Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Apr 1871, p. 3

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OTICE IS H E Juhn Line, aft Juhn Line, nfthe 'I‘uavnship of Vaughan, in xhe County of York, Yemn n. has made an zippficaiiuu to the Court «f Chancery fur a cer- tifivntu of title to the ahave memiouad pru- perty. und'cr " the Act for Quietng Titles to Rem} Esiuke in Upper Canada.” and has proâ€" ducrd evidence whuroby he appears to be the owner .herguf i!) fee. f' '3 from all eucum blanceé; \vherd‘u'o any other person having ur lneieudiug to have any title to, or iulures in the said land, or any part tlmx'eofi is nquiied, on or before Wednesday, the third day of May, nuw next ensuing. L0 filo a statement of his claim in my cflic" at Osgoodc HM, in the City of Toronto and t0 servo a copy on Messrs. Duggan and Moym‘s, of the CM' of Tm-omo. Sui} tors I'ur tho I‘ethioucr, and in default. ovary snch :im win be barred, and the title 0:" the sad John Line become alwlutu and indefensible at Law and in Equity. subject only 10 the reservalimm memioned in the 17'!) sec- tion of the said Act, and therein numbered one, two. three and four. Dated this 530111 dug of‘March. 187‘. (Signed) '1‘.‘V\7. TAYLOR. 669-2 Referee 65 Titles. .D. Hilll’ost mc9.lstApl~iI.~ml; Ambler. Vv'illiau'] ’ Killops, W, Apploby‘. ‘duorga H . (9)lmuter J. Alkinson. Jacob Lewis, H. T. Garrick. John Moore, Joseph Coyle. Thur:qu :‘w’il‘lllfihfiw, ‘va. Clufi‘y. [\Iargalet Melluy, Jolm Clafi'v, 1C 'mlxell) Miller, Edward Churlem Jslm Pogue. Elizabeth Cook. Sylvester ‘ Penmse, lda Claik, Melinda Plni‘lips. Thomfis Dalton..‘-Mrs. Jane Rutherford. Mrs. Ro- Dixon. George burl. .i. Dobson, Thus. J. Robinson. Robert Fulton, William, Simson.‘Miney Giebner, Otto Slephenson, Josh Got-man. Jana Siver. Robert Holliushead, C. L. Scott, Thomas Homer. Bernard Sibbam , C. Hunter, Mrs. Rachel Williams. John Home, Mr. Walker, Mrs. John lgram , J ' Wice, H. ICK’S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1871. The first edition thousand copies of VlCK’S' GATALOGU E OF SEEDS Is published and ready to send outâ€"100 pages, and an engraving of almost every desirable Flower and Vegetable It is elegantly printed on fine limed paper, illustrated with Three Hundred fine Wood Engraviugs and Two Aurora. lat, 6th, Him and 22nd ofeach month Ne\\'|narkt\t.... find “ “ Richmond Hill .... fill) and 24th" Mt.Albert.............14th " " 'E'brnhlll . . . . . . . . . . ... . ~~‘3rd " " Maple........... ...2e'hh " ” Bu wick ......... ” " Klemburg... -... E‘ H Nobleton . . . . . . . .. “ u Nitrous Oxide Casa?‘ Auml'a,April ‘23, 1870 Teelh without Pain. by Lhe use (:I' luther Spray. which affects the tooth only. 'l‘ha [oulll and gum sur‘onutiing becuxn. insonsihle with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted wiLh no pain and Wi'I‘HOU'l‘ ENDANGERING THE. L” IC As in the use of Chlol'of'ornm DIS. 1’. and R. will he in the following places; prepared to extract teeth with his new am rams. AH other operations in Dontistry performed in a workmaulikc manner The most beautiful and the most instructive Floral Guide published. A GERMAN EDl‘I'IDN published. in all other respects similar to the English: ____ A;- .nun Sent free to all my customers of l870, as rapidly as possible. without application. Sam to all others who order them for Ten Cents, which.,is nothalf the cost. Address. JAMES VICK, 7 John Eilston. . . . Champion Jones . . . George W. Morley. George Gibson . . . August Johnson. . . Patrick .h‘aulkner. . John Major . . . . . . . Joseph Lang . . . . . . A. Borngasser . . . . William Puinton. . John E. Buch. . Michael Lenulmn . . George 1). Gould. . Albert, Muhley .. . . Luughlin McDonald Robert Tier . . . . . _ . Treasurer’s Office, Co. York, Toronto, April 1, 1871. George P. Smith Henry Moles. . .. John Hutton. . . . Hugh BrilmLin. . Thomas Lamb . . Benjamin Rolling William Bye. .' . . \Villiam Ci-eden . EWELRY ! JE WELRYI 561-3 EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND BEAUTIFUL COLORED PLATES. ‘EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING “WWW; gaff/‘1‘. Concession 0f the ship of Vaughan. .two, Towci A. ROBINSON’S, L.D.S., For Sale cheap, at me HERALD .... ......- rtllll |\K nd Hill fill) and 31‘1.............141§1 " .23rd ‘- 2e’hh ” u 2w: SEMI 5‘ 30111 “ Published by auihority of By-Law. AND FLORAL GUIDE. List of Letters NAME. List of Licensed Pedlars for the County of York. H EREBY GIVEN THAT I u u ‘, !‘ In .ao..-‘. .I ‘ S. 3-3111 “ “ Casalways on hand at Aurora of one hundzed and fifty ILLUSTRATED burl J. Robinson. Robert Simson.‘Miney S‘ephenwon, Josh Siver. Robert Scott, Thomas Sibbam , C. Williams. John Walker, Mrs. John Wice, H. M. TEEFY, P. M. Rochester, 7N.Y. Do. . Whitchurch . . . City of Toronto Etobicoke . . . Vaughan . . . . . . \Vhitchm‘ch . . . City of Toronto Etobicoke .. . . . D0. . . . . Mark hum . . . . . . East fo'illimbur‘y D0. . . Toronto Township Toronto City . . . . . Sharon. . . . . . . . ‘ Whitchurch . . .‘ Markham .. . . . .. City of Toronto. Thomhill . . . . . . King . . . . . . . . . Markham . . . . . . . King . . . o . . . . . . Thornhill . . . . . . City of Toronto. RESIDENCE. omcelCA NA DIAN GOODS! ENTIRELY NEW STOCK Toronto. . . . *0. . . . . LOWEST CASH PRICES The subscriber is prepared {0 furnish parties bui Eng wik‘a‘..a quantity of Fellows’ Compound Syrup Qf Hypophosphilcs, §ROCERIES, HARDWARE, Constipatlon, Asthma,Consumption, Lar- yngitis, Nervous Debility,-Dyspep- sia,Chronic Bronchitis,Chronic Diarrhoea, Melancholy. Debilily resulting from Typhoid and other low fevers. Diplnherilic Prosn‘alion, Hysteria. Hypochondria, Amenorrhma, Chlorosis, Amw- mia. Leucorrhma. Nervous Excilabiluy, Ma- rasmus or Wusting of the Muscles. Aphonia or Loss of Voice. Chorea, or St Vilufis Dance, Sluggishness of the Liver, Interrupted and Feeble Action of the Heart, Slqfl‘acating Facl- ings caused by mucous-obstructions of the Lungs and Air Passages leading lherety. and Debilitv from various causes, many cases of which ammared hopeless. U of Mr. David 'l‘rann. Lot No. 26, 4lh Con. Markham. Farmers wishing to improve their breed of Pigs, can.i‘ely un-his being pure bred. us he is from the celebrated stock of Mr. 30) er, Parksburg’. Chester _Cy., Pa. ‘ FIRE PROOF STORE ! Richmond HiH,Apri16. 1871 Richmond Hill. March 29, 1871. SOLD BY APOTHECARIES. HING-LESI ’l‘mms : $1 m Anvn‘cn. EIJLOWS’ HYPOPHOSPHITES. 'March 18th. 1871. 7 'zckings, Twilled Sheetings, ALAI’A GAS. LORNE SHIR’I'I'NGS‘ UST RECEIVED. mo ECLIPSEJRJHHE PROPERTY Bought in the Best Market and will be sold a! the The Chester White Boar, Amongst the diseases overcome by the use of FIRSTâ€" OLA SS SHINGLES. J. FREEK. 901.138: C'lbths, French Marinas, ant Constantly on Hand NE W SPRING GOODS Du‘ . Two Horse.. One Horse. . Foot . . . . . . Foot . . . . . . Une Horse.. Foot . . . . . . One Horse. . One Horse. Do. Do. Do. ' Do. Do. Do. Do. Two Horse“ Foot . . . . ‘ Foot . . . . . . Oue-Horse.. Foot . . . . . . Foot . . . . . . One Horse.. DRESS GOODS, IN 'I‘WEEDS, COTTONS LARGE LINES IN Price. $160; Six for $750. JAMES I. FELLOWS. Chemist, SL John, N. B. A LARGE ASSURTMENT OF A MAMMOTH STOCK OF RN IN G q GOODS ! DESCRIPTION OF LICENSE. Do JNQ. K. MACDONALD, ' Treas. Co. York. COBOURGS, &c. &c To Builders. SHINGLES ! 8m. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. 'F'. W‘TA CLOE'PES‘. CONSISTING 0F DENIMS, PRINTS, AT THE ARE DA’VJ D TRAN N , Vimorin Squa‘rg 130. ISAAC CROSBY. SHINGLESI May 25th, 1870. June 18th, “ July 11th, “ July 22nd, “ Augt. 3rd. H Augt. 17th, “ ‘Sept. 16th, “ Sept. 20th, “' Oct. 15th, “ Nov. lst, “ Nov. 22nd, “ Nov. 26th; ” Dec. 29th, “ Jany. 5th, 1871' Janv. 27th, “ Ir‘eby. 8th, “ Feby. 91h, “ Feby. 10th, “ Feby. 16th, “ Feby. 17th, “ Feby. let, “ Feby. 28th, “ March 29th, “ March 30th, , ‘ DATE OF Isstm. 661-2m 661-2 Richmond Hill. March 29, 1871. 66! THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND HILL, 6N1, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1871' Has been taken to select a stock to meet the requirements of the neighborhood, Prices that cannot fail to give Satisfaction REMUNERATIVE PRICES ’ I ! LIQ UOR DEPARTMENT GENERAL GROCERIES {H The stores is conveniently situamd at the North End of the Village. .MB. Toronto Prices given for all kinds of Produce. ON MONDAY, APRIL THIRD) W'holesale and Retail Trade. IMPORT NEW STORE l And trust. by strict attention to business. with the To merit a fair share of public patronage. VICTORIA HOUSE: Having taken the above store, will open the same To all who may favor them with a call. Which will be found replete with the WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT MESSRS. CLIFTON 85 Co. GREAT CARE irS-t Quality! SPECIA L A TTENTION LOWEST POSSIBLE CHOICEST BRANDS SPECIAL Has been given to the NEW GOODS .' AND quuons. RICH MOND HILL; WITH AN FOR THE CLIFTON é. COL AND 0f NEW PRICES I Large Rainges in Silk Lustre, splendid va- lue. New Prints; a splendid lot of new Printsâ€"C hopp- WM. ATKINSON. .11 Wednesday evening last, a LONG BLACK Mmmmo SHAWL: with a long Biauk Fringe on one side. and the ends Embroidered with black Beads, The finder will here warded on saving it at this office. 1n pursuance of a power of sale ‘contnined in a mortgage hearing date the 28111 day of Octo' her A.D, 18:38, and made by JOHN VINCENT, late of the l‘ownship of Whitchulch. yeomnn, now deceased, and ANN VINCENT, his wife, to THOMAS DEHSON. cf the Township of Mark- ham. yeoman. to secure payment of the sum of seven hundred and sixty dollarsI with inter- est at six per cent from date. all of the princi. pal and interest being now due and unpaid, there will be sold by Public Auction, on the premises MORTGAGE SALE \‘OF LAND. at one o‘clock, in the afternoon. the following Valuable lam] situated in the Township of Whitchnrch, in the county of York, containing forty-seven acres, and being composed of the Er st fifty acres of the west half of Lot number fifteen. in the seventh concession of the afore- said Township of Whitchurch, save and except three acres on the north east corner of said fifty acres. A good House and Barn on the land. The Mortgage and an abstract of title will be produced at thefelo. On Saturday, thefirst day 0/ April next, TERM-5'. One-third. Caéh; balance in {our equal instalments, with Intexest at 7 per cent, segued _by_n mortgggq on the Propel-t}: For fnflher parficvulara uppl-y '10 Geo. B Nicol, Esq , Barrister, Richmond Hill, or J. GORMLEY, WINEOW “SHADES, NIALLQY’S HALL PAPERS! 661-2 IN PARLOR, NEW ARRIVALS OW BELL= AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- U '«21 EW ‘GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE. CHILDREN’S aAzéRIAG‘Es KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 031', _01~{ RICHMQND BILLL ON DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,at the Finished Borderings, PEOPLE’S STORE, Also a. large assortment of GOLD AND SATIN “313‘” 3" MRS. HENRY CLA DANIEL HORNER, JUN» ‘ 1 door nouh of G. A. Bar Lot 20. 2udcon.Mnrkham Richmond Hill, March 9. 1871. With a choice )0: of HERALD BOOK sTunE. BEDROOM, AT 'nim Auctioneér. KITCHEN To make room for the Spring Stock. Be sure you call before they are all gone at CHAPPED HANDS. PREPARED GLYCERINE ! No Person should be Without it For Sale at H. Sanderson & Sons. Richmond Hill. Is the most wonderful discovary in chemistry for healing Horses and Cattle. MILLER’S DERBY OIL WNERS OF THRESHIN‘G MA- chines will do well to call and examine chines will do well to call and examine our stock of oils. The Cheapest and Bes‘t in the City. HUGH MILLER. 5L CO. BOOTS AND SHOES ply to Wanted Immediately. OUR SMART YOUNG LADIES, To learn the Dress-making business. Ap- WHAT A CHANGE l Richmond Hill. March 1. 1870. 629-[y BEST MATERIAL, 6444f August 17. 1870 HARNESS THAT IS HARNESS, August 17. 1870. HOWEVER ROUG'H 012 SORE, A T 0 A T T L E. Prepared by FRESH OUTS 0R OLD SORES. NOW IS THE TIME! Cheap Boot and Shoe Establishment. AT THIS SEASON 0!" THE YEAR. HUGH MILLER. &. Co.. 167 King Street East, Taranta. An by Fink-clan Workman. at AT Rn'nuggfi PRI‘CES’. MRS. HENRY CLARKE. 1 door nouh of G. A. Barnard’s Store. As the subscriber 'intends to AND MADE TO ORDER To get Great Btu-gains in HUGH MILLER &. CO. 167 King St. East Toront 7. 1870 631- cf Machinery Oil. sitcom AND SOFT. Tint Prize Har'ness Establishment. Richmond Hill. MAKES THE HANDS, DO NOT MISS IT. MILLER’S 167 King St. East. Toronto 0. 631-1! W. H. MYERS’ 0N HAND; I'BOI nu W. H. MYERS’ *inter Stock, luflfii’ism‘é‘ ‘ ti, 'COns'ists of- s 659- tf mm on {fiefir'emisEa germâ€"mu-..“ ’ 7 With stone ghelléi‘; kitchen and _woodshed n'ewiz‘ Iar e fffimé b’ar ijoamn ,fl'gorrs' I ‘ i : defy; stable, she nd robt’h ’1‘ ’.’ WM?) failing springs of water; soft water cistern ; a thriving orchard, and 7 acres’afANheat ilr the giouud. v ' Was dissolved on this date by mutual consent. DI. Robinson having purchased Dr Peck’s right to and interest in the practice of Dentistry in this locality. Mr. Robinson trusts that, by careful attention to the wants of the people, to transmit a continuance of the very liberal pa- tronage that has been enjoyed by the late firm. ijrice $4,000; for further particlilars apply to the owner on the premises‘ [V favors we would notify the fpu'flic flimfit the partnership that has existed or the last three years between Mr”- Robinson will wait-on tliose who wish his services at the usual plgcgs‘rof qppoingtmgut. N.B.â€"Thoso who are; indebted‘fo {he lalé firm will please settle their accounts at an early day. CATTLE FEEDER ONEâ€"FOURTH THE USUAL TIME! ‘ ITH MANY THANKS FOR PAST favors we would notify the public that Sold in packages at 25 els. and $100: the dollar size is sufficient for 200 Feeds. - ... Inn-u In the vicinififiharo IS a ghurch, an: mi!._ and a school mithin 5 19412.:- GAMES, T018, &c., ContainiifiSO Acres, MN OLEARED, STANDARD SCALES ! ROBT. SEVER, Jun. -Richmond Hill, Feb. 9, 1871. 6554f Vaughan. March E), 1871. Richmond Hill. March 8th. 1870. 651 15 recommended and used by all first Class Breeders in Great Britiaiu. Dissolution of Partnership. iInmference to the above the subscriber begs to'an‘hounce that he will give his best attention to'business and will keep on hand a select stock of Ready-Made Boots and Slices. suita- ble for the trade in the neighbourhood, and hopes to merit the support of his father’s friends. 1. thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received since he commenced business as a BOOT ANT) Snon MAKER,fln Richmond Hiil, begs to announce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son ROBERT SIVER, jnn.. who will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor, January 19. 187 l . 654 Florence Sewing Machine Company's For particulars address It Fattem Cattle, Horses, Pigs, tfbc. PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR Sale, being part of lot No. 59, in the lst Concession of the FARMING IMPLEMENTS, N. J. PECK AND A: ROBINSON; TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE FRUIT TREES. 5L6. DRUGGISTS, 167 King St. East. Toronto. Sole Manufacturers for Canada. [1? SUBSCBJBER, VIN RETURNING Framing on Yonge St', Farm for Sale. THE YORKSHIRE Suitable for Farmers. Showroom up stairs. Seeds, Fertilizers, HUGH MILLER & 00., FOR SALE AT THE 120 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. FOR ALL KINDS 01' HERALD BOOK STORE- Toronto WMl RENNIE, Notice ROBT. SIVER, Sen. 669v4 6524f BEST FANNING IM'ILL!‘ And. having recently heen improved, the lub-r scribers have every confidence in its superior merit.~ Manufacturing a large numbei‘ of the above ; CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS; Stood the test Whenever shown. and arelprononnced by cam; potent judges as_being the Farmerswill coiisulttheirown interealiflhoy will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere; as we feel confident they Will be satisfied out Machines are notsurpassed if equalled. THE LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF ,' England. in’ Richmond Hill. intend .L England. in Richmond Hill. intend holding a BaZaar some time in the ensuing npring for the sale of useful and fancy urticlen. The proceeds to be added to the church build- ing fund. Contributions kindly ofl‘erpd by friends may be addressed to any of thé under; mentioned ladies : ‘TABLE r011 LADIEB’ Wonkâ€"Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. John Palmer, Sam, Miss Campbethiu Lim'ootL Mrs. Arnold. Mrs, Nicolls. Miss Pol- lock. Miss' Little, Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs. Myra.-~ Mrs. Thus. Cook. Mrs N. Plnyler. and Mn; Beeston Richmond Hill.- Doc. 2; 1870.- “4-5119 REFREEHMENT TABLE â€".Mrs. Powell. Mn. Hopper. Mrs. Cooper, and Mira, Sedman. POCKET BOOKS _ stock of all kinds of Dye SliufiV’sTof the very best possible dasnriplion, which we are selling 20 per cent. cheaper than any other house in Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS ‘VILSONS’ IMPROVEfi PROVINCIAL Exmmnous &. Conn-n FAIRE,’ BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY __ - -v-‘ .M J. thanks to his friends for the patronage he has redeived since he commenced business as a BUTCHER on Richmond Hill. begs to an- nounce Id them thatrhe has disposad of his business to his aim, Hum? HoP‘PLn. who will in future carry on the Business, Hq ajso trusts that his gustomqrs Will poufinfi'b (6 “STOW their patro’nage'on his successor. A I: : a. h ROBT. HOPPEKE‘ , Richmdnd Hm. Jan. 7, 1871. 6524:! Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURMNG: thanks to his friends for the narmmn Richmond Hill,Aug. 27,1869; 5664!! COLLARS AND CUFFS ’qf Special allenti'on paid to tile prelorntion' of the natural teeth. N.B,â€"Charges moderate and work war- ranted. > WM. A LLINGHAM, Grimmâ€"Corner of Albert and Yonge'suf Toronto, (opposite the Green Bush Hotel. over R. Lawson’s Grocery Store. And having increased facilities for p156.“ paringthe lfi'mber.’ August, 25, 1 {0. TATIONERY January 19,1811; WM. ALLINGHAM, mm, a SURGEON DENTIST, {Manufactured in C'anadd ,‘ (RICHMOND mm. BRANCH) AT flu: SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS A-LT DOUBLE ACTION The subcribors hre now? Dye Stuffs ! HAifiE_ RECEIVED A‘ LARGE? THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE HUGH MILLER & CO. L67 King St. East. Tyrants). or Al I. xmvs n 1‘31; OF ALL KINDS AT THE PROMPTLY; AT ALL THE’ HERALD BOOK wo‘fii.‘ BaZaar- HERALD BOOK STORE. H'ERALfi fi’ooic éi‘onn; HERALD 800K STOE. HERALD 1300K" s'rc'mi A. & W. WILSON.‘ DENTIF’I‘. 631241 Toronto. 562

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