Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Dec 1870, p. 4

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A sky of azure. a bit of heaven, An hour of bliss to mortals given. A church, a dainty dress by my side, A solemn service, a kissâ€"u bride, ‘ .1 > Then thronging friends, ‘ )3. last g'oo'd-bye; ~ And so we are marriedâ€" My Wife and I. Lohg hours of rapture, long days of joy, Time passing unheededâ€"without alloy, Aiéur‘, where everything looks its best. A river in Autumn glory drost; . No thought of trouble, , Nor cane, nor sigh, ' “ Fbr‘ we are so happyâ€"- 1v . 5 ‘,My wife and‘I. A slow awaking, as from a dream, A drifting once more into lifework’s stream, «Arlittle respite from toil, and then The world with its hopes and fears again; But a home and a love That shall last for aye, For now we are settledvâ€" My wife and 1; And as hours vanish in time‘s quick flight, And our life’s fair morning grows to night, As carking cares with our pleasures stay, And our heads are streaked with silvery grey, Yet shall love increase As the days go by; - And we live for each otherâ€" My wife and I- LET a man be treated as a brute and he will become more brufisl) than a brute; but as I rationai being and he will show that he is so. ‘ Hew can the farmer form an intelligent opinion of the products of his fields, the profits of his sleek, the propriety of this or that mode of farming. without keeping ac- curate accounts of his business in all its -pa.rts ? No mechanic. manufacturer or merchant ever thinks of doing business without scanning every branch of his trade. How‘can the farmer know that he makes any profit from :Jis cows or other animals: “if he does not know the product and the cost of keeping ? Yet farmers do this. Trauma make perfection, but perfection itself is no trifle. is wiser to prevent a quarrel than to revenge it afterwards. - Don’t touch the lute when drums are re- sounding: a wise man remains silent while fooIs are speaking. SEX 0F EGGs.â€"â€"â€"The round plump eggs will hatch hens, and the slender ones cocks, invariably. So says an exchange. ' How to‘s‘poil A childâ€"Send him to fill a lighted kerosene lamp. IN malicibusly pointing out the faults of another, you excite:th to the discovery of your own,_ ONE of the sufferers by the late Vermont railway accident, rushing wildly about, was asked if he was hfirt. “ No," he said, “ but I can’t find my umbrella.” WHEN danger approaches. men are wont to acknowledge the presenée of God more (strongly than atnther times. Many pray, who never prayed before; and even the prayers of good men are more fervent than ugual. It is a. remarkable circumstance that nine- tenths nf'_tlic slandch uttered are aimed 1113 individuals the leasfdeserviiig ofit, and who have given the least cause. If we were to trace the venom to its original source, we nln-uld generally find that the human reptile from‘wlmm it sprung was so utterly worth- less, and so far heneath anger. as 10 occa- sion to sensible men more of asionis/Lment than any other feeling. DAUGHTERs.â€"Thei~e is nothing more de- sirable in :1 daughter than an intelligence joined to a gentle spirit. The mind is fu- nhinned and furnished in the main at school. But the charactt-r is derived chiefly-from home. How inestimalfle is the cnnfidence of that mother in producing kind feelingra in the bosnms of her children, who never permits lll‘l'Self to speak to them in, a loud voice,’ and in Fin-sh, unkind tones. SOMEBODY says there are two things about which we should never grumble; first those things which we can prevent; and secondly, those things which We cannot prevent. ” FIELDMARSHALL BURGD'YNE, in alet.ter tn the “Times” in defence of Marshal Bazaine, says :â€"“ As one of those who served with the Marshal in the Crimea, I feel called upon to repel the attacks made upon a gal- lant fellow soldier, whose military reputa- tion has been assailed in so inconsiderate a manner by political enemies.”. Woolwich Arsenal is in the full tide of activity once mole. Additional hands are employed in the gun factories; while in certain depaitments relays of men are work- ing day and night. Pom: FELLUWi-â€"-:\ Chicago man was at‘ tacked one night, and injured by what he supposed was a vicious dog, and thinkng the dog was mad. he applied the madstrme to thé part. affected for two weeks. at: an ex pense of $200, and was cured. What was his surprise to learn that instead of being bitten by a. rabid dog, he had been butted m the rear by a. Billy goat. How they do bother him about it! llIomER.-â€"How sweet the reflection in after years of a mother’s tender training. It were well that to a. mother this duty were confided, if it were only for the delicious pleasure of musing: on it after many years of struggle with the cold realities of life. Who is there that finds no relief in recur ring,r to the scenes of" his infancy and youth. gilded with the recollection of a mother’s tenderness? And' how many have nony owned that to the salutary influence then exerted they must ascribe their future suc- cess, their avoidance of evil when no eye was upon them, but when rested on the heart, the Warnings, the prayers and tears of a.’ mother. EFFECTS or CLEANLINi-zss.-â€"Count Rum- ford, the celebrated practical philosopher, whose writings have been of greater value to mankind. than the abstruse speculations of a host of metaphysmians, thus describes the advantage of cleanliness: With What care and attention do the feathered race wash themselves, and put their plumage in order; and how perfectly neat, clean, and elegant do they appear. Among the beasts of the field we find that those which are the most cleanly are generally the most gay and cheerful, or are distinguished by a certain air of tranquility and contentment, and singing birds, are always remarkable for the neatnes of their plumage. So great is the ,efl‘ect of cleanliness upon man, that it ex- tends even to his moral character. Virtue never dwelt longr with fillh; nor do I believe there ever was a. person scrupulously atten- tive to cleanliness, who was & consumute villain ’ My Wife and I. Odds and Ends @mmtm. .l. cruron. HALL or THE AseooIArroN. 34 King Street Eafit, Toronto. To Parents. Guardians, Pastors. and 0“er whose Sons, Wards. or Friends may be leaving home for residence in the City of Toronto : The Young Men’s Christian Assocmtion oft Toronto announce that they have a Committee for the pul‘poso of showing kindness to Young 1 Men who are strangers. and leading them ; under religious influences. It is requested that all who desire the cowopcrmion of this )ommitiee, will smui the names and addresses of Young Men about to remove to Toronto. in whom they are interested, by the person him- self if possible. or by post. with such particn-l lurs of character as they may doom proper. JNo. MAcnoNALn, 'i‘nos. JV WILKm. President. Secretary. W E E K LY TELEGAPH. THE CHEAPEST READING. THE BEST TVE'EKLYI A DOLLAR g A YEAR! 1871. The 'l‘e‘egruph stands unrivalled amongst its compours. as evinced hy its wonderful and ever incmnsing Popularity. It offers induce"- meuls held out by no other medium of Imelii-. genes. Its success is unprecedented for it is Brilliant Editorials. Reliable Market Be- ports. 'l‘elegraphic News. from all parts. “"0” Selcclerl Agricultural Mailer. Reports of the Logisiixllirfs. erigious Intelligence, includng a Sermon by 21 Popular Divine every wcnk Charming Fashinn News. English, Search and Irish News. Foreign News. It is brim full 0! Sparkling and Exciting Stories, and Liierury and [’oetinal Soleclions. MUSICAL SELECTIONS ! Every issue contains; the Words and Music of a popular" lullad. or Sacred Music Selection. For One Dollar you got Fifty-two pieces of Music. worth $30. This alono is worth the price uf Suhwription. A $25 Wanzer Sewing Machine for Forty Subs ‘1'ibey's. lead our Splendid Book. \Vatcll and Sewing Machine Premium List. . A Splendid Selection of Books for Thirty Subscribers. A $32 Wanzer Sewing Machin‘u for Sixty Subscribers. ' Single copv for one year. to an}: address. $1 ()0 Subscriptions sent in now count till the and of 1871 Fourteuu months Subscription for One Dollar ! Sand f0!" Specimen Copies, Agenis. read our Premium List, in the Daily and Wecldy Telegraph. A liveral cash comâ€" mission in Canvassers. J. ROSS ROBERTSON JAMES B. C "N THE; “WEEKLY GLOBE THE. DAILY TEEGRA'PU. $5 A YEAR Grnte'vlly acknowledge the support extended m their several publications throughout xhe lenglh and broudlh of Cmde (luring the past year. Twenty-seven years have rolled by Sim-e tho eatulvlislm‘.ent uf~'l'urz GLDRE in To- rnmo. From its first appmu-mrcu w the present hunr its prosperity and influence have bum] alwa s advancing; but at no time has it ever before held so firmly, or so satisfalorlly, the Imsition universally conceded to it. 35 {ha lun ling newspaper of British America. 1'leimprovemean recently made on an: WEEKLY GLOBE have immensely extendnd its [)(qmtari!y and circulation ; and the puhlifilmrs confidently claim that it IS 110: only the most widon cinculnted Journal in British America, but that it is During 'the coming ventâ€"which is most likulv to bring with it most important and ex- citing events affecting ills poliiical and material interests of the Dominion-the Editorial and News llepartmenls will continue to be sus- tained with the ability and vigor that have gaim-d for the paper its present posiiion. A reliable summary of the Delmtesin the Do- minion Parliament and ins Provincial Legisla- mx'es will always ha found in its weekly col- umns: and the news from all parts 0f this walk} will be published up to the latest hour of publication. 'l‘ha CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER! AG RICU L'I‘URA L DEPARTMENT That has given such universal satisfaction this gemâ€"turd that is acknowledged by every farâ€" mer Lo lw alone worth the subscription price of tho paperâ€"will be maintainad in 1871 With undiminislmd interest undera still more'efl’tâ€" cient staff at editors and correspondents than lzeforu. Suvaml NEW AND EXCITING TALES, From the pans of popular authors. will appear during the year. No expense will be spared in Securing the very Inlest intelligence by means of Special 'l'elegmph (lespntches, Mar- ket Reports, Prices current, and General Com- Inercial lntelllgence from all parts of the world, will receive unremitting attention. Evary do- pm-tmenl of the paper will be maintained in the highest suite of. efficiency (5 Nothtcsmnding the great enlargement and hnprovenmm o’ the WEEKLY GLOBE that have recently been made, the subscription will conâ€" tinue to be onlv A Club of Five Copies. one year . .. . .$ 9 00 [)0 Ten do ..... 17 00 Do Twenty do . . . . . 32 00 Do Thier do . . . . . 45 no And each additional copy over thirty, at One Dollar and Fifty Cents. ' *j‘ LARGE l’mzlcs are given to parties. who got up clubs, a list of which will be sentto any one who will apply for it by letmr or personally at the office. Any one is at liberty to get up a Club on his own responsibility ; and those de- siring to do so should send a; once for :1 Cir- culzu showing the terms- haynblo always in advanceâ€"and the f ll ‘ will be the 0 meg Parties subscribing (in a Club or otherwise) are the 1m. Jauum’. [811. will have the papersth to then up to the 3lst December, 187‘ . ‘on payment .of a year’s subscription. Each Club paper sfial] be addre§sed sépn- ratelv. and may be for am’ Post Offico. Orders and Remittances to be addressed to In this age of progress the peopla demand and will have Address a" Lcfiers, post-paid, ROBERTSON & COOK, THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY OUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO THE BEST FORM YOUR CLUBS FOR 187]. The Handsomest, The most carqfully conducted and the THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, TDIMo‘ GREAT fl DOLLAR PAPER! 'I’WO‘ DOLLARS PER ANNUM, A Paper to suit the Times. The Largest, ON THIS CONTINENT. PUBLlSH ED IN CANADA CLUB Runes FOR 1871. SUBSCRIBE Publishers and Proprietors, TORONTO. 0N 0R ’1‘!” WEEKLY l 187L THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT“, FRIDAY, DECEMBER » 30, 1870. 612‘6 NOISELE SS MOVE MENT, GREAT SPEED. SEWING MACHINE i FULL INSTRUCTIONS G’RATXS. MR. C. CHAPMAN, ‘ ~ Dear Sir,â€"vI‘had been informed by in. teresied parties that the VVheelor 66 Wilson Sewing Machine was not to be depended upon. which for n time induced mo to deter purchasing one. After your description of mid machines, 1 purchased one, and Mrs. Fawcetl, who IS well acquainted with other machins. states that afiet a yoar’s trial in various kinds of work, she can confidently recommend it as a useful family sewing machine, and as all mat you stated it to be. M. FA WCE’i‘T, Mn. C. CHAPMAN, Dear Sir,~â€"We have used the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine about nine Years, and during that time it has cost nothing for repairs. We sew heavy fuller! cloth with coarse linen thread. stronger than can be done by hand: while all fine stitching on light fabrics gives the best satisfaction. We can with confidence ro- commond the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine as the best for famil finaity, voVFuméFdfififl' purity of tune-.“c'labilc: é’vén touch, durabiliiy of construction. «and beauty 01 finish. ~ . REFERENCES Kindly permitted to: Mrs. James Newton, jnn., Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. Clarke, Miss White, Mrs. Wiiham Harding.1\liss Russell. Mrs. Alex Marsh, Miss Sanderscu, Mrs. J05. Kcfl'er. Mrs. D. liaise, Mrs. Henry Lever. PIANO - FORTES! These Instruments are made with a full Me- tallic Frame, are all overstrung, and are) mann- fflclnrod by the best workmen, under the superâ€" lendence of Mr. He'mtzmun. who has had up‘ wards of [him-w years experience in the business A“ instruments are furnished with the {Xi'- gmflh Aar! um! are distinguished for their sin g 74% 7,, -m m.‘ » "I’riérno Covers (Rubber) and Music Stools in great variety. ‘ Iuciuding iha Canadian [Hush'aled News. Har- p‘er’s ‘v’v'oekly, Frank Leslie’s lllnslralod, and The Chimney Corner. at the Herald Book Store. EL ORGANS & MELODEONS, Thq abovs instruments are all fully. warranted, and sold at manufacturer’a prizes. l’ox'fept satis- faciiou guaradteed in evm'y case. Circulars post free. TUNING AND REPAIRING ATTENDED T0. LAI'JB’S F JWILY KNITTING MACHINE, CALL AND SEE IT. C. CHAPMAN. AGENT. June 15, $830., Markham. No. 80 Queen Street ‘West, TORONTO, ONTARIO. All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting Knives. Forks,Spoons, Crnits, &c., 613.. 6L0, Silver Plated ’in the best Style warranted to wear any length of time. A150 manufacturer of Show Ccsea, Mend Sash Bar for Store fronts, &c., importer of French and English Show Cases, Glass, 610. &c, RINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION executed at the Herald Office. U at the Herald Office) is from the Joseph E 911 Works, Oshawa, LLUSTRATED PAPERS, HE' BEST PRINTING INKS ARE â€" used at the Harald Office. IVcsleyzm Minister. Markham March 1801, 1870. Cedar Grove, March 18. 1870. W. MILLICHAMP, LECTRO AND CLOSE SILVER PLATER N NEATNESS THE HERALD PETITT N ADDITION TO OUR NEW PRESS Torontp. April 7. 1870. Gold Medal. Paris Exposition, 187 0; 82 Competitors. ORDON’S NO. 277mm; PRESS (USED ECENTLY ADDED, A NO. 2 GORDON ' Card Press. to the Hamid {£00}; and Job Printing Estab‘ishmont EATNESS, CHEAPNESB, QUIQKI‘ZESS ONE BUT THE P T MATERIAL made usa of at the Hamid Uiz’iea, R. S FVILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, is without a. rival. New Type has also been mined. EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. VJHEELER 8?. WILSON HEIN’IZMAN ci‘ COMPANva three characterisfic: of {LG'Hamid Office AND OTHER CELI‘BRA'I ‘ )MAKEHS. From aha Establishments of A FULL AhSDRTMENT OF TESTIMONIALS CELENRA'I SA M'UEL REESOR. 612-157 VPHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PRAC L£;WRENCE CARDlNG MILL, And fiz‘led up the Machinery in excellent 01'- der. 18 prepared to do CARDING, \FULLING’, SHEARING, I" S.â€"All kinds of Woolen Machinery fitted up in first'class order. Terms moderate. Mortgage. MOE 1 ferret] than Library to the HERALD Book Store. where Slockhoiders and others 'may drocure Books qvery Friday afternoun. A. SCOTT, Librarian. This oil excells a” others for Lubricating pngppscs. both animal 3am} vegetable._ ' We are prepared to have thu merits of this oil tested against all oils now being used on nmchineryéâ€"bmh light or heavy ; from a clock or sewing machine. tn the heaviest of Steam- boat shims. The folhming are the points in which it ex- celis all other oils : ltwill not gum . hence machinery can be kept clean with but little tronhle,and it will clean machinery that has been gummed by other oils. It will not congeai or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the highest importance, from the fact that an oil not having this quality will not lubricate a cold slmft..such an oilmay be applied in a heated stale ; but the moment it touches a cold shaft Now, as the public are aware that many worthless things are pased into notoriety, in order to prove that this is no hnmbng, and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oilagents, ; menv of whom will not hesitate to palm of? the mere offal of oil refineries, as being identical with Stocks extra machine oil; we propose to those who are largely interested in the truth of those statements, to- ,send to them on applica- tion by express, or otherwise free of charge. a samyle of the oil that it may speak fur itself, we will with the sample furnish applicants free of charge, with a few simple tests as ef- fective. as those tests by which Gold is known from the base metals. and which will enable parties ordering to secure themselves against imposition. by enabling them to determine at once. whether thmoil forwarded is as good as sample. All parties interested in the luhicat- ing oil trade, before purchasingelsowhere le do well to communicate with it is congealedauud it will notbegin toluhricate until the journal, bv friction, acquires that temperature necessary to reduce it to a liquid state. in acquiring a higher temperature by friction. tire journnlexpnnds. and the box is in- jured. It is as impossible to use oil that will chill on n cold shaft without this result, as it is- to minng oil with water. ; Slockes’ oil will lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied ; it is now used in over two hundred establishments, and all unite in saying the rte. far it to Refined Sperm. or pure olive nil : it is free from all objections urged against all other oil as it neither gums or freezes. ' Agent for limi‘ominion. Brougham, Ontario. H. Sandman & Sons Agent, Richmond Hill Wholesale and Retail Draggists, Call when you viait the city. inspect the stock and learn the pric N ‘ we shall feel p16"- sum in shewing (gr-5:13 v .giher you purchase or not. Satisfactiun Guaranteed. .lcn be had at he Poet-office, for 10 CENTS WLEK. DR UGS, CHEMICALS, Paints, Ofls, Varnishes ! BRUSHES, ARTISTS' MATERIAL. &c., &c , QANCY GOODS H (11 I ‘ :4 LA MOT‘NIU‘VD M ‘ m LAPERS WOOLEN MANUFACTURING I’mch As USUAL. Toronto. April I , 1869. Richmond Hi", April 28,1370. Richmond Hill. Nov. 25. 'MPORTANT 'I‘O PARTIES USING LBUMS ! ALBUMS ! ! MABGACH, ANDERSON & col, "HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS Toronto, 31;“ 15,1869. May 1%, 1835. TAT-1031113 Y ONEY TO LEND 0N GOOD FA RM SALE A LARGE- AND Varied AS“ (mam of no“. experience of ever 20 years in the LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, THE VERY BEST STYLE! YMN AND BOOKS Security, in Sums to suit applicams. Apply to CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE Business,'having leased the 44 King Street East, Toronto, STOCK'B EXTRA MACHINE OiL‘ Pressifig, Coloring. &c., in MONEY TO LEND. 150)} SALE, CHEAP AT THE [Formm'ly'ik L. Marguch] Gold Wanted ! At Low Rates for Cash. RICHMOND HILL DUGGAN & MEYERS, Attorneys, Gov/7': SI. 0? All: KINDS AT THE Apply'to VGEO. I}. G. B. STOCK, FOR SALE LT THE OT-S‘ TORONTO : HERALD BOOK STORE. MACHINERY. HERALD BOOK STORE. App'iy to HERALX‘ BUD}; qTORE}. HERE‘LD BOOK STORE. J AS. COPELAND. M.gTEEFY. Richmond £33”. N lCOL, Barrister 1869‘ Leader, 55-31:) 6154f 593-tf 1.. Eu FJ MONTHLIES. » l’ery All the Year Round . .. ' Atlionuzumwn‘. Artizan...... .‘...... .. Annals of Natural History Argosy (The)... ..... . ..... «Army List.-. . Art Journal ’. . Astronomical Register . . . .. . . . . . - Aunt Judy’s Magazine” .. Beau Maude-(Lo) . . . . . . . . . Belgravia‘finciu. Christmas num] A Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . .. Bible Christian’s Magazine. . . . . . . Bible Treasury.................. Burgeon’s short sermons . . . . . . . . . Boy’s Journal. .. ..... . . .. Boy’s own Magazine. . . . . . . . British Friend. . . .. . . .. . . .... BowBeli‘s................. Boys of Lngland.'. . . . . . . . . Broadway, The. . . .., _.... . . . ...t Blackwood‘ (Edinburghod). . . . . . . Builder, The [price varies] . . . . . . . Bond Street. . . . . .. .. . Bov’s Book of Romance . . . . . . . . . Cass ll’s Biographical Dictionary. . Cassell’s Magazine. . . ... . . . .. . . - Chamber’s Journal. . Chamber’s Emnwlogical Dictonary Chess-Harm’s Magazino . . . . . . . . . Chess‘vVorld..........~-: .... Children’s Hour .. . . . . . . .-.. . . . Christian Advocate and Roviaw. . . Christian Consoler. . . .. . . . . . . . . . Christian Observer . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . Christian Society. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . Christian Spectator . . . . . . Christian VVitnoss . . . . .. . . . . . .... Christian World Magazino . Christian Work . . . . . . . . . . Churchman Magazmo, 'l'he . . . . . . Ch. of England Temperance Mag. Church of the People. . . . . . . _ . . . . Church Choirmaster and Organist. Church Missionary Intelligencer . . ChurchWork.......-... Churchman’s Companion. . Churchman’s anil'y Magazine. .. Civil Engineer and Architect's Jour Colonial Church Chronicle. . . . . .. Contemporary Rovicw . . . . . . Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .. . Cutters (The) Mo Journal. . . . . . . Doyot‘Rest Dublin Univorsity Magazine . . . . . . EastAnglinn Ecclesiatic and 'l‘heologian. . . x . . . Ecclosiulogis‘. (all. mu). . . . . . . . . . Eclectic (\z Congregational Rovicw Edinburgh \ie(lical& Surgical Jnnr English Presbyterian Meswnger. . . English Mochanic . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . Englishman’s (The) Mnga ' Englishxvomnn’s Domestic I :23 . , Entomologist................ .. Entom )logist’s Pv’lontlily Nil Evangelical Christen ‘ Evangelical Magazino . I. . . . . n. . . . Exélorl'lall...... Family Friend .........c....,..» Family Treasury. . . . . . a e . ... . . . Familr Herald.. . ...”...u Farmer’s Magazine. . . . . . . g . . . . . . Floral Magazine. ,r .. . . . . . . 4 a .. . FloralWorld....,............... Florist and l’onwiogi:~t . . . .. . . . . . . Foliot (Le)........ .M.......... Fortnightly florist“! {gr Fraser’s Magaxine . . ..a. u .. . . . . Freemason’s Magazino. . . . . g . . . . Friend...................c...a~ C ‘. v. ‘. ‘ S f .4 i a 1 I c ...- ...-....... ac..- ........ Gents Magumno r Gontlelnan’s Mag , Geological Magazine . . ., Geological d: Nat. il'u‘ ' Good Storios. Good Words . Good Words I'm“ 1.: Gospel Mai-ram ‘ Herald and t Homilist Horoiogical Journal. l‘lnstmtod Lo: n ‘ intellectual C 4 Intellectual Journal of Ag .... ...... 1.1.47 Elnd' Magazines supplied by Alex Scott, “ YORK HERALD" Office, Richmond Hill, ANY PUBLICATION IN THIS LIST NIAILED T0 SUBSCRIBER: W-lTH PROMPTNESS. Peoples Magazine . . . . . .. . . ... l’hat‘tiinceulical Journal. . . . . . . Philosophical Magazine . . . . . . . l‘honographic Reporter. Photographic Portraits . . Post Office Director. . . . . . PoultryBuokH: Practical Meclianics’ Journal . . Primitive Methodist Magazine . Prophetic'Tin'ies .. . . . . . . . . . . . Pulpit Analyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Quiver (The). .... . . .......... Remomhrancer. . .. . . . . . . Reynold’s Miscellany . . . . . . .. Robinhood .. . . ...... .. Rontlod’ge’s Magazine for Boys St. James’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . Scientific Review . .'. . . . . . . . . . Scottish Congregationalist. . . .. Sharpe's London Magazine. . .. Shorthand Magazine. . . . . .. . . . . Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . . . v. Sooneror Later SpirtualMagazine. . . H. . . . e . . . Sunday Reader . . . . . . . . .N.‘ Sunday School Teachers’ Mag. Sunday Magazine. . . . . . . . o . . a Sunday at Home St. Paul’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . Scottish Journal. . . . . . . . U. . ..4 Technologist...............,‘ Temple Bar 'I‘insloy’s Magazine. . . . . ,. . . .. 'J‘ownsend’n Costumes. . . . . . . ‘ Truill’s Illnstrated Josephus . . . 'I‘rmliseoker ,. . . . . . . . . Union Review [‘ili. n10m.:], . .‘ United Methodist Frea Ciwwh i United i’resbyterian Msz: Veterinarian . . . . . .. . . . .. Victoria Magazine. . Watchword . . . . . . . . West End Gazette of I“: World of Fashion .. . . . . ,. Young Engii " vomaii . . . ....‘ Young Approvtico. . . .. .V . . . Young Lndios Journal Young Englishmzn’n Mt Young Mm of Great Br? Zoologist......... .. . . I‘NGLISH LIST OF NEWSPAPERS Add :25 cents to above for postage when or- dering. V “ ‘i’ork Herald” Cheap Book and Job Print- in- Establishment. ' ‘ ADE-E. SCOTT. *4} C313 supply any Magazine published not on above fist - Parties wishing Magazines, &c.'bound in volumes will receive prompt attention. es. ar Round . .. he... .-. c... Iv' . Natural History. . .e-.b...-.. cal Register . "3 Magazine. . . ie'(ho).;‘ :euauy............. n"s Magazine. . . . . n't sermons. |guzine..........- ...--.-......n..i. u.. .o.. and.'. . he. . . . . ., _ . A inbm'ghed). . 'price varies] . . . . . . . ..-.....-....o-.~. f Romance ;raphica) Dictionary. . gaziue. )nrnal. .-.--.-.... Teachers Pery’r. Pr No. 300 25 375 33 375 33 950 80 200 17 575 50 950 80 375 33 .... 200 17 375 33 mm] 400 33 950 80 o... 130 13 110 10 ....200 ‘17 ....200 17 ....200 '17 2.00 17 .....2‘25 20 .... 200 ‘7 .,. 375 33 .. 950 8U .. 575 5U 375 '6 200 17 try” 200 17 ‘ . . . . 9.00 17 225 E“ man 200 1'2 33 33 17 80 33 {7 33 33 80 13 10 ‘17 17 '17 17 20 17 33 80 50 17 J7 Ié 3n 17 17 HOUSE FURNISHING 83 Yonge St. 3 doors above King St. Toronto. Beg (0 call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of House Furnishing Goods, among which will [)8 found PLATED AND BRITTANNIA METAL GOODS OF ALL KINDS TABLE UUTTLERY, SPOONS, &c. the steak of which is very large, embracing all that is New and Clmstemnd also the Plain- est and Cheapest; thus meeting {he require- ments of ll classes. Lanterns, Square é‘ Globe Shape ROCK AND MACHINERY OIL! Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Benzole, (fie. (Etc, Cooking Stoves. Pnrlcr Stoves, Box Stoves, Dumb Stoves, and Stove hoax. , Grain Men- ‘131'011, Apple Pnrors, Clothe-s Wringors. kc. And l’ermnbulaiors mahufacim‘ed, Wholesale and Retail. [31- m'h'mrz; at :33 per IUO'I‘csx. {also Floor- ' mi utlm‘ Lannher Up": d a Buckets, Cider Ms. Washing .‘M‘nhmefiShingiee Waggon Fumes. and LumberSuwod ‘0 order. 1"0A'pal'ticui'am add 7:: ‘ JC’H N LANCS’I’A FF, Steam Miiis, Thomhill CHEAP Viz.-â€"â€"Farm of 133 amen, situated in the Township (if Vaughan. on Yenge Sireet, about 12 mth nrmh of Toron‘m. on which there is a. ccmmcdizms honafi, barn. 9. s!!~.b)es,sheds, an orchard, about 20 acrw pine and hardwood Lim- ber mixed; we! watered. A, Uni IIIIAUIA uvn I'uuvlynt. ‘ Farm in the Township of Adelaide. fronting on the Egremom Grnva: Road, of 200,acres, 70 acres cieared and free from slumps; on the premises there is a good house, barn, stable. &c. There is a spring close to th houge. and a springm‘cek runs at‘ross the Jot. The un- clean-ed pan is we” limbered with hardwood. situated about 3 milés from Kerwood Slation. and 7 miles from Slrnthrov. South halves of lpls fins. 12 and 13. let Con. -'l‘ownshi}r of Mesa. 200 acres. situate about 1.14 miles from Newhury. where cordwo‘d brings 0. good price. and it is well timbored with hnrdwuod. Alsa) {rum and wildsiu various olhercounlies. Apply (if by letter, prepaid) to J. N. BLAKE. Y Barriflc‘r «5’0, No; 64 Church St. opposite St. James’ Came. dréfi, Tor-:39. {rugby 27. 1339 5884? ‘ *EGTI'UAL' WORKS I‘m. wilh pal“) naw. Also a su shafts; strong and lmarN The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery m be had iin W a County. A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York Herald Book Store Richmond Hill,‘ Special attention is directed to his GD E fly I 3.x ‘ . POCKE T CUTTL SRY. For Sale. I! LIGHT THIE‘T‘ELE SKEIN WAGON, wk}. nah :7.le shafts: strum? and lmnrlv ‘,“ 'mlem‘dnghm‘m-r»: me ii’vitod (o izzspect 0 Mock, a; it will Le found worthy of inspec- H. P. would also direct Special attention to the stock of 10:02:20, February ‘s of all kinds pr 'zzpily executed. 3’, 1m». Richmond'HEHJ April 14 Sheet Iron and Copper Ware! IRST-CLLSS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, EAP Arm EASY 1 MS OF PAYMENT. 00K Patent Eave-fizough ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO Lamps 4% Chandeliers; in great variety. for oil or candles. mm» cwnns. BURNERS. CHIMNEYS, saunas .nm wxcxs. BOTH GOOD AND CHEAP. WITH SELF iii}: tH‘JCTOR, AT THE OF THE DH‘FEZE‘JT FOETB, AT T15“; TINWARE , GALVANIZED IRON, HIRAM PIPER 0113.} If yam wau‘ g’! I! a pubficaéiom of the Smyer 'I'Mmtzmncz LEAGUE. CATALOGUE cu appfication aLLha A FULL SUPPLch (h'ose internstiug and \x'el'z-wriitcu \‘imks. which wit] bu Cliiâ€"ilObed of at a‘. Lew Rate. Also a large stock of ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH WlLL DE IOUND 1870. E'UMPS STOVESI “won :JALE BY For Sale. Apply to. HERALD HERA LE) 1200;: STQRE. A 150 J. ILLILLINGER,‘ .311.’E.8 13'. BLAKE 1mm Thomhill 510-.t? :9” II Hill .5 74f 6X3~tf 493 In a good state of cultivation. Tim‘xer land consists of splendid Pine and Hardwood 1n the vicinity. there is a church. and a saw- mill, and a school within a half mile._ Containing. 80 “Acres, SEVENTY CLEARED, There is on the premises‘a good ,fi'flme house, with stone cellar. kitchen and wofi'dshed, new ; large frame barn, two threshing floors, n‘early new : stable, ereds and root house : two never failing springs of water ; soft 'water cistern. nad thriving orchard. TERMS EASY. For further particulars apply to the owner on the ptemises. JOHN BROWN, . MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS '11. DIRECTORIES the most complete and correct ever issued on this continent. They are not being prepared by correspondence, but by PERSON AL CA NVA.SS from door to duor, of my own Agents, for the requisite in- formation. than now engaged on the work in the several Provinces Forty men and Twen- ty horses. These are engaged mainly on the towns and villages off the Railway and Steam- boat Routes, important places on the lines be- ing held till the completion of the former, to adtnit of correction to latest date. I anticipate issueing,i7r. October next, the Canadian Dominion Directory,mmd. six_ Pro‘ vincial Directories} which will prove a correct and full index to the Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland. and Prince Edward Isiand and a combined Gazetteer, Directory and Hand Book of the six Provinces. FmsTBoox, with 3! iilustraficns, stronglybomr in] hip clothâ€"5 cents. ‘ FmsTBo on, (second part) with “illustrations, strongiy hound inJimprcIothâ€"IO cams. SEGOND Boon; with 56 illustrations. strongly bound in clolh boards--29 cents. SUBSCRIPTION T0 DOMINION DIRECTORY : Dominion of Canada Subscribers,. . $19 Cy. United States do . . 12 Gold. Great Britain and Ireland do . . £3 ' ' France. Germany, &c. do . . £3 Si SUBSCRIPTION TO PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES: .5 Province oCOutaho Directory. 1870-7] 334 00 Province of Quebec Directory. 1870â€"71 4 00 Province of Nova Scotia Din. 1870.71 3 (m Province of New Brunswick Dir. 1870-7! 3 00 Province of Newfoundland Dir, 1870-71 200 Province of Princo Ed. Is. Dir. £87041 900 No Money in 5a fmid 'unlil each book isdclweerl. Rates of Advertising wiil be made known on applicatian to Foua'm {50021. 45 illustrations.strongly bound. in clam hoards-40 cents. ’ Fwsz 13001:, 520 iHustz‘ations’ stronny bound in cloth hoards-51) cents. Comnmn T0 Tum Rummy-25 cents. 9 For sale at the 1mm; 300K, 41 illustLMjoxls, stro ‘ ' U Uudartaksr, 5w. [ins1mmctc.â€"â€"â€"I\'sarlycppositathePostOfl‘icol ichnond Hill. _ _ V duata of Toronto Vetorinarv College, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. East. Rich- mond Hill, begs to announce to the publicthat he is now practicing with H. SANDERSDN. of the same place, where they may be consulting ed personally or hy letter, on all diseases 6 Horses. Cattle, &c. " 3'. BS. SANBERSON, E TE BIN ARY SURGEON, Gm. duata of Toronto Vemriharv College. MEDICINES or EVERY DESCRIPTION for Horses and Cattle always on hand: such as I’hysig. Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough, Condition and Worm Balls and.Powd'ers,, The: Cough Balls ‘have been found niost serviéeable in alloyialing many of the distressng symp- toms of Brnlienwind or Heaves in Harses Coliq. Draughts. Linimenls for Sore Threats, Sprains. Curb. Spavinq Ring-bone, &cl Blist- ering Ointmonts, also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. -> Lotions ‘for wounds, Bruises, Saddle Galls. Inl'allible Oil and Sheep Tick Des- lroyer. All orders from a distance promptlyatlmdud to, and msdicines sent to any part of the Pro- Vince. .LV name has been unwm'rantably used in cmmection with Directories now being- can- vassed in‘the Provinces, and entirely distinct frbm my works, and that in other cases it has been stated that my Directories have been a- bandoned, I would request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that per- sons representing themselves as acting for: me, are furnished with sattsi'actory credentials. Palm 15 ‘CEN'rs. For sale at the HERALD Book Store, Richmond Hill.; BANNER Offiée, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store. Markham Wesley-m Book Room. A. S. Irving’s and M. Shewau’s, Toronto. L o v E L L ’ s DOMINION & PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES l‘lorses examined as to soundness, also bought and Sold on commission. mHE POLEMICAL CORRESPONE .3. may: between T. J. M., the Rev. Joan BnEmN and others, (in the York- HERALD during flu, months of July. August and Sep- tomben [868), is antly printed in pamphlet form. and Worth a per] a]. _ Vaughan. June 539; 1870. Lowell’s inrectories. T IS INTENDED TO MAKE IHESE Farm for Sale. 2113mm WHEAT FARM FOR Authorised bytha Counci} of Public [11- ' struczionfor Ontario. THOMAS SEDMAN, Mum/kw AND WAGON MAKER; TOWNSHIB OF VAUGHAN, Richmond Hill. Apri) 23, 1868. JOHN LOVELL, Publisho. Montreal, March 16, 1870. ‘ 610-6 pIEXYnQArMDyAN NATIONAL Sale, being part of lot No. 59, iii th‘ Concession of the v, in ointment: O T I C E.â€"â€"-LEARNING THAT MY Series of 8 heel Books. SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE To be Pubhlshed in October, 1870. To Cantroversialists.. Frontng on Yonge St', HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. 624-5 510

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