Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 Feb 1871, p. 4

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The first Fair Thing that ever I Lost. The juvenile mineralogist, construct-l ing his first cabinet, brings home, as a rare curiosity, a crystalline stone which shines like glass. It is glassâ€"the glass of nature, the foundation of much of modern civilization and science Without which neither astronomy, chemistry, nor ephysiology could ever have emerged from their crude condition, since without it neither the telescope, the microscope, nor the chemist’s vessel would have been pos- sible. Subjected to an intense heat, and mixed with other substances, such as soda, lime, oxide of iron, oxide of lead, oxide of tin, according to the fabric to be wrought,'it becomes ductile, is drawn out into the most tenuous threads, is rolled, beaten, moulded cut at will, yields to even the slightest breath of the work- :man, and, patterned by him, takes any, form he chooses to impart to it. 0001- ing, it loses its curiously doctile charac- ter, and becomes again the hardest and most brittle of substances. This quartz rock the boy fancies to bea precious stone. It is a chance if he be not nearâ€" er right than those who ridicule him. Colored in nature’s marvelous dye-house, it becomes precious only because it is more rare Violet, it is an amethyst : un- crystallized and Waxy in its structure, it is a chalcedony red, it is came], an of variegated colors; it is an agate, opa- que, and yet colored, red, yellow, brown ; it is a jasper. In a word, the same sub- stance which is the chief component of glass is also the base of most precious stones ; yet in its commonest from most precious of all; for we might well relin- ' guish jasper, agate, chalcedony, and ame- thyst for glass if we could obtain the latter only by such an exchange. Within the last seventy-five years France has been three times a republic, three times an imperial monarchy under the Bonapartes, three times a Bourbon kingdom, once a constitutional monarchy under Louis Philippe, and once a mili- tary dictatorship under Cavaignac. But even that statement does not show all the changes in the form of government within the period named. The first Na- poleon Was consul for a term of years, then consul for life, then Emperor Louis Napoleon was first President, then Presi- dent for life, then Emperor. Of all these various forms of government the %publics have been the shortest-lived, With the single exception of the ‘ hun- dred days’ of the first Napoleon, from March to June, 1815. The duration of the rule of Louis Napoleon, from 1848 to 1870, as President and Emperor, was the longest of all ; and next to that was the reign of the ‘ constitution king,’ Lbuis Philippe, from 1830 to 1848. Of those who were sovereigns for life, or who have held executive power for a specified term of years in France, from the days of' Louis XV, down to the pre- sent time, only one man, Louis XVIII., reached the end of his term; Louis XVI, died on the scaffold; his republi- can successors were either guillotincd or assassinated ; the First Consul declared himself Emperor, and then died in exile; Charles X, was driven from the throne by the revolution of 1830, and died in exile; Louis Philippe was dethroned byl the revolution of 1848, and ended his career as an exile; the provisional re- public of Lamartine, which. succeeded him, was a short lived failure, succeeded by the military dictatorship of Cavaig- nae ; then came the Presidency of Louis Napoleon, which was ended by his coup d’etat of December, 1851, to be followed by the ‘ Empire ’ in December, 1852, ahd this after a lapse of 18 years, is fol- lowed by captivity, dethronement and exile, in 1870. v The first fair thing that ever 1 lost Was an early valued friend ; And of all the ties I have broken since, ’Twas the hardest chord to rend. In my walking dreams I see her now, 0ft hear her low, sad sigh ; And then I weep for those happy hours For ever, for ever gone by. The next dear thing that ever I lost Was a fond, confiding heart, That beat for me, and only me, Till false friends made us part. I’ve passed since then thro’ many a scene, Both brilliant, gay. and great; But one dear image filled my soul, And I was desolate. But. the hardest thing of all to lose Was my fancxed friend’s esteem ; I had hask’d in its light in my sunniest hour. And it faded away like a. dream. In sunshine, in fortune, it never had ‘ changed, Yet now, when all else is o’er, I sought f‘or comfort in loving hearts. And had nought but their loss to de- plore. Anfithe only thing I never can lose the brightest and the best; For Hope in my bosom warmly glows, When forever have flown the rest. It has cheer'd and soothed my breaking Heart, I ’Twill support me to the last, " ’Twill illnmine the future, and shed 0. light O’er even the dismal past. A Changing Nation. Glass-Blowing. @mfiwfi. .l. CLATION. HALL or Tm: Assocunon. 34 King Street East, Toronto. To Parents. Guardians, Pastors, and others whose Sons, Wards. or Friends maybe leaving home for residence in the City of Toronto: The Young Men’s Christian Assoctation of Toronto announce that they have a Committee for the purpose of showing kindness to Young Men who are strangers, and leading them under reiigious influences. It is requested that a]! who desire the companion of this Committee,wiil send the names 9nd addresses of Young Men about to remove to Toronto. in whom they are interested, by the person him~ selfif possible, or by post. with such particu- lars of character as they may deem proper. Jno. MAcooxALn, Tuos. J. ‘VILRIE. President. Secretary. W E E K LY TELEGAPH. THE CHEAPEST READING. THE BEST TVEEKL'YI A DOLLAR$ A YEAR! 1871. The Telegraph stands uxlrivened amongst its cmnpeers, n3 evinced by its wonderful and ever increasng Popularity. It offers induce- ments held out by no other medium of intelli- gence. Its success is unprecedented for it is -l3rilliant Editorials. Reliable Markei Re- ports. Telegraphic News, from all parts. Well Selected Agricultural Manon Reports of the Legislalurcs. Religious Intelligence, including a Sermon by a Popular Divine every week Charming Fashion News. English, Scotch and Irish News. Foreign News. It is brim full 01 Spaikling and Exciting‘Stories, and Literary and Poetical Selections. Every issue contains the Words and Music of a popular Ballad, or Sacred Muzsic Selection. For One Dollar you got Fifty-two pieces of Music. worth $30. This alone is worth the price of Subscription. Each Chib paper sl'mll be addres‘sédéépa- rately. and may be for any Post Office. Orders and Remittances to be addressed to A Splendid Selection of Books for Thirty Subscribers. A $32 Wanzer Sewing Machine for Sixty Subscribers. Parties subscribing (in a Club or otherwise) before the lst January, 187]. will have the paper sent to then up to the 3st December. 187]. on payment of a year’s subscription. Read our Splendid Book. Watch and Sewing Machine Premium List. A $25 Wanzer Sewing Machine for Forty Subscribers. A Club of Five Copies. one year . . . . .$ 9 0 Do Tell do . . . . . 17 00 Do Twenty do . t . . . 32 00 Do Thirty do . . . . . 45 ()0 And each additional copy over thirty, at One Dollar and Fifty Cams, *3 LARGE l’mzns are given to parties who got up clubs, 1: list. of which will be sentto any one who will apply for it by letter orpersonally at the office. Any one is at liberty to get up a Club on his own responsibility ; and those de- siring to do so should send at once for a Cir- cula: showing the termsv Single copy for one year, to any address. $1 00 Subscriptions sent in now count till the end of 1871. Fourteen months Subscription for One Dollar ! Send for Specimen Copies. Agents. read our Premium List. in the Daily and Weekly Telegraph. A liveral cash com- mission to Canvassers. J. ROSS ROBERTSON. JAMES B. COOK. THE DAILY TEEGRAPH. $5 A YEAR. Nouvmslauding the great enlargement and improvement ol the \VEEKLY GLOBE that hava recemly been made. the subscription will don- liuuu to be only l’avable always in advanceâ€"and the following will be the ON THIS CONTINENT. Luring the coming yearâ€"which is most likon to bring with it. most important and ex- citing events affecting the political and material interests of the Dominionâ€"the Editorial and News Departments will continne‘ to be sus- tainud with the ability and vigor that have gained for the paper its present position. A reliable summary of the Debates itt the Do- tninion Parliament and the Provincial Legisla- tures will nlways be found in its woeltly col- umns: and the news from all parts at the world will be published up to the latest hour of publication. 'l'hn . That has given such universal satisfaction this yearâ€"and that is acknowledged by every far- mer to be alone worth the subscription price of the paperâ€"will be maintained in 1871 With urndiminished imerosl under a still more effi- cient and? of editors and correspondents than before. Several From the pens of popular authors. will appear during the year. No expense will be spared in securing the Very latest intelligence) by means of Special 'l‘elegraph despatchm. Mar- ket. limiorts, Prices current, and General Comv merclal intelligence from all parts of the world, will receive unremitting attention. Every de- partment of the paper will be maintained in the highest state of efficiency. THE “WEEKLY GLOBE.” 1 8 ’7 1 . THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY 'l‘hevimprovaments recently made on THE WEEKLY GLOBE have immensely extendnd its poputarity and circulation ; and the publishers confidently claim that it IS not only the moat widely circulated Journal in British America, but that it is Gratefvlly acknowledge the support extended to their several publications throughout the length and breadth of Canada during the past year. Twenty-seven years have rolled by since the establishment of THE GLOBE in To- ronto. From its first appearance to the present hour. its prosperity and influence have been always advancing; but at no time has it ever before held so firmly, or so satisfatorily. the position universally conceded to it, as the leading newspaper of British America. CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER! In this age of progress the people demand and will have Address all Letters. post-paid, ROBERTSON &_QOOK, OUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO- THE BEST $ WEEKLY! AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT FORM YOUR CLUBS FOR 187]. THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY. T030870. The Handsomesl, The most carqfully conduclcd and the GREAT fl DOLLAR NEW AND EXCI'NNG TALES, TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, A Paper to suit the Times. MUSICAL SELECTIONS ! The Largest, PUBLISHED 'IN CAN CLUB Runs FOR 187]. SUBSCRIBE Publishers and Proprietors, TORONTO, our FOR THE 187]. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, 0mm, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ‘10. 1871‘. 612-6 NOISELESS MOVEMENT, GREAT SPEED. SEWING MACHINE I FULL INSTRUCTIONS GRATIS. MR. C. CHAPMAN, ’ , Dear Sinâ€"I had been informed by in- terested purlies that tho VVheoler & \Vilson Sewing ‘Machine was not to be depended upon. which for a limo induced me to dollar purchasing one. After your description of said machines. 1 purchased one, and Mrs. Fawcett, who is well acquainted with other machius, states that after a year's trial in various kinds of work, she can confidently remnimond it as a useful family sewing machine. and as all that you stated it to be. M. FAWCET'I‘. ll«'cslcyan Minister. ORDON’S NO. 2 CARD PRESS (USED at the Herald Office) is Irom the Joseph Hull Works, Oshawa. Mn. C. CHAPMAN, Dear Sir,â€"We have used the» Wheeler & “’ilson Sewing Machine about nine years, and during that time it has cost nothing for repairs. We sew heavy lulled cloth with course linen illreud. stronger than can be done by hand: while all fine stitching on light fabrics gives the best satisfaction. We can with confidence re- commend lhe Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine as the best for family use. SAMUEL REESOR. i EATNESS, CHEAPNESS, QUICKNESS three characteristics of the Herald Office. HE BEST PRINTING INKS ARE used at the Herald Office. Also "man‘x'xfactm'er of Show Cases, Metal Sash Bar for Store fronts, &c.. importer of French and English Show Cases, Glass,&c. &.c. RINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION executed at the Herald Office. REFERENCES Kindly permitted to: Mrs. James Newton, jnn., Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Clarke, Miss White. Mrs. William Harding. Miss Russell. Mrs. Alex Marsh, Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs. 305. Kefl‘er, Mrs. D. Hexse, Miss Henry Lever. ' All kinds of Carriage and Harness Mounting Knives, Forks,Spoons, Cruits, &c., &c.. &c‘. Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to wear any length of time. No. 80 Queen Street West, TORONTO, ONTARIO. These Instruments are made w'nh a full Me- tallic Frame, are ail ovorstrung. and are manu~ factured by the best workmen. under tho super- tendence of Mr. Heintzman. who has had up wag‘ds of thimv years experience in 111.6 business. All instruments are .furnished with the Ar- glafi'e Aar, and ire disfih’gnfihcd for their singing qua.ity, volume. and purity of tone. elastic, even Eouch. durabilily of construction. and beauty 0! uish. . Piano Covers (Rubber) and Muélc Stools in great variety. Including the Canadian lHush‘alod News. Hal‘- per’s Weekly, Frank Lesliu’s Illustrated, and The Chimney Corner, at the Herald Book Store. W. MILLICHAMP, ELECTRO AND CLOSE SILVER PLATER The above instruments are all fully warranted, and sold at manufacturer’s prizes. Perfect satis- faction guaradleed in every case. Circulars post free. ORGANS & MELODEONS, TUNING AND REPAIRING ATTENDED TO. LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE, CALL AND SEE IT. C. CHAPMAN. AGENT. PIANO - ORTES! ‘ Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1870; 82 Competitors. N ADDITION TO OUR NEW PRESS N NEATNESS THE HERALD PRINT Markham March 18th, 1870. Cedar Grove, March 18. 1870 LLUSTRATED PAPERS, Tux‘onto. April 7. 187 . June 15, i870. ONE BUT THE BEST MATERIALS made use of at the Herald Office. New Type has also been added. EQENTLY ADDEDKA N012 GORDON is without a rival, From the Establishments of R. S. W'ILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, EVERY MACHINE \VARRANTED. WHEELER 8:; WILSON Card Press. to the Herald Book and Job Priming Esmb‘lshment- HEINTZMAN (S. COMPANY’S AND OTHER CELEBRA’ ED MAKERS. A FULL ASSORTMENT 0F I'ESTMIONIALS. CELEBRATED Markham. 612-1)’ HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PRAC‘ TICAL experience of ever 20 years in the LAWRENCE CARDING MILL. And fixted up the Machinery in excellent or- der. Is prepared to do CARDING, FULLING, SH ARING, JAS. COPELAND. P. S.â€"All kinds ofVVoolen Machinery fined up in first class order. Terms moderate. Richmond Hill. April 28, 1870. 615 If FANCY GOODS $1200 To? Mortgage M"? Can be had at he Post-office, for 10 CENTS WEEK. HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS- forred than Library to the HERALD Book Store. whore Stockholders and olhars may drocure Books every Friday afternoon, A. SCOTT, Librarian. THE MORNING PAPERS Call when you visit the city. inspect the stock and learn the prices; we shall feel plea- sure in shewng goods whether you purchasa or not. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Toronto,.lulv 15,1869. 550-iy HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS This oil exculls all others for Lubricating [ml-Roses, b9th anitnal _und vegetable.“ I We are p'repared to have the merits of this oil tested against ail oils now being used on machineryâ€"both light or heavy; from a clock or sewing machine. to the heaviest of Steam- boat shaf's. " The following are the points in which it ex- cells all other oils : It will not gum , hence machinery can be kept clean with but little trouble, and it will clean machinery that has been gummed by other oils. It will not congea‘ or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the highest importance, from the fact that an oil not having this quality will not lubricate a cold shaft. such'an oil may be applied in a heated state; but the moment it touches a cold shaft it is congealed, and it Will notbegin to lubricate until the journal, by friction, acquires that temperature necessary to reduce it to a liquid state. In acquiring a higher temperature by fiiction. the journal expands, and the box is in- jured. It is as impossible to use oil that will chill on a cold slrat’twithout this result, as it is to mingle oil with water. Stockes’ oil will lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied ; it is now used in over two hundred establishments, and all unite in saying the yrs- ('5: it to Refined Sperm. or pure olive oil ; it is free from all objections urged against all other oilas it neither gums or freezes. Wholesale and Retail Drnggists, ‘ DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Paints, Oiis, Varnishes I BRUSHES, ARTISTS' MATERIAL. &c.. &c., At Low Rates for Cash. « Now, as the public are aware that many worthless things are passed into notoriety, in order to prove met this is no humhug, and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oilegents, ; many of whom will not hesitate to palm off the mere ofi'al of oil refineries. as being identical with Stocks extra machine oil: we propose to thosa who are largely interested in the truth of those statements, to send to them on applica- tion by express, or ntherwise free of charge, a sample of the oil that it may speak for itself, we will with the sample furnish applicants free of charge. with a few simple tests as ef- fective, as those tests by which Gold is known from the base metals. and which will enable patties ordering to secure themselves against imposition. by enabling them to determine at once. whether the oil forwarded is as good as sample. All parties interested in the lubicat- ing oil trade, before purchasing elsewhere Will do well to communicate with WOOLEN MANUFACTURING STATIONERY G. B. STOCK, Agent for the Dominion. Brougham, Ontario. H. Sanderson & Sons Agent, Richmond Hili Pawns As USUAL‘ Richmond Hill. Nov. 25 Toronto. April 1 , 1869. LBUMS ! ALBUMS I I MPORTANT TO PARTIES USING May 14, 1899. MARGACH, ANDERSON & 00., ONEY T0 LEND 0N GOOD FARM ‘FFERS FOR SALE A LARGE AND TICAL experience of ever 20 years in the THE VERY BEST STYLE! Telegraph, LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Security, in Sums to suit applicants. Apply to Varied Assortment of CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE Easiness. having leased the 44 King Street East, Toronto, Pressing, Coloring, &c., in srocx’s EXTRA MACHINE oxL. MONEY TO LEND. Money to Lend. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE [Formerly J. L. Margach] Gold Wanted ! DUGGAN & MEYERS, Attorncys, Court St Drill, 1869. 55i-3m RICHMOND IIILL Apply'm GEO. B. 0F AIL KINDS AT THE FOR SALE AT THE TO LEND, FOR A TERM 0F TORONTO : HERALD BOOK STORE. Apply to MACH RY. HERALD BOOK STORE. HER ALD BOOK QTORE. HERALD BOOK STORE- yours. Globe, M.§TEEFY. Richmond Hill. von a satisfactory NICOL, Barristen 1869. 593~lf Leader, .‘v.. (21151952572359 supplied by Alex Scott, “ Yonx HERALD” Ofiice, Richmond Hill, An PUBLICATION IN nus Lls'r MaxLEn To ' Suascmnizns WITH Pnomrrnass. â€"â€" MONTHLIES. All the Year Round............. 300 Athenaaum...” 3,75 Artizan...... .................- 375 Annals of Natural History. . . . . . . . 9 5U . 2 00 Art Journal . Astronomical Register . . . . . . Aunt Judy’s Magazine. . . . . . Beau Monde (Le) Belgravia [inclu. Christmas num ] 4 00 Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Bible Christian’s Magazine. . . . . . . 1 30 Bible Treasury. . . . . . . 1 10 Burgeon’s short sermons . . . . . .. . . .2 00 Boy’s Journal. . . . . . . . . .. . Boy’s own Magazine. . . . . . n . . . - . .....u...- British Friend................... How Bell's . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . 225 Boys of Lngland...... . . . . - ..... ‘2 00 Broadway. The. . ....... . . 3 75 Blackwood (Itldinlmrghed) . . . . . . . 9 50 Builder, The [price varies] . . . . . . . 5 75 Bond Street . . . . . . .. Boy’s Book of Romance . . . . . . . . . (lass ll’s Biographical Dictionary. . Casscll's Magazine . . . . . . . Chamber’s Journal. . . . . . . .. . . . . . Chamber’s Ethological Dictonary 2 00 Chess-Player’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . 3 m ChessWorld..........~---...... Children’s Hour ... . . . . . Christian Advocate and Review . . . Christian Consoler. . . .. . . . . .. - . . Christian Observer . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Christian Society. . . .... . ..... . . . 3 75 Christian Spectator . . . Christian Witness . . . . . . . . . Christian W orld Magazine . . . . . . . 2 00 Christian Work . . . ... . . . . Churchman Magazine, The . . . . . . Ch. of England Temperance Mag. 1 10 Church of the People. . . . . . . . . . , . Church Choirmaster and Organist. Church Missionary Intelligencer . . .ClmrnhVVork . . . . . . . .... --‘---o .u...-- n....-. Ila-c- Pery’r. Pr No. 25 33 33 MONTHLIES. ‘ All the Year Round ..... Athenaaum . . . .. .. . Artizan...... ......... Annals of Natural History . . . . . . . . Argosy (The)........ . .......... Army List........,............. Art Journal . . . . . . . Astronomical Reg‘ Aunt Judy’s Magazine. . . . . . . Beau Manda (Le) u..--..-.-.. E 0 . w o u . . . - . .....u...- rery e t a I. 1 1 I a I q t Belgravia [inclu. Christmas num] ‘ Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . Bible Christian’s Magazine. . . . . . . Bible Treasury. . . . . . . . Burgeon’s short sermons . . . Boy’s Jourml........... o.-.-.. Boy’s own Magazine. . . . . . . ...- . - “ British Friend................... Bbw Bell's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . Boys of Lngland. . . Broadway. The. . ....... . . Blackwood (Edinburghed) . . . . . . . Builder, The [price varies] . . . . . . . iBond Street . . . . . . ‘ Boy’s Book of Romance . . . . . . . . . (‘ass ll’s Biographical Dictionary. . Cassell's Magazine . . . . . . . Chamber’s Journal. . . Chamber’s Ethological Dictonary Chess-Player’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . Chess World. . . Children’s Hour ... . . . . . Christian Advocate and Review . . . Christian Consoler. . . .. . . . . .. - - . Christian Observer . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Christian Society. . . .. .. . . .... . . . Christian Spectator . . . Christian Witness . . . . . Christian World Magazine Christian Work . . . ... . . . Churchman Magazine, The . . . . . . .... .u...-- .n...-.-... alotooc"" n....-. Ch. of England Temperance Mag. u... Church of the People. . . . . . . . Church Choirmaster and Organist. Church Missionary Intelligencer . . ChurchWork........... .. Churchman’s Companion. . . t . . . . Church Missionary Intelligencer . . . ChurchWork........... .. Churchman’s Companion. . . . . . . . Churchman’s Family Magazine. . Civil Engineer and Architect’s Jour Colonial Church Chronicle. . . . . . . Contemporary Review . . . . . . . . .. - Cornhill Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .. . r Cutters (Tile) Mo Journal . . . . . . . Dayot‘llost . . . . . . . . . . . Dublin University Magazine . . . . . . EastAnglian . . . . . Ecclesiatic and ’l'heologian. . . .. . . » Ecclesiulogis: (alt. mo.) . . . . . . . . . . Eclectic or. Congregational Revi Edinburgh Vledicalde Surgical Jo r English Presbyterian Messenger. . . English Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Englishman’s (The) Magazine. . . . Englishwornan’s Domestic Mag . . Entomologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entomzilogist’e Monthly Magazine Evangelical Christendom . . . . . . . . . Evangelical Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . ExelerHall..................... Family Friend . . . . . .»........ Family Treasuryu ........... . . . Family Herald.. ................ Farmer’s Magazine . . . . . . Floral Magazine... , .. . . . . . . FloralWorld . . . . . - - . - - .- Florist and Pomologist . . . . . . . . . . . Follet (Le) . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . Fortnightly Review (mo). . . . . . . . Fraser’s Magaxine . . .... .... . . . . Freemason’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . Friend............-............ Gardener . . . . . . . . Gents Magazi Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . . . ... . . Geological Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . Geological dz Nat. Hist. Repertory. Good Stories.................... Good Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good Words for the Young. . . . . . . Gospel Magazine . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Herald and Geologist,(alt. month) Homilist Horological Journal. . . . . . . .. . . . .. illustrated London Magazine . . . . . = O o .e "1 3 m :T o 5 [Intellectual Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . Intelleclual Repository (New Ch.) Journal of Agriculture. . .' . . . . . . Journal ofthe Chemical Society . . Journal of Practical Medicine. . . . . Journal of Social Science. . . . . . . . Kitto’s Bible Illustrations. . . . . ’ Ladies’ Cabinet of Fashion. . . . Ladies’ Companion . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion . . . . . . . Ladiee’ Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Leisure Hour....’..... London .‘ournal. . . . . . . . . . .. - London Societv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London and Paris Fashions... . . . . . Mechanicmn ........-....... Medical Mirrol‘.. ..... Merry and Wise ...... . . . . . . . Methodist Magazine . . . . . . . ... . . . Missing Link Magazine . . . . . . . . . . Mission Life.................... Monthly Packet Museum and Journal of Education Musical Times. ......... . ... Naturalist..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... New Monthly Magazine . . . . . . . 1 New Mon. Mag. for S. S. Teachers ‘.OnceaWeek . . . . . i Our own Fire Side . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ” York Herald” Cheap Book and Job Print- ing Establishment; -£LEX. SCOTT; Parties wishing Magazines. 5w. bound in volumes will receive prompt attention. Add 25 cents to above for postage when or- daring. “,3 Can sgpply any Magazine published’ not on above list- Zoologist... . . .... .. Peoples Magazine . . . . . .. . . ... . . . 2 00 l’lmrnmceutical Joumal . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Philosophical Magazine . . . . . . 9 50 Phonographic Reporter. . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 l’ost‘Ofiice Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Poulti'yBook.” . . . . . 375 “Practical Mechanics’ Journal . . . . . 3 75 Primitive Methodist Magazine . . , . 2 00 Prophetic Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 75 Pulpit Analyst . . . . . 2 ()U Quiver (The). .................. ‘2 00 Romembrancer. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 110 prnold’s Miscellany . . . . . .. . . . . 52 00 Robinhood .......-....... .... 2 00 'Routledge’s Magazine for Boys . . . 2 00 St. James’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 3'75 Scientific Review . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 Scottish Congregationalist... . . . . . . l 25 Sharpe’s London Magazine. . . . . . . 3 75 Shorthand Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 00 Sooner or Later 375 SpirtualMagnzine. ..... . . . .. . . .. . 2 00 Sunday Reader 2 00 Sunday School Teachers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 Sunday Magavine. t . . .... .. .. . . . 2 00' Sunng at Home . . . . . St. Paul’s Magazine . . 3 75 Scottish Journal. .. . .. ........... 2 00 Technologist . . . . . . . 375 TempleBar . . . . . . .. . . . . . 375 Tinsloy’s Magazine. . . . ... . . . . . . . 3 75 Townsend’s Costumes. . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Truill's Illustrated Josephus . . ,. 3 75 'l‘ruthseeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l )0 Union Review [a|t. month]. . . . . . . 3 75 United Methodist Free Church Mag 2 00 United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . l 25 Veterinarian.................... 5 75 Victoria Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Watchword ..................._ 1‘10 West End Gazette of Fashions. . . .' 3 75 World ofFas-hion 3 75 Young Englishwoman . . .... .. . . . 909‘ Young Apprentice. . . . . .. . . . 2 00 Young Ladies" Journal... . . . . . . . . 3 25 Young Englishman’s Magazine. . . . 2 00 Young Men of Great Britain . . . . E? 00 "ENGLISH LIST 0F__I{1§_W§1_>AP_E11§ :al unnsteuuoux. :51 Magazine . . . all...........- hand . ‘reasun Ierald . . .. . Magazine . [gazine . .. . . )rld...........-..... d Pomologist . . . .. . . . ‘8). . . . 1y Revxew (mo). . . . . . . . Vlaguxine . . .. .. >n’s Magazine. . . . . . . . ..-o-.....u--. agazine of Faslnon . . . . . . m’s Magazine. . . . :1 Magazine . . . l‘llOlan..-.oupono.. «a... Ono-0' .. no.---.o.o.-.-.n.- [mural History. . . . . . . . s).'.................. .-‘--~.-..o-..-- al.iiegisler..........- sMagnzine........... 5(Le)............... BK...- reSide gazine......... flea] Jon-‘11al.......... al Magazine .......... dc Reporter. ic Portraits.. Director.... k.” echanics’ Journal . . . . . lethodist Magazine . . , . 'imes................ yst e)................... xcer.... .... ’[iscellany . .._............ .... ; Magazine for Boys . . . Magazine. ,eview ... ,ngregationalish, . . . . . . mdon Magazine. VIagazine...... agazine. . ater................. :nzine. . . .. :der.... 001 Teachers’ Mag.... ravine.‘.......... lome Iagazine Irnal..,... KL... ‘l'lI-‘COII'II‘I‘...Q Iagaziue.............. 1Costumes........... Muted Josephus . . . . . , aw falt. month] ..- :euany............. 11’s Magazine. . rrt sermons .......... [gazinm . . . . . .co. u...- and. . . he......... )diuburghed) . . . price varies] . . . . . . . f Romance :mphical Dictionary. . :azme . )urnal. ..-...-. grlcunnw. . . . 5 Chemical Society . . aclical Medicino. . . . . ocial Science. . Illustrations. . . not of Fashion. . . . . . . panion...... [to of Fashion . . . . . . . sury ............... nal. etv....... Paris Fashions...” ........-.......... or... Vise ..... lgazine .. L’llagazino l;el..............a.. Journal of Education 05........-.-......- ..... ...---....o. I'Cn bnl'UHICIU. ungucu “ l0 !l{eview........... 900 azine... 350 Mo Journal . . . . . .. 300 . . . . . 200 rsity Magazine . . . . . . 9 00 . . . . . 325 .noq..-.. d ’l'heologiau. . . .. . . 3 75 ( 5 75 )llgregationaI Ravi v 3 75 edicaldn Surgical Jo r 7 50 ryterian Messenger. . . 1 i0 auic..,............ 325 : (The) Magazine. . . . 3 75 11’s Domestic Mag . . 3 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Iliul mugnhulc . . n. 1 av 575 “8.... . . . . . 375 1‘10 10 of Fashions. . . .' 3 75 .. 375 roman... .. 909‘ can... ......... 200 ournal....‘...... 325 Ian's Magazine. . . . 2 00 Brent Brimin... . 900 ....... ......... 375 |lel°-----o--I . “u... .........o... md Review . . . ..u.- .. gazine . . . . 110 .. 200 ....¢.. 375 lucation 2 00 . . . . . .. 050 1 10 . . . . . . . I300 50550550555555 79.721770777777 1.124313523335003 ...\.l....).. 50050000055 75570500027 23729332933 5005550005500000055900 75i2770007700055077550 3713332222322279235792 OU moo 224 950 575 075 lm 375 cowwwww~ L‘IQUVVL‘CROM CO‘ICMOOLHUI I7 80 30 33 O 33 65 10 30 33 33 3'3 as so 33 33 33 n 15 17 17 17 l7 I7 33 l7 13 33 l7 17 33 17 17 17 l7 17 33 17 33 33 33 55 33 10 60 l7 13 5.0 33 10 33 33 1'1 1'7 30 17 17 HOUSE FURNISHING 63 Yonge St. 3 doors above King St. Toronto. Bag to call the attention of the public to hi extensive stock of House Fumishing Goods, among which will be found PLATED AND BRITTANNIA METAL GOODS OF ALL KINDS TABLE CUTTLERY, SPOONS, &c. the stock of which is very large. embracing all that is New and Chastemnd also the Piain- est and Cheapest; thus moetinglhe require- ments of H classes. Lanterns, Square é‘ Globe Shape ROCK AND MACHINERY OIL! Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Benzole, (fie. Jae. And I’m-ambulators manufactured. Wholesale and Retail. Cooking Stoves. Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves. Dumb Stoves, and Stovo Pipes. Grai-n Mea- sures, Apple Parers, Clothes Wringers. &0. Repairs of all kinds promptly executed. *i‘“ Intending bnvers are inviied 10 inspect the stock, as it will be found worthy 'of inspec- lion. The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in I\ a County. A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and .also other celebrated manufactures. at the York Herald Book Store Richnmnd Hill,’ ~ "‘ CONCERTINAS, A- human, at $6 per IOO feet. Also F1001:- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails. CiderMills. Washing Machines. Shingles Waggon Fello’s, and Lumbar Sawed $0 order. For particulars address JOHN LANGS'I‘AFF, Steam Mills;Thomhill A with pole hnd shuns ; strong andmearlfi' new. Also a sulky. FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. HERE. Vizâ€"Farm of 133 acres, situared in the Township of Vaughan. on Yonge Streot, about 12 miles north of Toronto. on which there is a commodious house, barn. 2 stables,shuds, an orchard. about 0 acres pine and hardwood Lim- bor mixed; well watered, POET'ICAL WORKS Farm in the Township of Adelaide. fronting on the«Egrpmom Grave: Road, of 200 acres, 70 acres cieamd and free from slumps; on tho premises there is a good house, barn, stable. &c. There is a spFing ciose lo the house. and a spring creek runs across the lot. The un- cleared part is well timbered with hardwood, situated about 3 miles from Kerwood Station, and 7 miles from Strathroy. South halves of lots Nos. 12 and 13. lst Con. Township of Mesa. 200 acres. situate about If; miles from Newhury. where cordwmd brings a good price.nnd it is well timbered with hardwood. ' Also farms and wilds in various other counties. Apply (if by letter, prepaid) to - i J. N. BLAKE. Barrister 4.1;. No.64 Church St. opposite St. James’ Came dral, Toronto. October 27, 1869 ' 588-tf POCKET CUTTLQRY; Special attention is directed to his ’Lamps &: Chandeliers; H. P. would also direct Special attention to the stock of Toronto, Fahruarv 7. 1868. Richmond HHLJ-une ll. ’68. April 14, 1870. Thornhi”. Nov.3, 1869. Swet Iron and Copper Ware! Also alarge stock of ICE’S PUMPS Patent Haveâ€"trough ND WATEHSPOUTS FOR THE DO 00K LIGHT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGON, in great variety, for oil or candlea LAMP GLOBES. BURNERB. CHIMNEYS, SHAQES AND WICKE. C [IILDREN’S CARRIAGES ! BOTH GOOD AND CHEAP. OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON, WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR, AT THE HIRAM PIPER Temperance Works. ff you want gel the pubficalions of the SCOTTISH TEMPEBANCD LEAGUE. A FULL SUPP“ of those intercsling and well-written Works. which wi'l be disposed of at a Low Rate. CATALOGUE on application at the ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH WILL BE FOUND STOVES! HERALD BOOK STORE FOR SALE BY Apply to, For Sale. For Sale. HERALD BOOK STORE HERALD BOOK STORE. J. DRILLINGER, Also D. E. DLAKE Richmo" '1 Hill 8. a 7-H 'l'lmmhill 6! 3-H” 510-.“ 493 Framing on Yonge St', Containing 80 Acres, SEVENTY CLEARED, In a good state of cultivation. Tim‘mer land consist of splendid Pine and Hardwood 1n the Vicinity. [hero is a church, and a saw- mill. and a school within a half mile. There is on theprerhises a good frame house, with stone cellar, kitchen and woodshed, new; large frame barn, two threshing floors, nearly new : stable, sheds and root house ; two nevar failing springs ofwater; soft. water eistem, nad thriving orchard. 'I‘mrms EASY. For further particulars apply to the owner on the ptemises. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS .1 DIRECTORIES the most complete and correct over issued on this continent They are not being prepared by correspondence, but by P ERSON AL CAN vAss from door to door, of my own Agents, for the requisite in- formation. 1 have now engaged on the work in the several Provinces Forty men and Twen- ty horses. These are engaged mainiy on the towns and villages 011' the Railway and Steam- bont Routes, important places on the lines be- ing held tiil the compietion of the former. to admit of correction to latest ttatto. I anticipate Octabm' next. the Canadian Dominion Directory, and six l’ro- vincial Dirac-forms, which will prpve a correct and full index to the Dominion of Canada. Newfoundland. and Prince Edward Island and a combined Gazetteer, Directory and Hand Book of the six Provinces. SUBSCRIPTION To DOMINION DIRECTORY : Dominion of' Canada Subscribers" .$l'2 Cy. United States do . . 1‘2 GoId. Great Britain and Ireland do . . £3 Stg. France. Gormuny, 510. do . . £3 SIg. SUBSCRIPTION 1‘0 PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES I Province of Ontario Directory. 1870-71 $4 00 Province of Quebec Directory. I870-71 4 00 Province of Nova Scotia Din. 1870-7I 3 0‘) Province ofNe‘v Brunswick Dir. 1870-71 300 Province of Newfoundland Dir. 7870-71 200 I’rovinca of Prince Ed. Is. Dir. 1870-71 900 No Money to ba p’uidunlil (Inch book isdclrvcc/l. PRICE 15 CENTS. For sale at tho HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill; BANNER Office, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store. Markham ; Wesley-m Book Room. L S. I'Tving's and M. Shc'an’q. Toronto. Fmsz'BoOK , with 31 illustrations, stronghboun inl 'Inp clothâ€"5 cents. Fms'rBo ox, (second part) with 54 illustrations, stroneg bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND Boon; with 56 illustrations. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 cents. 'l'nmn Boon, 41, illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"30 cents. FOURTH BOOK, 45 illustrations. strongly bound, in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH Book, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€" 50 cents. COMPANION TO THE READERSâ€"25 cents. Forsnlo at the .L ENCE between T. I. M., the Rev. JOHN Bnmmu and others, (in the York HERALD during the months of July. August and Sep- tember. leS). is nanny printed in pamphlet form. and worih a perk-ml. Rates of Advertising will be made known on application to ' JOHN LOVELL, Publis/mr. Montreal, March 16, 1870, 610-6 HE NEW CANADIAN NAT Series of School Bouks. name has been unwarranteny used in‘ connection with Directories now being can- vassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works. and that in other cases it has been stated that my Directories have beenlzrv handon‘ed, I would request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that perâ€" sons representing themselves as acting for me are furnished with sattsfactory credentials. JOHN LOVELL. Publisli'd. HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND. ENCE between T. I. M.. the Rev. JOHN V duals of Toronto Vetorinm'v College, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. East. Rich- mond Hill, bags to announce to the publimhat he is now prncucing will: H. SANDERSON. of the same placo. wlmrolhey maybe consulting ed personally or by letter, on all diseases 0 Horses. Cattle, &c‘ L 0 V E L L ’ s DOMINION & PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES To bu Published in October, 1870. RT 0 T I C E.â€"â€"LEARNING THAT MY MEDICH‘JES or Ev ERY DESCRIPTION for Horses- aud Cattle always on hand: such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders, The Cougli- Balls have been found most serviceable iu alleyiating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brnkehwind or Hoaves'in Herses- Colic, Dra uglits. Liniments for Sore Threats, Sprains. Curl). Spaviu. Ring-bone, &c. Blist- ering Ointmenls, also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for wounds, Bruises. Saddle Galls. Infallible Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. Horses examined ’as to soun'd'ness, also bought and Sold on commission. All orders from a distance promptly attanded to, and medicine: sentto any partol' the Pro,- Vince. U Undertaker, &c. Rnsmnncmâ€"Nearlyoppositothe Post Oflico Richmond Hill. JOHN BROWN. Vaughan, June 29, 1870. 624-5 T IS INTENDED TO MAKE THESE PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, Authbrised by the THOMAS SEDMAN, ‘ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKE, Montreal, March 16. 1870. Richmond Hill. April 23, 1868. Sale. being part of lot No. 59, in th; Concession of the J. H. SANDERSON, E fr E R I;ng R Y shtquONL GRA- Series of School Bouks. SUITABLE FOR PRES 8 AT THE Lovell’s Directories. To ContrOversiaIists. Farm for Sale. :d by the %§fi%‘{l 6f Public ln- su'uction o'r‘lOnmrio. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STO-‘RE. 610.6 510

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