“1V flavors We mould xwuly 11w puhhc lhal the partnership that has existed for the last three yams between Was dissolved on lhis dale by mutual consent. D1. Rubinan having purchassd Dr Puck’s light to and intermt in \he prnclica of Demislr in this locality. Mr. Robinson trusts that. b_ carafnl allouliun lo [he wants of the people. to transmit a continuance of [116 very liberal pa- tronnge that lms been enjoyed hv the law ï¬rm Mrâ€~ Ilublnsun wizl wait on these who wish his servic Is at 1110 usual plant»~ of appointment. N.B.â€" ‘hosa who are indented to (ho late hrm w1l| please sellie [heir accounts at an early day. . ..‘.. _. . n. Nu.“ I." Aï¬broutico to the Printing Bussiness. a strong active bov of fair educuuon. Apply at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. .1 of Partnership heretofore exisllng between Geo. Logan and Alfred Suddaby, has, this day, expired,'and llmL Geo. Logan will collect all accounts and pay all dobls comracled by the late ï¬rm, . GEO. LOGAN. ALFRED SUDDABY. In reference to tho above. all parties indedled to tho late ï¬rm will please call at \lr. George Imgan’s. A mum. and settle up by the First of February, and save further trï¬uble. ISAAC FRENCH. V'Vilness. Rlchmond Hill, Jan. 1,18? PEMAINING IN L HillPost= nice. Agar, Samuel Buwley. \' linker. Simon Brown. John jr Curran. James Cnckhurn. P Cockburn. J Cooper. Geo Cradock. A & W Coleman. Dennis Doner. l'l Uevins, J R. Devï¬n. ll DIAMOL Mrs Davis. Mrs I". Diwk, Mrs S Fo‘ler &, McKenzie, Frnnkmnre. J Fursylh, James Fleury. Mr ancotl, (‘2) ancotl, W (‘2) Garvin. Mr Good, Jesse Gar-nun, Mr A lleslop, John Hunter, Bernard Julmrol), W ('2) L, 1TH MANY THANKS FOR PAST ' favors We mould nmil'y 11w public lhal PREPARED GLYCERINE ! S HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TERM Richmond um, March 81h. 1870. 650-4 Dissolution of Partnership. For Sale at 11. Sandal-501161, Sons. Richmond Hill. EAVE TR 0 UGHS, gm, " HAPPED HANDS. WEATHER VANES! 644-6 1†Repairs punclnnlly nitended to. Richmond Hill. Jun. 5. 1371. Opposila the Dominion hold. Is’ichmaudhix’l. Apprentice Wanted. __.£... ANTED IMMEDIATELY. AS AN HOWEVER I? 0 U011 012 S ORE, Cumpl'ising: Raisin: ‘of all kinds; Gunner! Fruit; Candied l’eel ; Currnuls. Figs, Prunes. k»'.. with a lremnnduous stock 01' Fine Fresh Grol'mies. which, for variety. quality and lowâ€" 11055 of price defy competition. ZINC FLATâ€"ROOFING CHRISTMAS FR UIT 116) I an d l) 3 For Sleop‘xes. &c.‘ made to any design in Copper. ch. or ’I‘in. VMAS HOLIDAYS. '0 make 1’ lmn Pudding and Mince Pic, "or Christmas and New Years all will try; For which purlwse (he Central Store has on hand a Stock of men should be Wit/20m it Dec. 22, 1370. PECK AND A ROBINSON, IMPROVED FRENCH SYSTEM. AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. WILTSHIRE, Old Metal bought in exchange. List of Letters NING IN THE RICHMOND HUGH MILLER, & (30.. 167 King Street East, Torr/1110. Manufactured on ‘he premises. SMOOTH AND SOFT. MAK S THE HANDS. INWARE, TIMATL‘S GlVI‘ZN FOR 'I‘J NSMITH, &c.. AND [’INNACLES Notice STOVE PIPES, ALL KlNI‘S OX" ALL KINDS OF 151 January. 1871: Kerswell. C Klinuk. 1) Kirby. N ('2) King. "'1‘ Lamb, 'l‘hos Lownj. ’1‘ (2) Luand, Josaph M outsell. T Mugner, Edmund Munisun. Miss J [2] Blachie, Alnx {\‘IcUonnkl. Mrs J T ON THE Patterson, M Phillips. lsuac G Rm“. M's Kulhelful'd, Jas Shulur. Jns Smith. 'I‘hos Sumh. John Simp<on. Jas Smder, John Thomas, Mrs \Villinms, Mrs VVilsou. Geo Vanlncu, Alex \Valker. Isaiah 1,1871. GEO. LOGA N . WM. ATKINSON, M. TEEFY, mm CENTRAL STORE. Richmond Hill. 651 650‘“ JOB PRINTING 'J‘HE YORK HERALD PLAIN AND COLORED BOOK & FANCY STORE Albums Toy Boqzcs, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, EXECUTED IVITH I’ROMPTITUTE. W'riting Desks War/c Boxes Wallets Tin T035 Clothes Brushes Nail Bmshcs Sets Jet Jewelry Brooches W ax Dolls Gold P1 Shirt Studs Sleeve Water Color Paints &: Brushes ' Crag/073‘s .pu Puzzle B locks MISCELLANEO US (i' STANDARD POCKET DIARIES DAY BOOKS, AT THE Hman Boon STORE, December 1. 1870. CONSTAN'I‘LY ON HAN D Cassell’s, ESTABLISHMENT. Bibles Uoncertinas “Toy IVaichgs ALMANACS FOR 1871. China Dolls ’ens Ioryuuoua Gold Plated Penholdws Gold Plated [’cncil Cases Gold Chains .‘t-uds Sleeve Links Humming T ops Canes PRINTING 0f Every Size mm Dercription.» THE HERALD ALL KINDS OF PERIODICALS. A LARGE STOCK OF JVcedle Shch Cases Shell Boxes Yestam ants FOR. 1871. Bow Bells, Josh Billings’. and Canadian Pocket Cutlery Hair Brushes cs Tooth Brushes PAPER. BOOKS AND Shaving Brushes Razors uvu Dressing Combs Circular Combs y-u Coronets Ear Rings BOOKS JOURNALS, Ladies' Companions Poukct Books Transparent Slates Mirrors Hymn Books Prayer Books ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill. l’ocht Combs Sheet Music Pearl sets Schdol Books Razor Straps ’arian Vases THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1871. Portfolios LEDGERS, Have remoVed to their new and commodious building on tho corner of Yonge and Centre St. East. and would return their thanks to the pubiic for past patronage. hoping to merita continuance of the same, They have greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment of Drugs. Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Slnfl's. Patent Medicines. and all other arlicies kept by Druggists generally. .LJ tween Newton Brook and Riclï¬nond Hill. a pair of otter gauntleis. The ï¬nder will receive the above reward on leaving them at the HERALD Book SLure, or with REV. JNO. BRED‘IiN,‘ . 643-†Newton Brook. *3 Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded. and all ordezs attended to wuh care and despatch. Farmers and Physicians from the country will ï¬nd ourstock of Medicines completeâ€"warmin- ed genuineâ€"and of,Lhe best quality.’ THISPUMP [S EASIEST Woman, Man Dum- BLE AND NEATEST MADE IN THE Dommon. MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. It is so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it ail tight therefore pre- venting children from putting anything mio it. Or if they are noi preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and [he money will be refunded. This Pump on Trial for One flIonth/ And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, v i'l‘hese Pumps are suitable to all depths from a cistern to a well of I50 feet They are not so linble to get out of repair. being Double-valved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the ju‘mls which is invmiably the case the common Ldg Pump made by hand. The Subscriberwould respectfullyannounce hat he is prepared to put in Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6. complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. Churn Pumps for Cistems.$3 each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address,stating depth of well, Price: $5 above p15florm} and 40 cents per foot beiow. P. PHILLIPS, August 9. 1870. 630-1)’ RICHMOND HILL. JOB PRINTING Richmond Hill. Nov. 25,1569. THEY HAVE JUST ARRIVED ! RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, BE SURE YOU SEE THEM! I have spared neither pains no: trouble to have $1:00 Reward. OST, AB_L_JUT THE pm my†BE: THE LARGEST ! BOOTS AND SHOES Thoy have been purchased from the leading manufacturers in Quebec, Montreal and Toronto. THEY CANNOT BE BEAT. BE SURE YOU SEE THEM AT Done Neat and Quick anhe Herald Oï¬ice. GAMES, TOYS, &c., E “9131181913 PUMP, MAE??- factured by P. Phillips, Richl'noud Hill. THEY HAVE LONG BEEN LOOKED FOR, H. SANDERSON & SONS, Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1870. THEY ARE A SUPERB LOT. AND CONSEQUENTI.Y THE CHEAPEST STOCK 0F Ever oï¬â€˜ered on Richmond Hill. PROPRIETORS OF THE Cheap Boot and Shoe Establishment. SUPPLXED AT THE REMOVAL. HERALD BOOK STORE. won SALE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. W. H. MYERS' THE BEST, 593. 629-1)’ THE TEA CHEST CHRISTMAS STOCK I NEW LAYER, NEW SULTANA, CANNED FRUIT, CITRON PEEL, CURRANTS. FIGS, 8m. 8m. 8w. WINES & LIQUORS ! For Christmas Cheer, As well as the New Year; Sign of the Tea Chest. Richmond mu, Doc. 15. 1870’. FLOUR AND FEED. GROCERIES! WITH A LARGE STOCK OF Sign of the Tea Chest, RAJSINS. HAS JUST RICEIVE‘D ms COMPRISING C AND SEEDLESS PROVISIONS. ORANGE PEEL, TEAS, SUGARS, LEMON PEEL, VALENTIA, I. FRENCH. NEW FALL GOODS! THE CENTRAfl STORE. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! Full Cloth {5‘ Canadian Tweeds DRESS GOODS 1 FANCY WOOL GOODS In Hoods, reakfast Shawls. &c. &c. BUGS, CARPETS. BLEACHED AND GREY COTTOJVS, FRENCH MERINOS Large Ranges of Lustres READY MADE CLOTHING! MOURNING G O O D S NORTH OF TORONTO. Particular Attention has been given to securing U subscriber, lo: No. 31. 1st concession, Markham. on or about the 18th December. Tamar. Ewas. The ownercau have the same by proving property and paying expenses. FALL & WINTER HATS Those who are desirous of securing Bargains. will do well to S p 6.0 i a 1 Inducements ! The Central Store ALWAYS 0N HAND. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 0F THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR. Sale the South half of Lot No.33. in the 2nd Con. of Markham, comprising 57 acresâ€" 40 acres cleared. There is on the promises a good frame dwelling‘house. grauerynvoodshed, &c' The soil is well adapted for wheat. For further particulars. nmfly lo I JOSEPH KLINCK, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Flannels, Blankets, p L A I D s A N D September 29. 1870. A COMPLETE STOCK Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing DR Y GOODS DEPA R'I'MENT. JOHN BRUNSKILL. Thornhilh 28th December, 1870. 649-4 In endless variety, a large Stock of LACES OF ALL KlNDS SCHOOL REQUISITES Richmond Hill, Dec. 8. 1870. 646-1m Hats and Caps for the Million, AME INTO THE PREMISES OF THE BEAT BARGAINS 1N HATS AND BONNETS. Vaughan, Nov. 16,1870. Prints in Endless Varetyl August 17. 1870 Wincey and all wool Shirting, FRESH GROCERJES ! Is now oï¬â€˜ering the remainder of her ILLER’S DERBY OIL Held out up to January 1st. 1871.? In Coats, Pants, Vests. &c. Takes me lead of the town. In all Prices and Colors. AND B ONNETS, Hollands. Counterpanes FRESH CUTS 0R OLD SORES. THE STOCK INCLUDES DRESS GOODS Er CALL AND EXAMINE. HARD\VARE. CROCKERY, MRS MYERS Horses and Cattle. MAY BE SEEN AT Also a full supply of Hosiery, Gloves, Farm for TABLE DAMASKS, LACECURTAINS, AT A REDUCED PRICE. HUGH MILLER 61. CO. 167 King St. East Toront 7. 1870 631- tf AS USUAL THE OF ALL KINDS. AT THE OF THE Estray AND HERALD BOOK- SYORE. EV, ATKINSON, Richmond Hill. DRESS GOODS 1 Sale. 0n the premises. 6:13-2m 637 FIRE PROOF STORE ! TWEE Staple and Fancy Dry Goads. 1870.- IMPORTED GOODS Winceys, Shirtz'ngs, LOWEST CASH PRICES. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, POCKET BOOKS WILSONS’ IMPROVED FANNING MILL! Stood the test of Competition! Whenever shown. {3116 are pronounced by com- petent Judges as being the BEST FANNING MILL! Richmond Hi1], Sept. 22. 1869. And. having recently been Improved, the sub- scribers have every conï¬dence in its supenor merit. Manufacturing a large number of the above ,- CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS PROVINCIAL Exmmnoxs & COUNTY FAIRS, Farmers will consult their own interestifthey will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel conï¬dent lhev will be salisï¬ed our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. COLLARS AND CUFFS BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY JUST RECEIVED I EEDS, Bought in 'the Best Market and will be sold It the And having increased facilities for pre- pariugthe lumber, Richmond Hill, Aug. 27, 1859. 566-tf Of Every Description, including Kept Constantly on Hand ISAAC CROSBY. LARGE LINES IN NEW FALL GOODS FLANNELS, A SPLENDKD ASSORTMENT 05‘ DOUBLE ACTION Dress Goods, A LARGE ASSURTMENT 0F (mcuuouo HILL BRANCH) AT nu flERALD 300K STORE. THESE MILLS HAVE Manufactured in, Canada ,- THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE OF ALL KINDS AT THE The subcribers are now CANADIAN &n. élc. &c. AT ALL THE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE.’ BLANKETS, PRO M I’TLY. Prints, Cations, HERALD BOOK STORE. A. & W. WILSON; FACTORIES 1870. cfcc. (fcc. dbc. .0 5 liARNEss 1 :: HARNESS I"! I7 As an dpprentico ih the ab'me establislimoï¬f an active lad about 16 years of age. HE LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF England. in Richmond Hill, intend: holding a Bazaar some time in the ensiling' spring for the sale of useful or fancy article’s. The proceeds to be addnd to the church build- ing fund. Contributions kindly offered by friends may be addressed to any of the under- meutioned Indies : .. . TABLE FOR LADIES’ Wonxâ€"Mrs.Barnnrd,‘ Mrs. John Palmer. Sew, Miss Campbell, Miss Linfoot, Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Nicolls. Miss P01â€- lock. Miss Little, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Myers," Mrs. T1105. Cook, Mrs N. Player, and Mrs. Becrtnn. Richmond Hill. Doc. 2, 1870. 644-5m “REFVRFZSVHMEET TABhE â€"â€" Mrs. Powell. Mrs.†Hopper, Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs. Sedman. ties indebted to the undersigned either' by note or book account, that the same must be paid by the lst day of Jnnuary.1871, other-’ wise they will be put in court for collection. ROBT. SlVER. r HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO IN- form ihe farmers in [he neighborhood that he still owns the That touk First Prizes at Markh'a‘m. Burwick. and NeWmurket. last fall; and um: he will' be“ kept on lot 35. Yonge Street, Vaughan. Cook’s' lel Gum. , ‘ GEORGE WELDRICK. November 24’, 1810. OR- SALE ONE OF GLASGOW 5; Mcl’hmson's Excelsior Thrashers, com- .E Mcl’hmson's ExcelsiorThrashers, com- plvlo. 'l‘his machinohas lhu Patent. DouDEe Cylinder and Patent Gear. stock of all kinds of Dye Stuffs, of the very best yossibie description. which yve are seHing 20 per cent cheaper than any other" house in Toroulo. WHITE FISIITSALMON TROUT’ AND LABRADOR HERRING. Ruchmond Hill. Nov. 24, 1870. WNERS OF THRESHING MA- chinos will do well to call and examix'lo our stock of oils. . . The Cheapest and Best in the City. HUGH MILLER 66 CO. 167 King St. East. Toronto. Auxrust 17. l87().- 6314f IMPORTED YORKSHIRE BOAR. PIG Vaughan, Dec. 8, 1870. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, MALLOY’S AXES Patterson, August 26, 1870. Important Notice- ..__.... PETER G. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- NOUNCE to his friends, and the pu‘bliq in ,g-..“ . NOUNC}; i0 iiis friends, and the public in’ the vicinin of Richmond Hill. fliai ho hat leased the premises laLoiy occupied by MR. I THOMAS COGHLAN. On Richmond Hill, and has opened with 6 complete stock of August, 25.i (U. OTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL PAR‘ Groceries, The public will observe that ho is in a posi. tion to Sell Goods at Prices that will not fall to satisfy all consumers. Inspection and Comparison are Invited; PETER G. SAVAGE. Made to Order"; at August 17, 187‘).- AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN; Bichuoni Hill. Doc: 9, 1869. Dye Stuï¬â€™s I E HAVE RECEIVED A [imam . DOW CURTth FIXTURES; Fos- salo, Cheap. only 25 cts.,at the HERALD noox STORE. HARNESS I Excelsior Thrasher. Provisions; Paints, ON HAND AND’ HUGH MILLER &CO. 337 King St. East. 'I'oront'o‘.‘ WM. HARRI‘SON’S, Riéhmmid‘ mll‘.‘ Machinery Oil. For: SALE BY bANIEL HORNER,-JUN-, Lot 20, 2nd con. Markhun‘ Last Call. ThoSe Fish- Boar Pig PATTERSON & mm, Bazaar. THRESHING MA- v Oils, Vamishcs, 644-2m 644-“ 6324f. 646-6 Ammng (3324f