There’s something in the “parting hour†\Vill chill the warmest heartâ€" Yet kindred, comrades, lovers, friends, Are fated all to part: But this I’ve seenâ€"and many a pang Has pressed it to my mindâ€" The one who goes is happier Then those leaves behind. No matter what the journey beâ€" Adventures, dangerous, far To the wild deep or bleak frontier, To solitude, or warâ€"â€" Still something cheers the heart that dare In all of human kind: And they who 950 are happier Than those they left behind. The bride gees to the bridegroom’s home With doubtings and thh tears, But does not Hope her rainbow spread Across her cloudy fears ? Alas! the mother who remains, What comfort can she ï¬nd, But thisâ€"the gone is happier Than those she leaves behind ‘I Have you a friend~ a comrade dearâ€" An old and valued friend? Be sure your term of sweet concourse At length will have an end! And when you partâ€"as part you willâ€" 0 take it not unkind, If he who goes is happier Than you he leaves behind. God Wills it soâ€"and so it is; The pilgrims on their way, Though weak and worn, more cheerful are Than all the rest who stay; And when at last, poor man subdued, Lies down to death resigned, May he not still be happier far Than those he leaves behind? BY JOSH BILLINGS. Natur never makes enny blunders. When she makes a phool she means it. I hav ï¬naliy cum tew the konklusion that the majority 0v mankind kan be edukated on the back better than in the brain, for good clothes will often make a phool res- pectable, while educashun only serves tew show his weak pints. ' As a gineml thing an individual who iz neat in hi2 person iz neat in hiz morals. I never knn a. man yet \vhoze name \vaz George IVashz'ngton Lafayette Goodrich, Esq., and who alwus sighned his name for the full amount, but what wax a bigger man on paper than he \':1Z by natnr. Man iz mi brother, and I konsider that i am nearer related tew him thru hiz vices than i am thru liiz virtews. A man with a very small head iz like a pin without euuy, very apt to get into things beyond hiz depth. A Western editor, on entering his ofï¬ce, and; seeing his apprentice boy cutting some queer capers, called out tohim, ‘ Jim, what are you doing on the floor?" ‘I have had a ahoek.’ ‘A shoek?’ ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘What kind ofa shock ‘I’ ‘ Why, sir,’ said the lad, gasping, ‘one of your subscribers came in (luring:r your absence-said he oued for two years’ subscriptionâ€"paid itâ€"und also paid another year in advance.’ From a young Lady to her Brother Thare iz nothing about which the World makes so few blunders, and the individual IO meimy, as a man’s actual importanse among hiz fellow critteis. And so you tell me, master Jim, This group of birds which you have sent, 13 just a small specimen 0f how your leisure hours are spent. You say that they will make no noise, In that I almost doubt your word; T’would give me but a small surprise, Though they began with one accord, To pour forth their melodious lays, For I see they are birds of song, Such as I’ve seen in former days, The woodlands and the groves among. But if it really is the truth, That it is but a work of art; Why, then, I tell yougentle youth, With credit, you have done your part. Long may you ï¬nd enjoyment thus, In studying nature’s works so grand; Soliberally bestowed on us The pashuns of an old man are often like hiz teeth, cease to trouble him, simply be- kauze the nerve is (led. The only pedigree worth transmitting iz virtew, and this iz the very thing that can- not be transmitted. Affectashun haz made more phools than the Lord haz. About the nearest tew absolute insolveiicy that a man kan git in this world, and think he is dieing: rich, iz to leave nothing but a pedigree tew hiz family. The man who kant ï¬nd enny thing to do in this woxld, 1'2 212 had oph az a yearling heifer. Thare is 110 pashun 0v the human heart that promlses so much and pays so little uz revenge. I don’t pretend tew have enny less vile pashuons than my nabors, buti do despise the person, most heartily, who caters few those i hav got. ’ By God‘s allwise, and mighty hand. Policeman, Spare that dog, Touch not a single hair; He worries many a. hog, From out his huddyvlair. Oh, when he was a pup, So friskey and so‘plh'mp, He lapped his milk from a. cup When hungry, at a jump. And then his funny tricks, So funny in their place; So full 01 canine licks, Upon your hands and face. You will surelykeg _11im live, * ‘01], do not inn him~deua; He wags his narrative, And prays for lifeâ€"not lead Go, get the muzzle new, And put upon his mouth 5 And stop that bow, wow, Wow, And tendency to drouth. He is your children’s pet, Companions of their joy; You will not kill him yet, And thus their hopes destroy. Mr. policeman, spare that pup, Touch not a single hair; Oh, put your pistol up, And go away from there. The Parting Hour. Pleading for a Dog. Odds and Ends (£13m .L CIA’I‘ION. “ALL 01‘ Tm; As<oc1ATIuN. 3-1 King Street East, 't'oronto. To Parents. Guardians, Pastors. and others whose Sons, \‘x‘ards. or [Friends may be leaving home for residence in the City of} Toronto : t The Young Men’s Christian Asmaration of 'I'oronto announce that tht-y have a Committee for the purpose of showing kinmwss to Young Men who are strangrs, and leading them under religions influences. It is requested that all who desire the cooporaiou of this Committee, “‘1†sr-nd the names and addresses of Young Men about to remove to Toronto. in whom thoy are interested, by tho person him- self if possible, or by post, with such particu- lars of character as they inuy deem proper. JNo. MACDONALD, Tnos. J \Vuxm. President. Secretary. THE CHEAPEST READING. THE BEST TVEEKL Y! A DOLLAR $ A YEAR W E E K LY TELEGAPH. 1871. The 'l‘e‘ograph stands unrivaHed amongst its composers. as evinced by its wonderful and ever increasing Popularity. It nï¬'m's induce. ments held out by no other medium of intelli- gence. Its success is unprecedented for it i PUBLISHED IN CANADA. Brilliant. Editorials. Reliable Market Re- ports. Telegraphic News. from all parts. Well Selected Agricultural Matter. {sports of the Legislatures. Religious Intelligence, including a Sermon by 0 Popular Divine evory week Charming Fashion News. English, Scotch and Irish News. Foreign News It is brim full 01 Sparkling and Exciting Stories, and Literary and Poetical Selections. MUSICAL SELECTIONS ! Every issue contains the \Vm‘ds and Music of a popular Ballad. or Sacred Music Selection. For One Dollar you got Fifty-two pieces of Music, worth $30. This alone is worth the price of Subscription. Rand our Splendid Book, Watch and Sewing Machine Premium Lust. A Splendid Selemion of Books for Thirty Subscribers. A $25 \Vanzel‘ Sewing Machine for Forty Subm ribors. A $32 Wanzer Sewing Machine for Subscribers. FORM YOUR CLUBS FOR 187]. Single copy {or one year, to any address, $1 (JO Subscripiiuns sent in now count till the cud of 18'“. Fourteen months Subscripiion 101‘ One Dollar ! Send for Specimen Copies. Agents, mud our Premium List. in the Daily and Weekly Telegraph. A liveml cash com- mission to Canvassers. THE DAILY TEEGRAI’H, $5 A YEAR J. ROSS ROBERTSON JAMES B. COOK . Gl‘atofvlly acknowledge the support extended to their several publications throughout the length and breadth of Canada during the past year. 'J‘wenyâ€"scvon yours have rolled by since the estuhlislnnent of THE GLOBE in To- ronto. From its ï¬rst appearance to the present hour. its prosperity and influence have been always advancing; but at no time has it ever befure held so ï¬rmly, or so satisfatorily. the position universally conceded to it, as the leading newspaper of British America. The improvements recently made on Tn»: WEEKLY GLOBE lmvo immenser oxtendmi its poputurity and circulation ; and the publishers conï¬dently claim that it IS not only the mint widelycinculatod Journal in British America, but that it is Luring the coming yearâ€"which is most liker to bring with it most important and ex- citing events aï¬'ecting the political and material interests of the Dominionâ€"tho I‘Zditoxial and News llepartiiients will continue to be sus- t iuod with the ability and vigor that have gaim-d for the paper its present posiiion. A i'eliablé summary of the Debates in the D0- ininion Parliament and tho Provincial Legisla- tures will always be found in its woekly col- umns: and the news from all parts at the wmld will he published up to the latest hour of publication. 'l‘lm That has given such universal auliafnmion this yourâ€" and that ia‘ acknowledged by every far- mer Lo bu niune worth the subscription price of the paperâ€"will be maintained in 1871 Wlli) undiminished inleresl uuddra still more cï¬i- ciem slufl‘ ul' editors and con‘espondeuts than before. Suvei'al CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER! "'b"‘ " ., ' Notwnesmndmg the great enlargement and Improvement 0: the WEEKLY GLOBE that have x'gcelllly been made. the subscription \vill con. mme to be only TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, Payable always in advanceâ€"and the followinnr will be me " From “18130115 of popular authors. will appeal. during the year. No expense will be spared in securing the very latest intelligence by means of Special Telegraph (lespalcllgs‘ Mar. ket Reports, Prices current, and General Com. mercial Intelligence from all parts of the world, will receive nnremitling attention. livery d5. partmem of the paper will be maintained in the highest state of efï¬ciech ‘- » 1‘ , . L A A Club of Five Copies. une year . . . . .S 9 00 [)0 Ten do l7 ()0 Do Tweniy d0 . . . . . 32 ()0 Do Thirty do . . . . . 45 (H) And each additional copy over thirty, at 0.15, Dollar and Fifty Cents, *ï¬' LARGE l’mzns are given to parties who got up clubs, 3 list of which will be sent It: any one who will apply for it by lunar orpexsonall'y at the ofï¬ce. Any one is at liberty to get up a Club on his own responsibility; and those de- siring to do so should sand at once for a Cir- culai showing the mums. I’m-Lies subscribing (in a Club or otherwise) before the 15L January, 1571. will have the paper sent to then up to the 3151. December, 187}. on payment of a “warts sulgscriptiun. " Clï¬b paper sï¬ï¬ll bu addl‘dslsed sepu ralely. and may be for any Post Ofï¬ce. Orders and Remittances to be addmssod to In this age of progress the people demand and win have OUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO Address all Letters“ post-paid, ROBERTSON & COOK, THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY THE BEST $ WEEKLY 1 AG RlCU L'I'UR 5.1; DEPARTMENT The .Handsomcst, The most carefully conducted and tile GREAT $ DOLI THE GLOBE PRINTENG COMPANY NEW AND EXCITING TALES, A Paper to suit the Times E “WEEKLY GLOBE.†The Largest, ON THIS CONTINENT. FOR 18H SUBSCRIBE Publishers and Proprietors, ’loliONTD, ox" FOR TH E Token-o 187]. DAR THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT.,FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1871. 6126 Sixtv NOISE LESS MOVE MENT, GREAT SPEED. SEWING MACHINE ! FULL INSTRUCTION Mu. C. CHAPMAN, Dom Sinâ€"I had been informed by in- terested parties that the \Vlieeler ((3 \Vilson Sewing Machine was not to ho depended upon, which for a limo induced me to dolor purchasing one. After )our description of mid iinchines. I purchased one, and Mrs. Fflï¬'Cell, who is well acquainted \vilh other lTIEll!l1lllS.blalE>' that after a year’s trial in various kinds of work: she can conï¬dently renommond it as a useful family sewing machine, and as all lhat you stated it to be. M. FAWCE'I‘TL Mn. C. CHAPMAN, Dear Shyâ€"“'0 have used the V’Vheeler J: Wilson Sewng Machine about nine vears, and during that time it has cast nothing for repairs. \Vo sew heavy fullod cloth with coarse linen lhmud, stronger than can he done by hand: while all lino stitching on light fabrics gives the best satisfaction. \Vo can with conï¬dence re- commend lho Wheeler and Wilson Sowing Ma2hine as the best for famin use. REFERENCES Kindly permitted to: Mrs. James Newmn, jun., Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. (,‘Iurke, Miss White. Mrs. \Vilham llardinngh‘s Russell, Mrs, Alex Marsh, Miss Sanderson, Mrs, J05. Kcfl'cr, Mrs. D. “else, Mrs. Henry Lever. PIANO - FORTE These Instruments are made with a full Me- tallic Frame, are all ovel'srrung. nnd are manuâ€" fuclured by the host workmen, under the shper- lendence of Mr. Hointzmuu. who has had up wards of thirty years expoï¬unce in the business All instrunmins are .fui'nished with the Al‘- giaffe AM, and are distinguished for their singing quaity, volume. and purity of tone, elastic, even touch, durabiliy of construction, and beauty 01 ï¬nish. l’iano Covers (Rubber) and Music Smols in great variety. No. 80 Queen Street “70st, TORONTO, ONTARIO. All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting Knives, I“orks,Spnons. Ci-uits, &c,, &c., 610., Silver Plated in the best Styio warranted to wear any length nftimo. Also manufacturer of Show Cases, Metal Sash Bar for Store fronts, &c.. imporier of French and English Show Cases, Glass, «350. &c, ORGANS & MELODEONS, Including the Canadian thslraled News. Har- per’s ‘v’v’eokly, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated, and The Chimney Corner. at the Herald Book Store. W. MILLICHAMP, ELECTRO AND CLOSE SILVER PLATER / HE BEST PRINTING INKS ARE used at the Herald Ofï¬ce. NONE BUT THE BEST. MATERIALS made use of at the Herald Uflice, TUNING AND REPAIRING ATTENDED T0 The above instruments are all fully warranted, and sold at manufacturer’s prizes. Perfect satis- faction guarudteud in every case. Circulars post from LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE, CALL AND SEE IT. GORDON’S NO. 2 CARD PRESS (USED atthe Herald Ofï¬ce) is irom the Joseph [lull Works, Oshawa. Markham March I801, 187 Cedar Grove, March 18. 1870. LLUSTRATE D 1’ AFB {8, N NEATNESS THE HERALD PRINT N ADDITION TO OUR NEW PRESS Toronto. April 7. 1870 Ju11015,1870 Gold Medal. Paris Exposition, 1870; 82 Competitors. RINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ECENTLY ADDED, A No.2 GORDON EATNESS, CHEAPVESS, QUICKNESS is without a rival. New Type has also been added WHEELER 8; WILSON EVERY MACHINE \VARRANTED R. S. TVILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, executed at Ihe. [Jerald Ofï¬ce HEIN'IZMAN @- COMPANY’S three characteristics of the. Herald Oï¬ice Card Pross, to the Herald Book and Job Printing Estub‘lahment AND OTHER CI BITA' El) MAKERS From the Establishments of A FULL ASSOR'EMI‘LUT 0F TESTIMONIAL CEIJZBRATED C. C llAl’MAN. A GENT. Mark/Lam. SA Mum REESOR. {Vaslcyan Minister. S GRATIS (SW-1y rFHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PRAC LAWRENCE CARDING MILL, And ï¬red up the Machinery in excellent cr- der, IS prepared to do CARDING, FULLING, SIIEARING, JAS. COPELAND, 1‘. S.-â€"Al] kinds of Woolen Machinery flLed up in ï¬rst class order. Terms mo 'erale. Mortgage THIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS {erred than Library to the HERALD Boo}: J.â€" l'erred than Library to the HERALD Book Store, where Stockholders and others may drocm'u Books every Friday afternoon. A. SCOTT, [.ilnurirm. WOOLEN MANUFACTURING This oil oxeolls all others for Lubricating pul'floaes, both animal and vegetable. n.‘~ Awâ€, ,v We are prepared to have the merits of this oil tested against all oils now being used on machineryâ€"both light or heavy ; from a clock or sewing machine. to thtq heaviest of Steam- boat shafts. The follouing are the point: in which it exâ€" cells all other oils : ltwill not gum . hence machinery can he kept clean with but little trouhle,and it will clean machinery that has been gurnmed by other oils. It will not Conger). or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the highest importance, from the fact that an oil not having this qua‘ity will not lubricate a cold shaft, such an oil may be applied in a heated state; but the moment it touches a cold shaft it is congealed, and it will not begin to lubricate until the journal, by friction, acquires that temperature necessary to reduce it to a liquid state. In acquiring a higher temperature lay friction, the journal expands, and the box is in jured. It isas impossible to use oil that will chill on n cold shul't without this result, as it is to mingle oil with water. Stockes’ oil will lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied ; it is now used in over two hundred establishments, and all unite in saying the yrs- fer it to Reï¬ned Sperm. or pure olive oil: it is free from all objections urged against all other oil as it neither gums or freezes. Can be had at he Post-ofï¬ce, for 10 CENTS WEEK. Call when you visit the city. inspect the stock and learn the price-; we shall fee] plea- sure in shéwing goods whether you purchase or not. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Now, as the public are aware that many worthless things are pasted into notoriety, in order to prove t'lllt this is no humbug, and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oilagents, ; mnm' of whom will not hesitate to palm off the mere offal ol'oil reï¬neries, as being identical with Stocks extra machine oil ; we prepose to those who are largely interested in the truth nfthose statements, to send to them on applica- tioi‘. by express, or otherwise free of charge. a sample of the oil that it may speak for itself, we will with the sample furnish applicants tree ol'charge. with a few simple tests as ef- fective, as those test.- by which Gold is known from the base metals, and which will enable parties orderng to secure themselves against imposition, by enabling them to determine at once, whether the oil forwarded is as gootl as sample. All parties interested in the lithium- ing oil trade, before purchasing elsewhere \Vlll do well to communicate with G. B. STOCK, Agent for the Dominion. Brougham, Ontario. Wholesale and Retail Drnggists, THE MORNING PAPERS PR1ch AS UbUAL Richmond Hill, April 28,1870 H. ‘Semdersou & Sons Agent, Richmond Hili DRUGS, CHEZWICALS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes I BRUSHES, ARTISTS' MATERIAL, &c., &c , At Low Rates for Cash. LBUMS ! ALBUMS ! ! GEO. B Richmond Hill, Nov. 525 MPORTANT TO PARTIES USING Foronlo, April 1 , H369 ANCY GOODS MARGACH, ANDERSON 8; co‘, Toronto, Julv 15, 1869. May14, 1869. TICAL experience of ever ‘20 years in the ONEY T0 LEND 0N GOOD FARM Pressing, Coim'ing. &c.. in THE VERY BEST STYLE I TATIONERY lFFERS FOR SALE A LARGE AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, YMN AND PRAYER BOOKS Telegraph, Security, in Sums to suH applicants. Apply to CHEAPER THAN EVLR AT THE Vanied Assortment of Business, having leased the 44 King Sll‘cct East, Toronto, bTOCK’S EXTRA MACHINE 01L MONEY TO LE ND FOR SALL,CHEA1‘ AT THE Gold Wanted ! [Formerly J. L. Margach] DUGGAN & MEYEI’LS RICHMOND IIILL y of years, Apply to OF A†KINDS AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. FOR SALE AT THE OF TORONTO 2 MACHINERY HERALD BOOK STORE Appr to HERALD B1001; QTORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. Globe, METEEFY, Attorneys, (Ibu'l't St 55 ~3m NICOL, Barrister 1869 Richmond Hill. Leader, 615 if 593- l l' 564-“ “v.4 M C mull B71;gz:zllleé supplied by Alex b. “ YORK HERALD†Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, ANY PUBLICA'HON IN THIS SUBSCRIBER: WITH F MONTHLIES. 1 en 3 All the ~Year:Round . .. . .. .... . . . Aihenuium Artrzan...... Annais of Natural History. . . .. . . . Argosy (The)..................- Army List.... ................ Art Journal Astronomical Register . . . .. . . . . . - Aunt Judy’s Magmine. . . . . . . . . . . Beau Monde (Le) Betgravia [inciu. Christmas nurn] Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . .- Bible Christian’s Magazine. . . . . . . Bible 'l‘rensul‘)‘. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . Bnrgeon’s short sermons . . . . . . . . . Boy’s Jonrn .i................... Boy’suwn Magazine. . . . . . . . .. . -. British Friend. . . . .. .. Bow Bell's . . . . . . . .. . . . i . . .. . . . . ‘Bms ul' i ngiand................ ‘ Br'oadwav, The . . . . . Blackwond (Edinhnrghed). . .. . .. Builder, The [price vuriesj . . . . . . . Bond Street .......... Boy’s Book of Romance . . . . . ('ass H’s Birigraphical Dictional Casseil’s h’lzrgnzina. . . ... . . . . . . . - Chanthle .iuurnai. . . . . . . . , . . . . Chamber’s Ethnological Dicronary Ciress-i’lavei’s Magazine. . . . . . . . - Chess World..........-‘--.. Children’s Hour . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Christian Advocate and Review . . . Christian Consolerx . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Ulnerver . . . . . . . . .. . . .. Christian Society. . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. Christian Spectator . . .. . . .. .. Christian Witnt‘ss . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r Christian World Magazine . . . . . .r Christian ‘vVork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chnrchman Magazine, The . . . . . ,‘ NGLJSH LIST. 0F__NE:W§?APERS n Add 25 cents toabove for postage when or- daring. *3 C911 supply any Magazine published not on above list. Parties wishing Magazines, &c. bound in volumes will Ieceive prompt auention. “ York Herald†Cheap Book and Job Print. ing Establishmem.‘ iLEX. SCOTT. w. .. , , , I, , h. of England 'i‘emperance Mag hu'ch of the l’eopie. . . . . . . . . ... hurch ()hoirmaster and Organis . lunch 1 ‘ onary lmolhgencer .. hurch \‘v’ovk. . . ... . . / arliounu u w r . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 . . . . . .....375 Natural History. . . .. . . . 9 50 ne)..................- 2 00 . . . . . 5 75 il . . . . . . . . . . . . ........950 cal Register . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 ."s Marga-zine . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 de (La) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 [inclu. Christmas nurn] 400 Miscellany . . . . . . . . . . . -- 9 50 stian’s Magazine . . . . . . . 1 30 [sur_\‘.... . . . . . . . . . 110 short sermons . . . . . . . . . 2 00 ru.l............ . . . . . . .200 rMugazine........ . . . . . 200 land . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . 200 ~‘. . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . 2 535 ngland.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 , The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 d (Edinbnrglmd) . . . . . . . 9 :30 ‘ha [price vuxiesj . . . . . . . 5 75 act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3 75 )k of Romance . . . . . . . . . 2 00 liilrgraplrical Dictionary. . 2 0C Mugnflnm. ..... .. .... . 2 00 ’s Journal . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 2 E25 a 6k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 23 re Side . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 ()0 51mins . . . . . . . . . . . 2 [10 .1021] Journal . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 al Magazine 9 50 it: Reporter. . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 1c Portraits . . . . . . - . . . . 9 50 Direntov . , . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 kâ€. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 schauics’ Journal . . . . . 3 75 lethodisl Magazine . . . 2 00 ‘imes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 yst . . . . . 200 e) . . . . . . . ............ 5300 leer............. . . . . . 110 Iiscellany . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 . . . . . . 200 ; Magazine for Boys . . . 2 00 Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 ,ev'mw . . . . . . . 260 mgregationalist. . . . . . . . 1 25 mduu Magazine. . . . . . . 3 75 Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 agazine . . . . . . . ‘200 atm‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 gaziue...... . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 xder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 nrlstenuom. . . . . . . . . - nu Iagnziue 27.3 375 200 urs‘................ E200 200 gazine . . . . . ........ 750 um... 95¢! 2fl0 n pr unulogist........... .) I.) .eviaw (mo)........ 751) Mine .............. 950 Magazine.......... 200 200 200 ..-,..... ~ - . - . . Chemical Society . . 3 75 .Clical Medicine . . . . . 3 75 uc'ml Science . . . . . .. . 5 75) [Illustrations . . . . . . . . . 3 75 at of Fashion . . . . . . . 3 75 ’anion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 ts of Fashion.. .. . . . 3 75 my . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 1a}. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 st\'...f.... . . . . . . . . . 350 ’aris Fashions . . . . . . . 3 75 . . . . . . . 950 )r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 ise .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 zaziue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Magazine . . . . . . .... 1 10 . . . . . 200 3375 . n..4vu me . . . . . . . . . 200 gazine........‘... 375 ml...... . . . . . ...... 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 .. 375 zaz’me. . . . . . . 305tumos...... . . . . . 3 75 ated Josephus 375 ....... . . . . . . . . . . 110 Ifalt. month] . . . . . . . 3 75 Hgézziuo. .. . 3 75 . . . . . . 375 alé 'a'xid 'ééh'édï¬ 2'. 3 uo \er...†110 ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 ' . . . . . 375 . .. .. 200 \00 1 Magazine 2 0(1 .... . . . . . . ....... QUU gazinu, ’l'he . . . . . . 3 75 31 Ian magnnum . :iue............... o~.-.... ..- atte of Fashions.... ‘ on woman Lice..... ......... JournaL,.. man’s Magazine.... : Great Britain . E r nus LIST MAILED To WITH PBOMP'I‘NESS. C 'uu:;v;~1â€" {atioual Ruview : & Surgical Jam )1 Meswuger. . . "Vâ€")~1~y?» J 5 .. 3 mo.) . . . . . . . . . . 5 i 7 1 .3 ) Magazine. . . . oxuertic Mag, . . 9 3U 33 33 33 65 H] 31’ 3'3 l I u . . . . . . 4 “U .. . . . . . . 9 50 . . . . . . . 5 7.3 a artery. 0 15 1 H) :ouu wwmwmwu. EGO cucocmm wflwmmwwâ€"u oocqucvâ€"M COCUIUTOCCU‘ ww QC 01: 110 110 IN) 200 110 3 50 7 50 9 Uu 3 50 3 ()l' ‘2 (w. U 0" L'JVWCW COCK) COCO! mrâ€"C» 3H4 oco. 3 75 2 00 0 5-0 1 10 13 ()0 2 00 2.00 3 25 2 (In 5’ 00 3 75 S 00“, {)1 30 I7 80 3U 33 33 33 SU H) 31’ _1 ml “A ll]. 50 ($5 rm 1? i7 BU 30 ll) 50 17 3'1 33 33 33 33 20 l7 I7 30 33 80 33 1( 33 t 13 3†GO HOUSE FURNISHING 83 Yonge St. 3 doors above King St, Toronlo. Bog to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of House Fu'nishiug Goods, among which will he found ï¬LanZerns, Square é‘ Globe Shape PLATED AND BRITTANNIA METAL GOODS OF ALL KINDS TABLE CUTTLERY, SPOONS, &c. the stock of which is very large, embracng all that is New and Chaste.and also the Piain- est and Chenpesk; thus meeting the require- ments of ll classes. ROCK AND MACHINERY OIL Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Bcnzole, ale. (Eel And Pemmbulators manufactured, Wholesale and Retail. Cooking Stoves, Parlor ’Sloves. Box Stoves, I)mnb Stove-s. and Stove Pipes. Grain Mea- sures, Apple l’arers, Ckrthes \Vringel‘s, JLC. *ï¬" Intending buyers are invited to inspect the stock, as it will be found worthy of inspec- tion. CONCERTINAS, A. MINION,‘ at $6 per 100 leet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails,(,ider Mills. Washing Mackinac. Shingles Waggon Felines, and Lumber Sawed “0 order. For particu] H's address HERE. Special nltention is directed to his Lamps cf: Chandeliers ,- FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT Vizâ€"Farm of 133 acres, silua‘ed in the Township of Vaughan. on Yonge Street, about 12 miles norfh of Toronto. on which there is a commodious house, ham. 2 stables, sheds, an orchard, about 20 acres pine and hardwood Lim- bm' mixed; well watered, uul lumcu uvu nuwtuu, Farm in the Township of Adelaide. fronting on the EgremontGravo. Road, of 200 acres, 70 Jcres cleared and free from stumps; on tho promises there is a good house, barn, stable, &c. 'l‘hore is a spring close to the house, and a spring crook runs {101055 the lot. The un- cleared part is well timbered with hardwood. situated about 3 miles from Kerwood Station, and 7 miles from Strathrov. South halves of lots Nos. 12 and 13. lst Con. Township of Most. ‘20“ acres. situate about [é miles from Newbury, whore cordwmd brings a good price. and it is well timbered with hardwood. Also farms and wilds in various other counties. Apply (if by letter, prepaid) to J. N. BLAKE. POETICAL WORKS A With pole and shafts ; strong and nearli' new. Also a sulky. The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in I‘ a County. A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York Herald Book Store Richmond Hill. Barrister sh). No.64 Church St. opposite St. James’ Came dral, Toro'nto. October 27, 186†588-11" POCKET CUTTL DRY. H. P. would also direct Special attention to the stock of Toronto, February 7. 1868. Sheet Iron and Copper Warel A‘so a large stock of Richmond HillJune 11. ’68. April 14, 1870, Thomhill, N0v.3,1869 'L’cpai'rs of all kinds promptly executed 00K ICE’S PUMPS LIGHT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGON, in great variety. for oil or candles LAMP GLOBES. BURNERS. CUIMNEYS, SHADES AND WICKS. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES l BOTH GOOD AND CHEAP. HIRAM PIPER TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, WITH SELFISNS1'RUCTOR,AT THE OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE Patent Eaveâ€"trough > \VATEHSPOUTS FOR. THE DO Temperance Works. 11‘ you want get the pub'icntinns of the Soon-1m 'I‘l-zmnzuaxcr. LEAGUE. A FULL SUPPLY oflhoseiuterrsthg and well-written Works. which wil be disposed of at a Low Rate CATALOGUE on application at the ESTABLISHMENT, JOHN LANGS'I‘AFF, Steam Mills,'l‘horuhill WHICH WILL BE FOUND S170 VESI HERALD BOOK STORE FOR SALE BY Apply to, For Sale. For Sale. HERALD BOOK STOP. 5‘. HERALD BOOK STORE. Also J. BRILLINGER, D. E. DLAKE Richmo’" '1 Hill 3. b 7-H Thom/ï¬ll 510-.11’ SIS-if 493 In a good siale or cultivatiun. Tim' or land consists of =1)]endid Pine and Hardwood 1n the vicinity. there is a church. and a saw- mill. and a school within a half mile. Containing 80 Acres There is (u thupremises a good frame house, with stone cellar, kilchen and wcotlslmd, new ; large frame barn, two threshing floors, Imarly new : stable, sheds and root house ; lwo never failing springs of water; soft water cistern, nad thriving orchard. 'l‘rmms EASY. For further particulars apply to the owner on the ptemises. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS l. DIRECTORIES the must complete and correct evar issued on this continent They are nut being prepared by correspondence, but by p 1‘: n s a n A I. c A N v A s s from (1001' to door, ofmy own Agvuts, for the requisite in- formation 1 have now engaged on the work in the s:veral Provinces Forty men and 'l'wen- ty horses. These are engaged mniu‘ly on the towns and villages ofl'the J’wi“ 'zi) mzd Steam- boat Routes, important plucm nn the ivnes be- ing held till the completion L! the former, to admit ot'correction to latest 1'. lu. I anticipate issueingJH Quill/Hf nm, the Canadian Dominion Direclmy, mm six l’ro- vincial Direclories, which \\ iii ilioVU :1 correct. and full index to the Dominion of Canada. Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Island and a combined Gazetteer, Di outcry and Hand Book of the six Provinces. SUBSCRIPTION T0 DOMINION DIRECTORY : Dominion of Canada Subscribers,. .813? Cy. United States flu . . 15! fluid. Great BI'ilaIn and Ireland do .. £3 Sig. France. Germany, do .. £3 Sig. SIIBscIuPI'IoN To PROVINCIAL DIREC’IORIES: Province of Ontario Directory, 1870-71 $4 00 Province onIIobec Directory. 1870-71 400 Province of" Nova Scutia Din, 15.70.71 3 0H i'rovince ofNO'v Brunswick Dir. 1870-71 3 ()0 Province of Newfoundland Dir. 1870-71 20!) Province of Prince Ed. ls. Dir. 187“-71 900 No Money to bcjmill Imlil HIE/L bmlkisrlulmca/l. Rates of Advortisiug will be made known on application to HE- NEW CANADIAN NATION Series of School BODIxS. l“1Rs1'B90K,\vitlt331illustrations,strutaylilmun in] mp clothâ€"5 cents. II‘mS'ch ox. (second part) with 54illustratio'us, strongly hound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND BOOK; with 56 illustrations. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"~20 cents. l'Hum BOOK, 41 illustl'ati«.m:~‘y strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"v30 rants. Foum H UUUK, 45 illustrations, strongly bound, in cloth boardsâ€"4t! cents. FIFTH Book, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth hoardsâ€"5t) cen’s. Conunme 'IO‘THF. READERSâ€"€35 cents. For sale at the ' PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR name has been utm/arrantahiy used in connection with Directories now being can. vassed in the Provinces, and entirer distinct from my works. and that in other cases it has been stated that my Directories have been a- bandoned,I would request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that per- sons representing themselves as acting for met are furnished with sattsfactol‘y credentials. JOH N LOVE LL. Publish a. HE POLEMICAL CORRESPONII ENCE between T. J, M., the Rev. JOHN" .1. ENCE between T. J, M., the Rev. JOHN" BREIHN and others, (in the York HERALD‘ during the months of July. August and Sepâ€" tember, 1868); is mtly printed in pamphlet! form. and worlh a perv-11L I’mcn 15 Cums. For sale at tho HERALD‘ Book Store. Richmond Hill; BANNER Ofï¬ce, Aurora ; II. Wilson’s Fancy Store, Markham ;; Wesleym Book Room, .-\. S. Irving’s and M. Shewev’s, Toronto. U Undertaker, é'cc. RESIDENCE.â€"N0arlynppositethe Post Oflico Richmond Hill. J. H. SANDERSON, E T E RI N A RY SURGEON, GRA- dualo of Toronto Vetoriuan' Cullmrn. V duato of Toronto Vetorinarv Cullege, Corner of Yonge and Centre SL. Ens-t. {idli- mond Hill, begs to announce 10 the pubh lhal he is now practicing with H. SANDERSON. of the same. place, where lhey may ba consulting ed personally or by letter, on all diseases 0 Horses, Cattle, &c. Mizmcmus 0F Evr-znv DESCRIPTION for Horses and Cullle always on hand: such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. The Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokenwind or Haaves in Herses )olic, Drauglits. Linimeuls for Sore Threats, Sprains, Curb. Spavin. Ringâ€"berm, &c. Blist- ering Oinlmenls, also Uoofand Healing 0inl~ merits. Lolimw for wounds, Bruises, Saddle Galls. lnl‘alliblu Oil and Sheeg) Tick Dos- lroyer. JOHN BROWN. Vaughan, June 29, 1870. 624~5 All orders from a distance promptlyattnnded to, and medicine: sentto any parlor the Pro- Vince. Horses examined as to soundness, also boughL and Sold on commission. r, 0 V E L L’ s DOMINION & PROVINCIAL DIRECTG‘RIES '1‘ IS INTENDED TO MAKE THESE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16, 1870, (510-6 Authorisedbythe Council of Public 111- struction for Ontario. THOMAS SEDMAN, MERIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Montreal, March 16. 1870‘ Sale. bning part of lot No . 59, in the lat Concession of the Richmond Hill. Apri123, 1808. O T I C E.â€"â€"LEARNING THAT MY Series of School 1500le SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS A1 THE Lovell’s Directories. To be Published in October, 1870. To Controversialists‘?’ Fronting on Yonge Sr, SEVENTY CLEARED, Farm for Sale. HERALD BOOK STORE- HERALD BOOK STORE. 610-6 10