Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Dec 1870, p. 2

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WESLEYAN MISSIONSâ€"Sermons will be preached on the Yonge Street South ,Cireuit, on Sabbath Jannal‘y 8th, 1871, as follows. Eglington, at 10â€"Fairbank, at 2%, Rev. W. W. toss. Newton, 10% Asbury, 2%â€"Eglington, 6%, Rev. H. Johnston, M. A.â€"Christie’s 1021~J0hn- ston’s, 2.12â€"â€"Neivton, 6, Rev. A Cun- ningham,â€"Clark’s 2.12,_Bev. J. Mont- gomery. The Meetings will be held as follows: Jan. 9th, Johnston’sâ€"â€"10th, Clark’s; Ross, Cunningham and Mont- gomery. Jan. 9th, Fairbank~~10th, Asâ€" bury; Johnston, Bredin and J. P. Bull, .lsq. Jan, 11th, Christie’sâ€"421311, New-J tonâ€"14th, Eglington; Ross, Johnston, l Hunt, and Cunningham. Collections at all the Services, and Subscriptions at the Meetings in aid of the Society ’5 Fund. The meetings will commence at half'past nix o’clock p.111. In the Township of Markham, we have numerous candidates for Municipal honors. For Reeve, Messrs. James Robinson and James Speight are in the field. Mr. Robinson has been a very eflieient Reeve for a number of years and has given great satisfaction, and there is no doubt he will be reâ€"eleeted. For Deputy Reeve, we have Messrs. Lane, Button, Eakin and Break; the first mentioned two we hope will be re- turned. For Councillors, we have Mr. Wm. Milliken, who acted in 1869, and made a good working member; Mr.Wm. Padget is another, who has served thel township, as Councillor, for a number of‘ years, and is favorably known as being a‘ careful economist. Mr. WmfiLundy is a. resident of the 4th concession, Well educated, a thorough business man, and successful farmer. We have no doubt he would make a firstrate Councillor. Mr. Jacob Homer is another candidate for Councillor, and it is possible he might i make a good run ; he lives in the north- west part of the township, Where no other candidate resides ~ this will be greatly in ‘ his favor. We hope the electors will go i to the polls in good time, and do all they can, to elect their men. > l “@1112 Egg/NM On Monday next, the 2nd ult., the electors throughout the country will be called upon to record their votes, for their representatives, at the Municipal Council Board, for the year 1871. Dur- ing the past few years, the electors have had the privilege, according to the pro- visions of the‘ncw Municipal Act, of voting for the whole representation re« quired for the Townshipâ€"a system many of the electors have objections to, as it, possibly, may leave sections of the Municipality with no representative at all, and other parts with two or three. This has been the ease in both Vaughan and Markham, in the past, and, in a spirit of fairness, it ought to be remedied by the electors by giving their support to the candidates who would represent, by residence, as near as pusaible, all parts of the Township. In District No. 1, Vaughan, we have the Reeve, two Deputies, and one Councillor; rather a formidable representation from the front â€"and the people in the western part of the Township may say they are not re- presented at the Council Board. We do not admit that the late Council have done injustice to the western part of the township, by being nearly all from one neighbourhood ; but we do claim, as an act of fair play to the wesrern part of the township, that the front give a liberal support to a candidate, west of the Hum- ber River. The gentlemen in the field for Deputy Reeves areâ€" Messrs. David Boyle, from Richmond Hill, R. J. Arnold, from Thornhill; Thompson Porter, from the south-west corner of the township, and Archibald Cameron, from the 6th concession. The candidates have all their particular claims to advance; Mr. Arnold, among? the rest, may say he has served» the township faithfully, and for many years. Many doubt this, especially the former assertion, and say that there are instances in his position .as Deputy Reeve, where he has endeavored to serve family private interests at the expense of the township. The very extravagant witness fee of $20, in the case of the Municipality vs. Jack- son, is loudly complained of, and several other little trifles that he is responsible for. It would be more satisfactory to the township, we think, if Mr. Porter and Mr. 130er were returned as Deputy Reevesâ€"one to represent the west and the other the cast. The candidates for Councillors are Messrs. D. Rneman, T. Webster, Blain and McLean. The old Councillors, Messrs. Raeman and Web- ster, we expect. will be re-elected. THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Estrayâ€"John Drunskill. Estate oflhe late Wm. L. Gamble. Diaries’ for 1871â€"Hera1d Book Store. RICHMOND HILL, Dec. 23, 1870. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mx‘. Speight, seconded by Mr. Lane, moves that the Treasurer do pay to Mr. Samuel Edmonson $1.50 per week, dur- DIR Speight, seconded by Mi‘_Padget, moves that the Treasurer do pay the account of Frederick Baldry, amounting to $3, for work done on Road Division No. 57, said sum payable to the order of Joseph Limpâ€"Carried. Mr. Spcight, seconded by Mr.Padget, moves that the treasurer do pay Mr. Joseph Lapp the sum of $6.90, amount of account for repairing culverts in Road Division No. 57.â€"â€"Canied. Mr. Padget, seconded by Mr. Speight, moves that the sum of $10 be paid to Mr. Joseph Lapp, for damage done to sheep by a dog of dogs, it being testified by Oath as being two-thirds of their value. â€"â€"Carried. Mr. Reesoi‘, seconded by Min Speight, move’s that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to rei‘uiid to the fol- lowing purifies the sums set opposite their respective names, being dog tax, Slid parties not having any dogs;â€"A. Squires, 31.00; S. Shank, $1.00; and; also the sum of $1.00 be refunded t9 Charles Hi1], he being assessed for a bitch and only having a dogâ€"Carried. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Padget, moves that the sum of fifty cents per week be paid to the Widow Maxwell, an indigent person,- durng the pleasure of the Council, said sum to» be paid to the order of Wm. Flinck.m Carried. Mr. Speight, seconded by Mr. Reesor, moves that, the Treasurer do pay James Bliss the sum of $8.50, amount of ac- count For Road Scraper, payable to order of Mr. John Lane.« Carried. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Reesor, moves that the account of Mr. David Boyle for 3,836 feet; of ‘plank, for two Bridges, one at} Buttonville and the other on the side road between Lots 10 and 11, in the 3rd Concession, amount- ing to $38.36, be paid to the order of Joseph Wilmott, Path Master.~0ar- rlcd. Mr. Speight, 'econded by Mr. Padget, moves that the Treasurer do pay James Abbot the sum of $4.67, being amount of damage done to sheep by (isz or dogs, being ththirds of amount of damage, as testified on oathâ€"Carried. Mr. Reesor, seconded by Mr. Speight, moves that the account presented .by Thomas McMahon, for the keep and burial of James Dixon, a pauper, amounting to $25.00, be paid, and that the Secretary do pay the same.â€"Car- tied. Mr. Speight, secontied by Mr. Padget, moves that the Hay Scales erected by S. 0. Ash, on the road allowance to Markham Village, be allowed to remain there during the pleasure of the Coun- cil.â€"â€"C:uried. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Padget, moves that the Treasurer pay to the order of John Gormond the sum of $15.43 for work done on the Town line between the townships of Mark- ham and \Vhitchureh, between the 2nd and 3rd Concessions, on his procuring a certificate from the two commissioners appointed by the Council of Markham, that the work has been done in a satisâ€" factory nmnuer.-â€"Carried. Mr Speight, seconded by Mr Padget, moves that the Treasurer pay to Daniel Stichler the sum nl' $2 23, the amount paid by him to return one seventh of an acre sold for taxes; he having paid the taxes for the years for which the said land was sold.â€"Carried. Mr Padget, seconded by Mr Speiglxt. moves that the sum of $7 35 be paid to Edward Smith, for cedar and plank furnished by himin repairing: bridge in front of lot No. 28, in the 3rd Con.â€" ~ - . Carried. Mr Rec-sor, second-ed by Mr Laue, moving that the sum of $11 be paid to James Speight, being the amount paid by him to Mrs Gallagher, :1 poor wo- man, for her maintainance durim 1 seven 5} weeks; be having been authorized to pay the same.â€"â€"Cnrricd. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Reescr, moves that the sum of $5 be grante Lo Henry Segar, an indigent person; said sum to be paid to the order of the mover. â€"â€"Carried. he Reeve presented a petition from John MeCague and others, prayng for agrant Ato gravel the mini in front of lots 26, 27 and 28, in the 3rd concession. Said petition was received and read. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Patiget, moves that the sum of one dollar be paid to the order of Wm. Lawson, being the amount paid to the Vidow Jenkens by him from his own f'undsrACaIried. Mr Padget, seconded by Mr Speight, moves that the sum of $3 34 be paid to Mr David Nismcr, for dmnngc done his sheep by a dag or dogs.â€"â€"Cz‘.rried. Reeve in the chair. Members all pre- sent. Minutes of:the last meet'mg were read and approved. The above Council met at Unionville; on Saturday last, the 24th instant. MARKHAM COUNCIL THE FRIDAY, January 13.â€"â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on Lot 29, rear of the 4th Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. John Richards. Sale at 12 o’clock. l1. Smelser, Auctioneer. **'l’a1'ties having Sale bills printed at this ofiice, \vill'have a. notice similar to the .bove. free of chargeakr .4, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 4, 1871.-â€"Credit Sale of Real Estate,Goods and Chattels,belonging to Mr. Duncan McIntosh, in the Village of Burwick,. Sale at 12 o’clock. H. Smclsor, Auctloneer. FRIDAY, January G.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements,&c.,at Thornhill,being the surplus stock of Mr. Charles Webster, Sale at 12 o’clock, sharp. M. Fisher Auctioneer. p. m., after which addresses will be de- livered by several Rev. gentlemen and ’0thers. Several beautiful pieces of music will be sung by the children of the Sabâ€" bath school, assisted by the Choir. Adâ€" mission tickets: adults, 30 cents each; children 20 cents: to he had at the several stores in the village and at the door. Proceeds to be applied to the debt on the Church. ANNUAL TEA-MEETING.â€"The friends of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Thornhil]. purpose celebrating their anâ€" niversary on Monday, Jan. 2nd, 1871, with a Tea-meeting. Tea served in the vestry 0f the Church, at 4 o’clock We hope that all who can make it convenient, will cheerfully respond to the call of the Re-union Committee, Show their approbation of the laudable endeavors of the Institute to provide for the comfort of the public, and on that evening, solve to a demonstration that great question, "How many will the hall hold ?" SECOND VPART.“Glee, Hail, Smiling Mom; Reading. from Handy Andy, Mr. G. A. Barnard; Moonlight, Music, Love and Flowers, Miss C.- Campbell and T. Savage ; Song. Mr. A. Willson; Recitation, A. M. Lafi‘erty, M. A.; Sing, nightingale, sing, Mrs. Dr. Hostetter; Reading, Mr. G. H. Porter; The Cobler, a song, Mr. T. Savage; Instrumental Duet, Misses Barnard; Song, Mrs. Dr. Strange; Reading, Miss Selby; Instrumental, Professor J. Smith. The following is list" of the performers: gs Fmsr PART.â€"Instmmental. Mrs. Dr. Hostetter; reading. from Mrs. H. More, Mr. W. H. Myers; Up, Volunteers, song and chorus, Mr. H. A: Bernard; Song, Mr. Clifton: Reading, from Aytnun. Mr. J. Teely; Signal March, Misses Vanderburg; I am so happy thou art near, Mr. '1‘. Savage; Rcading. Mr. G. B. Nicol; Song, Mr. J.G. Bernard; Trio, Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Mc- Collum and Miss Bernard; Reading, Mrs. Dr. Strange; The light heart quadrille, Misses Teefy and Seaton. we have no doubt of the forthcomin renunion being superior to any yet helci under its auspices; in addition to the ex- cellent local talent, which has contributed to the success of the institution in the past, several amateurs who have never yet appeared before 9. Richmond Hill audi- ence, have offered their services. We are pleased to learn that the ladies anti gentlemen in this vicinity, are so Willing to contribute their assistance toward see- onding the efforts of the Directors, in sustaining the E .stitute in its present prosperous and popular position. At its first organization the Officers and Managing Committee strongly opposed the introduction of any thing of an oh- jectionable tendency; to that, and to the excellent selections made by these who have lent their from time to time, the Society is inLlebted 2%: its present high moral tone. Hitherto the success of the several rc-unions has depended on good music, good singing, good reading, and quite independent of dressing in character, or rather in caricature, or of scenery of any kind ; this is as it should be. That part of an nufiienee Whose approbation is most to be valuedâ€"'those who have a taste for <good reading, and an ear for good mushyâ€"know how to ap- preciate any Well meant effort on thepart of any amateur, witi-ent the resorting to surronndings opproxlmating the the- atrical. We understand that the Insti- tute has undertaken the responsibility of furnishing the Public Hall with channe- liers, sea/ts, &c., a desideramm in which we all are interest’ed and one, we feel. sure, will elicit from our fellow-citizens a hearty co operation; ’ - On the first Tuegday in the new. year the Officers and Members of" t‘ne Rich- mond Hill Mechanic‘s Institute, intcmi celebrating their first occupancy of the New Hall in the Masonic building: By a Re-Union. Judging from the array of amateur talent promised for the occasion, Mr. Roesor, secon-ied by Mr. Speight, moves that the sum of $16.83 be paid to N. Button, for the keep of a sick pauper for six weeksi said sum payable on the order Of the Reeve. Yeas, Reesor, Speight and Lane; Nays, Paégct and Robinson.â€"â€"Carried. THE MECHANICS INSTITUTE. ing the pleasure of the Council, to assist him in maintaining John Edmonson, who is incapable of taking care of, and providing for, his living,- and has been hitherto kept in Toronto General Hospi- tal at the expense of the Township.â€" Carried. YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ON T., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1870. Council adjourned sine die. AUCTION SALE. it. ?” “ That is easy done, I slap their ears, as I did Dr. Freel’s, last summer, when he put out that Hay Sling poetry ; I alloyv no man to oppose me with impunity, all I have to do is to shake my fist under their noses, and the thing» is done.” Awe strickenl I stood and beheld this noble specimen of humanity} and my mind became completely changed, as to supporting him for Reeve. I thought how cruel it was for a small clique, in Markham Village, to put Speight up to oppose him. How glad I was that the manuscript of Jessor's speech was lost by the jolting of the railroad train coming ov'er the cut, through Stott’s farm, as it may have been the means of turning a few un- wary to vote against him. I could hardly help exclaimiug the joy I felt, when I thought of the number of Hay ~Slings it would have required to have slung them all back in to the ranks again. It will save many a. dollar to Mr. Robinson’s funds. Mr. Button should not have said anything about Mr. Robinson making $4 a day, as County Commissioner, and as employee of the T. and NILE. 00., to buy land, and to help De Grazzi to make things more favor. able to the Company than to the farmersâ€"â€" it was none of his business. He had .a. per- fect right. to do~it, when the County had to pay for it, and for the past his , too. I left the noble Reeve, and called on the Hon. Ravid Deesor. Was very hospi- table. "Mr. Muggius, just in time for dinner; do come in." I did. After dinner I rebuked him, gently, for his desertion of our friend, (as I call him now,) Mr. Robin. son, our noble and generous Reeve; With l l Sm,â€" Ky feeble brain is all right once more. After my last brilliant effusion, I went down to the House, and got a fivecent nip, with some sugar in it, and it did me a great deal of good. I feel quite recuperated. The Economist came to hand, as usual, containing the proceedings of the l l l l nominations, and, ii' I am allowed to he a jndge, it bears no comparison to mine,loo.':-r ing at it in n readable point of view. He did not do justice to Mr. Robinson, our noble Reeve. I will do so now. I will he like‘Genornl Grantâ€"I will fight it not on this lineâ€"or, rather, sling it out till the elections are over. I feel determined to have him elected if it takes every-Sling sold hy the whole four companies, organized by him and Shupe, and Chomas hlcilansland, P.D. After the nomination I thought) I would take 2. drive, and see the several nominetcr and nominated, and standing candidates. My first visrt was to Dr.Cancerr and the reception was most ccrdial~rushing forward, grasping my hands in his, exclaim- ed, “My dear, dear Huggins, I am glad to see ycul” I explained the object of my visit. and asked him how he came to nomi- nate Our present noble Reeve. All at once, his broad, noble, end Teutonic countenance lightened up. said, “Nothing in the world would give hm: greater pleasure.” He said “He had strong Tory nrociivitics, and Mr. Robinson had told him, sub road, that he was a true and slnunch Conservative.” “ But.” said I, “ he told me, set?) road, that he was a staunch Reformer, and he must have fib‘eed to one of us.” “ Well,” said the Doctor, "in that case he must he strad- dle the fence, and as he was the only man on the Board approaching a Tory, I nomi- nated him.” Said I “ what about the Hay Sling? you surely cannot be so blind to say what you did, .nd support him.” He re- plied, ‘4 That at the earnest solicitation of our noble Reeve, in fact, coaxed me so much that l, at last, consented, the Reeve also saying to me that there were a good many Dutchmen opposed to him, on account of the Bay Sling business, that if he were nominated by two Dutchmen it would make matters all smooth; he also complimented me, saying, ‘that on the Saturday night, previous, he had been Pike hunting, in Markham Village, and the nearest thing he caught was the Pikes’ brother-in-law;’ I took it very kznd or" him when he said that.” “ My dear Cancer,” 52 id I, “ you have quite unarmed me, in reference to Mr. Robinson, and I shall certainly call on him today. Good-bye, Doctor.” “Goodbye, dear Muggins-g I’m glad you called, so as to have matters siung rightâ€"Goodbye.” As I had not been in Markham Village for some weeks, I determined, after seeing Dr. Cancer; to cull dpon our noble Reeve. The Village looked well, all the stores were very gaily decorated for Christmas. To moire an excuse to find out the noble Reeves‘ head- quarters, I called at the different hotels and Sogga’ Falcon, and had a cigar at each, but could not find it, and I began to think it, too. had “ Gone where the Woodbine twineth." I felt I had to take something with sugar in it to revive me. At last I hailed nim at the head of the Village, hail‘ ing voters as they came inv at headquarters. When he saw me, tears came to his eyes, and, almost choking with utterance, he ex- claimed, “Is ibpossible, Mugginslâ€"dear, dear, Muggins, is it you? I am, so over- joyed it almost unmans me 1” I suggested something with sugar in it, and We sugared. He felt better. Taking a few minutes rest, he explained to me all about the Hay Sling, which the victims were trying to injure him with in his canvass, but it was of no avail. I replied, “ Reese Jessor contradicted your statement in the Economist, and how am I to reconcile your statementsâ€"both can’t be true; you must recollect,” the Reeve re- plied, “that my position, no matter what I say, the people are bound to believe it.” “ How do you manage,” I asked, in utter admiration of the noble being in whose presence I stood, “ when they won’t believe THE CANVASS FOR MARKEAM. To the Editor cf the York Hamid. @nrrwpnnhemz. Price $150 a bottle; 6 for $7 50. Soli! by apothecaries and by'F. Cundill & 00., wholesale agents, Montreal. It is really a. good medicine, well adapted to build tip the system and impart vigor of body and mind.â€"-§'rom the St. John 1V. 3., Journal, 7th qf Dec., 1868. EYTRACTS.â€"I consider Fellows’ Com- pound Syrup of Hypophosphites superior to any similar preparation yet offered to the public. CHANDLER CRANE, M. D., Halifax, RECEIveD.â€"We have to hand a long report of the proceedings at the Dedica- tion of the W. M. Church at Maple, on Tuesday last, which will appear in our next. ‘ To the Editor of the York Herald. SIR,â€"Another year has rolled by since I last sent you an article from here, describing the proceedings of the fifth anniversaxy of the Patterson Union Sabbath School; and, with your permission, I shail feel. pleas-ed to narrate to the readers of the Herald, the prececdings of this, its sixth anniversary, which was a most decided success. . ncl far in advance, in my opinion, of the «me la: year. The hall was decorated wilzh ever- greens, &c., in a style similar to that of last. year. On a pintform, with the Christ- mas tree on either hand, sat the school with their respective teachers; in its centre was placed the splendid melodeon, at which Miss Wiley presided with great abiiity. The festival was opened by the school sing- ing the “Christmas Song," and a short prayer by the Rev. Mr. Woods. The school then sang another hymn entitled, “0, come to the fountain.” Master George Enowy was then called on to give the “opening address, which was most appropriate with the occasion, and was recited with marked ability in so young a speaker. We were then treated to a splendid piece, “The merry Cristmas time,” by the infant class; then a selection, " Dominion quick-step," arranged by G. D. Graham, from the Pat- terson Brass Band. which needs no flatter- ing to enhance their abilities as an amateur ‘ B. 13., under the leadership of their talented master, Mr. Andrew Spnlding. After this came a recitation of. Scriptural texts by the different classes, which they'concluded by singing a piece of music, “All the way.” Then a recitation by Master Douglass Wiley, which was very good. A piece of music by the school, and another recitation. “ Gran’- ma-aliays does, by Master Leroy Conger, which brought cheers and shouts of applause from all parts of the house. A selection by the band. Another recitation, “ The slave's dream,” by Master A. S. Patterson, which was very good. A piece of music by the school ; then a selection. “ Mother’s fool,” by Master A. Savage, which was well de- livered. Another very pretty piece of music by the school; and a recitation by Master Henry Laird, “The Maple Leaf,” a Cana-‘ dian piece. A selection by the band. Among the remaining piec'es of notice were , “The Drummer Boy,” 9. Scottish piece, by Master D. Conger, which was Well delivered. And the “Prairies,” an American piece, by Master Thos. Crowly. This part of the programme being finished, there succeeded tthe presentation of a purse to Mrs. Wiley, as a mark of esteem, from the P. S. 8., by .Miss Annie Laird. Then a speech from the Rev. Mr. Fishburn, on the “History of the Christmas Tree.” Then the distribution of gifts from the heavily laden branches of the Christmas Tree, which abounded in toys for the children; loverletters, etc., for the young aspirants; smoking pipes, neatly done up in square looking parcels, for the smoking community; glassware, cruet stands, etc., for the guid wives ; books for the studious habits of the crockery persua. sion, for the old bachelors;etc.; and nu- merous other articles. Among the most valuable were one set of silver mounted harness, and a fine painting. This_being ended“, the Doxology was sung by the audi. ence. and the whole wound up with the” National Anthem, by the band, which closed the sixth anniversary of the Patter- son Union Sabbath School. I I remain, with the Reeve, by telling him to get Dr. Freel to secure two Dutchmen, who had had nothing to do with the Hay Sling, it would do just as well. I would have done it my- self, but receiving large orders for sand, from Toronto, Kingston, Hamilton, Stoufl'. ville, and Sparta, and other large cities, at- 31.25 per load, which, you know, is nearly all profit, and the Railroad Company would feel very much vexed if I did not dig it on the banks of the railroad cutting. The digging in the only outlay." I felt con. vinced he was right. Was he wrong? Not cab-it of it! Home wore on and I couldznot call on {.ny more candidates. Next day, instead of calling on any more nomi. nees, I went to the several Hay Sling vic- timsâ€"Roms Jamer, Racob Jayme-r, Rovid A. Deesor, Nilliam Wickles, Gavir‘I A. DI-osby, lesse Jessor and his nephew, and all the rest named in the category. They told me all their complaints, and that the statement: made at the hustings wcre not true. I repliegi they were true. But, at last, growing tired of their senseless clamor, I gave them a cussory glanceâ€"a la Robin- sonâ€"and told them I did not believe a word they said. Neither I do. My brain is wearing out again“ tears in his eyes, he took the rebuke in a proper spirit, and confessed, bitterly, “that he had done wrong ;” saying, however, “that he thought he had made it all right, CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL. I am. you. I Most respectfully, Yours, .ittle' ” Herald,” MUGGINS. TA-BLE FOE .LADms’ WORKâ€"Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. John Palmer. Sam, Miss Campbell, Miss Liiifoot, Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Nicolls. Miss Phl- lock. Miss Little, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Thus. Coqk. Mrs. N. Playter. and Mrs. Beeston. _ Richmond Hill. Doc. 2, 1870‘. 544-5m .L England. in Richmond Hill. intend holding a Bazaar some time in the ensuing spring for the sale of useful or fancy articles. The proceeds to be added to the church build- ing fund. Contnbutions kindly offered by friends may be addressed to any of the under- mentioned ladies : REFRESHMENT TABLE â€"â€" Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Ho_pper. Mrs. Cooper, at!!! Mrs, Sedmau. Richmond Hill. D‘éc. 15,1870. HE LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF England. in Richmond Hill. imam! Pure and Genuine Port Sherry Wines and Liquors, of the best and most favoritn Brands. as cheap as any house in the trade. Stewart’s pure Scotch Whiskey. $175 per gallon. The best Old Rye and Canadian Malt Whiskey. to be had on Richmond Hill and not surpassed anywhere._at _ A large variety 'éf Toys and Christmas Gifts for Sama Claus. With a general assortment of fresh Ground Spices and Cofi‘ees. Lemon. Citron, Orange P091 mud Flavoring Erxlracls. For the CHRISTMAS Houmns.which he offers as cheap as any house in the trade. Fina New Valentin Raisins, 91b for $1. “ Stemless Muscatel Raisins. 811: for $1. Choice London Layer Raisins, 81b for $1. Fresh Fme Seedless (Raisins, 81b for $1. New sweet Sultana do 7111 for $1. Fine dressed NewZante Currants. 1311) for $1. Extra Fresh Blooming Zante Currants, 11111 for $1. - Commising: Raisins of all kinds; Cunned Fruit; Candied Pooh SIXTY-ACNE. Figs, Prmms. 550.. wilh a lremenduous stock of Fire Fresh Groceries. which, for variety. quality and low- ness of price defy competition. CAME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE J subscriber, In! No. 3!. lat concession. \J subscriber, lo! No. 3!. lat concession. Markham. on or about the 18m Décemher. THREE Ewms. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. ’1' 22211.73: 77am Pudding and Mince Pic, For Christmas and New Years all will try ; F0.- which pm’pr‘so Ohe Central Storqq has on hand a Stock of BOOTHBY.â€"FORSYTH.â€"On Monday, the 26th inst, at the residence of the bride’s father, Glasgow. 2nd con. Uxbridge, by the Rev. Mr. Bradshaw, Edwin Boothby, to Hannah Forsyth. Flour. $9barrel.......... Wheat. bush . . .. . . . . . Spring Wheat, #9 bush». .. Barley. #8 bush.......... Pease, do ..........‘ Oais, do .........‘ Hayflfi‘gton SLrawfiQton ............4 flutter R; rolls..... .. Pork Wiper 100%.... . .- Wool 319 1b. Apples pen b111,. .. . . .1 Potatoes. per bush . . . . . . . CHRIST A'AS FR UIT! The “ Canadian Illustrated News ” comes out with “ A merry Christmas to you all;” which we hope was the case, not only with his patrons, but also with himselfi- The illustrations are: “ At peep of day” “Sherbrooke andj St. Francis River ;" “The Markef Place and Hotel de Ville, Orleans ;” “The In- ternational Relief Society for the wound- ed at Manheimg” “The double-bedded room;” “ Hushl he sleeps;” “ Purityf’ “Lady Lisgar;” Several illustarations for the Christmas Holidays; &c. &c. Richmond Hill. 281}: December. 1870. SABBATH SCHOOL FESTIVALâ€"The ofilcers of the Victoria Square Sabbath School purpose holding their annual festi- val on Monday, January 2nd, 1871. Tea. served at 12 o’clock, noon, followed by a choice selection of Dialogues and Recitations given by the children of the School, interspersed by singing, Solos, Duetts,‘Choruses, &e., to suit the varied tasfiea’of all. Tickets: adults,25 cents; children under 12, 15 cents. 0f the Township of Markham. m the County or York, by note or otherwise. are requested to pay the same to the Executors on or before THE Fmsr DAV or FEBRUARY. 1971. and lheroby save costs. Persons having claims against the Estate will please hand the same to Its undersigned, authenticated, at their early convenience JAMES HODGSON. E t JAMES STEWART. m“ “5' {MAS HOLIDAYS. William L. Gamble’s Estate. Thoruhill, 281}! December, 1870. 649-4 Has now on hand afull assortment of LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE Estate of the late New ch‘nzttisements. A. BARNARD WILLIAM LOWRIE GAMBLE, NEVV FRUIT‘! “ Christmas Cheer Comes but once a. year.” TORONTO MARKETS. nah ......... .- at,'§9 bush-....... rus]....-.......-. rolls......... IOOIb............ .....-... l)b!,.............. >r bush G. A. BARNARD’S, Sign of the British Flag Stafi‘. Bazaar. MARRIED. Toronto, Dec. 29, 1870. Estray JOHNI‘ BllUNSKILL. WM. ATKINSON, 0876120080100 2116755015357 5110002107010 11 @@@@@ @@@@@@@@ 502920060005 M116640015306 CENTRAL Swarm. Richmond Hi" 649-4 WINES & LIQUORS E &c. 8m. 8w. CURRANTS, FIGS, CITE ON PEEL, CANNED FRUIT, N EW SULTANA, NEW LAYER, CHRISTMAS STOCK I THE TEA CHEST Richmond Hill, Dec. 15. 1870. FLOUR AND FEED. Sign of the Tea Chest, WITB A LARGE STOCK OF For Christmas Cheer, _ As well as the New Year. Sign of the Tea Chéstf GROCERIES! RAJSINS. HAS JUST RECEIVED H15 PROVISIONS. NEW VALENTIA, comnxsuw : AND SEEDLESS ORANGE PEEL, TEAS, SUGARS, LEMON PEEL, 1. FRENCH, 5B5

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