GLISH LIST OF NEWSPAPERS 1 Gold Wanted ! II I . I A . . , . r . I . . IN I SUBSCRIBE N O I S E L E S S M O VE M E N T, _ ‘ ...â€" E and Magazines supplied by Alex Scott, HOUSE FURNISHING ‘ <5 . ' m m ' . . II-E SUBSCRIBER HAVING PRAC- "You HERALD†Ofï¬ce, Rwhmm‘d 3â€" â€"â€" ‘ UREA 1‘ SPEED' \ I 'L" ' TIcAL experienceof ever 20 years in the 3'“ ESTABLISHMENT, L t H GREAT $ DOLLAR â€"" . u ‘ l . ANv PUBLICATION is THIS LIST MAILED T0 - we a ome' p A p E R , WHEELER 8‘ WILSON THE YORK HERALD ‘ ‘ WOOLEN MANUFACTURING Sussmmwm Pnommss- ' 83 Youge she in... above King sh meme. There is beaut all around v ... i . - ' 1‘ i I I ‘ ' I . » â€" P“. -’r- p, NOI ‘ _ When therclysilove at homeâ€" W E E K L Y TELEGAPHI , Busmess. havmg leased the Amggigggj-Round __II_I _ I I 33 (,0 25 H I R A 11! P I P E R There is joy in every sound When there’s love at home. ' T . _ is 33 LAWREhCE CARDING MILL. Athellicum...†33 Beg“) canmeauenï¬on (If the publictohis THE CHEAPEST READING. { l Artlzan...... . - . r.' ' . Peace and Plenty here abidel TH E B E S ’1‘ TV E E K L Y I And ï¬tted up the Machinery inI excellent or- 2lion-ale orgINgtui-al History . .. zigzagwhigcai$1338):de u nishlng Goods, ‘ Smiling sweet on ever side. I der, is prepared to o rgosy( 16 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . - r I Time doth softly, swit'tlyyglide, - A DOLLAR E A YE AR l‘ B O O K . Army '5 7° PLATED AND BRITTANNiA When therels love at homeI In IIIIS age of prowess Ihe peopIe demand _ CARDING, FULLIING, SHARING, Art Journal I. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . g 33 WEimethllIl SIOfUY7 S‘I’im)’ glides andbwill have \ I ‘ Pressing, Coloring. &c.. in 2:313:11)ng 2 (lo 17 METAL GOODS OF ALL KINDS e†l eleIS ove at lome’ . A Paper to suit the Times. ’ THE VERY BEST STYLE 1 Beau Mondo (Le) . . . ._. . . . . . . . 3 75 .33 I I. . In the cottage there is joy â€"â€" I AND [I U Belgravia [in‘cln. Christmas uuln] “AWARE, GALVANIZED mos. When there’s love at homeâ€" The Telegraph stands unrivalled amon st “ICES “S “A!†. Belltlel"s Miscellany' ‘ ' .' ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' A. Hate and envy ne’er annoy, ‘ its compeers, a3 evinced by its wonderful agnd JAS' COPELAM)‘ Bible Christian’s Magaznm- r ~ 1 '30 Sheet Iron and 00171997 ware I When therevs love at home, ever increasing Popularity. 11. ofl‘ers iliouce- 4 P. S.â€"All kindscl‘Woolen Machinery ï¬tted Bible Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 12 III AI I I f . I I . . .. - . r l - ' . . . . . . - Roses blossom 2Death our feet, "19"“? “Old Out by no othel medium of inielll- up in ï¬rst class order. Terms mocerate. Burgeon s sholt sermons _ 2 00 17 5° ‘1 alga “00 i 0 gence. its success is unprecedented for it is Boy’s Journal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 0 B P R I N T I N G “mm†“m' AP"“28’187â€' 6‘5“_ Boy’suwnMflgMiW-u-u-u-u: 200 17 TABLE CUTTLu-RY, SPOQNS,&c. All the earth’s a. garden sweet. Making life a bliss complete; THE BEST E WEEKLY 1 British Friend. ...... 2 on 17. When thereslovsatliome, ANCY GOODS BowBeli's...................... 2‘25 20 S . 1 It . . d. I d 'I. Love at home, love at home, PUBLISHED ix CANADA. ’ F Bow of j nglandIIIIII, _ :2 (it) Pec'a ’1 9mm“ ‘5 "6â€" l° “5 . Making life a bliss complete I. . . I. . I Iron SALE CHEAP AT THE Broadway. The. . . .. . . . .:. . . . 3 75 . 1 .‘ I I When there’s love at home. poï¬gnmgï¬egggï¬ï¬f' Niggiéamgnalallliletpï¬g ' ~ ‘ H’ERAID BOOK STORE Blackwo‘od (lildinburglied) . . . . . . . g ‘ 'L 0‘ mp '9 (Q 07‘ a n d e h 3’ '9 : Kinle heaven smiles above Well Selected Agricultural Matter. Reports ' ESTABLISHMENT' I . gullgeé’tirh: [price vurleSJ . I U i 3 75 333 “‘0 smak 0f “'thh is Very large. embracing Wh'en “191.018 10“. “110,118 . ot‘ the Legislatures. Religious intelligence, » I .. .- Bsp’s “2,3120%. iiéï¬gï¬g . . .... . . 2 00 17 a“ that Is New and CImsIeIand “I30 [he Piaim . 1 . . _ I , I . I. I ' - I - - ' ' ' ' ‘ I i I _ . - ' . All the ennh is iilled with We 1"C"'““‘g.‘*sf'!“““ ElI“.‘°I“"“‘ “WWW?†Money to Lend- case We Biographical Dictionary.. 2 no 17 est and cheapest. thus meetmgihe requne- ,I week (,lmllnllio' 1 uslilnn News. English, . . 2 00 1, mcllts of ll classes. When there s love at Ironic. Scotch and Ill-15h Rev†Foreign NM†It Is __ . â€"â€"-â€"â€" Cassell’s MSJgHZlHGI. . ..... . . . 2 25 20 sweeter Sll‘r‘rs the broom“ l" brill full 01 Slarklin and Exciti 1 Stories TO LEND FOR A TERM Chamber’s “mm ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ~__ . Brighter beams the azure Sky, and‘therni'y ailli Pioetliial Selections“.g ‘ ' I I of years, ,on a satisfactory Chamber’s EIlA‘lnologlcal Dictonary LAMP czzilfiskzsgyï¬lsélfglIRIN‘EYSI 0, there’s One who rules on high, I. ~ . , G . " Mortgage. Apply 10 Chess'flawr s MHgaZInIeI'I'I" ' 3 I1; '33 ' , . I MUSICAL SLLECTIONS . c I . Chess World.......... t I When there s love at l.omeâ€" I I I I_ . ALL KINDS 0!’ GEO. B. NICOL, Bari-lster. C] .ldI , “our _ I I I I I l 10 10 » I I Love at homeI love at home Every issue contains the 1V ords and Music of Gold Impala;I Pam-s Exposiu’om 1870; , R. h d H-n N I, or, 1869 1-93.†. “I. ‘.5“ sAd ' 'ï¬Ã©how 3 00 95 Lantei 728, Squared Globe Shape 1 . l O 1 . 1 n link a popular Ballad. or Sacred MuSlc Selection. > -, "3 “1011 | s 0 -~‘ - - - 0‘ (,hlIstIlali voca e In 0, here S no w to to es 0 I a , F 0 D I, I FYI _ I. 82 Compctzeors. Chum“ Consolen†II II , _ 1 10 10 I I When there’s love at h°me' MM"1N3 3113300“ luv“?o inaclesl0 _' ’ ‘ CliriStian Observer 5 75 .50 in greatvarielr. for oil orcandlos- W prlcsbcbfvvsoiirbscriptidn. "s a one Is “ on 1 'le F L L IN S T R U C T10 G R s. l ! Chrlglla“ Soc-lely' ' ' ' ° " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' g H P I S . 1 “I i l. I I I I â€"â€"-: chcsï¬an Slectntor . .. . . won a so _lrect pools. a on 101] Odds and Ends Mi‘l‘I‘I‘geo‘liiesnï¬lIz'I‘I‘Il‘f £00k, ll “0“ and S°ng EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. PLAIN AND COLORED CHEAPER THAN nvnn A’i‘ run Chlistian Wlitlicss ......... .. . . .. 5 00 19 to the stock of ' i 1- I . ~“ Christian World Magazine ....... ‘ Oil 11 BE true to God and yourself, Rild You A SPlcnd'd belecu‘m 0f Books for Tlm'll' ‘ ‘I‘EsTIMUNlALS- HERALD BOOK STORE Christian Work 2 90 ROCK AND MACHINERY OIL ll will be true to all mankind. subscrg’er; S MR- CbCHAglItMNiI I d b I II - d b I ' ‘ ...â€"..m.‘ 'I _.___I _._._ Churchman Mzgazlnt" '1 he , I I - - I A S 5 nuzer ewin Machine for Fort' 951‘ '1‘" "t 98“ 1“ ("me 3' "1' Ch. of Englall Temperanuzag- WHiCH WILL BE 1‘“.an TRE‘lT 30‘" enemles as If .thiy would Subs'ribors. g ) terested parties’ that the Wheeler do Wilson . MONEY TO LENDI Chumh of [he peopyeI I I I II I 1 m )0 some “me “The†be 3'0“ f"‘e““°" A $32 Wauzer Sewin Machine for Sixt' Swim? M“°“““° W†“0‘ 1° N demde‘l “P0â€, P R I N T I N G _. Church Choirmaslei‘ and Orzmiist- 1'10 1" BOTH GOOD AND i:ill~:Ar. Sir George Hoyter, the eminent portrait. subscribe],q g 5 which for a time induced me to deter purchasing I ONEY To LEND ON (ODD F UH“ Church Missionary liltolllgoiicer . . 2 00 17 A painter, died recently in England at the H - ’ 0"9- Am" 3'0"†descrlpllon 0f "ald m‘Cl‘lnf’S- ; - . - S t 1] p f u Church Work........... 1 10 l9 A150 ace of '78. FORM YOUR CLUBS FOR 1871. I purchased one, and Mrs. Fawcett, who is well . “ecumi’m “ms 0 5m app loan 5' (Churchmau’s ()Olllpalllon- -- - - -- - 2 75 . l' - - l 5T1 R H ~ M 1 ‘11 f h Single ccliv for one year, to any address. $1 00 acquainted. with 01".“ mtchius- States that after APP]? to » Churchmaii’s Family M"i:azliie-- 3 50 33 Rummy Fluid: Alcohol: 1mm“: (“i M 10 I 9V- emy e V1 $9, 0}“3 0 l» e S b I. , '_ _ a year’s trial in various liiilds of work, she can _ DUGGAN &. MEYERS, ch,“ Engineerand Archimctlsyom 7 50 65 Chaplains to the Queen, died In London I “ ff’d‘iï¬â€˜ms 88‘“ m now 903"“ ml the “1d conï¬dently recommend it as a useful family I EXECUTED WITH PROMPTITUTE. Attorneys, Court St. COIWEKI'CIIMCI‘ ChronicleIIIIIII 2 75 ,7 CHILDRENeS CABRIAGES 1 on ’lhursday. OOIJB'D- II O‘Ilrlegle‘ng'otjllIh-Z bul’scnplg" I‘m sewing machine. and as all that you stated it to To‘ronloI Am“ [I 18ch 55T3m Conmnpomry Review . . . .. 9'00 80 King Amadeus grows ill popularity. He Algzms 1.6:; '0", homing; iflgfnindmlhe (HE’S: be' M' FAWCL'] T‘. . V ' _ Cornllill Magazine. . . . . ..... .... 3 50 33 And Perambululors manufactured. Wholesale does not trouble himself much about the and W'eolrlv Tole rnpll A live'rul cash com}. [Vcslflyan Mlmsmi‘ r , , Cllllm's (Tlm) M0 Journal ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3 00 do ' flHd Retail- aï¬-all's 0f smto- mission to Callvagsors ‘ Markham Maid] ‘Sth’ 18m' I "_“â€" IMPORTANT r0 1 PARTIES USING Dav of Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (10 I7 I I I t . _ _ MACHINERY. Dublin University Magazme - - - ' ‘ ' 9 00 80 S T 0 V E S I HUMANIEMUYC IS SO constituted that THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. $5 A YEAR_ MR. C. CHAPMAN, - ~I â€" East Anglian . .. ... - i . . - - .- n l - - t 3 25 30 see and Juldge better we afl‘au‘s Of Other Add ill 1 t l i W Dam Sillâ€"“rehaveused the Wheemrsz _ srocii’s iixrnA MAcniNE om. Eccloolat'lc and 'l'heologialh- -- 3 75 33 Cooking Stoves Parlor Slovcs Box Stoves men than tleip own, ' ress a [C tors, pus -pai: , - ‘ilson Sewing Machine about nine rears, and Y ’ , _ ll‘ccle-iu‘oois‘ (alt mm). . 5 75 33 ,’ . "»‘ , ' I .“ " . . . . . I 5 In" ' I "' . I. t‘ . (1‘ - Her Mnjesiy we regret to say, suffers from ltOBlilt’l‘SON 61. COOK, during that time it has cost nothing for repairs THE HERALD This o'll excells all others for Lubricating Eclectic A's CongregationalRenew 3 75 as 333;"flail:8.5,};231‘3lï¬lfg’l;r;n 92.2%,?†occasionul‘ attacks of neuramia OI- a some_ Publishers and Proprietors, ' W0 59W I‘M"? “med “1011‘ “’“l' Coarse “"9" . purposes, both animal and Vegetable. Edinburgh \lodiculA‘L Surgical Jour 7 51) 6:) I†’ l l “ ‘ g ' ' I - It - ‘3- 'l't‘RON't‘D. ONT. llll'fmi Sll‘01‘i_.“'(‘_r “Ila†can. be do"? by llï¬lldi We are prepared to h ave the 10‘ rits 01‘ this English Presbyterian Messenger. . . l 10 10 .I _, I what painful descnption. . , ,. 1 . , - I , . . _ . . l. . .- Re ails of all Mods prom )llIi/ executed. , I J. Ross ROBERTSON- “h'le all ï¬â€˜WIh-lc “"9 0†1'3"} fabllcs Elves “‘5 & all tested against all OllS now being used on lljunlish Mechanic . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 25 3†P 1 After the marriage ceremony the princess JAMES B. COAKI 612.6 best satisfaction. We can \vltll conï¬dence re- ' machineryâ€"both light or heavy; ti‘om ii clock Ell:lisliln‘ail’s (The) Magi. .ine. . . . 3 75 33 ,I ,I l d, I, I I . I. I . I I and we Mmqms of Lorne will Proceed by “°’““?°“d [he Wheels]: aim Vv'lson sewmg ‘ 0r SGWlHE machine-- ‘0 Ill? lleï¬VlOFt 01‘ Simm- ll}lldlish-voiliuli’s Domestic Mag . . 3 75 33 h ii. Illâ€"ten in: .m‘Lerl a'cdm‘liol‘ v ‘of 'lmpec road to Claremont House, Eslier. , . I IllazhliioaS [he be“ {0" iflm'lD‘I‘lIsec , I boat shafts, _ . . » Enfmmmgm I I _ I _ _ I I I I I _ I I I I I I I 2 (1,0 ,7 iioolstoc ., as it will c louil woii ly o inspec- .SPEAKI that I may see “we,†said SDI THE DIORNING PAPERS Cedar Grove M chslgbiléilglo REESOR. â€"â€"- The following: are the points in which it ox- limomnlngisqs Il‘ilouthly Magnzma 21:0 1; . crates to a. fair boy. We know metals by or TORONTO . ' ar ___,' I . i . ’ “all: :IIIIIIOEIIL:“;;::‘ hence mMIIIH can I0 {ivanb’r‘lI'IMlIE$;‘;Sl;:':0m ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' " ' h. Toronto, Febl-llarr 7. 1868. 493 '. ' .- -. ~_- I, i : “I I . I I ‘ i""’ ‘ «AgnIi’rolca ii ........... ._ the“ unl‘lmgt and me†by the“ tall‘lna’ I I REFEREA‘JES I I GONSTANTLY 0N HAND kept clean WlLll bilt llitio tro‘nblo,and it \\'lll “:31... Hall I I I I . . . . 3 7:) 33 Wr'â€"â€"â€"--~~r~ A r r '* W‘W'" 7‘“ u How old a“, you 277 asked a railroad TelegraphI Elndly‘ï¬ermlttedhtlo: CllIlrsIIIJ'alnos thitIoil, Jam, 0 clean machinery that has been guulniwd lil- Family Friend . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 9 00 17 0NCERTIVAS I I . conductor of a little girl whom her mother Globe, WIT, lililnsoIn. VF. 14m \eh lilIlSS AI mom lllrIs. - other mlsI u WI†not Gong“ 0,. “mm†H, FIIIIIHV Treasury. . ...... . . . ‘2 (IO 17 C 1 , , was twin to pass. on a half ticket u I Leader "! laIm 3" mild '53 “$98 - “'5 “x 31's ‘1 the coldest of weatherâ€"this is ii qualii‘i of lllt,‘ l? mil} Hermit. , _, _ . . . . . . . ...... 2 (if) 17 I II I I am niae it home but in the cars I am ’ MIl'S- Simdersmll MIS- JOS- K9319â€. MTS' D~ “6158. A LARGE STOCK 03" highest importance, from the fact lllï¬l an oil l-‘fnvmgr’s' Maurizine. . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 50 65 “"H SELF 'SNS'RVHOM AT Ti“a only six and a huff-y - Salli?“ had 3‘ he POSl‘OfliCGl f0" 10 CENTS »MISS “911W 1‘0"â€. not having this quaiill' will not lubricziie a cold l-‘lornl lllawazigiieu .. . - i e - - - - i - - - 9 5†8“ MFR/11D BOOK STorm. V 1‘7 " i . -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" shaft. such an oil may be applied in a heated If] r l \Volld ..~ >0 - - - - - - 9 "0 17 i A ' The Countess Percy gave birth to '1 son Anplvto HEINTZMAN ,g, GOMPA 1V n ' ‘ . . ‘ - 1 Hr.“ ' ' ' ' ' ' '~' ‘ wr ‘ â€" ~- 7â€"mâ€" L i I . I I l l S , I state . but the moment it touches a cold shaft 11",51‘].‘lfll]d Pomologlst . . . . . . . .3 l.) 3.3 on Saturday JIanI 2].“I m Londom an event Np TEEFYI CIILIIIIIIATED Fa‘ncy GOOdS’ Jevvelry9 it is congealed, and it will not begin to lubricate Pi, its: (Lo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 5 75 5.0 P t t E _t I Xlllcll lipsP given IgloyA toI the illustrious Richmond Hill. P I A N O F O E S I “1â€â€ ll“? l9“““‘lv.l"‘ “'lClltml altqlli‘l‘“ “W li‘ortniglltlv Review (mo).. . . .. . . 7 5'.) 65 a 5n ave Ioug 1 ouses 0 ei‘cy an rgy e. The infant May 14, 1889. 564-11 7- i I temperature necessary to reduce it, to n liquid Fragor’s Magaxiue . . .... . . . . 9 50 8h . son is the only one of his HouseI that has ' ' PERIODICALS. state. JlIl acquiring a higher temperature by F'~9:q])asoll’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . 2 01) 17 NBINZ§EF£§§£IRIE§£9RIEEE‘££‘ been born Lord Warkworth. ‘ . r I. _ ‘ friction. tie journal expands. and the box is ill~ F,‘ ..I d I I I I , I , . . . . . .. . . . . - - - - 2 00 l7 . ' ‘ I 'I ‘ ' ‘ ' n l. . him... ...... LIBRARY ASSOCIATION» ellBill:S‘Tl‘éeéiisolï¬eilfié 2:11; :..‘“.‘.‘.ll§ i n .............. - ------- ~ n is:rials.llis‘iii::ilru:.iits" 5 . ‘ I l . ~ i * . I - i i I II.. I . I i I- , ‘1‘ . .' :i .S... res the youngest apprentice what his rule Of RICHMOND HILL featured by the best workmen, under the super- MISCELLANEOUS (9; STANDARD fglzllï¬gfli; couilld xxx“ llé'foc‘ï¬zgllï¬ lIfIII'IsI (95"? “lasing: {lifesmon ' ' ' ' ' ' 3 Waggon Felloes. and linglber SoWed'lo order. _ ’ . I I I ‘ - I lï¬xnnlls gt ....-.--.-- V I ._ punctuation was. ‘I set up as long as I .. I lel‘fje‘me oiIMrj Hemlszn' “I.†has hat.) “P I I lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it ,(zenioricnl Magazine . . . .... . . . . . 5 75 5t) 1' or particulnrs address 0 , h Id 1) H t] I - I I HIS ASSOCIA IION HAS TRANS- Waids of Unity years expellence in the busmess. . . I . . . 10 LI II. I I II II can 9 my ran. 1, ion putIll a comma. , ,BIIIIed “I6†Libmlfl, “I HI B II A“ inshume‘ms are ï¬lm-qth with me ArI '5 31â€)“de ll '5 “0W “58d “1 0V9? 1W0 hundt‘Od Geological as but. Hist. ztoportcly. 0 15 07 JOHN LANGSTA FFI when I gape, 1 insert a semicolon 5 and S n, I , ,S H 5! I°I 8 “ML†00‘ E A I I I d. . . df I . a. . BOOKS .GSlAbll-Sllmflnts, and all units ill sayiugthepr's- Good S‘Drips I I _ I I I , , . . . ......... 1 10 10 Sr in.†T, I I. when I want a chew of tobacco I may t. 1e. W1018 toc. pol-r enund others may gla Io Hal, um um lstlnguls le ortIClrItIinging far i, III Reï¬ned SIIeIImI OII IIIII‘I’ “ï¬ve (II, I It is (I d “I III‘ I I I I I I 1 75 I7 cam i l s, will llll l ‘0 a di‘ocul'e Books every I1 man afternoon (lualtyl Volume. and horny of tone. rlastlc. even . - - . - ‘ ’00 a“ h ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Tllol’nll'll N 3 1869 '10 f ’ Paragraph 7‘ ' A SCOTT fibrin-hm touch. durabiliiv of construction and beautv ol ' ’ free {mm all] ('blem'mlsmï¬ed 3281"!“ a†0m†Good Wolds for the Young -----' 1 75 17 I ' ov' ’ ' ' a "i n , l . I , l _ i . - ' ' . . . . III ' I ‘I VERSAILLES, Feb. 20.-â€"â€"Tlle payment of I illllsll. . Albums 563001300753 011’" “116mm gm“? Ul “SMOS- Gospel lilav.lhi‘neI.......i‘. . I ten millions of the twelve minions francs Piano Covers (Rubber) and Music Stools in Bibles Now, astlle Dublic are aware that mnny Herald and (no olgl"l-l(a - m n ) J - T “ VI. immsed upon the department; of Oise have T H E “ W E E K L Y GL 0 B E H great variety. Testaments worthless things are posed into notoriety, in Holnilist . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . d . temperance Jorks. , g I ' ’ der to rave t‘lfll. this is no llumbu .und at llorologica ourlin . . . . . . . . . . . . .. been deferred. Similar concessmns by the H or p ' g‘ ‘1' ' 3 75 "1'3 ‘ " s . . . P ,. ; mn Books I the same time to secure ourselves against the l'luslrutcd London 1% ogazme . . . . . _ .. 00h 3:; mannzfgq 201230,.ted1flsgfherï¬. Ant eX_ 1 8 / 1 . A FULL ASSORI"â€1NT 0F Toy Books, . 3 Prayer Books operations of unscrupulous oil agents, ; many intellectual (glhsezver . . E1“. . - g (If; L ,_ ng, ms n is m {c p ace :1 an ‘ I ' 1 l l . ofwhoni will not hesitate to palm oil" the mom Illtolloctns epn-‘llorl' “9" I " ‘ If you want oet the publications of early day. Paris is lllet. TEL GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY & Concertinas offal of oil reï¬neries. as b ' iuent' . l .i'tl Journal of Agricullule. . . . .. 3 72') 33 1] s’ .- ' “)5: .- ~ ~ i . PAIIIS Feb 19 ~(.II.heI_e .S 0 d th. . i From m FII b]. I I I f .lVeedle Shell Cases Stocks extra machine oil :evliilagprcposdptao Journal oftllo Chemical Society . . 3 75 33 1e COITISH {LMH'RMCL LEAGUE“ for sallgg lll‘lt Germ'iy’s lï¬liglo Ozllfllgtgltli tG'ratlef'vny Mk"leeldl‘le f'he Slllpmt :Xtalnd-yed e n a Is )me“ 8 0 Shell Boxes who are largely~ interested in the truth of those Journal of Practical Medicine . . . - - 3 7:5 33 HERE ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' severe ll} 1 l' ls ' i. 1 v n a - v ' . ' 1 - r . ornament... .l he... ... this... ... Shel: It S Re DAWN: Wellness Vases ‘° ‘° °i :3: ' I ' I ' ‘ l' l ‘ 7 - s _ l. . . . . . . . n . ... e ' o « I I afpcÂ¥ltliom liltil‘l‘aine,dW1]th]t,flIe fortresses year. I 'l‘weiithy-Iseven yifaaIi's huge rolledTby AND OTHER CELEBRATED MAKERS. Work Bayes sampr :t‘lligssdil llll‘flc?:‘;'i:: $35.}: EILaifféli-l I gill)“. Cab-mm of [sash-lam I I I I I I 3 75 33 1} FUTIL Soierpvf thlose lnIltIil'flln‘igl 0 mm" 6) €er 3" 3e Ol'tl dull the Since!†35‘“ lS‘memo ‘3“ LOB“ l†0' â€" duets we vsill with the sam ile furnish illilichll ’ I A" A’ ‘ ' 3 "5 33 am we 4v“ 6“ OHS' W "01 w“ , I . I _ I ’ . lS Lamas (,ompanlon...... . . . . . .. 't" . .Q I“ I PyyfIrIient Off in “Shimmy 0f £I280,000,900 {ItalyIIETTEIIIfIgsi TUNING AND REPAIRING ATTENDED To. Ladies’ Companions rl-eeInr charge. with a iew eimpleiesliis as ef- llad'lcs’ Gazette. of Fashion....... 33:; 33 be “Wed 0? “a LOW Rate. B el 1115. I I Be .ClmaDSI continue to im- aIwa'vs “EVII'IIC‘IIW _ hm “I no time IIIIS‘ II Tin Toys Peak“ Books fectlve. as those tests by which Gold is known Ladies†Tron-“WY - a - ~ - - - '-- {I 7’ 2†.. CATALOGâ€E on appï¬caï¬on any†pose reqmsmons m the “army of Pans. “whenâ€, held :0. ï¬rmly .or so satisfaliom; The above instruments are a“ {any warraMedI Toy Watches from the base metals. and which will enable Leisure Hour“ . . . .. . . . . . . . . 5 2) ll ~-,Advertising is the source of much Proï¬t. llm position universally co’llceded to it ‘as the. and sow a‘ '"nnufacmmr’s prizes‘ Pmifem “‘15- P 7 C l Partle's'ordomm in secure themse‘ves againS: Damn!“ "f’ur'nal' I I I I ' . ' . i I I ' I . I 3 ’it) I" ' HERALD BOOK STORE A profound philosopher has said. M The leading "ewampar of British A‘meï¬ca ' faction guaradteed ill every case. Circulars post ac cetH “It :7? h Imposminhlby eIiIiabllngr themd tip determiple at {401131111 Sogileti‘: . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ;5 - I . '. _ . ’ ' ' ï¬-eeI - r . atr ms es once. w lellel'l e oi 'orwalj e is as goo as .on on an arts as ions... . .. . . ._ “r ' I -‘~ farmer plants lIJlSIISeed,‘ and While be 13 sleep- '1 he improvements recently made on THE â€"â€" Clothes Brushes Tooth Brushes sample. All parties interested in the lubicat- Mechanictan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 80 _ For Sale mg the corn ls-agrowmg. So w1th adver. WELKLY GLOBE have immensely extended its , , . . I , ,. I - ‘1 d 1, f . ..I .- v . -. . i r l W 3 75 33 ' tisincr --“'While‘! on we 1 ' l ‘ o utaritv and circulation - and the lnblisl ers LAMB S FAMILI KNI17ING MACHIAE: ‘ Nail Brushes ml 0' "a 6’ '3 0'8 pun]ng Blwwbe'e “'1' memca ‘ 'mir' ' ' "" ' ’" ' ' ' i ' ' . â€"-â€"â€"-â€" yourcadwlï¬semyem Isl 13:993an (1011) Edging, Eoï¬ï¬denay claiIn Ihat it lis not OIIIlehe "10% GAIL AND SEE Shaving Brush do well to communicate With Merly and Wise . .. . . . . . . é IRST CLASS FARMq AVD ? ‘ inc rea y on. I I I ' I . , I II t 4 IT. ' es i GI B_ sTocK Methodist Magazine . .. . . .... . . :l .. F - ...A J. . Sinds Of persons who never saw 0,. hearId mileképiï¬cglated Journal in British Amellca, I C CHAPMAN AGENT Razors - I Agent for ï¬lm DOIIIIIIIOIII Myssing Link Magazmo . . . . . . IWIID LAATDS ï¬ctygéieinbfigsiggssé rpayer would, had it The Low est June 15’ 1870. 'Mmkha'mI Wam Dolls Razor Straps I Brougham, Ontario. 375 3:3 4 l _ l 1 13%- 9 i - China Dolls H. Sanderson so Solis Agent, Richmond Hill. “n†-‘ , "".";‘li;l;;c;;,;,;;. 2‘00 13, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS or PAYMENT. BORDEAUX, Feb. 19.â€"-In the National ‘ The Handsome“, . Dressing Combs ~ M‘miml‘jli'd ' our“ 0 1 0 ~0 “6. ' Assembly to-da’y Thiers delivered a speech The most carefully conducted and the LLUSTRATED PAPERS - C. C ‘ " “ MWâ€. “""9 ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ “ ‘ ' ‘ ' D . . . . . . . . , ‘ - bs Natul'allsl.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 ll) - Vinâ€"F arm of 133 acres situated in the in his capaCitv of Chief Executive of the I ' -’ ' would? 0m ' " ' ' ' l 0 ' ’ f i ‘ I v .I . I HF P T WEEK 1 l I . I I 1 New Monthly Magaznio . . . . . . . . . 3 (l 1 1:) Township of Vaughan. on You're Stloet about FIGDCh RelJIIPlLC- .‘IIe dwell: upon the dis. 0 4A ES LY PAPER ‘ Including the Canadian illustrated NoWs.Har- sets JefBJelqegg/s †007mm“ New Mon. Mag. for S. S. Teachers 1 ‘25 13 12 miles north of Toronto. on (which tliere is tress and suflcrmg which had been caused ON THIS CONTINENT. lier’s 'v'lleekly, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated, and mac , Once a Week . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3 25 3†a eonlmodiousllouse, born. 2 stables,slleds, an Elly)3:611:23;giggigigfigggzn iIrITvasiOIri, pud I Ihlurini the coImmg yam.___which is most The Chimney Corner. at the Herald Book Store. Ear Rugs Tl t Stir (Ilwanlt‘il'e Side . . . . . . . . . _. . . .. g giillllllll‘itigzbnl;t3lil} 235:; ‘p‘iInc and hardwoodtim- " ' - eve? etSS ' 't " 't ‘t st‘ ~ . ea ses ' ' es. agazuio............-u v ' ’1 '. . , Thiers said the terms of peace would be clilienlr divoil‘tlsilafigcilnlgflit:poliliggliiiiddllyleiiiil . Gold Pens ‘ ' Portfolios J H SANDERSON - l’l‘lgllllnlaceullcï¬l Journal. . . . . . . . . . 3 75 33 Farm lll’llle Township of Adelaide. fronting I courageously discussed with the Prussia“ interests of the Dominionâ€"the Editorial and W MILLICHAMP I G MIDI t d P h [d i . ' ’ Philosonhical Magazine ... . . 9 50 80 on the Egremolit Gravel Road, 01"200 acres, and wbuld only be accepted if consistent: News “apartments will continue to be sus_ I I ' ’ o a 6 en 0 en. . E TERINARY SURGEON GRAI I’honograpliic Reporter. . . . . 0 75 08 70 acres Clenl’edIleld free from stumps; on the With the honor of France. The task of the l‘lliod with the ability and vigor that have LI‘ECTRO AND CLOSE SILVER PLATER I Gold Plated Penal cases V duate of Toronto Vetorinarv ’Collc e Phomgrapmqkomans ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' l) 50 80 mammals “wile IS a 300d house’ ban" mabie' administration is to pacify and morgnize gained for the paper its present position. A I add Chums Corner of Yonge and Centre St. East. Ridll-L P0“ Ofï¬ce Dweth ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 7g .33 &c' I. 1 wire I†8‘ St‘F'“¥~’IcI'°*°“I’° the 1’9956' and labor. When this is accomolished the reliable summary of tho chntesin the Doâ€" Shirt Studs Sleeve [Jinks mond Hill begs to announce to the lrblicillai Pwmymok'†.‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' . 7 :33 a Swing cwe.‘ “ms Sam‘s “9 ‘9" “1° “‘1' . . . . .'.I I- ; million parliament and we Provin vfll‘LM- I _ W i - ’ ‘ . ~ - l ' Practical Meclianlcs’ Journal .. . .. .3 75 .l3 cleaied part is well tlmbered With hardwood, Counlly Itself \vlll deCIde its destinies. The I I. I I . . c' 15‘s a . at" 0010? Pam†(£7 BWShes he Is now pmcmmg mm H' SANI’KRSON' 0f ' I ' ' M tl odist "i’la aziuo 2 00 17 situated about 3 miles 1min Kerwood Station Assemb, subse me It] ado t d . I II lures nil] a ways be found in its woelilyool- 0 I the same place, wherethev may be crinsumn Primitive , e i . i g .. . I I ‘ II “I I I I I y q .1 y P e I a pmposal ,S. and H, ,e . . . ra one II I ~ . g - 1c I‘lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . l '75 15 and 7 miles tlom bilathlm. I d b I th G I I _uml . e I us flom all pails of the ed pelhonan‘ m. by [one]. on a†dlseaces 0 Prophet I gained)â€: deoveInrrientPto Isepd a fommis- world will he published up to the latest 1mm. of Transparent Slates Horses Came &c a - pulpit Analyst . . . . . . . 3 L Soulll‘) llalvlos offloï¬ Imam? and 13. let I It my les 0 ans 0 ac as in_ )uhiimï¬on. TM u - I ‘ I ' I i I I I 7 “Wm. The __',....,..,_.;..... .. ‘on. ' ownsnp o osa. acres. situate termcdlary between the negotiators and the I ' AGRICUI "[‘UR u DFP ARTMEVT P “la 13106,.“ T Mirrors “1381;311:113SF33vFTKIPP‘SCKIPTWN’W ll???“ gomomllrancier. . .. . . . . .. .... . . . . l 10 10, about 1; miles from Newbury. where cordwo'sd Assembly. M. 'Thiers pro osed that 4,1] . ' ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ 1 WWW? 0]" - - 5-5 °.' '1“ ' 5"“ “2 ‘WC' Re .noldis Miscellany . .... .. 2 00 17 brings a good pricemnd it is well timbored with _ _ I p I e T, l I I II I . . . 1 Diureiic. Cordial. I‘onlc Con h Condition 3 - Assembly suspend Its Sittlnvs dunno the ne mt his Ewe“ 5.1†' "mve'sa Sal'sï¬mlm“ “"5 can" d w B ’ g ’ Robinhood . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2 00 l7 haldwood. I . . , . II , 21 Ci ‘ semi-and that is acknowledged by va.yfflr. ' ‘ I; k (v b a“ 0â€â€œ ans al‘d P°Wd8r5~ Th" cough i-M or ' e for Bo 's . 2 00 17 Also farms and wildsin vario sothercount' . gotiations. I‘lneis, Board and Favre 1 ft . . - - . . 00 5‘ 10m ‘ B Ils ll h f - i - Routledgo S aaazm ) u , I )1 I" . . . 1 e mel to be alone worth the subscription prlcs ot - 8' ave 88" Olmd most serv'ceab‘e “1 i ’ 1 ' 3 75 33 A 1'0“) ' I‘m†1'6 3“ t for Paris this morning. ._ ,- ~ - - 4‘6. ("0. 4'6. Sheet Musw elleyiatin mall ' of the distressin s v - 8' James I“ fgazme' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Pp 3 5 ’ p p ) o the papal thll be maintained in 187l will] g 3 g lml) - l 2 0 W ungimiuished imeresl and.†slip more em. .. ' ' toms 0f Brokehwind or Heaves iii Herses §C'e“.“ï¬ccnmf3w {i},',l‘,1°li'.', ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 (2’5 J‘ N' “I‘AKE' DO You! cicnt staff of editors and correspondents than C h 00m.“ Dmugllls' l‘inimems for sore Throat“ beams}: {Oliï¬l‘ï¬iilVlanaville i I . . I I i 3 75 353 ' Bum-15m. ‘6' ~ before. Several ' NO. 80 Queen Street West Smams’ Cm'b- Spavm- king’me 516‘ Bust Sharpe sdï¬ll’lll U ' 18†A I ... “I 2 PO 1 1" No.64 Chumh St' opposne St. James, came' name 0 I I I I. . , NEW AND FXCITIVG TALFS †’ ' Cunll'l, Bow Bgllg, Josh Billingn’, orlng Ointmellts, also Hoof and Healing Oint- Sl‘m'lhan ‘1 39‘)“; - ' ' ' “ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' 2 60 I; dral, Toronto. , u A dpe p e Iiayc 0n yto le onIthelr packs 4 L I I l TORONTO, ONTARIOI .nd Cmmdign molits. Lotions for wounds, Bruises, Saddle SI'xl’em‘yI‘ agaIzm " ' ' †' ' n ~5 33 ()clcbpr 27 1861) 583.†’1 “PC†“6" mouths as Wide as they From the reusof popular authors. wxli appear . . . Gulls. Ilifallible Oil and Sheen Tick Des- 509W“ Ln“? ‘ ’ ' All l d f (I d I may, during the Year. No expense will be spared Knh Billion: Spigï¬zgijarzm Ingltssdglomlgng I troYer. ‘ Spirtualléagszlne. . . . .. . . . . . . . . 3 - ' And Apricots. nectarines caches b sacks “1 Securing the very latest intelligence by . r " i "- ' ’ ‘ " "' c" ’ V All orders fromadistance ron tl l 11 d d Small-V M er 1 Fan into them quite in’ {he regdhg wa 1 means of Special Telegraph despmchegI Mar, Silver Plated in the best Style warranted to FOR 1871. I “L and medicine: gem“) any, page? ï¬llgiri Sunday School ’1 eachers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 17 POJ‘TTICAL WORKS For peaches and “p1.icots_p1umSI perhagé , ket Reports. Prices current. and General Com- wagisixwlllzlllliggzggroa- Show C so! Not I vince. Sunday Magmme‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ " ‘ ' " ' ’ ' g 0,. TM “Fun,†Poms n. n". It may be usual 11mm. to do I ' mercial Intelligence from all partsofthe world, Sash Bar for Store fronts &c '3 ’ ’ , Horses examined as to soundness, also Sunday at 0mâ€: - " ' " ' ' ' ’ . ‘ ’ ‘ . l . ~ . -- ' - . l -. â€"*â€"- .. 5 . why should they lam his iazyfoiis’ 3:113:32".ltiéilll‘éliiil‘i?ll‘2§{.i.£23’¥ newsman... ensure? . boner-Him" Emulator“ 330 t? . lads? ‘I I In 10 I w I Richhlond r10 t I. ....u...u..o-.. I highest slate of oflicmncy. Toronto. April 7. 18; 0. 619.†‘ I ' " Technologist. . . . . . . . . - - - - . - - . - . . 3 75 33 WW . I donit see Why. Do you ? ‘ NoIWIIUsIflnding the great enlargement and _ D I A R I E S Temple Bar . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . .. . - g For Sale ’7‘ i - r v ‘ V ‘ s I ‘ ‘ I l l, o n I I I I ' 1 ' lei me.L may. in... labored the whole of :yciygggnggggï¬gggg llgigggsgggfggtgy,Iggy: I ' i it it lllflfseieive'“éii‘&°.nee. . . .. 3 55 ~â€" AI tIeIIr lives I Iiuue II; be only ' RIN'I ING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . r o n , l . 7 l ‘ Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . . .. . 3 75 33 LIGHT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGON, H ( . as f tlslcel tam tpo maIny must 1) I _ TWO DOLI ARS PFR ANNUM executed at the Herald Ofï¬ce. I - Trulhseeker . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 10 . with pole and shafts; strong and hourly .ieraiinII or tiellplstnrvlilng cahilgl-enand Wives I) I HG «I SI :Idvn . id“ Fl" , I v I Union Review [alltï¬ month}. . .... 3 75 60 now. Also a sulky. m y mm I mug 1,, e ut a must! .avnl . way‘ u liceâ€"an is o owmg FCENTLY ADDED A No 2 ' United Methodist roe Church Mag 200 17 ' A ].mI Analthat crust ls almost as rare as a peach Wlll be the I I I R J Card Press to tha Elem“ boogongygg DA! .00ng I _ United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . 1 25 13 pp) DI EI BLAKE T :1 0 some pom. sh_uggleIIS__aIId not a few! I ‘(IJLUB learns FOR 1871 , PrImIna EéIabIIehmem I_ 3;; U W Veterinarian. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 50 11.0.7155“ Why shouldn’t there be a. share for each ? A (dub or l‘IlVO Copies. one year . . . . .$ 9 0 D ' - . JOURNALS ‘ . ' ‘ Vlcw‘la Magazme ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' 3 75 l 33 A "114 1871) 613 1' .I donlt see Why. DO you .3 I Do 'I on do , I I I I 17 00 N NEATNESS THE HERALD PRINT l .. THOMAS SEDMAN, VVatchwm-d . . . ... . . . ... ... . . . . . , 1 10 10 pl! , l -t ".1 l . Do Twenty do . . . . . 32 ï¬t) is without a rival " ' r “ I lARRIAGE N I we“ End Galena 6f Fasmons' ‘ ' I 3 75 33 J, 0,. kennel d m gutters and reared in jail, Do 'I‘llirty do . .. . . 45 (it) i A' . LEDGZRS (J . A D WAGON MAKER: World of Fashion .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 75 33 ICEiS PULIPS W {ind left by us all in the slime, And each additional copy over thirty, at One , ’ Ul‘dfllakerl &c- . young Englishwoman .‘. ..... . 2 00 17 B ' " “71th hunger S pm,nptings__if other fail_ Dollar and Fifty Cents NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS, QUICKNESS ’ Knsmicnomâ€"Nearlyoppositethe Post Ofï¬ce Young Apprentice. . . . . . . . . . 2 00 17 [on “n B, To drive them to Sin and crime, *3} LARGE l’nIZl-ls are given to parties who three characteristics of the Herald Ofï¬ce. ,AP.R BOOK RlCh‘WJHd Hill- Young Ladies Journal. . . . I . . . . . . 3 25 30 - If the children of ignorance, poverty vice, got up clubs, a list of which will be sent to any i e . a I ___II Young Englishman’s:lgagatlne. . . . J- BRILLINGER, 4‘ The one course we have them msue one who will apply for it by letter or personaâ€;v . B T ‘ YOW‘E MD“ 0 3"†mam - ' ' ' ‘- Richmr'd Hill 7' . They’re punished by pitiless statutlds pheéise at the ofï¬ce. Any one is at liberty to get up a THEM 3%,“, fiiggggg INKS AB! To Controversmhsts. Zorlogist... . . . . . .. . . .. . . 3 75 33 Richmond HillJuno 11. ’68. .5 7-tf I . ‘ ' . I done, see why_ Do you 7 Club on his own responsibility: and those (19- 0! Every line “(I Doroription. __ I I sillng to do so should send at once fora Ciro HE POLEMICAL COR E PO I Add 25 cents to above for postage when or. ’I'is a very mad world, you mustundersmndl culai- showing the terms I IN ADDITION TO OUR NEW PRESS ' ENCE between T. J, M., ii]? Itsev. .1113 del'll‘g I I, "I Where the lucky have all of the luck; 'Pflllles “1â€â€le (“1 a (1M) 0’: Oll‘erWlSG) ‘ New TSPQ has 8‘80 [38°11 ï¬ddOd- A! “I flï¬um B.“ 51-03. I BREDIN and others, (in the York HicuAu) * * Can. supplv any Magazine published those who don’t; wantald getahelping hand, haimflf‘ho ISL Jamar“ 18â€â€ ‘V‘H have “‘8 l ’ . during the. months of July. August and Sop- ï¬otian abdfl- list " _And those who are (low are struck , P3130] 501“ l“ “mm “P ‘0 “13 3lSl Peï¬lembei‘. ONF BUT T ‘ . tember, 1868). is satlv printed iii pamphlet OCKET CUTTL llRY. "' . i . . ~ ' l 15.] on payment of a year’s suhscrnt J HE BEST MATERIALS ' . - - A ~ - I whole wordless 8mm. we gm, nuts more III . I I . I . . 1 loll. made use or an,†H I M um I form. and worth a Perv-fill. Panties Wishing Mugazmes. &c. bound in . TU good grinders no nuts accrue I“ l I†JII‘IC“ (dill) l’allel' Slmn b? add'"’~"50d Sopa- ' “a co' ALEX'BCOT'II Pmcu 15 CENTS. For sale at tho HERALn volumes willreceive prompt attention. The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Folks with nuuv‘ht uet IlOll’Jll 0' ' l1 [um 3' and may bo-fm any I 0“ Ofï¬ce' A . Book Store, Richmond Hill - BANNER Ofï¬ce Pocket Cutlery to be had in ll a County, A get mom: I ]°â€"wn plentl orders alld Rem'uancea “3 be add‘l‘ss‘ld l0 GORDON’S NO. 2 CARD PRESS (USED ‘ . . Richmond Hm' Aurora ; H. Wilson’s FancvStore. Markham ll York Herald†Cheap Book and Job Print- Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and g I don’t, 303‘ wï¬y Do on ? ’ , THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY. at the Herald Ofl‘ice) iii Iran the Joseph ‘ ' I Wesley-in Book Room. A. S..1rviug’o and M. lug Establishment. 11150 other celebrated manufactures. at the York " I " ‘ ~7- ~. . I; I Tocoflo Hall Work-V, Oshawa. Blah“! I. “1". I _ ' Shuffle 'rt‘TOMO- 5L’5x- QCOTT- 1hr.†8'91! 8m" Rwhnud Hm