Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Dec 1870, p. 2

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I A collision occurred on the Grand Trunk Railway at an early hour on Saturday last; in reference to which we have abridged the felegraph’s account of the aH’air to the following: The Merchant’s Express, a. fast freight train, distinguished on the time table of the road as No. 10, was bound West and ar- rived at Brighton, 9. station about 20 miles west of Beileville, at one o’clock, a.m., Saâ€" turday. Orders were dispatched from the Bay Street office in this City to R. W. Ward, the ni ht Station agent at Brighton, to de- tain o. 10 at his station, to cross No. 15' the freight train bound east. The form of crossing order received by the agent at Brighton was as follows: “No. 10 must cross No. 15 at Brighton.” After receiving the above message the agent replied: “No. 10 will cross No. 15 at Brighton.” To this reply it is necessary that the sig- nature of the switchmau at the station should accompany that of the agent. Un- fortunately, however, on this occasion, this (one of the strictest of the Company’s rules) was disregarded, and the agent, doubtless to save the trouble of looking up the switch- man, Signed the both names. At the time of receiving the crossing order, Ward, who is also telegraph operator, observed John Bulman, the conductor of No. 10, standing in the doorway of the office, and according to his own statement, he accosted him in the following language: “ Hullol Jack, is that you '1” The conductor made some response and turned away from the door, as Ward supposed, for the purpose of backing his train on to the swltch to wait the arrival of No. 15. A minute or so later Ward went out on to the platform of the station, and there meeting the switchman, asked if No. 10 was on the sidin , the reply was, “No; she has left." ushing into his office, Ward called the operator at Colborne,-it was too late. Through with his duty, for, the time being, the latter had left his office, and No. 15 had left for Brighton. Two} trains, each of twenty cars, and each' of , them propelled by the most powerful loco- motives on the road, thundering along at 7he rate of thirty miles per hour, each train on the same track, and both rushing on to meet one another. Nearly half way between the two stations, at a peculiar curve in the track, which, from the first opening of the road, has been called “The Dangers” the trains collided, killing the engine-driver and fireman of No. 10 train, and one of three men in charge of. a car load of horses. When the two locomotivesstruck, they both swerved to the north of the track, and rolled into the ditch, compleie wrecks. Their swinging clear of the track allowed the freight cars free scepe to crash-into one another. The fourth backward car on the eastern bound train was loaded with 80 barrels of coal oil. This car mounted clear over the tops of the others, and, breaking in halves, scattered Its inflammable freight mid the general Wreck. The oil coming in contact with the live coals scattered from the locomotives commenced to burn furi- ously, and soon the two trains were on fire. The loss of property, though of little mo- ment in presence of the sacrifice of human life, is very great. The record is two loco- motives badly smashed, five horses destroyed, and eighteen cars loaded with merchandise entirely consumed. l Mr. Edmund'Yates, in a London contem- porary. describes the appearance of the Mar- quis of Lorne on the occasion of his taking his seat in the House of- Commons. It may not be uninteresting to some of our readers: “He looked,” says Mr. Yates, " so very young, and seemed determined to look so very old; complexion delicate and pink; finely cut and feminine features; a slight red moustache, his only facial adornment; genuine Rufus locks, small ears, hands and feet; a light, springv step; head high in the air, and a gait which expressed generally a. full consciousness of the rights and titles and belongings of the Dukedom of Argyll such was the Marquis of Lorne, as he ap- peared to me from the Speaker’s gallery. Let me add that he is widely popular in his own set, and that one hears on all sides, his is a fine nature, and one which will be im- proved by time like generous wine.” It is stated that the man with the lorry mistook a previous train for that which met the accident, but the latter was nearly on time. The engine and nineteen cars were thrown into the river,» and the engine-driver, Patch- ett, and brakesman Peltham. were killed. flnj‘fidsy morning the Prussians attacked, with great impetuosity, the French at Cham- pigny and in front of Villers. After seven hour’s fighting the enemy failed to carry the positions of the French, and retreated, leav- ing their dead and wounded on the field. Their losses were from 14,000 to 20,000 Saturday the French recrossed the Marne and took up pesitionsw The enemy made no attempt to resist them. Ducrot greatly dis tinguished himself in the battle on Friday. VERsAILLEs, Sunday, midnight,~â€"After 2 days’ battle, in which the army of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg was mainly- engaged, Manstein’s corps captured St. Jean, 9. railr way station and suberb of Orleans. Thirty guns and a thousand prisoners were taken. The Prussian loss is moderate. Wrangel’s division suffered most. The Prussians found nine cannon and much ammunition on the field before Amiens. (Signed) WILHELM. MONTREAL, Dec. 6.â€"-TlllS morning, about 7 o‘clock, a fatal accident occurred on the Grand Trunk at Great Francis Bridge, this side of Richmond. A man repairing the line had a lorry on the track loaded with rails, when a. way and freight train from Montreal came along ran into the lorry, and was thrown from the track,breakin g through the bridge. The cars were loaded with freight from Mbntreal and the way stations. BERLIN, Dec‘. 5.-â€"The Queen has received the following despateh- from the King :â€" TOURS, Dec. 5.â€"-The Government has received, by balloons from Paris, official re- ports to the 4th of the progress and results of the movement made by Gen. Ducrot. They state that Thursday was passed in bur- rying the dead and supcouring the wounded. Among the killed is General Lachariere, and General Renault was badly wounded. Gen. Sonilly in his report says the troops who attacked the French exceeded their num- ber by 100,000. Their losses must have been extraordinary, for the next day thev were so weakened that they suffered the French to cross the river unopposed. The success of the French created intense enthn- iasm in Paris. Disastrous Railway Accident. Brighton Railway Accident. Franco-Prussian War. The last session of the first Parliament of the Legislature of Ontario, was opened on Wednesday .last, by Lieutenant-Gov ernor Howland with all the ~pageantry of regal grandeur. The Govcmor was escorted to the Parliament House by a company of the 10th Royals. The room and galleries were crowded with the aristocracy of Toronto. The speech from the throne was a good one and abounded with practical advice. The arbitration between the Provinces of Queâ€" bec and Ontario with regard to the appor- tionment of the public debt, previous to Confederation was mentioncr}. The sur- plus funds of Ontario have to be given to encourage railway enterprise. It is said in the speech that it is the intention of the Government to make education free to every child in the country. Emigra- tion was referred to, and has to receive every encouragement during the coming season. A bill to change the mode of examining controverted elections is pro- mised. Altogether. Governer Howland’s speech was a. good and practica? one, and lwas characterized by a spirit of moéer- ation, which indicates progress in the Legislature of the country. @an 33ml?» gmm. The Council met at Size’s Hotel. Union- ville, on Saturday, the 25th inst. Members all present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read’ and confirmed. PETITIONS PRESENTED. By the Reeve, from Benjamin Jenkins and twenty-four others,- praying for a grant of $80, to place gravel on the sideline between Lots 25 and 26 in the 4th 0011., in Road Division No. 27. By Mr. Lane, from David Eyer and twenty-four others, praying for a grnat of $300, to put gravel on the sideroad between Lots 50 and 51, known as the Elgin Plank Road. By Mr. Lane, from Robt. Cunningham and eight others, praying for a grant of $18 for the purposeof clearing, stumping, and otherwise improving the 4th Con., in Road Division No. 16. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Speight,moved that the sum of $18 be granted to stump and otherwise improve the 4th 0011., in Road Division No. 16 ; said sum payable on order of the mover. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Reesor,moved that the sum of $125 be granted to gravel the sideroad between Lots Nos. 50 and 51, in the Ish. Com, on condition that the parties interested contribute $2 for every dollar granted by the Council, and that David Eyer, jr.,Thos. Frisby, William Shell and Abraham Eyer be commissioners to expend the same; said sum to be payable on order of the com- missioners. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Speight moved that the amounts named below be paid to the several parties named, for dam- age done to their sheep by a. dog or dogs, it being two-thirds of the value of said sheep, as testified to on oath, viz zâ€"Angus McKin. non, $18.66; Thos. Cross, $5.33; Simon Raymer, $16; Andrew Reesor, $4.66 ; David Whaley, $8.66; George Miller, $53.34. Mr. Lane introduced By-law No. 197, for naming the places for holding the municipal elections for the current year, and appoint- ing the Returning Officers, which was read three several times and passed, as follows: Division No. 1, at Thornhil], Thos. Carr. Returning Officer. Division No. 2, at Victoria Square, James Gormley, Returning Oflicer. Division No. 3, at Markham Village, Geo. Eakin, Returning;r Officer. Division No. 4, at Cashel, Jas. Bowman, Re- turning Officer. - Division No. 5, at the Masonic Hall, Stouif- ville, Jas. Boyd, Returning Officer. Mr. Padget, seconded by Mr. Speight, moved that the Sum of $10 be paid to Wm. Robinson, being reward offered by this Council for detecting dogs in the act of killing or worrying sheep, be having caught dogs in the act of killing sheep, and had them destroyed. Mr. Speight, seconded by Mr. Padgett moved that the Toeasurer do pay John Eek- ardt the sum of $4, being the amouTt paid by him in improving the road between Lot 10 and 11, in the 6th Con. Mr. Speight, seconded by Mr. Padget, moved that the sum of $50 be granted to gravel the sideroad belween Lots 25 and 26 in the 4th Com-and that Benjamin Jenkins Aaron P. Tool and Samuel Brown be com. missioners to expend the same, subject to the usual conditions, that the parties interested shall contribute $2 for each dollar granted by the Council; said‘ sum payable on order ot the commissioners. ' The Council then adjourned till. the 24th of December. MONTHLY FAIR,-â€"â€"The usual monthly fair was held in our village on Wednes- day last. There was a good supply of catt!e 'and sheep, and fair prices were given by the buyers. The Vaughan Council will meet on Monday next. the 12th inst, at the Town Hall, at 10 o’clook AMT LEGISLATUR E OF ONTAR IO. Chopping Axes.â€"G. A. Barnard. Boar Pigâ€"George Weldrick. Hats and C?lpS.â€"-MI‘S. Myers. Estray.â€" Charles Nouman. RICHMOND HILL, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MARKHAM COUNCIL Dec. 9, 1870. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1870. SIR,â€"Now that the time lor holding our 1 Municipal Elections is approaching, the public mind is being more or less agitated! ‘ in the various Municipalities, by aspirantsl for Municipal honours, who are diligently parading, not the merits, but the shortcomâ€" ings, real or imaginary, of our present Municipal Ofi'icers. Not as these aspiring gentlemen assert that. they themselves have any object apart from the public good int view ;but holding, as they do, that public men are public property, and as‘ such they should be treated. This is a happy idea, entertained by all oilice seekers, to be con- veniently forgotten when they have attained the position they were so desirous to occupy. I would not wish your readers to imagine that I am opposed to adue amount of watch fulness, on the part of the public, in all matters that concern them of a public nature ; but I do hold that we should not be too exacting; for our Municipal representa- tives have a great deal to contend with, such l as local jealousies and office-seekers, who are forever boring them for patronage. As these applicants are about in the propor- tion of ten for every oflice to be filled, it is quite natural to suppose that a great number must be disappointed; and,as each of these , have some friends who are interested in their success, and feel proportionately displeased at their failure, it is easy to see that giving offence in cases like these is unavoidable. But the most numerous class of grumblers iare those who raise a great howl about increased taxation, yet are inconsistent enough to want good roads and bridges, and are equally ready to complain if these are not up to the mark, but consider they are unfairly dealt with when they are compelled to help to pay for them. Here, in the Township of Markham, some of our roads are in a wretched condition, owing to the‘ culpable neglect, not of our Council, but the ratepayers generally. We are blessed} with a Council of more than average intelli- gence, and it" we fail to appreciate we may be charged with ingratitude or ignorancewâ€" , perhaps both. It 15 generally held that public men should leadinstead of being led by public opinion; but how seldom is this desirable state of things realized. How often have much desired reforms to be forced upon reluctant legislators, who yield with such a bad grace to the public demands, as to deserve no thanks for what otherwise would be expected as a favour, but in our Council we find an agreeable exception to this almost general rule. This Council is known as the “ new blood infused Council;"’ though at one time the “new blood"-infus- ing process was violently opposed, it is now pretty generally admitted that it was pro- ductive of a great amount of good; but as everything should have some limit this pro- cess should be discontinued, now that we are in possession of the doubleâ€"refined, pure and unadulterating essence of blood, it is evident that the introduction of any more new blood would not improve, but might have a detrimental tendency. Let us, there- fore, be satisfied and let well enough alone; True, we may not always be able to retain the services of those great men; they may be called upon to serve their country in much higher stations than they at present occupy. After all, damage of this kind may be very remote; be that as it may, we 'should not look for trouble too far in ad- vance; let us, therefore, enjoy our present good, and nottroublc ourselves about remote eventualities. I will not attempt to hide that it is with great reluctance they yield to the solicitations of their numerous serve us in their present, to them, humiliat- ing capacity, and if it were not for the interest. they take in our welfare,thcy would not make the tremendous sacrifices they are making, by treating their own private inter- est, as unworthy of more than secondary consideration. But,to make more assertions of men's merits without producing any proof in support of these assertions, may be held as a somewhat questionable kind of praise; I, therefore, intend to produce proof for all 1 have said in praise of these men; of course I cannot pretend to eulogize all their great public acts, this would be too great a task for a person of my limited abilities. Indeed, I wish that some person more equal to the undertaking would relieve me; but as no such person seems inclined to undertake the arduous task, and,as it must be exceedingly distasteful to these men’s feelings to be al- ways sounding their own praise, I will come to their assistance uncompetent as I am. I hope they will be grateful, as I will be the first who ever attempted, in their behalf, a similar undertaking. “Diligence in busi nesi" is a commendable property in any man, either in a public or private capacity; that our Councilmen are diligent cannot be disputed. Do they not meet in Council about twice as often as their predecessors, and,although they have scarcely double their predecessors’ pay, are not their services in» calculably greater? I do not wish to make any comparisons between those old blooded foggies, whom we are happily rid of, and our present incpmparable Council. I will content myself by merely observing. that our old Council did business too rapidly; they did not spend enough time in deliber- ation. Besides, they were too undignified for high position, as they condescendcd to personally inspect roads and bridges requir‘ ing or undergoing repairs. But our present Council, having a proper regard for their exalted stations, leave this degrading but lnecessary duty to ordinary mortals. They make it their rule to merely vote the sup- plies (if the petitioners apply in a properly HAVE YOU A CELLAR T0 DRAIN? To the Editor of the York Herahi @urrwpnnhenre. condescending manner), without ever taking the least notice mether it was required or is being propery expended. They are liberal minded mm in the true sense of the term, for all petitpns, with the exception of those asking relietfor the poor, are indiffer- ently well attendzd to; but as the poor have no votes, ant as nobody seems much interested about tle condition of these on fortunate creature, except a few charitably disposed people vho cannot hear to see them starved; we ieed not wonder that our Council are so spning in their donations to them. I suppose no person who has ever had any practical experience in underdraiii- I ing could be foind to question its utility. Now, our enterprising Council, in order to 1 open our eyes andconvince us of the benefit 1 resulting from thisvery profitable branch of i industry, have exyerimeiited, at a trifling 1 public expense, or a ratepayer’s cellar, in x the Village of Butonville. It is somewhat ) doubtful whether they deserve the whole 1 credit for the intodnetion of this grand v scheme. The petitioners are, doubtless, 1 entitled to some share of it for the adroit ; manner in which they presented the peti- : tion; they are sail to have asked a grant 4 ostensibly for the improvement of the road, I and then applied the money to drain the cellar. This is one version of the story, but as it is only a rumor I do not think it en- titled to much credit, for I could not believe that such shrewd men, as our Councilmen really are, could be so easily overrated. Taking tiis view of the case I feel confident that the noney was applied to the purpose for which it was granted. It is easy to be seen thatenvious minded people have inven- ted the story, that our Councilmen were duped, in order to detract as much as possiv bie from the fame they are certain of ac- quiring through the introduction of this reform. Some may be a little anxiou's to know. when they are taxed to drain their neighbor’s cellars, if they, too, can have theirs drained at the public cost. I will answer by aiking a few questions. lst. Have you a large family connection ? 2nd. Are your family connections properly Oi" ganized? 31d. Do they all cast their votes in the same direction at the Municipal Elections? All who are able to answer these. questions in the affirmative will sue ceed; but those who give negative answers to' the same questions, would not stand a NNMHHGJOOACC" ghost of a chance, however numerously their petitions may be signed. Taking a hasty and superficial view of our Council’s mode of treating these two classes of peti- tioners, they might be accused of partiality; but,as perfect equality, is, after all, only an imaginary thing and exists in no state of society, let those who may consider them- selves unfairly dealt with seek consolation in this thought, “for they are suffering through their own culpable neglect,” as their ‘lack of influence is easy traceable to their disorganized condition. New I would ask ‘ any reasonable man, if those whose system of organizatioh is perfect,and in consequence may render very beneficial service in an election contest; are they not, I would ask, entitled to a few special favors; ifour Coun. cil did otherwise than reward service of this kind, those who now accuse them of par- ’ tiality, would be among the first to charge them with iizgratitutle. It is not likely that our Ccnncil, having commenced to drain cellars, will content themselves with one solitary experiment; they are not men of that stamp,tliey will not condemn the scheme as a failure until it is more thoroughly tested, particularly as tliei‘e are many more influential men in the Township who may have cellars that require draining. Taking this for granted, I would recommend the use at large tyles in preference to small one,that is when they drain cellars in low, moist or wet ground. Advice of this kind might not have been necessary in the cellar case already alluded to at Buttonville, as the ground where that drain is dug is high and dry without either surface or spring water, but I have been informed that, at a trifling public expense, a few bianch drains from other cellars may be run into this one, if this should be done, as it probably will, as the men have a considerable influence, may not these tyles prove inadequate to the in creased work they will be required to per' form. The Council might not have foreseen this at the time, but some assert they could not help being aware of it, as the place where the drain Was dug made it evident that this was the intention, and the improvement of the highway was never thought of. There was no occasion to pay much attention to the highway, it was in a much better con' dition than the majority of our roads. Of course, I would not be so unreasonable as to ask them to spoil a good cellar drain for anything so unimportant as a public high- way; but in all future operations of this kind, when they can, without damage or in- convenience, it would not be amiss to make the improvement of the road a secondary consideration. It must not be supposed, because I am making these suggestions,that I am dissatisfied with the scheme ; I believe it will be productive of a great amount of ‘ good, it will have a tendency to elevate the *I the position of Councilmen in our estimation, when we are aware they have not only the inclination but the power to patronize their friends. It affords me great pleasure to be able to inform the public that our very ex~ ; cellent Reeve took a prominent part in forwarding this grand private enterprise, as he has been accused of being somewhat ‘_ tardy in advancing great reform measures. [To those who have sufficient influence to have a petition of this kind entertained by the Council, some instruction on the proper mode of proceeding may not be out of place. A petition, asking aid for a poor old man, nearly blind and upwards of 70 years of age, with more than 60 signatures attached, is too unimportant to deserve much attention; but a petition asking a grant, ostensibly to be applied to the improvement of the road, but in reality to drain a cellar, with three signatures, is deemed all suflicient. But as formality must be attended to, for further instructions I would advise parties wishing to make similar applications to see the fOrm of the petition presented by the Buttonville Cellar Drainage Company; and, if possible, obtain a copy of it, as all who are possessed of this invaluable document,will avoid blun‘ dering and the fatal consequences that cer- tainly would follow. I will not deny that this neW measure has met with some oppo- sition, but as all great reform measures have been similiarly treated. let us not, therefore, be too hasty in prejudicing What after all may be productive of much good; one useful 'lesson, at least, it will teach us. that is, the‘ utility of underdraining; and, as the experi' ment so far has cost the Township only a mere trifle, not exceeding 40 dollars, I be- lieve; the most penurious need not there- fore feel alarmed, as this insignificant sum will scarcely be felt, as all the ratepayers in the Township are the paymasters. I may be accused of want of moderation, and too great a desire to extol and over-estimate the merits of these gentlemen, but this is not only par» donable but commendable When the object in view is good. My object is to induce the Electors to keep these men in oflice a little .longer, and as they are generous men Ihope they will not allow my feeble though well meant efforts to remain altogether unre‘ [\varded. PREsENTATION.-â€"On Tuesday evening the 6th first, a very pleasant gathering took place in the Wesleyan Church, Newton Brook. The ladies of the con- gregation furnished what they were pleased to term “a Social” but when the large audience were invited into the ves- try, they found a repast that, for variety, delicacy, and costliness, it would be difii- cult to excel anywhere. Following the material part of the entertainment, the choir, accompanied by music from the new organ under the accomplished leader- ship 01‘ Arthur L. Willson Esq., M. A. executed some choice selections of sacred music. Brief addresses were delivered by W. Cummer, Esq., who was unâ€" animously called to the chair, and the Rev. James Montgomery. Mr. VVillson came forward at this stage of the pro- ceedings, and read a handsomely engross- ed and highly eulogistic address, to the Kev. John Bredin, Superintendent of the circuit, accompanying it with a purse enclosing the handsome sum of $102â€" a gift from the congregation. The Rev. recipient read a suitable reply, acknowv ledging the uniform kindness of his people 1 to himself and family, during his resi- dence among them, and of his additional obligation under which they placed him to live and labor more faithfully for their spiritual welfare. It must have been gratifying to Mr.Bredi-n to meet so many friends from the various parts of his cir- lcuit, as also to recognise a goodly numâ€" ber of old friends from his last field of labor. A wealthy ahd beautiful young Liverpool lady has run away and married an Irish coachman in county Cal-low. The oflicers and members of the Mana- ging Committee of the Richmond Hill Mechanic’s Institute, are requested to meet in Mr. G. B. Nicol’s Law Office on Monday evening next, at 7.30 P.M. THE MASONIC HALL.â€"â€"This new public hall in our town, is now nearly completed, and will be opened by the D, D. G. M. of Toronto district, on Wed- nesday the let inst, with a grand dedi- cation ceremony and Masonic dinner. The members of the Richmond Lodge, of this place, by whose efforts the Hall has been erected, will occupy the upper part of the building, and are sparing no expense in fitting it up in a gorgeous manner. The ground flat will be fur- nished in a neat, plain manner for the accommodation of the general public, and Will be available for respectable en- tertainments about the second week in January. THE ORILLIA PACKET.â€"-We have received a number 01“ anew paper, pub- lished in the lively town of' Orillia, under the above name. It isrnently printed, and the copy before us would indicate that in politics it will be What we call moderate conservative‘ It has a hereu- lean task to perform in advocating the cause of moderation and good govern- ment. We wish the Packet success,and hope it will be the means of counteract- ing the effects, to a great extent, of' the rabid radicalism existing to the north of us. To all true Canadians, the “Canadian Illustrated News,” is the paper. Its II- lustrations are the most beautiful, the most interesting, the most instructive, of any paper of the kind on the continent. The number for Dec. 3 contains: “ The burning of Boulton’s Mill, Toronto” ; “Grand Lodge Officers, present at the inauguration of the Odd Fellows Hall, Toronto”; “View of‘ Quebec”; “Nee- pigon No. 14 and 15”; The War; The Fashions; “ Silver Island,Lake Superior” &c., &c., The Social held in Dr. Duncumb's Hall in our town, on Wednesday eve- ning last, notwithstanding the rain- storm which prevailed during the night, was a success. The object of the enter- tainment was to raise funds to purchase material for the ladies in connection with the Episcopal Church, to manufacture fancy goods for a larger entertainment to be hold some time next spring, the pro- ceeds of which7 to assist in building a Brick church for that body. in our town. ONE WHO HAS A CELLAR T0 DRAIN. FRIDAY, Dec. 9.-â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc.. on Lot No. 11, in the 3rd Concession Vaughan, the property of Mr. H. D. Bennett. Sale at 11 o'clock. a.m. M. Fisher, auctioneer. TUESDAY, December 13.â€"Cash Sale by, of furniture, &c., &c., at Buttonville, the property of Mr. Wm. Linfoot. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock, PM. F. But- ton, Auctioneer. TUESDAY EVENING, Dec. 13 and following eveningsâ€"Clearing Sale of Store Goods at St. Andrews, the property of Mr. A. Gallanough. Sale each evening at 6.30. R. Conway, Auctioneer. '3 Parties having Sale bills printed at this office, will have a. notice similar to the above. free of charge. Cochin China has been declared in a. state of siege. Ass’s flesh in the Paris market sells at the rate of 4d. a pound, Addresses pour in upon the pope from all the countries of Europe. More than £35,000 have been collected for the completion of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Manchester possesses sixty trades’ unions. numbering altogether about 25,500 members The present aggregate mortality of the German armies in France is 2000 men per day. The Prussian officers say that within 3 years the Prussian army will be around Lon- don. When the spots on the sun are at a maxi- mum (as is the case at the present time) then the auroral lights are more frequent and more brilliant. A special Pesth despatch says Austria has Rnssm’s positive guarantee that all the stipu~ luiions of the Paris treaty concerning the freedom of the Danube shall be maintained, and the discussion at the London conference wi!1 be confined to the neutrality of the Black Sea. Fellows’ Compound of Hypophosphites “211 not only supply the waste going on in the brain, but will enable the mind to endure a greater tax than before. It will impart vigor and promote clear conceptions to the intellect. It will strengthen the nerves and give power to all the involuntary as well as the voluntary muscles of the body. Price $150 a bottle; 6 for $7 50. Sold by aymthecaries and by F. Cundill 8:7 Co.‘ wholesale agents, Montreal. . MARRIED. W1LSONâ€"MOWLDS.â€"On the 6th inst, by the Rev. John Bredin at the bride’s resi- dence, Mr. Asa Burwell Wilson and Miss Eliza. Mowlds, both of Richmond Hill. Flour. Wharrel......... - Wheat. 319 bush . . . . . Spring Wheat, #9 bush. .. Barley. fig bush. . . . . . . . . . Peace, do ........... Oats, do Hay,'§9mu . . . . . . . . . . Stx'awfiiQ ton Butter lb rolls.... Pork per 100”)... . . Woolfififl) . ‘ , . . . . . . ...... Apples pen bbl.......... .. Potatoes. pel‘ bush . . . . . . . Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 p.m. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of The rate on Letters for the United Kingdom (via Quebec in summer, and Portland in win- ter), is now reduced to 6 cents per i oz. weight. If sent via New York. it will be S cts per; 02. These rates apply only to prepaid letters; ifsent unpaid, or insufficiently prepaid. there will be a fine of double the amount of deficient postage. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond Hill, Nov. 29, 1870. closing REFRESHMENT TABLE â€" Mrs. ‘Powell. Mrs. Hopper. Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs, Sedman’. TABLE FOR mnncs’ WORKâ€"Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. John Palmer. Sam, MiSS Campbell, Miss Linf'oot, Mrs. Arnold. Mrs.-Niculls, Miss Pal- lock. Miss Little, Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Thos. Cook. Mrs N. Playtel'. and Mrs. Beeston NB. ’3 Letters for despatch by these lines of Steamers, should be so marked. Richmond Hill Station. Change of fime taking effect November 28, 1870: Going North 854 A.M. . . . .. . . . ... .4.55 P.M. Going South 10.02 A.M . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.02 P.M. lVJ. mond Hill Past Office. Until further notice. the mails will be closed at this office as follows : Are closed at Toronto as follows: By Cunard Line, every Monday, 10:30 11.1% By Canadian Line, every Thursday, 10 P.M Apprentice to the Printing Bussiness. a strong active boy of fair education. Apply at the HERALD Office. M HE LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF England. in Richmond Hill. intend 1. England. in Richmond Hill. intend holding a Bazaar some time in the ensuing v=pring for the sale 01 useful or fancy articles. The proceeds to be added to the church build- ing fund. Contributions kindly offered by friends may be addressed to any of the under- menlioned ladies : “ZANTED IMMEDIATELY. AS AN ADDrenlice to the Priming Bussiness. Richmond Hill, Dec. 2. 1870, 644â€"5m Northern Mai]. . . .. . . . . . . . Southern Mail. . . . . . . . . . . Mail for Almira . . . . . . . . . . U H ( H Cashel, . . . . . . . . . ‘ Gormley, . . . . . . . . . Headford. . ‘ . . . . . . Victoria Square, . . EVENING MAIL. ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA New thvzrtizemeuts. AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH fipecial Notices. Apprentice Wanted. TORONTO MA RKE'I‘S. AUCTION SALES. News Summary ,rrel......... ush .- atflfifibush rush. . ..........-. .c....o-..---- BRITISH MAILS Toronto, Dec. 8. 1870. Bazaar. MORNING. AA 00 33 7.7“ 11.00 A.M. on Tuesdays & Fridays. CHOPPING AXES : CHAMPIONL Of the Nawest and most approved Pattern» at the Lowest Toronto Prices, at FA LL & WINTER HATS Those who are desirous 9f securing Bargains, ‘ will do We" to S p e c i a1 Inducements ! Held out up to January 1st. 1871.?! \J subscriber, lot No. 3. 2nd concession. Whitchurch. in September last, two Srmuo HEIFER CALVES, one spotted red and white. the other red with white forehead. The ownec is requested to prove property, pay ox- peuses and take them away. CAME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE subscriber, lot No. 3. 2nd concession. 1 form the farmers in the neighborhood that he still owns the HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO IN- form the farmers in the neighborhood That took First Prizes at Markham. Burwick. and Newmarket. last fall ; and that he will be kept on lot 35. Yonge Street, Vaughan. Cook's Toll Gate. Ambler, William Basingtwait. W'. Bullen'. W. Brown. Robinâ€"t Brice. Roben Cook. John J Cooper. William Coleman. John Cook. S Coleman. Denis Cooper. George Curts, Mary Ann= Danibls, J. Dnbson. Mr. Duncan. John Demon. Brown Demon. William Doner. Emanuel Esby. Joseph Espey. Wm F'ilzmaurice, Wm Foster 62. McKenzie Garvin. Mr Gorman. Annie Gorm’and, J ohn- Gielmer, Ottov Graham, John Grahrm. Mr J E; Helmkey, Phebe Hislop. Gideon- McQuillan, Jas‘ HARNESS H HARNESS l I! Dec. 8, 1870. As an apprentice in the above establishment an active lad about 16 years of age. PREPARED GLYCERINE E No Person should be Without it CHAPPED HANDS. For Sale at H. Sanderson & Sons. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Dec. 8. IS?!) 646-lm Whilchurch, Dec. 8. 1070. BEAT BARGAINS 1N HATS AND BONNETS. IMPORTED YORKSHI RE BOAR PIG Vaughan, Dec. 8, 1870. November 24, 1870. ls now offering the remainder of her HOWEVER ROUGH 0R SORE, EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Prepared by Made to Order, at AND BONNETS, Hill Fostl. flice. CALL AND EXAMINE. MRS MYERS Jofin Brown William AT THIS SEASON 0]? THE YEAR. HARNESS! HUGH MILLER. 81. 00.. AT A REDUCED PRICE. List of’ Letters SMOOTH AND SOFT. G, A. BARNARD‘S. ‘ Sign of the British Flag Stafl'. Richmond Hill. MAKES THE HANDS. 0N HAND AND MILLER, WM. HARRISON’S, GEORGE WELDRICK. 167 King Street EasQJ'ornnto. DATE’S AND Boar Pig CHARLES NOUMAN. Estray .15! December. 1870: Homer, E. Johnson. Jas Johnson. Wm Johnson. Henry Keller, Mrs J Kerswell. Mrs Kelly. Alvin Little. Eliza Langstafi', Ernest F" Munshaw. Wm _ Morrison. E J Morrison, Isabella Magner. Edmund M ason, Rebecca (2); Mackie. Alex McQueen, A Nicholson, Wm~ D’Grady, Thos O’Brien, Isabella Palterson, Allan Phillips. Isaac G‘ Reid. Theodore Rumble. Robt @tephenson. Joseph- Shutlleworth. B Thomas. Richard' Thompson J R, Trench. Sadie Wilson. George Warren, James M. TEEFY, P. M. MOCOOK’S, 9" Richmond Hi". 6-14 -2m 646-3 646-6

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