s .F‘ALL AND WINTER GOODS! NEW AND CHEAP. GEORGE A. BARNARD Has now on hand HURRAH FOR 1870. AUTUMN, 1870. 1870.» 1870. NEW FALL GOODS "‘W I. FRENCH, _ , A COMPLETE STOCK A large Assortment of Seasonable Goods AT THE NEW FALL GOODS; FIRE PROOF STORE! DAY BE SEEN AT SIGN OF Which he has selected with care AND BOUGHT FOR CASH. Customers may rely on' getting THE TEA CHEST, The Central Store! JUST RECEIVED I GOODS CHEAPER A SPLENDID ASBDRTMENT 0F Than usually sold on Richmond Hill‘. and Particular Attention has been given to securing Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. As Cheap as can be bought in ~ _ Ontario ; FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! I LARGE LINES IN OF THE Comprising in part of a nice selection of FANCY DRESS GOODS DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. CANADIAN In 1413:: camleteenst I. THE STOCK INCLUDES TWEEDS’ ot Serges, _ Figured Alpachas, Full Cloth 5‘ Canadian T weeds FLANNELS, French Merinos and . I A , ° 7 _ I Clan Tartan all wool Plaids. Impml“ “"1 Du!" in NWJWHI‘WQH mm Shmmg' BLANKET§5 ’ †H ' W ’ Flannels Blanket . .. ’ S’ FACTORIES Splendid Wrrceys, from l2§ cts per yd.; P L A I D s A N D - Black Lustres and Cobourgs. from 10 etc. ' per )‘d- ; Good all wool Scarlet Flannels. from 25 cts. per yd. ; Lancashire, Welsh and Saxony While Flaunels ; Blue. Grey. Checked and Fancy Flannel Shirtng and Winceys; Home made and Canton Flannels and Lin- sey. Splendid Value; A large lot of pretty Prints in Hoyle’s and Maddbrs. from 10 cts. per yd., WINES AND LIQUORS, DRESS GOODS ! DRESSGOODS! IMPORTâ€"ELI) GOODS DRESS GOODS 1 Of Every Description, including In erdless variety, a large Stock of FANCY _VVOOL GOODS In Hoods. GROCE RIES, W tnceys, Sln'rtings, Dress Goods, reakrast Shawls. 6m. 6w. . Prtnts, Cottons, RUGS. CARPETS. S ' A . . m T COLOURS’ PROVISIONS’ BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, 026 (m (26 Factory and Bleached Cottons, from 10 etc. ' Bought in the Beat Market and will per yd. ; Hollands. Counterpanes be sold at [he Checked and Striped Cotton Shirting. from p 18 cts. per yd., Nor EXCELLED IN VALUE; L A C E S O F A L 1" Kl N D S Canadian and English Blankets. all sizes. LOUR AND IACECURTMNS ' ,Variuus Qualities and Prices ; F 4 ’ [Men's Wincey and Flannel FEED, F R E N C H M E R I N O S SHIRTS IN GREAT VARIETY ; A LAan AESUR’TMENT or Men’s Lamb's Wool Under Shirts and Drawers. IN ALI. COLOURS FROM 90 ms. EACH ; Blue and Brown Denims (best SoltAmericau Cotton) ; Men’s. Women’s and Children’s Wool Gloves in Great Variety ; With the Best Assortment of Fancy Silk dc Woolen T ies, Paper Collars, Fronts d Muï¬lers In all Prices and Colors. GROCERIES, .&°.&c.&c. _ . HARDWARE. Prents in Endless Varety ! ' l ' TABLE DAMASKS, Kept Constantly on Hand. GOODS DELIVERED 1 Large Ranges of Lustres ISAAC CROSBY. 585 Hosiery, Gloves, Hats and Caps for the Million, WWW“ “m’ 5"“ 22* '869' I. FRENCH. AND READY MADE CLOTHING! In Coats, Pants, Vests. Sac. To 31-: HAD IN THE Narcnnonnoool Strayed OM THE PREIVIISES OF THE SUB- soriber, Richmond Hill. on Monday. the 5th inst. ï¬ve PIGS. four white and one nearly so excepting it black spot. Any per on giving information as to their whereabouts will be suit- ably rewarded. JAS. LANG-STAFF, M.l).. Richmond HillI Sept. 15. 1870 635-3 Heavy Tahle Damasks, the Cheapest ever oferell on Rte/"norm Hill ,- R .4 Men’s. Youth ’s and Boy-‘s Hats and Caps Richmond Hill, Oct. 6.1870. 535 AS USUAL THE OF THE NEWEST STYLES! MILLINERY DEPARTMENT In Felt. Wool, Cloth and Plush. VERY CHEAP ! MEN’S CLOTHING l A large assortment unequalled in value; last season’s Stock will be sold at Takes the lead of the 'own. Also a full supply of FRESH. GROCERIES l HARDWARE. CROCKERY, IF YOU WANT ANY TINWARE" 00 1'0 W. ATKINSON, Richmond Hill. 637 "TVILSONS’ IMPROVED Fnon 10 To 20 ran CENT UNDER Cosrl WILTSHI It E. , . in ii 29. la"), Splendid Tweed Vests, from $1 each ; sen “ )er 1 Men’s Fine Cloth Coats, from $4 each 3 Heavy Doeskin and Tweed Coats, from $4 10 $6 each : Men’s Over Coats. from $350 each. DOUBLE ACTION Apprentice Wanted. IF YOU WANT ANY REPAIRS FA'NNING MILL! ANTED IMMEDIATELY. AS AN Having too large a stock’ of 1’0†6° To . . . . Apprentice to the Printing Bussmess, C L O T H I N G I VVILTSHIRE- a strong active boy of fair education. Apply at the HERALD ()flice. I purpose Selling them at a great Sacriï¬ce; Full Cloth and Canadian all Wool Tweeds, THESE MILLS HAVE a good assortment : Also Ribbed and Plain Doeskin and Cassi- mere. M3ltou,l’1lotand all Wool Beavers; With a General Assortment of Heavy Staple ’and Funny Dry Good (I?) Small Wares. POETICAL WORKS OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE 1F YOU WANT EAVETEOUGHS From 10 cts per foot, go to VVlLTSHIRE. HERALD BOOK STORE. Stood the test of Competition! Tenders Wanted. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- k ceivod by the undersigned Commissioners, till two o'clock. P M . on l'hursday, Sept. 29, M7â€. for the purpose of CUTTING DOWN A HILL 0n the 'l‘own Line between Markham and Whitchurch. between the second and third concessions The rate per yard for which the work will be perfonned, and not the entire amount for the work. is lo be speciï¬ed by those who tender. PHILIP MACKLEM. JXO. MCCAITUE. . FRED. PAGE, Markham. Sept. 2‘3, “$70. I AT ALL THE G E R M A N w 0 0 L G 0 O D S PROVINCIAL EXHIBITIONS &- COUNTY FAIRS, IN GREAT VA IIIERY. IF YOU WANT A GOOD FLAT ROOF Whenever shown and are pronounced by C-JI’I) potent juugt s as being the In Ties. Mufllvrs, Capes. Breakfast Shawls. ‘Sontags. Lad-es' and Children’s Clouds| . _ Covered With me on the Improved French System, go to WILTSHIRE VERY, VERY CHEAP! BEST FANN IN (ll MILL 1 With a General Assortment of FINE FRESH GROCERIESI In Teas lam not excelled for Strength or Fine Flavor ; Commissioners 636 Manufactured in Canada ; IF YOU WANT STOVE PIPES From lb cts per length, go to WILTSHIRE, 'l' I N S M I 'l' H , . Richmond um. 334-u' And. having recently been tmprov. d. the Sub- scrib'era have everv conï¬dence or us superior merit. IN, BLACK TEAS STATIONERY OF A“: KINDS AT THE I keep as usual the Best in the Neighborhood HERALD Boer: STORE. Fine Fresh Ground COFFEES AND Palm: CHEWING & SMOKING TonAccos. ,. iSipIEmber 6. 1870- The Subcribers are now Wines and Liquors. â€" 0w 0N HAND THEEEST ASSORT- Mus'r of THE I’UREsr WINES AND LIQUORS To be had North of I‘oronto, and at Toronto prices .â€" Otard. Dupuy & Co.. I’iuette,Castellon & Co . Martell. Sezerac, De Forge 8L Son’s best French Brandies. ' Hltllt’r Old Port Wine. Dufl'de Gordon’s Sherry Wine. Kinnehau do Dunrille’s Irish Whiskey. SteWurt dz. Co.. Hayes &. Co’s Whiskey. ._ . . Walker dz. 'l‘homas‘ Chippawa Old Rye HIS 55°“ Pl'al’nred' openlo “’1‘â€an um" “"3 Whiskey and Mali; (the best to be had in the . nei bborhood. 15TH OCTOBER: 1870; Ignoth & Ba)rclay’s Old Tom Gin. Palm 'l'ree. Dekuypers. Boll & Dunlop’s Holland Gin. Pure Jamaica and Demerara Rum. ‘ 51- Julia" Claret alld Ch°ic° Chï¬nll’agne- Farmerswillcousulttheirowu interestifthey The above Liquors may he equalled‘ 1""- “0t will examine our Mill before buviug elsewhere. 5“ Passed b." 3"." “N‘s†i“ the "ade' as we feel conï¬dalt thev will be satisï¬ed our Old POT"- Wil‘e for Madml‘ml Purposas- the Machines are not surpassed if equalled. ï¬nest imported, $5 per gallon. at G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill. ‘ Sign of the British Flag Staï¬', August 18. 1870. 63] JlIanufacturtng a large number 1N WINES '& LIQUORS! of the at... ,. I may be Equalled. But Not Emcelled in Quality! By an house in the trade. a ' Insolvent Act'of 1869. ._â€" IN THE MATTER OF GEO. A. BAR. NARI). AN INSOLVENT. And having increased facilities for pre- paring the lumber. _.__â€" A SECOND DIVIDEND SHEET ~â€" CAN SUPPLY ALLORDERS I. am now doing business on the READY MONEY PRINCIPLE. PROMPTLY. And am determined Not to be UndeI’sold in Prices ! After which Dividend wll be paid. .IOH‘N KIRK. ASSIGNEE Toronto. September 29.1187). 637-2 CUTTING GOODS VERY FINE FOR CASH! A. & W. WILSON. Ploughs. ON HAND, "ALL STYLES or P L O U G Hi I J’ Please call and examine mv Stock and Prices you Will then judge for yourselves and see Richmond Hill, Aug. 27, 1869. that 566-tf i This is No Empty Boast I G. A. BARNARD. JOB PRINTING sum“: A") Dom,“ FURROW Done Neat and Quick attbe Herald Ofï¬ce. WN RENNJE. :Egliflgton, Ont. LEISURE HOUR, September I), 1870. l. ; 6364: Sunday at Home for Sepgat Herald Book Store iFANCY GOODS FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE » HERALD BOOK STORE. Sign of the British Flag Staï¬} thuuonn HILL. 63866 October 6, 1870. THEY HAVE JUST ARRIVED! THEY HAVE Lose BEEN LOOKED Foe. V BE SURE YOU SEE THEM ! THEY ARE A SUPERB LOT. I have spared neither pains no: trouble to have THE LARGEST l THE BEST, 0 AND CONSEQUENTI.Y THE CHEAPEST STOCK 0F Eoer ofered on Richmond Hill. They have been purchased from the leading manufacturers in Quebec, Montreal and Toronto. THEY CANNOT BE BEAT. BE SURE YOU SEE ‘I'HEM AT W. H. MYERS’ Cheap Boot and ‘ehoe Establishment. Richmond Hill. Sept 1, 1870. 6‘29-ly PUMP, MANU "WEE EXCELSIOR 1â€" featured by P. t‘hillips, Richmond Hill. 1 THIS PUMP ls EASIEST 'v'voimmi, b’los'r Dunk. BLE AND NEA'I‘ES’.‘ l‘rIAIIll th‘ 'l'llE Domains. . I: is so constructed With the cow? of tin- handle as to make it all light Inmrrn-e pm venting children tron puifinl: anything into ii, The Subsm'iborwould res n=ctl'till\' nunouncc . I | . that be Is propa-ed to pm In This Pump on Trial for One Illonth! . And if accepted VVARRANTLD TVVU YEARS, 01- if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and the money wil' be refunded. These Pumps are suitabl - to all depths from a cistern to a well of I50 feet 'I‘hev are not so liable to get out of repair. being Dotible-valved‘and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at .the j=.lhls WlllCh is invalihhly the 0.150 the common L09; t’nmp made I“ hand. Piirze: $5 above platl'o.m, and 4t! couts per foot bniow. Also mnnul‘unturr‘s a pumu for ('lQM‘VIs' aml mallow wells. I’Iicu .31.â€). '50itl,‘tlk‘t8 [or caster" not exceeding H trot. =Tlmrn l‘umps Inr (“Morn = $1} each \"vllwliggiug d Inn on the Shortest Notiro. Addiersuiiating depth of well. v I’. PHILLIPS, August. 9. 1‘7â€. (BLT-Iv thermos“ HILL. AGAZIN PAPERS, Ste. SUI’I‘LH U AT 'IIIE HERALD BOOK STORE. GAMES, TOYS, &c., FOR SALE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. MARGACH. ANDERSON & co., ~ [Formerly J. L. Margach] Wholesale and ,Retail Draggists, 44 King Street East. Toronto, FFERS FOR SALE A LARGE Varied Assortment of DR UG S. CHEMICA LS. Paints, BRUSHES, ARTISTS’ MATERIAL. &c.. &c.. At Low Rates for Cash. Call when you visit the ‘citv. inspect the stock and learn the price; we shall feel plea- sure in showing goods whether you purchase or not. Satisfaction] Guaranteed. Toronto. July 15, 1869. 550â€"‘ly POCKET CUTTLERY. The Best and Cheapest Aesortment Pocket Cutlerr to be had in the County. Herald Book Store. Richmond Hill; RICHMOND HILL POULTRIZ AND Oils, Varnishes ! 0 _ A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s. and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York TIuSteeS’ Sale Of Land" Teas Teas ! l Teas I, GEO. A. BARNARD HAS NOW on†hand a selection of CIâ€"IOICE TEAS, In Young Hyson,Japau,Gunpowder. Souchong' and Congo, which for Aroma. Strength or ï¬ne Flavor are not surpassed by any house in the Trade. Try my Young Ilyseu Tea at 50 and 60 etc per lb. they are not excelled; and my 80 cent is acknowledged to be the best. Strongest and‘ ï¬nest flavored i.1 the neighborhood. The Finest Black Tea, imported. at b‘li and fill cts per lb, unrivalled. l’ure unadulterated ground West India Coffoo. 25 cents per lb- Pure' ground old government Java Coffee, 30 Cents per 1b. 1 A trial of the above is earnestly requested art he will guarantee they will give general sntis-' faction. , G. A. BARNARD, I Sign of the British Flag Stafl‘s’ Richmond Hill, Aug. 10. 1670. 6304f URSUANT T0 22M) V I C T O RIA, Chopin r 69, Coneolidated Statutes of Up- per Canada. we the undersigned Trustees of the Markham congregation of the society of 'I‘uukers. hereby give. publl': notice that we Wlll otl'er for sale by auction on Sutmday, the 8th October next, on the promises. a Curtain quar- ter acre Lot, on the North pal't of Lot number twenty-four in the third concession of the Township of Markham, together with the buildings thereon, recently coupled by Mrs. Catharine llillcr. widow, of which the followmg is a description. that is to My ‘. “ 'l'hat paroe of land sztuate in the Touuship of Markham. ..out.'-.ininiIig one fourth ot'an aI-re,in theuorlh part of lot number twenty-four, in the third concession of the said Township. bolted and bounded as follows : Cormnonciual at the dis» lance North soreutpfuur (i-‘Q‘lt‘l of twenty-ï¬ve chains and ï¬[-._\' huks from the North-West angle of the said lot on the north boundary line of said lot; IlIt-n South nine degrees East one I train and twenty-live llllk> : thou South seventy-four degrees west two chains : then north nine degrees meet one chain and twmnyvï¬vo links to the north boun- dary of snnl lot : then north soventy- four de- grees east two chains to the place of beginning.†'t'erms : CASH. So u at one o’clock. EM. (Signed) J \(10 ll iiEISE. I I’El'lflti CUBlCll.§ EDWARD SANIIEnsoN, Auctioneer. Markham, 7th September. 1570. (534 l Wanted, r W0 FIRST CLASS SHOEMAKERS~ one for light and one for heavy work, apply immediately to ' ANDREW IRVINE. Maple: Trustees. WM. ALLIN-TEIEIAM, L.D.S. TOROhTO. URGEON DENTIST, \VILLV ' ’ ' yisit the following places, viz. : Maple. the ï¬rst Monday of each month. Richmond Hill, first Tuesday " Tboruhill, ï¬rst W: dnosday Where he can be consulted on all branches of his profession. ill Special attention paid to the preservhtion of the natural teeth. Parties will he waited on at their own resi‘ deuce. by writing to WM. ALLINGHAM, n E N r I s 'r , No. 44 Gerrard Street, West. Toronto, September I, 1870. 633 Found IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF RICE- moud Hill, on Thursday morning, the let inst, a respectable sum of money. ’l‘ho owner is rcthsled to describe properly and pay for ad- vertisement. Applv at the HERALD Oflice. Dye Stuffs l ' E HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE' stock of all kinds of Dye Stuffs, of the very best possible description, which we are selling 20 per cent~cbeaper than any other house in Toronto. HUGH MILLER &. 00. L67 King St. East. 'I'oronto‘.’ August, 25, 1 (0. 632-tf. ‘ EXPRESS! Farm for Sale. Farmers and others wishing CASH for their bulter and eggs can get it by calling at ll. ACRES OF EXCELLENT LAND‘ Chapman’s, one door south of G . A. liarnard’s 10 }.'onv,ï¬ve acres cleared we“ watered, Store, Richmond Hill, who also is conductor of we“ gamed aim ,Eood neighbo,.iw°d_ with“: Tun POULTRY Exruass, three miles of the rising village of Parkhill And will either trade or pay cash for all he gets. Slat'oâ€; . AMLM 18 187“ (“2-H For lurther particulars apply to b ' ’ " ' ' JOHN HARRISON. _" I’arkhill I’.O’. 631-1m August 18. 1870. Excelsior Thrasher. E‘OR SALE ONE OF GLASGOW & . Mol‘he son's Excelsior Thrashers, com- plrte. This machine has the Patent Double Cylinder and Pn'cnt Gear. PATTERSON & 13110., Aomrs. 6324f Machinery Oil. WNERS OF TIIRESHING MA- chines will do well to call and examine our stock of oils. The Cheapest and Best in the City. IIUGH MILLER Se CO. A 167 King St. East Toronto.. August 17, 1870. 631-tf I Patterson, August 26, 1870. wanted. L FIRST CLASS SERVANT GIRL, ' to whom the highest wages will‘be given. " Yorl. lleraid †Ofï¬ce. n Enquire at the . For Sale ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENTT IBOCKET BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT THE HERA LD BOOK STORE. 200 ACRES 0F TIMBERED LAND. Composed of Lot No. 10, in the 14th. conces-‘ sion of _ the TOWNSHIP or SOMBRA‘, COUNTY 01" MAMBTON !' Within 2} miles of the village of Wilksport. and 4 from St Clairâ€"either place being a good market for wood. It is a corner lot with a good road on two sides of it, and situated in an old‘ settled neighborhood. The Improvements consist of a comfortable log house. together with four or ï¬ve acres cleared and free from stumps. Soil. clay loam ; with a never-failing stream' of water .lunning through the centre of it. The lot is well timbered and will make a ï¬rst-class farm ; and is well worthy the attention or any person wanting to secure a good home in a' good locality. For paliculars enquire of JOHN B. HARRINGTON, Richmond Hill,- 625-tt’ Horses and Cattle. c u»...â€" ‘s,:ILLE rs DERBY 01L ‘4: [.4 r ,. :I <1 m. went I 'cr'nl discovery in chemistry ‘ ‘ ..{tig ETTS FRESH C 0R OLD SORES. HUGH Jl'iil.l.lilt C7). 9‘ l! 7 King St. East Toront August 1.“. L310 631- tf AMPBELI.’S I‘A'I‘EN'J,‘ DOW CURI AIN FIXTURES. MAGIC WIN- C For sale, Cheap. only 25 ms. .nt the July 7, [3.70. BEHALD B 101: s’rORE. EEEEEEEEEEEEE 0 THE Ivan-KING CLASSâ€"'WE are now pmpnrm‘l l!) furnish all classes with cmmmtemp nplncnt at lII‘HIts. the whole v-l' éllu nine or for the spare moments. liusi- Iww new hrg‘if and prufiahle. Persons of Farm for Sale. PLENDID WHEAT FARM F O Sale. being part of lot No . 59, in the Concession of the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, V E. Milâ€. -.-: .‘i mst t Min. to pox-even. ‘ _ _ 13.12:: 'uml n p u v.\-; ivii'l‘l- 'lllll ll\'l{(1i‘vn|-IIIL;IIII.0:II “Will‘s 0“ Yonge St: \\ mu- Hme lu m,- Muslin/rs. t)\‘s flllt gifts . . ‘ cairn homh us tltltllll as Inun. That all who contallllllg 8 0 Acres, no: .;.:_ =§io° may send iboiraddruss, and lost the busiuns'a. we make this unparalleled ofl‘er: 'l‘o such as am not wl-ll -’:'LISI‘I8d, we will scnu ï¬ll for the trouble of writing. Full particulars. a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a cop). of The Poop-M’s Literary Companionâ€"one 0 lbs largest and best family nouspztpurs publislwl «all sent free bv mail. Render. ifvou want permanent, 'proï¬able work, address E. C. ALLEN &. Co.,Augusta.Maino SEVENTY CLEARED, to a good state of cultivation. Tim'ver lar†consists of ~p‘lemlid Pine and Hardwu In the vicihity, there is a church. and a saw r mill. and a school within a half mile. ’l'here is on thepremise: a good frame how." I» with stone cellar. kitchen and woodshed. nev. large frame born, two threshng floors, near uew 2 stable. sheds and root house ; two 110' failing springs of water ; soft water cistern. an. thriving orchard. 'l‘mlms EASY. For further particulars apply to the owner the ptemises. V p - JOHN BROWN. Vaughan. June 29, 1870.‘ 624-5 HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS FOR SALE AT THE _ HEuALD BOOK STORE. ABNARD’S STORE RIGâ€"OPENED! GOODS. .1 CHEAP G. A. Barnard has been appointed agent. for the Sade of HIS LATE STOCK, IVhich has been bought at a bargain : be will, therefore. p, F O R ‘ C A S H Ofler his customers an advantage, by giving them Goods at Lowe: Prices than ever. and hopes to have a share of pullic patronage. He has assorted up the Stock with nvarietv of new Goods. bought for(‘u.l1'. at the Loweét Prices and Will Sell thorn at a small advance. The Groceries Stock will comprise a general assortment of ’ Important N otice‘ I)ETER G. SAVAGE BEGS To A'-I NOUNCE to his friends, and the publlt the vicinity of Richmond Hill. that he i: leased the premises lately occupied by MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. On Richmond Hill, and has opened with v complete stock of Dry Ghods. Groceries, Wines and Liquors of Provisions, the ï¬nest and best brands. l’aints, Oils. Glass. . &c.. with the best assortment of Shelf Ilard- Pamts, were to be had in the neighborhood. Having mauvyears experience in the business, he is conï¬dent he cannot be Underbought and shall not he undersold by nor House in the Trade. lining thankful to his friends and patrons [or thei- past favors. he hopes to merit a continu- Iuce of [l e same. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, June 23, 187U, 6234f Oils, Varnishes, The public will observe that he is in a 1- tion to Sell Goods at Prices that will not fr satisfy all consumers. f COLLARS AND CUFFS J Inspection and Comparison are Invi: THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. PETER G. SAVAGE. _ Richmond an. Decz9,l869. ' see-II $11 a, .