’ WINES & LIQUORS ! CHRISTMAS STOCK ! NEW LAYER, NEW SULTANA, CANNED FRUIT, CITRON PEEL, CURRANTS, FIGS, &c. 8m. 8w. ‘HE TEA CHEST For Christmas Cheer, As well as the New Year. Richmond Hill, Doc. 15. 1870. Sign of the Tea Chest. FLOUR AND FEED. WITH A LARGE STOCK 0F GROCERIES/ Sign of the Tea Chest, RAISINS. HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS NEW VALENTIA, commune ; AND SEEDLESS PROVISIONS. ORANGE PEEL, TEAS, SUGARS, 0F LEMON PEEL, I. FRENCH. THE PEOPLE’S STORE. .1) to his numerous customers for the very liberal support they have given him for the past year, and wishes to 'announe that he is again prepared to supply to those who may STAPLE AND FANCY WILL SELL AS CHEAP THE STOCK CONSISTS OF LONDON LAYER CURRANTS, (nu; OLD FRUIT), FRESH PRUN ES, GROUND COFFEE, GUNPOWDER TEA, YOUNG HYSON TEA, With an excellent assortment of " Throughout the house a busy stir, The cook in glory reigning. The maids’ soft dream of mistletoe. ’Midst graver cares'disdaiuing ; For. in her ears, the magic voice 0f another song is humming. ‘ The Christmas pudding must be made For Christmas Day is coming.’ †CHEWING & SMOKING Orange and Lemon Peel, Paints, Oils, Vamishes, Spirits of Turpen‘ tine, Benzoin, Glass, Putty, (Ea. As any other house in the neighborhood, EGS TO RETURN HIS THANKS CROCKERY, CROCKERY SUPERIOR FRESH Suitable for thepresent Season, FAVOR HIM WITH A CALL, Richmond Hill. Dec. 15. 1870. xusms, New and Fresh Ground Spices, VERY NICE LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, ALSO A FULL SUPPLY OF SPLENDID JUST RECEIVED, DECIDEDLY CHEAP ! P. G. SAVAGE, FOR CASH. GROCERIES, AN EXTENSXVE STOCK 0F MUSCOVADO & CRUSHED SUGAR, CANNED FRUITS, TOBACCO, Which will be sold WHICH HE FINE SOUCHONG TEA, &c. &c. 7&0. SUPERIOR SEEDLESS SPLENDID NICE NEW DRESSED VALENTIA RAISINS, WITH GOOD JAPAN TEA, CURRANTS, nusms. FIGS, RICE, THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ON T., FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1870. Albums FOR CHRISTMAS. The Subscriber begs to announce to the public that he has received a CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS Parian Vases Sets Jet Jewehy Brooches Toy Books, Tin Tog/j Pocket Cutlery Clothes Brushes Hair Brushes Nail Brushes Tooth Brushes Shaving Brushes Wax Dolls Razors Sleeve Links Gold Pens London Illustrateu News, Cassell’s, Bow Bells, Josh Billings’, and Canadian Urayoni Uanes POCKET DIARIES AT um Hnuum Boon STORE, PROPRIETORS or THE ‘ RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, Have removed to their new and commodious building on the corner of Yonge and Centre St. East, and would return their thanks to the public for past patronage, hoping to merit a continuance of the same, They have greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment of Drugs, Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines. and all other articles kept by Druggists generally. '36" Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded. and all orders attended to wnh care and despatch. Farmers and Physicians from the country will ï¬nd our stock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuiueâ€"aud of the best quality. MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. HE EXCELSIOR PUMP, MANU- factured by P. Phillips. Richmond Hill. Tins PUMP IS EASIEST Woman, MOST DURA- BLE AND NEATEST MADE m THE DOMINION. MISUELLANEO US &: STANDARD BOOKS It is so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all tight therefore pre- venting children from putting anything Into it. Or if they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and the money will b5 refunded. These Pumps are suitable to all depths from a cistern to a well of 150 feet. They are not so liable to get out of repair. being Double-va‘ved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the joints which is invariably the case the common Log Pump made by hand. This Pump o'n Trial for One Month! And if accepted The Subscriber would respectfully announce hat he is prepared to put in Price: $5 above platform, and 40 cents per foot below. Also manufaotures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6. complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. Chum Pumps for Cisterns $3 each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address,stating depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, August 9. 1870. 630-Iy RICHMOND HILL. December 1. 1870. ON RICHMOND HILL, ON THURS- day, the 13th instant, a small sum of money. The owner is requested to describe property and pay for advertisement. Apply at the HERALD Oflice. Sunday at Home for NowatHeraId Book Store Very Large and Nice Asssortment Richmond Hill. Nov.25, 1669. Shirt Studs Water Color Paints (fr; Brushes _E ISURE HOUR, ALMANACS FOR 1871. Bibles China Dolls Wofla Boxes WARRANT ED TWO YEARS, 7'03] Waichgs Writing Desks Wallets Gold Plated Penholders Gold Plated Pencil Cases Links Gold Chains Puzzle Blocks H. SANDERSON & SONS, 0F GOODS SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS, FOR 1871. Testaments RE M OVAL. SUPPLIED AT THE Uoncertinas Dressing Combs ry Circular Combs )ches Coronets COMPRISING Humming Tops Sheet Music '6. Pocket Combs HERALD BOOK STORE, Found ALEX. SCOTT. Ladies’ Companions 8 Packet Books Ear Rings. H gmn Books Prayer Books Needle Shell Cases s Shell Boxes Transparent Slates 5 Mirrors School Books Stationery Richmond Hill. Rgzor Straps Pearl sets 593. I have spared neither pains no; trouble to have THEY HAVE JUST ARRIVED I THE LARGEST ! BE SURE YOU SEE THEM! BOOTS AND SHOES They have been purchased from the leading manufacturers in Quebec. Montreal and Toronto. THEY CANNOT BE BEAT. BE SURE ' YOU SEE THEM AT FA LL & WINTER HATS A ND B ONNE TS, Those who are desirous of securing Bargains, will do well to S p e c i a 1 Inducements ! MENT of THE PURES’I‘ WINES AND quvoxs To be had North of I‘oronto, and at Toronto priEos ,.â€"- “ n n n- ,.., n,,‘,ll.,, n, r Otard, Dupuy & Co.. Pinatte,Castellon & Co.. Martell. Sazerac, De Forge & Son’s best French Brandies. Hunt’s Old Port Wine. Dufl'& Gordon’s Sherry Wine. Kinnehan & Dunvllle’s Irish Whiskey. Stewart & Co.. Hayes (Sb Co’s Whiskey. Walker & Thomas’ Chippawa Old Rye Whiskey and Mall, (the best to be had in the neighborhood.) Booth & Barclay’s Old Tom Gin. Palm Tree. Dekuypers. Boll 5L Dunlop’s Holland Gin. I Pure Jamaica and Demerara Rum. St. Jalian Claret and Choice Champagne. The above Liquors may be equalled. but not surpassed byflany house in the trade. "61d Port'Wifle for Medicinal purposes, the ï¬nest imported, $5 per gallon, at G. A. BARNARD’S. G. A. Barnard has been appointed agent for (ha Sale of HIS LATE STOCK, Which has been bought at a bargain ; he will, lhorefme. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1, 1870. Oï¬er his customers an advantage, by giving them Goods at Lower Prices than ever. and hopes to have a share of public patronage. He has assorted up the Stook with a variety of new Goods. bought for Cash. at the Lowest Prices and will sell them at a small advance. The Stock will comprise a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines and Liquors of the ï¬nest and best brands. Paints, Oils. Glass. &c., with the best assortment of Shelf Hard- ware to be had in the neighborhood. Having many years experience in the business, he is conï¬dent he cannot be underbought and shall not be undersold by any House in the Trade. Being thankful to his friends and patrons ror their past favors, he hopes to merit a. continuu ‘ ence of the same. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, lune 23. 1870, 6234f Richmond Hill, Dec. 8, 1870. 64.6-lm THEY HAVE Lone BEEN LOOKED F03, Sign of the British Flag Staff, August 18. 1870. REAT BARGAINS 1N HATS AND THEY ARE A SUPERB LOT. OW 0N HAND THE BEST ASSORT- Is now offering the remainder of her AMES, TOYS, &c., ARNARD’S STORE REâ€"OPENEDI CHEAP GOODS. AND CONSEQUENTLY THE CHEAPEST STOCK 0F Ever oï¬â€˜ered on Richmond Hill. Held out up to January 1st. 1871.?x Cheap Boot and Shoe Establishment. FOR CASH! Wines and Liquors. CALL AND EXAMINE. MRS MYERS AT A REDUCED PRICE FOR SALE AT THE BON N ETS . W. H. MYERS’ HERALD BOOK STORE. THE BEST, Richmond Hill. 629 - [y 63] THE {GENERAL STORE. NEW FALL GOODS! FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! Full Cloth 3 Canadian Tweeds DRESS GOODS I FANCY WOOL GOODS RUGS, CARPETS. BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, FRENCH MERINOS Large Ranges of Lustres Hosiery, Gloves, READY MADE CLOTHING ! MOURNING Gr 0 O D S NORTH OF TORONTO. ties indebted to the undersigned either by note or book account, that the same must be paid by the Isl. day of January.187l, other- wise they will be put in court for collection. 2nd Con. of Markham. comprising 57 acresâ€"â€" 40 acres cleared. There is on the premises a good framedweiling-house. granary,woodshed. &c- The soil is well adapted for wheat. For further particulars, apply to HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Sale the South half of Lot No.33. in tho SCHOOL REQUISITES Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing MI‘LLER’S DERBY OIL Particular Attention has been given to securing WHY THE kTRUE PRINCIPLE As Competition is so very great in the trade, he who can buy Cheapest and will sell on a small margin of proï¬t, can best please the public and advance his own interest. BARNARD HAS FOUND THE PHILOSO- PHER’S STONE AT LAST, And will give his customers the advantage of it by selling goods at the ALWAYS 0N HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 0F Sign of the British Flag Staf, Riohmund Hill‘ September 29, 1870. 637-14†September 29. 1870, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Rlchmond Hil}. Nov. 24, 1870. In Hoods, :eakfast Shawls. &c. 650. Vaughan, Nov. 16,1870. The Central Store! Flannels, Blankets, August 17. 1870 A COMPLETE STOCK DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. LACES OF ALL KINDS DRESS GOODS ! In endless variety, a large Stock of OTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL PAR- Buying (f? Selling Cheapfor Cash I Hats and Caps for the Million, Prints in Endles's Varety ! Eureka! I have found it ! FRESH GROCERIES ! Wincey and a†wool Shining, LOWEST LIVING PROFIT ! FRESH CUTS OR. OLD SORES. In Coats. Pants, Vests. 6L0. Takes the lead of the (06711. In all Prices and Colors, Hollands. Counterpanes Horses and Cattle. PLAIDS AND HARDWARE. CROCKEBY, THE STOCK INCLUDES DRESS GOODS ! Farm for Sale. HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East Toront 7. 1870 631- tf Also a full supply of OF DOING BUSINESS. OF ALL KINDS, AT THE MAY BE SEEN AT TABLE DAMASKS, LACE CURTAINS, AS USUAL THE Last Call. OF THE WHAT ? HERALD BOOK STORE. 0F AND W. ATKINSON, JOSEPH KLINCK, 0n the .Prgnjises. ROBT. SlVER. Richmohd Hill. 643 -2m 6444f 637 FIRE PROOF STORE ! TWEEDS, IMPORTED GOODS Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. 1870. LOWEST CASH PRICES. Winceys, Shirtings, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, POCKET BOOKS WILSONS’ IMPROVED FANNING MILL! Stood the test of Competition ! Whenever shown. and are pronounced by com- petent judges as being the BEST FANNING MILL ! And. having recently been improved, the sub- scribers have every conï¬dence in its superior merit. Manufacturing a large number of the above ; CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS Farmers will consulttheirowu interestiflhey will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel conï¬dent thev will be satisï¬ed our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. Richmond Hill,SepL 22. 1869. COLLARS AND CUFFS BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY PROVINCIAL Exmmnous & COUNTY FAIRS, Richmond Hill, Aug. 27,1869. 566-tf Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the And having increased facilities for pre- paring the lumber. JUST RECEIVED I‘ 01’ Every Description, including Kept Constantly on Hand LARGE LINES IN NEW FALL GOODS FLANNELS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 0F (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE. HERALD BOOK STORE. DOUBLE ACTION Dress Goods, Manufactured in Canada; THESE MILLS HAVE A LARGE ASBORTMENT OF THE LATEST STYLE , AT THE The subcx'ibers are now OF ALL KINDS AT THE CANADIAN 6m. 6w. &c. AT ALL THE PROMPTLY. HERALD BOOK STORE. AT THE BLANKETS, HERALD BOOK STORE. Prints, Cations, A. & W. WILSON. ISAAC CRUS BY. FAGTORIES dZ‘c. dbc. (J20. 1870. 5B5 HARNESS I ! HARNESS I I I As an apprentice in the above establishment an active lad about 16 years of age. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO IN- form the farmers in the neighborhood that he still owns the That took First Prizes at Markham, Burwick. and Newmarket. last fall ; and that he will be kept on lot 35, Yonge Street, Vaughan. Cook’s Toll Gate. GEORGE WELDRIGK. I‘ 7 McPherson’s Excelsior Thrashers, com- plete. This machine has the Patent. Double Cylinder and Patent Gear. FOR SALE ONE OF GLASGOW & McPherson’s Excelsior Thrashers, con}- \lv “ sicâ€"cigtifrallrkriiniis of Dye Stuffs, of the very best possible description, which we are selling 20 per cent cheaper than any other house in Toronto] HUGH MILLER & CO. Q67 King St. East., Toronto. Those Fish. ‘V HITE FISH, SALMON TROUT AND LABRADOR HERRING. For Sale by the barrel or haifobarrel, at the Central Store. ' W. ATKINSONrâ€"F U H 8555; will do well to call and examine our stock of oils. MALLOY’S AXES November 24, 1870. véï¬géiï¬gfaltention paï¬ to the preservation of the natural teeth. Parties will be waited on at their own resi- dence. by writing to“ IMPORTED YORKSHIRE BOAR PIG % URGEON DENTIST, WILL yisit the following places, viz. : Maple. the ï¬rst Monday of each month. Richmond Hill, ï¬rst Tuesday “ Thornhill, ï¬rst Wednesday " Where he can be consulted on all branches of his p‘rofassioq. J . J v the above. oonsistiiug of White Fish, Salmon Trout, Yarmouth Bloates. Digby Her rings. Sardines. Lobsters and Oysters. A full _supp_ly of ï¬rst-class fresh Oysters always on ha-n'd; Vaughan, Dec. 8. 1870. ,____.__._ ‘ Home]; io friends, and the public the vicinity of Richmond Hill. that he l leased the premises lately occupied by Important Notice. .â€" 1)ETER Gr. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- NOUNCE to his friends, and the quliq in On Richmond Hill, and has opened with complete stock of Patterson, August 26, 1870. Groceries, August, 25, 1 ID. The public will observe that he is in a posi- tion to Sell Goodgat Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers. Inspection and Comparison are Invited. PETER. G. SAVAGE. Richmond Hill, Nov. 4. 1870. August 17, 1870. The Cheapest and Best in the City. HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East Toronto. Auuust 17. 1870. 63l-tf WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Toronto, September 1, 1870. Fish ! Fish ! ! UST RECEIVED A Machinery Oil. .___._ ‘WNERS OF THRESHING M_A- AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- Richmend Hill, Dec: 9, 1869. Made to Order, at now CURTAIN FIXTURES. For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts., at the HERALD BOOK STORE. WM. ALI-INGRAM, L..D.S. Excelsior Thrasher. HARNESS! MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. Dye Stuffs ! HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE Provisions, FOR SALE BY DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20, 2nd con. Markham 0N HAND AND WM. HARRISON’S, Boar Pig PATTERSON & BRO., WM. ALLINGHAM, G. A. BARNARD. Sign 01 the British Flag Stafl'. TORONTO- D E N 'r 1 ST , N o. 44 Gerrard Street, West. Paints, Oils, Richmond Hill: Fish .! ! ! FULL SUPPLY Varnishes, 6-14-2111 6324f. 646-6 AGENTS. 6324f 595-3 625 633