THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1870. H gluing. Jannette. .â€" Like the sun that in the morning Gives sweet Nature joyous birth. With its glowing garb adorning All the new awakened earth: Sunbeams flashing. dancing, darting, Like a lustrous diamond shower, To the human heart imparting Joys that wield a mystic powerâ€" Giving gladness, mocking sadness, With its ever-radiant face. So she came, and all my sorrow Fled like clouds before the sun, While my spirit seemed to borrow Thoughts that wayward Fancy spun; Soon dispelling, all repelling, Clouds that hovered near my heart, Never to my bosom telling Words so mournful, “We. must part" Giving gladness, mocking sadness, With her over beauteous face. Like the sun, when evening rushes Madly at the heels of day, Sinking slow, ’mid roseate blushes, With his beautiful arrayâ€" Then from out our earthly prison Pleasure seems for ever hurled, When the sun, so lately risen, Wanders to another world‘â€" Giving sadness, mocking gladness, With the absence of its face. So she vanished from my vision, Leaving naught but gloom behind, Mocking, with its Wild derision, Pleasure fleeting as the windâ€"â€" Gone. like summer flowers that perish When the autumn wind is rifeâ€" Gone, yet still my soul will cherishâ€"â€" Gone to lead a happier life. Odds and Ends. â€" THE only industrious “loafers†are the bakers. THE man who tore his coat thinks rents are increasing. THE height of ingratitudeâ€"An artist cul- - ling his pencil. NECESSITY has no law, but an uncommon number of lawyers. " ONE bumper at parting,†as the drunk- ard said when he ran against the post. A coon MEDIUM FOR ADvEItTISINc.â€"Your wife, when you have cautioned her to hold her tongue. SOMEBODY says a wife should be like roast lambâ€"tender and nicely dressed. A bach- elor adds, “ But without any sauce.†A YANKEE editor down South, who served four days on a jury, says he’s so full of law that it is hard to keep from cheating some- body. WHAT is the difference between a lady’s chignon, and a man with one leg 7 One has the shin on (chiguon), and the other has the shin off. “ WHAT shall I do,†asked a miseily mil- lionaire of his physician, “for a tightness in my chest ?â€â€"“ Join some charitable institu- tien,†said the doctor. A CHICAGO music publisher has issued a song entitled, “Father will settle the bill.†All the young ladies in the city practise it at home as well as at the shops. A COUNTRY poet has commenced a new epic that begins well. It opens with an in- vocation to the nine Muses, bursting forth with these words, “Ye feminines 1†AN American editor was attacked by a man for some personal grievance. The edi- tor says: " to avoid injuring him, and to prevent him injuring us, we got out of the way.†A Chicago lad dropped one of her eye- brows the other ay in the church pew, and dreadfully frightened a young man sitting next to her, who thought it was his mous- tache. “ AvaESITv," says a Western preacher, it takes us up short and sits us down hard, and when it’s done with us we feel as con- tented as a boy that’s been spanked and set away to cool.†CARLYLE says, that a man who has been only a little educated, and then addled by conceit, is like an egg that has been but a little sat on by a hen and then deserted; it is spoilt for hatching, or for use. POETRY is the flower ofliterature; prose the corn, potatoes, and meat; satire is the 'aquafortis; wit is the spice and pepper: love- letters the honey and sugar; and letters con- taining remittances the apple-dumplings. A STRANGER in London inquired of a po liceman for the residence of a Mr. Bailey. “ What Bailey 7†asked the ofï¬cer. " I don’t. know his ï¬rst name; but it is Bailey senior.†The policeman showed him to the Old Bailey. A PROVIDENCE policeman asked a drunken Ethiop whom he could scarcely see in the dim light of a station-house cell, “Are on colored 7†“Colored, no; dis yere c ile born so." A young woman was recently seen sitting beneath the shade of a large maple tree on Broadstreet, Philadelphia, soliciting alias, with the following placard fastened around her neck: “Blind for ï¬fty years, and the father of eight small children.†HUMANITY or THE PROVOST-MARSHAL.â€" The Paris correspondent of a contemporary learns that “ great precautions will be exer- cised toward strangers hanging about the army.†One, we suppose. will be the pre- caution of giving them plenty of rope. “Bachelors,†says Josh Billings, “are always a braggin’ of their freedpm; Free- dom to darn their own stockings, and poultis their Oivn shins l I had rather be a widower once in two years, reglar, than low be a grunting, old, hair-dyed bachelor only 90 days. AN IRISHMAN fell in love with a young lady, but she, instead of reciprocating his af- fections, fell in love with another man, and married him, which caused Pat to exclaim, in the fulness of his heart, “Ochl would that ye had been born twins, so that I could have had half of youl" NORTHCOTE, the artist, whose intellectual powers were equal to his professional talent, and who thought it much easier for a man to be his superior than his equal, being once asked by Sir William Knighton what he thought of the Prince Regent, replied, “I am not acquainted with him.â€â€"“ Why, his Royal Highness says he knows you.â€â€" “Knows mel Pooh! That’s all his brag 1†Too MUCH LIGHT.â€"-When Daniel Webster and his brother Ezekiel were together they often had disputes; and on one occasion, after they had retired to bed, they entered into a squabble about a certain passage of one of‘their school-books. and having risen to examine the authorities in their posses- sion, they set the bed-clothes on ï¬re, and nearly bur ned their father’s house. On being guestioned next morning respecting the acci- , ent, Daniel remarked that “they were in pursuit of light, but got more than they wanted." SEWING MACHINE ! FULL INSTRUFIHONS GRATIS. Ma. C. CHAPMAN, terested parties that the Wheeler do Wilson â€"â€"â€"_'â€"_â€" Sewing Machine was not to be depended upon, which for a time induced me to deter purchasing one. After your description of said machines. 1 purchased one, and Mrs. ancett, who is well acquainted with other machins, states that after a year’s trial in various kinds of work, she can conï¬dently recommend it as II useful family sewing machine, and as all that 'ou stated it to be. M. FAWC 'l'T. great variety. NOISE LESS MOVE MEINT, GREAT SPEED. WHEELER 8: WILSON ~¢_. Gold Medal. Paris Exposition, 187 0; 82 Competitors. EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. TESTIMONIALS. Dear Sir,â€"I had been informed by in- lesloyan Minister. Markham March 181b, 1870. Ma. C. CHAPMAN. Dear Sir,-â€"We have used the Wheeler dz Wilson Sewing Machine about nine years, and during that time it has cost nothing for repairs. Wo sew heavy fulled cloth with coarse linen thread. stronger than can be done by hand: while all ï¬ne stitching on light fabrics gives the host satisfaction. We can with conï¬dence re- commend the Wheelsr and Wilson Sewing Machine as the best for family use. SAMUEL REESOR. Cedar Grove, March 18. 1870. REFERENCES Kindly permitted to : Mrs. James Newton, jun., Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. Clarke, Miss White. Mrs. William Harding. Miss Russell. Mrs. Alex Marsh, Miss Sanderson, Mrs. Jos. Keï¬'or. Mrs. D. Heise. Mrs. Henry Lever. HEINTZMAN 6‘ COMPANY’S CELEBRATE!) PIANO - FORTES! These Instruments are made with a full Ille- tallic l‘ramo,aro all overslrung. and are manu- factured by the best workmen. under the super- tendence of Mr. Helntzmnn. who has had up- wards of thirtv years experience in the business. All instruments are furnished with the Ar- giaï¬'e Aar, and are distinguished for their singing qualty, volume. and purity of tone. elastic. even touch, durabilin of construction. and beauty ot finish. Piano Covers (Rubber) and Music Stools in A FULL ASSORTIIN'I' OI ORGANS & MELODEONS, From the Establishments of R S. WILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, AND OTHER CELEBRA'I‘ED MAKERS- TUNING AND REPAIRING ATTENDED To. The above instruments are all fully warranted, and sold at manufacturer’s prizes. Perfect satis- faction guaradteed in every case. Circulars post free. LAMB'S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE, CALL AND SEE IT. C. C HAPMAN. ACE". J une 15, i870. Markham. lLLUSTRATED PAPERS, Including the Canadian Illustrated News. Har- per’s Weekly, Frank Leslie’s illustrated, and The Chimney Corner. at the Herald Book Store. W. MILLICHAMP, ELECTRO AND CLOSE SILVER PLATER No. 80 Queen Street West, TORONTO, ONTARIO. All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting Knives. Forks,Spoons, Cruits, &c., &c.. &e.. Silver Plated in the [legit-EILFQIBMMLto, wear any length "oTï¬me. Also manufacture; of Show Cases, Metal fective. as! ose tests by which Gold is known Sash Ba;- ror Store fronts, &c,. impor,†of from the base metals. and which will enable French and English Show Cases, Glass, &c. &c, Toronto. April 7. 1870. 612.†PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION executed at the Herald Oï¬ice. RECENTLY ADDED, A N0. 2 GORDON Card Press. to the Herald Book and Job Printing Establishment. IN NEATNESS THE HERALD PRINT is without a rival. NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS, QUICKNESS three characteristics of the Herald Oflice. THE BEST PRINTING INKS ARE used at the Herald OtIico. N ADDITION TO OUR. NEW PRESS New Type has also been added. made use of at the Herald Ofï¬ce. NONE BUT THE BEST MATERIALS I l GORDON’S N0. 2 CARD PRESS (USED at the Herald Oflico ' f 0 th Hall Works,0shswo. ) Is I m e Jowph CHINESE GARDEN POWDER CURRANT BUSHES & GARDEN PLANTS CHINESE GARDEN POWDER! Money, Labor and Disappointment ! and at the HERALD Book Store. SCHOOL REQUISITES Can be had at the Post-ofï¬ce, for 10 CENT wuss. DII‘I‘ROY! ALL KINDS 0" Insects, Grubs and Caterpillars, 0!! ALL KINDS OF HAVE A PACKAGE 0!’ THE In readiness for those destructive parasites. * and you will save Prepared only by HUGH MILLER, 55 Co.. MEDICAL HALL. 167 King Street East, Toronto. iii For Sale by Slorekeepors & Seedsmen. or All. KINDS. AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. Gold Wanted! HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PRAC- TICAL experience of ever 20 years in the WOOLEN MANUFACTURING Business. having leased the LAWRENCE CARDING MILL, And ï¬lled up the Machinery in excellent or- der. Is prepared to do CARDIN G, F ULLIN G, SHEARING, Pressing. Coloring, &c., in THE VERY BEST STYLE l Piucss As UsUAL. JAS. COPELAND. P. S.â€"All kinds of Woolen Machinery ï¬tted up in ï¬rst'class order. Terms moderate. Richmond Hill. April 28, 1870. 615-tf Money to Lend. $120 Mortgage. __â€". T0 LEND, FOR A TERM of years, on a satisfactory Apply to GEO. B. NICOL, Barrister. Richmond Hill. Nov. 25. 1869. 593-tf MONEY TO LEND. ONEY TO LEND ON GOOD FARM Security, in Sums to suit applicants. Apply to DUGGAN &. MEYERS, Attorneys, Court St. Toronto. April 1, 1869. 55 ‘-3m LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RICHMOND HILL HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS ferrod their Library to the HERALD Book Store. where Stockholders and others may droeure Books every Friday afternoon. A. SCOTT, Librarian. MPORTANT T0 PARTIES USING MACHINERY. srocx’s EXTRA MACHINE OIL. This oil excells all others for Lubricating purposes. both animal and vegetable. We are prepared to have the merits of this oil tested against all oils now being used on machineryâ€"both light or heavy; from a clock or sewing machine. to the heaviest of Steam- boat shafts. The following are the point! in which it ex- cells all other oils : - ltwill not gum . hence machinery can be kept clean with but little trouble,snd it will clean machinery that has been gunimed by other oils. It will not conng or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the highest importance. from the fact that an oil not having this quality will not lubricate a cold shaft. such an oil may be applied in a heated stale ; but the moment it touches a cold shaft it is congealed. and it will not begin to lubricate until the journal. by friction, acquires that temperature necessary to reduce it to a liquid state. In acquiring a higher temperature by friction. the journal expands. and the box is in- jured. It is as impossible to use oil that will chill on a cold shaft without this result, as it is to mingle oil with water. Stockes‘ oil will lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied ; it is now used in over two hundred establishments. and all units in saying the pre- fer it to Reï¬ned Sperm, or pure olive oil : it is free from all objections urged against all other oilas it neither gums or freezes. Now, as the public are aware that many worthless things are posed into notolloty, in order to prove that this is no humbug, and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oilagents,; many of whom will not hesitate to palm 03' the more offal of oil reï¬neries, as being identical with Stocks extra machine oil : we propose to those who are largely interested in Iho truth of those statements, to send to them on applica- tion by express, or otherwise rs of charge. a sample Oftho oil that it may speak for itself, we will withgtheAsam le furnish applicants remï¬w. with a ow simple tests as of- parties ordering to secure themselves against imposition. by enabling them to determine at once, whether the oil forwarded is as good as sample. All parties interested in the lubicnt- ing oil trade, before purchasing elsewhere Will do well to communicate with G. B. STOCK, Agent for the Dominion. Brougham, Ontario. H. Sanderson 61. Sons Agent, Richmond Hill. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. THE MORNING PAPERS 0F TORONTO I Telegraph ’ Globe, Leader, Apply to M. TEEFY. , Richmond Hill. May 14, 1869. 564â€"“. “EDI-5.520 CI'IVHEIH [III-III- II-V SIOIIIC W IIIVEIIN {ENOCI BNI-I-NIHcI 8:01? W ENGLISH LIST OF NEWSPAPERS and Magazine supplied by Alex. Scott, " Your: HERALD" Oï¬ice. Richmond Hill, AN! PUBLICATION ll I-HIs‘LIsT MAILED To Suascsissns WITH PnomrrNEss. MONTHLlES. Athenteum..... ...... Artisan...... Per y’r. Pr No. AlltheYearRound.............300 25 ....375 33 .. 375 33 Annals of Natural History. .. 9 50 SU Argosy(The)..................o 200 :7 Army List...................... 575 .10 Art Journal .................... 950 ‘30 Astronomical Register . . . . . ...... 3 75 33 Aunt Judy’s Magazine........... 2 00 17 BeauMonde(Lo)............... 375 33 Belgravia [inclu. Christmas num] 400 33 Bentley’s Miscellany............. 9 50 80 Bible Christian's Msgazino....... 1 30 13 Bible 'l‘reasury.............. ‘ 10 10 Burgeon’s short. sermons......... 200 17 Boy'sJournnl................... 200 17 Boy‘s own Mngazine............. 200 17 BritishFriend...................200 l7 BowBoll's...................... 95 20 Boys of Lngland................ 00 ‘7 Broadway, 'I‘he................. 75 Blackwood (Edinburghed). . . . . . . Builder, The [price varies] . Bond Street ............ Boy’s Book of Romance . . . . . . . . . Cass ll's Biographical Dictionary. . Cassell's Magazine. . . .... . . . ..- - Chamber’s Journal. . .. . . . .... . . . Chamber’s EtAmologica! Dictonary Chess-Player‘s Magazine. . . . . . . . . Chess World..........----...... Children’s Hour Christian Advocate and Review... Christian Consoler. . . . . . . . . . . - . . adv gmué 5 Christian Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Christian World Magazine . ...... Christian Work ........ ..-.....o Churchmau Magazine, The . . . . . . Ch. of England Temperance Mag. Church of the People. . . .. . . . . . . . Church Choirmuster and Organist. 1 10 Church Missionary Intelligencer . ., 2 00 ChurchWork........... ....... 110 Churchman’s Companion. . . . . . 2 75 Churchman’s Family Mogazin . . 3 50 Civil Engineer and Architect's Jour 7 50 Colonial Church Chronicle. . . . . .. L’ 75 Contemporary Review . . . . . . . . . .. 9 ()0 Coruliill Magazine. . . . . .. . . . . .. . 3 50 Cutters (The) M0 Journal. . . . . . . 3 00 Dayof Rest .............. 200 Dublin University Magazine . . . . . . 9 00 East Anglian................... 3 25 Ecclesiatic and Theologiau. . . .. . . 3 75 Ecclesiologist (alt. 1030-). . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Eclectic dz. Congregational Review 3 75 Edinburgh 'Vledical&Surgica| Jam 7 50 English Presbyterian Messenger. . . I 10 English Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 Englishman’s (The) Magazine. . . . 3 75 Englisliwoman’s Domestic Mag . . 3 75 Entomologist 200 Eutomslogist’s Monthly Magazine 2 00 Evangelical Christendom. . . . .. . . . 2 00 wâ€"wmwâ€"nuuww~uuwwmwwwmmwmm ~o~uuc c sessaeeoumsc â€"--l¢ OOCJ‘C Evangelical Magazine ... ...... 275 EererHaII.......... 375 FamilyFriend......... .......200 Family Treasurv................ 200 Family Herald.................. 200 Farmer’s Magazine.............. 7 50 Floral Magaziiio..... ........... 950 Flora!World..........-......... 200 Florist and Pomologist . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Follet (Le)..................... 575 Fortnightly Review (mo)........ 75') Fraser’s Magaxine . ..... u... . . . 9 50 Freeniason’s Magazine. Friend......................... 200 Gardener . . . . . . 200 Gents Magazine of Fashion 4 00 950 5 75 Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . . . . . .. . Geological Magazine . . . . . .. . . . .. Geological A: Nat. Hist. Repertory. 0 75 Good Stories.................... “0 GoodWords . . . . . ............... 175 Goon VVot'ds for the Young. ...... 1 75 Gospel lllaoazme . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Herald and Geologist,(a!t. month) 475 Homilist... . . . . . ...............325 Horological Journal. . . . . . . .. .. . .. l 10 l‘lustrated London Magazine . . . . . 3 75 Intellectual Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Intellectual Repository (New Ch.) 2 00 Journal of Agriculture. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Journal oftlie Chemical Society . . 3 75 Journal of Practical Medicine. . . . . 3 75 Journal of Social Science. . . . . .. . 5 75 Kitlo’s Bible Illustrations. . . . . . .. . Ladics' Cabinet of Fashion. . . . . . . Ladies’ Companion. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion†. . . . . Ladies’ Treasury . .......... Leisure Hour................... London .‘ournal. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . London Societv.. . ........ . . . ... London and Paris Fashions. . . . . . . (a: 4 0| Merry and Wise ................ Methodist Magazine . . . . . . . . . . - . - Missing Link Magazine . . . . . . . .. . Mission Life.................... Monthly Packet................. Museum and Journal of Education 2 00 Musical 'l‘imes.................. 0 50 Naturalist.......................110 New Monthly Magazine . ..13 00 1 New Mon. Mag. for S. S. Teachers l 25 Queen Week................... 325 Our own Fire Side .............. ‘2 00 Peoples Magazine ... .... ...... .. 2 00 Pharmaceutical Journal.. . . . . . ... 3 75 Philosophical Magazine ......, . . . 9 50 Phonogrsphic Reporter. . . .... . . . . 0 75 Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 PostOï¬iee Director.............. 3 75 PoultryBook.................... 3 75 Practical Mechanics' Journal . . . . 3 75 Primitive Methodist Magazine 2 00 Prophetic'l‘imes l 75 Pulpit Analyst .................. 2 00 Quiver (The)................... 2 00 ~‘lâ€"‘lhfl9IOeCOKlQ-l wash-Coâ€"wtpcewrawwuww ND MCGUIQU‘GMCGOUIUIMM Remembrancer . . . . . ............. 110 Reynold’s Miscellany . . . . . ... . . . 2 00 Robinliood . . . . . ...-...... .... 200 Routledge’s Magazine for Boys . . . 2 00 St. James’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Scientiï¬c Review . ............ .. 2 00 Scottish Congregationalist. .. . . l 25 Sharpe's London Magazine. 3 75 Shorthand Magazine. . . . . . . . 2 00 Sixponny Magazine . . . . . . . .. .. . . . 2 00 Sooneror Later................. 375 SpirtualMagazine. ....... . ..... . . 2 00 Sunday Reader . ... .. . ...... . .. 2 00" Sunday School Teachers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 Sunday Magazine............ 2 00 Sunday at Home ................ 200 St. Paul’s Magazine . . ....... , ... 3 75 Scottish Journal. . . . .. . .... . . Technologist. . . . . TempleBar....... .... ..375 Tinsley's Magazine. . . . ... . . . . . . . 3 75 Townsend’s Costumes. . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Traill’s Illustrated Joephus . . . . . . 3 75 Truthseeker.......... . . . . . 110 Union Review [alt. month]. . . . . . . 3 75 United Methodist Free Church Mag 2 00 United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . l 25 Veterinarian .................... 5 75 Victoria Magazine. . . . . .. . ... . . .. 3 75 Watchword ................ .. 110 West End Gazette of Fashions. . . . 3 75 World ofFaShion ............... 3 75 Young Englishwoman . . . ... . . . . 2 00 Young Apprentice.. . . . .. . . . 2 00 Young Ladies Journal... . .. . . .. . 3 25 Young Englishman's Magazine. . . . 2 00 Young Men of Great Britain . . . . 2 00 Zoologist.............. ......... 3 75 5o 33 l7 l7 17 20 17 33 33 10 ‘25 30 33 33 33 65 10 30 33 33 17 l7 17 17 33 17 17 17 65 80 17 33 50 65 80 17 l7 17 33 80 50 07 10 l7 l7 17 80 30 10 33 50 17 33 33 33 50 33 33 33 33 20 17 17 30 33 80 33 Ill 33 10 I7 33 17 06 10 lb 13 30 17 17 33 80 08 80 33 33 33 I7 15 l7 17 10 17 17 17 33 l7 13 33 l7 17 33 17 17 I7 17 I7 33 17 33 33 33 55 33 10 60 l7 I3 50 33 10 33 33 I7 17 30 17 17 33 Add 25 cents to above for postage when or- dating- ‘3," Can supply any Magazine published not on above list. Parties wishing Magazines. dtc. bound volumes will receive prompt attention. in “ Yerk Herald" Cheap Book and Job, Print- ing Establishment. ALEX- SCOTT- HOUSE FURN ISHIN G 53 Yonge St. 3 doors shove King Sl. Toronto. Beg to call the attention of the public to h extensive stock of House Furnishing Goods, among which will be found ESTABLISHMENT, HIRAM PIPER PLATED AND BRITTANNIA TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware! Also a large stock of TABLE CUTTLERY, SPOONS, &c. ..â€" Special attention is directed to his Lamps If: Chandeliers; the stock of which is very large, embracing all that is New and Chastemnd also the Plain- est and Cheapest; thus meeting the require- ments of 1! classes. LAMP GLOBES. uUItNERs. CHIMNEYI, SHADES AND WICKS. Lanterns, Square 5' Globe Shape in great variety. for oil or candles. H. P. would also direct Special attention to the stock of ROCK AND MACHINERY OIL! WHICH WILL BE FOUND Also Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Benzole, the. the. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES l And Perambulators manufactured, Wholesale and Retail, STOVESI Cooking Stoves. Parlor Stoves. Box Stoves, I)umb Stoves, and Stove Pipes. Grain Moa- sures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringers, &c. Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. *,,* Intending buyers are invited to inspect the stock, as it will be found worthy of inspec- tion. Toronto, February 7. 1868. 493 CONCERTINAS, WITH SELF ISNSTRUC'I‘OR, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND WATEltSPOUTS FOR THE DO- MINION, at $6 per IOO leet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Pails. Cider Mills. Washing Machines. Shingles Waggon Felloes, and Lumber Sawed to order. For particulirs address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills,ThornlIill Thornhill. Nov.3. 1869. Temperance Works. LOOK â€" If you want get the publications of the SCOTTISH 'I‘EMPERANCE LEAGUE. HE RE. A FULL Surru of thoseintercsting and well-written Works. which wil be disposed of at a Low Rate. CATALOGUE all application at the HERALD BOOK STORE For Sale. FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. Vizâ€"Farm of 133 acres, situated in the Township of Vaughan. on Yonge Street, about 12 miles north of Toronto. on which there is a commodious house, ham. 2 stables, sheds, an orchard. about 23 acres pine and hardwood tim- ber mixed; well watered. Farm in the Township of Adelaide. fronting on the Egremont Gravei Road, of 200 acres, 70 acres cleared and free from slumps; on the premise there is a good house, burn, stable. &.c. There is a spring close lo the house. and a spring creek runs across the lot. The un- cleared part is well timbercd with hardwood. situated about 3 miles from Korwood Station, and 7 miles from Strnthrov. Soulll halves of lots Nos. 1-2 and 13, let Con. Township of Mass. 200 acres. situate about 1;. miles from Newbury. where cordwood brings a good price. and it is well timbered with hardwood. Also farms slid wilds in various other counties. Apply (if by letter, prepaid) to J. N. BLAKE. Barrister, rise. No.64 Church St. opposite St. James’ Cathe. drsl, Toronto. October 27. 18h9 588-tf MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. For Sale. LIGHT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGON, with pole and shafts ; strong and nearly now. Also a sulky. Apply to. D. E. DLAKE Thomhill. April 14, 1870. 613-tl‘ JEWELRY ! ' JEWELRY! For Sale cheap, at the HERALD Otlics. BICE’S PUMPS FOR SALE BY J. BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill.Juno ll.'68. 517-tf ALBUMS! ALBUMS! .1] _ CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE ‘ HERALD EOOK sroas. BOTH GOOD AND CHEAP. , W. H. CANNON, L.D.S., ENTIST, (LATE ASSIST- AN’I‘ to Dr. Elliot, Dentist, QTGI‘OHMJ respectfully announces that he will visit the following places,(Sun- days excepted). where he will attend to Don- tistry in all its branches : King....................lst of each month. is Richmond Hill...........5th " Newmarket........ ......llllh '- Aurora..................l5th " Teeth inserted in the moat Improved Styles, on Gold. Silver, Vulcanized Rubber. and Al- luminum Base. METAL GOODS OF ALL KINDS Teeth ï¬lled in such a manner as to preserve them from further decay. Teeth extracted with the least possible pain, and especial attention paid to the regulation of children's teeth. Charges Moderate, and work warranted to give satisfaction. All letters addressed to Aurora will receive prompt attention. Aurora, May 25. 1370. 619-1y Lovell’s Directories. T IS INTENDED TO MAKE THESE DIRECTORIES the most complete and correct ever issued on this continent. They are not being prepared by correspondence, but by PERSON AL CANVAss from door to door, of my own Agent, for the requisite in- formation. 1 have now engaged on the work i in the several Provinces Forty men and Twen- ty horses. These are engaged mainly on the towns and villages of the Railway and Steam- boat Routes, important places on the lines be- ing held till the completion of the former. to admit of correction to latest date. I anticipate issueing. in October next. the Canadian Dominion Directory, and six Pro- vincial Directories, which will prove a correct and full index to the Dominion of Canada. Newfoundland. and Prince Edward lsland and a combined Gazetteer, Directory and Hand Book of the six Provinces. SUBSCRIPTION T0 DOMINION DlRECTORY .' Dominion of Canada Subscribers,. . $12 Cy. United States do . _ . . 12 Gold. Great Britain and Ireland do . . £3 Stg. France. Germany, &c. do . . £3 Sig. SUBSCRIPTION T0 PBOVINCIAL DIRECTORIES : Province of Ontario Directory, 1870-71 334 00 Province of Quebec Directory. 1870-71 4 00 Province of Nova Scotia Dir.. 1870-71 3 00 Province of New Brunswick Dir. 1870-71 3 ()0 Province of Newfoundland Dir. 1870-71 200 Province of Prince Ed. Is. Dir. 1870-71 9 00 No Money to be pm'd until elicit book is dcliocrcll. Rates ofAdvertiSing will be made known on application to JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16. 1870. 610-6 HE NEW CANADIAN NATIONAL Series of School Books. Authorised by the EDI-incl! of Public [n- struction for Ontario. FIRSTBoox,witli 31 illustrations,strongljboun in limp clothâ€"5 cents. FIRST BOOK, (second part) with 54illustrations, strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND Boox, with 56 illustrations. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 cents. 'l‘HInD Book, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"30 cents. FOURTH Book. 45 illustrations.strongly bound, in cloth hoardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH BOOK, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth hoardsâ€" 50 cents. COMPANION 10 THE READERS-25 cents. Po: sale a. re HERALD BOOK STORE. -m -.Y,,;._-r ’1 THOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker, Ate. RESIDENCE.â€"-Near|yoppositethe Post Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. J. H. SANDERSON, E T E BINARY SURGEON, GRA- duate of ".0 o o Vetorinarv College, Corner ol Yonge a'Iu Centre St. East. Rich- mond Bill, be} O r '.-0. Inc .0 the publicthat he is now . i "1 wI.h H. SANDIcnsoN. of the same 0, w e 0 they may be consulting ed pea-so. -I' o by le.ler, on all diseases 0 Horses. C 1e. &c.’ MED'e-NES or Ever ' DESCRIPTION for Horses and Caltle always on L . 'a: such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial. 'I‘o.r'c, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. The Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleyialing many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokenwind or Heaves in Herses Colic, Draughts. Liniments for Sore Threats, Sprains. Curb. Spavin. Ring-bone. dze. Blist- ering Ointments, also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for wounds, Bruises, Saddle Gulls, Infallible Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. All orders from a distance promptlyattended to_. and medicine: sent to any part of the Pro- vmce. Horses examined as to soundness, also bought and Sold on commission. Richmond Hill. Apri123, 1868. 510 LOVELL’S DOMINION &. PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES To be Published in. Caliber, 1870. O T I C E.-â€"-LEARNING THAT MY name has been unwarrantably used in connection with Directories now being can- vassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works. and that in other cases it has been stated that my Directories have been a- bandoned, I would request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that per- sons representing themselves as acting for me are furnished with satisfactory credentials. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16. 1870. 610-6 MALLOY’S AXES FOR SALE 3' DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20. 2nd con. Markham To Controversialists. HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND. ' ENCE between T. J, M., the Rev. JOHN BREDIN and others, (in the York HERALn during the months of July. August and Sep.’ temher, [868). is neatly printed in pamphlet form. and worth a perusal. PRICE 15 CENTS. For sale at the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill; BANNER Oï¬ico, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store. Markham Wesleyan Book Room, A. S. Irving’s and M., Showsa’s, Toronto.