LEISURE HOUR, » l Sunday at Home for Nov. at Herald Book Store EVERY WEEK, DECEMBER, ' Arrived at the Herald Book Store. BOW BELLS FOR DECEMBER, Arrived at the Herald Book Store. ‘ ORTEERN RAILWAY OF CANADA . Richmond Hill Station. Change of time taking effect November 528, 1870 : Going North 8.5-1 11.111. . . .4.55 mu. Going South 10.02 Add . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.02 P.1d. h AILS MADE UP AT THE RICEL mend Hill Post Ofï¬ce. Until further notice. the mails will be closed at this ofï¬ce as follows : MORNING. | Northern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.30 A.M. Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.30 A.M. Mail for Almira . . . . . . . . . . I “ ,Cashel, . . . . . . . . . . l 11.00 A.M. “ Gormley, . . . . . . . . . ‘rou Tuesdays “ Headford. . . . . . . . . H 8; Fridays. Victoria Square, . . l EVENING MAIL. Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 p.m. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto as follows: .By Cunard Line, every Monday, 10:30 A.M. By Canadian Line, every Thursday, 10 P.M. NB. *3 Letters for despatch by these lines of Steamers, should be so marked. - The rate on Letters for the United Kingdom (via Quebec in summer, and Portland in wiri- ter), is now reduced to (3 cents per % oz. weight. If sent via New York. it will be 8 ate per 1 oz. These rates apply only to prop/till letters; ifsent unpaid, or lllSltITlClelltl)‘ prepaid. th‘ore wrllbe a ï¬ne of double the amount of deficient postage. Ill. TEEFY, Postmaster. ' Richmond Hill, Nov. 29, 1870. Notice HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received since be commenced business nsga BOOT AM) SHOE llIAKI‘.R,nn Richmond Hiil, begs to announce to thorn that he has disposed of his business to his son ROBERT Slvmt, juu., who will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will continue to. bestow their patronage on his successor. ROB'I‘. SIVER, Sen. In reference to the above the subscriber begs to announce that he will give his bvst attention to business and will keep on hand' a select stock of Ready-M ado Boots and Shoes, suita- ble for the trade in the neighbourhood. and hopes to merit the suppan of his father’s friends. ROBT. SEVER. Jun. Richmond Hill. Feb. 9, 1871. (5554f Notice to Builders. ‘ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP to SATURDAY, 18TH FEB. 1871. By the Trustees of School Section No. 19, Township of Vaughan, for tho esection of a Brick School House on lot No. 21. front of 2nd Con. Vaughan. Plans and Speciï¬cations can be seen at the ofï¬ce rooms in the village of Patterson. Trustees do not bind themselves to necept the lo west or any of the tenders. WM. PATTERSON, JAS. mass, 'I‘rusteos JAS. MCNAI R, Richmond Hill. February 8. 1871. 655 List". of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND llill’I’ost-i. thee. 1st February. 1871: Bainbridgo. Tires Lawrisou, Thomas Burrows, Stephen ['2] Muusliaw. Thomas Basingtwaite, M Maybeo, J II W Baker, II D Munshaw, W Brown, Jas Miller, James Brillingor. Jonathan McCormic, Ellen Clinch. Mrs M M McCaulay, Malcolm Creik, Peter 0’Grady,‘"1‘hos Corey. John Phillips. l’otor Claï¬'y. John l’age, Fred Dobsnn. ri‘iios Penrose, Ida Davis, W J Patton. Julia Ann Espy. James Ralston. James Espy. Joseph Stewart N3 Hodgson Finley. Mary E Siver, It [2] Glover, Edward Smith, Angus Ilird. Robert Sinclair. Annie Irvin, Miss Thorn Bros Klinck, J A Windross, Moses Kliuck, James Willis, Lavina M. TEEFY, mu. )‘MAGAZINES, PAPERS, rm. SUPPLIED AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. G WILTSIIIRE, TINSMITH, doc" Opposite the Dominion hotul. Richmondhill. ALL KINDS OF TINWARE, STOVE PIPES, . «. EAVE TRO UGHS, dc, Manufactured on the premises. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOE ZINC FLATâ€"ROOFIN on THE . IMPROVED FRENCH SYSTEM. WEATHER VA-NES! AND PINNACLES For Steeples, 510.. made to any design in Copper, Zinc. or ’I‘in. Old Metal bought in exchange. 1+1 Repairs punctually attended to. Richmond Hill. Jun. 5, 1371. 650-“ TOYS, &c., FOR SALE AT THE ' HERALD noon STORE. ' GAMES, WWW“ YORK HERALD BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. ALL KINDS OF PRINTING EXECUTED WITH PR 0MPTITUTE. THE HERALD .â€" CONSTANTLY ON HAN D A LARGE STOCK 0F PERIODICA LS, MISCELLAN E0 US d STANDARD BOOKS Albums Bibles ' , School Ducks Testaments Hymn Books Toy Books, Concertinas IVeedle Shell Cases Shell Boxes Err-{ting Desks Work Boxes Wallets Ladies’ Companions Packet Books Tin Toys Toy Watches Pocket Cutlery Clothes Brushes 1 Nail Brushes Hair Brushes Tooth Brushes Shaving Brushes Razors Wax you. China Dolls Razor Straps Dressing Combs Sets Jet Jewelry Brooches Ear Rings Gold Pens Circular Combs Coronets Pearl sets Portfolios Gold Plated Penholders Gold Plated Pencil Cases Gold Chains ~ Shirt Studs Sleeve Links Water Color Paints (k Brushes Crayons Transparent Slates Mirrors Puzole Blocks Humming Tops Canes (l-c. (5-0. do. Cassell’s, Bow Bells, Josh Billings’, Pocket Combs Sheet Music and Canadian ALMANACS FOR 1871. FOR. 1871. DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, PAPER. BOOKS 01' Every Size ano Dercription. AT THE IIEARALD Boon STORE, December 1. 1810. ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill.- ’ '.' 6‘. BOOK & FANCY STORE Fancy Goods, J ewelry, Prayer Books Pariah Vases Gr POCKET DIARIES WM. ALLINGHAM, I..D.S. \. U R E "um. V G 0N DENTIST \)FFICE.â€"Cornel‘ of Albert and Yonge Sts . Toronto, (opposite the Green Bush Hotel. over R. Lawson’s Grocery Store. 11.1 Special attention paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. N.B.â€"-Churges moderate and work war- ranted. WM. ALLINGHAM, D E u T I or . Toronto. 562 January 19,1871. Mortgage Sale of Land. N PURSUANCE OF A POWER OF Sale contained in a mortgage. hearing date the twenty~seveuth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine. and made by Thomas S. Chandler to Archelaus Willis to secure payment of one thousand and ï¬fteen doliaz‘s and interest thereon from said date, said principle and interest being new past due. there will be sold by Public Auction, AT THE FRANKLIN HOUSE. Markham Village, in the County of York. on FRIDAY, THE 24TH DAY or FEB- RUARY, 1871, v At Twelve o’clock, noon, All that part of land and promises situate in the village of Port Stanley, in the County of Elgin. being composed of Lots numbers seven, eight and nine in said village, according to a plan of said village made by Daniel Hauvey. P.L.S.. which said lots are part of the subdi- vision of Lot number one in the Township of Yarmouth. The whole will be sold in one parcel. The land is well situated and contains a good new warehouse. ~ The mortgage and an abstract of title'will be produced at the sale. V TERMS : CASH Down 1 7 Any other particulars will be made known at time of solo. and for further particulars. apply to A. Willis or A. lilairs. Markham. - S. ECKHARDT, Auctioneer. January 19, 1871. 625-(it ' Notice. HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received since he commenced business as a BUTCHER on Richmond Hill. begs to an- nounce to them that he has diSposed of his business to his son, HENRY HOPPER. who will in future carry on the Business. He also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. A .ROBT. HOPPER. Richmond Hill. Jan 7, 1871. 65‘2-tf For Sale, Cheap, NE SET OF DOUBLE HARNESS, nearly now, also a Buffalo Robe. Enquire of 1 N. DAVIS. Dominion Hotel. thbmond Hill. Jan. 5. 1871 650-11’ Dissolution of Partnership. ITH MANY THANKS FOR PAST favors we would notify the public that the partnership that has existed for the last three years between N. J. PECK AND A ROBINSON. Was dissolved on this date by 'mutual consent. DI. Robinson having purchased DI' Puck‘s right to and interest in the practice of Dentistry , in this locality. lllr. Robinson trusts that. by careful attention to the wants of the people, to , transmit a continuance of the very liberal pa- tronage that has been enjoyed by the late ï¬rm Mr- Robinson will wait on those who wish his serviCes at the usual place: of appointment. ‘N.B.â€"Those who are indebted to the late hrm will please settle their accounts at an early day, . Richmond Hill, March 8th, 1870. 651 J OB PRINTING Done Neat and Quick attbo Herald Oï¬ice. I1 Ionian} ssoumn 921.1,] mm ‘saotm '11 m or Ilddv :ssoutsua ssoumn or†umorl 01105 News [1009 v ‘poan us Toronto FOR ALL KINDS OF g- , E g. flu ,er’ a . _. F AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- now CURTAIN FIX1ï¬IES. K For sale, Cheer). only 25 cts.-mime", ,. HERALD BOOK s'I-énE. . . AGRICULTURAL WAREHOIJSE FARMING IMPLEMENTS, FAT CATTLE. .___.. STANDARD SCALES ! THE YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER Is recommended and used by all ï¬rst class Breeders in Great Britiaiu. FRUIT TREES. Seéds, Fertilizers, Suitable for Farmers. Showroom up stairs. It Fattcns Cattle, Horses, Pigs, (to. For particulars address ’ IN ‘ - 654 ONEâ€"FOURTH THE USUAL TIME! WM. REN N IE. &c. ‘ Florence Sewing Machine Company‘s 120 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. Sold in packages at 25 cts. and $100: the dollar size is sufï¬cient for 200 Feeds. JEWELRY i JEWELRY! For Sale cheap, at the HERALD Ofï¬ce Money to Lend HUGH MILLER & 00., DRUGGIS‘I‘S. I 167 King St. East. Toronto. Sole Manufacturers for Canada. 161'851. 58 King Street East. Toronto. Jan. 24. 1871. January 19. 187l . 6524f Apply somcrroas. Dye Stufls ! M. William L. Gamble’s Estate. E HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE stock of all kinds of Dye Stuffs. of the N IMPROVED FARMS, IN SUMS from $200 upwards. at low rates of in- CHARGES MODERATE. BEATTY. CHADWICK 5t LASH. to 665~3 " THE CENTRAL STORE; _â€" A COMPLETE STOCK NEW FALL GOODS! MAY BE SEEN AT The Central Store! ' Particular Attention has been given to securing OF THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. THE TOOK INCLUDES Wincey and all Wool Shirting, Flannels, Blankets,- P L A I D s A N D DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! In endless variety, a large Stock of In Hoods, Breakfast Shawls. &c. doc. RUGS. CARPETS. BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, Hollands. Counterpanes LACES OF ALL KINDS LACEcuRTAIEs. FRENCH MERINOS In all Prices and Colors. Prints in Endless Varety I TABLE DAMASKs, , Large Ranges of Lustres Hosiery, Gloves, Hats and Caps for the Million, AND READY MADE CLOTHING! 1.11 Coats, Pants, Vests. &c. AS USUAL THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Takes the lead of the towu. m ALWAYS 0“ HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 0F MUUHNI’NG‘ GOODS! NORTH OF TORONTO. W Also a. full supply of FRESH GROCERJES ! HARDVVABE. CBOCKEIIY, W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. September 29. 1870. 637 Notice . HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TERM S I of Partnershiphcretofore existing between Geo. Logan and Alfred Suddaby, has, this day. expired. and that Geo. Logan will collect all accounts and pay all debts contracted by the late ï¬rm, GEO. LOGAN. ALFRED SUDDABY. ISAAC FRENCH. Witness. thhmond'Hill. Jan. 1, 1871. In reference to the above. all parties indedted to the late ï¬rm will please call at Mr. George 650-4 w GEO. LOGAN . CHAPPED HANDS. MILLER’S PREPARED GLYCERINE ! MAKES THE HANDS. HOWEVER ROUGH 0R SORE, SMOOTH AND SOFT. No Person should be Without it AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. _â€" For Sale at H. Sanderson do Sons. Richmond Hill. Prepared by HUGH MILLER. & Co., 644-tf '167 King Street East, Toronto. Horses and Cattle. 1870. WILSONS’ IMPROVED ____ LL PERSONS THE house in Toronto. . Estate of the late WILLIAM LOWRIE GAMBLE. Of the Township of Markham. in the County of York. by note or otherwise. are requested to pay the same to tho Executors on or before 'l'HE Finsr BA! or FEBRUARY. 1871. and thereby save costs. Persons having claims against the Estate will please hand the same to the undersigned, authenticated, at their early convenience. J AMES H ODGSON. ~ JAMES STEWART. Richmond Hill. § ‘ 28111 December. 1870. E Executors. 6494 .. 11.. .A very best possible description. which we are selling 20 per cent. cheaper than any other HUGH MILLER. Ga 00. 267 King St. East.. 'I‘oronio. August, 25. I {0. 6324!. Machinery Oil. WNERS 0F THRE SHING MA- chiues will do well to call and examine our stock of oils. The Cheapest and Best in the City; HUGH MILLER or. CO. 167 King St. East. Toronto. August 17. 1870. ' \ .531 ‘tf MILLER’S DERBY OIL Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing ‘ , FRESH CUTS OB. OLD SORES. HUGH MILLER 62. CO. 167 King St. East Toront August 17. 1870 631- tt‘ SCHOOL REQUISITES '1 or ALL KINDS. Ann-IE HERALD BOOK STORE. NEW FALL" GOODS: AT THE ' FIRE PROOF STORE! JUST RECEIVED l‘ A SPLEHDID ASSOR’I’MENT 0F FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH: Staple and Fancy Dry Goads- '. LARGE LINES IN For Cloth o Canadian Tweeds TWEEDS. CANADIAN ; FLANNELS, FACTORIES IMPORTED GOODS, 01' Every Description, including FANCY WOOL GOODS Winceys, Shirt'lngs, Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, (120. (PC. the. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. A LARGE ASSURTMEN'I‘ 0F GROCERIES, HARD‘VARE, &c.&c.&c. cht Constantly on Hand ISAAC CROSBY. Richmond IIill,Sept. 22, 1869. 585 1700KET BOOKS OF ALI. KINDS AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. .._~:_.._..v\» » w ‘ DOUBLE ACTION FANNING MILL! THESE MILLS HAVE Stood the test of Competition ! AT ALL THE . PROVINCIAL Exmni'rrous & COUNTY FAIRS, Whenever shown. and are pronounced by com-‘ ' potent judges as being the L ' ’.A '. d ttl b'tl F“tf £53423,$311.3'i...ffi..°.l’l’ubl..‘° “5 ° BEST FAN N ING MILL! Manufactured in Canada,- And. having recently been Improved, the sub- scribers have every conï¬dence in its ‘ superior merit. The snbcribors are now Manufacturing a large number of the above ; ' And having increased facilities for pre- paring the lumber. CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. . )E Farmers will consult their own interestifthoy willexamine our Mill before buyingelseWhe'i-e. the vicinity of Richmond Hill. as we feel conï¬dent they will be satisï¬ed our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. A. «Sn W. WILSON. Richmond Hill, Aug. 27,1869. 566-tf COLLARS AND CUFFS THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. 1870; ‘HARNESSli HARNESS i‘r HARNESS m on HAND AND’ Made to Order, at W M . Id ARRISON'S, Richmond Hilli WANTED IMMEDIATELY, As an apprentice in the above establishment' on active lad about 16 years of age. ' November 24. 1870‘. 7 644-2}..- 1 $1390 Reward. ’ CST,'ABOII‘T THE em INST, BE . tween Newton Brook and Richmond H'Ill, a pair of otter“ g’auntlets‘. - ’I‘he ï¬nder" wrll receive the above reward on leaving them at the HERALD Book Store. or with REV. JNO. BREDIN. 643-,tl N ewten Brook. H. SANDERSON ch SONS, P IIOI’RIE'I‘ORS OF THE' RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE; Have removed to their new and commodious" building on the corner of Yonge and Centre St. East, and would return their thanks to the public for past patronage. hoping to morita continuance of the same. They have greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment of RE MOVAL. Drugs.- . Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals. Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Vernishos. Fancy article! Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, and all other"~ articles kept by Druggists generally. ‘3,“ Physicians Prescriptions carefully 'cor'n- pounded. and all orders attended to With cure and despatch. Farmers and Physicians from the country will find our stock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed geuuiueâ€"ï¬nd ofthe best quality. ‘ Richmond Hill. Nov. 25,1669. 593, HE" EXCELSIOR PUMP, MANU4 factured by P. Phillips, Richmond Hill. _â€" THIBPUMP Is EASIES'L‘ WORKED, MOST Duns-- BLE AND NEA'I‘ES’I‘ MADE IN THE DOMINION. handle as to make it all light therefore pre- venting children from putting anything rule it. The Subscriberwould respectfully announce , hat he is prepared to put in This Pump on Trial for One Month! And if accepted ' WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Or ifthey are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. These Pumps are suitable to all depths fret n. cistern to a well of 150 feet - They are not so liable to get out of repair. being Double-valved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the joints which is invariably the case the common Log Pump made by hand. Price : $5 above platform, and 40 cents per foobbelow. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns end ' shallow wells. Price $6. complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. Churn Pumps for Cistorns $3 each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Address,stating'depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, August 9. 1870. 630-ly Brannon» HILL. Bazaar. _..._._. HE LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF England. in Richmond Hill. intend holding aBuzaar some time in the ensuing spring for the sale of useful and fancy article. The proceeds to be added to the church build- ing fund. Contributions kindly offered by friends may be addressed to any of the under? mentionedladies : ' REERESHMEM TABLE â€" Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Hopper. Mrs, Cooper, and Mrs, Sedman. TABLE FOR LADIES’ Wonkâ€"Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. John Palmer. Sen., Miss Campbell, Miss Linfoot. Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Nicolle. Miss Pol- lock. Miss Little, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Tlios. Cook. Mrs N. [’layter, and Mrs. Beeston - Richmond Hill. Doc. 2. 1870. 644-5m MALLOY’S AXES Iron SALE BY. DANIEL HDRNEB, mm, Lot 20. 2nd con. Marlthlm Important NotiCe. V â€".â€"â€"- TER G. SAVAGE BEGS TO AN- nouucn to his friends, and the public in that he has leased the promises lately occupied by MR. THOMAS COGHLAN. On Richmond Hill, and has opened with I ' complete stock of Groceries, 7 Provisions, Paints, Oils, Varnishca, re. r-c The public Will observe that he is .in a poi- tion to Sell. Goods at Prices that will not fail to satisfy all consumers. ‘ l BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITQRY loISpecin'on and Comparison arc Invited. (RICIIMONDVIIILL BRANCH) AT THE‘ - HERALD BOOK. STORE. 3mm swam-l met-moo n‘s'ii. Doc; 9.1809. 59†HIS so constructed with the castings of the"