J and Dealer in 'all kinds of Boots and Shoes. 33 west Market Square. Toronto. 1.! any nnmnerâ€"notexceeding three hundred dollars by any one deposilor.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. {or which Government will allow lmuest. *,,* Ma. TEEFY is Government Agent for the sale of MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. L c all kinds of Monuments, Headstone,&c Call am. examine my Stock and Prices beâ€" for purchasing elsewhere, as you will ï¬nd itto your_intgrest. FARMERS’ BOOT & SHOE STORE TOHN_ PARRQNTMANUFAAQTURER Ofï¬ce hours: from 6:30 AM. to 9:30 P.1'II. May 4,1869. 5634f 1]? Boots and Shoes made to Measure. of “10 Best Materials and Workmanship. at the now'est Remuneratng Prices The highest marketprice given for Camel Shegp, [iambst 81.07. fl 7 .14 (HS Yonge Street, Toronto. Doors. Sash. Flooring, Blinds, Sheeting. Mouldings. &c. . All kinds qf Building Materials supplied. Post Otï¬ce Addressâ€"Yorkville. Toronto, May18,1868. 3-m. D BUTCHER, 2nd door north of G. A. Barnard; store. RiCkmond Hill. keeps always on hand the hostel Beef, Mutton. Lamb. Veal, Pork. Sausages, &c. and sells at the lowest prices. RINGWOOD MARBLE WORKS. WIDEMAN, MKUFAGTURER OF 0 all kinds of Monuments. Headstone.&c I I Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. OFFICE AT Willowdale, on Yonge St.. in the County of York. Orders by Mattel-promptly attended to. Willowdalc. Dec. 15. 1869.' 596-1y Aléo. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smakedand Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. PETER S. GIBSON, ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. GEOI MCPHILLIPS 85 SON. PORV CIAL LAND SURVEYORS, Sv-‘o' .h , Ontario. no repair Clocks. Watches and Jewelry, at his shop opposite the Grammar Scllol, Rich- m’ond Hill. A trial is respectfully solicited. RICHMOND ,é; HILL 5: U most respectfullv calls the attention of the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhood to the fact that he has com- menced business in the above line, and will keep in stock all kinds ot‘ Tinware. New Work made on the Premises. Repairs on Iron, Tin, Zinc and Copper Ware done with Pnnctuality and on Reasonable Terms. . Shop one door south of the “ York Her'ald †Buildings. A I[transitoryadvertisements, from stran'gers or?rregularcustomers, must he paid for when handed inforinsertion. UAdvartisemeiltswithoutwritten directions nserted tillforbigi. andcharged accordingly Alladvel‘tisementspublishedfor aless period nan one month. must be 'paid forin advance. Six inesand under. ï¬rstiusortion....$00 50 Each subseqt'lbm insertion.... ..'.. .s. . 00 [3 Ten lines and uude‘r. ï¬rstinsertion. . . . 00 75 Each subseqqenpinsertionu . . . . . . . . . . . 00 20 Above tenlinas,’ ï¬rstinsertiou, parline. 00 07 Each subsequentinsertion. per line. . . . 00 02 Due Column per {Waive months. . . ... - 50 00 Halfncolumu 1 do‘ do 3000 Quarter ofacqlii'mn pertwelve months. 20 00 One column p61 six months - . . . . . . . . . 40 00 Haifacolumn do ..........’. 25 00 Quarterbfa cohnnn persix mouths. . . . [8 00 A card of ten lines, for oneyear. . . . .~. 4 00 A card ofï¬fteeu lines. -do . . . .. .. 5 25 A cardoftwentylines. do 650 Oï¬' Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ~ Ringwood. Sept, 13,1867. 497 And dispatghed to subscribers!“ the eaHies mails.or otherconv "ance,whenso desired. 'The YORK HERALD will always be found to contaiinthelatestand mbst importantl‘breign and Provincial News and Markets,and the greatest car‘e‘will be taken to renderit ac- ceptabletouw man ofbusiuess.and a valu- nblp Family Newspaper. TERMS:â€"-One Dolla‘r perannum. IN AD- VANCE: if notpaid within 'l‘wo Months,0ne Dollarandlj‘ifty cents willbe charged. All'ett‘ers addressed to the E'di‘tm‘mustbe pom-paid. Nopapbrdi‘seo'ntinued u‘ntil all arreurages are wide andpaniesrefusing paperswilhout plying up, will'be held uncountable for the subscription, _ Toronto, Dec. 3. 1867. Richmond Hill. October 15. 1867. June 1 , 1862. Richmond Hill, Murch,24, 1870. 610 .P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. (Ebe'flJnrk fljtralh Richmond Hill. July 9, 1870. ALEXANDER SCOTT, RICHMOND HILL, WILLIAM cox, IUCCESSOrB ‘T‘U JAM_E'SAEIQLQIDAÂ¥, P. A. SCOTT, UMBER MERCHANT & BUILDER, CHMOND, .HILL ‘ OFFICE. 3‘6: .EPOSITS 0F ONEDOLLAR, (OR For particulars apply to NEW TIN SHOP. _EORGE wxpyéï¬ggg, TINsMI'pH, TIME! TIME 1! TIME!!! L. SKEELEF PREPARED TO RA S ()F ADVERTISING. Business mirutory. VOL. XII, N O. 26. MARRIAGE LICENSE S. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. ALSO AGENT FOR THE M. TEEFY. Postmaster‘ IS PUBLISHED BY 626 To those who have favored him with their patronagein the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who mav do so in [he fu- ture, he would say that no c.:deavor on his part will be wanting to meet their approval. Teeth without Pain, by the use of Ether Spray. which aï¬'ects the tooth only . The tooth and gum shrrounding become insensible with this external agency, when the tooth can be ' extracted with no pain and G. H. H., having had over ELEVEN YEARS’ PRACTICE. feels conï¬dent of giving entire satis- faction. REFERENCEs.â€"~Thefollowinggeudemencan, withconï¬dence,recommend G; H Husband,to all requiring Dental aid: Dr Reid, Thoruhill; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick‘, Dr. Corson, Brampton. RESIDENCE.â€"Thol‘nhiI]. Thornhill September 17, 1868. 1y Unionv_ille.. .’ . ls! Monday ofeach month. Westc’m .. . . . .9th day “ Klineburg. . . .lh'lh “ Burwick .....‘~’2nd " Scarboro’. . . .231‘d " Where he willbe prepared and mosthappy to wait onthose who may require his services, As in the use of Chloroform. Drs. P. and R. will be in the following places prepared to oxtract teeth with his new apparatus, All other operations in Danlislry performed in a workmanlike manner :â€" Aurora, 1st. 8th, 16th and 22nd ofeach mouth Newmarket.... 2nd " “ Markham ............ 2151 “ " Stouffville . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18th " “ Richmond Hil‘l. . . . . . . . . 9th and 24th“ Kleinburg..........';..29th “ “ Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora Aurora, April 28, 1870', 615-†Charges Moderate, and work warranted to give satisfaction: ~ _ All le'lers addressed to Aurora will receive prompt attention. Teeth extracted with the least possible pain, and especial attention paid to the regulation ol' chxldren’s leeth. VV o King Street East, Torhnto, near Church Street. is prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in or- der to preserve their teeth. or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approved style. Alsvo regulate the teeth of those who need It. Consultatians {remand all work wer- ranted. June, 1865. Teeth ï¬lled in such a manner as to preserve them from further decav. King........ ..........lst of each month. Richmond MIL... ...... 5n. n New‘narlret.... . . . . . . . . . . Wm H Aurora.... . . . . . . . . ......l5t|l " ' Teeth inserted in the meal Improved Styles, on Gold. Silver, Vulcanized Rubber. and Al- lumiuum Base WITHOUT ENDANGERING THE LIFE ENTIST, (LATE ASSIST- ANT to Dr Elliot, Dentist. Toronto) respectfully announces that he will visit the following places,(Sun- dlys excepted). where he will attend to Dan- tislry in all its branches : Kan‘...... . . . . . . . .......lst of each month. Richmond Hill. . . . . . . 5th “ Newinarlret. . . . . . . . . . . Hllh " Aurora.... . . . . . . . . ......l5tll " Groceries,Wines and Liquoxs. Thornhitl. By Royal Letters pullmlh/ has been ajlponted Issum‘ of Marriage Lccnscs. J the Inhabitants of Kiineburg and surround- ingcountry that he nasopened a Drug Store in the above named place. All hurls off] trim and Hal; Modem-s sup sled. Klinebm'g, March I, 1869- - 5604f \/ MOND HILL. Physicians prescriptions carefully prepared Richmond Hill, Dec. 1,1869. 594-tf R. E. LAW. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, RICH- } ‘ MOND HILL. N B.â€"â€"THE PUBLIC WILL PLEASE a take notice that Mr. Jonh Tailor has ceased to collect for John N. Reid, M.D., and that Mr. John Garton, of 'l‘hornhill, is author- ised to collect for the subscriber until further notice. ' U streets, Thornhill. Consultations initvhve oï¬iceon the mornings )f Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. from 8f910 A.M. 4;" AHconsultations in the. oflice, Cash. 'l‘hornhill.June 9,1865 1‘ Aurora. May 25. 1870. DRUG STORE IN KLINEBURG. [ACOB YELINSKEBEGS T0 INFORM Thronhill. Feb. ‘26, 1868‘ Mr AVF. Armstrong is authorised to collect Accounts. ‘ 1V1 Surgeons. England, Residence: N011?! of Richmond Hill. opposite the Elgiu House. All calls (night or day) prompt!) attended to. DR. JAs. LANG-STAFF ‘ ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 A.M. DRS. PECK & ROBINSON’S' EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING Thornhill, December 22, 1869. THOMAS CARR, ‘ElnsLER IEHDRUQSA MEDICINES, Richmond Hill, Oct. 14, 1869. Elgin Mills, January 1. 1870 2' Slur. _ I V_ REsknENCEâ€"Adjoining Thornhill Hotel. July22;~1869. - 575-1y JOHN N. REID, M.D., 0R. OFVYONGE AND COLBORNE G. H HUSBAND, L.D.S. EHENTIST, BEGS MOST RE JNQ D. McCONNELL, M.D., LRADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- W. H. CANNON, L.D.s., §t “ENTIST, (LATE AS > - -DR. HOSTETTER, EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE mvehizal (Katha. DENTISTRY. spectquy to announce that he will be at. . ls! Monday ofeach month. .9th day “ .lh'lh “ .2211d " C.â€_AD§MS, _D. D._s., 95 JOHN N. REID. M.D. CARD. 619-ly ASSIST- 5 68* 597 1) Solicitors in Chancerv, Conve\'ancers.&c OFFlcmâ€"l‘ruvincial Insurance Buildings, Street, Toronto . JOHN DUGGAN. Q'C. ADAM H. MEYERS, JR. 1V1. Commissioner in B.R., is Government Agent. for issuing Marriage Licenses in the County of York. ‘ Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 mu. Richmond Hill. October 23, 1869. 1- public will ï¬nd ï¬rst-class accomodation at the above House, at low rates. Thers is an extensive Stable attached, and large oovered sheds. A11 attentive and obliging hustler. U Solicitors in Chancery. &c. OFFICEâ€"77. King St. East, (over ‘I‘lwmp- son’s East India House) TORONTO. ' D. B. READ, Q.C. J. A. BOYD, B.A. THE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING public will ï¬nd ï¬rst-class annnmndnrinn Farmers and others wishing CASH for their butter and eggs can get it by calling at H. Chapman’s. one door south of G. A. Barnard’s Store, Richmond Hill, who also is conductor of RICHMOND HILL POULTRY EXPRESS! IMPORTER 0F WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Fine Jewalu ,‘JJ Yonge St, Toronto. *3 Masonic and other emblems made to order. TorontoApril 27. 1866. THE POULTRY EXPRESS, And will either trade or pay cash for all he gets August 18. 1870. 632-1y 1.) Ton in Chdncery, Conveyancer. &c. OFFICE: No 78 King Schet East, Toronto; over the Wesleyan Book Room. On‘lcn.â€"Church Street, 2 doors north of King Street. Toronto. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Counties of York and Peel. Residenceâ€"â€"Lot 20,1‘earox" 3rd Concession of Markham. P,O.Addressâ€"-Bnttonville. Parties requiring Mr. Sandersou’s §erVices can makearraugementsat the HERALD ofï¬ce. Junuary 4. 1665. 31 Sales attended on the shortest notice,and on reasonable terms. Orders Ieftat the “ Herald†ofï¬ce for Mr Carter’s servicus will be promptly attended to 14 Counties of York, l‘ee‘l and Olin}; Residence: Lot 8,6“) concession Markham. [’ostOfl’Aceâ€"Unionviile. JAMES BOWMAN, SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of York. Residence lot. No. 14. 2nd (5011. Vaughan, P. 0. Address, Carrville. All ordei's left at the " York Harald†ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, 01' at the l’.0.Maple. will be attended to. Almira Mills. Markham, Nov 1,1863. ) Solicitors in Chancery,Conveyancers,&0 OFFICEâ€"In the Court House. Toronto Augus( 1. 1865. 95 597 RICHMOND HILL-ONTARIO; CANADAFRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1870‘ Toronto Dec. 24. 1868. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of York. Sales attended to on the shortest notice and at moderate rates.. P 0. Address, Butlonville. Mgrkham. July 24. 1868. 497 May 6. 186 7. Toronto. December 2. 1869 .LJ Counties of York and Pegl. Collector of Notes, Accounts. &c. Small charges and plenty to do. December 29, 1869. 215 and 217 Yonge Street. Toronto. LICENSED AUCTIONER FOR THE County of York. Lot 4. 3rd concession, Vaughan. Rdg, Address, Concord. Orders promptly amen. ed to. McNABB, MURRAY & J ACKES, :ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Jnne.27. 1857. READ AND BOYD, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW DUGGAN a MEYERS, AIERISTERSL ATTORNEYS-ATALA W ‘Vaughan. Out. 10 1867. WILLIA MMALLOY, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLTCIA J. N. BLAKE. ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, &c. Laskev. March 2nd 1865 JOHN CARTERâ€, 'ICENSED AUQTIONEER. FOR THE Concord, March 16, 1870. TE_EFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND ACDRESS: King P.0. J County of York. fï¬ Sales punctually atiendad to CHARGES MODERATE . ï¬iwnseb Qtuttionzzrz. HENRY §MELSOR, ‘IC‘I‘ZNSED AECTIONEER FOR THE MARRIAGE LICENSES, GREEN BUSH HOTEL, J. RAFFERTY IICIENSEDJEUCTIUNEER FOR THE FRANIS BUTTON, JR , EDW. '"‘ NDERSON, J. SEGSWORTH, 13am Qfaths. H. D. BENNETT, RICHMOND HILL. M. FISHER. PARKER, Proprietor . ADAM u. MEYERS, JR‘ . 544-1y 52-†633-4m 598 594 39-1y 606‘ Within the memoryv of us all, the ‘ “Union,†as it is called, was deluged in l the blood of her proudest sons. Taking the man among the other nations, in improvement and internal cultivation, developing her vast resources with a ra- pidity that astonished the world, she was only tardy in casting away the ï¬lthy garments of iniquity inherited from the barbarous past. Slavery had long been the foulest blot on the “Star Spangled Banner.†The divine right of man to trample upon and barter his fellow-man, once admitted into the “ Constitution," like a vile political could only be erased by blood. An enlightened populace, as- serting their majesty, determined to wipe out their reproach. Advocates for the trafï¬c of human chattles were found, who declared that the horrors of slavery ex- isted in fancy rather than reality. They tried to rob it of it deformities, but it deï¬ed them to reï¬ne it, or change it to a thing of beauty. There it was, foul, dastardly, an insult to manhood and a dishonour to God, a curse to a. country, and the target of the world’s contempt. Christendom justly despised the free country for the viper it nursed in its bosom. Slavery was a sin, humanity detested it. It was an outrage, chris- tianity abhorred it. Aas a man, as a Christian, Mr. Peabody believed it at once the proof and the duty of‘ freedom to labor to make others free. Truest freedom is to share, i All the chalns onr'brothers wear, And with heart and hand to be Earnest to make others free; They are slaves who fear to speak For the fallen and the weak, They are slaves who will not choose Hatred, seofling and abuse, Rather than in silence shrink From the truth they needs must think. Men! whose boast it is that we Came of fathers brave and free. ‘ If there lives a man whom ye By your labor can make free, Then ye are not free and brave While there breathes on earth a slave. He watched with anxiety from his London counting-house, the progress of the great contest that was issued in the abolition of slavery, and never once lost conï¬dence in the success of ~ the right. The apple of" discord once removed, and peace restored, the heart of a great man again proved itself superior to partyism, and still loved the “ Union.†While poli- tical strife ran high, and hearts were still bleeding for lost husbands and sons, he was censured for his liberality. But he wavered not from his purpose. Slavery removed, he knew no North, no South. He believed that either resulted from birth or education. Hence, he attested the liberality of his views by a gift. of three million dollars to the Southern education fund. His politics were kin- dred to those of the old Republic, when_ E w an: “n.44 ' again threatened with a national castiga- , already sailing up the Potomac, and the ' capital of the young Republic was in ELESSONS FROM THE LIFE OF GEORGE [ PEABODY. (eoroLnnED FROM OUR LAST.) Mr. Peabody was a model for young business men in every particular. To the personal witness of temperance, honesty, uprightness, which were examples also to his fellows, he added the duty he owed to the land of his birth and the flag to which he looked for protection. He was a patriot. In the political disturbar ces that in 1776 that culminated in pluck- ing from the crown of England’s mon- arch, one of its brightest jewels, the an-l cestors of the Peabody family took an active part. Tha_ï¬res of discord had not been completely subdued, wires in 1812 fresh diï¬iculties arosï¬. The old feuds were recalled. and the old wounds torn afresh, forgotten jealousies were re- vived, and the American colonists were tion. Indeed, the British fleet was imminent danger.. It is not to be won- dered at, that in t ese perilous times the young merchanfwasj among. the ï¬rst to stand in defence f his home and countr y‘._ It is not our“ business, as it is not our purpose, to distuss the principles upon which the youn‘ colony turned its back upon the .0ch ml; It has become a , matter of hist y;. you may read and ' judge for yours ves. War is a sin, and , some one is to blame when it occurs 3 but - when it beconies inevitable, when the enemy is on the border, and hope and home, peace and prosperity are threaten- ed, he is not a? mom, who will submit without an effort. The public spirit already evinced by Mr. Peabody had distinguished him among his fellows. His services as an artilleryman, at War- burton and Newburyport, entitled him to a grant of land from Congress. He was rapidly growing popular in political circles, yet he was not‘ led by it from his more favoured business pursuits ;j he he courted no political ofï¬ce ; never was the parasite of any political party; he stood on no political platform ; xkept aloof from those petty factions for Which Republican Governments are proverbial, and which have threatened her best inâ€" stitutions ; he was a citizen of the Union rather than of the County or State; he‘ never stooped to be a party of local pre- judice, if it in any way clashed with the interests or security of the commonwealth. Leaving the arena of political strife when peace returned to his country, he pre~ ferret]; byvthemultiyation of undivided manhood, to be a pattern of honour and liberality. His views on this subject suffered little change during his subse- quent life, and were mostly attested in acts rather than in words. In 1838 when so much doubt was entertained as to whether the State Municipalities could redeem their bonds he, in behalf of Maryland, advanced $300,000 and thus saved it from bankruptcy. T‘rv- . Lecture. Making a. total of . . . . . . . . $8,470,000 Such acts require no comments, nor could their magniï¬cence or grandeur be increased by rology. They evince the greatest ability and the greatest willing- ness to do good that the world has ever seen. They show that it is possible to be the master of' a fortune and not its slave; but the best of all is the means by which the mastery was obtained is credited to its true origin. Mr. Win- throp tells us that while in conversation with the princely benefactor he turn- ed the conversation on the subject of these gifts. “ Why, Mr.Winthrop,†was his reply, “ this is no new idea to me; I have long studied such dealings of“ my pro- perty,[ have prayed my Heavenly Father day by day,that I might be enabled,before I died,to show my gratitude for the blessâ€" ings hc,has bestowed on me, by doingr some good to my fellow-men.†On another occasion. Mr. Peabody said “ It is sometimes hard for one who has devoted the best part of his life to the accumulation of wealth, to spend it for others; but practice it, and keep on practicing it,and I assure you it becomes a pleasure.†Dazzled by the brilliancv of such princely gifts, we must not forget that such requirements are only linked to commensurate ability. The pleasure is equally sweet, and the reward none the less to her who of the penury “did what she could,†or to him who “ gives a cup of cold water in the name of a dis- ciple.†’But we must draw our speculations to a close. We have introduced to you a man who has become strangely familiar, only through his charity. You have seen him at the early age of “ eleven" without friends or capital, apprenticed as a coun- try grocers’s boy, in which capacity he commences his life of earnest and suc- cessful toil. You have seen him four years after, when promoted to another sphere, by his father’s death and his brother’s misfortune’s, left an orphan without means, in the most gloomy times.- You have seen him braving dis- appointment, and with ï¬rm resolve, turn- ing his back on the dear but desolate scenes of his childhood, and seeking the smiles of capricious fortune under sun- nier climes. You have seen him at 19 becoming ï¬rst a partner, then the head of a respectable ï¬rm, establishing bran- ches in Baltimore, and several of the principal cities of the South. After crossing and re~crossing the ocean several times in transacting his foreign business, you have seen him settle permanently in “None Were for the party, {Then all were for the State, Then the great man helped the poor, ' . And the poor man loved the great; Then lands were fairly portioned, Then spoils were fairly sold, ' And Romans were like brothers, In the brave days of old.†We said that in everything pertaining 0 to business or social life our hero was a d pattern. Perhaps the assertion is too 0 sweeping, and will be received on trust 5 as the conviction of enthusiastic youth, 3 in love With a character, and which more ' intimate acquaintance may moderate. It - is perhaps diflicult, so. complete in its ' harmony of perfections, that no minor note is ever heard to jar the strain. Inâ€" deed, these little imperfections link us to , our race, and remove our illustrious heroes from the utopian lands'of gods and goddesses. I am not sure but Mr., Peabody’s failure oughtto be written in stronger'characters than commonly desig- nate human frailtics. It may. be just barely tingle with‘ something worse, for it was in contradiction to a strong re- commendation and provision of heaven ‘ The Book says it was not good for man to live alone. 'Mr. Peabody lived and died a bachelor. The real cause may - never be known ; but suflicientingenuity still remains in certain circles to-inve'nt a reason. Hence, rumour, with her bable tongue, has solved the mystery in half a dozen difl'erent ways, each of which might be satisfactory to the most fastidious enquirer. They seem to agree in the main, it is tne old, old story, disappoint- ment. dcjection, deSpair; none of which harmonizewith the analogy of the man’s life. But such “ curiosity seekers†do (1' D e r 1 upsâ€"4.4 Milâ€"J not seek such proof, so long as the object . of explanation is attained, and their troubled mind’s sootheda For while slander, like a serpent, coils itself around the meanest heart, so empty “ curiosity" seeks its lurking place in the shallowest . brain. The circle of life is only complete when it meets its true complement. The man occupies an unenviable position who can boast of imperviousness to the influâ€" ence of a pair of pretty eyes. We can at least justify our hero from the latter, while we acknowledge that the former may be with justice applied to him. It would, perhaps, be tedious to detain you much longer in company with a man whose life is only monotonous in its suc- cess. The chief lustre of his name is derived from the muniï¬cent gifts to charity and education. To speak of them individually and advert to the causes would be weal-isome. Let us read a list of the principal donations, and allow you to draw the lesson yourselves. To the State of Maryland . . . . . . $ H 60,000 Balt. Peabody Institute. . 1,500,000 “ Southern Education Fund 3,000,000 “ Yale college . . . . . . . . _. . 150,000 “ Peabody Academy . . . . . . 140,000 “ Harvard College. . . . . . . 150.000 “ Phillips Academy . . . . . . . 25,000 M A" (t Peabody Institute, Mass. Kenyon College . . . . . . . . Memorial Church George- 250.000 25.000 (I town . . . . . , . . . . . . . Poor in London . . . . . . . . Public Libraries . . . . . . . . Kane's Arctic Expedition Sanitary Fairs . . . . . . . . . Upheld Credlt of different States . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.000 3,000,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 The Queen of Holland, immediately after the cession of Venetia, and while the war in Bohemia was still going on, Wrote to the Emperor Napoleon the fol- lowing letterzâ€"“July 13, 1866.â€"â€"You give way to strange delusions! Your prestige has been damaged more during the last fortnight than during the whole continuance of your reign. Allowing the feeble to be destroyed, you let the insolenee ‘and brutality of your next neighbor grow to extravagant proportions. You aecept a present, and you don’t know how to give a good word to him who pre- sents it to you. I regret that you think me interested in the question, and you do not see the fatal danger of one power- ful Germany and one powerful Italy. It is the dynasty which is threatened, and it is that which must bear the conse- quences. I say this because it is the truth, which you will learn too late. Do. not think that the misfortune which over- ‘ whelms me in the disaster of my country makes me unjust or suspicious. ceded, you must aid Austria, march to the Rhine, and impose your conditions. Let Austria be slaughtered, and you com- mit, not a crime, but moreâ€"a blunder. ‘ I would ‘ however, consider myself wanting to an: This, perhaps, is my last letter. old and sincere friendship if I did not say onelast time the whole truth. I do not expect that it Will be listened to; but I wish to be one day able to say that I did everything to prevent the ruin of y what inspires me with so much faith and aï¬ection. is not a line on them. Venetia ‘ ' loathe themselves. There are all as mean, and they indicate as much wicked- ness, as sins that are more overt and of greater magnitude. He never stole or robbed, nor committed what is called a crime, nor indulged in what goes by the name of vice; but there is not a throb‘ of his soul that there is not a throb of selï¬shness. There is not a pulsation of his life that is not a pulsation of pride. There is not a movement of his mind that is not a movement in the channels of vanity. He is corrupt in every part of his being, only his corruption is made up of inï¬nitesimal depravities. He is sinâ€"rotten. There are a great many such men. They are keyed to selï¬shness. Their purposes are selï¬sh. All their ways are selï¬sh. Their whole concep- tion of living is selï¬sh. There are men whose whole character has been built up w1th succassive steps of invisible wicked- ness, until, although they are decent and law-abiding, and although they stand well in society, when God looks upon them he loathes them. But they do not I have taken notice, when they were tapping the gasmain, that the men who worked in the escaping gas all the time did not smell it, whereas those who came where it was but occa- sionally smelled it very sensibly. And 1 take notice that those who are con- stantly in the midst of the stench of their own corruptions never mind it. Box toed boots, with a corn on every too is to be the winter fashion. His memory should be a spell To banish spleen and bitterness, Have kindlier thoughts of us, for he Was tender unto thy distress. As we have kindlier thoughts of thee, Because of honor done to him; For while we weep, we turn to see That English eyes with tears are dim. The body was brought as speedily as possible from Portland, by a somewhat circuitous route to Danvers,where funeral obsequies were again performed,and again his grave is surrounded by the illustrious and the great, whose hearts are strangely stirred, and who are now more than ever conscious that they have been contem- porary with a new. type of manhood. But ' Hush! the dead march wails in the peo- ple’s eas. The dark crowd moves, and there are sobs and tears; The black earth yawns, the mortal dis- appears. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. He is gone, who seemed so great, Gone, but nothing can bereave him Of the force he made‘his own. Being here, and we believe him Something far advanced in state, And that he wears a truer crown Than any wreath that man can weave England, we take him from thine arms, We thank thee fpr thy reverent care, If thoii ahd We'wéT‘e e'ver friends We should be so beside his bier. l With sealed eyes, and forloed‘lhgl/ms He drifts across the winti‘y sea, Which chants to him its thousand psalms. We proudly name and claim him ours, We take him, England, from thy breast, We open wide our doors to him ' Who cometh home a silent guest. We lent him thee to teach thy sons ' The lesson of the open hand, V Lest furnished lips should bless them less Than him-«the stranger in their land; We lent him living unto thee To be a. solace in thy pain; But now we want his noble dust To conseei'ate it ours again. ,,,,V_ V‘.-n, on his head. Afiterka temcporary resting place had been given him_ among Eng. land’s richest dust, his remains were con- veyed across the. ocean in one of Her Majesty’s ships of war, that they might ï¬nally be laid with his fathers at Dan- Vers. The sentiments of the Americans are beautifully expressed in a poem a fewstanzas of which we will give. LorinEjngiand sends him back to us The news of' Mr. l’eabody’s death re- ceived across the Atlantic cable spread like wild-ï¬re. The newspapers vied with each other in heaping eulogy after eulogy liVes. a position in which the poor _bless him, the industrious examples him, theproud envy him,‘royalty smiles on him, piin s court his company, and the Pope himsiï¬? acknowledges his worth. And yet amid all-this, the homage of the poor, the flat- tery of' the great, the courtship of rich and the jealousy of the idle, goodness him. But; speak no more of his renown, Lay your earthly fancies down; In the silent grave we leave him, God accept him, Christ receive him. iLondon, amass a-princely fortune, and ‘i retire from business a model of a man and »: a merchant. And what has the great lesâ€" son of' his life been? It is this: That by the assistance of Him who promises “ never to forsake,†a man can live among the anxieties and-temptations of commer- cial life, and be untainted by falsehood or deceit; thesimple and kindly heart that in youth divided with his orphan brothers and sisters the scanty earnings :of his toil, expanded, in “later and more prosperous days, to social amenities and timely charities to his‘countrymen in a. strange land. You hate seen an indi- vidual through a long career from comâ€" parative poverty to opulence, remain unchanged in nature, untainted by that success that too often corrupts our nature and mellowed only by those growing years, that seldom fail to blunt our ï¬ner sensibilities. You have seen a man by his own individual effort raise himself to A Prophetic Queen. ‘ ‘ Requiescat in pace.†It is possible for a man to abstain from outward manifestations of wickedness, and yet be wicked through and through. There Is a paltry, narrow, unmanly kind of prudence which keeps a man back from iron-like wickedness. Guarded by such prudence, a man does not do anything on a large scale. He does not venture at all. His sins are all mermaids. There is not a line on them. There are all as mean, and they indicate as much wicked- ness, as sins that are more overt and of greater magnitude. He never stole or robbed, nor committed what is called a crime, nor indulged in what goes by the name of vice; but there is not a throb‘ of his soul that there is not a throb of selï¬shness. There is not a pulsation of his life that is not a pulsation of pride. There is not a movement of his mind that is not a movement in the channels of vanity. He is corrupt in every part of his being, only his corruption is made up of inï¬nitesimal depravities. He is sinâ€"rotten. There are a great many such men. They are keyed to selï¬shness. Their purposes are selï¬sh. All their ways are selï¬sh. Their whole concep- I tion of living is selï¬sh. There are men whose whole character has been built up . w1th successive steps of invisible wicked- ;ness, until, although they are decent and Henry Ward Beecher on Respect- ab‘e Rogues. “v. “wâ€. .. rrvnnvm .a. uvu u uuuvv, uuu a friend of the Turco’s came out from the crowd, and led him away, prancing all the time, and throwing back over his shoulder that severe general on review look, which had so disconcerted the little _fat private. In the evening, only an hour or two since, I saw another anco causing adistnrbance. He had apparentlf-bought some object, and paii insufï¬ciently for it. The shopkeeper was raving his griev- ances to a‘ circle of flaneurs, and the tall little Arab stood in front, with the calm- est smile possible upon his tawny face. Two Gardes de Paris came up. The shopkeeper insisted that the thief, as he called him, should be arrested. The crowd increased, but no one took meas- ures to do justice. The Turco, It should a say, was armed with a sword bayonet, and towered by a head above the group. He listened with an amiable air until, tired of" the joke apparently, he suddenly swung off with rude insouciance and lounged away, always wearing the same pleasant smile; and no one attempted to pursue except the little shopkeeper, who swooped round and round him like a eeaagnll, but soon gave up the useless chase. I mew tion these two little stories to show the way they are treated. If the Arabs do not shortly show by acts, the most bitter contempt for their masters I shall be surprised, and the Parisians will have no one to blame for the necessity of giving a cruel lesson to these children of the desert, but themselves. 3 One of the many special correspon‘ dents, .peaking of the presence of the w I Turcos 111 Paris, says 1â€"- V “These Turcos, if only there were not so many of them, would be capital fun. The Arab of the, Khabyl-is not a'humorous person,-exeepting in the dirty bosom of his family, or amongst people with whom he thinks there is no need to care aboat dignity‘iï¬ But these new com- ers from the deseé though not in the , bosom of the family, are vastly amusing, _ and consciously so. This morning on _ the Place de la Concorde, amerry Turco I stood looking on at ithevprercise .of'a - company of National Guards, who were not very bright in their drill, Helwatohed . them with gravitv-and interest or some ‘ time. They went through the anual exercise, and prepared to mareh'Q {a new (a D er-QII'UQ 5‘4 merry Turco took advantage of the o portunity; putting a stick between his legs, he cocked his tarboosh, and pranced along the line with that peculiar hop and "step which is supposed by infants to re- preSent a horse’s canter. There were thousands looking on. The ofl‘icer,-a ï¬n- ieking sort of a gentleman, turned very red. ‘March,’ he cried; The line ad- vanced, so did the Turco, who galloped up and down in front of the poor Guards without a smile. Now he stood'at one flank, and now dashed at full speed to the other, eyeing the movement with that critical glance which distinguishes an ancient martinet. The people'roared with laughter; the oflicers grew redder, and perhaps, muttered mild oaths between their teeth; the honest privates did not know which way to look. ‘ Remove that man!’ cried the commandant. ‘Haltl’ They halted, but they did not remove the merry Tureo, who cantered on to the middle of the line, and frowningly scru- tinized the equipments and bearing of the men. There was a little fat fellow there who got desperately uncomfortable innder this gaze. He glanced down at his boots to see if they were all right, then along his belt; he tried to twist round and examine his knapsack. ‘ Re- move that man I’ roared the ofï¬cer. No one stirred in the ranks, but the audience shouted and .held their sides. ,What would have happened I don’t know, but WHOLE N 0. 645. Arabian Humor.