Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 Dec 1870, p. 4

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THE bed of the Seine below Paris con- tains a large rock. Only in times of the greatest drought this rock becomes visible, and it has appeared above the surface now again for the first time in many years. It is called the speaking rock because the fol- lowing words have been chiselled into it:â€" “ Those who have seen me have wept, and those who will see me will weep.”r EVERY good act is charity. Your smiling in your brother’s face is charity; an exhor- tation of your fellow-men to virtuous deeds is almsgiving; your putting a wanderer on his right road is charity; your removing stones and thorns and other obstructions from the road is charity. A man’s true wealth hereafter is the good he does to his fellow-men. INTELLIGENT WOMEN TAKE No PLEASUR‘E 1N Gossm.â€"-The well-informed woman may generally be known not so much by what she tells you as by what she does not tell you; for‘she is the last to take pleasure in mere gossip, or to make vulgar allusions to the appearance, dress, ar personal habits of her friends and neighbors. THE way to Wealth is as plain as the way to market; it depends chiefly on two words â€"industry and frugality ; that is, waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. Without industry and frugality nothing will do, and with them everything. WITH a double vigilance should we Watch our actions, when we reflect that good and bad ones are never childless; and that, in both cases, the offspring goes beyond the parentâ€"every good getting a. better, every bad a worse. AN American paper mentions the case of a woman who is so large round her waist, that her husband can’t embrace her all at once; but when he takes one hug he makes a. chalk mark so as to know wheie to com- mence the next: time in going round. ’Tis a fleeting, changeful river, Blent of calm and crested wave; Flplving in_and 011?, fore_ve_r, ’Tween the cradle and the grave; Changeful river, ever flowing, Narrower and broader growing; Flowing, flowing, ever going Toward the still and solemn sea. Forms of light and shapes of shadow . Float upon its troubled breast; Through the moorland and the meadow, Into everlasting rest. Here, a bud, by churl hand wrested, _ Flung into the angry foam ; There a flower with blooms invested, Plucked and ravished from its home. Youth and age, and strength and weakness, Beauty, innocence, and sin, Pride and power, love and meekness, All, in turn, are gathered in. Time and Death, two grim old warders, _ Watch its rise and mark its flow, Death, upon the chill sea’s borders, Bids the ice-wind on it blow. Changent riverâ€"fond hearts parting 1 In that still and solemn sea. Joinedâ€"to heal the grief and smartingm Bud and flower with stem, shall be. For, o’er Time and Death, an angelâ€" God’s strong angelâ€"walks the wave, Claiming with his trump, Evangel, All that pass within the grave. Claiming for his Lord and Master, By the flaming cross he wears, Allithoughubattered hy disasterâ€" No man is so foolish but he may give an» other good counsel sometimes, and no man no wise but he may easily err, if He. takes no other counsel than his own. He that was taught only by himself had a fool for a master. THE three indespensables of genius are understanding, feeling, and perseverance. The three things which enrich genius are contentment of mind, the cherishng of good thoughts, and exercising the memory. BAD men are never completely happy al- though possessed of everything that this world can bestow ; and good men are never completely miserable, although deprived of everything that this world can take away. WISDOM AND WEALTH.â€"'Tl‘ue wealth con. sists in virtue, and not in the possession of great estates; and wisdom consists in under- standing, and not in years. The Wisest of men is he who has the most civility for others. A VENERABLE minister of the church of England, long since diseased, used to say with as much justice as precision : “Let me propbrtion my giving to my income, or God will proportion my income to my giving. DECISIONâ€"Few things are more neces- sary to success in life than decision of char- acter. With it a man can rarely fail; with- out it a man can rarely succeed. BELIEVE but half the ill, and credit twice the good said of your neighbor. OUR own company we cannot avoid; we should make it as good as possible. ANYBODY can lead a horse to water, but nobody can force him to drink. How dif~ ferent with men! A veteran observer once declared that no one knew what envy and jealousy were un- til he had served in the army. The observer probably never belonged to a. church choir. CHARITY.â€"The desire of power in excess caused the angels to fall: the desire of knowledge in excess caused man to fall; but in charity there is no excess, neither can angel nor man come in danger by it. HE who calls in the aid of an equal un- derstanding, doubles his.own; and he who profits by a superior understanding, raises his powers to a level with the height of the superior understanding he unites with. HE that gives way to self-will, hinders lelf-enjoyment. WHY is the world like a piano ‘?â€"-Be- cause it’s full of sharps and flats. BE deaf to the quarrelsome, blind to the scorner, and dumb to those who are misv chievously inquisitive. THERE will be fifty-three Sundays in the year 1871â€"the year beginning and ending on Sunday. It ought to be a good year and a. happy one. AIN’T it wicked to rob this chicken roost Dick ? “ Dat’s a great moral question,Jum- b0, and we ain’t no time to argufy it now; hand down anuder pullet.” All the sullen river bears: Changeful river, ever flowing, Narrower and broader growing, Flowing, flowing, ever going DESTITUTION is better than dependence, since it 18, perhaps, easier to endure the cold than to find one's patrons so. HE who refuses to do justice to the de‘ fenceless, will be often found making un- reasonable concessions to the powerful. Towgfd the 3611 and Eolerfm sea. The River of Life. Odds and Ends @mfiwg. Pawn 15 CENTS. For sale at the HERALD Book Store, Richmond Hill; BANNER Office, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store, Markham Wesley-m Book Room, A. S. Irving’s and M. Shewau’q ’I‘ezomo. L ENCE between T. J, M., the Rev. JOHN BREDIN and others, (in the York HERALD during flu. months of Ju!y. August and Sep- tember, 1868), is sally printed in pamphlet form. and worth a perwal. HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND- ENCE between 'I‘. .T. M.. lhn Rn“ lnuu name has been umvarrantably used in connection with Directories now being can- vassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works, and that in other cases it has been stated that my Directories have been a- bandoned, I would request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that per- sons representing themselves as acting for me are furnished with suttsfactory credentials. L 0 V E L L’s DOMINION & PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES All orders from a distance promptlyuttanded to. and medicines sent to any part of the Pro- Vince. Horses examined as to soundness, also bought and Sold on comnnssxon. MEDICINES or Evnnv Drxscml‘nou for Hm-ses and Cattle always on hand: such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough, Condition and Worm Balls nnd Powders. The Cough Balls have been found most sei‘viceabie in alieyiating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokehwind or Heaves in Herses Colic, Draughls. Liniments for Sore anoals. Sprains. Curb. Spavin. Ring-bone, &c. Blist. ering Ointments, also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for wounds, Bruises, Saddle Gails. InI‘aIlibio Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. In a good slate of cultivation. Tim'ier land consists of splendid Pine and Hardwood In the vicinity. there is a church, and a saw- mill, and a school within a half mile. There is on the premises a good frame house, with stone cellar, kitchen and \voodshed, new ; large frame barn, two threshing floors, nearly new ; Mable, sheds and root house ; two never failing springs ofwalor ; soft water cistern. nad thriving orchard. TERMS EASY. For further particulars apply to the owner on the ptemises. V E T E R IN A RY SURGEON, GRA- duate of Toronto Vetorinarv College, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. East. Rich- mond Hill, begs to announce to the publictliat he is now practicing with H, Sanmmson. of the same place, where they may be consulting ed personally or by letter, on all diseases 0 Horses, Caitle, &c. Containing 80 Acres, l DIRECTORIES the most complete and correct ever issued on this continent. They are not being prepared by correspondence, but by PERSON AL CANVASS from door to door, of my own Agents, for the requisite in- formation. 1 have now engaged on the work in the several Provinces Forty men and Twen- ty horses. These are engaged mainly on the towns and villages ofl'the Railway and Steam- boat Routes, important places on the lines be- ing held till the completion of the former, to admit of correction to latest date. REISCELLANE OUS BOOKS admit ofcorrection to latest date. I anticipate issueing, October next. the Canadian Dominion Directory, and six Pro- vincial Directories, which will prove a correct and full index to the Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Island and a combined Gazetteer, Directory and Hand Book of the six Rrovinces. SUBSCRIPTION To DOMINION DIRECTORY : Dominion of Canada Subscribers,. . $12 Cy. United States du . . 12 Gold. Great Britain and Ireland do . . £3 Sig. France, Germany, &0. do . . £3 Sig. SUBSCRYP'I‘ION T0 PBOVINCIAL DIRECTORIES 2 Province of Ontario Directory, 1870-71 $4 00 Province of'Qnebec Directory. 1870-71 400 Province of Nova Scotia Dir., 1870-71 3 00 Province of New Brunswick Dir. 1870-71 3 00 Province of Newfoundland Dir. 1870-71 200 Province of Prince Ed. Is. Dir. 1870-71 900 No Money to be gmid until each bookisdalivoml. ' Rates of Advertising will be made known on application to JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16. 1870. 610-6 F1RsTBfl0K,Wilh31illustrations,stronghboun in] mp clothâ€"5 cents. FIRST Bo 0K, (seéond part) with 54 illustrations, strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND Boox; with 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"~20 cents. THIRD BOOK, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"3O cents. FOURTH Boon, 45 illustrations, strongly bound, in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH BOOK, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth hoardsâ€"50 cents. COMPANION TO THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at the CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker, (Sac. RESIDENCE.â€"Nearlyoppositethe Post Office, Richmond Hill. HE NEW CANADIAN NATIONAL Series of School Books. Montreal, March 16. 18704 Richmond Hill. April 23, 1868 T IS INTENDED TO MAKE THESE JOHN BROVV'N. Vaughau,’ June 29, 1870. 624-5 Authorised by the Council of Public in- struction for Ontario. PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, 0 T I Olafâ€"LEARNING THAT MY Sale, baing part of lot No . 59, in the lst Concession of the To be Published in October, 1870. To Controversialists. SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE Lovell’s Directories. THOMAS SEDMAN, J. H. SANDERSON, Fronting on Yonge Sl‘, SEVENTY CLEARED, Farm for Sale. JOHN LOVELL. Publish a HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. 610-6 510 The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in H a County, A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufactures, at the York Herald Book Store Richmond Hill. LIGHT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGON, with pole and shafts ; strong and nearly new. Also a sulky. P OCKET CUTTL DRY. Bag to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of House Fu'nishing Goods, among which will he found Barrister ‘S-c. No.64 Church St. opposite St. James’ Cathe. dral, Toronto. Catcher 27, 18(19 SSS-if 83 Yonge St. 3 doors above King St. Toronto. POETICAL WORKS HOUSE FURNISHING PLATED AND BRITTANNIA METAL GOODS OF ALL KINDS TABLE CUTTLERY, SPOONS, &c. South halves of lots Nos. 12 and 13, 1st Con. Township of Mosa, 200 acres. situme about lé miles from Newbury. where cordwoild brings a good price. and it is we'll timbared with hardwood. Also farms and wilds in various other counties. Apply (if by letter, prepaid) to J. N, BLAKE. the stock of which is verylargo, embracing all that is New and Chaste,and also the Plain- est and Cheapest; thus meeting the require- ments of ll classes. - Farm in 'the Township of Adelaide. fronting on the Egremout Grave. Road, of 200 acres, 70 )cres cleared and free from stumps; on the premises there is a good house, barn, stable. &c. There is a spring close to the house, and a spring creek runs across the lot. The un- uleai'ed pan is well timbered with hardwood. sitnnled about 3 miles from Kerwood Station, and 7 miles from Slx'atllrov. Lanterns, Square é‘ Globe Shape ROCK AND MACHINERY OIL! Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Benzole, 'd’m. (fie. And Perambulators manufactured. Wholesale and Retail, Cooking Stoves. Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove Plpes. Grain Mea- sures, Apple_ Parers, Clothes Wringers, &c. Vimâ€"Farm of 133 acres, situated in the Township of Vaughan. on Yonge Street, about 12 miles north of Toronto, on which there is a com modious house, barn. 2 stables, sheds, an orchard, about 20 acres pine and hardwoodlim- bar mixed; well watered, ‘ *,,"‘ Intending buyers ara invited to inspect the stock, as it will he found worthy of inspecâ€" tion. FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT CONCERTINAS, fl. mmion. at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floorâ€" ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails, CidérMiHs, Washing Machines, Shingles Waggon Felioes, and Lumber Sawed a0 order. For particulars address HERE. Richmond Hill,June ll. ’68 April 14, 1870, Special attention is directed to his Toronto, February 7. 1868. ICE’S PUMPS H. P. would also direct Special attention to the stock of Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. Steam Mills,'l‘hornhill Thornhil], Nov.3, 1869. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware! Also a large stock of OOK Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND WATEHSPOUTS FOR THE DO Lamps d3 Chandeliers ,- in great variety, for oil or candles. OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE LAMP GLOBES. BURNERS. CHIMNEYS, SHADES AND WICKS. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES l BOTH GOOD AND CHEAP. WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR, AT THE Temperance Works. TINWARE , GALVANIZED IRON, HIRAM PIPER CATALOGUE on application at the If you want get the pubEications of the SCOTTISH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. A FULL SUPPLY'of those interesting and well-written Works. which will be disposed of at a Low Rate. JOHN LANGSTAFF, WHICH WILL BE FOUND ESTABLISHMENT, FOR SALE BY STOVESI Apply to. HERALD BOOK STORE For Sale. For Sale. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STOKE. J'.BR1LLINGER, Also D. E. DLAKE .LD, RIOHMON D HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER ‘16, 1870. Richmomtl Hill T/Lm‘uhill . 61 3 -t l' b 7-tf 493 “ York Herald” (iheaprook and Job Print- ing Establishment. Y ALEX. SCOTT. Parties wishing Magazines. 6w. bound in volumes will receive prompt attention. * * Can supply any Magazine published “I . not on above list Add 25 cents to above for postage when or- dering. English EPresbyterian Messenger. . . 1 10 English Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 Englishman’s (The) Magazine. . . . 3 75 Englishwonian’s Domestic Meg . . 3 75 Entomologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 2 ()0 Evangelical Christendom . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Evangelical Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 Exeter Hall . . . . . . . . ... -. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Family Friend . . . . i . . . .......... 200 Family Treasurv............. .. 200 Family Herald.................. 200 Farmer’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 50 Floral Magazine. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Floral\V0i‘ld.......... ‘ - . . . . . . . . 200 Florist and Pomologist . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Follet (Le) . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 575 Fortnightly Review (mo). . . . . . . . 7 5') Fraser’s Magaxine . . .... .... . . . . 9 50 Freemason’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Friend. . . . . . ................... 200 Gardener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 Gents Magazine of Fashion . . . . . . 4 00 Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Geological Magazine . . . . . . , . . . . . 5 75 Geological A'z Nat. Hist. Repertory. 0 75 Good Stories . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . 1 10 Good‘Vords............. 175 G000 Words for the Young. . . . l 75 Gospel Macazme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 lleraid and Geologist,(eit. month) 4 75 Homilist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 Hot'ological Journal. . . . . . . .. .. . .. l 10 illustrated London Magazine . . . . . 3 75 Intellectual Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Intellectual Repository (New Ch.) 2 00 Journal of Agriculture . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Journal of the Chemical Society . . 3 75 Journal of Practical Medicine. . . . . 3 75 Journal of Social Science. . . . . . . . 5 75 Kitto’s Bible Illustrations. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies" Cabinet of Fashion . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Companion. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion. . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Treasury . 2 25 Leisure Heur.............. . . 2 00 London Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 London Societv. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 London and Paris Fashions. . . , . . . 3 75 Mechanicran ........-.......... 950 Medical Mirror.................. 3 75 Merry and Wise 1 10 Methodist Magazine 375 Missing Link Magazine . . . . . . . 1 10 Mission'e.................... 200 MonthlyPacket................. 375 Museum and .Riurnal of Education 2 00 Musical Times........_.......... 0 50 Naturalist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 New Monthly Magazine . . . . . . . . 13 00 New Mon. Mag. for S. S. Teachers 1 25 OuceaWeek.......... . . . . . ....325 Our own Fire Side . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 00 Peoples Magazine . . . . . . . ...... .. 2 ()0 Pharmaceutical Journal . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 PhilOSophical Magazine . . . . . .. . . . 9 50 Phonographic Reporter. . . . . . . . . 0 75 Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . 9 50 Post Oflice Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Poultry Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Practical Mechanics’ Journal . . . , . 3 75 Primitive Methodist Magazine . . . 2 00 Prophetic Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Pulpit Analyst . . . . . . . . 2 00 Quiver (The) . . . . . . ............. 200 Remembrancer . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . l 10 Reynold’s Miscellany . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Robinhood . . . . . . --....... .... 200 Routlodge’s Magazine for Boys . . . 2 00 St. James’ Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Scientific Review 2 00 Scottish Congregationalist . . . . . . . . l 25 Sharpe’s London Magazine. . . . . . , 3 75 Shorthand Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 SoonerorLater................. 375 SpirtualMagazine...... . . . . . 2 00 Sunday Reader . .. ...... . ... 2 00 Sunday School Teachers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 Sunday Magazine. . . . .... . . .. . . . 2 00 Sunday at Home . . . . . . . ......... 200 St. Paul’s Magazine .........,. .. 3 75 Scottish Journal.. .. ............. 2 00 Technologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Temple Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Tinsley’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Townsend’s Costumes. . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . u 3 75 'I‘ruthseeker Union Review [alt. month]. . . . . . . 3 75 United Methodist Free Church Mag 2 00 United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . l 25 Veterinarian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Victoria Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Vt’atchword ........ . . . . . . . . . . .. 110 West End Gazette of Fashions. . . . 3 75 World of Fashion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Young Englishwoman . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Young Apprentice. . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2 00 Young Ladies Journal . , . . . . . . . . . 3 25 Young Englishman’s Magazine. . . . 2 00 Young Men of Great Britain . . . . 2 00 Zoologist................ ........ 3 75 MONTHLIES. rery All the Year Round ‘ Athenaaum . Artlzan...... ‘ Annals of Natural History. . . . . . . . Argosy (The)............. .... Army List . . . . . . Art Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Astronomical Register . . . .. . . . . . . Aunt Judy’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . Beau Monde (Le) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgravia [inclu. Christmas num] Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Christian’s Magazine. . . . . . . Bible Treasury. .. Burgeon’s short sermons . . . . . .. . . Boy’s Journul. .. Boy’s own Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . British Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bow Beli’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys of i ngland...... . . . . . . .... Broadway, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . Blackwond (Edinburghed) . . . . . . . Builder, The [price Varies] . . . . . . . Bond Street . . . . . Boy’s Book of Romance . . . . . . . . . (‘ass il’s Biographical Dictionary. . Cassell‘s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chamber’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chamber’s Emmologieal Dictonary Chess-Haver’s Magazine. . . . . . . - . Chess World..........' . . . . . . Children’s Hour Christian Advocate and Review . . . Christian Consoler. . . .. . . . . . . . . - Christian Observer . . . . . . . . Christian Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Spectator . . .. . . . . . . . Christian Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian World Magazine . . Christian Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Churchman Magazine, The . . . . . . Ch. of England 'i'emperance Mag. Church of the People. . . . . . . . . . . . Church Choirmaster and Organist. Church Missionary lntelhgencer . . ChurchWork........... . . . . . . . Churchman’s Companion. . . . . . . . Churchman’s Family Magazine. . Civil Engineer and Architect’s Jour . Colonial Church Chronicle . . . . . .. Contemporary Review . . . . . . . . . . . Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . ... Cutters (The) M0 Journal . . . . . . . Dayofllest . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... Dublin University Magazine . . . . . . East Anglian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ecclesiatic and Theologian . . . . . . . Ecclesiologist (all. mo. . . . . . . . . . . Eclectic & Congregational Review Edinburgh WedicalébSurgical Jour ANY PUBLICATION IN THIS LIST MAILED To SUBSCRIBER: WITH PROMPTNEss. ENGLISH LIST OF NEWSPAPERS and Magazines supplied by Alex Scott, “ YORK HERALD” Oflice. Richmond Hill, earnouno .......---... Tl .... ............... ' Natural History. . . . . . . . m . . . . . . . . . . . . . nun- ica] Register ... .. ...... ly’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 2 01 do (he) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3 7-‘ [inciu. Christmas num] 4 0| Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 51 ‘istiau’s Magazine. . . . . . . 1 31 mww”uuuuuuuulu swmmmmwsuunu.2m irnui................... 2 0 n Magazine. . 'iend . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “an ngiand...... . . . . . . .... r, The................. »d (Edinburghed) . . . . . . . The [price Varies] . . . . . . . aet . . . . . ............... 0k of Romance . . . . . . . . . Biographical Dictionary. . hingazhie.............. ’5 Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mwmwwwwc xlmxlcm~1q< Oflflmflopco wmwwwmwwwwww (0:? ll bnnsteuuum. . 11 Magazine . end .. ‘easurv......... arald....... Magazine‘ . . . zinehu Pomologist . . . . zazine of Fashion . . 1’s Magazine. . . . . . . Magazine . 'Wl qu iuvgamuu izine............... zette of Fashions. . . _ iion hwoman . . . Mice... .. Journal.,......... hman’s Magazine. . . . f Gmat Britain . . . . u.........--.. K”... a Side . . . . . . azine :a] Journal. Magazine . . . 3 Reporter. . . . . .. . Portraits . . . irentor. . . . ( :hanics’ Journal . . thodist Magazine . . . sceliany ..... Viagazine for Boys . . . lagazine. . . . . . . . . 7iew......... .. gregationaiist. . . . . . . . don Magazine. . . . . . . 1gazine. . . [azinB . . . er . . . . . . Line. . . . BY .... .n.....-.... >l Teachers’ Mega... zine“... gazine 1a]..... .......-.......... gazine. . Costumes........ ated Josephus . . . . ‘ . .........-«.-...... 7 ran. month]. grlcunure. . . . . . . . . ) Chemical Society . . Lclical Medicine. . . . )cial Science. . Illustrations. . . . let of Fashion. . . rallion. . . 10 of Fashion . . . . . . . :ury . . . . ial. it\'........... ’aris Fashions .-.-....--o-o ll‘....n..-....o.... ise zaziua Magazine ...¢..... .n...-... 1 unrumum . . . Leview . ne... [0 Journal . . . Ly Magazme . . ‘heologian. . . 11!. mo.). gunman...“ e and Review . . . .---..-.... A.......-.-...- flagazine . . . ...- v... .u. zine, The . Per y'r. Pr No. .... 300 25 .... 375 33 .... 375 33 .... 950 80 .... 200' 17 .... 575 50 ... 950 80 ... 375 33 ... 200 17 .... 375 33 1m]400 33 ... 950 80 aocqxlco cameo UWOIODIUICCOOOOLDUIQYOOOCO wâ€"HHcmwpwwwwqmmquwwwwwmw QQquluccccmfnquctnUV O C 17 80 33 17 33 33 80 13 10 I7 17 17 17 20 17 33 80 50 33 17 17 17 20 17 33 Can be had at he Post-office, for 10 CENTS WEEK. THE MORNING PAPERS Call when you visit the city, inspect the stock and learn the prices; we shall feel plea- sure in shéwing goods whether you purchase or not. Saxisfaction Guaranteed. HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS DR UGS, CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes! BRUSHES, ARTISTS’ MATERIAL. &c.. &c.. HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PRAC- TICAL experience of ever 20 years in the LAWRENCE CARDING MILL, And fitted up the Machinery in excellent or- der. IS preparod to do CARDING, FULLING’, SHEARING, Wholesale and Retail Draggists, JAS. COPELAND. P. S.â€"All kinds of Woolen Machinery fitted up in first'class order. Terms moderate. Richmond Hm. April 28, 1870. 615 tf FANCY GOODS STATIONERY Now, as the public are aware that many worthless things are paged into notoriety, in order to prove that this is no humbug, and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oilagents, ; manv of whom will not hesitate to palm ofi‘ the mere ofi'al of oil refineries, as being identical with Stocks extra machine oil; we propose to those who are largely interested in the truth of those statements, to send to them on applica- tion by express, or otherwise free of charge. a sample ofthe oil that it may speak for itself, we will with the sample furnish applicants free of charge. with a few simple tests as ef- fective, as those tests by which Gold is known from the base metals, and which will enable parties ordering to secure themselves against imposition. by enabling them to determine at once, whether the oil forwarded is as good. as sample. All parties interested in the lubicat- ing oil trade, before purchasing elsewhere Will do well to communicate with . H. Sanderson & Sons Agent, Richmond Hili $1200 of years, '01) a satisfactory Mortgage. .Apply to It will not gum , hence machinery can be kept clean with but little trouble,and it will clean machinery that has been gummed by other oils. It will not congeat or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the highest importance, from the fact that an oil not having this quality will not lubricate a cold haltI such an oil may be applied in a heated state ; but the moment it touches a cold shaft it is congealed, and it will nntbegin to lubricate until the journal, by friction, acquires that temperature necessnry to reduce it to a liquid state. In acquiring a higher temperature by friction, the journal expands, and the box is in- jured. It is as impossible to use oil that will chill on a cold shaft without this result, as it is to mingle oil with water. Stockes’ oil will lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied; it is now used in over two hundred establishments, and all unite in saying the pre- fer it to Refined Sperm. or pure olive oil : it is free from all objections urged against all other oil as it neither gums or freezes. HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS fen-ed their Library to the HERALD Booli .L fen-ed their Library to the HERALD Book Store. where Stockholders and others may drocure Books every Friday afternoon, A. SCOTT, Librarian. This oil excells all others for Lubricating pug-Roses, both animal fund vegetablei We are prepared to have the: merits of this oil tested against all oils now being used on machineryâ€"both light or heavy; from aclock or sewing machine. to the heaviest of Steam- boat shafts. The following are the points in which cells all other oils : My 14, 1869. Toronto, Ju1v15, 1869. MARGACH, ANDERSON & co., WOOLEN MANUFACTURING PRICES AS USUAL Toronto. April 1, 1869. GEO. B. NICOL, Barrister. Richmond Hill, Nov. 25. 1869. 5934f MPORTANT T0 PARTIES USING FFERS FOR SALE A LARGE AND Varied Assortment of LBUMS I ALBUMS I l Telegraph, ONEY TO LEND ON GOOD FARM THE VERY BEST STYLE! LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, non. experience of ever 20 years in the Security, in Sums to suit applicants. Apply to 44 King Street East, Toronto, CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE Business. having leased the STOCK’S EXTRA MACHINE OIL‘ [Formerly J. L. Margach] Pressing. Coloring, &c.. in MONEY TO LEND. At Low Rates for Cash. Money to Lend. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE Gold Wanted ! OF A”: KINDS AT THE FOR SALE AT THE G. 13. S'I‘QCK, 0F TORONTO 2 DUGGAN & MEYERS, Attorneys, Court St. RICHMOND HILL TO LEND, FOR A TERM Apply t6 Agent for the Dominion. Brougham, Ontario. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK qTORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. MACHINERY HERALD BOOK STORE. Globe, M.’ TEEFY, Richmond Hill. 564-“. Leader, 550-1y 55:--3m it U atthe Herald Ofiice) is from .the\Jo§;pTz all Works, Oshawa. ‘ ‘ RE ' A Kb IN G N T17 IN PR ST W E B E IFH PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION executed at the Herald Office. All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting Knives, Forks,Spoons, Cruits. 610., 62,0” &c., Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to wear any length oftime. > Also manufacturer of‘ Show Cases, Metal Sash Bar for Store fronts, &c., impm-ler of French and English Show Cases, Glass, «Sac. &c, NOISE LE ss M0,VE MENT, GREAT SPEED; No. 80 Queen Street West. TORONTO, ONTARIO. Including the Canadian Illustrated News..llar- per’s Weekly, Frank Leslie’s lllustralad, and The Chimney Corner. at the Herald Book Store. W. MILLICHAMP, ELECTRO AND CLOSE SILVER PLATER SEWING MACHINE ! The above instruments are all fully warranted, and sold at manufacturer’s prizes. Perfect safis- faction guaradteed in every case. Circulars post free‘ LAIVB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE, CALL AND SEE IT. C. CHAPMAN. AGENT. June 15, 1870. Mark/mm. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GRATIS. MR. C. CHAPMAN, Dear Sir,â€"â€"I had been informed by in- terested parties that the VVlH-eler & Wilson Sewing Machine was not to lm depended upon, which for a lime induced me lo dolor purchasing one. After your description'of' said machines. 1 purchased one, and Mrs. ancclt. who is well acquainted with other machinr-. states that after a year’s trial in various kinds of work, she can confidently renommend it as a useful family sewing machine, and as all that ' l elated itto All instruments are furnished with the Ar- giafi'e Aar, and are distinguished for their singing quaity, volume. and purin of tone, elastic. even touch, dui-abiiiiy of construction, and beauty of finish. Piano Covers (Rubber) and Music Stools in great variafiy. These Instruments are made with a full Me- tallic Frame, are all overstrung, and are manu- factured by the best workmen, under the super- teudence of Mr. I'leintzmnn..\VIm has had up- wards of thirtv years experience in the business. ORGANS & MELODEON S, TUNING AND REPAIRING ATTENDED T0. PIANO â€" FORTES! MR. C. CHAPMAN, Dear Sir,â€"â€"VVe have used the Wheeier & Wilson Sewing Machine about nine Years, and during that time it‘has cost nothing for rapairs. We sew heavy fulled cloth with coarse linen thread, stronger than can be done by hand: while all fine stitching on light fabrics gives the best satisfaction. We can with confidance re- commend lhe Wheeler and VViIson Sewing Mazhine as the best for family use. NV ADQITIQN TO OUR NEW PRESS REFERENCES Kindly permitted to: Mrs. James Newton, jun., Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Clarke. Miss White. Mrs. Wilham Harding. Miss Russell. Mrs. Alex Marsh, Miss Sanderson, Mrs. Jos. Kefi'er, Mrs. D, Home. Mrs. Henry Lever. N NEATNESSATHE HERALD PRINT Toronto. April 7. 1870 LLUSTRATED PAPERS, ORD'ONi’vs 1519.1 CARD PRESS (USED ONEVBUT THE BEST. MATERIALS EATNESS, CHEAPNESStQUICKNESS New Type has also been added. Cedar Grove, March 18. 1870 . IVcsli-yan Minister. Markham March 18th, 1870. ECENTLY ADDED, A No; 2 GORDON - Card Press. to the Herald Book and Job Printing Establishment is without a rival. Gold Medal, Pam's Exposition, 1870 ; 82 Competitors. used at the Herald Office. made use of at the Herald Office, three characteristics of the'Herald Ofiicé EVERY MACHINE \VARRANTED. WHEELER &'WILSON HEINTZMAN :51 COMPANY’S AND OTHER CELEBRA'I‘ED MAKERS. s WILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, From the Establishments of A FULL ASSOR’IMENT OF TESTIMONIALS. CELEBRATED M. FA WCE’I‘T. SAMUEL. REESOR. 612-1)!

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