Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Sep 1870, p. 1

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_ Alladvertisemeuts published for aless period nan one month, mus‘ be paid for in advance. A lItransitoryadvertisements.fro'm strangers rirragularcustomers. must he paid for when handed in Forinsertion. ' Nopaperdisconliuued until all nrreamges are pufid‘: nuipmtiel ravfuaing papers with/am paying up, willbefileld gueounflblo for 1.11% subscription?‘” ‘ 1" ‘ FAdvertisementswithoutwrittendirecnons nserled Lill forbid, anflcharged accordineg 11- repair Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. at Ins shop opposite the Grammar Schul. Rich- mond mm. A \rial in respectfully solicited. SEX‘ines and under. firsti usortion....$00 5" E nch subsequent insertion.... .... u. ~00 l3 ’l‘en lines and under, firstinserlion. . . . 00 75 Each subsequentinsertion.. . . .... . . ... 00 '20 Abovetenlines, firslinsertion, perline. 00 07 Each subsequentiInsertion. per line. . . . 00 02 One Column per twelve months. . . ... - 50 00 Halfacoluum do do ....... 30 00 Quarterofa column pen-twelve months. 20 00 One column pa) six months...- . . H. . 40 00 Halfacolumn do ........... 25 00 Quarter ofa cohxmu per six months. . . . [8 00 A card often lines, for one year. . . . . - 4 00 Acardoffifteen lines. do ....... 5‘25 Acardoftweutylinen. do 550 O BUTCHER,2nd door '10th of G. A. Barnardé store. Rickmond Hili. kesps always on hand the best of Beef. Mu.t0n. Lamb. Veal, Pork. Sausages. &c. and sells at the lowest prices. The highest marketprice given for Cattie‘ Shcgp, l:umbs._ &c: ~ _ And dispatched to subscribersb; the earlies mailsmrotherconv "ance.whensodesired. The YORK HERALD will always be found to containthelatestand most importanll‘breigu and Provincial News and Markets,and the greatest care will be taken to renderitac- captahle to the man ofbusiness.and a valu- able Family Newspapex. TlflRMSzâ€"One Dollar perannum. IN AD- VANLE: ifnotpaid within Two Months.0ne Dollar and Fifty cents willbe charged. Allleuers addressedto the Editormuslbe post-paid. U any mun’mrâ€"uolexceedinglureehundred dollars Ivy any one depositor.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Office. for which Government will allow lulu-est. Aléd. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smokedand Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. *,.*'Mn. the sale of WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER 0F c all kinds of Monuments. Headstone,&c Call anu examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere, as you willfind itto your interest. 0:? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ringwood. Sept. 13,1857. 497 U most respectfullv calls the attention of tho inhabitanls of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhood to the fact that he has com- menced business in the above. line. and will keep inslocl: all kinds of Tinwaro. New Work made on tho Premiwes. Repairs on Iron. Tin, Zinc and Coppur Ware done with Punctuality and on Reasonable 'l‘erms. Shop one door south of the “ York Herald" Buildings. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. [13’ Boots and Shoes made to Measure. of the Best Materials and Workmanship, at the Lowest Remunerating Prices Toronto, Dec. 3. 1867. Office hours: from 6:30 A-M. to 9:30 P.M. May 4, 1869. 5634f ALEXANDER SCOTT, RICHMOND HILL, J and Dealer in 'all kinds of Boats and Shoes, 38 west Market Square. Toronto. GU): work 15min FARMERS’ BOOT & SHOE STORE Tom §ARRQNTMANUEAQTUREI§ RICHMOND, k HILL i .LJ (“8 Yonge Street, Toronto. Doors. Sash. Flooring, Blinds, Sheeting. Mouldings. 8w. , .l. and Fine Jexvelry‘,‘ll3 Yongo'Stq 'l‘orontd. *3 Masonic and other emblems made to order. TorontoApril 27. 1866. Richmond Hill, March,24. 1870. Richmond Hill. October 15, 1867. RINGWOOD MARBLE WORKS. Richmond Hill. July 9. 1870. P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. WILLIAM cox, I‘L’QCESSOAR frp JAMESAEIQLleAX, All kinds of Building Materials Iuppliett Post Olfice Addressâ€"Yorkville. Tel-cum, May 18,1868. 3-m J. SEGSWORTH, 'MPORTER OF WAfrgHEstcxipcxs, RATES OF ADVERTISING. me7 ,1862. ‘YEPOSITS 0F ONEVDOLLAR, (OR VOL. XII, N 0. 18. TIME! TIME !! TIME I 1! Business mirectsrg. NEW TIN SHOP. IEORGE wrpyfigm, TINSMITH, Fm particulars apply to P. A. SCOTT. UMBER MERCHANT & BUILDER, BOVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS, Seaforth, Ontuio. GEO. McPHILLIPS 85 SON, L. SKEELE IS PREPARED I‘O EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. MARRIA GE LICENSES. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. TEEFY is Government. Agent for ALSO AGENT FOR THE IS PUBLISH EU BY POST OFFICE. 6‘26 610 “,f Physician: l’rescripfions carefully comv pounded. and all orders attended to With care and despnlch. ACOB YELINSKIE BEGS TO INFORM o the Inhabitants of K-ineburg and surround- ing country that he nasopeuod a Drug Store in the above named place. Allkindaqf Herbs and H orb Modicims supslictl. Kliueburg, March I, 1869- ' 560~tf Farmers and Pygmy-inns from the country wi‘l find our stock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuineâ€"and loe best quality. RICHOMND HILL, Having purchased the Stock and Interoslof R‘ H. Hall, (late Chemist and Druggist of the same place) have greatly enlarged the old stock and have noav on hand a good assort- ment of Drugs. Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Slufl's. Patent Medicines. and all other articles kept by Druggisls generally. EALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Groceries,Wines and Liqums.leornhi:l. By Royal Letters patently has been aypointad Issnm' of Marriage Licenses. Unionville. . . .151 Monday ofeach month. \Vosloll . . . . . . 9lh day -‘ Klineburg. . . . “51h ” Burwick . . . . .Qled “ Scarboro'. . . .23I'd " Where he willbe prepared and mosthappy to wait onthose who may require his services. To those who have favored him with their patronage in the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who mav do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no endeavor on his part willbe wanting to meettheir approval. MOND HILL. Physicians prescriptions carefully prepared Richmond Hill, Dec. 1, 1869. 594-“ g H. SANDERSON a; SONS, g CHEMISTS AND DR UGGISTSv G. H. H.. having had over ELEVEN YEARS' PRACTICE. feels confidemof giving entire satis- faction. REFERENcEs.-â€"-Thefollowinggendemencan, with confidence,recommend G. H. Husband,lo all requiring Dental uid: Dr Reid,Tllornhill; Dr. Bull. Weston; Dr. D'Evlyn, Bin-wick; Dr. Carson, Brampton. REsIDENcn.â€"Thornhill. Thornhill September 17. 1868. 1y ‘ a take notice that Mr. Jonh Tailor has ceased to collect for John N. Reid, 11.0., and mat Mr. John Garlon. of 'l‘hornhill. is author- ised to collect for the subscriber until further notice. Teeth without Pain. by the use of Ether Spray. which affects the tooth only. The tooth and gum suvrounding become insenaible with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain and U streets, 'I‘horuhill. Consultations in the ofliceon the mornings Jf Tuesdays. Tlmlsdays and Saturdays. from 81910 LM. ‘2," All consultations in the office. Cash. 'l‘hornhill.June9,1865 l R. E. LAW. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIS'I‘, RICH / MOND HILL. WITHOUT ENDANGERING THE LIFE As in the use of Chloroform. Drs. P. and R. will be in the 'following places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus. All other operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner :â€" Aurorn. lst. 8th, Him and 22nd ofeuch month Newmarket.... 2nd “ " Markham 2181 " " Stoufiville . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18th " “ Richmond Hill. . . . . .. . . 9th and 24th" Kleinhurg.............29th 5‘ " Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora Aurora, April 23. 1870- 6154f 1V1. Surgedus. Engiand. Residence: North of Richmond Hill. opposite lho Elgin House. A” calls (night or day) prompN) attended to. ME Mr A. F. Armstrong is authorised to collect Accounts. DRUG STORE IN KLINEBURd. DR. JAE. LANGSTAFF ‘ ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 A.M. w VV . King Street East, Toronto. near Church Street. is prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in or- der to preserve their teeth. or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approved style. Also to regulate the teeth of those who need It; Consultations free, and all work war- ranted. June, 1865. Thronhill. Feb.‘26, 1868. Richmond Hill. Nov.25,1569. ( JOHN N. REID, M.D-, 'VOR. 0F YONGE AND COLBORNE Thornhill, December 22, 1869. Richmoudfiflil}, Ogt. (4, 1869. .AL W, ,3, 1' snv. RESIDENCEâ€"Adjoining Thornhill Hotel. July 22. 1869. 75-ly Elgin Mills, January 1. 1870 DRS. PECK 8; ROBINSON’S JNO. D. McCONNELL, M.D., LRADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING G. H. HUSBAND, LDS. CARD. B.â€"THE FUELâ€"IO WILL PLEASE DR. HOSTETTER, MBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE mebical (Katha. THOMAS CARR, ENTIST, BEGS MOST RE. speclfully to announce that he will be at . . .151 Monday ofeach month. . . .9lh day " , , .lfilh ” . . .Qled “ NEW FIRM. DENTISTRY. JOHN N. REID. M.D. G.__»AD§MS, _D. D._S., 95 593. 597 598 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1870. .1) Solicitors in Chancery, Convevnncers.&c Grimmâ€"Provincial Insurance Buildings. Street. Toronto . JOHN DUGGAN. QvC. ADAM H. METERS, JR. .1) Solicitors in Chancery. (kc. OFFICEâ€"77. King St East, (over Thomp- son’s East India House) Tones-to. n. 13- READ. q.c. J. A. BOYD, ILA. May 6. 186 . 52-“ Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can makearrangemente at the HERALD office. Junuary 4. RBI). 31 JJ Counties of York and Peel. Residenceâ€"nLot 20,rear 0)" 3rd Concession] of Markham. P.0. Address--Butlonvillo. OFFICE.â€"Church Street. 2 doors north of King Street. Toronto. .1) TOR in Cha'ncery. Conveyancer. &c. Ornclc: No 78 King Street East, Toronto; over the Wesleyan Book Room. Sales attended on the shortest notice,and on reasonable terms. Orders leftat the " Herald" office for Mr Carter's services will be promptly attended to 1V1. Commissioner in B.R.,is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the County of York. Office hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 PM. Richmond Hill. October 23,1869. 1â€"1 Coumies of Y0 Ii. Feel and Ontario. Residence: Lo. 8,6 in concession Markham. l'oleflicoâ€"Uvio 'ville. 1- public will find first-class accomodatlon at the above House, at low rates. Thers is an extensive Stable attached, and large covered sheds. An attentive and obliglng hustler. All orders left at the " York Herald” office. Richmond Hill, or at the l’.0. Maple. will be attended to. L1 County of York. Residence lot No. 14. 2nd ("011. Vaughan. P. 0. Address. Carrville. ‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING public will find first-class accomodation '," Good Stablingattnchad. TrustyHosl- ler niwavs in attendance. 1.1 Counties of York and Peel. Collector of Notes, Accounts, &c. Small charges and plenty to do. a 1â€"1 County of York. Sales attended to on the shortest notice and at moderate rates” P O. AddreSS. Buttonville. Markham. July 24. 1868. 497 PETER S. GIBSON,‘ ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Drnllghuman. I Civil Engineer and Drnllghuman. Orncz n Willowdale. on Yonge St.. in the County of York. Orders by letter promptly attended to. Willowdalo, Doc. 15, 1869. 596-137 .14 County of York. Lot 4. 3rd concession, Vaughan. P. 0. Address. Concord. Orders promptly anended ‘0. Toronto Dec. 24. 1868. December 29, 1869. Toronto. December 2. 1869. JAMES BOWMAN, SSUER 9F” MARRIAGE LICENSES, June.27. 1857. J Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyaucors,&c OFFICEâ€"Ill the Court House. Toronto August 1. 1865- 95 Almim Mills. Markham.Nov 1.1863. 597 Vaughan. Out. 10; 1867. Lukas. March 2nd 1865 ' ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE J Counlv of York. #1,? Sales 'punclua‘ly ntiendad to. cnmoza IODERATE. Acumsz : Ki ug P. 0. Yongo St ,April 7. 1869. 215 and 2H Yonge Street. Toronto. Concord, March 16, 1870. J. N. BLAKE; ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, &,c. DUGGAN a MEYERS, AIERISTERSLATTORIjEYS-AT-LAW READ AND BOYD, ARRISTERS,AATTORNEYS-AT-LAW McNABB, MURRAY & JACKES, :ARRISTERSL ATTORIjEYS-AT-LAW EDW. SP NDERSON, ' ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE WILLIAM MALLOY, ARRISTER, ATTpRNEY, SQLTCI- flinth anttioueerz. JOHN CARTER, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE H. D. BENNETT, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE FRANIS BUTTON, JR» ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE HENRY SMELSOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE ELSON DAVIS, PROPRIETOR. M. FISHER. IGENSED AUCTIONER FOR THE TEEFY, NOTARÂ¥_PUBJJIC AND GOLDEN LION HOTEL, MARRIAGE LICENSES, GREEN BUSH HOTEL, flaw Qfarhs RICHMOND HILL. J. RAFFERTY, J. L. PARKER, Proprietor. YONG]: STREET, ADAM H. MEYERB. JR. . 544.13; £0141 31.9mm 633 ~4m 559-1 y 39-ly 593 594 606 do Spring ......... 4 3 2 Class 5.-â€" Draft Horses,Canadian breed. Stallion, aged . . . . . . . 4 3 2 do 3 years old ......... 4 3 2 do 2 do (first do Spring . ........ 4 Span, (1st prize presented by John Sheddan,Esq.,Pre- sident T. & N. R. R.).. 30 Class 6.â€"Durham Cattle. Bull, 3 years old and over 4 do 2 do 4 do 1 do 4 Bull Calf, under 1 year old. . 4 Milch Cow ......... 4 Heifer, 2 years old ......... 4 do 1 do ......... 4 Heifer Calf, under 1 year old 4 Class 7.â€"Dcvon Cattle. Bull, 3 years old and over... 4 do 2 do 4 do 1 do 4 Bull Calf, under 1 year old.. 4 Milch Cow ......... 4 Heifer, 2 years old ......... 4 do 1 do ......... 4 Heifer Calf, under 1 year old 4 Class 8.â€"Ayrshire Cattle. Bull, 3 years old and over 4 do 2 do 4 do 1 do 4 Bull Calf, under 1 year old.. 4 Milch Cow ....... . 4 Heifer, 2 years old ........ . 4 do 1 do ......... 4 Heifer Calf, under 1 year old 4 Class 9.â€"â€"Grade Cattle. Bull, 3 years old and over... 4 do 2 do 4 do 1 do 4 Bull Calf, under 1 year old.. 4 Milch Cow ......... 4 Heifer, 2 years old ......... 4 do 1 do 4 Heifer Calf, under 1 year 01 4 Class 10.â€"â€"Galloway Cattle. Bull, 3 years old and over... 4 do 2 . do 4 do 1 do 4 Bull Calf, under 1 year old.. 4 Milcb Cow ......... 4 Heifer, 2 years old ......... 4 do 1 do 4 Heifer Calf, under 1 year old 4 Class 11.-â€"Fat Cattle. 0x or Steer (first prize pre- sented by Mr. Jas. Briv ton. butcher, Toronto... 10 Cow or Heifer 4 Yoke Working Oxen ......... 4 Herd of Milch Cows, to con- sist of not less than six, (prize presented by Hon. D, R6990! 12 side Filly, 3 years old do 2 do do 1 do do Spring do 3 years old ......... do 2 do (first prize presented by Mr. John Holderness, Black Horse Hotel, Toronto), Silver Cup, value . Stallion, 1 year old ......... Colt, Spring ......... Brood Mare, with foal by her side Filly, 3 years old do 2 do do 1 do do Spring Span ,_( st .Rrizo‘p Stallion, aged ......... do 3 years 01d ...... .. do 2 do ......... do 1 do ......... Colt, Spring Brood Mare, with foal by her smuiiin, aged 2 do 3 years old .; ...... . do 2 do ........ . do 1 do . ........ Colt, Spring . ......... Brood. Mare, with foal by her side ...... Filly. 3 years old . ........ do 2 do ......... do 1 do ......... do Spring ......... Span General Purpose . Span Carriage Horses, (lst prize presented by Bo bertson & Cook, Toronto Telegraph) ......... 10 Buogy Horse lst prize pre- 0 sented by P. Crosby, M.P.P.) 10 Saddle Horse 1 V ......... 3 Class 3.â€"General Pmyoose. Stallion, aged ........ . 4 do 3 years old ......... 4 do 2 do fl ......... 4 do 1 do . ..... .... 4 Colt, Spring ‘ ......... 4 Brood‘ Mare, with foal by her side Filly, 3 years old do 2 do do 1 do do Spring Span Carriage E Stallion, aged do 3 ye do 2 do 1 Qolt, _Sp[ing Uolt, Spring Brood_ Male, with foal by hey. side 4 E Filly, 3 years old 4 5 do 2 do ........ . 4 3 do 1 do ....... .. 4 5 do Spring ...... s. 334 E Clan 2.-â€"'Saddle ozv’Cagfiage. Prize List Of the East Riding of York and Markham Agricultural Societies’ Fall Show, to be held at Mankham Village, on Thursday and Friday, October 13!}: and 14th. Clas: 1 .-â€"â€"Blood Horses. Class 3.â€"D7'aft Horses Imported. :5 years old 2 do 1 do 22222 222223 33333 333334 44444 444445 o u . . . u o u a . u o u u . u n . . . . n . u n c - c u . . u . . . o . c o n . n t u u u IO P 611“ 22222222 33333333 22222222 33333333 . . n u u . u o 22222222 33333333 . c . o u o , u 22222222 33333333 o u . . o ¢ u year okl 22222222 .o....o] 1032 1043 $4 $3 $2 1200 Class 20.-â€"â€"Grain, Seeds, Fall Wheat, 2 bushels ........ . Midge Proof, do ......... Spring Wheat, do Timothy Seed, 1 bushel ...... Clover Seed,. do ...... Flax Seed, do , ..... 20 lbs. Flax in Straw ......... 10 do Scutched ......... Oats,White or Yellow, 2 bush. do Black, 2 bushels ......... Peas, Marrowfat, 2 bushels.. do Small, do 6 rowed Barley do 1 do do Tares do Geese, 1 pair . . .7 ...... 1 Turkeys, 1 pair ......... 1 Aylesbury Ducks, 1 pair l Ducks, any breed ......... 1 Dorkins, 1 pair ........ . 1 Black Spanish, 1 pair ......... 1 Poland, 1 pair . ........ 1 Game, 1 pair ......... 1 Hamburg, 1 pair .. ....... 1 Lot of Poultry in one pen, owned by exhibitor ...... 2 Class 19.â€"â€"Diar_y Produce. Butter, 40 lbs. (prize presented by Mrs. John Holderness, Toronto -â€"-the butter obtaining the prize to be her property) ......... Butter, 6 lbs. ......... 5 4 3 Cheese, Diary, 12 lbs. or over 5 Cheese, Factory, 50 lbs. each or over, (1st prize pre- sented by J as. Park,l<lsq. Toronto) .., ...... 10 Cheese, Stilton, 12 lbs. each, or under ......... 4 Home made Bread, 2 loaves . 3 Honey in Comb, 6 lbs........ 1 Honey, Strained, 6 lbs. 1 Catsup ......... 1 Sample of Preserves ......... l Jar of Pickles ......... l Tares do . . 1 White Beans, l peck ......... 1 Indian Corn, ‘24 ears ......... 1 Barrel of Flour 2 1 do Cornmeal ......... 2 1 do Pot and Pearl ...... 2 1 Class Zlâ€"Roota, Field Culture. Potatoes, IA} bushels ......... 1 Manggl rWurzeVl, Long Red or Ho 2 Small Cauliflower, 3 heads Cabbage. do Red Cabbage do Vegetable Oyster Onions, Red, I peck ‘Yellow, 1‘2 roots‘ ......... 1 Mangel Wurzel,Globe, 12 r’ts l Parsnips, 12 roots ......... 1 Beets, Common, 12 roots.... I Turnips, Swede, do l Carrots, White, do . l do Long Orange, 12 r’ts 1 Class 22.â€"-Hortiaultural Produce. Pumpkins, g Mammoth ...... l WWWM‘WWM‘ O O G O O O O N" O do White orYellow,1 p'k Celery, 3 roots ....;.... Tomatoes, 12 ........ Citrons, 3 > ......... Water Melons, 3 ......... Musk Melons, 3 . ........ Apples, _Fall, for cqokiug, 12 ‘- ldo I table us}; 12 Apples,Winter, for cooking, 12 do table use, 12 12 varieties of Apples, 6 of each and named ......... Largest and best asorlment of Boar, large breed Sow, do Boar, Pig 1870 Sow, do Boar, small breed Sow, do Boar, Pig 1870 Sow, do Crab Afiples, E peck Pears, E11], 1 A do Winter, 12 ......... Peaches, 20 ......... Plums, 20 ......... Grapes, Blagk, 3 clusters . Pair Fat Weathers do Ewes db ' White, do Variety Garden Vegetables . Bouquet ......... 24 Dahlias, and_na_med (pre- Rap, 2 shears do' 1 do ........ 6 Ram Lamb ......... Two Ewes, 2 shears, having raised'Lambs in'1870.: Two Ewes, 1 shear ......... Two Ewe Lambs ......... do 1 do Rafi] Lamb r ......... Two Ewes, 2 shears, having raised Lambs in 1870... Two Ewes. 1 shear ..... Two Ewe Lambs ..... .... RaIn, sheprs Class l3.â€"â€"Cotcwold Sheep. Rayn, 2 shegrs \ 3 do. I do Ram Lamb Two Ewe§,_2 sheays, haying raisedVLambs ih'1870.: 3 . Two Ewes, 1 shear . ........ I‘wo Ewe Lanlbs Class 14.â€"Hampshire and Shropshire Sheep. MOD do' 1 do Ram Lamb Two E_we_s,-2 glean-8, having raised'lambs in 1870 .1 Two Ewes, 1 shear ....... .. Two Ewe Lambs . ........ Ragn, 2 shears Applgs, 3‘of ea_ch, named sented by J. Carter}: Clan 12.â€"â€"Leicestcf Sheep. Class 15.~â€"Souchdo wn. Class 16.â€"-Fat Sheep. glass 18.â€"-Poultry. Class 1 7 .â€" Swine. 000000000 0 fi%§%§%%%§, a n n a n o c o n 1 o o a . u a . o u u . n . . c . . . . pâ€"poyâ€"Aâ€"p-ty‘.‘ $3 $2 $1 $20 do Flannel Shirt Crochet Work u wwwwwwwwwwwwwwmâ€"W - Sofa. Pillow Berlin Wool Flowers do Mats do Raised Leather Work Rustic Work Hair Flowers Paper Flowers _Feather Flowers ‘Specimon Bead Work [Farmer’s Wreath .Wax Flowers 0 , Wax Shells 0 '. Wax Fruit ‘Fancy Basket 0 : Quilts in grochet OOOGOOOOOOOOOOO ornamental Neddle Wor'ir': German Raised Work u... n... n... II.- u... ...o c.- .-.. ... .'. .. .. .. .. u .. .- .. .c u. .g .o. do Coarse, 1 pair ...... 1 Men’s Gaiters, 1 pair 1 Ladies’ Gaiters, 1 pair ...... 1 Harness, Team, 1 set 5 do Carriage, double 5 do Single, 1 set ...... 4 Saddle, Bridle & Martingale. 3 i g i 3 3 2 2 Class 26.â€" Woolen Manufactures. Fanncl, home-made, 10 yds... 2 do factory-made,10yds... 2 Full Cloth, home-made, 10 yds. hand loom ...... 2 Full Cloth, factory-made, 10 yds. 2 Sample of Tweeds, 10 yds. in each piece . ..... 3 Blankets, 1 pair, homemade. 2 Sample of Tailors’ Work . 3 Wooleri Carpet, Woven, 10 1 1 1 1 NH& yds. Gent’s Plaids Pair Horse Blankets Stockings, 1 pair Socks, 1 pair Wool Mitts, 1 pair Home-spun Yam, 1 lb FactOI y Yam, 1 lb Coverlet, woven Bed Comforter Leather, Sole, 2 sides ...... do Harness, 2 sides do Upper, 2 sides do Carriage top, 2 sides do Kip, 2 skins ...... do Calf. 6 skins ...... Boots, Calf, Sewed, 1 pair Claw 27.-â€"-Ladies’ Department. Lady’s Dress 2 1 Child’s Dress ...... 1 Lady’s Underc'othing ...... 2 1 Lady’sBonnet,Canadian straw 1 Straw Hat, Canadian straw . 1 Embroiéery i»n s_il_k U ...... 1 do _ in Muslin Specimen Braiding in silk do do in worsted Knitting, fancy. in cotton do do thread Cotton Stockings, knitted. . . . Netting ...... Tatting ..... . Gentleman’s Fine Shirt ...... - do Knitting do Silk do Piece Work Rag Carpet ...... Hearth Rug Specimgn Plait} Sewing-M;- chine work Specimen Fancy Sewing Ma- chine work Sewing Machine at work Class 28.â€"Fine Arts. Collection of Photographs and Ambrotypes m... cutting logs ......... 5 3 0 Assortment Draining Tools. 2 1 0 Grass-seed Sower 2 l 0 Draining Machine ......... 6 4 0 Half dozen steel Spades ...... 2 l 0 do Forks ....... 2 l 0 do Hoes........ 2 l 0 Farm Wheelbarrow ......... 1 a;- 0 Class 24â€"Carn'ages and Cutters. 2-horse Covered Carriage, double seated ...... 8 5 0 1-horse Covered Carriage single seated .. 6 4 0 2-horse Open Carriage, double seated ...... 6 4 0 1-horse Open Carriage, single seated ...... 6 4 0 Cutter, for one or more horses 3 2 0 Class 25.â€"â€"Leather and Leather Manu- facturcs. ‘ do Scuflier ......... Seed Grain 'Drill ......... Horse Hay Rake ......... Turnip Slicer ......... Horse.Hay Fork ......... Straw Cutter .. ....... Cheese Vat ......... Cheese Press ......... Churn ......... Washing Machine ......... Fanning Mill . ........ Cider Mill ......... Grain Crusher ......... Sawing Machine, for Cross- do Double Mouldbbard do Subsoil . ....... . do Cast Beam . . ....... Gang Plough ....... .. Cultivator, Wood or Item... Hag-row, Lmn r ....... .. d0 V W01 Land Roller Tufnip Prill rator ......... Double Wagon, Wooden Axle Spring Market Wagon . .. Horse Cart ......... Plough, Iron ......... do wrought. iron Beam. Wood handles. do Double Mouldboard do Subsoil . ....... . do Cast Beam .. ....... Clan 23.â€"Farm Implements.» Reapirpg 8'11}! Iqowing Machine Combined ...... Reapiug Machine ....... . Mowing Machine ......... CIOVer Cleaning Machine . Threshing Machine and Sepa- 00000000000000 121.21.212121421515121‘23 3 2 2 11111111115543 u . . u . o LOI‘SGS 8 5 6 4 6 4 6 4 3 2 OOOQO $8 $6 $0 Harsh judgment, rough words, small but frequent acts of selfishness and injus- tice, sometimes quite poison the heart that promised to be healthy, and curse the start that promised to be blessed. There are families that possess every earthly comfort, health, money and 0c» cupation, but are miserable from the jealousy and quarrelling that prevail with in them. There are married couples who live in daily sorrow, not because they are in want, but because each think the other unkind, arbitrary, and inconsider- ate. Young people sometimes marry with their eyes shut; and thus, instead of' being mated with angels, as they fool- ishly imagine they might be, they find out afterwards that they are only men and women, with the common work-a- day weaknesses and faults of‘ their res- pective sex. This sham love easily gets soured, and then each rcproaehcs the other for not fulfilling the sentimental prospects with which they entered into the marriage state. Take any of the re- lationships of life, and we should find that the greater part of our sorrows comes from the same cause. Get any- one to tell you honestly what gives him the most annoyance and disquietude and he will tell you they come from want of kindness, sympathy, and fellow-feeling. He could tell you that he would bear other things if he only met with more consideration,support and encouragement from the people with whom he has to do. If the Crown Prince of Prussia enters Paris with his army, as he now threatens to dc, it will be the third time since the; opening of the century that a foreign army will be seen in the streets of the French capital. But Parisl though often menaced, has not been frequently taken. In 451 it was threatened by Atilla and his Huns, but the dreadful slaughter of Chalenssur-Marne and the interposition of St. Genevieve saved it. It was again threatened in 732 by the Saracens but was again saved by the great victory won at Tours by Charles Martel, when the tide of Mahommedan conquest from the south was forever stayed by the complete destruction of the infidel host and the death of its leader, Abdel Rahman. In 418 Paris was ravaged by the Northmen; and attacked by the same restless foe une successfully in 815, 855 and 885. In the last named year they were defeated by Count Eudes and Bishop Goslin after having beseiged the city thirteen months. It was occupied by the English in 1418, who retained possession till 1436, Henry IV, having been crowned there King of England and France in 1422. On the 30th of March, 1814 the allies entered Paris; and in the following year, after Waterloo, they again entered it, this time without opposition. It is a little sing- ular that the English or the Prussians have led each successful foreign attack on the French capital during a period of a thousand years. THERE was, many years ago, 2. Lazy Man's Society organized in a certain town. One of the articles required that no man belong~ ing to the society should ever be in a hurry. Should he violate this article, he must stand treat to the other members. Now, it hapâ€" pened, on a time, that the village doctor was seen driving post-haste through the streets to visit a patient. The members of the so~ ciety saw him, and chuckled over the idea ofa treat; and, on his return, reminded him of his fast driving and violation of the rules. “Not at all,"1 said the doctor. “ The truth is, my horse was determined to go, and I felt too lazy to stop him.” They didn’t catch him that time. Son So.u>.â€"-“ Oh, dear! Mr. F., you jest when you say my baby is the handsomest you ever saw; you must be soft-soaping.”-â€" “Well, madam, I think it needed soup of some kind," The Great Cause of Unhappiness do hand made...... Set of Venetian Blinds ...... Sample of Tin Ware ...... do Draining Tile ...... do Pottery ...... Pumps of Wood ...... Bee Hive ...... Farm or School Bell ...... Cooking Stove , ..... Parlor Stove ...... Sample of Castings ...... 2 Bunches of Shingles ...... Lady Equestrian accom- panied by a gentleman, to appear both days...$12 Piano Melodeon Bureau ' ...... Sofa, Hair Cloth , . Chairs, 6 Hairy-19101211 ‘t‘hfi. Centre ,Table Dining Table ...... Panel. Door, factqry mgde Photograph in Oil or Indian Ink, large size .‘ ..... Ornamental Penmanship ...... Oil painting, Amateur,animals do do portrait do do any subject Water Colors, Animals ...... do Flowers ...... do Landscapes. do Portrait ...... Pencil, Crayon, colored do drawing ...... do portrait ...... Case of Stuffed Birds and Animals ...... WHOLE N 0. 637‘ The Way to Paris Class 29.~â€"Misgllaneous.

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