Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Sep 1870, p. 3

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‘98 WILSONS’ IMPROVED U chines will do we“ to call and examine your stock of oils. The Cheapest and Best in the C‘ityu HUGH MILLER & C0. J. one for light and one for heavy work, apply immediately to ANDREW IRVINE, .l' McPherson’s Excelsior Thrashers, com- plete. This machine has the Patent Double Cylinder and Patent Gear. OR SALE ONE OF GLASGOW & McPherson’s Excelsior Thrashers. com - J. are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant emplopment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Busi- ness new, light and profitable. _ Persons of either sex easily earn from 500. to $5 per even- ing, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as man. That all who see this notice may Send their address, and lest the businnss. we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not wall satisfied, we will send $1 for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People’s Literary Companwnwone of the largest and best family newspapers publishedâ€"all sent free by mail. Reader. ifyou want permanent, profi.ahle work, address E. C. ALLEN & Co.,Augusta. Maine houseujn W0 FIRST-CLASS SHOEMAKERSâ€" - one for light and one for heavv work. TKE BUREST WINES AND LIQUORS To be had North of Toronto, and at Toronto WE” v.â€" 0W ON HAND THE BEST ASSORT- MENT of ‘ Otard, Dupuy &, Co., Pinette, Caslellon & \Co.. Martel], Sazerac, De Forge & Son’s best French Brandies. Hunt’s Old Port Wine. Dufi' & Gordon’s Sherry Wine. fKinnehan & Dunville’s Irish Whiskey. Stewart 65 Co., Hayes & Co’s Whiskey. Walker & Thomas’ Chippawa Old Rye Whiskey and Malt, (the best to be had in the «neighborhood.) Booth & .Barclay’s Old Tom Gin. Palm Tree. Dekuypers, Boll &. Dunlop’s Zflolland Gin. Pure Jamaica and Demerara Rum. St; Jalian Claret and Choice Champagne. The above Liquors may be equalled. but not surpassed bx :3in house in the trade. 01d Port'wnie for Medicinal'finiiposes. the finest imported, $5 per gallon, at ’ G, A. BARNARD’S. Farmers will consult their own interest ifthey will examine our Mill bel'ore buying elsewhere. as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. QWQWCJQQQQQQQQQ CAN SPPLY ALL ORDERS Manufacturing a large number cf the above ; And. having recently been improved, the sub- scribers have every confidence in its superior merit. BEST FANN IN G MILL ! Whenever ’shown. 9nd are pronounced by com- petent judges as being the Stood the test of Competition ! FANNING MILL! Patterson, August 26, 1870. August 17, 1870. Sign of the British Flag sfitfi' August 18, 1870. , Richmond Hill, Aug. 27,1869 PROVINCIAL Exmmnoua & COUNTY FAIRS, ,WNERS OF THRESHING MA- And having increased facilities for pre- paring the lumber. THE WORKING CLASSâ€"WE Excelsior Thrasher. Wines and Liquors. HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE Manufactured z'n Canada ,- DOUBLE ACTION Machinery Oil. The subcribers are now THESE MILLS HAVE Dye Stuffs ! PATTERSON & BRO. , PROMPTLY. Wanted, AT ALL THE 167 King St. Easi Toronto. ). 631-lf A. & W. WILSON. _Righm0l-1d Hill. AGE yrs. 632- tf 566-lf Maple‘ 63,1 Sureties for fihe completion of the Contract will be required to sign the Tender. The names in full. occupation and address of each surety should also be given. Intercolonial Railway Commissioners’ Office, Ottawa, 15th August 1870, GREAT BARGAINS ,1 Plans and Profiles with Specifications and terms of contract will be exhibited at the offices ofthe Commissioners in 0ttawa,Toronto. Que» bee, Rimouski. Dalhousie, Newcastle, Halifax and St John, on and after the 15th Septem- ber next, and Sealed Tenders addreSSed to the Commissioners of the Intercolonial Rail- way. and marked “ Tenders ” will be received at their office in Ottawa to six o’clock, 11.34., on Wednesday the 5th October next. TENDERS fog Section No. 10 “all be made upon the basis ofthe quantities specified in the original Bill of Works for this Section : and in drawing the New Contract, there will be deâ€" ducted from the amount of the accepted Ten- der, a percentage sum equivalent to the per centage of the whole welk which the Chief Engineer shall report to have been executed by the first Contractors. Entire Stock of Summer Goods These Contracts to be completely finished by the first day of JulyI 1872. Section No. 23 win extend from the Easterly end of Section No. 22 to the European and North American Railway. nt Monulou Station, a distance 0f about 22; miles. Section No. H is in the Province of New Brunswickand extends from the centre of the Chaplin Island Road. near the Court House at Newcastle, towards Bathurst, a distance of 20 miles in length. Section No. 22 will extend from the Easter- iv and of Section No. 21 to Station No. 1180 at the crossing of the River Buotoache. a distance of about 25 miles. The Commissioners also give Puinc Notice that they are prepared to receive Tenders for re-lening Section No. 10, the Contract for which has been annulled. MAGAZINES, PAEERS, &c. The Commissioners appointed for the con- struction of the Intercoloniai Railway give Pub- iic Notice that they are prepared to receive Tenders for the three remaining Sections of the Line, all in the Province of New Brunswick. Section No. 21 will begin at the Easterly end of Section No. 20, one and three quarter miles East of the Rive: Miramichi and will extend to Station No. 1640. three thousand feet Wes- lerly from the River Koucllibouguacis, a dis- tance of about 25 miles. THE PUBLIC MAYRELYon BARGAINS GENTLEMEN’S INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. Farmers and others wishing CASH for their butter and eggs can get it by calling at H. Chapman’s, one door south of G. A. Barnard’s Store, Richmond Hili, who also is conductor of Tm: POULTRY EXPRESS, And will either trade or pay cash for all he gets August 18. 1370. 632-1y RICHMOND HILL POULTRY EXPRESS: August 9, 1870. 630-Iy RICHMOND HILL. Also manufaotures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6. complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. Churn Pumps for Cistems $3 each. Wellâ€"digging donaonfllfihnmm Nptice. Address,stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, . They are not so liable to get out of repair. being Double-valved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the joints which is invariably the case the common Log Pump made by hand. Price : $5 above platform, and 40 cents per foot below. These Pumps are suitable to all depths from a cistern to a. well of 150 feet. Or “they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. Fine FrenCh Calf Boots, The Subscriberwould respectfully announce that he is prepared to put in It is so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all light therefore pre- venting children from putting anything Into it, This Pump on Trial for One Month! THIS PUMP 1s EASIEST WORKED, MOST Dum- BLE AND NEATEST MADE IN THE DOMINION. HE EXCELSIOR PUMP, MANU- facturod bv P. Phillins. Richmond Hill. EQUALLY L«OW! IN BOOTS AND SHOES! THE FALL GOODS! AND OTHER GOODS WARRANTED TWO YEARS, As he wishes to dispose of his facturod by P. Phillips. Richmond Hill. AT W. H, MYERS’ TO MAKE ROOM FOR At $4-00 per pair, SUPPLIED AT THE And if ‘accepted HERALD BOOK STORE. ED. B. CHANDLER, .C, J. BRYDGES, A. W. McLELAN, A. WALSH. Commissioners THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND HILL, ONE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1870; BEST FLOUR 0N RICHMOND HILL'I THE BEST DUMPLINGS CELEBRATED VALLEY MILLS! From 60 cents upwards: and other goods in proportion, GOODS, DELIVERED 1 Talking about Flour, “ My Conscience,” {If he hasn’t got the From 5 cts. to 15 cts. each. as good as can be bought in the market. Grocery, Liquor, Flour 1} Feed HARVEST TOOLS give as much Sugar as any other mamand as good Whis- key as can be bought in the Province. for the money. Good Tangle Leg @ 80 cent per gallon; a splendid harvest whiskey @ $1 per gal. (one dram of which is equal to two extra men); and the “ Raal ould shtufl itsilf” for $l'20 per gallon; he will make a still greater reduction to persons hav- ing 5 gallons and over. As he intends going out of the Hardware made he is offering SPECIAL 40 POUNDS OF SUGAR FOR $1'00 SELLING _IT AT 17 CTS. PER lb, Good and Just Value in Goods. And that it can’t Honestly be done, fbr he finds it a défi‘icult job to Buy the Child a New Frock when he has 5 20 CENTS PER 1b FOR BUETTR Richmond Hill, July 5. 18.70. Upon Mature Rqflection, finds that he has been making a Big Simpleton of himself-for the last Two Weeks, by giving THE TEA CHEST, You may call him Davy; he getsit all the way from HILRRAH FOR THE TEA CHEST ! BEST WHITE WHEAT! You ever ate. just bring- it back and he will eat it himself-Bag and all- for he is a hungry ‘cuss’ any Way. 0R WHISKEY @ 5O crs mm GAL. Where they understand_their businbsa and use noteing but the Jut combvgnd try a bag of it. and if It don’t make GOODS AT LESS THAN COST‘ He also intends, in future. to devote himself entirely to the So that he intends in future to give a fair and honest price for it and give MOUNT ALBERT GIVING 20 CTS. PER lb THREEâ€"PR 0N0 FORKS H a has no intention of offering BUSINESS. Nor does he intend to offer IND UC’EMENTS IN For Butter and RAKES AT THE But will 'L FRENCH. MOURNING GOODS! STATION ER Y New Pattern Bonnets, .2ng Shaped Hats N_EW SHAWLs, MAN'DLES, PAaRASOLS, SUNSHADES. &c. &c. the, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS!!! READY MADE CLOTHING! BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, 3,000 YDS. NEW PRINTS0 Prices to sail evei‘y Gustome DRESS GOODS :! LARGER AND BETTER. STOCK CLOTHS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION, While thanking his customers and the public generally for past patronage, begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding country that his NEW SPRING GOODS! HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS W. H. MYERS’ HARNESS The Best for the Price to be had in the Dominion. _ A trial of the above is earnestly requested as he will guarantee they will give general satis- faction. G. A. BARNARD, Sign of the British Flag Stafi'. Richmond Hill, Aug. 10, 1870. 630-tf Try my Young Hyson Tea at 50 and 60 cts per if), they are not excelled; and my 80 cent is acknowledged to be the best, Strongest. and finest flavored in the neighborhood; The Finest Black Tea, imported. at 80 and 90 cts per ib,unrivalled. Pure unadulterated ground West India Coffee. 25 cents per lb- Pure ground old government Java Coffee, 30 cents per It»; _ For quantity go to the For low prices go to the See the New Goods and observe the Prices. For quality go :10 the April 13. 1870, ALWAYS 0N HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 0F In Young Hys011,Japan.Gunpowder, Souchong and Congo, which for Aroma, Strength or fine Flavor are not surpassed by any house in the Trade. MILLINERY JI- MILLINERY ! in Straw, Manilla, Masilla and Sataline, In endless variety, Shirtings. Tickings. Never has been 011 Richmond Hill. LACIES OF ALL KINDS Hats and. Caps for the Million, FRESH GROUERIES 1 AVE YOU GOT YOUR LIFE IN: Spring Stock is now complete, And a _E0. A. BARNARD HAS NOW ON CHOICIE TEAS, NEW FEATHERS, NEW FLOWERS. 50mm ? Is unsurpassed. and consists of THEY ARE WARRANTED Teas ! Teas ! ! Teas ! ! ! In Coats, Pants, Vests, &c. NQRTH 0F TORONTO. HARDWARE. CROCKERY, Hallands, Counterpanes if NOT GET A SET A ET UF OF ALL KINDS AT THE Also a full supply of W. ATKINSON, DRESS GOODS ! TflE GOODS INCLUDE Hosiery, Gloves, FOR SALE AT THE mam wanms. THE STOCK 0F hand a selection of HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE- AND AT CENTRAL STORE. CENTRAL STORE. CENTRAL STORE. AND W. ATKINSON, DRESS GOODS ! Richmond Hill :613 REMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill PostCflice, lst August. 1870:â€" Atkinson, Martha Legge, George Bernard. H G Matticc, John [‘2] Bernard, J G Martin, J. Boothby: Edwin Morrison, Wallace Connor, Thomas Mackneil, Charley Campbell. John Nigh. John Clarke, Sergeant JthO’Hem, John Donor. Emanuel Ostel‘. Catherine Doner, Sylvenus Phillips, Isaac G. Glover, Thomas Siver. Robert [2] Giebner. ()lto Sullivan, Andrew Heine, Jacob, junior Trench. William [3] Hufiman. William Thomas. George Heslop, Gideon Vickers. William Henderson. Mary Wilson, Mrs James Kefi'er, E. A. D. Wood, Benjamin Keller. Henry B WilsonfiG Killips. Williiam Wiiliams, Miss M Kerr, John Fronting on Yonge St, Containing 8 0 A0396 8, SEVENTY CLEARED, In a good State of cultivation. Tim‘wer :land consists of splendid Pine and Hardwood In the vicinity. there is a church, and a saw- mill. and a school within a half mile. A to whom the highest wages will be given]. Enquire at the “ York Herald ” Office. There is on thwpremises a good frame house, with stone cellar, kitchen and woodshed, new ; large frame barn, two threshing floors, nearly new : stable, sheds and root house ; two never failing springs of water ; soft water cistern. and thriving orchard. TERMS EASY. For further particulars apply to the owner on the ptemises. JOHN BROWN. Vaughan, June 29, 1870. ‘624-5 Soil, clay loam ; with a never-failing stream of water mulling through the centre ot'it. The lot is well timbered and will make a'first-class larm : and is well worthy the attention or any person wanting to secure a good home in a good locality. For paticulars enquire of JOHN B. HARRQIGTON,” Within 2% miles of the village of Wilksport. and 4 from St Clairâ€"either place being a good market for wood. It is a corner lot with a good road on two sides of it, and situated in an old settled neighborhood. The Ianrovements consist of a comfortable log house, together with four or five acres cleared End free from'sfumps. Composed of Lot No. 10, in the 14th concesa siou of the TOWNSHIP OF SOMBRA, ' COUNTY OF LAMBTON/ .l UU Forty-five acres cleared,well waterreid: well settled and good neighborhood. within three miles/ of the rising village of Parkhill Station. For further particulars apply to GROCERIES, HARDWARE 100 NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS FIRE PROOF STORE ! July 7, 1570. SPRING ~AND SUMMER GOODS August 18. 1870. N. B. Accounts rendered lst|Uctoben ‘PliENDID WHEAT FARM FOR Richmond Hill, April 7. 1869. AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, 200 ACRES 0F TIMBERED LAND, For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,at the FIRST CLASS SERVAN?‘G1_RL, A LARGE AND VARIED Sale, being part of lot No . 59,711 the ls‘t Concession ofthe DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. KEPT CONSTANTLY SPRING ¢§~ SUMMER TRADE. EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT: The Subscriber has now in stock ACRES OF EXQELLEN LAND, List of Letters Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. ASSORTMENT 0F A LARGE STOCK 0F SUITABLE FOR THE; Wanted. For Sale HERALD BOOK STORE. JOHN HARRISON, 0N HAND. r. &c. &c.| New AT THE ISAAC CROSBY._ M. TEEFY, P Richmond, Hill. 6254f Parkhrill P.O . 631-1m 585 ‘The public will observe that he is in a posi- tion to Sell Goods at Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers. Inspection and Comparison are Invited. POETIOAL WORKS FANCY Gdops Rakes, Forks, Cradles. Scythes. Snnithmiw, THE BEST END CHEAPEST AT THE CENTRAL STORE. o .I.’ nouNcE'lo his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond Hill- that he has leased the premises lately occupied by HARVEST TOOLS. Offer his customers an advantage, by giving them Goods at Lower Prices than ever. and hopes to have a share of public patronage. He has assorted up the Stock with a variety of new Goods. bought for Cash. at the Lowest Prices and will sell them at a. small advance. The Stock will comprise a general ‘assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines and Liquors of the finest and best brands. Paints, Oils. Glass. &c., with the best-assortment of Shelf Hard- ware to be had in the neighborhood. Having many years experience in the business, he is confident he cannot be underbought and shall not be undersold by any House in the Trade. Being thankful to his friends and patrons tor their past favors, he hopes to merit a.continu- ance of the same. G. A. BARNARD. On Richmond Hill, and has opened with a complete stock of COLLARS AND CUFFS Groceries, 1)ETER G. SAVAGE BEGS T0 NOUNCE'IO his friends. and the nu! Which has been bought at a bargain ; he wilf, therefoxe. Send for Price list to G. A. Bamard has been appointed agent for the Sale of ms LATE STOCK, Shop one door south of the “ York Herald " Buildings. U most respectfully calls the attention of the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhood to the fact that he has com- menced business in the above line, and will keep in stock all kinds of Tinware. New Work made on the Premises. Repairs on Iron. Tin, Zinc and Copper Ware done with Punctuality and on Reasonable Terms. Is the most wonderful discovery in chemiltry for healing MILLER’S DERBY OIL POCKET BOOKS The above farm will be sold by auction about THE FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT I If not previously disposed of. For terms and further particulgh's apply, if by letter pro-paid. to About 75 acres cleared with two good dwellin ' houses (one brick), Barns, Stables, sheds an orchard. thereon, also living streams crossing the lot'. situate one mile from Richmond. 2 of a mile from Patterson.2 miles from Richmono‘. Hill Station on the Northern Railway. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, . PETER G.‘SA:V/Â¥G‘E. Richmoni Hill, Dec; 9, 1869. 5954f W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, July ’7. 1870. 625 Richmond Hill, junta 23, 1870. The Late Malcolm Cameron” Richmond Hill, July 9. 1870. June 9, 1870. August 17. 1870 WM. ELLIS, Lucknow, JAS. RALSTON. Richmond Hm, Execute". Richmond Hill. June 1, 1870. 620-4m ARNARD’S STORE IRE-OPENED I CHEAPâ€"ZOODS. THE BEST & CHEAPEST MADE. GRICULTURAL MACHINES ! NEW TIN SHOP. _EORGE W‘IFLE‘Sâ€"H‘I'Rj‘i}, prINsMIm, EING THAT WELLâ€"KNOWN FARM: CONTAINING 100 ACRES; OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. FOR CASH! Composed of aha NORTH HALF or LOT 23, 2ND Cox FRESH CUTS OR OLD SORES. Provisions, And Implements of all Kinds ; THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE Important Notice. Horses and Cattle. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East Toronto. 7. 1870 631- tf OF ALL KINDS AT THE Farm for Sale. Paints, HERALD BOOK STORE. WM. RENNIE, HERALD BOOK SEQRE; HERALD BOOK STORE. BELONGING T0 HERALD BOOK STORE. Oils, Vamz’s’hes, Eglingtan , Ont. 621 6234f 626

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