Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 17 Feb 1871, p. 2

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Belfortâ€"the principal.'sironghold in l vince for e‘very dollar expended, has never south eastern France has capltumted! after] been excelled in any country. Members of 'the Opposition themselves practically ad- a heroic defence. .Tbe garrison has been’ allowed to march out mth the honors of‘ ‘ _ ’ . _ . warâ€"an exceptional favor in acknowledi l mitten this by directing then great energies ment of its bravery. GARIBALDI has re- towards a few petty disbursements, over signed his command of the army of the , ' I d t] , 11 t d Vosges and taken his departure for his “11mm 800“ “lime to do m esman woum island home, Caprera. The government of net waSte a quarter Of an hour‘_ Leader 9f Bordeaux, in accepting his resignation, lVed’le-S‘day- thanked him in the name of the French W people for his noble services. and expressedl The Manitoba Parliament has been pro- regret at his departure. Paris is greatlyhogued by proclamation to the 16111 Feb. exc1t9d over the contemplated march of the ' German a my thronfih the city and fears,rum=y. It will not not probably meet for I - . ~ are entertained of angrious conflict between l deSPHtCh 0‘ hymen before the 5““ week 1n the ciiizens and the Germans. iMm-ch. VERSAXLLES, Feb. 13.â€"â€"The bankers of Paris are fully provided with means to loan the city the two hvndred million francs needed for the payment of its war contrihu lions. The French have proposed the prolonga- tion of the armistice. Favre is oxpectci at Versailles. The Emperor will go to Berlin at the beginning of March to open 1138 sessions of the Reiclismg. ' PARIS, Feb. 13.-â€"â€"Everything has been ar- ranged at Bordeaux. A committee to ne- gotiate the treaty efpeaee has been selected. and the drafc of the treaty been approved .y Bismack and Moltke. The Treaty is to ue signed immediately, and Germain troops will then march through Paris to the Strasbourg station. and there take train for home. Trains wulrfollorvr each other as rapidly as possible. The Assmnbly will then adjourn to Paris, and proceed with the re organization of France. The depart- ments not occupied by the Germans are ravaged by bands of Franc tireurs, who are pillaging travellers and houses. Terror reigns in those departments. Jules Favre, for himself and in the name of his colleagues at Bordeaux and Paris, re- signed the powers confided to them as (he Government of the National Defence. He stated that the Ministers would remain in office to maintain order until the constitu~ “on of a new Government. Bonnie-AUX, Feb, 13, eveningâ€"The results of the elections in twenty departments is still awaited by the Government. Most of theme are occupied by the German troops. Thiers is elected by 18 departments, Trochu by 7,, Changarnier by 4, Gambotm by 3, Jules Fayre by 2, and Dufoul' by 4 de. partments. ‘Tliexe is yet no news from the Paris electiors. BERLm, Feb. 13.-â€"Tlm Prussians Cross Gazettejudges from the result ofthe elecv tions in France that the resumption of war is not to be expected, and thinks there is scarcely a. doubt that the armistice will be prolonged. BORDEAUX, Feb. 13,â€"In the Assembly,to- day, the rules and other internal arrange- ments of the Chamber of1849 were adopted The President read a letter from Garibaldi, in which the General declines the seat in the Assembly offered him by several depart- ments. ' VEREAILLES, Fe‘b. 13.â€"Hostilities con- tinue in the Departments of'Jura and‘Doubs, the French refusing to accept the armis- tice. LOXDON, Feb. 13, G p.111.â€"Par-is has been authorised to contractaloan of 200,000,000 francs, and to levy a municipal walj tax. LILLE, Feb. 13.â€"The Prussians have un- accountably stopped railway communication hence to Paris. It is reported that there have been risings of the population in the invaded districts, but the rumours are not credited. If the‘terms ofpeaco determined upon by Bismarck, and confidentially communicated to Fuvre, are not agreed upon by the Assem- bly, hostilities \villbe renewed immediately upon the expiration ofthe armistice. Vigor- ous procedure will be adopted with Paris in the matter of securing pledges for the war indemity. It is believed the latter will be fixed at least four millions, but concessions from other points are anticipated. All troops before Paris have been fully reinforced to the utmost. war strength, and newly uniform- ly. The fourth corps has been ordered to Chartres. Should peace be proclaimed all ,the landwehr regimentsâ€"infantry reserve, cavalry and artilleryâ€"will immediately be sent; home and broken up. The troops of mile line wili remain in the annexed pro- vinces and such parts of France as will he remained till the war indemnity is paid. The garrison of fortresses in Alsace and Lorraine will require about 60,002_nieii. _ VERSAILLIES, Feb‘ 10.â€"â€"Upon the entry of the Prussians into Paris, Troops will be told off to occupy houses along the line of route adopted for the passage of the Eln- peror, on the 19th, at noon. The Emperor will enter Paris by the train. from Vm‘suil lies, taking horse at the Paris station, and proceeding to thé Tuilerier‘. After review ing the army His Majesty will return to VerSailles, Where he will stop, and upon the two ' following days he will revisit the Tuileries. The Prussian police are on- couraged to hope that no untoward demon- strated will occur during the Emperor’s so- journ in Paris and the triumphs] defile of the troops. Acopy of a. correspondence relating to the war to be submitted to Parliament shows that Favre’s party were always wil ling to conclude a peace on zmx terms which 'did not include the crssion of territory, and that Germany pursued the war for territory. England has been continually urging‘ peace on Favre‘s terms. LONDUX. Feb. 12y 9 p.m.-â€"-Official returns from the Department 01 Nerd show that the monarchical candidates polled 195,000, and the Republicans 47,000 votes Gen. Chan- garnier, accompanied by OtllEl delegates,hus varied at Bordeaux; The latest despatches by telew'mrh from the capital say the result was nw known yesterday evening. MM. Pleard [‘hiers!7 Favre and Gambetta are elected {mm the departments of Seine-et Disc, and the Duke D’Anmale from that of ()ise. BRUSSELS, Feb. 13.-â€"The King of Bel- gium has given 10,000 francs towards the revjctuafling of _ Paris. Gen. Duélrot has resigned his position in the French army. The Orleanists are Confident. that Count 66 Paris will be King of France in a. few weeks. The Government will state that they will be able to despatch 115,000 men imfllediately, i1.)~ c5159 of war. The Prussians have levied a war contri- bution of 100,000 francs upon the inhabi- xtants of St. Germain. It is reported that the armistive has been prolonged until the 28th inst. Favre has gone to Bordmux. Advices from Pu'ris state that Ducrot is sexiquslz ill. ‘ BoRnEAUx, Feb. 13.â€"At the preparatory sitting ofthe French National Assembly to- day, about three hundred deputles were pre- sent. The session was formally opened and the Secretaries appointed. The fl’elegraph’s Versailles special reports that 1119 German army will make a Lrinmphnl entry into Paris on the 19th. The Emperor will proceed to the Tnilleries and after par- taking oflunch will review the army from that building. In case the Tuilleries should not be in proper condition for the reception ofthe Emperor he will occupy the Place Elysee. The Emperor will return to Berlin the last of Februiu‘y. Franco-Prussian War. THE FINANCE CUMMITTEE’S REPORT.â€"- Immediately prior to the adjournment of the House yesterday, the report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted. It is the most complete and sutisfuctory vimlic :tion of the financial liimiugement Of'the Government, which, we venture to say, tried by the practical tests ore lull and complete return to the pro- vince for e‘very duller expended, has never been excelled in any country. Members of the Opposition themselves practically ad- mitted this by directing their great energies towards a few petty disbursements, over which a. decently well to do tradesmen would not waste a quarter of an hour.â€" Leader of IVednesday. The fishery question was discussed at length in the Nova Scotian Legislature yes- terday, on a resolution offered by Mr. Hall, lthat the GovernorCeneI‘al be urged to see that in the negotiations recommenced be tween England and the United States the rights of Nova Scotia, in connexion with the fisheries,m~e not sacrified. In his speech supporting the resolution, Mr. Hill sharply reviewed the couree of the Local Govern- ment, and condemned it for not giving me- ral support to the Dominion Governmcnt in its fishery policy. That policy was partly denounced by Mr. Wylde, and the leaders of the Local Government announced that the subject of the motion had engaged their at- tention, and they intended taking action. They would protest against the fisheries be ing surrendered in pa; ment of the Alabama claims, as was feared would be the. case. The debate was adjourned. It is evident the Nova Scotians will watch with peculiar interest the labours of the joint High Com mission. The impetus which would be given to business at such places as Milton, Streets ville, Brampton, and to the mills and mannfactories along the River Credit, by having a purely local railway ministerng to their wants, and dependent on their business for its prosperity, would unques ‘ tionably greatly increase the value of all property, as Well as the general prosperty of these places. The agricultural districts would find their account for supporting the railway, in an increased price for what they now sell, and sale for a great deal which they cannot now profitably carry to market. If the Board of Directors of this enterprise are supported by the municipali- ties with the promptitnde and liberality which is clearly their interests, we predict a speedy and complete success for the Cre- dit Valley Railwny.â€"â€"-Telegraph. KXNGSTON, Feb. 13.-â€"The inquest on the hody of Wm. Ansum, which was adjourned on Saturday was resumed this afternoon. The male prisoners were examined but the evidence was mainly corroborative of that giver. on Saturday. Mr. Corbet, jailer, however, testified to having,r heard the pri» souer say when he was brought into the strtion, though he appeared to he in great grief at the time, that he had killed his bro» ther and he was willing to die for him. The jury after hearing the evidence brought in The project of building a. railway from this city to Streetville, mid along the valley of the Credit by Brampton to Orange- ville, with an extension from Streetsvile to Galt, is being pursued with that never- yielding perseverance characteristic of our narrow gauge companies. The success of this scheme is of great consequence to the districts it would supply with railway fa cilities; but its value as a direct route from Galt to Toronto is of great. importance to both places. Gait, with a choice of mar- kets, for the purchase and sale of produCe or goods, would greatly increase its busi- ness, while of the whole husincss Toronto would receive that share from which she is now excluded by railway tariffs. h vhrdict that thé said Wm. Ansam came to his death through a wound in the breast, in- flicted by a knife or other sharp instrument in the hands of the pl‘isaners James Ansam. The prisoner was then committed to take his trial at the next assizes. KINGsToX, Feb. 11.â€"â€"The young man who lost his life was a half brother to the woman who kept the house. It appears ithat last night, himself and his brother were quarreling in an upper room about something one of them had said about the other on some former o‘eeusion; ultimately. a scuffle ensued. in which one oftheni, Wil- liam, received a. stab in his left hrest, which appears to have entered his heart, killing him instantly. At nine o’clock this mom- ing‘ Coroner Shaw empanntled a jury, and preceezled to the Grove to inspect the body of the murdered man. Further inves- tigation was then postponed until two o‘clock this p. in. when the inquest was re- sumed at the Police Court. A numbei‘ of witnesses were examined, including several families, who have been occupants of the house. The detective who arrested James Dynean testified to Duncan’s having no knowledged stabbng his brother. Physi- cians testified to Duean’s death having been caused by astab. At five o'clock the in- qucst was adjourned until one o’lock Mon- (lav. WASHINGTON, Feb. l3.â€"News was re- ceived here last night that it will be impos‘ sible for Sir John Rose to serve on thejoint high Commission to settle the questions at issue between the United States, and Eng land, as he will sail from New York early this week. The Duke ofSutherland or the Duke of Argyle are mentioned as likely to be up- poi: ted in his place. It is believed that (he CommiSSion will not begin its session until about the 1st of March, as under the most favourable circumstances Earl de Grey, Prof. Bernard, and Lord Tenterden will not arrive here until the lust week of the present month, while the successor of Sir John Rose has not yet sailed. LONDON, Feb. 13;â€"The steamship Cuba, from Liverpool on Saturday from New York, tool: out among her passengers Earl de Grey, Lord Tnnteiden,Montaguefiernm‘d and Vis» count Godsric, ofthejoint high cemmission forthe settlement ofthe claims ofthe United States upon Great Britain. The commis sicners are accompanied by a number of diplomatic attendants. J oint High Commission Credit Valley Railway. Brutal Murder. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMONDF‘HILL, 0m, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1871. MASONIC SOCIALâ€"On Tuesday eve. uing last, the social given in the Masonic Hall in this place, came off. As we ex- pected, it was a great-success. After the sumptuous tea had been partaken of, the company were entertained with some beautiful music given by some of the youngladies. The Rev. John Bredin, as usual, acquitted himself with credit; his lecture, the subject of which was, “ Life and its enjoyments,” abounded with information, instruction, and good advice, interspersed with bright witti- cisms which Mr. Bredin knows so well when and where to introduce. We are glad to learn the result of the social in a pecuniary sense, was also satisfactory, and we hope the Brotherhood inay be able to congratulate themselves on a sub- stantial reduction of the debt on the hall during the last two weeks. A SURPRISE Emmaâ€"A considerable number of the members and hearers of the Presbyterian church, and other friends of Richmond Hill and neighbor- borhood paid a visit, on Tuesday evening last, to the Presbyterian Church Manse, and presented Mrs. Dick with a most elegant china tea set, and other substan- tial tokens of their kind regards. The Rev. Mr. Dick thanked the friends and neighbors for the present tokens of their kindness, and stated that he had been now nearly twenty-two years a minister among them, and a resident of Richmond l Hill, and had obtained frequent marks of the kindness of the members of his church, and of the people of the place, and that he had often experienced their sympathy and friendship. After spend- ing a very happy evening with Mr. Dick and his family, the visitors returned home all well satisfied with their party at the Manse. THE FIFTEENTII RE-UNION.~â€"It will be seen by refering to the “posters” circulated through the neighborhood, that the energetic managers of the Me- chanics’ Institute in this town, are up to time in announcing their next Reâ€" Union, which is to take. place on the coming Tuesday, February 21st inst., in the Masonic Hall. \Ve believe that every efforts has been made to secure the best local amateur talent, so that this entertainment will not be behind any of its predecessors. In addition to the Readings and Music, Vocal and Instru- mental, the Re-union Committee have accepted the offer of Dr. S. P. May, of the Education Department, Toronto, who has kindly offered to add to the in. terest of the occasion by favoring tlie audience with some illustrations of the Magic of Science, as performed at the Polythenic Institution, London, includ- ing spontanous conbustion, transition of Water into wine, formation bf beautiful colors, setting water on fire, and other experiments of a startling character. We understand that Jackcs & Hays have fulfilled the order for the seating of the Hall, so that every provision has‘ been made toward contributing to the con- venience, amusement, and instruction of all who may favor the coming Ite-union with their patronage. At last, after the lapse of six years the Alabama claims, which have been a very convenient and fruitful source of complaint for the political montebanks in theUnited States,as well as all questions in dispute have to be settled by ajoint Commission. The gentlemen appointed by England are, Earl De Grey, Profes- sor Montague, Bernard, Sir Edward Thornton, Sir John A. Macdonald, Sir Stafford Northcote and Lord Tenderden as Secretary of the Commission. The names of those of the United States are Secretary Fish, Minister Scheneh, Judge Wilson, Mr. Hoar, and Senator Williams. Thus we have a prospect of an early settlement of all questions of dispute at present visible between the two nations. It must be pleasing to the friends ofSir John A. Maedonald, to ob’ serve the recognition,by the Imperial Gov- ernment, of their chief. As a statesman, we have no fear, but that the interests of' the Dominion willbe perfectly safe when entrusted to his care, even when he must be pitted against smart Americans. Sir John Rose, our late Finance Minis- ter and the originator of our admirable Post Office Savings’ Bank system, was named on the commission, but owing to business engagements, he was succeeded by Sir Stafford Northcote. @233 éflmk @MMKR. THE ALABAMAVCLAIMS AND THE FISHERIES. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Lost or Mislaid.-â€"Robt. Rumble. Selling ofi".â€"â€"I. French. RICHMOND HxLL, Feb. 17, 1871. The first case under the Irish Land Act in Cavan was lately heard by Mr. Robinson, Q.C., the Chairman of Cavan. A tenant who had been only four years in occupation was served with a notice of ejectment, and claimed compensation for disturbance on the seven years’ scale. It was in vain. The Chairman had no hesitation in deciding that he was entitled to the full amount of his claim7 and gave a decree for it, deductingr a year’s rent which he owed. The result is that the man may be. said to have lived on the farm rent free, and at the end of four years goes away with a bonus oi two years’ rent in his pocket. In a case lately decided at the Antrim sessions, the tenent got 31. together £567, or, within £1 or 143‘; years’ purchase of the rcntah The tenant was the Widow of the late Dr. Moore, a. dispensing , ’ physician, Who held a small farm, which he took in 1852, under Mr. George Macartney, iof' Lisamore Castle, at a rent of £26. He had'no lease, but relying upon the tenant custom of Ulster as sufficient security, he build a house and made general improve- ments. In November last his widow was served with an cjectment process, and put in a claim for.£700. The most important decision vet delivered under the Land Act has been given at Magherafelt, by Mr. J. C. Coffey, Q.C., Chairman of the county. The case was one in which a tenant, Mr. P. Bobinson claimed £264 from his landlord, Sir H. Hervey Bruce, M.P._. as a compensa- tion for improvements. The landlord’s set off, amounting to £030, was not allowed. £112 10s, was allowed to the tenant. The land, 185 acres, was farmed by Mr. Robin- son for 10 years, 1857-67â€"five year on lease, and five years, from 1864, on parole tenancy. The rent under lease was £350, and under the yearly agreement £325 a year. Estimates for the cost of sustainmg the City Police, during the past year, were handed into the City 00p01‘al‘ion last night. The amount to $23,857 79, which is in ex- cess of last year. AL the sale of Lord Henry Bentinck’s stud, 73 hunters which had already seen their best day, realised 12,000 guineas, MOXDAY, February 20,â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stocky Implements, &c., on lot No. 47. 1st concesssion ot’ Vaughan, Richmond Hill, the property of Mr. Jacob Brillinger. SaleL-atlz, noon. J. Gormley,Auclioneer. TUESDAY, February 28.â€"â€"Crcdit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on Lot No. 13, 6th Concession cf Vaughan, the property of MLIPeter Size. Sale at 12 o’clock, noon. H. Smelser, Auctioneer. 3' Parties having Sale bills printed 11 his office, will have a. notice similar to the hove, free of charge. Excessive frosts have endangered crops of all kinds in England. SATURDAY, February 18.-â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on lot No. 26, 2nd 9521!: Markham, the property of I “assembled: RM. A Complimentery Social will be held in the vestry of the Wesleyan Church, Thornhill, on Friday, February 17, 1871. Tea from 5 o’clock, pm. to 7 p.111. After which there will be delivered several addresses, Readings, Recitations, Solos, Chorusses, &e. Price of Tickets, 25 cents. Sabbath, February 19th, 1871 : Thorn- hillâ€"-10% a. 111., Rev. E. Wood, D. D. Richmond Hillâ€"10% a.m.; Wesley, 2 p.m., Rev. W. S. Griffin. Buttonville ~10fi- :1.m.; Mt. Zionâ€"2 p.m.; Thorn- hillâ€"G-éâ€" p. 111., Rev. A. Sutherland. Mapleâ€"10%- a. m.; Hadwinsâ€"Z p.m. , Maple â€"â€"67} p. 113., Rev. Geo. Cochrane. Meetings: Feb. 20th, Maple; Thorn- hiil, 21st; Mount Zion, 22nd. Depu- tationâ€"Revs. E. Evans, DD, and W. S. Griflin; J. P. Bull, F.qu has kindly consented to aid at Thornhill. Feb. 20th, Buttonvilie; 21st, Wesley; 22nd, Richmond Hill. Deputationâ€"Revs. G. Cochrane, E. Barrass and J. F. Locke. February 23rd, Hadwins. Deputation mRevs. E. Bari-ass and J. F. Locke. Meetings Will commence at 7 o’clock,p.m. A collection at the close of all the above services in aid of Wesleyan Missions. A Juvenile Missionary Meeting will be held at Thotnhill, on Tuesday, February 21, at 2 o’clock p.m.; deputation, Revs. E. Barrass and W. S. Griffin ; Also at Richmond Hill,on \Vednesday, February 22nd, at 2 pm; deputation, Revs. E. Barrass and J. F. Loche. FARMER’S Ownâ€"We publish to- day a letter from a farmer, suggestlng the formation of society in which our Agriculturalists may meet and impart their experience in the different methods of their pursuits in our neighbourhood. The subject deserves the attention of those more particularin interested, and we hope the matter will he pushed for- ward, and that we will be able to an- nounce the organization of such a society at an early day. Sermons of the Yonge Street North Circuit Branch, Wesleyan Missionary Society, will be preached (D.V.) on Fem-Inky, Auctiam WESLEYAN MISSIONS. AUCTION SALE. Mr. Editor: I think it likely amid the exciting topics of the day, anything that takes the minds no further than your neighbor’s farm may be dull, and by many be looked upon without interest; but sir, when we remember, though we are kept on the tiptoe of excitement with the doings of a naughty world, it is the farmer who feedeth all, we cannot but become convinced with the important position the farmer holds, and the duty of each, to work for his best interests; and, Mr, Editor, I think you will be working for his interest, if you will join with me and others to agitate What we wish to see established in this section of the countryâ€"“ A Farmers’ Club.” We‘ Ihave among us, as you are aware, some of the most practical farmers, as well as those who have yet everything to learn. Our idea is, if we could come together ‘ and learn each othcr's experience, it l could not fail to be beneficial to all con- , neeted. Some may think such meetings would be dull, but when we consider the great variety of subjects to be brought forward, which we know many among us are capable of doing, there is no fear but that it can be made one of the most interesting institutions of our village. Some of! the subjects for consideration would be“ Seeding”; its proper time,how much should be sown, the best method of sowing,&c. ; Cultivation of roots, how and when to gather them; How to kill Weeds, raise Stock, and how to fence, drain and clear land. In fact, there is nothing in connection with Farm life which could not with profit, be brought forward for discussion. I will not Mr. v To the Editor of the York Herald. Sir: Since I wrote you last, our council has had two regular meetings, and have had several special committee meetings; the business you would sup- pOSe they have to do, must either be very great, or on the contarv they must take considerable time to do a little. No official of the corporation has been ap- pointed since the auditors, except the inspector of licenses in the person of Mr. John O. Daniels. At the last night of meeting they endeavored to appoint an assessor, but the person named refused to accept the office, although a. c0mpen~ sation of fifteen dollars more was oifered than he got last year. Mr. Smart intro- duced a Bylaw, to regulate the granting of Licenses to Taverns and shops, which was referred to a special committee. I perceive by the papers that the Muni' cipal bill given in charge of your worthy member T. Gr aham,Esq., has, by request, been withdrawn; the principles of the same being incorporated in a bill introâ€" duced by Mr. Rupert. A series of penny readings are being held in the Town Hall, the entrance fee to which, is one dime. The readings are for the purpose of' raising funds to buy fuel for the poor, a very laudable object; but it must not be supposed that the poor of Yorkville get all the benefit. Vie live too near the city for that, and I am glad to say as a community, we have very few really destitute people. So far, the readings have not met with that success which was expected; whether it be owing to the amateurs not coming up to the mark, or that other meetings have taken up the attention of the community, it is hard to say. I shall endeavor to attend the next and give full particulars. Our School Board met for the first time this year in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, on Thursday evening, 2nd inst. Presentâ€"Messrs. Scott, Severn, Crown, and Wickson, subsequently Messrs. Robinson and Gibson,the elected trustees for this year, made. their declaration of office and took their seats at the Board. Mr. 1. Wiekson was nominated to the chair, and Mr. W. S. Robinson appointed Secretary Treasurer to the Board for the present year. Mr. A. Muir, the the Principal of the Common School, made his report for the month of Janu- ary, showing the average attendance in the senior department of boys to be 82, junior, 46; sen. department of girls, 50, junior, 42; of these 43 were non-resi- dents. Wickson, Scott, and Robinson were appointed a committee on School management,and Messrs. Severn, Gibson, and Crown, standing committee on School property 850., for the present year. A cheque was ordered to be drawn on the Village pay the salaries of the teachers for the Inonth of Janu- ary,also the sum of $9235 to pay Return-‘ ing officers, and Constables fees, at the‘ School election. After some further business the Board adjourned to meet on the first Friday in March. Politics flat and stale as yet. Yours &c., Yorkville, Feb. 11, 1871. A FARME R’S CLUB @nx'rwpnuhmrt. YORKVILLE NEWS. SUB. The Proposed International Boat Race For £1000.â€"In answer to the proposal from the St. John crew for a. boat race on the Kennebeccasis River, near St. John, New. Bruinswick, for £500 a. side, between that crew and the Tyne champion four, by whom they were beaten last September, Ren- forth has sent a letter, stating that it will be} impossible for himself, Taylor, Winship, and Martin to row again in the saine boat~ He says, however, that he is prepared to get together the best crew in England to} row the St. John men for £500 a side and“ the championship of the world, and he in: close a rough draft of articles with a View to such an underhking. Price $1 50 a bottle; 6 for $7 50. Sold by apothecaries and by F. Cundill & 00., wholesale agents, Montreal. Fellows’ Compound Syrup of Hypophos- phites is the only preparation known which gives prompt and permanent relief in dis, eases of the Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. It restores the secretions to their healthy condition, allays inflammation of the muv cous membrane, and is the most certain remedy for Debilitating Maladies. Full directions accompany each bottle. A telegraph from St. Catharines informs us that an arrangement was made yester- day by which the North Shore Transporter tion Company and the Merchants Line of steamers have combined their interests so as to run a daily line of propellers from Montreal to Chicago, commencing on the opening of navrgation. This arrangement will prove a. valuable stimulus to the trade from the west by the St. Lawrence route. There are at the present time 110 daily newspapers in Great Britain and Ireland, dis- tributed as followsâ€"London, 20 ; provinces, 57; Wales, 2; Scotland, 11; Ireland, 19; Channel Islands, lâ€"total, 110. Of this number 61 are published at 1d, and 34 at 5d each. Two young French Canadians went into Trinity Church, Montreal, drunk, and corn- menced to jig in front of the organ; The sacredness of the building did not save them from being hastily expelled. CHARACTER OF LIFE AND WORKs.â€"-Men are not to judged by their looks, habits,and appearances, but by the character of their lives and conversations, and by their works. It is better than a man‘s own words should praise him. Editor, occupy much of your space but from what I have said I hope some will be led to second my motion, and it should be taken up at once, for many a profitable hour might be spent before the more busy time of' Spring comes in. Then Mr. Editor in conclusion, I would ask you to give us your future support, and I hope when the face of Nature, which now lies hidden under the scourge of winter, smiles again in her beauty and shouts from every hill her song of praise to the God of Spring, we may go fourth to our old occupations, not only strengthened and refreshed in body in mind, but ladened down with new ideas. Yours respectfuly, FARMER. Our quiet village was somewhat startled to-day upon hearing that one of the Councillors of our Municipality had been served with a Writ of 00-warrants, at the instance of Dr. Philbriek, who has lent himself as a tool to serve the purposes of a few Clear Grits in this village, who bear spleen and split to- wards the said Councillor. Mr. George C. Moore and Joseph Gibson, are the sureties for the Doctor; to show that the matter is only spleen and mallee, it need only be mentioned that there is another Councillor who holds his seat, on no better if on as good grounds as Mr. Smart, the councillor, served with the \Vrit. MIRTH.-â€"Wise men mingle mirth with their cares, as a help either to forget or overcome them; but to resort to intoxi- cation for the ease of one's mind is to cure melancholy by madness. Simâ€"Feeling that you would like to hear somewhat of the doings and sayings in this village of ours, I take the liberty of addressing this communication to you. for West York, for his assistance and courtesy in the matter of the Drainage question. A By-Law was also passed to regulate the number of Tavern and Shop Licenses, also, a By-Law appoint- ingjr a Village Inspector, at a salary of sixty dollars,also a:By-Law to appoint an assessor. After some further business the Council adjourned, to meet on Sa- turday night as a Committee. Yours &c., The affairs of a duke, two earls, and alord were before the Court of Bankruptcy last Week. At the meeting of the Council last night in their Chamber, at the Town Hall. Thos. Nightingale, Esq., Reeve, in the chair. A vote of thanks was passed to Thbs. Graham, Esq., member The rumored insurrection in Hayti is de‘ nied. The floofi in the Danube has subsided, but all danger has not yet passed. Only 98 lives were lost in the wreck of the French transport ship Lecerf. Yorkville, Feb. 14th, 1871. To the Editorof the York Herald Miscellaneous. ISAAC. BETWEEN MAPLE AND RICHMOND Hill, a Note drawn by Wink") John Mchcheon, and endorsed by Angus Bl ck, in favor of" the undersigned, for the sum ul $18. The said Note was due about18 months ago, and as payment of the above has been stopped,‘ parties wifil be careful not to negotiate for it. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST! Will planse take this notice and settle up by the lst of April. PARTIES INDEBTED, Magic. Feb. 15, 187E At 2nd Con. Markham, on the 7th inst, the wxfe of Jacob Heise, Esq., of a son. REMARKABLY CHEAP An associated press despateh from New York states that Sir John Rose has de- clined to act as one of the high commis- sioners for the settlement of the Alabama claims and fishery difficulties. The report is said to be well founded; yet we hope there is no truth in it. Questions of great importance to this country are at issue; and, under such circumstances, it is neces- sary that we should be represented by men who understand the whole subject, who have the interests of Canada at heart, and who will protect those interests to the last. True, we have such a man in Sir John Macdonald; buthis hands would be greatly strengthened were he assisted by Sir John Rose. We hope therefore there is no truth in the report; and that Sir John Rose will accept the appointment and aid his former colleague in fighting Canada’s battle.â€" Telegraph Tmsday. The Italian Parliament has declared that the libraries and galleries of the Vatican shall be national property. BIRTHS. On Friday the 10th inst, the wife of Mr. Adam Storm, of a son. Flour. $barrel............. Wheat, 39 bush .. .... . . . .. Spring Wheat, HQ bush . .... .- Bafle)u #9 bush.......... Pease. do 0m, M .unuu.u HM,JW.UU Sfifiuj%9ton “ Butter 1!) rolls.... . . . . . . . . . Pork 39 per 1001b.. . . . . . . .... VVoolfiBlb... . . . . . . ....----- Apples pol bbl........... .... Potatoes. per bush . . . . . . . . . . . ..-- n...-......p.. ........-... .--...... #3 ch‘Gcocmwcochuâ€"a in CO ©®©©©@@@©@@@@ wâ€"lmme cmeaw 3 “0 >46 Luz-«Cub 60de pl; Six Stafford Northcote is to take Sir John Rose’s place in the High Commission.â€" Telcgrph Wednesday. GIVING UP BUSINESSE SELLING OFF. GREATLY RED UCED Richmond Hill, Feb, 16. 1871 1 good 3-spring Marker. Waggon. l Cutter, new. 1 pair Bob Sleghs. new. 1 spring Carl and Harness. 1 Grain Crusher‘ 1 sett Silver Mounted Harness, nearly new. Customers may rely on getting goods 1 will sell 03‘ my remaining stock at. Nun Qkhncrtigemeuts. FOR SALE, Lost or Mislald. FIRST OF APRIL NEXT. TORONTO MARK MTS FOR CASH ONLY. 'uml..-...... .. 1:1,?{9 bush ....... )ush.............. n...-......p.. . . u . . . u...----- \r bush . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto, Feb. 16, AS 1 IN'I'EN ROBT. RUMBLE. , ‘1- 656-3 ON THE 1. FRENCH. 1871.

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