THE STOCK CONIISTB 0F .1.) to his numerous customers for the very liberal support they have given him for the past year. and wishes to annonne that he is again prepared to supply to those who may STAPLE AND FANCY WILL SELL AS CHEAP LONDON LAYER (rum ow nuix'r). CURRANTS, FRESH PRUNES, THE PEOPLE‘S STORE.- GROUND COFFEE, GUNPOWDER TEA, YOUNG HYSON TEA, With an excellent asortment of CHEWING & SMOKING Orange and Lemon Peel, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Spirits of Turpen- tine, Benzoin, Glass, Putty, (fee. CROCKERY, OROCKERY The cook in glory reigning. The maids’ soft di-enm of mistletoe. .’Midst gruvér cares disdaining : Fan. in her ears; the magic va’ice Of another son‘g is humming. , ‘ The Christmas pudding must be made For Christmas Day is coming.’ †“ ï¬reaghpug thg hausp n_b‘ua'y stii‘; As any other house in thqneighborhood, SUPERIOR FRESH EGS TO RETURN HIS THANKS Richmond Hill. Dec. 15. 1870. Suitable for the present Season, RABIES. New and Fresh Ground Spices, FAVOR. HIM WITH A CALL, VERY NICE LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNE YS. ALSO A FULL SUPPLY OF JUST RECEIVED, BPLENDID DECIDEDLY CHEAP I P. G. SAVAGE, FOR CASH. AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF GROCERIES, MUSCOVADO & CRUSHED SUGAR. CANNED FRUITS, TOBACCO, Which will be sold WHICH HE &c. &c. &c. FINE SOUCH ONG TEA, SPLENDID SUPERIOR SEEDLESS NICE NEW DRESSED VALENTIA RAISIN S, WITH GOOD JAPAN TEA. CURRANTS, mums. FIGS, RICE, That louk First Prizes at Markham. Burwiok, and Newmarket. last fall; and thal'he will be kept on lot 35. Yonge Street, Vaughan. Cook’s rl‘oll Gate. GEORGE W ELDRICK. \J subscriber, lot No. 3. 2nd concession. Whitchurch. 111 September last, two Spams HEIFER CALVES. one spotted red and white. the nlhor rad with while forehead. The ownec is requested to prove property, pay ex- panses and take them away. .1. form the farmers in the neighborhood that he still own! Ihe HE SUBSCRIBER. BEGS TO IN. form the farmers in tlm naiahhnrhnnfl ARNESS I ! ARNESS I l l H H FA LL & WINTER HATS Those who are desirous of s‘ewrinz Bargains, will do we]! to S p e c i a 1 Inducements Of the Newest and most approved Patterns. at the Lowest Toronto Prices, at As an apprentice in the nbox‘e establishment an active lad about 16 years of age. CHAPPE D HANDS. PREPARED GLYCERINE ! CHOPPfNG AXES! CHAMPIONL 7 N0 Person should be Without it J.» Hill FostUï¬lce. Ambler, William Basingtwait, W. Bullen, W. Brown, Robert Brice. Robert Cook. John J Cooper, William Coleman. John Cook. S Coleman. Denis Cooper, George Curts, Mary Ann Daniels, J. Dobson. Mr. Duncan. John DemonI Brown Demon. William Donor, Emanuel Esby. Joseph Espey. Wm Fiizmaurice, Wm Foster & McKenzie Garvin, Mr Gorman. Annie Gormand, J ohn Giebner, Otto ‘ Graham, John : Graham. Mr J E. ‘ Helmkey, Phebe Hislop. Gideon McQuillan, J as For Sale at H. Sanderson &Sons. Richmond Hill. CHARLES NOUMAN. Whitchurch, Dec 8. 1070. 646-3 IMPORTED YORKSHIRE BOAR PIG Vaughan, Dec. 8. 1870. Richmond Hill. Dec. 8. 1870. 646-1m November 24, 1870. Dec. 8, 1870. 644-tf AME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE BEAT BARGAINS 1N HATS AND / BONNETS. HOWEVER ROUGH 012 SORE, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND In new offering the remainder of her Prepared by Made to Order, at Held out up to January lst. 1871.5 AND BONNETS, HARNESS! CALL AND EXAMINE. AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR- HUGH MILLER, & (30.. Jo};u Brown William MR~ MYERS List of Letters AT A REDUCED PRICE. SMOOTH AND SOFT. MAKES THE HANDS, ON HAND AND WM. HARRISON’S, MILLE 167 King Street East, Toronto. Sign 6f the British Flag Staff. Richmond Hill. Boar Pig Estray DATE’S AND' G; A». B QRNARD‘SZ 1st December. 1870: Homer, E. Johnson, Jas Johnson, Wm Johnson. Henry Keller, rs J Ken'swe 1. Mrs Kelly, Alvin Little, Eliza Langstaï¬', Ernest F Munshuw. Wm Morrison. E J Morrison, Isabella Magner, Edmund Mason, Rebecca (2) Mackie, Alex McQueen, A Nicholson, Wm O’Grady, Thos O’Brien. Isabella Patterson, Allan Phillips. Isaac G Reid. Theodore Rumble, Robt Stephenson. Joseph Shuttleworth, B Thomas. Richard Thompson J R. Trench. Sadie Wilson. George Warren, James Richmond Hill M. TEEFY, P. M- MOCOCK’S, THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND HILL, ONT. FRIDAY. 6-14-2m 646-6 Sets Jet Jewelry Brooches Albums Parian Vases Sleeve Links London Illustratea News, CasseH’s, Bow Bells, Josh Billings’, and Canadian Tin Toys Ladies’ Companions Tog Watches Pocket Books Pocket Cutlery Clothes Brushes Hair Brushes Nail Brushes Tooth Brushes POCKET DIARIES Gold Pens Crayons Comes AT THE Hmmm Boox STORE, Toy Books, Wax Dolls The Subscriber begs to announce to the public that he has rsceived a FOR CHRISTMAS. CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, Have removed to ï¬xeir new and commodions building on the corner of Yonge and Centre St. East, and would return their thanks to the public for past patronage. hoping to marit a continuance of the smns, 'l‘hoy xave greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment of Drugs, Paints. Perfumery. Chemicais, Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stufl's, Patent Medicines, and a}! other articles kept by Druggists gensrafly. *ï¬ Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded. and all orders attended to With care and despatch, Farmers and Physicians from the country will ï¬nd our stock of Medicines ccmpleteâ€"warmnt- ed genuineâ€"and ofthe best quality. THIS PUMP HS EASHZST WORKED, MOST DURA- BLE AND NEA'I‘EST MAM: IN THE DOMINION. HE EXCELSIOR PUMP, MANU- factured hv P. Phillips. Richmond Hill. his so constructed with the castings of the handle as m make it all tight Ilmreforo pm- veming children from putting anything Into it, The Subscriber would respectfully announce that he is prepmed to put in Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. These Pumps are suitable to all depths from a. cistern to a well of 150 feet. They are not so liable to get out of repair. being Double-valved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the joims which is invariably the case the common Log Pump made by hand. This Pump on Trial for 0713 Munch! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Also mauufaotures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6. complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. Churn Pumps for Cistems $3 each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address,stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, Price : $5 above platform. and 40 cams per foot below. ~ August 9. 1870. 630-137 RICHMOND HILL. U day, the 13th instant, a. small sum of money. Tho owner is requested to describe property and pay for advertisement. Apply at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. Sunday at Home for Nov. at Herald Book Store MISCELLANEOUS L’: STANDARD BOOKS December 1. 1870. Richmond Hill. Nov. 25,1569. Very Large and Nice Ass‘sorément: AGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. 'N 7111011wa AHILL, ON THURS .EISURE HOUR, Shirt Studs Water Color Paints 6% Brushes factured by P. Phillips, Ric‘aï¬mnd Hill ALMANACS FOR 1871. Bibles Puzzle Blocks China Dolls Gold Plated Penholders Gold Plated Peru H. SANDERSON & SONS, Wo'rlc Boxes Writing Desks Wallets PRESENTS, 0“ GOODS SUITABLE FOR PROPRIETORS OF THE FOR. 1871. REMOVAL. SUPPLIED AT THE Shaving Brushes Razor? galls . ~ R3120? Straps Dressing Combs 11/ Circular Combs mhes Cwonets Humming Tops Sheet flIusic -c. Pocket Combs (Joncertinas COMPRISING 'estaments HERALD BOOK STORE. Found ALEX. SCOTT. E arr Rings_ Hymn Books Prayer Books Transparent Slates s Jï¬wors Necch Shell Cases 5 Shell Boxes Sclocl Baal: Richmond Hill Smtz'onery Pearl sets c'r. 593. I hava spared neither pains no: trouble to have BOOTS AND SHOES THEY CANNOT BE BEAT. BE SURE YOU SEE THEM AT They have been purchased from the loa‘ding manufacturers in Quebec. Montreal and Toronto. THE. LARGEST ! U Subscriber, lot No. 25, 2nd Con. Marl:- ham, about the !st of October last, a the.) A13.) WHITE BULL. ‘2 years aid. The owner ‘is re- quested to prove property. pay expensas and take him away, WILLL LI SHELL. Markham, Dec. 1, 1870. 645â€"3 THEY HAVE JUST ARRIVED l BE SURE YOU SEE THEM! AME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE Subscriber, lot No. 25, 2nd Con. Marl:- U Subscriber, Lot 9. 3rd Con. Township of Markham, or. or about the Is! of July. 9.11m) AND Wmn: H mun, 2 years old. The owner can have the same by proving property and paymg expenses. MENT of THE I’Unms’r WINES AND LIQUORS To be had North of I‘dronto, and at Toronto pring . I Otard, Dupuy 6L Co.. Pinette, Casteï¬on 65 Co.. Martaâ€. Sazerac, De Forge & Son’s best French Brandies. Hunt’a Old Port Wine. Dufl‘&, Gordon’s Sherry Wine. Kinnehan 6'1. Dunvllle’s irish Whiskey. Stewart {in Cm. Hayes (it Co’s Vlhiskey. Walker 65 Thomas’ Chippawa Oid Rye Whiskey and Mail. (the best to be had in the nsighborhood.) Booth (’1, Barc‘my’s 025 Tom Gin. Palm Tree. Dokuypars, Boil Cc Dunbp’s Holland Gin. Pure Jamaica and Dameram Rum. St. Jaliau Claret and Choice Champagne. The ahnze Liquors may 1):: equalled. but not surpassed by any house in the trade. TOB PRINTING ()ld l’ort'Wixie fer Medicinal purposas, the ï¬uast imparted, $5 per gallon, at G. A. Barnard has been appcinted agent for the Sale of HIS LATE STOCK, Which has been bought at a bargain ; he WE“, thsrefoxe. ’ Oï¬e: his customers an advantage, by giving them Goods at Lower Prices than ever. and hopes to have a share of public patronage. He has assorted up the Stock with a variety of new Goods. bought for Cash. at the Lowest Prices and will sell them at a. small advance. The Stock will comprise a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines and Liquors of the ï¬nest and best brands. Paints, Oils. Glass. &c.. with the best assortment of Shelf Hard- ware to be had in the neighborhood. Having many years experience in the business, he is conï¬dent he cannot be under-bought and shall not be undersold by any House in the Trade. Being thankful to his friends and patrons (or their past favors, he hopes to merit a continu-l once of the same. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, June 23, 1870. 623-tf Richmond Hill, Sept. 1. 1870. GEORGE, GOHN, Dollar P.O. Markham. November 23. 1870. Sign of the British Fla; Stafl", August 18. 1870. AME INTO THE PRVMISES OF THEY HAW Lone BEEN Loonmn Foa. Done Neat and Quick atthe Herald Ofï¬ce, OW ON TLIAND THE BEST ASSORT- APNARD’S STORE RBIâ€"OPENED! AMES, TOYS, THEY ARE- A SUPERB LOT. Ever ofered on Richmond Hill. AND CONSEQUENTLY THE CHEAPEST STOCK 0F FOR CASH! Cheap Boot and Shoe Establishment. Wines and Liquors CHEAP GOODS. FOR SALE AT THE Estray. G, A. BA Estraj. HERALD 300K STORE. W. H. MYE RS’ BARNA RD’S. THE BEST, Richmond Hill 629- [y 63} RUCS. CARPETS, BLEACHED AND GREY ODTTONS, FANCY TWOOL G-OODS FRENCH MERINOS FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! DRESS GOODS ! THE STOCK INCLUDES Full Cloth Canadian Tweeds Large Ranges of Lustres Hosiery, Gloves, Hats and Caps for the Million, NEW FALL GOODS ! READY MADE C'IOTHING! THE CENTï¬A-ï¬r STORE. IvLQURNII-IG- Gr 0 O D S I IV; 3TH OF TORONTO. ï¬es indebted Lo the undersigned either by note cx' hook amount, that the same must be paid by the lat day of .7ax1uar_)'.1871. other- wisa they will 123 pu‘. in court for coilection. ROUT. SlVER. Richmond Hill. Nov. 24, 1870. 6444f Sale the South hall'cf Lot No.33, in the 2nd Con. of Markham, comprising 57 acresâ€" 40 acres c‘ueared. There is on the promises a good frame dwoiling-Imuse. granorynvuodshed, 610' The soil is well adapted for wheat. For further particulars , apply to JOSEPH KLINCK, On the premises. Vaughan, Nov. 16,1870. 6-13-2111 mF‘ECE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing As Compelition is so very great in the trade, he who can buy Cheapest and will sell on a small margin of proï¬t, can best phase the pubï¬c and advance his own interest. VJHY THE TRUE PRINCIPLE BARNARD HAS FOUND THE PHILOSO- PHER’S STONE AT LAST, And will give his customers the advantage of it by selling goods at the Sign of the British Flag Slafl'. Richmond Hill. September 29. 1870. 637-“ "LWAYS ON HAND. THE LARGEST, BEST ‘AND CHEAPEST STOCK 91' September 29. 1870, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Particular Attention has been given to securing August 17. 1870 In Hoods, Breakfast Slmwls. * UHOOL RE QUISITE Buying (f: Selling Cheap for Cash ! Flannels, lalnkets, OTICE IS GI‘ EN TO ALL PAR.- The Central Store!- LACES OF ALL KIJDS In endless variety, 3. large Sicck of A COMPLETE STOCK DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Eureka! 1 have found it! ILLER’S DERBY OIL Prints in Endless Varety / FRESH GROCERIES ! LOWEST LIVING PROFIT ! Winéay and all wool Shining, FRESH CUES OR CLâ€) SORES. In Coats, Pants, Vests. 13:0. Takes :he lead of the gown Horses and Cattle. In all Prices and Colors. Hollands. Couniarpunes HARDWARE. JROCKEKY, Farm for Sale. DRESS GOODS ! HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East Town: . 1870 613i- tf OF DOING BUSINESS. Also a full 51:“)pr of 0F_ ALL KINDS, 1.1" THE TABLE DAMASKS, MAY BE SEEN AT LACECUMAmr, Last Call. AS USUAL THE YVHA'I‘ '3 HERALD BOOK STORE. 01‘ THE AND 0F W. ATKINSON. DRESS GOODS I Richmohd Hill. 637 TWEEDS, [15113 OR TE}: FIRE PROOF STORE ! LOWEST CASH ERICES GRO CERIES, HARDWARE, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Winceys, Shir/tings, POCKET ROLES 187 O. FANNING MILL! Stood the test of Competition! BEST FAHNING MILL 1 Whenever shown, and are pronounced by com"- peteut Judges as being the And. having recently been Improved, the sub- scribers have every conï¬dence in its superior merit. Manufacturing a large number of t/ze-ac'mve ; CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS Farmers will consult their own interestif’they will examine our Mill oefore buying elsewhere. as we feel conï¬dent they will be salisï¬ed our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. flOLLARS AND CUFFS Richmond Hill,Sapt. 22, 1859. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY PROVINCIAL EXHIBITIONS & COUNTY FAIRS, Richmond Hill,Aug. 27, 1869. And having increased facilities for pre- paring the lumber. Bought in the Bast Market and .ril! J": 7015 am": J US 1' 1'2 EGEI VEP [- 01' Every Description, Kept Cam;ch tc'fo’y on Hand. iLSONS’ IMPROVED LARGE LINES IN (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) manna NEW FALL GOODS DOUBLE ACTION FLANNELS, A “IPLEN‘J'D Aswoa'mzm or Manufactured in Canada ; TH ESE MILLS HAVE THE LATEST b‘TYLES, AT THE Dress Goods, VITEIENT 0F The subcribers are now OF ALL KINDS AT THE c. &c. 67.0. AT ALL THE CANADIAN PROMPTLY. HERALD BOOK STORE. AT THE HERALD BOOK BLANKETS, [ETY DEPOSITORY Inspection and Cdmparison‘ are Invited. HILL BRANCH) manna PETER G. SAVAGE. HERALD 300K STORE- Richmond Hill. Dec; 9,1869. 595.“ Prints, Cartons, A. & W. WILSON. ISAAC CROS BY. incluliug (#00118 the. (to. (EC. 'ACTO RIES 187G. STORE. 566-tf 585 IF YOU WANT A GOOD FLAT ROOF Covered with zinc on’ the Improved French‘ System, go to .1: McPherson’s Excelsior'l‘hrashers, com- plete. This machiuelhas tha Patent Double Cylinder and Pment Gear. OR SALE ONE OF GLASGOW & McPherson’s Excelsior Thrashers. com- ll VVHITE FISH, SALMON TROUT AM) LABRADOR HERRING. For SaIe by the barrel or half-barrel. at 1.116 Central Store. W. ATKINSON. U chines will do well to call and examine‘ our slock of oils. The Cheapest and Best in the City. HUGH MILLER Sb CO. MALLOY S AXES Hf Special Attention paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. l’al'lios will be Waited on at their own resi- dence. by writing to xisit the following plaées, viz. i Maple. lhe' ï¬rst Monday of each month. Richmond Hiliï¬m Tuesday “ 'l‘hornhill. ï¬rst Wednesday “ Where he can be consulted on all Branches of his profession. J of the above. vonsistiing 01' Whita Fish, Salmon Trout. anmoulh Blontes. Dighy Her lings, Sardines, Lobsters and Oysters. A full supply of ï¬rst-class fre>h Oysters always on hand. G. A. BARNARD. Sign of the British Nag Staff. ,1 NOUNCE to his friends, and. the public in the vicinity of Richmond Him that he has leased the premises lately occupied by 011 Richmond Hill, and has opened withvuv complete stock of 9 YOU WANT ANY :REPAIRS TUST RECEIVED A FULL SUPPLY })ETER G. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN; NOUNCE to his friends, and the public in The public will observe that he is in a posi. lion to Sell Goods at Pricos that will noflail to satisfy all consumers. September 6. 1870. Groceries, Patterson. August 26, 1870. Richmond Hill, Nov. 4. 1870. Ahgust 17 , 1870. Toronto, September 1, 1870. " YOU WANT ANY TINWARE AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN; Machinery Oil. ‘WNERS 0F THRESHING MAJ DOW CURTAIN FiXTURES. For sale, Cheap. only 25 cgsqat the HERALD BOOK STORE. YOU WANT EAVE-TROUGHS WM. ALLINGHAM, L»D.S.‘ YOU WANT STOVE PIPES Excelsior Thrasher. From lb cts per length, go to WILTSHIRE, MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. Dye Stuflf‘s ! HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE Fran) 10 on; per foo‘, go to Provisions, Important Notice- FOR SALE BY DANIEL HORNER, JUN, ' Lot 20. 2nd con. Markhmi URGEQNV DENTIST, WILL Those Fish. PATTERSON & BRO, WM. ALLINGHAM, , D E N '1' l 51' , No. 44 Gerrard Street, West. DONE GO TO Tonoh'ro. 167 King St. East Toronto‘. L 631-tf Paints, GO TO T I N s M 1 1' H , Richmond Hill; Oils, WlLTSHlRE. WILTSHIRE. WILTSHIRE. WILTSHIRE. Vamishes, 6344f AGE yrs; 632‘ tf 625 633