1) to his numerous customers for the very_ liberal support. they have given him fOT the past year. And wishes to announo that he is again prepared to supply to those who may STAPLE AND FANCY ‘I'HE STOCK CONIISTS 0F WILL SELL AS CHEAP IHE PEOPLE’S STORE. LONDON LAYER GROUND COFFEE, GUNPOWDER TEA, FRESH PRUNES, (mm: OLD FRUIT). CURRA NTS, With an excellent assorhnent of CHEWING & SMOKING Orange and Lemon Peel, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Spirits of Turpen‘ tine, Benzoin, G’lass, Putty, (he. YOUNG' HYSON TEA, JROCKERY, CROOKERY “ Throughout the house a busy stir, The cook in glory reigning. The maids’ soft dream of mistletoe. ’Midst graver cares disdaining : F0]. in her ears. the magic voice 0f another song is humming. ‘ The Christmas pudding must be made For Christmas Day is coming.’ †As any other house in the neighborhood, SUPERIOR FRESH EGS TO RETURN HIS THANKS Richmond†Hill. Dec. 15, 1870. Suitable for thepresent Season, New and Fresh Ground Spices, FAVOR HIM WITH A CALL, RAISIBS. VERY NICE LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS. ALSO A FULL SUPPLY OF JUST RECEIVED, SPLENDID DECIDEDLY CHEAP ! P. G. SAVAGE, AN EXTENIVE STOCK 0F FOR CASH. GROOERIES, CANNED FRUITS, MUSCOVADO & CRUSHED TOBACCO, Which Will be sold &c. &c. &c. WHICH HE FINE SOUCHONG TEA, SI’LENDID SUPERIOR SEEDLESS NICE NEW DRESSED VALENTIA RAISIN S, WITH GOOD JAPAN TEA, SUGAR. CURRANTE, nnsms. FIGS, RICE, Those who are desirous of securing Bgrgains. will do we]! to S .p e c i a 1 Inducements I 7 HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO IN. form the farmers in the neighborhooé FA LL & WINTER HATS AND B ONNE’TS, .L form the farmers in the neighborhood that he still owns the gm,“ ‘ That took First Prizes at Markham. Burwick. and Newmarkm. last fall ; and that he will be kept on lot 35, Yonge Sheet, Vaughan, Cook’s Toll (Sake: GEORGE WELDRICK. 0f the Newest and most approved Patterns. at the Lowest Toronto Prices, at JJ tween Newton Brook and Richmond Hill, a pair of otter gauntlets. Tho ï¬nder will receive the above reward on ie'aving' them at the HERALD Book Store. or whh CHOPPING AXES : CHAMPION] HARNESS I ! HARNESS ! l ! PREPARED GLYCERINE ! As an apprentice in the above establishment an active lad about 16 ybars of age. C HAPPED HANDS. N0 Person should be Without it For Sale at H. Sanderson &Sons. Richmond Hill. Ambler, William Basingtwait, W. Bullan, W. Brown. Robert Brice. Robert Cook. John J Cooper. William Coleman. John Cook. S Coleman, Denis Cooper, George Curts, Mary Ann Daniels, J. Dobson. Mr. Duncan. Jolm Demon. Brown Demon. William Donor, Emanuel Esby. Joseph Espey, Wm Fiizmaurice, Wm Foster & McKenzie Garvin. Mr Gormnn. Annie Gormand, J ohn Gielmer, Otto Graham, John Graham. Mr J E. Holmkey, Phebe Hislop, Gideon ‘ McQuillun, Jan Richmond Hill. Dec. 8. 1570. 646-1m Dec. 8, 1870. IMPORTED YORKSHIRE BOAR PIG Vaughan, Dec. 8. 1870. 643-†November 24, 1870. 6444f BEAT BARGAINS IN RATS AND BONNETS. $1:00 Reward. ...__ _OST, ABQUT TgE ‘6'“: my, BE: HOWEVER ROUGH 0R SORE, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, EMAINING IN'THE RICHMOND Is now oï¬'ering the remainder of her Prepared by He‘d out up to January Isl. 18713 Made to Order, at Hill Posxuï¬ice. CALL AND EXAMIN E. AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. HARNESS! HUGH MILLER, & Co.. 167 King Street East, Toronto. MR [MYERS List of Letters AT A REDUCED PRICE. SMOOTH AND SOFT. mums THE HANDS, 0N HAND AND MILLER’S WM. HARRISON’S, G, A. BARNARD‘S, Sign of the British Flag Slafl“. Richmond Hill. REV. JNO. BREDIN, Newton Brook Boar Pig DATE’S AND lst December. 1870: Homer, E. Johnson. Jas Johnson. Wm Johnson. Henry Keller, Mrs J Kerswell. Mrs Kelly, Alvin Litlle. Eliza Langstaï¬â€˜, Ernest F Munshaw. Wm Morrison, E J Morrison, Isabella Magner. Edmund Mason, Rebecca (2) Mackie, Alex McQueen, A Nicholson, Wm O’Grady, Thos O’Brien. Isabella Patterson, Allan Phillips. Isaac G Reid. Theodore Rumble. Robt qtephenson. Joseph Shuttlewortlx. B Thomas. Richard Thompson J R Trench. Sadie Wilson. George Warren, James Richmond Hill. M. TEEFY, P. M. MOCOCK’S, THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1870. G44-2m 646-6 Sets Jet Jewelry Brooches Albums Sleeve Links Clothes Brushes , Nail Brushes Tin Toy_s Wax Dolls Gold Pens Crayons: The Subscriber begs to announce to the public that he has received a. Toy Boo_7gs, Canes CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS London Iliustratea News, Cassell’s, Bow Bells, Josh Billings’, and Canadian POCKET DIARIES AT THE Hum“) Boox STORE, FOR CHRISTMAS. RlCHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, Have removed to their new and commodious building on the corner of Yonge and Centre St. East, and would return their thanks to the public for past. patronage. hoping to merita continuance of the same, They have greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment of 1 Drugs, Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines. and all other articles kept by Druggists generally. *3 Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded. and all ordels attended to With care and despatch. Farmers and Physicians from the country will ï¬nd our stock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuineâ€"and of the best quality. MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. Tms PUMP IS EASIEST WORKED, Mos1‘ DURA- BLE AND NEATEST MADE (N THE Domwxow. HE EXCELSIOR PUMP, MANU- factured bv P. Phillips. Richmond Hill. It is so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all tight therefore pre- venting children froni putting anything Into it, Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and lhe money will be refunded. These Pumps are suitable lo all depths from a cistern to a well of 150 feet. They are not so liable to get out of repair. being Double-valved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the joints which is invariably the case the common Log Pump made by hand. This Pump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Price : 395 above platform. and 40 cents per foot below. Also manufaotures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6. complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3 each. Well-digging done oh the Shortest Notice. Address,stating depth of well, The Subscriber would respectfully announce hathe is prepared to put in P. PHILLIPS, Angusâ€). 1870. 630-13! RICHMOND HILL. U day. the 13th illstantfa small sum of money. Tho owner is requested to describe property and.pay for advartisement. Apply at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. LEISURE HOUR, Sunday at Home for Nov. at Harald Book Stéro ’arian .Vases 1 Writing Desks Wallets MISCELLANEOUS cf: STANDARD BOOKS December 1. 1870. Richmond Hill, Nov. 25, 1669. Very Large and Nice Asssortment: ‘N 31chqu _ HILL, ON THURS: Shirt Studs Water Color Paints cï¬â€˜ Brushes factured by P. Phillips, Rich ï¬lond Hill. ALMANACS FOR 1871. Bibles China Dolls Puzzle Blocks ys Ladies’ Companions Toy Watches Pocket Books Pocket Cutlery Brushes , Hair Brushes Nail Brushes Tooth Brushes Gold Plated Penholders _ Gold Plated Pencil Cases Links Gold Chains H. SANDERSON & SONS, WoHc Boxes PRESENTS, 0F GOODS SUITABLE FOR PROPRIETORS OF THE FOR. 1871. SUPPLIED AT THE REMOVAL. Testaments Shaving Brushes Razors Qolls _ fl Rgzor Straps Dressing Combs "y Circular Combs ’ches Coronas Uoncertinas Humming Tops Sheet Music -c. Pocket Combs COMPRISING HERALD BOOK STORE. Found ALEX. SCOTT. Ear Rings_ Hymn Books Prayer Books Transparent Slates 8 Mirrors Needle Shell Cases 5 Shell Boxes School Books ‘ Stationery Richmond Hill. Pearl sets 593. BOOTS AND SHOES I have spared neither pains no: trouble to have THEY CANNOT BE BEAT. I YOU SEE THEM AT THE LARGEST P They have been purchased from the loading manufacturers in Quebec. Montreal and Toronto. AME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE Subscriber, lot No. 25, 2nd Cou.‘ Mark- ham, about the Ivst of October last, a RED AND Wm": BULL. 2 years old. The owner is re- quested to prove property. pay expenses and take him away, WILLIAM SHELL. THEY HAVE JUST ARRIVED] BE SURE YOU SEE THEM! V Subscriber, Lot 9. 3rd Con. Township of Markham, on or about the lst of July. :1 RED AND WHITE Burma, 2 years Did. The owner can have the same oy proving property and paying expenses. JOB PRINTING MENT of THE PUREST WINES AND LIQUORS To be had North of Foronto, and at Toronto prices ,_â€"- x Otard. Dupuy & Co.. Pinette, Costellon & Co.. Mai-tell. Sazerac, De Forge &. Son’s best French Brandies. Hunt’s-Old Port Wine. Duff& Gordon’s Sherry Wine. Kinnehan & Dunvllle’s Irish Whiskey. Stewart 61, Co.. Hayes &, Co’s Whiskey. Walker 6L Thomas’ Chippewa Old Rye Whiskey and Malt, (the best to be had in the neighborhood.) Booth & Burclay’s Old Tom Gin. Palm Tree. Dekuypers. Boll & Dunlop’e Holland Gin. Pure Jamaica and Demerara Rum. St. Jalian Claret and Choice Champagne. The above Liquors may be equalled. but not surpassed by any house in the trade. o Old PortyWilie for Medicinal purposes, the ï¬nest imported, $5 per gallon, at G. A. BARNARD’S. G. A. Barnard has been appointed agent for the Sale of Which has been bought at a bargain ; he will, therefcxe. Oï¬er his customers an advantage, by giving them Goods at Lower Prices than ever. and hopes to have a share of public patronagev He has assorted up the Stock with a variety of new Goods. bought for Cash. at the Lowest Prices and will sell them at a small advance. The Stock will comprise a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries. Wines and Liquors of the ï¬nest and best brands. Paints, Oils. Glass. &c.. with the best assortment of Shelf Hard- ware to be had in the neighborhood. Having many years experience in the business, he is conï¬dent he cannot be underbought and shall not be under-sold by am‘ House in the Trade. Being thankful to his friends and patrons [01' their past favors. he hopes to merit a continu- ance of the same. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. Sept. l.V1870. Markham, Dec. 1, 1870. Markham. November 23. 1870. Sign of the British Flag Staï¬â€˜, August )8. 1870. Richm'md Hill, June 23. 1870, AME INTO THE PREMISES OF Done Neat and Quick atthe Herald Oflice, Tan HAVE Lose BEEN LOOKED FOR. OW ON HAND THE BEST ASSORT- ARNARD’S STORE REâ€"OPENED! AMES, TOYS, 359., THEY ARE A SUPERB LOT. Ever ofered on Richmond Hill. AND CONSEQUENTLY THE CHEAPEST STOCK 0F FOR CASH! Cheap Boot and Shoe Establishment. Wines and Liquors. CHEAP GOODS. HIS LATE STOCK, GEORGE, GOHN, Dollar P.O. FOR SALE AT THE Estray. Estray. HERALD BOOK STORE. W. H. MYERS’ THE BEST, Richmond Hill BE SURE 629.1y 645.3 623-tf 63] FANCY WOOL GOODS RUGS. CARPETS. BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, FRENCH MERINOS Full Cloth é‘ Canadian Tweeds DRESS GOODS ! FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! Large Ranges of Lustres Hosiery, Gloves, NEW FALL GOODS! READY MADE CLOTHING! MOURNING GO 0 DS NORTH OF TORONTO. THE CENTRAL STORE. ties indebted to the_ undersigned either by noie or book account,‘that the same must be paid by the lst day of January.187l. other- wise they will be put in court for collection. ROBT. SlVER. V BE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Sale the South half of Lot No.33. in tho 2nd Con. of Markham, comprising 57 acresâ€" 40 acres cleared. There is on the premises a good framsdweiling-housc. graneryuvoodshed, &c- Thu soil is well adapted fer Wham. For further particulars, apply to JOSEPH KLINCK, V On the premises. Vaughan, Nov. 16,1870. 643-2m SCHOOL REQUISITES Is the most wonderful dis‘ccvory in chemistry for healing Horses and Cattle. MILLE R’S DERBY OIL WHY THE TRUE PRINCIPLE As Cémpetition is so very great in the trade, he who can buy Cheapest and will sell an a. small margin of proï¬t, can besz please the public and advance his own interest. BARNARD HAS FOUND THE PHILOSO- PHER’S STONE AT LAST, And will give his customers the advantage of , it by selling goods at. the Sign of the British Flag Slajf, Richmond Hill. September 29, 1870. 637-tf ALWAYS 0N HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF September 29. 1870, Richmond Hill, Nov. 24. 1870. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Particular Attention has been given to securing August 17.1870 In Hoods, Bteakfast Shawls. &c. &c. Buying (f: Selling Cheap for Cash I Flannels, Blankets, P L A I D s A N D OTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL PAR‘ The Central Store! LACES OF ALL KINDS Hats and Caps for the Million, Eureka! I have found it! In endless variety, a large Stock of DR Y GOODS DEPARTMENT. A COMPLETE STOCK FRESH GROCERIES ! Pm'mfs in Endless Varetyl LOWEST LIVING PROFIT ! Wincey and all wool Shining. FRESH CUTS OR OLD SORES. In Coats, Pants, Vests. &c. Takes the lead of the (own. In all Prices and Colors. Hollands. Counterpnnes HARDWARE. CROCKEIKY, Farm for HUGH MILLER 6'1, CO. 167 King St. East Toront 7. '1870 631- tf OF DOING BUSINESS. THE STOCK INCLUDES DRESS GOODS ! OF ALL KINDS. AT THE A150 :1 full supply of TABLE D AM ASKS, LACE CURTAINS, MAY BE SEEN AT Last Call. AS USUAL THE ‘NHAT ? HERALD BOOK STORE. OF THE AND W. ATKINSON. DRESS GOODS ! Sale. Richmond Hill. 6444f 637 IMPORTED GOODS TWEEDS, LOWEST CASH PRICES. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, FIRE PROOF STORE ! Winceys, Shirtings, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. POCKET BOOKS FANNING MILL! 1870. WILSONS’ IMPROVED Stood the test of Competition! BEST FANNING ‘MILL ! And. having recently heen improved, the sub- scribers have every conï¬dence in its superior merit. Whene’ver shown. and are pronounced by com- petent judges as being the Manufacturing a large number of the above ,- CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS Farmers will consult their own interestifthey will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel conï¬denl lhev will beautisï¬ed out Machines are not surpassed if equalled. COLLARS AND CUFFS BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY Richmond Hill, Sept. 22. )869. PROVINCIAL EXHIBITIONS & COUNTY FAIRS, Richmond Hill, Aug. 27,1869 And having increased facilities for pre- paring the lumber. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the JUST RECEIVED I Of Every Description, including Kept Constantly on Hand. (RICHMOND mu. BRANCH) AT THE LARGE LINES IN DOUBLE ACTION NE W FALL GOODS FLANNELS, Manufactured in Canada ; THE LATEST STlLES, AT THE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OII‘ THESE MILLS HAVE Dress Goods, A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F The subcribers are now OF ALL KINDS AT THE &c. 6w AT ALL THE PROMPTLY. CANADIAN HERA LD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. AT THE BLANKETS, HERALD BOOK STORE. Prints, Cotton's, A. & W. WILSON. ISAAC CROSBY. FACTORIES ((40. die. die. 1870. 5664f .0 rd Covered with zinc on the Improved French System, go to I? Mcl’hel‘son's Excelsior Thrashers, com- plete. This machine has the Patent Donblo Cylinder and Patent Gear. OR SALE ONE OF GLASGOW & Mcl’hel‘son's Excelsior Thrashers, com- TE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE stock of all kinds of Dye Stuffs, of thé very best possible description, which we are selling ‘20 per cent cheaper than any other house in Toronto.“ HUGH MILLER &00. ;67 King St. East.. Toronto. August. 525. I (0. 6324f. HITE FISH, SALMON TROUT AND LABRADOR HERRING. For Sale by the barrel or half-barrel, at the Central Store. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Nov. 4.’ 1870. 625 U chines will do we!) to call and examine our stock of oils. The Cheapest and Best in the City. HUGH MILLER. 56 C0. MALLOY’S AXES "w A H’r Special attention paid to the presérvation of the natural teeth. yisit the following places, viz. : Maple, [he ï¬rst Monday of each month. Richmond Hill,ï¬rst Tuesday ‘- Thornhill. ï¬rst Wednesday " Where he can be consulted 'on all branches of his pyrofessicn». 7 Parties will he waited on at their own resic dance. by writing to J of the above. rousistiiug of White Fish. Salmon Trout. Yarmouth Bloates. Digby Her lings. Sardines, Lobsters and Oysters. A full supply of ï¬rst-class fresh Oysters always on hand. G. A. BARNARD. Sign of the British Flag Staff. })ETER G. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- NOUNCE to his friends, and the public in the vicinity of Richmond Hill. that. he ha: leased the premises lately occupied by On Richmond Hill, and has opened with I ' complete stock of Grocefleq, Inspection and Comparison are Invited. PETER G. SAVAGE. The public will observe that he is in a posi- tion to Sell Goods at Prices lhal will not fail to satisfy all consumers. F .YOU WANT A GOOD ' FLAT ROOF September 6. 1870. F YOU WANT ANY REPAIRS Patterson, August 26, 1870. F YOU WANT ANY TINWARE August, 525. I (0. August 17, l870. Toronto) September 1, 1870. UST RECEIVED A AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WINa Richmonj Hill. Dec; 9, 1869. WNERS OF TIâ€"IRESHING MA- DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES, For sale, Cheap. only 25 ctsu'at the HERALD BOOK STORE. Fish ! Fish ! ! WM. ALLINGHAM, L.D.S. YOU WANT EAVEâ€"TROUGHS YOU WANT STOVE PIPES MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. Excelsior Thrasher. From I5 cls per length, go to WILTSHIRE, Provisions, Paints, From 10 cts per fooh go to Important Notice- Machinery Oil. F011 SALE BY DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20, 2nd con. Markham URGEQNA pm: TIST, WILL Dye Stufl's ! Those Fish. WM. ALLINGHAM, PATTERSON 61. BRO. TORONTO- D E N T 1 51' , N o. 44 Gerrard Street, West; DONE GO TO 167 King St. East Toronto. ). 6314f GO TO 'r I N s M I '1' H , Richmond Hill} 634-“ Oils, WILTSHIRE. WILTSHIRE. FULL SUPPLY WILTSHIRE. W1 LTSH IRE. Fish!!! Vamishes, Aatws. 632-tf 595-5 633