Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Apr 1871, p. 3

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MOURNING GOODS ! LOWEST CASH PRICES. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, \u )lmLLOWS’ HYPOPHOSPHITES. FIRE PROOF STORE ! CANADIAN GOODS The subscriber is prepared to furnish parties building with a quantity of fr ' MWEJATJJJQD. J. FREEK. JUST RECEIVED. SHIN GLES l The first edition of one handled and fifty thons‘and copies of Is published and ready to send outâ€"100 pagPs, and an engraving of almost every desirable Flower and Vegetable It is elegantly primed on fine iinted paper, illustrated with Three Hundred fine Wood Engravings and Two The most beautiful and {he most. instructive Floral Guide published A GERMAN EDII‘ION published. in all other respects similar lo the English. CATALOGUE OF SEEDS §ent free to all my customers of 1870, as rapidly as possible, without application]. Sent to all others who order them for Ten Cents, which is nothall‘ the cost. Address, JAMES VlCK. Debilily resulting from Typhoid and other low fevers. Uiphtherilic Prostration, Hysteria, Hypochondria, Amenorrhaaa. Chlorosis, Amne- mia. Leucorrhwa. Nervous Excitability, Mn- rasmns or Wusting of the Muscles, Aphonin or Loss of Voice, Chores. or St Vitub's Dance, Sluggishness of the Liver, Interrupted and Foeblo Action of the Heart, Sufocating Fuel- ings caused by mucous obstructions of the Lungs and Air Passages leading theroty. and Debility from various causes, many cases of which appeared hopeless. Constipation, Asthmaflonsumpmn, Lar. yngitis, Nervous Debility, Dyspepâ€" sia,0hronic Bronchitis,Chrouic Diarrhoea, Melancholy. Fallaws' Compound. gum], of Hypaplwsphau, ply to Richmond Hill,April 6, I871 U of Mr. David'Trahn. Lot No. 26. 4th Con. Markham. Farmers wishing to improve their breed of ngs, can rely on his being pure bred. as he is from the celebrated stock of Mr. Boyer. Parksburg, Chester 03].. Pa‘ TERMS : $1 In ADVANCE. Richmond Hill. March 29, 1871. ALA PACA S. LORNE SHIR TINGS, DENIMS, Tzckings, Twillcd Sheetings, 661-3 SOLD BY APOTHEC'ARIES. BEAUTIFUL COLORED PLATES. ICK’S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1871. Richmond Hill, March 9, 1871. 659-“ Grape Cloths, French Marinas, March 18m. 1871. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the Wanted Immediately. OUR SMAIgT YOUNG LADIES, To NEW SPRING GOODS The Chester White Boar, bmo ECLIPSE,,[R.,TH_E ngOPERTY Ammvzst the diseases overcome by the use of DRESS GOODS, Kept Constantly on Hand learn the Dress-making business.’ Ap- IN ’I‘WEEDS, COTTONS. LARGE LINES IN HENRIETTA CLOTHS. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF V [CK’S ILLUSTRATED AND FLORAL GUIDE. Price. $51-50; Six for $7 50. A LARGE ASSURTMENT 0F 1 door north of G. A. Barnard’s Store. COBOURGS, &c. &c. MRS. HENRY CLARKE. To Builders. JAMES 1. FELLOWS. Chemist, St. John. N.B. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &°. &C. tQC. GONSIS'HNG 0F HINGLES! PRINTS, AT THE ARE DAVID TRANN, Victoria Square P.O. 661-2 ISAAC CROSBY. Rochester. N.Y. I SHINGLES . 661 -2m 5 5 IMPORTANT!! NEW STORE 1 ON MONDAY, APRIL THIRD, VICTORIA HOUSE, GENERAL GROCERIES REMUNERATIVE PRICES! ! ! Has been taken to select a stock to meet the requirements of the neighborhood, Prices that cannot fail to give Satisfaction LIQUOR DEPARTMENT Having takan the above store, will open the same H’r The store is conveniently situated at the North End of the Village. MB. Toronto Prices given for all kinds of Produce. Wholesale and Retail Trade. And trust. by strict attention to business. with the To merit a fair share of public patronage. To all who may favor them with a call. Richmond Hill, Much 29. 1871. MESSRS. CLIFTON 85 Go. First Quality! Which will be found repIote with the WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT EN’I‘IRELY NE IV STOCK GREAT CARE SPECIAL SPECIAL ATTENTION LOWEST POSSIBLE NEW GOODS I RICHMOND HILL. CHOICEST BRANDS AND LIQUORS. Has been given to the WITH AN 01' THE FOR THE 0P CLIFTON 61. CO. NEW PRICES I THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1871; 661 HALL PAPERS ! IN PARLOR, WINDOW SHADES, NEW ARRIVALS Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Groceries, Procisions, Flour and Feed Large Rainges in Silk Lustre, splendxd va- lue. New Prints; a splendid lot of new Printsâ€"Cheap. WM. ATKINSON. .lJ Wednesday evening last, a Lona BLACK Mznmno SHAWL. with a long Black Fringe on one side. and the ends Embroidered with black Bonds, The finder will bore wardod on saving it at this office. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. 1n pursuance of a power of sale contained in a mortgage bearing date the 28th day of Octo- ber A.D, 1858, and made by JOHN VINCENT, late of the l‘ownehip of Whitchuich. yeoman, now deceased. and ANN VINCENT, his wife, to THOMAS Demon. of the Township of Mark- ham. yeoman. to secure payment of the sum of seven hundred and sixty dollars. with inter- est at six per cent from date, all of the princi- pal and interest being now due and unpaid. there will be sold by Public Auction. on the premises On Saturday, the first day 0] April newt, at one o‘clock, in the afternoon, the following Valuable land situated in the Township of VVhitchulch, in the county of York,containing forty-seven acres, and being composed of the Eu st fifty acres of the west half of Lot number fifteen, in the seventh concession of the afore- uid Township of Whitchurch. save and except three acres on the north-east corner of said fifty notes. A good House and Barn on the land. The Mortgage and an abstract of title wifl be produced at the sale. TERM}: One-third. Cash; balance in four equal instalments, with interest at 7 per cent, segued _by_a mortgage on the property. For fufiher par‘tdic‘illars apply -to Geo, B‘ Nicol. Esq, Barrister, Richmond Hill, or J. GORMLEY, 661-2 MALLOY’S AXES CHILDREN ’8 CARRIAGES Finished Borderings, PEOPLE’S STORE, lOW BELLS FOR MARCH, AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- KEPT CONSTANTLY 0N HAND. EW :GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE. _os_'_1_‘, _0N_ RICHMQND HILL,’ 0N For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,at the Which will he sold Cheap for Cash. DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. GOLD AND SATIN Also a large assortment of PLAIN 6: FIGURED With a choice lot of Arrived at the Herald Book Store. FOB SALE BY DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot ‘20. 2nd con. Markham BEDROOM, AT THE HERALD BOOK STbRE. AND P. G. SAVAGE KITCHEN Auctioneér. 'HARNESS THAT IS HARNESS, BEST MATERIAL, WHAT A CHANGE! BOOTS AND ~ SHOES To make room for'the Spring Stock. Be sure you call before they are all gone at GAMES, T01 85 &c., GREATLY RED UOED REMARKABLY CHEAP SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST! WNERS OF T HRE SHING MA- chines will do well to call and examine our stock of oils. The Cheapest and Best in the C‘ity. HUGH MILLER &.'CO. ’ Richmond Hill. March 1, 1870. SEQ-[y Clear out his Winter Stock, Richmond Hill, Feb. 16, 1871. August 17. 1870. Customers may rely on getting goods NOW IS THE TIME! An by First-class Workman, at Sign of the Tea Chest. AND MADE TO ORDER. Cheap Boot and Shoe Establishment. As the subscriber intends to A'l‘ REDUCED PRICES. To get Grant Burguina in Firlt Prize Harness Establishment. Richmond Hill. DO NOT MISS IT. Machinery Oil. FOR SALE AT THE 0N HAN-D FROM THE HERALD BOOK STORE. W. H. MYERS’ W. H. MYERS’ _167 King St. Eut. Tgfopnto. l. FRENCH. 6314! 5B STANDARD S 0 A LE S In reference to the above the subscriber begs to announce that he will give his best attention to business and will keep on, hand a select stock of Readyâ€"Made Boots and Shoes. suita- ble for the trade in the neighbourhood, and hopes to merit the support of his father’s friends. 1- thanks to his friends for the patronuge he has received since he commenced bnsiness as a Boo-r AND 830: MAKER, nn Richmb'nd Hiil, begs to announce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son ROBERT Sfirsn, jun.. who will in future carry on.the business.. He also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. . ROBT. SEVER, Jun. Richmond‘Hil). Feb. 9, 1871. 655-lf In a good state of cultivation. Tim'wer land consists of splendid Pine and Hardwood 1n the vicinity. there is a church. and a saw- mill. and a school within a half mile. THE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the patronuze with stone cellarJiitchen anduwoodshflim large frame barn, two threshing floors, nenrly new : stable, sheds and root house ; No never failing springs of water; soft water cistern; a thriving orchard, and 7 acres of wheat in the are“.d--._-_ - - . Ra. . Framing on Yonge Sr, Containing 8 0 Acres, SEVENTY CLEARED‘ a Price $4,000; for further paerars apply to the owner on the premises. ' favors we would notify 1he public that the partnership that has existed for the last three years between Was dissolved on this date by mutual consent. Dr. Robinson having purchased Dr Peck’s right to and interest in the practice of Dentistry in this locality. Mr. Robinson trusts that. by careful attention to the wants of the people. to transmit a continuance of the very liberal pa- tronage that has been enjoyed by the lets firm'. Mr? Robinson will wait you tliose who wish his servicisfit the _usual plpcgspf gppoilltmenz. N.B.â€"Those who are; indebtedio the late firm will please settle their accounts at an early dasf- , FAT CATTLE. ITH MANY THANKS FOR PAST favors we would notify 1he public that CATTLE FEEDER Florence Sewing Machine Company’s For particulars address ONEâ€"F0 URTH THE USUAL TIME 1 654 FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Sold in pnckages at 25 cls. and $100; the dollar size is sufficient for 200 Feeds. There is ou__the_p‘repxises a good (raging h9g3}. Vaughan. March 9. 1871. MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR. ’ Sale. being part of lot No . 59, in the lat Concession] of the Dissolution of Partnership. Richmond Hill. March 8th.1870. 651 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, GRI‘G‘ULTURAL WAREHOUSE ls recommended and used by all first class Breeders in Great Britiain. January 19. 187l. N. J. PECK AND A‘ ROBINSON. It Fattens Cattle, Horses, Pigs, d’ac. FRUIT TREES. &o. DRUGGISTS. 167 King St. East. Toronto. Solo Manufacturers for Canada. Farm for Sale. Suitable for Farmers. Seeds, Fertilizers, Showroom up stairs. FOR ALL KINDS OF 120 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. THE YORKSHIRE HUGH MILLER & CO., Toronto' SUPPLIED AT THE Notice WM. RENNIE. HERALD BOOK STORE. ROB’I‘. ,SIVER, Sen. 669.4 6524f FANCY WOOL GOODS FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! Full Cloth é” Canadian Tweeds DRESS GOODS ! RUGS. CARPETS, BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, NEW FALL GOODS ! FRENCH MERINOS Large Ranges of Lustres Hosiery, Gloves, Hats and Caps for the Million, READY MADE CLOTHING! THE CENTRAL STORE: MOURNING GO 0 D S NORTH OF TORONTO. CHAPPED HANDS. PREPARED GLYCERINE ! No Person should be Without it Hill. Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing MILLER’S DERBY OIL .l. ClATlON. HALL or TEE ASSOCIATION. 34 King Street East. Toronto. To Parents. Guardians, Pastors. and others whose Sons, Wards. or Friends may be leaving home for residencei n the City of Toronto : ' The Young Men’s Christian Association of Toronto announce that they have a Committee for the‘purpose of showing kindness to Young Men who are strangers. and leading them under religions influences. It is requested that all who desire the co-operalion of this Committee, will send the names and addresses of Young Men about to remove to Toronto. in whom they are interested, by the person him- selfif possible. or by post, with such particu- lar of character as they mny deem proper. JNO. MACDONALD, Tr-ros. J. Wrunz. Preident. Secretary, September 29. 1870. Particular Attention has been given to securing MILLINERY DEPARTMENT For 8an at H. Sanderson & Sons. Richmond 644-tf In Hoods, Breakfast Shawls. &c. &c. August 17. 1870 Winceysand all wool Shining, Flannels, Blankets, p L A I D s A N D The Central Store! HOWEVER ROUGH 0R SORE, LACES OF ALL KINDS In endless variety, :2 large Stock of A COMPLETE STOCK DR 1' GOODS DEPARTMENT. Prepared by Prints in Endless Varety I OUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO- FRESH GROCERIES ! In Coats, Panw, Vests. &c. FRESH CUTS OR OLD SORESo Takes the lead of the town. AT THIS SEASON 0!" THE YEAR.- HUGH MILLER, & Co.. 167 King Street East, Toronto. In all Prices and Colors. Horses and Cattle. Hollands. Counterpanes HARDWARE. CROCKERY, THE STOCK INCLUDES DRESS GOODS ! HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East Toront 7. 1870 631- tl‘ SMOOTH AND SOFT. Also a full supply of CHEAPEST STOCK 0F MAKES THE HANDS, MILLER’S TABLE DAMASKS, MAY BE SEEN AT LACECURTAINB, AS USUAL THE OF THE AND 0F W. ATKINSON. DRESS GOODS ! Richmond Hill. 637 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS- J. thanks to his friends for the.pat-ronago he has received since he commenced, bnsineslv as a BUTCHER on Richmond Hill. begsto an-_ nounce to them that‘he has disposed of his; business to his son, HENRY HOPPER. who will; in future carry on the Business. He also trusts” that his customers will continue to bestow their" patronage on his successor. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY stock of all kinds of Dye Slufi's. oflho very best possible description), which we are selling 20 per cent. cheaper than any other house in Toronto. COLLARS AND CUFFS hf Special attention paid to the preserviuion of the natural teeth. HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the.pat-ronazo POCKET BOOKS Ornamâ€"Cornér of Albert and Yonge Sta . Toronto, (opposite the Green Bush Hotel. over R. Lawson’s Grocery Store. N.B.-â€"Chargos moderate and work'w'ar- ranted. _ , _ WM. ALLINGHAM, FANNING MILL? WILSON S’ IMPROVED: Stood the test of Competition !-’ BEST FANNING MILL Whenever sho'wn. and are‘pronourided 15y coffi- petent judges as being the And, having recently been lmbroved, the an!” scribers have every confidence in its superior merit. Manufdcturing a large“ number’ of the abpve ,- CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS Farmers will consult their-own interestiffhef will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel confident they will be salisfied our Machines are nolsurpassed if equalled. Januar'}: 19; 1871. August, 25, 1 (O. Richmond Hill. Jan. 7, 1871. STATIONERY l England. in Richmond Hill. intend holding a Bazaar some time in the ensuing spring for the sale of useful and fancy articles.- The proceeds to be added to the church build- ing fund. Contributions kindly ofi‘ered by friends may be addressed to any of the underd mentioned ladies : THE LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF England. in Richmond Hill. intend Tum: FOR unlms’ Wonxâ€"Mrs.Barnard,~ Mrs. John Palmer. Sen., Miss Campbell, Miss Linfoot, Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Nicolls. Miss Pol- lock, Miss Little, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Myora‘ Mrs. Thos. Cook. Mrs N. Playmr. and Mm Beeston. Richmond Hill. Dec. 2, 1870. 644-5!!! PROVINCIAL EXHIBITIONS 52. Court?! Funk, REFREEBMENT TABLE â€" Mrs. Powell. Mu. Hopper. Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs. Sedman. Richmond Hi1], Aug. 27, 1869. 5664f WM. ALLING-HAM, 1.43.8. V. g QURGEON DENTIST,’ And having increased facilities for ["566 paring the lumber.- (mcumoun mu. BRANCH) AT nu: HERALD BOOK STORE SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE DOUBLE ACTION: Dye Stuffs! HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE Manufactured in Canada ; THESE MILLS HAVE HUGH MILLER. & 00: t , :67 King St. East.. Toronto.‘ The subcribers are now OF ALL KINDS AT THE Ol‘ All" KINDS AT THE AT ALL THE PROMPTLY. Notice. HERALD BOOK STOE. HERALD BOOK STORE.” HERALD BOOK si'bh’nfi‘ HERALI‘ BOOK “TORI. Bazaar. ROBT. HOPPIQK A. & W. WILSON.- DENTIST. 632-11. T'orontp; 562 ESQ-tr’

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