Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Apr 1871, p. 4

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Births-and deutlzs~ ‘ are mow freque"t by drocureBooksevery Friday afteriwon. night than by day. A. SCOTT, Librarian. atthe Herald Ofl‘ce) is fro th . Hall Works, Oshawa. m . Joseph Dough I” ’Wesley'tu Book Room, A. S. Irving’s and M. Showau’s. Toronto ing Esta blishrrieul. gtsx, SCOTT. Herald Book Store Richmond Hill m HE EXCELSIOR PUMP MANU- gg IE). mum, bv PI [,hImPII Richgmd HIIII 0 I S E L E S S M 0 V E M E N TI Gold Wanted! ENGLISH LIST OF NEWSPAPERS T H E a W E E K L Y G L O B E ,, ,, ' â€"â€" and Magazines supplied by Alex Scott ' -~ â€"â€"~ GREAT SPEED. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PRAC- "YORK HEBALD”0ffica Rlchmond Hill ’ I ' NeverI DespairI THIBPUMP Is EASIEST Women, Men Dum- WEE -â€"- ' TXCAL experience of ever 20 years in the 3 P ~' -~- 1 8:1 - nâ€"a. BLE AND NEATEST MADEIN ELER 82: WILSON “I “mun” m ""5 1"“ MAIL“) To THF GLO ’ - There’s nIIiIroice in my heart that can neverbe THE. DOMINION. THE YORK HERALD WOOLEN MANUFACTURING SUBSCRIBEBszTH PRomrTNEss, ‘ BE IRINTING COMPANY SII I . 'â€" Graiofvlly acknou led . . *‘I ' ' . . ’ e 1] 6 And Ithut whispers wherever we are; n "’ 5° call“l”“Cled Will] the Castings of the BIISIIHISI' havmg based the AfiImng‘lEsz d PM 3355' N20; to their several pubiIiIcaticIin:IItiiIi-iiiiI lifiiiatIIiiIII And If In our Joys it but semom is heard handle as to make it all tight therefore pra- ' L A w RE N C F C A D l N i 6 ea” 0"“ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ a length and breadth of can d i .- g 10 I , . I I 7 venmw ell-MI {I . I , I i A R G M I l: L, Alllenteum . . _ _ . , , . . . , . . , . . . . . 3 75 33 i v a a ‘ mmg the Past iTltspedks mid out tioubles and cure: t= ' ’0“ '°”‘ Pullmg “"thng "H0 ll. Ai-tizan 3 75 3‘l yeah lwemI'IIsoven years have Toned by ,S a cry from me soul whatever our lot I _. And filled u I, M I. I . I ' ' ' ' 'I' ' ' 't ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' '. since the establishment of 'l‘ i ‘ .~ 1 S < - . P 1° “0‘1"”! 1“ elcellem OY- Annals of Nutuial H sto- v . . . . . . . . 9 50 80 I . HL (xLoBL In To- ]Ior some unknowngood we IIIOIIIIIIS have III); II The IubSCl iherwould respectful” announce B O O K derI Is prepared to do AII osv (The) 1 I) 2 “U 17 ronto.I IFlOln llS Ifii-st appearance to the meson, IIII Ie Is IIIIeIIaIed Io IIIII III AIIgIYILIQI . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ... - 5 75 :0 hour. Its prosherity and influence have been Our life is a cup with much bills-mess {mu rhi i CARDI NG FULLING SHAPING ‘ i ' ' ' ' ' ’ ‘ ' " ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ " 0 always advanciiw - l - - .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' r' i.‘ l A111 ' l... . . . . . . . . . . .......9‘I0 (J 5' ’mm'llo “ma has t llizit sceiiieth all sweet to the lip; II 7h” Pump rm [Ina] for One 4M071th .’ ,. . ’ . I AstroiiiiiiiiIcal Register . . 3 35 33 qver beige "a"? so firm!“ 0“ '50 SallealOl'IlliI'n Yen wk,“ II_II have drunk 100 (III We are AIIII II II I I Pressmg‘. Coloring. &c., in Au“, lud‘,I MII IIIIIIIII . . . . . . 2 00 17 me POMUOII universally conceiin to it, as the taught, ’ I I CW "1 THE VEiiY BES'I‘ STYLE l Benn iion'dé (nah; ..ZZZZZZZIZZI. 3 75 33 Ileaq‘l',"g-",°Ws““l’5l 0‘ “Wish Amm'ica- I’Tis UIIIII “Idlmir that we sip; VVARRA‘NT’EL T\V() YEARS, AND P I U ‘ Belgravia [inclu. Christmas nuin ] 4 00 33 WEI.I:L;,”I(3IIIL;:TII?"[S .rccmnly made 0“ THE §Jtlllever alhiiststtll one hearts in their hope Or if‘tliey are not preferred to our other pump IIIIIIIS AIS SUM“ JAS COPFI AND ii'eliiueéls MISCBIIaiiIYI I I I I I I . I I I I I III POIHIIIIFIIV IIIIII] CiWEISHI‘II:IlefifgIll‘IIIzieIlllIalI Its mm i i. .l on,” bowl: -1 I I . 11,”. .I .b .I , I- ’. I ‘ ‘ J‘ ' t e iristian’s .la azine . . . . . . . I ’ . ~ . t e u '5 “51's brokeI C, til the mist, .1 1b IIIIIIIIIIIpIIEI o ittuiiietl, and the mono) wil be P. S.â€"All kinds of \Voolen Machinery fitted Bible Il‘reasury , I _ _ , . . . . . . l 10 10 etigfirélI-‘ll ICIa'm mm u T “0‘ only “19 most ’l‘heso l’iiinps are suiiabl - to all depths from II” III firs‘ CIIISIII order" Terms moIIelIate' BurgeonIs Short sermons ' ' ' ' ‘ ' 2 ('0 '7 liiitIiliaiIIiItciIIs aIeII JOIIIIIIal “I BIIIIISI] America’ IYet’lis ummds mat femIfm. we seldom mu) 3 (Eigteru m a well Of '50 fee, If 0 B P R I N T I N G Richmond Hill. April 28, 1870. 6l5 if “0ny Jouriinl. f . . . .... . . . .. I200 17 T] L I kl-lIO'W Il'hcy are not so liable to get out of repair. “"’ Iggy-IS UWI? Magaznw I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' I 1280 le a’geSI’ Tilerhss mat Shank“ Io ourShaIIeI 1mm; i),,,,meI,.n,vch and the joints are a” ANCY GOODS IIiitisli Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I9 The Handsomcst, And ’ItIis oitcu t'i'om sorrows ourjoysmuy flow it??? Ii" :1 IlIatliIo.I Colisi‘qllIellllIV there is “0 F fiiIislI,:,i,;,I,] I I I I I I I ' I I ' I ' I I I The mom; carefully calszCiEd and the 11' 'mvei . 0,“. ,Ulilunef. w I d_ I. I 1- iig a to JOHNS w NC] is invariably the . 1,“. I' ‘ ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "' .~ ‘ For hope iii life’s cup lsilllhbuIlIlftl deep CHSII’IIIIHIO Cillllnfin Lott [IIIlllllP made by hand. FOII SAI‘II’ IIIIIIIIII AT “III ItiiIx-It‘IIIIIlyd II‘Ide‘I i i It I I . I I I I I I I3) I15) CHEAPEST IVEEKLY PAPER ! And I0rs are tiiiiitrled with tears: ' in '. we? - i155 abovo platlorm, and 40 cents per ESTABLISHMENT. HERALD BOOK STORE. I-II (“.00 (h I,” “II? 18‘.) I I I I ' I ' ' II 0N T Y J ., a is H. iyecp. r00, i,,,Iow_ Builder. The [price vanes] . . . . . . . a 75 50 HIS C03 TINENT. They never have Iii-Cd who lmverhmve 10‘, Also iiiiiiul'uoturos a pump for cisterns and ’ ' r“ r Bond Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 3 75 33 unring the comiiin- vearâ€"wl ' zl ' ’ ‘ i ’ed. 8 z r .' . -- . - - .y g) - I I. . H r “(,1 ts mast For the heIIIIII dIIIIIIIS OII IIIIIO as IIS wIIIC I IIlIlItllLl;\:FI\C:’dC‘IlIlI: 8 Iigitm Slab. complete torICistern Money to LendI PIZLSSIIEESflE ijIghlllIlIléglIlgIéIIéSQIIV. . 5 LOIIgiIiIilg grvllllI it most iriiporlunt and ex. And they that quuif of its nectar utiu‘iuvcd C, . 1. V I . I”‘ M Cassell’s MIiltIHYIIIHB I II 2 00 17 lIlilJ-ll'geslS of» ItIl eating I'll? pDIHICIII “VII-d material Lose a‘III'I’I 1” IIS “IIIIIIIIO dlIIiInc‘ VVIIiiIIl‘ III'IIps for CISIOIIIIS $3 IIIICIIII ‘Nl \l TO LEND, FOR A TERM Chamber’s 2 25 ‘20 News lleDal'llifelll:Ilii’iIlIlI)I::;lI:]e IIIIII‘OIIIII IIIIIIII For God that CIIeaIIedI He made us III 10VGI_ e â€"l iggiiigI done on the Shortest Notice. (Jâ€" ! l of years, on a satisfactory Chamber’s Et/tinological Dictonury 2 00 17 ruined with the ahilth. and I'IlIlgIrIaII thIIpIe our bliss here belowImId our IIIId there above Address,stating deptn of well, AII KINDS OF Mortgage. Apply to gliess- r’Ilm‘er’s Magazme. . . . .I. . . . 35 3: I gained for the paper its present position. A ‘ A _ II P. PHILLIPS, Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1870, ‘ ‘ - GEO- 13- NICOLJMrister. 0:19.25 W913 """ f If.) - Lela-bl" [Shimmy 0f “‘6 Drbmes in the Do- ‘ - . . V v ) - v . I ' . u . I u u u u - n . u I . ' ‘ l AnIId lIoIveI in the heart, like a. bird on its nest, “gum ' 1870' 630'” “CHM” H‘” ‘ 82 omnpdltors- R'Chmm‘d H'nl N‘I‘V- 25' 1869~ 593'“ Chi-isiiiiIiiSAdtIicidIaieIzind Review 3 ()0 95 tiIiIrIeIiIsmeilIiI digit? igdil"e§I'.°V!"“'al Lati'Sla- ‘0 s its winns o’er our hows yet unborn ' A ~_ Chrm' II I ' 0"" ”‘ “5 Wee‘lilv r30l- I I I5 I J. , _ I , I I I ‘iauConsoler..... . . . . . . 1 10 10 uiniis: and the news no ai . . '- Slill knowmg in time they may he possessed, YMV AND PRAYER BO K I‘U L L 1h S T RU L I‘ l 0 IV S G R ATI S. Chrgsfian Observe, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 75 50 worm win he pubnshed III)"; IIIlII paIitsI Int the Nor mourns if the ficdclmrrs {Ll‘C "one ' ‘ L O S " " ’ LBUMS l ALBUMS l l Christian Societv. .. . . . . .. . . . . 3 75 33 inbliration ' ‘ 3 es ‘om 0f u o c ; y , .. - l . lhe For though they take wing in the day’s fleet- Fons“ F H TIIII EV Em MACHINE WARRANTED. PLAIN AND COLORED Christian Spoctétor - - - - - - - - 2 00 17 AGRICUI 'I‘URAI DEPARTMle mg light, “ â€"â€"-â€" CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE Christian Witness . . . . . . . . . . . l 00 10 . I ‘ ' i 1 ‘ T They ever return in our sorrcws’dail, iiiaht HERALD BOO TEST”"’““S' Christian World Mavaz'mv - . . 2 U” 17 WW has gm“ 59"“ universal Satisfaction this ° '_ K STORE' M’" 0' CHAPMN, . I HERALD 300K STORE- Christian 'Work ....... 2 UU i7 “WTâ€"“g” that '5 “Ck‘m‘lledged by 8very far- OhI never despair in the baule 0 life I ~ ~ _. ISII I year $113.7} lIde heir; IinrtIirmeéd {)y in. , II Chmchmau MagazineI The I I I I I I 3 75 _;;3 i312! IEEIII: aloiiIoI \Ii-ortli the subscription price of , I_ ‘7 . ' es 6 par ms in he I100 81' ‘7. ms ,1 C . 1 - i . 0 i . .Iâ€"w' ’8 maintflii ~t ' I Still 133.15??? iii? “‘5 fl“? ‘vi‘anbm‘g? WILLIAM COX’ Sewing. not to he depended u'po‘ii. P R I N T I N G MONEY T0 LEND. cliuf’dfii’iii’é‘ieififil’f’ .r €131.56 Fig. iii i0 ’“."d'm“"s'.'°d interest und'Ii-Ia Jiiii iii-9333 'I an ope ii mi troubles and I I I which tor a time induced me to deter purchasing â€"â€"-â€" Church Clioiriiiasterand Organist. 1 10 10' Clem SIafl m editors and CO"*‘Flmldt‘flls than strife, LCCESBOK [0 JAMES TIOLLTDAY, one. After your description of .«nid iii'ichines. ONEY TOILEKID‘ 0N (“COD I‘A ‘~ Church Missiouar ' Intellt encer 2 00 171mm)!“ several ' For iiiiic scatters balm from his wing; BU'KI‘ClllClt,Qllll door north of G. A. Barunrds I purchased one, and Mrs Fawmiu who is we” I. ., I . S L I I . I . I PHI crunch work ) iI g I I 1 10 10 NEW AND FXCITn‘vn . And happiness ours, ifwc Seek to attain; St01‘0. Richmond Hill. hoops always on hand acquainted with otliei iii: liins. states that after l Keen“ 'VIIII um: IOIIIII IImIIIcaIIIIIII IChurclimun’sICiiinpiaiiidn. i I I I I . I 2 75 l7 \ F” ll II In \II TA IIES. B seekian it wise] we seek not i v ' the host oi Boot. Mutton. Lamb. Veiil. Pork. :1 Muir’s trinl in various: kinds of work. she can Apply” "‘ - ’i ‘ ' v v itI II I ' r t ' ‘ ‘Io-m III pens IIII popular amhms' “'l” a) 95“ y a y 1) min. . , . bliuicliman s Ian)!“ M Igfilllle .3 it) .33 i (luri it . i W Sausages. kc. and sells at the lowesipl‘ices. confidentlv renoniinoiid it as a useful fit )Il7 ’ 1" . ) DUGGAN & MEYERS. - - r - . ’ * a. I I. i- ~- M “g .18 “a” 1‘0 exPen-“6 will be spared W I . . I n i Ix ( EAL‘DUTED WITH ] ROMpTITUTE ,I Civil lungiiieei and Architect s Jam 7 .it) (in in securin the -. - - ~â€" » mm"- W, _ ,_.. The highest inui-ltetprica given rm- CamoI sewmg machine. and as all that you stated it to z ‘ ' A1107“le 3,- CHI”! N. (1010,,.ai Church Chroma, II II 2 75 I7 mews of g . Y?“ law“ “‘lelllzfiuce by Sheep, littmbs. &c. be. M. FAWCICT’J‘. Toronto. Aprill 1869. 55 3.. ~ . ., - " l , We!“ 'elem‘airh desiiatches. Mar- Odds and Ends I I r I I , . i x ontcniporaiy ReVIow . . . . . . . . . . . 9 (it) 80 hot Repons Pm,eq ,. .. DIAISOlIlCOIIIIed and SPIIIIId BGIIIII smeliedand M l h \I l 181 SIII “Slog/(m Nul‘swr' - . Coriiliill illatrazino. . . . . . . 3 50 ‘33 mercial liittillitrendo llIIlIIOIlIXI‘l‘IllIlaIId tGBIleIIII COIIII I â€"_'__' rim] amsI . art amt arci ti 1 7t). ' “ '3 ,I V " ‘ "' I I. I . b 5 I‘ a par so "t ie Viorld II PURIIi'iIY is the feminine, truth the mascu- wiLL‘lAM COXI M _._y_ MPORTANT TO PARTIES i‘SlNG [(3.36) MO Journal ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' :I‘IIlIlIIIISSItIileIGIuIIIiSeiiiitiingInttIentiun. Every de.’ . . II t .i ..I. . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . a e, . . I "‘e‘o "mu" RichmondHill.October 15.1867. 1.. “'C' CHAPP‘AP” - MACHMRY- DublinUiiiversilyMa azmo 901! 80 hi lieststat 11?: W'. emumtamedmlhe . ‘y D g g e of oflicieiic REASON is the flower of the spirit. and , , v ’ W-, 2“ {Smâ€"“e 19”" “59d “la Whaler“; East Aiiirlian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 30 Noiwmshndin y it. )I its fragrance is liberty and knowledm _w -.. -.-... _ .. dulIfIODITOYIIIIlg lVIlaIchiiio about nine VEHIS, and sTocx’s EXTRA MACHINE oiL. Ecclesiziiip and Theologia” .3 .- 3., IIIIIIIIIIIveIIIIII‘II OI ILIIII IgIgrpat illlal'gel‘lI‘lelllI and D ‘ , I ri g in me it ias cost iiotliiii for roiairs. ( â€" - p .- II- . I I ' ' ' ' ' I -. .' I I (LY a‘iLan l iat iave a dVE mtay I‘llII‘IdCOIdIIfI lIIpOII IllIe liweeIeSt THEBI'ESESiIISgéggaiéN NAIlIONAL Vlye Sew heavy l'ullod cloth \‘vilhgcoarse Ilinen I This 0” “Cells 3“ OWNS r0" Lul'ii'mlll" bbeenllII‘aIIe' “18 sub'Qc'Ill’lion Will 0011- n “105 gen 6 ew O ove ti it ecowes ‘ - 1 tea . stronger than can be done bv llalld‘ I purposes both animal ’lllti Vedotuhle II 1 - - h- ‘ ~ :- â€" II 80" ‘I . . â€"â€" ~ : . . . ». ' ' ‘ r-4 -I hiliiilmrqh VlOlilCHlk‘LSlll‘ rical Jam 1 :0 (‘ . . snow 01 flostI Authorisede we Comm“ of PubIIcI m- I EvhtIle all IiineIslitchi‘ug 011 light fabrics gives the I “I” “8 P'Iel’m'ed 1“ llaVO “‘0 1001"” "'I llllS English Zl’reshvtorian Messenger. . . 1 ll) 1) , II “0 DOLLARS PER ANNUM: CHARITY.â€"â€"Shaltespenr’s beautiful defini- struction for Ontario. cgiiiiiiIZiIiIisdIIIiiigIIIlegl can vilIIIIV‘S‘OlIlIIdIInSCII III- IIII tlaged aghIIIiI lIIIIhIIIIs in0W IIOiIIg II IIII on IIJHgHSII Mechanic I I I I I I I I ' I I ' I I I 3 25 3” IIalIlIIli)I(I :IIWIIFS In advanceâ€"and the fonowmg “on of ,1 -s h- _ I I .I .I I 1 61‘ an ' ison lellfl' . macuneryâ€" 0t] l [or ioavv; from - -' l g ,, '. . v I an. _: Wi e the IIGenIIe III: hgaIlfIiIIIIIiIthiIlgl‘:§ IIliIIiidtZEi;Iviitues is, FIRST BIOKIWIIIIgI IIâ€"‘IusIIaIIOIIg StIIOIIgIIIbOIIII Machine as the host for KLESOR “ I». gr sevtIinIg macliiiie.gto the llflairiesl ot I I CLI'n RATES FOR 1871 I I. 5- , I _ “I .t .J ‘ I . oatsm'ls. - ,w I I. ‘ ‘Hi . ,.I I ' rm; be“ humor IS “mt WhiCh contains It‘insl’iI'IlIloIiiIiiI C(Igriii 13 cent? Ith r4'll - - Cedar Grove. MHX’Ch 18. 1870. IIâ€"Iâ€" ‘5 The following are the points in which it rx- iiiuiomoiog'h i’I'I . it'lI vI I; I i I I :ZIiI) I] I‘A (IIlIlII OI 'IlI‘IIII coples' one yo?” i - . . .$ 9 (l the most humanity, that which is flavored Istt‘onwli‘ bouiIiIiIi iiiIiiIiiiiiIvdloth I 1352:1IIILZIIIS. I I cells a” other “"5 ’ ISEaIiIiIivIeli:;iSCiii-ist:iidiiih agazme 5 I68 l): 'J‘IiIiIIi ntV Ii!) I I I ' ' 17 0” I. I I II . h I ._ I I ., . Y . I J F I i . . . . . - . . . 1 . l 7‘ I; (0 I I :. throughout “uh tendemess and kmfiness- SECOND BOOK, with 56 illustrations. stronghv Kindly el.m'tte§€II.E1IGlle?Es . . CONSTANTLY ON HAND k It Will nolgum ‘ hfmce mael‘mery (I’m 1'0 Evangelical Magazine ...”... 2 75 17 DO IlIllil‘lY do I II Ii II” I I . I , . t . I I a mu 8 , , . I II__ III . . . . . . WHEN III Iadv IIIIIIIIgeS III III WWII or Iwo bound III CIIIIII [wadsâ€"20 ceIIISI . MISI ApIIIIISIiIIII MoISI CI;SIIIIeal\I’III€I:SN‘%\KlI?;I JIsIn , cfelngrIfiéIxItItehI prt IhtItl tb til ,ai d it “Iill li‘xelel Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i i.) 0.3 And each additional cotn' over thirty aiIIoiig gentlemen miners a'm justified in mm”; ‘I'HiiIiD IISCpIaKII, 4ldillusIIItIiI'ations, stratieg bound Vmem HmdingIMIss Russeh ‘MIfs Alex MATES; otheroils It wyill iIiIiit dZilgegex‘oIIg‘I‘I‘I‘I‘IVIlIlIeeilI gainin {attend . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . at)” 17 Dollar and Hf“, cents i i. - - I . D incoi oarsâ€"v cents. -. I ',. ”’ ' ..' , t " ‘reasut‘r . . . . . . . . . -I ’ r-x .» . .' . giggidhms and vlewmg the house “0m the FOURTH Boon. 45 illustrations.stronglvbound, ?f:,;j:;‘f:;§:lsi Jos. Kefi'er. Mrs. D. Heise. A LARGE STOCK m, IlheIcolIdIest OfIIVVBall‘IOIl‘â€"-ll’lls is a quality of the L‘Ziiiitiv Herald . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 2 [cAtIiip 3in ‘IIIIlVIII! I?) paIIIHIS WIIO e. in do,“ boardsâ€"4“ ceIIISI . i . iigies Iiinpor ance. mm the fact that an oil Farmer’s Magazine I I I I I I I I I I I 7 50 65 b I, ‘ t‘ ‘ 5‘0, “I “U ' “7'” 6 39"“08'1)’ IN Youth, ye'i in manhood we should cul FIFTH Boon 50 illustrations’ slron tv -â€"â€"-“ not havmg [his qualitv will not lubricate a cold n . ~ I' ( r lmw W m.“”” “Fwy 10" 't 1’." “3“” 0"l‘6150ually I I t . - , . g3 bound HEINT , I shun u l I .l . , , lIOial lllagazmu. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . J Jt) so at 1]... 0mm. A“ . OI H) I nvme mmd and character ‘0 I, PI I I in cloth boardsâ€"I50 ceIIIsI ZAIAA &. GOAIPAArY1S I . s C i a.) or may be applied in a heated 19, ml “york, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 52 n , I 3 to isI dIlIl city to get up a We km W notfor what. end GhdumIrdehgfgé COMPANION TO THE READERSâ€"25 cents. ti:t.i»mti'rnn Fancy” Goods’ Jewelry’ istIIiIseciiiiIgdaIlIéItIi I21???” IIIIiIiiIIBI a cifld ihm Fhlls‘ “"1 lIOll‘OlogI‘Sl ‘ ~ - - - - ' - ' ‘ - 3 7g IriiiI<ZIILXlIiol:ld):lI:’d)IhiIv I IIIIIIfIIIIISIIéI-QI vol-sate awn}. .4, » - . . v ‘ W12“? egmm "bu-3W3 P‘oloi (Le) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 50 " iv - I -‘ ‘ " a we“ 0" “ ~“" 3 , _ I. I I, _,...I A __ 1,1 ! , i I mm] the Journal bv mono,“ acquims ,. a, I. . _ - en ru hllowmg the teims. < r i r ' ' " "l lll‘K' . . . . . . . . "' '.' l' . e . . w {30 ym,“afl {black as your HERALD BOO°K STQIRIE. N O O L S - P IODICALS temperature uecessnry to reduce it to a lid- id Ii‘?;<::.)gsllvi‘a ,liIi:,eew (m0) 3 I Pam“ “lbrcnlllng (in a (/llll) or otherwise) . ’ I} I . , . _I,_ _ ’ Blale- lilac uirin a hi her ten” ~ . s ' g ‘ ' mime 'he 1*“ 3‘11"”qu ld'll. will he _I{ eof These Iiistrumenlsfi made with a full 316- if” '- fiction the jgurnalIIhxmuds and HI oiIIIIIrO'II'I II IIIII'IIasonIS Magnum" ‘ ‘ " 2 “0 17 Pat or sont to them up to tilt) ‘llst D VII meI . . - , . ' a r ‘, e s r p - i . ‘ -' f f ’ ‘ I tallic l‘ tame, are all overstruiig. and are maiiuâ€" jured. It is as imposiible to use (Iiil IthIhi \i‘li'l I “Milo ' I ' .I I I I l II I ‘ ' I ' I I I 2 00 I7 MI 1' on payment Of a “M’s S‘N‘Sc‘IllslII'E‘I‘xi IIII foggipred nyIIllIIeI best wzgmen, InadeIi- the: sIIiIipeiu MISCELL q-EOUS & STANDARD chm on a mid shanwnhom this result as it I; I iga'gII-III.“ . . . . . . . f: IEIuch (a‘lub paper shall be addressed sepa. _. I “5“ "55 o ‘. r I.. 1min. \ - n ias a u ) ' ' - . w ’ . .‘ ‘ -I ' I - - - - - - -: m e V. a 'b ' r . IX . wards II, “In” :hifigleiIIIfiyflI-I I he Sign}; I! Kallzuggenfélcgfiglt ‘Ii’atgl‘gmonfikesI 0" W'I” Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . . . . . 9 50 ()i'derqunIa - II'III IIIaviIDO hog” d I v ’ G RE A T $ DOLLAR All instruments are furnished with the Ar- L jUOKS 2.3 app?» 41; It .3 1m;- shulin t3 hm Imome‘” ” Geological Magazine . . . ...x. - - . 5 ‘ ’II ' I” Iesse to ‘ I I ' I, JIM; giafiIIo Aar, rind are distinguished for their singing establishments. and all unite in“;qu Iiingli'i‘i’d'iiggg figglpgf‘vurlég l‘lal‘ ll. Reportory. *. lI re“ .hes‘h ,swmmmép P A P”! ,, qua~;l)’idV0lu'llBi ill"l Plll'lW 0f lone. PlahliC. even for it to Refined Sperm. or pure olive oil: it is Good “Tom. I I I II “II II 1 I ' . II E foihwing-vsemenceI “John quickly I touc :. urabiliiy of construction. and beauty or free from all objections urged against all outer Good \\im.,iSIf;);.',Il,é I I I I i I \ 1.3 ,exiempfljzeq fiveww bagSIn Iconmius a” W E E K finllfih- C II III) I d M I q I At]. â€"uvI_I ,I School Books oil as it neithei gums or freezes. Gospel Magnum I I I II II I I I I I I I 2 no» 17 I .t I tI theleuers of the alphabet, and only foul. THE CHEAPEST READINGI “If?” I_°IVI5“5( “ 31) all “519 NlOOlS 1" Bibles I I NO'V, astho public are aware that many llcinld and GPOlOglsl,(flll.IllOlllll) 475 80, I of “mm are used move than onceI I g a “"16 )' I ' TIITestamentQ I worthless Wings a'e pased iiito llOlOlielIV, in [loniilist .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 ill) , F RST‘CLASS I A QIIIIKIIWS Advice III his SOII OII his IWIId T H E B E S 1 IV E E K L Y I III/mu Books OIiI‘det‘ to prove that this is no liumhng. and :it Horologicul Journal i . . . . . I . . . . . . . t 1 l0 ll) l "I,ij I IYIDq din}:r Davâ€""When thee went 3 00.1.1,“ I A D 0 L L AR $ A Y E A R I A FULL Asson'riiicm or T B I - t 6 some time to secure oursclvos against the illustrated lmndoii b’lngazuie . . . . . .3 75 33‘ J 11 A A, i' v. i . . '- ' 5 03/ 00708, Prayer Books operations of unscrupulous oil agents, ; mam» intellectual Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 5t) . . , , â€" till ‘i‘i:."°i§‘Lrid-ll...”iilildillémli, In i... .g. .i ... ...... ...... ORGANS & MELODEONS, concerirznas . ofwhwi" resume to. minnows Intettemt Borstal-r new 0h» w 17 mm A“ M” TERMS 01“ “m”- Ibem IIIIIIISIIIII i (eel) and will have From the Fstablishmeuls f Needle Shell Cases 0K3] or 0” ’Iefi'39T199. :15 being identical Will] Journal of Agricullnie. . .I , I. . . .. .Il 33' VI III I I I I . I I t 0 Stocks extra machine oil; we propose to those Journal of the Chemical l‘OClell . . .3 in 33 17' â€"‘ 3”“ "f '33 MFR“, Situated in the A Wotqu should be amiableI benevolent A Paper to 52‘” the T“7193- RI SI IVILLIAMS R H DA, TON W I I Shell Boga“ who are largely interested in the truth of those Journal of Practical Medicine. . . 3 75 3:3 TmVl'Sl‘I‘l’ or V‘"‘:‘-’“““- 0“ Yo‘hfi’e SU'OOli «"IbOUL Charitable, domestic, economical, lIl)l‘;IlVi|ltr T] T I ""‘ . ’ ' ' J ’ 7'74th DGSkS Partan Vases statements. to solid to them on ripplicu- Journal of Socinl Science . . . . . . . . 5 75) 50 m “1'1” “Wm 0f IlIm'OHlOi 0" WlllCll there is genemuEI hmmsp i,,dus,,.im,sI judIciIms IIIIIrI-Ii I I ie 8 ogrfiili Istauds unrivalled amongst AND 01"ch CELISBRA'I‘ED MAKERS, t.“ l‘Vork Boxes tiou by express, or otherwise tree of charge. a Kitlo’s llible Illustrations . . . . . . . . . 3 75 33 I“ "0"““0‘l‘m” I‘m‘S“: hm“- 2 “able-“y Shetlfl. an lovintr, iiciil, tiieediciil [liezlSlllll quiet :«etleo III (If’lnlieeri' a“ °,"“'ced, "3' '[5 w""d°'I.1"l and 'Wallets “milk? “the 0” that ll “‘“3’ Speak {01' 3‘56”) Latlies' Gallium OlI Fashion . . . . . . . 3 75 33 ""I‘3l”"'_‘h “hm” imam?“ Pine 311d llal'dvvoodtitii- IIIIIII EIme III ,I I IIiI r , II - uvoi increasing lIOpulal'll\‘. lt.Iofl‘ui~inimuce- TUNING AND REPAIRING ATTENDED T . , , we will with the sample furnish applicants Ladies’ ()oiiipaiiion...... .-. . 3 75 33 l b” ""“T‘li “'0” “mm/"9d- ,:ii , lEIIdvt. Ullldlle xiituous uisc ii ‘lllSl il‘ 0 ti v i- 0' Lad C’ > > - " ~ exemkaIIy IIIId Zeal) ‘S I I II: . It It I u l) iioIotIior medium at interli- I II 965 ompcmwns lree ot charge. with a few simple tests as ef- lind‘ius’ Gazette or Fashion . . . . . . . 3 75 33 , Farm in the lOWHSlllp of Adelaide. fronting II I v I 1 (us. Ios icu ( it man. trance- 7‘5 success '3 “"Plece‘wmed fl" 1‘ '5 The above ,Hmnmmm are I” II I II Tm Toys Pocket Books I f‘ective. as those testr by which Gold is known Ladies” Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Qt) i2” “'0 buglme G'Ia‘m‘ (load: or 30“ “CV95: Jun CliinnsIc have Coal mnI.eS which the). THE BEST W I I and 50“, II, “IIIII‘III.IIIIIIIIIUII,I “I?” “ I), “’fa"“‘“‘.‘?‘li ... Toy Watches 1 from} the base metals. and which will enable Lentil-e llour. , , . , . . . . , , , . . . . . . . 2 (it) [7 ‘ 1“ JCII'E’S vlf‘arwlIuml live from stumps; 0.. it... have iml'lIled lO‘I111IInldl'r'dS ill years. They ELKLY 1 (action guarodtecd iii ever"Icuse I 0352:1122 P0075” CI 767‘1/ Panws'm'dehmg “IlslIIIIIIIII: tIIIIIIIS‘IIveS agIIIIm London InIIImIlI I I I I ' ' I I I I . I I I I 2 M) I7 EISIIIIIle‘? IhIIII‘III IS II 'IIOI’III hIIIIIeI IIIIIII' SIubIO' Prep-"e 119 003 0" USP. )y L’Il'llldilltT or Fugusflw IN CHAIM {we v' ' - H 1 - imposuion. Ir ena) ingt cm to determine at London Societr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 30‘ ‘ - W815 a SPFWE ti USP m the house and ~ - .. .t?. A A - ‘ . rBrushes 1 | - ' ' .. -. ) .' r.‘ ~â€" v-t'tsirinnr ' 1' - ‘ ‘~ '\ I p.,u,,dmg ,L m ,,,,“.de,.I and mmmg I, “MI I I _ I I I I I I once. w ietiel theI oilIlorwuiidedIis as good as London and taxis hashioiis . . . . . . . 3 to 3.3 ‘ ‘l‘ .- C‘ee} “‘“3 aIPW‘S the lot. lhe un- ciaf- 805"???”Mimi”? iSSOakedwith ,,.,.‘.?;""a'>,tI£33135.NEW, Mai‘lIrIot Roâ€" LAMB’S FAMILY Imi'r'riNa MACHINE, CM I TOOtII Brushes limit.”iiIZiii-ISIpiiifiiifiii: digiiiiiumcmi Iii/iIiIil‘IIIIiIIviI'IiIIoIiI IIIIIIII Iii”) ‘gif‘iggiilfiignltI‘lIIliiihllIiIieriiiIIiiclimb IiimgiIIiI'de w“ H. a“ m mom, He pa I. . I ' 7 ’ I‘ vs, |‘.i|]] a )amI I . r I I-.' ‘ re wtl e tca . l‘l' ... . . . . . . - i) 1 . I I ‘ II " 'WOO i a 1011. TH; “my {III a mIIII IO tIIIIIiy SIICIIeeI Is to V: IIpI ISOIlecuImI Ag,.,m,th,.I.,1 MumrI “LINN.” CALL AND SEE ITI I‘Smaving Brushes do well to communicate With Merry and Wise .. . . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 ll) Iaug 7I IlIlllIlEsI li'tiinIIthi'zitliiIIri\-. I) AI r I I t I I - I In io ,egis alures. {o igious iitolligeiice. - I rI G. BI STOCK Methodist, Magazine . . . .. . . .... . . 3 75 33‘, ‘ 0 I, m “If: 0 0's “IS? I“ and 13' Est W... D... s ------- IIIIII I-IIIIeI SILII i ISIdII I,.II.I II II (. (I)Iiie, I Iiei ILII ajIIAIIIIHIIlgV as iiiIiii t\I<\.I luiiglisli, ‘ ’ “’ ‘ “7, MM". 0] I D H (1207‘ Hops BrouglmniI Ontario. lIzlllSSIiln lIJIllIGI . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . 290 I7 bIIIIIgI‘ Eggs)” {0”} :‘YIhIlll‘y. \I‘lIllerebCOl'tlwo'id l ,I ' -_ eI , 'ii iiIs Du 1, mi N..- Iu ' I 'i 11in L ewes. wii-eigii cws I. is nna o s H g . .I .. 1cm:in ac tel...” . . . . . . . . . . . . - 5 331 ‘I ‘ “I‘M-a” 1 IS W6 ll“! el'odwitli for tht or praise. and he thll hove till the b‘I'I'I”LIl,“HII (ll “Patkmlg aid 1‘3‘1“i““g Smm’s- w 3 Dressing 0077st I aIIdeIéon & sons AgIIIIII IIIIIImmId IIIIII MUFBI‘mlIflIPd 50mm” 0f Educulion 2 (IN! 17 igfizdwném , t I, . I . Success that 15 possible to him, and ...” L1,... an new) and Iuetinal beleciious. lLLUbThATED PAPERSI "Circular bombs r#*~â€"â€"~»~u~-A J .â€"â€"V< Mustcul limes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 a0 ()6 w A” BIWEISIT‘ I“"1 5|" muons nthercounties. is worth httvintr. ~ . ,i I . W J Naturalist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . .... I 10 1!) pl) 5I ' y “I”: Prepaid) 10 Tum; Cupujcp ...A reamed , . E I .MUSICAIL SI‘LEICTIOND ! lizclntlingtlie Canadian illustrated News. llar- sets JIIIII Jewelry Corona“ NEW MOMM‘I MaRalele v- - i - - - - '3 U” 1 lb 3- N. “LAKE In I I I II ‘I ’- mun lnIS Salt] very issue notitiiiiin the Words and Music of per’s Vv’eeklv, Frank [,nglie’g [[iuglmmd and Brooches New Mom MagI pm. SI SI Toachers 1 25 13 BIIIIIIIQIIII-I mt lIie in.“ PM works to pronounce iii the H Popular Ballad. or Sacred Music Selection. The Cllllnlloh' C - - | - i 3 II E ' 0 w 1 3y I . I ’ ‘ ’ ‘ 0‘ English lllllli‘llll'rt’ are, “l made («midst-,1“3 :~ For One Dollar You got l“ift\‘~lwo pieces of I OIIIBII III I I8 HCIIIId IIOOII bIIIIIeI ar RIn‘qSI ()liieexan I . I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 (ill in) DOIC‘I CIIIIIICI) SL IIDPOSIIII SI' James, came I MI.“ I - . I L I '. ) \‘ov " . . . . . . . . . . . ... ~ 4 H. ' gl’hep ltIiI‘edIcIrick the Ciireut, bwmm to ,1“, .\Ii_iSic.IwSorIiIh 'l liis alone is won], “,0 _ Gold Pens learl $333 If II ~ ~ - Peoples Magazine . . . . . . . . . Q (10 l; riflIiII I»?.;OIIII8I;IQ ena e, . lflVC Just Us“, ImieI and his price 0 u scription. ‘ art 0 103 J H SAN phammcenficai IlomuaiI I I I I I I I I I 3 75 33i C 9" '~ 9 ‘ SSS-ti" ply IOWII Ii’uultiI’ Goldsmith says, “His CO”. I {end our Splendid Book. Watch and Sewing w‘ MILLIOHAMP, 001d Plated Penltolclers I I ‘ DERSON’ Pliilosmihiral Magazine . . . . . . 9 50 80 ""m’ r' " *"r‘w -â€"â€"va~AA« ( Snowe more "Fullness than his I. acimm premium LlsL - ELECT 10 AND (H OSF SILVFR PL T I Gold Plated Pencil C E T E BIN A RY sURpEON P I l’lmnographic Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . U 75 08 Victories.” III A Splendid Selection of Books for Tim“. J J A A ER Gold Chums uses V duals of Toronto VIotorinarv bfieigt, fl‘0l2353l‘l‘}§.1‘("Hails ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' i; 5“ 80‘ Temperance Works' ,I., A I. . . . s purl .I - - ~ - I ('0‘ v 'Y I i . v a .I. - I ’ost ') ico Ire'itol‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 75 3 l â€"â€" sol/1% tIII Iiiiiijelynmng Is IIII bIIIIIIhII IIIIII IIisIci-ili'eIfN S ' ' T‘I‘ I I (I?) Sh”; Studs Sleeve Links mOIliIdeIHOIIIll liItiigieliiIIaIiIitioiIiIi‘iId: IEIilltIalllIlllleiTIIfl Pm‘my Bdok' ’ ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' I I I I ' I I 3 75 III II 1 001{ litthngI d1? lIliUIeff {I’D‘IIII me I’lIU‘I'm‘UUS HIP-V Stills Ii-IiIlIiIe,.s anzer ewulg Machine for Forty I / ll (“01' Color Paints (9; Brushes he is now Ipracti‘ciilg with H. SANiiiiusoN ItIif P‘Ia‘mml mecl‘amcsI Journal ‘ ' ' ' ' 3 75 33 I J of III:I<I)I fiIchIIpIII iiciiIdsI; hit: when the sun I III) “I; I S I I I Crayons the same place. Where the). may be cansuliiiiir PlimitivIe Methodist Magazine . . . 2 [lo 17 If you want get the publications of later IImEI it 1;? y y 1.57 “5 “I “ll” 50"”9” 0" suibggril; I ‘mzel ewmg Maellll‘e for SD"? Transparent Slates ed persona”). m. by “we” 0,, all diseases; Prophetic Times . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . l 75 15 - the SUDTTISH 'l'iciitrieixANcu LEAGUEI ,( Ellis to De durlt. they become ' ' "" Puzzle Bl k . Horses, CameI &c_ l‘nlpit Analyst . . . . . . . .. . . .... . 2 (it) 17 sepammd one fmm mmum and find “mm FORM YOUR CLUBS FOR IPII oc sI Mirrors memmo. EVE“, DESCRMWNM.“0,563 Qiiiv... ('l‘he) , . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 no 17 . HERE. ISelV€_s all at once without friends. Nothing S,” ,8 CO II , I I ‘I ' Humming Tops and Came always 0,, “and: such as phmc Rememliraiicer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 10 m ,hls “.mM is so heartless as men who have Qg! It \I 01 one )Ieat . to any address. $1 (It) Canes DiMGHCI CordialI TonicI CoughI Cond‘mmi Reyiiold’s Miscellany o - . . . . . . . . . 2 00 17 A Fun. SUPP} Yofumue ‘1, . .l' hadIi'etlowship iii vice logeilleu Motives Of- I“““f¢“l“t0ns sent in now count till the cud Packet Combs and Worm Balls and Powders. The Cough [{Ollllllmotl . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52 00 l7 ‘ and well-writteii Works ivIliIiIcIlIisilefi selfishness unite them, and when these fitil 0)] JS‘I' l‘olIlI'teeii motith bubscription ior (5,6 4.6 4,6 S} M . Balls have been found most serviceah!e in Roull"di‘-’L‘Is mafia?“ for Boys 9 0” 17 be disposed of nta Low [Ilate the fall ‘ . l "0 Dollar . bend for Epecimoii Co iies " I I I ' wet usw fillel’iflliu maiiv of the distre 5’ rr s' . 51- J’m‘asI magazme - ' ' ' ' - - - ' ' ' t 3 75 33 ' ' y asundei. Agentq mm 0m hemil n L. I . I] Ii) I. “E I ng I . II I s in., ~)ui|i S . IT n .e I) (0 I I _. . I - ~ 1. .5 I m .6 a, V k ME. I guns 0 rommvin 0,. haves, H . cieiiiic fVl w ..i 17 CA. I I z - - Mommasâ€"Their arc overshot waterwhccls and IVVoeklIv '1 clcgt'aph. A liveral cash comI- N 80 0 ‘ Colic, Draughls. Liniments for SorenTnliIastII: Scottish Congregatimialist. . . . . . . . 1 25 1:; MIMI” 0" allphcwon at the and undgrshog In the OneICnseI the motive inissmn to Caiivussors. 0' mucon Street W est, C “I B I I I Sprains. Curb. Spaviti. King-hone, (he, Bust? Sharpe’s bomb“ IMaL'Mi'm' H - - - - 3 75 33 HERALD BOOK STUpE’ pewer ulls from above; in the other, {be THE DAILY TEEGRAPH $5 A YEAR TORONTOI ONTARIOI 855? 5. olIlII gelshilosh Billings’. eriiig Oiiitmeiits, also Hoof and Healing Oint- Sl‘OT‘hflud Mageznie. . . .. . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 17 "I II I I yvatItIar tuius the wheel from below ; the first, Add ' ‘ . AII I I I II (I I an ana ian meme, Lemons for womdsI BruisesI Swims Sixpemiy Magazme . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 2 00 17 a ‘s t 9 more Powerful. Men lil'e wheels a~e ress all Letters. posl- )aid . ““f S 0 Iarl‘lfl’w nut Harness Mountin Galls. lnfallible Oil and Shoe Tick [) v- 800"” 0" Late“ ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - ' - 3 75 33 . turned by forces from variatth soni‘ces,‘ mid ROBER'l‘SOl‘Il SLICOUK glllivesslii“{Ili?J.Sll0?llSTbCmils. &o.. $39.. 81.0% troyer. _ P as SPlealMagazI'l‘B- - » ~ - - - - - - - - - - i 9 WI 17 Patent Eaveâ€"trough ZggarInyargIZSInove bIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII1?II CIIIIIIICIIII IIIOIII Publishers and PIIOIIIIIéIOIISI WIBIlIilIIIIV IlefIiIlflIiIlluIlIiIino 35. Style warranted ,0 ALMANACS FOR 1871I IoAalIlIgl‘IIlIlIBJSIfIlIfil:1:3:Istlfglcepl‘Ol’llpllS‘I::lGlijled gigdfirqtégéhég,‘figé ' " 3 ND \VATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO. ‘ “‘85 an Se S] aims love them . 'l‘oriosm ONT \l. i "1' . . . I v i .' ' :‘I any par 0 ‘5 'Io' ‘ ' ' I I "I l M'NION- at $6 per IUO feet Al F] But the a 0d I = .' w ., , -_ ' J, Ross Rog, ._ .I ' ‘ 1 >0 “mm 32ml“ 0f bllow Cases Metal vtuce. Sunday Magavme . . . . . . . . 2 (it) 17‘ - I I I I SO 001‘- above. it; hiiiiIialiiSOIiiIin Ivntg fo.IIIO WI}: 1mm JAMES ii. coiiiifIOIN 612 6 Sash liar ['nr bItoro froutS, &c.. importer of __. Horses examined as to soundness also 8mm” at Home ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 2 00 17 I lihgilsmgiggial'ilunalimth‘h(Isis/16d : "sap BII-IIIIIIIII' that this IS the mIGIIIIeSIl I: géove to .tlIl men I ‘ French and English Show Cases, Glass, &c. &c, bought and Sold on commissionI I St. Paul’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 3;; .Wag'gon 'F0,,;9:‘ until ‘SIgIIb acslll'leséIShlng-Izlrs z: 1‘ Ill 8X18 once. ' ’rr "*#*â€"â€"â€"» mwiififi- TummoI A ,.,l 7I 18-1, . I . n- _ - I. Scottish Journal. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . 2 00 17 I " J (“I “we 0 01' 0“- FI’I‘CTS , I I I_ ' t .T p II mm}: “ICIIIIIOIIIII HIII'ADHIQ3’ 1868' 510 Technologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 3 1Iorl’a'Ificm’dTS address _ WORTH KbO“ IhG. The whole 1mm. 4 ~ â€"â€" 7 m ma. ’7.” â€" E 3 her Ol’langua4es spoken in the world amount Ah 7 I IviIfmiIIIIinainIi I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ' ' I I 3:5 33 JOHN LANGSTAFFI . ~ . . I I I I iiiseys amnion 5 , i . I 5973’?2?:ing-, 55:, “1 EuYIODB, 395I 1n Asra, WITH SELF ISNITRUCTOR’ AT THE RlN'llNG 0F E" ERY DESCRIPTION ‘ Townsend’s Enstnnms. . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 'T . - r. swam MIIIS’ThOIInII'“ InhIIlIlI Inca? flIIt 1.264 in America, The HERALD BOOK STOEEI executed at the Herald Office F 0 I. l B 7 l . Traill’s Illustrated JOSephus . . . , I _ 3 75 33 homhm' NOV-L): 1859- 1 431 a? S 0 110 globe profess more than , 'l‘ruiliseelier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 10 10‘ ~ View» w r r#»â€"â€"» , _ 1,000 (lifiIei'eiit religions. The number of ECEVTLY ADDED A I Union RCViBWERll month] 375 (30 . t r . t - . . . . . . - i .-â€"I men 15 about equal to the number OfwomImI HE DIORNING PAPERS L I , N0. 2 GORDON , United Methodist Free Church Mag 2 0t) ' 17 POJl‘TICAL ‘VORKD T1 , . .- . . Curd Piess. to the Herald Book (1 J b DA! BOOKb . . . . le aVetagC OIt human life is about 33 yearsI Priming. Establishment a“ 0 ’ United Presbyterian Magazme . . . . 1 25 13 I II I I I I I One-quarteIr diIeprrcvious to the age of seven OF TORONTO : HI I JOU RN IIIS at» H I J. XoterinarIiviIin . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g5 50 01‘ “w “"‘H'P‘M‘I Poms: AT THE yearsI one. ,3 . 9 0m reaching 17I Ofe IeI A Yicloi'iii auazme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 33 _ I . 1,000 persons. one reaches 100 years oflif‘dx Telegraph! INisvathAriIi‘iianrSiEaITHE HERALD PRINT ’ THOMAS SEDMAI‘N’ Wamhwmd II' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ~ ' ' ' ' ‘ . ' ' ' ' ' ' - I 10 1” HERALD Bock STOREI Of Every 100 only six reach the mic 0f (35,I GIObe: ‘ I LEDGERS CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, xvveslldElifirGfizPuo 0f Fasmons' ' ' ' 3 7:: 33 “" I I I I. I I . ‘ r '..‘l i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I‘ ”. . andI noIIt more than one in 000 lives to 80 Leadels EATNESS CHEAPNESS QUchNE ’ Ulldeflflkery 560- Y0:,,gti.;,mi;si:a.;,na,, I I I II I I I I I 560 BICE’S PUMPS {$331380 1118;312:319 033233300, (:Ia“ 1’9 had at he Post-Office, for 10 CENTS three chaiI'acteristics of theIHerald OfficES R [EESIDESCE‘TNM‘I]Y°PP°Sitethe Post 05308 YIonng ApiIn-entice. . . , . . . . . . . . Q 00 17 I i - e, I. .333 \ EEK. - PAPER BOOKS icimon il . Young Ladies Journal . . . . , I I I I 3 95 :30 FOR SALE BY (he 9%,) year, 3I800 every hourI and 60 Apply to I .4 , , Youniz Englishman’s Magazine. . . . 2 (it) 17 l J. BRILLINGER . 3,6513 alumni; 0;.bOIIe evedry secondI These MI TEEFYI HE dBESIIl INKS ARE T C Young Men of Great Britain .. . . 5‘ 00 17 RI I V, IH X. s s are a On aance b ane “a1 1mm. itch o d ' use 3”” era ce- . O. ontroversialists. Zoolo ist....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 - . . Mama». ,1; her of births. The marriedIiIire 103...... lived May 14, 1859- III IIEGIdIâ€"IiiI. of Every st" 5"“ chrll'llm- _â€"_. g I I I 33 Rmhnmnd Hill’June 11' I68' 5 7'“ tliIan the Single ,I and above all, those who N ADDITION TO OUR NEW PRESS HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND A-dd 25“mst°ab°vef°rp°stag° mm“ m" 0 serIve aIsober, industrious conduct. Tall LIBRARY ASSOCIATION New Type has also been addedI A H ENCE between TI JI MII IIIII Revue“ deIIIIIgI I m9? weIIongeIr than Sb?” IonesI I Women , I T Tun nAnALn Boon STORE, Barrow and others, (in the York HERALD *II* Cm. supply any Marraz'me )ubtished 11:1er 1110.8 ghances of life in their favour RICHMOND HILL ONF BUT THl1 BEST MATE IIIIIIIIII III“ mIIIIIIIS IIII IIIIIyI AIIIIIIIII and SBIII IIOIIIII above IISII II I reViOuslo . ~ ‘ â€"â€"â€"- * J I ‘J ‘ 4 ' ' ~ ' ’ ' I gut fewer an “IV ,)(II,,II]IIS IIIinIIge than mfm hayei HIS ASSOCIATIOV HAS made use of at the Herald Office RIAI S itenI‘ItIrIiIeiIinidaiiIVS)lllIs 5a“; lImmed In paIIIpIIIIII ' ' ' i CUTTL flRY' I EIWdI s. Ihose born in Spring I, II I L TRANS- , ‘LEXI SCOTTI P o 8' aper'f‘a - Parties Wishing Magazmos. '&c bound in . me generally m0i~e robust than others: s . eiied their Library to the HERALD Book B IIIIIQII I5 pE-NTSI III” sale at the HERA”) V°lum°5 WI‘" receive Pmml’t “‘Wnllon- The Best and Cheapest Assortment of tow. whore Stockholders and others may ORDON’S NO. 2 CARD PRESS ' Richmmd Hm- 00k ktore' II?Immnd HI“; BANNER O‘fice’ POCket Cu‘lel'i' 1° be had in ll 6 Com! ' ( SED Aurora ' H Wilson’ F S - M - - ‘ t" A . - s ancIv tore, aikham; U York Herald” (ltieap Book and Job Prim- Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodgeris, and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York

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