Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Oct 1870, p. 1

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A . i VOL. XII, NO. 21. Otis limit filtralh‘ IS i’UirLIsHi-zn EVERY FitiDAY MORNING, BY ALEXANDER SCOTT, RICHMOND HILL, And dispatched to subscribersby the earlies . muilsn r otlrornonv rancenvhenso desired. The Youu lit-:itAm) will always be found to containtholatost and most importantForeign rind t’roviircial Nows and i‘iItirkets,and the greatest care will be taken to i'onderit ac- ceptatiloto the man ol'business.and a valu- able Family Newspaper. TiflRMS:â€"â€"One Dollar perannum, iN Al)- vnNcE; if notnaid within Two Montlrs.0ne Dollar and Fil'ty cents wiilbo charged. All‘ottci's addressed to the Editor illllsibei post-paid. No paper discontinued until all arrest-ages. are puid: and nartiesrel‘using papers without paying up, wiiibe held accountable for the subscription, RATES "OF ADVEi’t', ISING. Six inns and n ndcr, first. tisertion. . . .$(lO 5“ Each subsequent insertion.... .... .... 00 ill Ton tiirosaiitl under, lirstinsertion. . .. 00 75 Each subsequentinsertion.. . . . . . . . . . .. (JO ‘20 Above tenlinos, tirstinsortion, perlino. ()0 07 Each snbsequentinsertion. per litre. . . . 00 02 One Column per twelve months. . . ... . 50001 iiali‘ a column do do . . . . . . . 30 00 Quarter ot'a column poi-twelve months. 20 00 One colitmii poi six months . . . . . , , , , . 4000 lizili'ucolnnin ilo ...... 25 00 Quarter ot'a column porsix months. . . . 1801) A card 01' ten lines, For otie year. . . . . . 4 00‘ A card ol'lil'toon lines. do . .. 5 25 A curdoi"twontylines. do . . . . . . . 650 . llTAdvortisoinentswitlrontwritten directions rrrsortod till tor-bid. and charged accordingly Ali'idvertisemonts published for aless period nan one month, must be paid l'or in advance. All.rensitoryadvertisements, from strangers or l‘l‘flfltlltll“llISiOliiei'S. must be priid for when handed irif'orinsortion. Business mirzttorn. NEW TIN SHOP. EOItGE wrmfiiirnn, TINSMI’I‘H, most re<pectliiliv calls the attention of tire inhabitants of Richmond llill and surrounding neighborhood to tho that that he has coni- menced business it] the above line, and will keep in stock all kinds of 'l‘iiiwaro. New Work ' made on tiio l’t‘emiws. Repairs on Iron, 'l‘in, Zinc and Copper \Varo done with Punctuality and oil Reasonable 'l‘erins Shop one door south of the “ York Herald “ Buildings. Richmond Hill. July 9, 1870. 626 TIME! TIME! ! TIME l 11 A L. SKEELE P ’tEPAl’tEI) TO repair Clocks. “latches and Jewelry, 1 at his shop opposite the Grammar Schol, Rich- mond Hill. ' A trial is respectfully solicited. 'tichinond llill, March, 211, 1870. 610 WILLIAM COX, t'ccrzsson To Linux IIOLLIDAY, ' Bu‘l‘/‘llbfill,2|ltl door ttortli ol' G. A. Barnards store. Richmond Hill. keeps always on llalldi the best of ilool', Mutton. Lamb. Veal, l’ork. Sausages. (to. and sells at the lowest prices. The ltiglio>t market price given l‘or Cattle,l Sheep, inimhs. t\'c. Also. Corned turd Spiced Beoi’, Smokedandf Dried Hams. WILLiAM COX. Richmond Hill. October 1.3, 1867. i')‘ 1’. 0. SA VIN 6 GS BANK. RICHMOND ,, IIILL ' EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (OR any nnm tor-notexceodiiigtiiree hundred dollars by any one dopositoi‘.) will be received at the itichniond lliil Post 011100, for which Government will allow interest. For particulars apply to M. 'l‘i‘LEFY, Postmaster. *,," MR TEEFY is Government Agent for. . , . . ‘ ,\’Vflli on those who may require lilssorvlccs, , . the sale 01’ MARRIAGE LICENSES. .irmo .icnxr FOR THE MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Oiilce hours: from 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 i’.lti. May 4,1569. Mill-N RINGWOOD MARBLE WORKS. WIDEMAN, )IAâ€"NUFACTUIIER OF . a all kinds of Monuments. ilontlstono,&c Grill tint. examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere, as you will find itto your interest. 01’? Issuer ofllIui-rlagc Licenses. .ilichirrond ilill,l)oc.l,1b'69. , prompt attention. tillt't“, he would say that no meniial Goths. JNO. D. McCONNELL, M D., RADUATE or TORONTO UNIVER- Sl'l‘Y, RESIDENCEâ€"Adjolnl11g Thornhill Hotel. July 22, 1869. 575-1)‘ DR. HOSTETTER, 1‘ r1 EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE il/L Surgeons. Erig‘and, Residence: North 01' iiiclunond ilill. opposite the Elgin House, All calls (night or day) promptly attended to. iilgin Mills, January 1. 1870. 598 DR. JAS. LAI‘TGSTAFF ‘ ILL G dNEilALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 Am. Mr A. F. Armstrong is authorised to collect Accounts. Richmond Hill, Out. 14, 1869. 558* JOHN N. REID, M.D., 10R. OF YONGE AND COLBORNE j streets, 'l‘hornhill. Consultations in the officeotr the mornings )l‘ 'i'nosdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, from 8 f9 10 A M. fl," All consultations in the otlice, Cash. 'i'lioriiliill. Jnirell,1865 N i3.-TIIE PUBLIC WILL PLEASE - take notice tlriit Mr. Jonh 'i‘ailor has ceased to collect for John N. Reid. M.D., and that M r. John Garton, of 'l‘horiihill, is author- iscd to collect for the subscriber until further notice. JOHN N. REID. M. D. Thornlrill, December :77 597 1 will). R. E. In": PIT. tI'Il‘lMIST AND IliiUGGIST, RICH- ] riionDiiiim. ‘ Physicians prescriptions carefully prepared 5944f DRUG STORE IN KLINEBURG. IACOB YELINSKIE BEGS TO INFORM I the inhabitants of Kineburg and surround- ing country that he has opened a Drug Store in the above named place. All hurls of II 31-15 (LIL/l Heb Medan rs sup sled. Klinoburg, March 1,1869. 5604f THOMAS CARR, . EALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, (iil'UCOI'iBS,\Villctj and Liquors. 'I‘ltor'irhiil. If]; Roi/iii Letters patently has been imprinted fiiizusch Qtiirtiouzzrg. J. RAFFERTY ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE . J County of York. 141 Sales punctuolly attended to. CHARGES MODERATE. Acouuss: King 1’0. M. FISHER. ICENSED AUCTIONER FOR THE County of York. Lot 4. 3rd concession, 633-4in Vaughan. P. 0. Address, Concord. Orders promptly attended to. Concord, Match 16, 1870. 606» HENRY SMELSOR, ICENSEl) AUCTIONEEB FOR THE Counties of York and i’oel, Collector of Notes, Accounts, Sic. Sinull charges and plenty to do. Laskev. March 2nd 1865 39-iy FRANIS BUTTON,- JR.: ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of York. Sales attended to on the shortest notice and at moderate rates” i’ 0. Address, Buttonvrlle. Markham. July 24, 11568. 497 , H. D. BENNETT, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of York. Residence lot No. 14. 2nd (Ion. Vaughan. P. 0. Address. Carrtilie. All orders hall at the " York Herald" oifice. Richmond Hill. or at the i’.O.Muple, will be attended to. Vaughan, Oct. 10 1867. JOHN CARTER. ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Counties of York, i'ool and Ontario. Residence: Lot 8,6th concession Markham. i’ostOfliceâ€"Uniouville. Sales attended on the shortest notice,aud on reasonable terms. ' Orders leftat the “ Herald” 011100 for Mr Carter’s services will be promptly attended to June.‘27. 1857. EDW. SKNDERSON, ICENSED AUCTIONEEK. FOR THE Counties of York and i’eel. Rosidenceâ€"â€"Lot ‘20,r'ear'ol’3rd Concession of Markham. 13,0.Address-â€"-Bnitonville. Parties requiring Mr. Sandorson’s services can makearrangementtat tho iIErtALDoilice. human 4. 1565. 31 l-y Issttm' of Marriage Lccnscs. Till‘oillllll. Feb,26, 1868. W. H. CANNON, L.D.S., ' anrrsr, (LATE Assrsr. ANT to Dr. Elliot, Dentist, Toronto.) I'cxpei-li'ttl y announces that he will visit the following plai:es,(Siin- (lvtl'h‘ excepted). where he will attend to Don- tistry in all its branches: King . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lot of each month, {iclimond 11ili...........5tlr “ Noivmarkct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10th " Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . ......15|h “ Teeth inserted in the most improved Styles, on Gold. Silver, Vulcanized Rubber. and Al- luiiiiuum Bose 'l'eeth filled in such :1 manner as to preserve them from l'uither decay. 'i‘cctli oxtitictcd with the least possible pain, and especial attention paid to the regulation 01‘ clnldion’s tooth. Charges Moderate, and work warranted to give s’ttislacliou. All le’tet‘s addressed to Aurora will receive Aurora. May25,1870. 619»iy G. H HUSBAND. LD.S. .ENTIST, llEGS MOST RE- s-poctt'iilly to announce that he will be at Uniouvillo. . . . lst Monday ofeaclr month, Woston . . . . . . 11th day " Klineburg. ...illtlr “ llurwick . . . . . ‘J‘Jizti " ,. Scarbot'o’. . . .Qilitl Where he \Vlliilt)1)l'(‘1){ll'0(lflilll most happy to G. ll.1I.. having had over ELEVEN Ynans’ PttAcr‘iciL. tools. ooiitidontot' giving ‘ontiro satis- i'uctiou. To those who have favored him with their patronage iii the pth he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the in- odeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. {EVERmucusâ€"'l'hofollowinggontienroncan, with coiilideiieo,roconimend G. ll i-lusbarrd,to ,all requiring Dental aid: ilr Reid, Thornhill; iDr. Bull. Weston: llr. D’l“.vlyn, Burwick‘, Dr. Cot'son, Brampton. Rnsiiiizx :.â€"-'l‘hornhill. Thornhill September 17. 1868. 1y i DRS. PECK 8:. ROBINSON’S Itiirgivood, Sept, 13,1867. 497 FARMERS” BOOT & SHOE STORE ’ ()IIN BARRONTMANUFACTURER and Dealer iir all kinds 01' Boots and Shoes, 33 west Market Square. 'l'otonto. 11?.30015 and Slices made to Measure. of the Best Materials and VVorkmansiiip, at tho Lowest itemunerating Prices Toronto, Dec. 3. 1867. P. A. SCOTT, MBER MERCHANT & BUILDER, 618 Yonge Street, Toronto. LU Doors. Sash, Flooring, Blinds, Shoeging. i Markham Mouldings, &c. All liilLlIS if Building Mulci'iitls stlppllull. Post ()liice Adtli‘essâ€"Yorkviile. TOI‘OlllO. May/18,1868. 11-11). J. SEGSWORTH, MPORTER OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Fine Jewelry ,fid Yonge St, Toronto *,,* Masonic and other emblems made to order Tot'oiEtoApril ‘27, 1866. GEO MCPHILLIPS 85 SON, POBV . CIAL LAND SURVEYORS ‘ S.- Jo“ .h , Ontario. June], 1862. l l l tNElV METHOD OF EXTRACTING i Tooth \iitliont Pain. by the use of Ether Spray. which affects the tooth only. The tooth and gum sni'oniidiiii; becnn‘o insonsiblo with this external agency. when the tooth can be extracted with no pain and WITHOUT ENDANGERlNG THE LIFE 17‘: L, l’. and R. xii-pared to in. All .iod ill a As in the use of Chlorotorm will be lit the 'following plat-w- extruct tooth with his not' I otlroroporntions iii Donn :n workmanlilto manner :â€" Anrora. 1st. Btlr,16th and wind oreacti mount ,Nowmaikot . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd “ “ . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘Zist “ " Stonifville . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18th “ “ Richmond Iiill. . . . . . . . . llilr airt124tli“ Kleinburg . . . . . . 2301 " “ Aurora, April ‘23, 1370' GiS-tf DENTISTRY. ‘l: v King Street East, Toronto near Church Street. is prepared to wait unm any who need his professional services iii or Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora 0. ADAMS, D. D. s., 95 dor to preserve their teeth, or relieve suil'ering' 12am Curbs. J. N. BLAKE, BARRISTER, CONl’EYANCER, &e. ' Orificeâ€"Church Street, 2 doors north of: King Street, Toronto. December 529, 1869. 598 WILLIA MMALLOY, BAREISTER, ATTORNEY. SOLICL 'rcn in Chancery, Coiiveyancer. \‘ZC. OFFICE: No. 78 King Street East, Toronto; over the Wesleyan Book itoom. Toronto, Doceirrbor 23. 11569. 5 94 DUGGAN 62. MEYERS, ARRISTER-S, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W 1 Solicitors in Chancery, Convoyancers,&c OFFICE:â€"â€"i)i‘0VlllClnl insurance Buildings, Street. Toronto. JOHN ocean. Q,c. Toronto Dec. 24. 1868. ADAM Ii. MEYERS. JR. 544-1y READ AND BOYD, )ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Solicitors in Chancery, 6w. OFFICEâ€"7i. King St East, (over ‘l‘homp- son’s East india House) Touou’ro. J. A. trovu, ILA. 52-“ D. n. READ, Q.C. May 6. 186 . McNABB, MURRAY & JACKES, ARRISTERS, A'i‘TORNEYS-ATLAW B Solicitors iir Chancery, Convcyuncors,&c OFFICEâ€"Ill the Court iiouse. Toronto August 1. 1565. 5 9 MARRIAGE LICE NSES, RICHMOND IIIL L. B TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND . Commissioner in B.R., its Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the County of York. Office hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 1’.M. Richmond Hill. October 23,1869. JAMES BOWMAN, SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Almira Mills. Markham. Nov 1.1861). 22 GREEN BUSH HOTEL, 215 and 217 Yonge Street. Toronto. 'l‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING public mil iinil firstâ€"class arrotnodatiori at tho ubovr llonse, at low mics. '13:.crsis an extensive Stuitloatlaclied, and lvii'go ouvei'ed sheds. An attentive and obliging hustler. 5:17 .1. L. PARKER. Proprietor. GOLDEN LION HOTEL, YONGE STREET. NELSON DAVIS, PROPRIETOR. fl," Good Stabling attached. Trusty Host- ler always iir attendance. Yonpo St,April7,1869. PETER S. GIBSON, WROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, 559-ly p l ‘ Strachan, Toronto, J. Coxworth, Cedar Twenty yeaéfi’dgo.’ HOW wondrous are th Since twenty years a _ _ ~. - W hen git-ls wore wooigufiii‘esses, Jim.l And boys were pant tow; When shoes were made of calf skin And socks of home shun wool, And children did a hai '_ii'y’s work Before the hour of so" _01. Tire girls took music ' eru m, Ji _ mg,- Upon the spinning eel, ' And practised late and éfii‘iy, Jim, On the Spindle, swiftfioud rééltglu , The boys would ride barg'backed to mill; A dozen miles or so, Anal hurry 011' before ti . Some twenty years rig ‘ l " The people rode to meeti In sleds instead of siéfi And waggons rode as «My, Jim, As buggies now;t§ And oxen answered welifor teams, Though now they'd be too slow, For people lived not half So fast. come twenty years ago. 0, well do I remember, Jim, That. Wilson’s patent. stove, That father bought, and: paid for, Jim, In cloth our girls had wove; And how the neighbors wondered When we not the thing to dol They said ’twouid bust and kill us nil,I Some twenty years ago. Yes, everything,r is diii'erent, Jim, From what: it used to was, For men are always tampering, Jim, With God’s great Natural laws; But what on earth we’re coming toâ€" Doos anybody know? For everything has changed so much - Since twenty years ago. Prize List; of Markham Fall Fair ' (CONCLUDED.) Class 17.â€"â€" Swine, Judges: George Davidson, Unionviile, H. C. Mai-r, Markham, R. Marsh, Rich- mond Hill. Boar, large breed, aged, 1 entry~1st, J. P. Wheeler. Sow, large breed, aged, 4 ontriesâ€"lst, Wiiiizim Major, 2nd, George Graham, 3rd, William Clark. jr. V Boar Pig, large breed, 1870, 5 entries â€"-1st prize, George lVeldrrck, 2nd, “7m. Boynton, 3rd, John Canning. Sow Pig, large breed, 1870, 7 entries â€"1st prize, John Canning, 2nd, George Weldrick, 3rd, James Trann. Boar Pig, small breed, 7 entries-â€"â€"lst prize, William Major, 2nd, James Lapp, 3rd, William Boynton. Sow Pig, small breed, 13 outflow-1st prize, John Miller, 2nd, P. 3rd, George Graham. , Boar Pig. smell breed, 1870, 13 en‘ tries 1st prize, John Miller, 2nd, T. F.‘ Boynton, 8rd, George Taylor. Sow Pig, small brood, 1870, 22 entries, â€"â€"lst prize, John Miller, 2nd, George Graham, 3rd, PJ‘V. Boynton. C l (133.1 8â€"Pozillry. Judges: Johp Mills, Toronto, YV. Rolpli,lVobur‘rr',and K. Beiiby,Pickering. Geese, 1 pair, 8 entriesâ€"Isl; prize, 1V. Forf'ar, 20d, Jacob Lehman, Turkeys, 1 pair, 9 entriesâ€"lst prize, 1V. Hutchinson, 2nd, James Stotts. 7 Aylesbury Ducks, 1 pair, 5 entriesâ€" ‘ 1st prize, J. P. Wheeler, 2nd, J. Wilson. Ducks, any breed, 9 entriesâ€"Jot prize, W. Forf'or, 2nd John Miller. Dorkings, 6 cutriesâ€"lst’. prize, John Milroy, 2nd, Jsrnes Stotts. Black Spanish, 4 entriesâ€"lst prize, James Stotts. 2nd, David Crosby. Polands, 5 cutiesâ€"1st prize, Sanderson, 2nd, Joseph Break. Game, 8 entries â€" lst prize, John VVcbbcr, 2nd, M. Hemminway. Homburgs, 4 cntriesâ€"lst, John San- derson, 2nd, George Weldriok. _ Pen of Poultry, 4 entriesâ€"lst prize, George \‘Iolilrick. Extra, Guinea Fouls, 2 entriesâ€"1st J. D. Stotts, 2nd, Jacob Lehman. Class I‘Dâ€"Diary Produce. Judges: J. J. Barker, Markham, \V. Grove. 40 lbs. Butter, 17 entriesâ€"15h James Patton, (prize of Mrs. John Hoiderness, Toronto, $20). 6 lbs. Butter, 42â€"1515 prize, James Patton, 2nd, James Trann, 3rd,lVilliam Padgot, 4th, John Sleigh, 5th, C. Tem- linson. Cheese, diary, 12 lbs. or ovenâ€"lat prize, James Patten, 2nd, R. Cunning- ham, 3rd, “I. Forfm‘. I Cheese, factory, 50 lbs. or over, 19â€"â€" ]st prize J N Rayner (prize of .1 Park, Esq. Toronto, $10, 2nd P R Hoover, 3rd Reesor Bros. Stilton Cheese, 12 lbs. or underâ€"Isl; prize Rcesor Bros. 2nd Jno N Raymer, 3rd P R Hoover. Bread, 23~1st prize Mrs J L Patterâ€" son, 2nd Mrs J G Patterson, 3rd Mrs J G Thompson. _ Honey in the Comb. 3â€"lst prize .lno Stephenson, 2nd J B Carpenter. Honey Strained, 4â€"1sl; prize George Miller, 2nd C Neighswander. Taylor, 2nd Mrs H R Wales. T Eckardt, 221d Mrs Wm Hutehison. Class 20.â€"â€"G’rain and Seed. McPherson, Milliken. Catsup. lZâ€"lst prize Mrs George Sample Preserves, ‘7â€"â€"1st: prize Mrs Judges: William Heiliweli, Highland Creek; William Padget; Unionville; A Fall Wheat, 13â€"lst prize William “ .jurfau LE NO. 640: VVH I Timothy Seed, 3â€"1scp1-ize .P Bax-tho. 2â€"horse open carriage, double seated, 2 Extras Rocomnicndoilâ€"Berlin wool; lomew, 2nd “7 Forfar. Clover Seed, 1â€"â€"1st prize P Bartho- ' lomew. _;Flax Seed, 3â€"13l: prize P Bartholo- mew, 2nd Thomas Brown. IvOfltS, White or yellow, let prize Thos 1 Gibson, 2nd P Bartholomew. , Oats, black, 7â€"1st mew, 2nd S Ronnie. 'NOTiiJâ€"Tile first prize was awarded to another party, but the Judges on reexamin- ing the outs found that. there were a few oats on the top vet-y superior, and the main a very inferior quality. Ports, marrowfat, 3â€" ist prize P Bartholomew. Poas, small, 11â€"-1st prize Thos Gib- son, 2nd J Nerghswander. ‘ Sample Blue Peas highly recommended. prize Bartholo- i’i' Bailey. 6 row, 11‘â€"1sti prize Simpson Rennie, 2nd Setl Hancock. Barley, 2 row, 3â€"â€"lst prize Seth Hea cock, 2nd Thosi Gibson. Tares, 2â€"N0t the quantity. White Beans, 7â€"ist prize Phillip Quantz, 2nd E Bentley. Indian Corn, 13â€"lst prize James L Stotts, 2nd Jonathan Baker. Barrel of Flour, lst prize II P Crosby. Class 21â€"â€"Zi’oots, Field Culture. Judges; Same as 011188 20 1 bag; Potatoes, 12 entriesâ€"131. prize Joseph Nigliswandcr, 2nd, Joseph Lirpp. Maugle Wnrzol, Red or Yellow, 12â€" 151; prize, Simpson Rennie, 2nd, T. W. Patterson. Mongol Wnrzol, Globe, 6â€"lst prize, Simpson lleiinio, 2nd, James Patton. 12 Par-Snips, 3â€"lst prize. F. J. D. Smith, 2nd, Edward Anthony.. 12 beets, 8â€"1st prize, .l‘itiliiam Fry, 2nd, John Holmes. 12 Swede Turnips, llâ€"lsl’. prize, Jas. Dimmu. 2nd John Irwin. 12 Vt liitc Carrots, l3â€"â€"1st prize Jon- athan Baker, 2nd George Miller. 12 Long Orange Carrots, 8â€"ist prize F. J. D. Smith, 2nd E. Bentley. 22â€". Class IIm-llculmrr. Judges; William Rennie, Egiiiigton, Phillip Armstrong, Yorkvillc, lobcrt McCormick, Vivian. 2 Mammoth Pumpkins, 4 entriesâ€"1st prize James Stotts, 2nd James G. Thonrp» son. Small Pumpkinsâ€"418% Thomas Pou- chor, 2nd .1. I). Stotts. 3 Heads Cauliflower Smith. 3 Heads Cabbage. 11 mes, 2nd WillionrlPtidgct. 3 Heads lied Cabbage, 4â€"1st Wm. Frv, 2nd James I'Izirrington. Vegetable Oysters, 2â€"~1st F. J. D. Smith, 2nd II. P. Crosby. 1 Peck Rod Onions, 2â€"1stprizo J. - . ’ app. _ 1 Peck White 01' Yellow Onions, 2â€" 1le William Fry, 2nd John Holmes. 2 Roots Celery, 5â€"1st William Fry. 12 Tomatoes, 4â€"lst William Fry, 2nd David \Vismer. V 3 Citi-ons, 12â€"1st Thomas Poucher, 2nd William Fry. 3 Water Melons, 7â€"ist lVilliam Fry, 2nd John Holmes. 3 Musk Melons, 3â€"1le \Viliiam Fry. ‘ 12 Full, Cooking Apples, 20mlst .l'as. Fairlcss, 2nd \Villnim Miliikou. 12 Fall Table Apples, 24â€"-â€"lst A. H. Roesor, 2nd Lyman Crosby. 12 Winter Cooking Apples, 30â€"â€"lst Joseph Nighswander, 2nd F. J. D. Smith. 12 YVinter Table Apples, 30 â€"1st, lViliiam Forf‘ur,2nd Joseph Niglrswandor. 12 Varieties of Apples, 6 of each and named, 12â€"â€"lst L. Crosby, 2nd James Lawrio. Largest and best. assortment of Apples, 0 7 ‘4'â€" 1st F. .1. D. lst John lloi- John 3 of each and named, 4â€"â€"lst Lyman l Crosby, 2nd C. Nighswandcr. 1 peck Crab Apples, 3â€"â€"lst Lyman Crosby, 2nd Miss E. Bentley. 12 Fall Pears, 4â€"lst N. Bentley 2nd J. Milroy. 12 Winter Pears, 4â€"â€"1 st James Fair- icss, 2nd Lyman Crosby. 20 Plume, lâ€"lst. Thomas Morley. 3 Clusters Block Grapes, Eâ€"â€"ist Jno. lVilson, 2nd James Hastings. 3 Clusters White Grapes, 2~â€"lst Juo. Wilson. Bouquet, 5â€"r-lst Miss Bessie Carter, 2nd M rs John Carter. Class 23â€"«Farm Implements. Judges: Robert Cunningham, Union- viilo, \i iiliam Trench, Richmond Hill, iD. Brown, Maivern. Reaping: Machine, 2 entriesâ€"Isl; Pat- terson 8: Bi‘O., 2nd Brown & Patterson. 'I‘hrcshiugi Machine, 1~â€"A. Ficury. Double Waggon, 7â€"1 st Spoiglrt 86 Sous, 2nd Spoiplil X: Suns, l Sprint: .‘il zirkot Waggon, 4â€"-1st‘. Eakin db Stephenson, 2nd H. R. \Vales. Iron i’ioiv, lâ€"Alieu White. Plow, wrought iron boa-iii. wood inm- dles, 2â€"lst George Wilkinson, 2nd Geo. Wilkinson. Plow, double moldbom-d, iâ€"-D. Dixon. Plow, cast beam. lâ€"A Floury. Gang Plow, 4<~lst and 2nd A. Fleury. Iron Harrow, 3â€"lst Eyer & Bro, 2nd George Banibridge. Turnip Drill. lâ€"Jolrn Calvert. Turnip Scufllcr. iâ€"G. T. Bambridge. Hay Fork, Zâ€"NO judgcs’ returns. Straw Critter, 2â€"ist A. Fleury, 2nd Patterson & Bro. Cider Mill. 1v-J0hu Langstafl'. iV risking M ticl‘rino,3â€"â€"â€"\V. Matthieson. j2ud Levi Jones. ' Fanning Mill, 3â€"â€"1sl: J. H. Johnson. Grain Crusher, lâ€"A Flcnry. Draining Machine, 1â€"â€"-Eyer & Bro. Farm wheelbarrow, lâ€"A. Fleurv. Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. and supply new teeth iii the most approved llounty of York. ’ style. Also to regulate the teeth of those who ' - I V . ' need it. Consultations free, and all work war- Oldms by “Mel I’mmpul attended 10‘ ranted. June, 1865: Willowdirlo. Dec. 15. 1869. ,596-1y OFFICE AT Willowdaie, on Yorigo EL. in the Forfar, 2nd George Taylor. Jonathan Baker, 2nd W A Forfar. Spring Wheat, 1l_â€"â€"1st Heacock, 2nd Jonathan Baker Midge Proof Wheat, 7â€"~lst prize] prize Seth Extractor; A. Fleury, Bond Scraper. Class 24~ Carriages. ' 1horse covered carriage, single seated 2â€"lst H. R, Wales. â€"â€"â€"ist H. R. W'ulcs. 1-horso open Cordage, 4â€"â€"1sl'. H. R. ‘v'falcs, 2nd J. M 'Waiton. Cutter for one or more horses, 5â€"â€"1st H. R. Wales, 2nd Eakin & Stephenson. Class 26â€"Leather and Leather Alann- features. Judges: Richard Skolton, Lamoreanx, Robert Malcoliri,Tor0nto, George Pingle, Unionvilie. Harness Leather, 3 entriesâ€"4 st Jas. lobinson, 2nd C. llziymcr. Upper Leather, 4â€"lst James Robin- son, 2nd James Robinson. 2 Kip Skins, 2â€"â€"lst James Robinson. Flori/em, Mrs Carlton; Canvas Work, Mrs John Stephenson; Zephyr Flowers; Miss M Trann ; Crape Flowers, Miss M Trann. Class 28â€"Flne Arts: Judges; Salem Eckardt, Unionviiie,’ Thomas Ircson, Belford, H G Collins," Markham, and Rev G S J Hill, M A,’ Unioriviiie. . I . - ,1 Collection 01 Photographs and Ambro- typos, 2~â€"lst W Adamson, 2nd D Wot- tOn. : . , Ornamental Penmanship, 2â€"1st Miss: N. Strickland. The other entry was' considered not worthy by the judges. , Oil Painting, Animals, 2â€"â€"18t Miss N Sewed Boots, calf, ~1â€"1st,E. Burk. Course Boots, .'â€"»-1st E. Burk, 2in Thomas Morley. . Meus' Gaiters, 2â€"1st E. Burk. Ladies’ Gaiters, 2â€"â€"lst E. Burk. Team Harness, 1-Georgo Digby. Extras 1'econrmendodâ€"â€"A. Armstrong. Grain Elevator; Vickor & Bro. Stump. ’ . Saddle, Bridle and Martingul, 1â€"â€"G. Digby. l . Extrzr highly recommended ~â€" Cattle Tube, George Dig-by. Class 26~â€"â€" IVUUZCIL illanufiicturcs. Judges: Martin Bndltrorow, Muli‘crir, James Fcnivick. Unionviiie, James Stow tenboro’, Victoria Square. 10 yds homemade Flannel, 11 entries Aâ€"lsl. Jll". .ltztmb Lehman, 2nd Mrs. D. Etrii'tkli‘t‘, l l j.‘-l-~ Mrs G. V AM. I i mini lli:)ililFl1ll Cloth, SmAisi :. 2nd 311‘s Witt Ftp; Poir homo-intuit: blunkcts, 7 int Mrs Wm Ii‘oriiir, 2nd lit-s Harper. Sample Tuiiors' liVork, 2 “1Sbltilkl 2nd Thompson & Sons. ‘ \Voolen Carpet, woven, 3â€"1st Mrs Jacob Lehman, 2nd Mrs N. Beiitly. Gent’s Plaid, 6 -1st. Mrs D. S. Mc- Ftll’lttiiO, 2nd Mrs John Moore. Pair Stockings, Swlst Mrs Harper, 2nd Mrs Harper. Pair Socks, 10â€"â€"1st Mrs Harper,2ud Mrs IIzirpor. Pttir wool mils, 0 1st Mrs Ilz'irper, 2nd Mrs Georgi- ’i‘uylur. 1 lb erri'ii‘~.~i'ntir Yarn, 10-7 \V BI‘llOl', 2nd Firs John ,‘l Coverlet, woven. .‘l i:-t lira .. in I Spoiford, 2nd Mrs John Wright. - ‘ Bod COII)T01’1.0I‘,3 lst Mrs P Quantz, 2nd Miss J Ferricr. i Class 27â€"Luclics’ Department. Judges: Miss M Brown, Maivern Mrs R Cunninulnriri, Unionviiic; Mr; 7} l‘inkin. Uiiionville. Lady’s Dress, 3 entri:-.~. ist. .‘ilitl 2nd Mrs Caldwell. Child’s Dress, 5 â€"~ Ist Mrs John \‘t’ebber, 2nd Miss B A Ash. i Lady‘s Undcroiothing, Owlst Miss‘ Ferrier, 2nd \liss J B’ll‘ile. Straw I'llti, 1 ~""'rs Harper. Einproidcry in Silk, 5'â€"~ist Miss M Srickitiiitl, 2nd Miss J Burtlo. ltiinbroiilcry in ‘zliisliii, 7 wist \liss S Strickizii'id, 2nd Mrs Wm Fleming. Braiding in Silk, 6w lst, ‘tlrs lVin Mason, 2nd Mrs John Stephenson. Braiding: in worsted7 6~-lst Mrs J J Barker, 2nd Miss Bartlo. Knitting, fancy, in .tlrrcad, 5 ~- lst Miss M Strickland, 2nd Miss S Strick- Knitting, fancy, in cotton, 6 ~-1st‘. M rs Harper, 2nd lirs Harper. Pair Cotton Stockings, knitted, 7-- 1st Mrs Harper, 2nd ‘iiiss B A Ash. Netting, Gâ€"â€"lst Miss Strickland, 2nd Mrs Harper. . Tinting, .â€"â€"1st Miss A Taylor, 20d Miss Nollie Wismcr. Gentleman’s Fine Shirt, 6â€"â€"l\liss Janie Patton, 2nd Miss B A Ash. Gentleman’s Flannel Shirt, 7â€"â€".\'lrs A .Vtalconr, 2nd Mrs lViri Fleming. Crochet work. 14â€"1st Miss N. Strick- und, 2nd Miss M. Strickland. Ornamental Needle lVork, 9â€"1513, Miss N. Strickland, 2nd Miss S. Strick- land. Soiri Pillow, 6â€"â€"1st Mrs John Stephen- son. 2nd Miss Jane Bartic. iai'lin Wool Flowers, 5â€"-ist Mrs G. It. Vauzant, 2nd Mrs C Nighswnnder. Berlin \Vool Mots, l2â€"1st Mrs Wil- liam Mason, 2nd Miss Sarah Cleaver. Berlin Wool Raised, 4â€"lst, and 2nd Mrs Harper. . German Raised Work, 8â€"â€"lst Miss Trunn. 2nd lilies A. Taylor. Leather \VOi‘k. 7 1st Miss M. Strickâ€" land, 2nd Miss M. Wicr. Rustic Work, 6~~~1st Hiss Eva Vim- nt, 2nd Miss M' Strickland. Hair Flowers, 8 “Isl. Mrs James Fairies, 2nd Miss Mary Strickland. Paper Flowers, 4 wish Miss W. Strick- Striokiund, 2nd Mrs. 1V. Mason. Feather Flowers, 4 wish Miss 13. A. sh. 2nd Miss E Bentley. Bond Wm" 6 Hits J, Bartlc, 2nd 2nd 7“ hi :wl. For-net's wreath, l inson. “Tax Flowers, 3 -1st Miss G. Mills-r 2nd Mrs G. ll. Vanzrint. \Vax Shells 1 ~â€"lst Miss Anna Arm- strong. \Vax Fruit, 5â€"-Miss A. Cash, 2nd Miss M. Strickland. Fancy Basket. 5 wish Miss Mary E. Anderson, 2nd Mrs G. R. Vauzrmt. Quilts in Crochet, 2w-lst Mrs \Vm Flemming. Quilts in Knitting, 3wlst Mrs ‘Vm Young, 2nd Mrs Harper. Quilts in Silk, 1-» 1st Miss Eupbemia Brown. Quilts in Piece Work, 12 «1 2nd Mrs Harper. Bag Carpet. 6 "vist’llrs Henry 2nd Mrs Jacob Lcham. Hearth Rug, l2 1. t Miss M. Strick- land. 2nd Mrs W. Magnii. Plain Sewingr Mticlrine lVork, 2v--lst Miss ll. chir, 2nd ll”. B=il. Fancy Sewing Machine Wbrk, 1â€"v ist C. Chapman. Sewing Machine at Work, 4â€"1st C. Chapman, 2nd WC Bell. .‘iirs . ‘illtl. ‘. l's‘t. 20 A 151 Mrs J. Dob- l l l and IMHO, ‘tilmost wholly composed of carbon. 1 l Strickland. , Oil, Painting, any subject, 1â€"-lst' .‘tliss N. Strickland , Water Color, Animals, 5â€"151: Misa’ N Strickland, 2nd Joseph Swift ,- Water Color. Flowers, 4â€"Ist Miss N~ Strickland. 2nd Mrs Harper , Water Color, Landscape, 2-â€"ist Miss‘ N Strickland, 2nd Miss M Strickland Pencil Crayon, Colored, 2â€"â€"1st Mrs- Wm (Vinson, 2nd Miss S Strickland , Pencil Crayon Drawing, 2â€"â€"1st Miss. M Strickland, 2nd Miss N Strickland , Pencil Crayon, Portrait, 2â€"â€"-1st andfi 2nd Mrs Dr Caldwell . ., , Case Sillill‘tl Birds or Animals, 5-â€"-16tV rind 2nd .llr liorttplr Dobtoson Piano. i-- let: G Chapman ill--§o.lwzi. twist C Chapman E r-. i to, it thinly Itecornrnendcdâ€"~Churoh‘ and Parlor Organ, .lIcLeod, W'ood & 00" Class 29â€"â€"Zl1'iscellancous.' Judges: same as class 23 . , Pumps in Wood, 5â€"â€"1sl‘. P Phillips,‘ 2nd A T Moore Bee Hive, 2 151: D A Jones, 2nd D J ones . , Fzrrin or School Boil, 1â€"â€"lst L Jones" ‘85 Co Sample of Castings, 1~-«lst A Fleury looking Clove, 8â€"â€"'ist G B. Vanzant,’ 2nd throw-rt Armstrong , P‘irlot town 1â€"-â€"1st G R Vanzaut 7":tllltiit5 oi' TinWare, 1â€" â€"1St G R Van-V zriiit i‘lxtrus, Highly Recommended-«Dori :‘llanipuiutor, A T Whulcy; l'Vood ZlIan-‘ tlo Piece, DitVitl Fisher; Double Cylin- der, Wood Force Pump, A T Il’loorer' : Put-loi- {looking r‘tovo, Robert Armstrong t‘. i Lady Brien, 2w: it‘striun, 2 Aâ€"1st MrSJ MG: 't'iss E Bliymer. mi Pencils; 1121-2.‘\,’(iitt: knows what a. black load; pencil is, but it is not generally known’ that there is not it particle of lead in the pencil. The material variously known as block lead, graphite, or plumbago, is’ It} probably owes its misnomer to the fact; that previous to the employment of gmi phite for making pencils, common lead was used, and this within the present; century. For a long time, the best gra-' phitc was obtained, not in very large’ quantities, zit Borrowdaie, in Cumber- land, where it was discovered in 1564, early in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and pencils, much like these still in gen-‘ eral use, were produced in the year fol. lowing. As the supply of' the graphite (known in Cumberland, while in the urine, by the title oi’wad) was not large, the British Government, from the first, took great pains to prevent the export- ation of' the article, and oven to limit the‘ home sale to It supply just suifioiont to” meet the estimated demand. Graphitet is found iir various parts of Europe, and" in North America, but: of very inferior quality, Tire Cumberland mines were worked only a few weeks in each year, yet the yield of wad was estimated at: £4,000 a year. While the graphite lasted, England had a monopoly in sup- plying the best pencils in the world.â€" Ycar after your, for it century past, the graphite doposite in Cumberland became ‘ fine by degrees and gradually less.’ The‘ result. was that graphite powder had lid be compressed into a solid cake from which pencils could be supplied. A- Frcnch variation, said to be an improve'4 menr, was to mix the powder and purl; tied graphite with clay, which is largely dono still. A MOTHER’S INFLUENCErâ€"A man finds he cannot make his way in the world without honesty and industry, so that, although his t‘cther’s example may do much, he has to depend upon his own exertions; ire must work, he must be honest, or he cannot attain to any envi- able rank. But. the tender soothings of .1 mother, licr t-)’n)l}tli.lly, her devotedness, lior tiri’iririnu itll'liH‘l‘ -â€"311 this sins deep ’ ' zind let him wander _ . him err, or let him load .I like oi‘vir‘iiic, the remembrance of all ‘2 hour! i l at «his comes like a holy calm over his heart, and he then weeps that he has offended her. or he rejoices that he has listened to iiCI‘ disinterested and gentle admonition. GEyts.â€"â€"Writo your name by kind- -ness, love and mercy, on the hearts of gtlrc people you come in contact. with, and ;y0ii will never be forgotten. If you lwoulti rise iii the world, you must not; [stop to kick at every cur which barks at; you as you pass along: A rapid mihd icontinuoliy struggles, the feeble one tlimps. bui :r grcot mind selects the sur- lost points, and upon these it: standsâ€"1 ‘ There is a time when thou mayest say inotliing; and a time When thou mayest‘. lsuy snnrctliini: ; but there never Will be a. 3 time. who», ill: -: shouldn’t say all things. i Idionos‘ l ' ‘ V ‘3': vi; For those that: rare 'nm‘ iisnd i ’3 dull v'rork for those wit. to 4.. .w may be pur. 'CililSC , your happiness is of home i manufacture. ..,

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