WOULD PAY UP! Every time Igo out of my own shop door, for I always fancy [see the milliner watching me and saying to herself. There goes that fellow strutting about and owes me $5 for his wife’s bonnet. So for goodness sake For the ï¬rst hunk, 1 put under my waistcoat. I ordered a Bonnet. but And let a fellow feel a little Independent for once in his life. Tell the m you will use the old kind of yeast, and if that don’t do. the sooner you put a dose of poisnn in their bread the befler, for I am sure they wouid no! be ï¬t to live. That 1 have not been able to pay for it 99‘; WINES & LIQUORS ! And I’ll just tell you how to ï¬x them '. if they won’t be coaxed, THER HUSBANDS WERE DELIGHTED And buy you either a Bonnet or a Dress ; WHERE YOU GET YOUR GROCERIES n all conï¬dence between you and I, l thi 1: they mus: be Lasi week that as soon as you husband tasted the bread made with UNION YEAST!! TO THE LADIES. THAT THOSE WHO ARE OWING Richmond Hill, Dec. 1‘. 1870. But got neither Bonnet nor Dress. I like to practice what I preach ,- Most Mighty Uncomfortable, Sign of the Tea Chest, A LOT OF “BRUTES ;" Bet You Anythiflg You Liked, MONEY HAS COME IN SO JUST TH REA'I‘EN TU EM, Bu! 3 great many of the Ladies AND LIQUOR SO CHEAP. Sign of the Tea Chest. AND I REALLY D0 WISH JUDD & COMPANY’S SE TTLE UP ! SCOOT OFF AT ONCE, A WFL’ LLY SLOW. AS F0 R MYSELF. WITH THE BREADY BUT HAVE TOLD ME THAT NOW,'LADIES, I WAS PREPARED TO A large Stock of Yours muchly. THE OLD SPOT, For I do feel VEGETABLE HE WOULD I. FRENCH. U Subscriber, Lot 9. 3rd Con. Township of Markham, on or abom the lsl of July. :1 RED AND Wm": H rZIFER, 2 years old. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. .1. England. in Richmond Hill, intend holding aBazaar some time in the ensuing spring for the sale of useful or fancy articles. The proceeds to be added to the church build~ ing fund. Contributions kindly offered by friends may be addressed to any of the under- mentioned ladies : REFRESHMEM TABLE -â€" Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Hopper, Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs, Sedmnn. TABLE FOR LADIES’ WORKâ€"Mrs.Barnurd, Mrs. John Palmer, Sam, Miss Campbell, Miss Linfoot, Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Nicolls. Miss Pnl- lock. Miss Little, Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Thos. Cook, Mrs N. l’layter, and Mrs. Beoston U Subscriber, lot No. 25. 2nd Con. Mark- ham, about the 3st of October last, a RED AND WHITE BULL. 2 years old. The owner is re- quested to prove property. pay expenses and take him away, HE LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF England. in Richmond Hill. intend MENT of THE PUREST WINES AND LIQUORS To be had North of l‘oronto, and at Toronto priges ,tâ€" I Otard. Dupny & Co.. Pinette, Castellon ISL C0,. Mai-tell. Sazerac, De Forge & Son’s best French Brandies. Hunt’.~ Old Port Wine. DufY& Gordon's Sherry Wine. Kinnehan do Dunvnlle’s Irish Whiskey. Stewart do Co.. Hayes & Co’s Whiskey. Walker & Thomas’ Chippawa Old Rye Whiskey and Mali, (the best to be had in the neighborhood.) Booth & Barclay’s Old Tom Gin. Palm Tree. Dekuypors. Boll & Dunlop’s Holland Gin. Pure Jamaica and Demerara Rum. St. Jalian Claret and Choice Champagne. The above Liquors may be equalled. but not surpassed byflany house in the trade. Old Port'Whie for Medicinal plurposes, the ï¬nest imported, $5 per gallon, at G. A. BARNARD’S. V Righmond Hill. Markham. November 23. 1870. Richmond Hill, Dec. 2. 1870. 644-5m Markham. Dec. 1, 1870. Sign of the British Flag Staï¬'. August 18, 1870. AME INTO THE PREMISES OF AME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE OW ON HAND THE BEST ASSORT‘ Wines and Liquors. GEORGE, GOHN. Dollar P.O. Bazaar. Estray. Estray. WILLIAM SH ELL. THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1870. 645-3 631 SCHOOL REQUISITES Horses and Cattle. MILLER’S DERBY OIL Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing .1. Sale the South half of Lot No.33. in tho 2nd Con. of Markham, comprising 57 acres~ 40 acres cleared. There is on the premises a good frame dweiling-house. granarynvoodshed. &C' The soil is well adapted for wheat. For further particulars , apply to HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Sale the South half of Lot No.33. in thn ties indebted to the undersigned either by note or book account, that the same must be paid by the lst day of Januax‘y.187l. other- wise 1hey will be put in court for collection. As Competition is so very great in the trade, he who can buy Cheapest and will sell on a small margin of proï¬t, can best please the public and advance his own interest. BARNARD HAS FOUND THE PHILOSO- PHER’S STONE AT LAST, And will give his customers the advantage of it by selling goods at the WHY THE TRUE PRINCIPLE Sign of the British Flag .3qu. Richmond Hill. September 29. 1870. sax-w READY MADE CLOTHING! MOURNING GO 0 D S ! NORTH OF TORONTO. Large Ranges of Lustres FRENCH MERINOS RUGS. CARPETS. BLEACHED ANDV GREY COTTONS, FANCY WOOL GOODS DRESS GOODS ! Full Cloth gS' Canadian Tweeds FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! Vaughan , Nov. 16,1870. August 17. 1870 NEW FALL GOODS! ROBT. SlVER. Richmond Hill. Nov. 24. I870. 6444f September 29. 1870. THE CENTRAL STORE. ALWAYS ON HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 0F Buying (9 Selling Cheap for Cash l MILLINE RY DEPARTMENT OTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL PAR. Eureka! I have found it ! In Hoods, Breakfast Shawls. &c. &c. Particular Attention has been given to securing Hats and Caps for the Million, LOWEST LIVING PROFIT ! VVincey and all wool Shining. Flannels, Blankets, p L A I 1) s A N D LACES OF ALL KINDS FRESH GROCERIES ! FRESH CUTS OR OLD SORES. DRESS GOODS ! In endless variety, 9. large Stock of The Central Store! Prints in Endless Varety! DR Y GOODS DEPARTMENT. A COMPLETE STOCK In Coats, Pants, Vests. &c. Takes the lead of the town. HUGH MILLER & CO. Farm for Sale. 0F DOING BUSINESS. HARDlVARE. CROCKERY, In ail Prices and Colors, OF ALL KINDS, AT THE Hollands. Counterpanes A1so a full supply of DRESS GOODS Z THLSTOCK INCLUDES Hosiery, Gloves, TABLE DAMASKS. Last Call. LACECURTAINS, WHAT? AS USUAL THE HERALD BOOK STORE- MAY BE SEEN AT 167 King St. East Toront OF THE AND ‘N. ATKINSON. JOSEPH KLINCK, ‘ On the premises. 870. 643-2m 0F Richmond Hill. 637 631- tf Manufacturing a large number of the above; And, having recently heen improved, the sub- scribers have every conï¬dence in its superior merit. CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS Farmers will consult their own interestifthey will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel conï¬dent they will be satisï¬ed our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY COLLARS AND CUFFS BEST FANNING MILL I Whenever shown. and are pronounced by com- petent judges as being the Stood the test of Competition ! FANNING MILL! POCKET BOOKS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, WILSON S’ IMPROVED LOWEST CASH PRICES. IMPORTED GOODS TWEEDS, Winceys, Skirtings, PROVINCIAL EXHIBITIONS & COUNTY FAIRS, Richmond Hill, Aug. 27, 1869. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. FIRE PROOF STORE ! And having increased facilities for pre- paring the lumber, 1870. Richmond Hill,Sept. 22. 1869. (RICHMOND mm. BRANCH) u nu: Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the Kept Constantly on Hand. JUST RECEIVED I THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE 01' Every Description, including Manufactured in Canada ; DOUBLE ACTION LARGE LINES IN THESE MILLS HAVE The subcribers are now FLANNELS, NEW FALL GOODS A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 0F Dress Goods, OF ALL KINDS AT THE PROMPTLY. AT ALL THE 6w. &c. &c. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. CANADIAN A. & W. WILSON. BLANKETS, AT THE Prints, Cottons, ISAAC CROSBY. FACTORIES &-c. (ï¬e. d’oc. 1870. 566-tf 585 THIS PUMP IS EASIEST WORKED, Mos1' DURA- BLE AND NEATEST MADE IN THE DOMINION. It is so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all light therefore pre- venting children from putting anything Into it, The Subscriber would respectfully announce thathe is prepaled to put in U day, the 13th instanfla small sum of money. Tho owner is requested to describe property and pay for advertisemam. Apply at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. Also mauul'aolures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6, complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3 each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address,stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, Augustâ€"9. 1870. 630-13! RICHMOND Hum. These Pumps are suitable to all depths from a cistern to a well of 150 feet They are not so liable to get out of repair. baing Double-va‘ved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the joints which is invariany the case the common Log Pump made by hand. Price : $5 above platform, and 40 cents per foot below. Farmers and Physicians from the country will ï¬nd oux‘stock of Medicines completeâ€"~warrant- ed genuineâ€"and of the best quality. This Pump on Tm'al for One Month! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, *ï¬ Physicians Prescriptions calzefuliy com- pounded. and all orders attended to will care and despatch. Have removed to their new and commodious building on the corner of Yonge and Centre St. East. and would return their thanks to the public for past patronage, hoping to merita continuance of the same, They have greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment of Drugs, Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stufl's. Patent Medicines, and all other articles kept by Druggists generally. MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c UST RECEIVED A FULL SUPPLY of tho abova. r'nllsistiing of White Fish, Salmon Trout. Yal'mouth Bioates. Digby Her iings, Sardines, Lobsters and Oysters. A full supply of ï¬rst-class frerh ()3sters always on hand. G. A. BARNARD. , Sign of the British Flag Staï¬'. ï¬f Special attention paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. Parties will be waited on at their own resi- dence. by writing to J. ROSS ROBERTSON. JAMES B. COOK. U Sisit the following plaées, viz. : Maple. the ï¬rst Monday of each month. Richmond Hill, ï¬rst Tuesday “ Thornhill, ï¬rst \Vednesday “ Where he can he consulted on all branches of his profession. Subscriptions sent in now count till the and of 1871. Fourteen months Subscription for One Dollar ! Send for Specimen Copies. Agents, read our Premium List, in the Daily and Weekly Telegraph. A liveral cash com- mission to Canvassers. THE DAILY TEEGRAPH. $35 A YEAR. Address all Letters. post-paid, ROBERLIiSON &_C_OOK, FORM YOUR CLUBS FOR 187]. Single copy for one year, to any address, $1 00 A Splendid Selection of Books for Thirty Subscribers. A $25 Wanzer Sewing Machine for Forfy Subscribers. ‘ A $32 Wanzer Sewing Machine for Sixty Subscribers. MUSICAL SELECTIONS 1 Every issue contains the Words and Music of a popular Ballad. or Sacred Music Selection. For One Dollar you get Fifty-two pieces of Music. worth $30. This alone is worth the price of Subscription. - Read our Spléndid Book. Watch and Sewing Machine Premium Lust. PUBLISHED IN CANADA. Brilliant Editorials. Reliable Market Re- ports. Telegraphic News, from all parts. Well Selected Agricultural Matter. Reports of the Legislatures. Religious Intelligence, including a Sermon by 3. Popular Divine every week. Charming Fashion News. English, Scotch and Irish News. Foreign News. It is brim full at Sparkling and Exciting Stories, and Literary and Poetical Selections. The Telegraph stands (iiiriv'alled amongst its compeers. as evinced by its wonderful and ever increasing Popularitv. It offers induce- ments held out by no other medium of intelli- gence. Us success is unprecedented for it is Richmond Hill. Nov. 25, 1869‘ THE CHEAPEST READING. THE BEST WEEKLY! A DOLLAR $ A YEAR! W E EK L Y TELEGAPH. Toronto, September 1, 1870. 1871. RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, N _RICJ_3MQ;\I_D ‘ HILL, 0N THURS In this age of progress the people demand and will have A Paper to suit the Times. Fish ! Fish 1 1 'Fish ! 2 ! THE BEST 55 WEEKLY! E- 'EXQEILSIQR PUMP, MANU‘ WM. ALLINGHAM. LVD.S. factured by P H. ,SANDERSON &, SONS, GREAT $ DOLLAR PAPER! URLGjEQNA ‘DENTISVT, WILL PROPRIETORS OF THE SUPPLIED AT THE WM. ALLINGHAM, RE M OVAL . SUBSCRIBE v E N 'r l s 1' , No. 44 Gerrard Street, West. HERALD BOOK STORE Found Publishers and Proprietors, TORONTO, ONT. All .L UAUL’ Allan U ï¬n Hips, Rich mond Hill. for! THE 1871. 612-6 593. 633 Inspection and Comparison are Invited. PETER G. SAVAGE. The public will observe that be is in a posi. tion to Sell Goods at Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers. l nouucm to his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond HillA that he has leased the premises lately occupied by 011 Richmond Hill, and has opened with 5‘ complete stock of "1)ETER G. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- NOUNCE to his friends. and the public in Groceries, MALLOY’S AXES OWNERS OF THRESHING MAI chines will do we†to call and examine‘ our stock of oils. Tke Cheapest and Best in the City. HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East Toronto: August 17, 1870; ï¬3l-tf ‘ E HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE stock of all kinds of Dye Stuffs, of the very best possible description, which we are selling ‘20 per cent cheaper than any other house in Toronto. HUGH MILLER. 86 CO. :87 King St. East.. Toronto. August, 25, x 10. 6324f. Those Fish. WHITE FISH, SALMON TROUT AND LA‘B‘RADOR HERRING. .F McPherson's Exceléior Thragh'e;s; (gum: plate. This machine has the Patent Double Cylinder and Patent Gear. FOR SALE ONE OF GLASGOW 8t McPherson's Exnnlsior Thrnnhnrn mm- ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS 0F Covered with zinc on (he Improved French System, go to _ Richmond Hill. Dec. 9, 1869. September 9, 1870. Patterson, August 26, 1870. September 6. 1870. Rihhmond Hill. Oét. 1870. AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN-‘ F YOU WANT ANY REPAIRS now CURTAIN FIXTURES, For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,at the HERALD BOOK STORE. iN HAND, ALL STYLES OF P L O'U G HS I SINGLE AND DOUBLE FURROW. 3‘ YOU WANT A GOOD FLAT,RO0F '1? YOU WANT ANY TINWARE MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. YOU»WANT STOVE PIPES YOU WANT EAVE-TROUGHS FOR SALE! Provisions, Paints, Important Noticed Excelsior Thrasher. From 15 cts per length, go to WILTSHIRE, From 10 cts per foot, go'to FOR SALE BY DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20. 2nd con. Markham Machineryapil. Dye Stuffs ! PATTERSON & BRO“ Ploughs; CARROTS DONE Go TO do To Oils, WM. RENNIE, Eglington, Ont} 636-tf T I N s M x 'r H , ‘ Richmond Hill. 634-tf D’. C. O’BRIEN. Vamishes', WILTSHIRE; WILTSHIRE. w1ursamE: WI LTSHIR E. 595A? AGE ms. 632- (f 6394f"