OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Arthur Noble, of the Village of Maple. Merchant. John Mchurrie. oi‘ the Township of Vaughan. Farmer, and Jag-oil Smith. ofthe Township of Vaughan, Farmer, Trustees un- der the last Will and Testament of Joseph Noble. late of the Village of Maple, Merchant, deceased, have, made an application to the Court of Chancery, for a Certiï¬cate of title to the above mentiosed property under “ the Act for quieting Titles to Real Estate in Upper Canada,†and have produced evidence whereby they appear to be two owners thereof in fee free from all encumbrnm-es, upon the trusts “‘“Mdeclared in- the said Will and subject to a con- tract entered into with one John McKinnon, for the sale and numhase of the said land: wherefore any other person having or pretend- ing to have any title to or interest in the said land, or any part thereof. is required. on or be- fore Tuesday, the twenty-ï¬rst day of March now next ensuing. to ï¬le a statementof his claim in my ofï¬ce at Osgoode Hall. in the City of 'l‘oronto, and to serve a copy on Messrs. Duggan A'L Meyers. of the City of Toronto, \Solicilors for the said petitioners; and in default every such claim will be barred. and the title of tire suid Arthur Noble, John McQuarrie and Jacob Smith become absolute and indefnasiblo at law and in equity. subject only to the reserva- tions mentioned in the 17th section of the said Act, and therein numbered one. two. three and four. the trusts declared in the said Will and the said Contract for sale and purchase. Dated this 16th day of February. 187i. (Signed.) T. W. 'E'AY LOR. Referee of Titles. Flour. 318 barre! . . . Wheat. 19 bush . . Spring Wheat, “1‘9 bush . . Barley. HQ bush . . . . . . . . . Pause, do Oats, do . . . . . . .. Hayï¬ï¬ton . . . . . . SLrawflQton Butter $911: rolls" . POI-kg? pen-100m" . .. Wool $9 i‘b. . . . . . . . . . . . Apples pm bbl.. . . .. .. . . Poxatoos. per bush . . . . . In the matter a)†the W’estcrly Quarter of Lot Number Twentyâ€"two in the F ifth Concession of the Township of Vaughan. Richmond Hill Station. Change of time taking eï¬'ecl November 28, 1870 : Going North 8.54 A.M. . . . . . . . . . .. .4355 PM. Going South 10.02 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . .7.02 P.M. Sunday at Home for Nov. at Herald Book Store IN THE WEST RIDING 0F YORK, On Tuesday the 23rd ult., 3rd con. Whit- church, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John Rich~ ardson, and daughter of' Mr. Christopher Smith, aged 27 years,â€"much regretted by a. large circle of friends. D Hill, a Note drawn by Williym John McCutcheou, and endorsed by Angus Black, in favor of the undersigned, for the sum of $18. The said Note was due about 18 months ago. and as payment of the aboveTms been stopped, parties wi‘l b5 careful not to negotiate for it. J. CIATION- , HALL OF THE ASSOCIATION. - 34 King Street East, Toronto To Parents. Guardians, Pastors. and others whose Sons, Wards. or Friends maybe leaving home for residencei n the City of Toronto : The Young Men’s Christian Assocmtion of Toronto announce that they have a Committee fertile purpose of showing kindness to Young Men whe are strangers. and leading them under religions influences. It is requested that all who desire the co-operation of this Committee, will send the names and addresses of Young Men about to remove to Toronto. in whom they are interested, by the person him- selfit' possible. or by post. with such particu- lars of character as they may deem proper. JNO. MACDONALD, Tues. J. WILKIE. President. Secretary. It is stated that another marriage between royalty and English nobility has been ar- rangedâ€"namely that of the Duke of Nor- folk with the Princess Marguerite of 01‘- leans, daughter of the Duke de Nemours. MALLOY’S AXES EVERY WEEK, DECEMBER, 857 ON WEDNESDAY; MARCH 1,1871. Maple. Feb. 15. 1871. " HOMAS GRAHAME, M.P.P., OW BELLS FOR DECEMBER, _EISURE HOUR, ETWEEN MAPLE AND RICHMOND ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA New ‘Ahnsrtigzmeuts. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 187]. OUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1870‘ A PUBLIC M'EETING CHANCERY. At McBrido's Hotel, Eglingtou, Epztial Noticeï¬. TORONTO MARKETS. Lost or Mislaid. Arrived at the Herald Book Store. OF HIS CONSTITUENTS [N Arrived at the Herald Book Stora. ITO! - . o rush . . . atï¬ï¬‚bush rush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001b... .......... u‘ bush . . . . . . . . . . . At Richmond Hill, on FOR. SALE BK DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20,211d con. Markham At 2 o'clock, p.m At Thornhill. on WILL ADDRESS Toronto, March 2. 1871. DIED. ROBT. RUMBLE. rl. 656-3 5. ) eawwmmmwmmmmw 6110003003030 11 _ @@@@@@@@@@@@® 03085)040n54 $43675m010378 5110009808010 $ . . . . .a: .- LL Bainbridgo. Thos Burrows, gtephen [ Basingtwaite, M Baker, H D . Brown, Jas Brillinger. Jonathan Clinck, Mrs M M Creik, Peter Corey, John Claff'y. John Dobsnn. "i‘hos Davis, W J Espy. James Espy. Joseph Finley. Mary E Glover. Edward Hird, Robert Irvin. Miss Klinck, J A Klinck, James Hill Postir (lice, lst February. 18'“: Lawrison, Thomas ] Munshaw, Thomas Maybea, .l B W Munshaw, W Miller, James McCormic, Ellen McCaulay, Malcolm O’Grndy, Thus Phillips. Peter Page, Fred Penrose, Ida Patton, Julia Ann Ralston, James Stewart & Hodgson Siver, ll [2] Smith, Angus Sinclair. Annie Thorn Bros Windross, Moses Willis, Lavina. PARTIES INDEBTED, Will please take this notice and settle up by the 1st of April. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST! REMARKABLY CHEAP MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. EAVE TR 0 UGHS, gm, GREATLY RED UCED GIVING UP BUSINESS! WEATHER VANES! Rxchmond Hill. Jam. 5. 1371. SELLING OFF. Opposite the Dominion hotel. Richmondhill. l ood 3-spring Market Waggon. 1 lmtor,new. 1 pair Bob SVeghs. new. 1 spring Cart and Harness. 1 Grain Crrsher. 1 sen Silverï¬lounted Harness, nearly new‘ Richmond Hill, Feb. 16. 1871 ZINC FLATâ€"ROOFING “1' Repairs punctually attended to. For Steeples, &c‘, made to any design in Copper. Zinc. or Tin. EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Customers may rely on getting goods I will sell Oï¬â€˜ my remaining stock at AMES, TOYS, &c., IMPROVED FRENCH SYSTEM. Old Metal bought in exchange. FOR SALE, WILTSHIRE, Manufactured on the premisés. FIRST OF APRIL NEXT, TINWARE, FOR CASH ONLY. List of Letters ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR AND PINNACLES TJNSMITH, &c., SUPPLIED AT THE FOR sun AT THE STOVE PIPES, ALL KINDS OF ALL KINDS OF HERALD BOOK STORE. A8 I INTER!) HERALD 100K ITORE - ON THE ON THE I. FRENCH, M. TEEFY, nu. 6504f THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, MARCH 3,1871 HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received since he commenced business as a BUTCHER on Richmond Hill. begs to an- nounce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son, HENRY HOPPER, who will in future carry on the Business. [[9 also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. favors we would notify the public that the partnership that has existed for the last three years between ‘The mortgage and an abstract of title will be produced at the sale. TERMS : CASH Down 1 Any other particulars will be made known at time of sale. and for further particulars. apply to A. Willis or Mair Markham, Was dissolved tpn this date by mutual consent. Dr. Robinson having purchased Dr Peck’s night to and interest in the practice of Dentistry in this locality. Mr. Robinson trusts that. by careful attention to the wants of the people. to transmit a continuance of‘the very liberal pa- tronage that has been enjoyed by the late ï¬rm. All that part of land and premises situate in the village of Port Stanley, in the County of Elgin, being composed of Lots numbers seven, eight and nine in said village, according to a plan of said village made by Daniel Hanvay. P.L.S.. which said lots are part of the subdi- vision of'Lot number one in the Township of Yarmouth. The whole will be sold in one parcel. The land is well situated and contains a good new warehou‘se‘ Mr. Robinson wiil wait on those who wish hls services at the usual place; of appointment. N.B.â€"â€"Those who am; indebtédléo (Eé ‘l'at‘é ï¬rm will please settle their accounts alun early dav. JOB PRINTING CATTLE FEEDER FAT CA'TTLE! L Sale contained in a mortgage. hearing date the twenty-seventh day of April. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine. and made by Thomas S. Chandler lo Archelaus Willis to secure payment of one thousand and ï¬fteen doiiars and interest thereon from said date, said principle and interest being new past due, there will be sold by-Public Auction, Markham Village, in the County of York. on ONEâ€"F0 URTH THE USUAL TIME I Sdld in packages at 25 cis. and $1410: the dollar size is sufï¬cient for 200 Feeds. V ITILMANY THANKS FOR PAST favors we would notifv the public that \)FFICE.â€"C01’llel‘ of Albert and Yonge Sts , Toronto, (opposite the Green Bush Hotel, over R. LaWSon’s Grocery Stare. Hf Special attention paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. . NILâ€"Charges moderate and work war- ranted. Of the Township of Markham. m the County of York, by note or otherwise. are mquested to pay the same to the Executors on or before THE FIRST DAY or FEBRUARY. 1871. and thereby save costs. Persons having claims against. the Estate will please hand the same to the undersigned, authenticated, at their early convenience. JAMES HODGSON. E t JAMES STEWART} m“ “5' Richmond Hill, 98!}: December, 1870. N. DAVIS. Dominion Hotel. Rlcbmond HIâ€, Jan. 5, 1871. 650-1f I nearly now. also a Buffalo Robe. Enquire of Richmond Hill, Jan 7, 1871 January [9, 1871. Mortgage Sale of Land. NAPURSUANCE OF A POWER OF ls recommended and used by all ï¬rst class Breeders in Great. Britiain. William L. Gamble’s Estate. Richmond Hill. March 8th, 1870. Dissolution of Partnership. January 19,1871. January 19, 187i . It Fattens Cattle, Horses, Pigs, (ï¬e. FRIDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF FEB- RUARY, 187 1, Done Neat and Quick atlbe Herald Ofï¬ce. N. J. PECK AND A ROBINSON. LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE Estate of the late WM. ALLINGHAM, Luns. E QURGEON DENTIST AT THE FRANKLIN HOUSE. WILLIAM LOWRIE GAMBLE, DRUGGISTS. 167 King St. East. Toronto. Sp]: Manufacturers for_ Canada. For Sale, Cheap, SET OF DOUBLE HARNESS At Twelve o'clock, noon, THE YORKSHIRE HUGH MILLER & CO., Notice. WM. ALLINGHAM, s. ECKHARDT. IN ROB'I‘. HOPPER. DENTIï¬T. Auctioneer. 625-6: GSQ-tf Toronto. 562 6552-“ 649-4 651 -stcck of all kinds of Dye Stuï¬â€™s, oflhe very lyesupossible description, which we are selling 20 per cent. cheaper Xhan any other house in Toronto. HAVE JUST ARRIVED I I have spared neither pains no: {unable to have STANDARD "SCALES ! THE LARGEST ! BE SURE YOU SEE THEM! BOOTS AND SHOES They have been purchased from the leading manufacturers in Quebec, Montreal and Torontq. THEY CANNOT BE BEAT. BE SURE YOU SEE’I‘HEM AT chines will do well to call and examine our stock of oils. The Cheapest and Best in the C‘ity. HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East. Toronto August 17. 1870. - 6314f U from $200 upwmds, at loév rates of in- terest. CHARGES MODERATE. Apply to Florence Sewing Machine Company’s August, 25, 1 {0. 654 For particulars address EWELRY! JEWELRY! FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Jan. 24. 1871. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1870. August 17. 1810. AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- DOW cunum rmunms. For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,at the HERALD BOOK STURE. THEY HAVE Lona BEEN LOOKED Fox, GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE Machinery ‘Oil. .WNERS OF T H R E SH‘IN G MA- Money to Lend ‘N_IMP1§QVED EARMS, IN sums THEY ARE A SUPERB LOT. FRUIT TREES. &c. AND CONSEQUENTLY THE CHELI’EST STOCK 0!‘ ‘ Ever ofered on Richmond .Hill. For Sale cheap, at the HERALD Qfï¬cg Cheap Boot and Shoe Establishmenl. BEATTY. CHADWICK &.LASH, HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE HUGH MILLER & CO. .67 King St. East.. Toronto. Suitable for Farmers. Seeds, Fertilizers, Showroom up stairs. Dye Stuï¬s ! 120 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. FOR ALL KINDS OF summons. 58 King Street East, Toronto. Toronto WM. RENNIE. W. H. MYERS’ THE BEST, 632-tf. 629 . [y 665~3 READY MADE CLOTHING! FRENCH MERINOS MOURNING G o o D s 1 NORTH OF TORONTO. .1. of Partnership heretofore existing between Geo. Logan and Alfred Suddaby, has, this day, expired,'and that Geo. Logan will collect all accounts and pay all debts contracted by the late ï¬rm, GEO. LOGAN. ALFR ED SUDDABY. In reference to the above. all parties indedted to the late ï¬rm will please call at Mr. George Logan’s. Aurora. and settle up by the First of February, and save further trouble. ‘ 650-4 GEO. LOGAN . Large Ranges of Lustres ISAAC FRENCH. Witness. Richmond Hill, Jan. 1, 1871. RUGS. CARPETS. BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONIS', Hollands. Counterpanes LACES OF ALL KINDS C HAPPED HANDS. DRESS GOODS ! FANCY WOOL GOODS PREPARED GLYCERINE ! Full Cloth 6 Canadian Tweeds No Person should be Without it FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! NEW FALL GOODS l For Sade at Ha Sanderson 6260115. Richmond Hill. , Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing Horses and Cattle. MILLE R’S DERBY OIL THE CENTRAL STORE: SCHOOL REQUISITES S HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TERM September 29. 1870, ALWAYS 0N HAND. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 0F MILLINERY DEPARTMENT 644-lf August 17. 1870 Particular Attention has been given f0 securing HOWEVER ROUGH 0R SORE’, In Hoods, Breakfast Shawls. etc. 8m. Wincey and a11woolShirting, Flannels, Blankets, r L A I D s A N D ' Prepared by Hats and Caps for the Million, The Central Store! DRESS GOODS ! In endless variety, a large Stock of FRESH GROCERJES ! DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. A COMPLETE STOCK Prints in Endless Varety I FRESH CUTS OR OLD SORES. LAT THIS SEASON 0! THE YEAR. In Coats, Pants, Vests. &c. Takes the lead of Ihe (own. HUGH MILLER, & Co.. 167 King Street East, Taronid. In all Prices and Colors, HARDWARE. CROCKERY, HUGH MILLER & CO. _ 167 King- St. East Toront 7. 1870 631- if SMOOTH AND SOFT. “Abe's. full supply of or AL]. xuwns, M- Tu HERALD BOOK SYORB. THE STOCK INCLUDE! DRESS GOODS ! MAKE! THE HANDS, MILLER’S Hosiery, Gloves, TABLE DAMASKS. LACE CURTAINS, MAY BE SEEN AT As uspAL THE Notice OF THE AND W. ATKINSON, Richmohd Hill 637 GROCERIES, HARDWARE, FANNING MILL! BEST FANNIHG MILL ! TWEEDS, IMPORTED GOODS POCKET 130sz LOWEST CASH PRICES. Stood the test of Competilz'on ! Whenever shown. and are pronounced by com- petent judges as being the And. having recently been Improved, the sub- scribers have every conï¬dence in its \ superior merit. Manufacturing a large number of the abave ,- Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS FIRE PROOF STORE ! VJILSONS’ IMPROVED Vinceyc, Shirtings, Fnrmers will consulttheir own interestifthey will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel conï¬dent they will be satisï¬ed our Machines are not surpaesed if equalled. COLLARS AND CUFFS BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY 1870. PROVINCIAL Exmnxuous & Conn" Funs, Richmond Hill, Sept. $22, [869. Richmond Hm, Aug. 27,1869. 5634: And having increased facilities for pra- paring theiumber. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the JUST RECEIVED I Kept Constantly on Hand 0! Every Description, including (RICHva HILL BRANCH) AT THE ’ snap won “on. LARGE LINES I-N' DOUBLE ACTION Manufactured ‘in Canada ,- THE LATEST snuzs, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. NEW FALL GOODS FLANNELS, THESE MILLS HAVE A SPLENDID ASSOR'I'MENT 0F Dress Goods, The aubcribers are now A LARGE ASBORTMENT 0!“ OF ALL KINDS AT THE AT ALL THE PROMPTLY. 550. die. &c. CANADIAN HERALD BOOK STORE. AT THE BLANKETS, A. & W. WILSON. Prints, Cottons, ISAAC CROS BY. FACTORIES (to. (60. (EC. 1870. THIS PUMP Is EASIEST Wonxuv,l\1051‘ Dimsd BLE AND NEATES’I‘ MADE IN THE DOMINION. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6, complete for cistern‘ not exceeding 8 feet. ' Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3 each. Won-digging done on tlm Shortest Notice. Address,stating depth of well, A P. PHILLIPS,‘ Farmers and Physiciansfrom the country wilF ï¬nd ourstock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuiueâ€"and oflhe best quality. Itis so constructed with the castings of tha‘ handle as to make it’nll tight lhe'refore pro- vemiug children from putting anything Into it, Or “they are not preferred to any ollrey pump‘ they may be’ returned, and the money will be‘ refunded. These Pumps are suitable to all depths from a cistern to a we]! 01'150 feet. They are not sa-liablo to get out of repair. being Double-valved. and the joints are all turne'd in a lathe. consequently there is no‘ Leakage at the joints which is invariably the case the common Log Pump made by hand. RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, Have removed to their new and commodious building on the corner of Yonge and Contra St. East, and would return their thanks to tha‘ public for past patronage. hoping to merita continuance of the same, They have greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on haud‘ a good assortment of Drugs. Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stuï¬â€˜s. Patent Medicines. and all other articles kept by Druggists generally. 333‘ Physicians Prescriptions carefully c'om- pouuded. and all urde)s_ attended to With care' and despatch. ' PliCB: $5 above pll'atl'ormA, and 40 Eents per foot below. August 9. 1870. 630-1y Rxcmwnn' HILL: 1. England. in Richmond Hi". intend holding a Bazaar some time in the ensuing spring for the sale of useful and fancy articles. The proceeds to be added to the church build-i ing fund. Contributions kindly oï¬â€˜ered by friends may be addressed to any of the under- menzioued ladies : .14 tween Newton Brook and Richmond Hill. a pair of otter gauntleis. The ï¬nder will receive the above reward on leaving them at the HERALD Booli Store, or with The Subscriber would respectfully announce hat he is prepamd to pm in MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS TABLE FOR. LADxEs’ WORKâ€"Mrs.Bamatd, Mrs. John Palmer, Sam, Miss Campbell, Miss Linfoot, Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Nicolls, Miss Pol- lock. Miss Littla, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Thos. Cook, Mrs. N. Playtex; and Mrs. Beestou. , This Pump on Trial for One .Month/ And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, As an apprentice in the above establishment?- an active lad about 16 years of age. REFRESHMENT TABLE â€" Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Hopper. Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs. Sedman. HE NEW CANADIAN NATIONAL Series of SchoolBooks. FaksTBooK,wilh 31 illustrations,stronghboun inl ‘mp dothâ€"5 cents. FIRSTEODK. (second mri) with 54illustralions. shonï¬y houud in limp clothâ€".10 cents. SECOND 3001:; with 56 illustrations. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"20 cents. ‘l'mnp Doozi, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards-«30 cents. FoumH BOOK, 45 illustrations.strongly bound. in cloth boardsâ€"4U cents. FIFTH BOOK, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in clollx boardsâ€" 50 cams. Commmon TO THE READERSâ€"~25 cents. For sale at the 1.1YMN AND PRAYER BOOKS HARNESS : 1’ HARNESS r? H‘- Richmond Hill. Nov. 25,1569. 6434f Richmond Hill. Dec. 2, 1870. 644â€"5m November 24, 1870. Authorised b'ytho Council of Public In- . struction for Ontario. TATIONERY $1:00 Reward. 0ST, AB_9UT TI_IE lam lN_S_T_., BEL-7 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 1.3 335.039.51.91“... PUMP: MAN? factured by P. Phillips, Richï¬mnd Hill. E LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF Made to Order, at SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE H. SANDERSON & SONS, HARNESS! 0F AIL KINDS AT THE PBOPRIETORS OF THE 0N HAND AND WM. HARRISON’S, . Richmond Hillé .RE MOVAL. FOR SALE AT THE REV. JNO. BREDIN, Newton Brook. Bazaar. HER ALI) BOOK “TORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE- HERALD BOOK STORE. 6-14 ~2m 593.