Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Sep 1870, p. 3

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Apprentice Wanted. THE YORK HERALD, WANTED IMMEDIATELY. AS AN Apprentice to the Printing Bussiness. a strong active boy of fair education. Apply 5;. at the HERALD Office. Tenders Wanted. EALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived by the undersigned Commissioners, till two o'clock. P.M.. on Thursday, Sept. 29, 1870. for the purpose of CUTTING DOWN A HILL THEY HAVE JUST ARRIVED 1 Tan Have Lose BEEN Looxnn FOR. On the Town Line between Markham and BE SURE YOU SEE THEM! Whitchurch. between the second and third concessions. The rate per yard for which the work will be performed, and not the entire amount for the work, is to be specified by those who tender. PHILIP MACKLEM. JNO. McCAGUE. FRED. PAGE. Commissioners. Markham. Sept. 22. 1870. 636 THEY ARE A SUPERB LOT. I have spared neither pains no.‘ trouble to have IF YOU WANT ANY TINWARE GO TO WILTSHIRE. THE LARGEST! IF YOU WANT ANY REPAIRS DONE GO TO VS’ILTSHIRE. r IF YOU WANT EAVEâ€"TROUGHS From 10 cts per foot, go to WILTSHIRE. IF YOU WANT A GOOD rL A T R o o F Covered with zinc on the Improved French System, go to W ILTSHIRE. IF YOU WANT STOVE PIPES From 15 cts per length, go to WILTSHIRE, -r r N s M 1 'r H , Richmond Hill. September 6, 1870. 6344f THE BEST, AND CONSEQUENTLY THIS CHEAPEST STOCK 0F BOOTS AND SHOES Ever ofered on Richmond Hill. They have been purchased from the leading manufacturers in Quebec. Montreal and Toronto. TlIEY CANNOT BE BEAT. BE SURE YOU SEE THEM AT W. H. MYERS’ THE TEA CHEST, Upon Mature Reflection, finds that he has been making a Big Simpleton of himself for the last Two Weeks, by giving 20 CENTS PER 1b FOR BUETTR, And that it can’t Honestly be done, for he finds it a difiicult job to Buy the Child a New Frock when he has been GIVING 20 CTS. PER lb For Butter and SELLING IT AT 17 CTS. PER lb, So that he intends in future to give a fair and honest price for it and give Goool and Just Value in Goods. He has no intention of offering GOODS AT LESS THAN COST, Nor does he intend to offer 40 POUNDS OF SUGAR FOR $100 on WHISKEY @ 50 01‘s PER GAL. But will give as much Sugar as any other man.and as good Whis- key as can be bought in the Province. for the money. Good Tangle Leg @ 80 cent per gallon; a splendid harvest whiskey @ $1 per gal. (one drum of which is equal to two extra men); 'and the “ Raal ould slrtuli itsirf” for $1'20 per gallon; he will make a still greater reduction to persons buy- ing 5 gallons and over. As he intends going out of the Hardware trade Clreap'Boot and Shoe Establishment. he is 05.6mm SPECIAL Richmond Hill. Sept. 1, 1870. 629-1)’ IND UOEMENTS' IN HARVEST TOOLS RAKES INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. VVILSONS, IMPROVED From 5 cts. lo 15 cts. each. as good as can be bought in the market. D O U B L E A C '1‘ I 0 N vTIIREEâ€"PRONG FORKS The Commissioners appointed for the con- struction of the lutercolonial Railway give Pub- lic Notice that they are prepared to recerve Tenders for the three remaining Sections of I, the Line. all in the Province of New Brunswrck. N N I N G L L Section No. 21 will begin at the Easterly end of Section No. 20, one and three quarter miles East of the River Miramichi and will extend to Station No. 1640, three thousand feet Wes- terly from the River Kouchibouguacis. a dis- tance of about 25 miles. From 60 cents upwards: and other goods in proportion. He also intends, in future. to devote THESE MILLS HAVE himself entirtely to the Section No. ‘22 will extend from the Easter- . . i R . . lv end olSectron No. 21 to Station No 1L0 at Stood the test of Competzmon ! the crossing of the River Buotoache. a distance of about 25 miles. Grooery, Liquor, Flour d” Feed BUSINESS. Section No. 23 will extend from the Easterly end of Section No 2‘2 to the European and North American Railway. at Morrcton Station, a distance of about 22% miles. AT ALL THE Talking about Flour, “ My ons cience, ’ if he hasn’t got the Paovrncur. Exnral'rrous &. Coun'rv Farms, â€"â€" The Commissioners also give Public Notice that they are prepared to receive Tenders for Whenever Show and are pronounced by com. re-letting Section No. 10, the Contract for pate“, judgu- “ being the which has been annulled. BEST FLOUR 0N RICHMOND HILL 1 Section No. 15) is in the Province of New Brunswickand extends from the centre of the Chaplin Island Road. near the Court House at Newcastle. towards Bathurst, a distance of 20 miles in length. . You may call him Davy; he gets it . all the way from BEST FANNING MILL l Manufactured in Canada ; M 0 UN T A L B E R T TENDERS for Section No.10 wrll be made upon the'basis ofthe quantities specified in the origlnal Bill of Works for this Section : and in ‘ AT THE And. having recently lreen improved, the sub- drawing the New Contract, there will be de- ducted from the amount of the accepted Ten- ‘ der, a percentage sum equivalent to the per centage of the whole work which the Chief Engineer shall report to have been executed by scribers have every confidence in its superior merit. ____._- CELEBRATED VALLEY MILLS! Where they understand their business and use noteirrg but the the first Contractors. These Contracts to be completely finished The “bombers are now by the first day of July. 11:72. Plans and Profiles with Specifications and B E s T H l T E W H E A T 1 terms of contract will be exhibited at the offices , - of the Commissioners in Ottawa/Toronto. Que- bec, Rimouski. Dalhousie, Newcastle. Halifax and St John. on and after the 15th Septem- ber next. and Sealed Tenders addressed to the Commissioners of the Inter-colonial Railâ€" wav. and marked “ Tenders " will be received at their cities in Ottawa to six o’clock. P.M.. on Wednesday the 5th October next. Sureties fer the completion of the Contract will be required to sign the Tender. The names in full. occupation and address of each surety should the be given. A. WALSH. ED. B. CHANDLER. C. J. BRYDGES, A. W. McLELAN, Commissioners. -Manufacturing a large number of the above ; Just come and try a bag of it. and if it don’t make And having increased facilities for pre- paring the lumber, THE BEST DUMPLINGS You ever ate. just bring it back and he will. eat it himselfâ€"Bag and allâ€" for he is a hungry 'cuss’ PROMPTLY. any way. Farmers will consult their own interestifthey will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel confident thev will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. GOODS DELIVERED l Intercolonial Railway Commissioners' Ofiice, V - A. db W. WILSON. ‘ Ottawa. 15th August 1870. Richmond Hill,Aug. 27, 1869. 566-11 HURRAH FOR THE TEA GHEsT ! STATIONERY __ , r. FRENCH. or an. xrnus n The LEISURE HOUR, - . HERALD B00K STORY-v Sunday at Home for Sop-etflerald Book Store Richmond Hill, July 5. 1870. 685 RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1627. Wines and Liquors ._~_ OW ON HAND THE BEST ASSORT- MENT of THE Poaus'r Wruus AND quuons To be had North of Toronto, and at Toronto prices ,-â€"â€" Otard. Dupuy do Co.. Pinette,Castellon & Co.. Martell, Sazer'ac, De Forge & Son’s best French Brandles. Hunt’s Old Port Wine. Dud‘& Gordon’s Sherry Wine. . Kinnehan dz. Duuvrlle’s Irish Whiskey. Stewart dz. Co.. Hayes &. Co’s Whiskey. Walker do Thomas' Chippewa Old Rye Whiskey and Malt. (the best to be had in the neighborhood.) Booth dc Barclay's Old Tom Gin. ' Palm Tree. Dekuypers, ,Boll & Dunlop’s Holland Gin. ' Pure Jamaica and Deme‘rara Rum. St. Julian Claretarrd Choice Champagne. The above Liquors may be equalled. but not surpassed by any house in the trade. r Old Port Wine for Medicinal purposes. the finest imported, $5 per gallon, at G. A. BARNARD’S. _ Richmond Hill. Sign of the British Flag Staff, August 18. 1870. 631 HE EXCELSIOR PUMP, MANU- factured by P. Phillips. Richmond Hill. This PUMP rs EASIEST WORKED, Mos’r Duns- BLE AND NEA'rEs'r MADE in THE Domuron. It is so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all tight therefore pre- venting children from putting anything into it, The Subscriber would respectfully announce thathe is prepared .0 put in This Pump on Trial for One Illonth/ And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, 01' if they are not p'efe. red to any othey pump rein-Ned. ’I'hese Pumps are Shirblr) to all depths from Trustees’ Sale of Land. URSUANT TO 22m V I C T 0 RIA, Clra'rtvr 69, Consolrdatod Statutes of Up-~ per Canada. we the undersigned Trustees of- the Markham congregation of the society of ’I‘unkers. hereby give public notice that we wrll offer for sale by auction on Saturday, the 8th October next. on the premises, a certain quar- 161‘ acre Lot, on the North part of Lot number twenty-four in the third concession of the TOWIrship of Markham. together with the buildings thereon, recently 0 cupin by Mrs. Catharine Miller, Widow, of which the followrng, is a. description. that is to say ‘. "'I‘Irat parcel of land sttuate in the Township of Markham. ,r‘on'ainiuing one fourth ofan acre,in the rrorllr part of lot number twenty-four, in the third concession of the said Township. br.ted and bounded as follows : Commencing at thezdis; lance North evenly-four degrees East of twenty-five chains and“ fifty links from the North-west angle of the said lot on the north boundary line of said lot; than South nine degrees East one chain and twenty-five links : then South severrtyJour- degrees west two chains ; then north nine degrcr: west one charu and twenty-five links to the norl r boun- dary of said lot; then north seventy-four de- grees east two chains to the placeof beginning.” Terms : CASH. Sale at one o’clock. Mr. (Signed) JACOB HEISE. 7 . ,. PETER COBER. s “We” EDWARD qunmasos, Auctioneer, Markham, 7th September. 1870. 634 A Excelsior Thrasher. OR SALE ONE OF GLASGOW dz McPIrersou’s Excelsior Thrashers, com- plete. This machine has the Patent Double Cylinder and Patent Gear. PATTERSON & BRO. . AGrN'rs. Patterson. August 26, 1870. 632-tf Wanted. FIRST CLASS SERVANT GIRL, to whom the highestwages will be given. ltlrev may be rctu no.3, ar'd the money will be Enquire at the "York Herald ” Office. a cistern to a well of 150 feet. being Double-valved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the joints which is invariably the case the common Log Pump made by hand. Price: 355 above platform, and 40 cents per foot below. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6, complete for cistern not exceeding '8 feet. Churn Pumps for Cislerns $3 each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Addres_s,stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, August 9. 1870. 630-IY chnrnouo HILL. MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. SUPPLIED AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. ARRIVING DAILY, AT THE CENTRAL STORE. NEW' FALL GOODS. . I W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Sept. 14. 1870. 625 GAMES, TOYS, &c., FOR SALE fr 'rrru HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL POULTRY E X P R E S S ! Farmers and others wisbrng CASH for their butter and eggs can get it by’ calling at H. Chapman’s. one door south of G. A. Bernard’s Store, Richmond Hili, who also is conductor of THE Poum RY Exraass, And will either trade or pay cash for all he gets. August 18. 1870, 632-1y WM. ALLINGHAM, L.D.S. TORONTO- URGEON DENTIST, WILL "Mi .- yisit the following places, viz. : Maple. the. first Monday of each month. Richmond Hill, first Tuesday “ Thorrrhill. first \Vednesday “ Where he can be consulted on all branches of his profession. - ill Special attention paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. Parties will ire waited on at their own resi- dence. by writing to WM. ALLINGHAM, u n N 'r 1 er , No. 44 Gerrard Street, West. Toronto, September 1, 1870. 633 MARGACH, ANDERSON & co., [Formerly J. L. Mar‘gaclr] Wholesale and Retail nrnggrsrs, 44 King Street East, Toronto, FFERS FOR SALE A LARGE AND Va .‘iod Assortment of DR UGS, CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes . BRUSHES, ARTISTS’ MATERIAL. &c., 61.0., At Low Rate ' for Cash. ' C ‘,i \v‘re‘r you vi ". .u e c' ='. impact the refoc and h- "r . re 1' re ; we shall feel gr‘ea- su e‘rsbe'v" :0 " re e 50.1 pa'crase o. no . Sari». 1.....- anieed. Toronto,July 15,1869. 550-1y. FANCY Gr OODS FOR. SALE, CHEAP AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. Strayed ROM THE PREMISES OF THE SUB- sariber, Richmond Hill. on Monday. the 5th inst, five Pros, four white and one nearly so excepting a black spot. Any person giving information as to.their whereabouts will be suit- ably rewarded. _ JAS. LANGSTAFF. Richmond Hill. Sept. 15. 1870. 6354] POCKET CUTTLERY. , i "=2: ‘Li a!) olro it) '1. They are not so liable to get out of repair, I)OCKET BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT THE 7 HERALD BOOK STORE. Horses and Cattle. \â€" MILLER’S DERBY OIL 'Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for hearing FRESH CUTS OR OLD SORES. HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East Toront August 17. 1870 631- tf CAMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- DOW CUR AIN FIXTURES, For sale, Cheap. only ‘25 cts.,at the HERALD BOOK STORE. sonssosssssnsn 3' Ci. 1‘ VIC THE 173 W 7 CS.â€" WE to or: *r .r o f ,r :‘l LI. was with con .0 ‘f‘ ‘ N .'.-. rxi, e whole of the .' no 0‘ .r . e .0 we .r:' ;. Busi- ne 3 15927. r "u “ "3. Po 0 ‘3' of c'fire: 1:: e‘ t. r ’ ‘ 7 . 03:5 0 e on- devo their r \.,cro, re .9 . c 'u.‘ ‘ A: liovs F..‘u girls e, 2 1' i': r"; r:‘ Ir : mr‘ r. ' "not all who :"e_"‘:r‘ ' ‘r :":iie!‘05's,ard " . "e h ' ’l" tinted (rile? l‘o M or ' rurri. 'i'e will rPtttl 9.,l fo' , e . 0 Eric C 'r’ ' ' L.“ p. .Iculnrs, r v '1 ~r \: ‘.lTl"O'. f. |Killdoto corrrrrence wok r‘ r, 2 ’rr 3. t0 " o." '[Lc I’m-1112’s Literary Compan- o.‘ o "r o the! '~ V(l be Lfamily newspaper“ .‘Ir "edâ€"z I .'ee by mail. Reader. if_\'o ‘, we". “0 ‘-‘v.' "c ‘ _.:r o'iable work, address E. 0. ALL. .5. aCo.,/‘. A usla.Maine. HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS FOR SALE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. List of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Posthfice. Ist September, 1870: Anderson. George McNair Matthew Barbe. Karl ‘ Nicholson. William Bull. ’l‘. O’Hear'n, Mar-y Clark, Mary Ann Rushi‘ord. Mr. Cosgrove. Francis Richards, J, Campbell, John Rutherford, Robert Eyer Bro. Richards, Jesse Elliott. Mary A Stevenson, Joshua Giebner. Otto Simpson, James Gordan. Bella Suddaby. W. A. Hewgill. Lovelace Sullivan, Andrew Keffer, E. A. D. Stephens. John Keller. Henry B Thompson. Rev. G. H. Lackie. R J. Thir'sk. John Morrison, G, W. West. John Mills, R. Wilson, Mrs James McGill. Ann Jane Weir. P. McQuirr, Alex. Wood, Benjamin McBride. John Wylie, J. M. TEEFY,"P. M. ’ POETICAL _WORKS OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. BARNARD’S STORE REâ€"OPENEDI CHEAP'BOODS. G. A. Barnard has been appointed agent for the Sale of HIS LATE STOCK, Which has been bought at a bargain ; he will, therefore. FOR CASH! Ofier his cr‘storne's an advantage, by giving them Goors at Lower- Prices than ever. and hopes to h: :e a share of public patronage. He has assorted up (be Stock with a variety of new Goods. bought .‘0' Cash. at the Lowest Prices and will sell them at a small advance. The Stock will comprise a. general assortment of 'Dr‘y Goods. Groceries, Wines and Liquors of the finest and best brands. Paints, Oils. Glass. &c., with the best assortment of Shelf Hard- ware to be had in the neighborhood. Having many years experience in the buiness, he is confident he cannot be underbought and shall not be undersold by any House in the Trade. Being thankful to his friends and patrons ror their past favors, he hopes to merit a continu- ence of the same. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, June 23. 1870. 6234f The Best and Cheapest Assortment of COLLARS AND CUFFS Pocket Cutlery to be had in the County. A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York Herald Book Store. Richmond Hill. THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. Teas! Teasll Teas!!! .â€" EO. A. BARNARD HAS NOW ON hand a selection of CHOICE TEAS. In Young Hyson,Japan.Gunpowder. Souchong and Congo, which for Aroma. Strength or fine Flavor are not surpassed by any house in the Trade. Try my Young I'Iyson Tea at 50 and 60 cts per it, they are not excelled; and my 80 cent is acknowledged to be the best. Strongest and lir.est flavored i r the neighborhood. The Finest Black Tea, imported. at 80 and 00 cts per 117, unrivalled. Pure unadulterated ground West India Coffee, £25 cents per lb. Pure gr-oqrrd old government Java Coffee, 30 cents per h. A trial of the above is earnestly requested as he will guarantee they will give general satisâ€" faction. G. A. BA RNARD, Sign of the British Flag Staff. Richmond Hill, Aug. 10. 1870. 630-tf Wanted, V WW0 FIRST-CLASS SHOEMAKERSâ€" . . one for light and one for heavy work, apply immediately to ANDREW IRVINE. Maple. Found IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF HIGH morrd Hill, on Thursday morning, the let inst, a respectable sum of money. Tho owner is requested to describe properly and pay for ad- vertisement. Apply at the HERALD Office. Dye Stuffs ! E HAVE RECEIVED A. LARGE stock of all kinds of Dye Stufi's, of the very best possible description, which we are selling 20 per cent cheaper than any other house in Toronto. HUGH MILLER & GO. 167 King St. East. Toronto. August, 25, 1870. 632-tf. Farm for Sale. ___.. 10 ACRES OF EXCELLENT LAND, Forty-five acres cleared,well watered, well settled and good neighborhood. within three miles of the rising village of Parkhill Station. For further particulars apply to JOHN HARRISON. Parkhill P.O. August 18, 1870. 631â€"1m Machinery Oil. WNERS OF THRESHING MA- chines will do well to call and examine our stock of oils. The Cheapest and Best in the City. HUGH MILLER &. CO. 167 King St. East Toronto. August 17, 1870. 63l-tf For Sale ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT: 200 ACRES OF TIMBERED LAND. Composed of Lot No. 10, in the 14th conces- sion of the TOWNSHIP OF SOMBRA, COUNTY OF LAMBTON! Within 2; miles of the village of Wilksport. and 4 from St Clairâ€"either place being a good market for v. end. It is a corner lot with a good read on two sides of it, and situated in an old settled neighborhood. The Improvements consist of a comfortable log house. together with four or five acres cleared and free from stumps. Soil, clay loam ; with a never-failing stream of water running through the centre of it. The lot is well tirnbered and will make a first-class rnrm : and is well worthy the attention or any person wanting to secure a good home in a good locality. For paticulars enquire of .pIJOlIN B. HARRINGTON, Richmond Hill. July 7,1?70. cos-n Farm for Sale. SPLENDID WHEAT FARM F O R Sale. being part of lot No. 59, in the let Concession of the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, . Fronting on Yonge St', Containing 80 Acres, SEVENTY CLEARED, In a good state of cultivation. Tim‘rar land consists of splendid Pine and Hardwood In the vicinity. there is a church, and a saw- milr. and a school within a half mile. There is on the premises a good frame house, with stone cellar, kitchen and woodshed. new : large frame barn, two threshing floors, nearly new ; stable, sheds and root house : two never failing springs of water ; soft water oistern. and thriving orchard. 'l‘nnrns EASY. For further particulars apply to the owner on .10th BROWN. Vaughan, June 29, 1870. 624-5 the pternises. '. Important Notice. __ 1)ETER G. SAVAGE BEGS TO 'AN- nouucrr. to his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond Hill. that he has leased the premises lately occupied by MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. 0n Richmond Hill, and has opened with a complete stock of Groceries, ' Provisions, Paints, Oils; Vamishes, rc- re. The public will observe that he is in a posi- tion to Sell Goods at Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers. Inspection and Comparison are Invited. PETER. G. SAVAGE. Richmond Hill. Dec. 9, 1869. 5954!

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