed their drctis. the station master 'as con- vinced that they were the men who got, into my carriage at “7 The one who passed the bank was Garstang, his object in so doingr being to see how the plot was was working" The whole mys- tery was clear. It, was easy to see that Gt-irstangr7 being;r acquainted with the code, had caused the forged telegram to he sent from M by some accomplice. Inâ€" quiries instituted amongst the clerks at- at the M- â€" telegraph oflice, elicited the fact that a. female had sent the spurious dispatch, which the receiving clerk well remembered on account of its length and peculiarity. Finding this to he the case, the younger of the two women was taken into custody on her return home. She proved to be none other than the female servant who was discharng from Mr. \Vilmot’s at the time of thejewel robbery The girl was admitted as a witnem against Garstang, as also was the driver of the carriage in which he and his fellow I t A with it, w :en Uarstang confronted her and threatened to give the alarm. She bt‘UilIllC very frightened, and attempttul to put the case hack. This Gar-slang would not let her do, but led her down IhC hack stairs and out into the garden, and thence to the Street. He then frightened her into going with him to u disreputable public-house, where he reh- hed her of the jewellery, and threatened her with the consequence of divulging what, had taken place; at the same time he told her he would marry her if she kept all quiet. This he had never dune; but he had taken the hense in which he was captured, and hem he placed his ‘.'lC~ tim with an nhl hag. whom he mash: her designate as her mother. lle haul, she stated, always treated her with a sort, el' kindness; but he nerm relaxed his hulvl ripen her. and she felt wry t' 'g‘htmerl ol' him, Thus, then. was this villain at last l‘airlf,‘ nettedenrl, with his fellow-er}ininal -â€"\\'he turned out, Elf} we expected, in be his hroiliew~e0mlnitted for trial. ‘While he lay awaiting: his trial at the nesizrs some bills: m“ his hre‘.ho"s Were dishon- ererl; and thig l ‘Ll mi“ dirzm"; ry ‘0‘1' (In emensire r tun of fraud nhich these two vnrthies inul earrierl on {hr mrmV yeara. At. the trial, the. robbery in the train was Clearly proved Wainwt the two Garstnn‘gzs; and justice \r: at laet V tuli- cared liy their 1'<1I7<'1l\‘lll§ a sentence of scrvilnv’le for life. with the :ulrlitien at" an ample preliminary administraid-an m" the The mystery of the jewel case was cleared up by the evidence of the serxaut girl. On the night. of the robbery, she stated that She Was in her mistress’s room; and seeing the open case, she looked into it and then determined to steal it. She alleged that she was atâ€" trueted rather by the beauty of the jewels than their value, :mrl that no idea <"-§'selling1.hem ever entered her head; her only idea bein;T to ljeemnc p.;>.<%sessev_l Hi Hie}; splendid linery. She tank up the box, and was COIlllhg uut of the room with it, w :eu Hurst-Jug confronted her (.‘tzll'anll‘Qï¬ cured by scrvituwk‘, ample pl‘C 021 L. lass,‘cnlcu1nting scoumiro], was sent in :1 distant, part of' the country ; but she mm: dronped and died of consumptimu. €wa ducod or hastened by expusnw to ma bitter Weather when she wont to H , to send :1 tclcgmm to which so many led to such dire results, As for 1115'self, I soon recovered, and took my } at 8â€"â€" ,:s mnnnm‘l‘; :2an when Mr. Vi \‘irit :- I Mm 1' '4 hm robber reached the house in which they Were captured. The wretcth girl who haul, in a. way \‘Ol‘ing moment, when :1, word of' gout} counsel might have saved 1101‘. unï¬ntuâ€" nutoly ï¬lllon into the clutch Ufa hunl't- 111m; who mmic on their proper mm clocks; very excnllcnt found pleasure But :1 trade :H‘ NIH-11 f0 fa] innuhrnme. 1’ pocinHy, that ‘ “ As: om- dim" vhi‘nrs u, "w- Jflnstm'n WU" rl)(".zll1“\llill"\*. l l111\(‘ .‘-"C(‘!I't‘l]‘l§~l_? Hunt. (int a" 600 )zNSUNr‘I‘S‘ 021.7'1/ sir/.3 (“1‘1 Zmn'nrd a, finale: namely. two slmn- mnlwrs‘ one blacksmith, one cabinet» maker. 0m: tin smith, one 9mn(‘»011t‘.mu Several began to learn trades, but ran away, after a short time.†“0 WM sent to 1m! was 1311:!†TIC muM nut 111012;: in the Wm‘ltl as {L baby. And ï¬lm l he was about nt‘ ago his father utterly failed. and when his son was launched l upon the world to seek alivclilmml. with ‘ no idemq of money oxcwpt how pi‘nt'nscly to spend it, and with no tact at, business: of any kind. and with a disposition which had bcnn educatod to oxiwct men to look 11pm him. ‘Vith <ensitiv0 pride, ' with little knowledge of man, with facul- 1‘ ties dccnletlly above the average, he mun-i aged to get along in a porn- way, fo‘rcvmm in debt, perpetually changing his occupa- tion, and always with the result of lenvg ins,P him, if possible, a little worse off than t before. He never spoke of his father Without rage. “ ‘Vhat business had he to leave my whole life open to misery by neglecting his duty to me? Tf' he. hat1 cut off my hands: and feet, he would mt not have been more cruel fh n to lef't me as helpless as I am.†ins: him, if poshible, alittle worse oft“ than | U Let clerk and tradesman, laborer anti? before. He never spoke of his father Without rage. “ ‘Vhat business had he to leave my whole life open to misery by neglecting his duty to me? Tt' he. hurl out off my hands: and feet, he would no? not have been more cruel th n to lef't me as helpless as I am.†Every child has :1 right, t" 'm tn 3" how to work with his hands. Ivory; boy should he taught- not only all common artizan, make, new, and at once, a be- ginning; store up some of your youthful vigour for future contingency. Let pa- rents teach their children to begin early * Begin at the i'onntainhead to _ ml tlze "‘“wm ef‘oxtravagrance, and the work ' '0 easy. Choose beï¬veen juv-sr‘vly :2 . ohm Let your youth :30 on in habits of extravagance for ï¬fty years 4:0 come as they have for ï¬fty years | «man. I‘ICI An (2 \v ri'to work on a farm or in a garden, but should ‘be taught some simple elements of me; elianienl trades. It would be especiall?‘ well that the young should learn minor‘ trades. The manufacture oflmxes, bas- kets and the hundred little conveniences of daily life, not only tend to create an neeupntion of amusement, but, should fortune be reversed, it will enable one to gather up a slender support. It 0119M not to be supposed that a trade wrll 1_)re:<e!‘ve n man‘s integrity and honor. There hrs many rogues: who fol- low trades. The: a rim, in New York and elsewhere, many 1.1‘ n who make their trade a cloak under which they carry on knaveriee. But it is stlll true, that. an honest trade will deliver a man from insiny of tlmSe temptations under which weak lnon fall into rum ; dial it will save him from suffering and disgraceful men- tlicnney. Every man 57101de have a trade, even if he does not expect to live by it. No ni-inean till what will happen L0 him. gum, and onmibusofl, go rolling through the streets, how many never hear the clock Strike unless they live near by it! But when the work of the day is over, and the roar of' business has passed away, when men are gone to sleep, and silence reigns in London, then at twelve, at one, My two, at three, at four7 the sound of that clock may be heard for miles around; Twelve! one ! two I three ! four! HOW that clock is heard by many a sleeplesé mm! The clock is just like the con- science of' the impenitent man. While he has: health and strength, and goes on in the whirl of husxness, he will nothcar his conscience. He drowns; and silences his voice by plunging into the world. He) will not allow the inner man 1.0 speak to him. But the day will come when con- science will be hoard, whether he likes it or ml; the day will come when its \mice will sound in his 031', and pierce him like a sword. The time will come when he must retire from the world, and lie down on the sick bed, and 100k Death in the face. And then the clock of con- '»'1~ir\nco, that solemn clock, will sound in ‘- i ? mud and if he lxnsnob repented, will 2'!'lCl‘,TLlllCr£r3_il’.ld misery to his soul. ‘1 (rude may now be your :fmusement, but by and by it may be your support. The Jews 11ml 3 proverb in old times: "Iiu l/mt (7mg 7206 [out]; his child a trade, I'wu-ll/Ls llfm (I) 1].†' he letter With which We began, is the best commentary that, Wu Cam oifcr on this proverbsâ€"5 [/57er Ufwrrl Bccchcn Turmn is one importautpractical truth connected with the subject, and one that can nwer he told too often, as upon it dept" fr tilt) comfort of the mass ofout‘ people. it, is this :--â€" _ In order to be wealthyâ€"that is, to have a competence as secures Indepené deuce and comfortâ€"men must Save; \Vould that it might be written a. hun- dred times, upon this page, and each one of' the llll'i‘llfâ€l read a. hundred times. To save the practical point of the sub; jeet‘, 'zwl the one should ever be insisted on. Ttu matters not what may be the theory of political economists as to wealth and the means of production, unless it be one which can be practised by the mass or the labouringr people; the pro“ ducts or the labour, of wealth, are con- s ,antly in use, and must be Constantly rel l‘lt‘,\\(‘(l ; therefore man may a: ~{.‘oll accept, without. a murmur, the t'ret that he must lead a life ol' labor anti not, of play. It is unwise, and in the r: in, useless, for the majority of the aetiw men of today to seek large fortunesâ€"that is, to become millionaires, simply because it is impos- mnle. But on the other hand, there is‘ UH reason why our industrious laborers of all sorts should not 'oemme possessetl 0F Sufficient wealth for comfort. ":er you ever heard the great clock UFFY. Paul’s? At mid-day in the roar†oi' L>uf<hms< when carriages, carts, wag- Will he a snug lllilf‘, ‘rn‘rtnne for a man and wife; fziil In (in this7 and there will be nothing. Begin by small savings rather than not begin at all, i‘m‘ the ï¬nest slinwei‘s often begin with a few :Q'fl‘tie clmps. One great ennse (if {he pgverty‘ «if ll": PWSCM 3.15" is the failure of out COQHHW‘ “people to :ll’lpl‘mtlfliC small things. Li‘lwy feel that if they cannot save large sums, they will not save anything; Tle (in not realize how a daily addition, he it ever so small, will soon make a large pile. Tl’lhe young men and young women m" te-(lny will only begin, and begin now. in save a little from their? earnings and plant it in the soil of some good snving’s bank, and weele 01' mon- thly add their mite, they will ware a. smile of Competence and independence when they reach middle life. Not only the pile itse‘f‘ will increase, but the rle= sire and ability to increase it will also grow. The Voice of Conscience. WHOLE N 0. 632; , and how to Attain its