Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Sep 1870, p. 1

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And lispalclmd to subscribersb} the earlies muils. nr uLlierconv wnce,wl1€nsu desired. The Yonn HERALD will always be found to contain! hulatost and most importuntl‘hreign And Provincial News and Marketsmnd the Ql'dfllest cure will be taken to renderit ac- ceptable to the man ofbusiuessmnd a valu- (1|)lol“£|lully Newspaper. 'I‘lCRMS:â€"â€"Uue Dollar per annum, IN A!)- VANLE; if notpaid within 'l‘wo M,onths,0ne Dollar and Fifty cents wille charged. All etturs addressed to thé Editm musth post-paid. {£332 13m 313mm Nopaperdiscontiuued until all arrearages are paid: andnmtiesrofusing papers without pxying up. wiHbo held accountable for the uubscription, Six inesand under. lirstinsertlon....$00 5“ l'luchsubseqnenl insertion”... nu . .. 00 ll} ’l‘enuinus and under, lirstinsertion. . . . 00 75 Each snhsequentinsertion.. . . .... . . ... 00 '20 Abovetenlines. firstinsertion, perline. 00 07 Each subsequentlnserllon. per line. . . . 00 02 One Column per twelve months. . . ..u 50 ('0 llallacnlnmn do do 3000 Quarlerol'a column parlwalve months. 20 00 One column pa] six months.. . . . . .. . 4O 00 Hall‘ucolumn _ do ........... 2500 Quarter ofa column purle months. . . . l8 0!) A card of [on lines, for one year. . .. . . 4 00 A card ollll'teen lines. do . . . .... 525 A cardoflwonlylines. do 650 [D’Advertisomentswillmutwrltlendirecllons nsorled till forbid, and charged accordingly, Alladvertisomenlspublished For alessperiod nun one month, must be paid for in advance. A LEXANDEER SCOTT, IICHMUND HILL, r A l lLransitoryadvertisements, from stran Ears onrregularclmtomers. must be pajgifor when handed in foriusertion . L. SKEELE IS PREPARED TO - repair Clocks. Watches and Jewelry, at hlS shop opposite the Grammar Schol. Rich- mond Hill. A lrial i» respectfully solicited. 2 »WiIIiaIIf' VOL. XII, N O. 17. lA'l‘E S ()F ADVERTISING. Richmond Hill, Much, 24, 1870. 610 Peter Pearm an John C. Damels Do do Do do Do do Henry Brown Do do Do do Do do N icholus Burl-ass John C. Daniels Mary A. ‘Vright Mary F. Cotterill John C. Daniels John Hutchison John VVetherell William Burgess William Burgess Edwin 0. Fisher George Medhurst Elnies Henderson Elmes Henderson Michael Burdon Thomas Ryan Do do Elizabeth Lane John C. Daniels Silas Armitag‘e Thomas H. Sennctt Susannah Smullwood David Fountain John Donald Catherine McCreden James Hartley Phebe Stuffels Joseph chg Jane Smith William M. Atkinson Jacob Puri‘ault Hannah Hill ...... Harry McMullen ...... Daniel Ryan ...... James Bennett ...... Walter Morley ...... George Ross ...... Wiluam Nicholson ...... William \Vhiteoat, senior . Thomas Maw ...... Do do ...... Do do ...... John McKeown ...... Joseph Walton ...... John Hopecraft ...... William Tuscan a ..... Martin Ryan ...... John Duncan ...... John W. Jacobs Ann West ...... A. P. Lawrence ...... Sarah Canada. ...... James Woodward "m. Eliza Quinn ...... Harriet Robins ...... TIME! TIME !! TIME!!! ISI’UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. BY Office of the Clerk of the Peace, County of York, Toronto, September, 1870. NAME OF PROSECE TOR. Before Justices of the Peace for the County of York, transmitted to my office by ....’....4Daniml ......... Elijah Poe: ......... Jonathan B .......... John Hope ......... Robert J 011 ......... Andrew Cr ......... ‘John Carru ......... Henry “’31 iior . W. VVhiteo ......... Henry Lesl ......... Thomas H( ......... Sidney Osb ......... William W ......... William Fi ......... Daniel liya a ........ Henry Dud ........ ‘Daniel Rya ......... Archibald l ......... R. Leary ......... John McBi ......... James Bor: ......... George Car William Foot Thomas Brown \Villimn McDowell Michael Finzin lRoberc Stonson ;J ames liuwley ‘Walter Groves Henry Doughty lRichm‘d Phillips lCharles McCoy ‘Lilly Smith ‘Susan Heighton Minnie Dillon Anna Dunscomb John C. Jackson Margaret Shields J ohu Shields lLawrence McCan ‘Charles Larkins Alex. McMuster {Eliza Jane $74597, James Austln l0. Isedale ‘Ann Brown Walter White \Villiuni Lane ‘Gcorge French Edward Dudley Thomas E mes George Burrows Jeremiah C. Darke :Joseph Donald ‘Peter Bissett 1A. 1’. Lawrence David Stuffels ‘Pati'ick Fox Thomas Drury Roger Sheppard iced Lewis Denimllinger Elijah Poenick Jonathan Randall John Hopcrafl; lRobex-t Johnstone lAndrew Craig John Carruthers Henry Warlow W. Whiteoak, junior Henry Leslie lThomas Henderson :Sidney Osborne William Wilson ‘William Findley Daniel Ryan Henry Duddy Daniel Ryan Archibald Kelfer LR. Leary John McBride James Borand George Canada George Ayres Joseph Campbell Almirion Robins NAME OF DEFENDANT, lVi Surgeons. Engfand, Resinvnue: Norlll of RVChmond Hill, opposile the Elgiu House. All calls (night or day) prompflg attended to; home from 8 to 9 A.l\[. Mr A. F. Armstrong is authorised to collect Accoums. Richmond Hm. Oqt. 14, 1869. 508* I Civil Engineer and Draughtsmau. OFFICE AT Willowdale, on Yonge EL. in the County of York. Ordol's by letter promptly attended toA \Villowdalo. Dec. 15. 1869. 596-1)’ DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF ‘ ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 A.l\[. U streets,'l‘hornhill. Consultations in the officeon the mornings )f 'l‘uesdays. Thulsdays and Saturdays. from 8 £9 10 Am. ’3‘" Allconsultations in the office, Cash. 'l‘hornhill. June 9,1865 1 J the Inhabitants of Kiineburg and surround- ing country that ha has opened a Drug Store in me above named place. Allkindsnf Herbs and Herb Medicinns sgtpslied. Klineburg, March I, 1869. 560-tf U Groceries,Wines and Liquons. 'J’horuhikl. By Royal Letters puttmtly has been appointed Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Thronhill. Feb.26, 1868. 2‘ sn‘v. Ruswmxcuâ€"Adjoiuiug Thornhill Hole]. Jill)‘22,1569. DAD‘ly JOHN N. REID, M.D-, NOR. OF YONGE AND COLBORNE DRUG STORE IN KLINEBURG. IACOB YELINSK-IEBEGS TO INFORM Elgin Mills, January 1. 1870 JNO. D. MCCONNELL, M.D., iADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER‘ DR“ HOSTETTEB, EEMBER. OF THE ’uOYAL COLLEGE 33115111255 Directory. PETER S. GIBSON, R-OVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, THOMAS CARR, IEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, SCHEDULE OF S OF CONVICTIONS ..l Do do do .. 1Leaving service ...... :Assault and Battery ..jTrospass .. ‘ Trespass “Non-payment of wages .. Assault ..1Vag1'ancy ..‘Vagrancy .. Vugrancy "Vagrancy ..lTrcspuss ..lTrespass ..lTrespass ..lTrespass “ETrespass . . ‘j Assault ...... .gVagraucy -,__, ,fifi .w Assault "Abusive language .. Vugiancy “Drunk and Disorderly ..1Assau1b .. Vagrancy ..lAssnuln and Battery . . ' Assault and Battery ...... .. Improper & insulting language .. Non-payment of wages ..... .. Malicious thrcutcning .‘ - l .. Insulting language .. Assault .. Assault and Battery .. Dcserting road work. half day ..Ass;1ults ..‘Assault "Nonâ€"payment of wages Assault and Battery . Assault and Battery .. Selling Liquor on Sunday. Profanng the Lord’s day ....l Non-payment of wages Leaving servme ...... Neglecting to pay toll . ...... Leaving service Assault; and Battery ...... Do do ...... Do do Do do ...... Do do ...... Abusive language ...... Assault and Battery 1 ...... Trespass ...... N on-payment of wages ...... lPlacing cedar post on railroad‘ Assault and Battery .. ‘Indeeent Assault; ...... 1 Assault; and Battely ...... *Threatening ...... ‘Assault Abusive language on public st. {Assault with intent to do bodi: 1y injury Assault; Desertiug employment Cattle unlawfully at large NATURE OF THE CASE. 98 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANAA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1870‘.â€" ()FFICLLâ€"Chllrch Street, 2 doors north of King Street, Toronm. .1) Tcu‘in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. OFl-‘lcljj: No 78 King Street East, Toronto; over the \Vesloyau Book Room. 1) Solicitors in Cllancerv, Conveyancers,&c Ox-‘x-‘xcuczâ€"Provincial Insurance Buildings. Street, Toronto . JOHN DUGGAN. (LC. ADAM n. MEYEHS, JR. Toronto Dec. 24.1868. 544-1)’ R. E. LAW. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, RICH- ) MOND HILL. mos» HILL. Physicians prescriptions carefully prepared Richmond Hill, Dec.1,1869. 594-tf *f Good Stabling attached. Trusty Host- [or nlwan‘s in attendance. D Solicitors iu'Chaucery, &c. OFFICEâ€"77. King St East, (over Thomp- son’s East India House) TORONTO. 1:. B. READ, Q.C. J. A. BOYD. 3.1L May 6. 186‘. 52-tf December ‘25), 1869. Toronto, December 2. 1 869. ) Solicitors in Chancery,ConveyaxIcex's,&c OFFICEâ€"Ill the Court House. Toronto August 1. 1W5. 95 Yonge St ,April7,1869. WlLLIAM MALLOY, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY. SOLICI- J. N. BLAKE. ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, &c. DUG-GAN & MEYERS, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW MONABB, MURRAY & JACKES, rARRISTERS, A'l‘TORNEYS-AT‘LAW READ AND BOYD, ARRISTERS,iATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ELSON DAVIS, PROPRIETOR. GOLDEN LION HOTEL, 12am QEarhs. YONGE STREET. DATE OF CONVICTION. March 2, 1870 April 16, 1870 June 11, 1870 June 17, 1870 May 20, 1870 May 28, 1870 June 1, 1870 June 6, 1870 June 7, 1870 June 16, 1870 June 16, 1870 June 18, 1870 June 23, 1870 June 24, 1870 June 7, 1870 June 13, 1870 July 2, 1870 June 17, 1870 July 9, 1870 June 23, 1870 June 29, 1870 June 21, 1870 March 12, 1870 July 27, 1870 July 21, 1870 June 10, 1870 July 7, 1870 July 13, 1870 July 13, 1870 June 14, 1870 Aug’t 20, 1870 July 19, 1870 July 19, 1870 July 25, 1870 July 27, 1870 July 29, 1870 Aug’t 2, 1870 Aug’t 2, 1870 Aug’t 2, 1870 Aug’t 3, 1870 Aug’t 4, 1870 Aug’t 4, 1870 Aug't 4, 1870 Aug’t 4, 1870 Aug’t 4, 1870 Annr’f, Q 1Q70 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 559-ly 593 594 1â€"1 County of Yurk, Lot 4. 3rd concession, Vaughan. 1’. 0. Address, Concord. Orders promptly attended lo. .LJ Counties of York and Peel, Collector of Notes, Accounts, 6w. Small charges and plenty [0 do. 1.1 County of York. Sales attended to on lhe shortest notice and at moderate rates" 1’ 0. Address. Butlouville. 1â€"1 County of York. Residence lot N0. 14. 2nd (.‘ou. Vaughan, P. 0. Address, Curl‘ville. All orders left at the "' York Herald” office. Richmond Hill, or at the 1’.0.Maple, will be attended to. Orders leftauhe " Herald” oflice for Mr Center’s ssrviucs wi|l be promptly attended to Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can mukearrangementsanhe HERALD oflice. Junuary 4, 1365. 31 Sales attended on the sfi’értest notice,and on reasonableterms. Jâ€"J- Counties of York and Peel. Residence--Lot 20,renr of 31d Concession of Markham. P,O.Addmssâ€"-Buttonvil]e. LA Counties of York, feel and Ontario. Residence: Lot 8,6111 concession Markham. I’ostOfficeâ€"Unionville. LaskeV. March 2nd 1865 Concord. March 16, 1870. do Alex. McNabb W. H. Norris Do i J ared Lloyd George Flint William Lea. .......... D0 D0 .......... J. C. McQuarrie and J. P. RI Chas. Dean and James Stokes W. J. Mitchell .......... H. Draper .......... Jared Lloyd .......... James Bowman .......... Alex, McNabb .......... Eitcuszb ‘Auttianccrs. Markham. July 24, 1868. Vaughan, “Oct. 10" 1867. Jn'ne.‘27. 1857. NAME or comwb‘nyj M. FISHER. IUENSED AUCTIONER FOR THE HENRY SMELSOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE FRANIS BUTTON, JR , ICENSED AUCTIONEER‘AFOR THE H. D. BENNETT, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE JOHN CARTER, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE EDW. SANDERSON, ICENSED AUCTIONEER. FOR THE 39-ly 606 497 ‘i AM’T 0F FINE,PEN‘ ALTY OR DAMAGE $200 100 2000 100 700 100 100 275 Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Call when you visit the city, inspect the stock and learn the price:; we shall feel plea- sure in showing goodq whether you purchase or not. Smisfaction Guaranteed. Paints, Oils, Varnishes ! BRUSHES, ARTISTS’ MATERIAL. &c.. &c . At. Low Rates for Cash. 1â€"1 6l8 Yonge Street, Toronto. Doors, Sash, Flooring, Blinds, Sheeting, Mouldings, &c. All kinds lgf Building Materials supplied. Past Olfice Addressâ€"Yorkville. TOI‘ONO, May 18,1868. 3-m, D BUTCHER, 2nd door north ofG. A. Burnardé store, Rickmond Hill. keeps always on hand the besL of Beef, Mutton. Lamb, Veal, Pork. Sausages, &c. and sells at the lowest prices. The highest marketprico given for Cattle, Sheep, liambs.» 5L0: ‘ _ GEO‘ MCPHILLIPS 85 SON, ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS, Seaforth . Ontario. Aléd. Corned and Spicad Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. Richmond Hill, October 15. 1867. by MARGACH, ANDERSON & co., Toromo, July 15,1869. J. SEGSWORTH, MPORTER OF WATQHES, CLOCKS, . Seaforth,0utario. Jnue7,1862. and Flue Jewelry, 113 Yul-Age $1., 'l‘orouloi. ,* Masonic and other emblems made 10 order. TorontoApril 27, 1866. ‘FFERS FOR SALE ‘ Val ied Assm‘t’mouL ol' WILLIAM cox, UpCEssop. fro JAMES gOLpIDAyf, P. A. SCOTT, UMBER. MERCHANT & BUILDER, DR UGS, CHEMICALS, 44 King Street East, Taranta, ERS FOR SALE A LARGE AND FIE [Formerly J. L. Margach] NE, WHEN PAID, on TO BE PAID TO SAID JUSTICE. To be paid in eight days Forthwith ..... Twenty-one days Bound over to keep To be paid in a month.. JOHN MCNAB, Clerk of the Peace, County of York. 550-]y {119 ‘pcace ‘TO WHOM PAID OVER BY SAID JUSTICE. County Treasurer. Clerk of the Municipality, Half to Municipality and half to the County Treasurer. . Paid to Prosecutor. County Treasurer. County Treasurer. Paid to Prosecutor. Township Treasurer. County Treasurer. County Treasurer. Half to Township Treasurer and half Half to Township Treasurer and half Township Treasurer. lounty Treasurer. Yorkville Municipality. Yorkville Municipality. Paid to Complainant. Yorkville Municipality. Half to Prosecutor and half remitted Yorkville Municipality. To Complainant. To Complainant. To Complainant. To Complainant. Yorkville Yorkvillc Yorkvillo Treasurer of Aurora. Court, deducting costs $400, remain Township Treasurer. County Treasurer. Treasurer of Holland Landing. Half to Prosecutor and 11qu to the Township Treasurer. Township Treasurer. Township Treasurer. To Plaintiff. FARMERS BOOT 8; SHOE STORE J and Dealer in fill kinds of Bums and Shoes. 33 \Vflht Mmkel Square. 'l‘umulc. {13’ Boots and Shoes made to Measure. of the Best Materials and Workmanship. at the Lowest Remunerating Prices 'l'uxonlu,1)cc, 3. 1867. l: c all kinds of Monuments. Hemlstonu,&c Call an“ examine my Stock and Prices be- forpurcl: asing elsowhere, as you will find it. to your interest. 0:? Issuer of JlIarz-iage Licenses. Ringwood, Sept, 13,1867. 497 V 9 take [miles that Mr. Jonh Tailor has ceased to collect for John N.‘ Reid, M.D., and that Mr. John Garton, of Thoruhill. is author- ised to collect for the subscriber until further lloLice. .1 public willflud first-class accomodmion at the above House. at low rates. 'l‘hars is an exleusive Stable :umched, and large owerou sheds. An anemive and obliging hustler. 1‘1. Commissioner in B.R., is Government Agent. for issuing Marriage Licenses in the Counly of York, ‘ Office hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Richmond Hill, October 23,1869. RINGWOOD MARBLE ‘WORKS. JAMES BOWMAN, SSUER 93 MARRIAGE LICENSES, ()HN BARRON, MANUFACTURER Thomhil], December 22, 18694 Almira Mills. Markham . Nov 1 .1865 . 5:) 4 “HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING 215 and 217 Yongo Street. Toronto. WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER. OF CARD. B.â€"â€"THE PUBâ€"LEG WILL PLEASE TEEFY, NOTARYWPUBLIC AND MARRIAGE LICENSES, GREEN BUSH HOTEL, JOHN MCNAB, Municipality. Municipality. Municipality. RICHMOND IIILL. J, L. PARKER, Proprietor. JOHN N. REID. M.D. CIerk of the Peace, County of York.- 597 Unclusive of costs.- iNot yet paid §Appealed. ‘Not yet paid. _ V . Committed to Gaol for one month Prosecutor. Inclusive of costs; Inclusive of costs. Inclusive of costs. Inclusive of costs. Committed to Gaol for two months. 22 Not yet paid. Sent to Gaol for TriaI. der on hand to be paid to Co. Treasul'cfv to Prosecutor. to Prosecutor. Committed to Gaol for two months, Committed to Gaol for two months. Committed to Gao’. for two months. Committed to Gaol for two monthso Time given. Not yet paid. Township Treasurer. :Time given. Not yet paid. :Bouud over. Sureties taken. Committed in default of sureties. Given to 22nd August to pay fine‘ Committed for Trial. Committed to Gaol for two months! Committed to Gaol for one month, Remitted. Run away. IF NOT PAID, WHY NOT? GENERAL OBWA’L‘IONS.‘ any numher-notexceedinglnree hundred dollars by any one depositor.) will be received alllle Richmond Hill Post Office. for which Government will allow Interest. For particulars apply ('0 *fi‘ MR. the sale of MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Oflice hours: from 6230 Am. to 9:30 PM. May 4,1869. 5634f Having purchased the Slack and Interest of R' H. Hall, (late Chemist and Druggist of the same place) have greatly enlarged the old stock and have now on hand a good assort- ment of ‘ Drugs, Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals. Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy article! Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, and all other arlicles._l§epl by 1)]:1lggisls generally._ u The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to he had in the County. A Fresh Fupply of the genuine Rodgor's. and also o|1»- r celebrated manufaotums. m the York Herald Book Store. Richmond Hill. GAMES, TOYS. &c., RICHMOND ,. HILL 5 “*i‘ l’hy’siciéns Prescx'ipfions cafefully com- pounded. and all ordels attended to wnh cam ang despatch. A 7 [“amfers and Physicians from the country will find our stock of Medicines completeâ€"warnin- ed genuineâ€"and oflhe best quality. g H. SANDERSON&SONS, g CHEMIS TS AND DR UGGIS TSI RICHOMND HILL, POCKET CUTTLERY. 1’. O. SAVINGS BANK. Richmond Hill. Nov.‘25, 1569. EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (on WHOLE'. NO; 6367.- MARINA GE LICENSES. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. TEEYY is Government Agent for ALSO AGENT FOR THE NEW FIRM. FOR SALE AT THE HERALD 300K STORE. POST O FFI C E. 593.

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