Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Apr 1871, p. 3

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VICTORIA HOUSE, REVIVAL IN DUCK VALLEY- STOCK OF GROCERIES ENTIRE SATIbFAC’TION! !! Any House in the Trade Comparison is the True Test cf Will make a Great Revival in Duck Valley. which has so long lain Dormant, although so much required. N.B. Full Market Price: for all kinds of Produce. VICTORIA HOUSE, Is now in full operation with a general TO COMPETE April 19. 1871. AND CANNOT FAIL TO PROVE “'HICH ARE GUARANTEED FOR QUALITY AND PRICE.‘ COMPETITION ! THE VICTORIA HOUSE WE DO NOT HESITATE NOTE THE ADDRESS, RICHMOND HILL. NEW STORE LIQ UORS, m, RICHMOND HILL. Cheapness, TO GIVE That. the WITH CLIFTON & CO. Richmond Hill Station. Change of time taking efi‘ecl November 28, 1870: Going North 8.5-1 A.M. . . .... . .....4.55 mm. Going South 10.02 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . ..7.02 ml. Sunday at Home for Mar. at Herald Book Store FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! THE CENTRAL STORE. NEW SPRING GOODS! NEW PRINTS, MOURNING G O O D S FRESH ARRIVALS. FIELD & GARDEN SEED FAMILY FLOUR ALWAYS 0N HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST AND GREATLY RED UC'ED April 13.1371. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST! [VERY WEEK FOB MARCH, 'EISURE HOUR, ORTEERN RAILWAY OF CANADA The Central Store! Richmond, Hill, April 12. 1871 DR Y GOODS DEPAR TMENT. FRESH G‘ ROGERJES .’ AN ENORMOUS DISPLAY Sign of the Tea Chest. WINES AND LIQUORS! AL WA rs 0N. HAND, AN EXCELLENT VARIETY NEW COTTONS, NEW BRILLIANTS, NEW LINEN GOODS. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. NORTH OF TORONTO. WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT AT THE TEA CHEST. Arrived at the Herald Book Store. HARDWARE. CROCKERY, THE STOCK INCLUDES Also a full supply of CHEAPEST STOCK 0F &c. &c. &c. MAY BE SEEN AT 01“ THE THE BEST W. ATKINSON. Ol' I. FRENCH. Richmond Hill. 637 THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ON '1‘., FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1871. MOURNING GOODS ! FIRE PROOF STORE ! JUST RECEIVED. LOWEST CASH PRICES. CANADIAN GOODS GROCERLES, HARDWARE, Teeth without Pain. by the use of Ether Spray. which afl'ects the tooth only . The tooth and gum surrounding become insensible with this external agency,when the tooth can be extracted with no pain and WITHOUT ENDANGERING THE LIFE Asin the use of Chlorofm-m. Drs. P. and R. will be in the following places prepared to uxuuct tooth with hi: uuw appamtus. All other operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner :â€" Auréra, Isl. 81h,16Lh and 22nd ofeac'n month Newmarkot.... 2nd “ “ Richmond Hill. . . . . . . . . 9th and 24th" Mt. Albert. . . .. 14th H " Tornhill... . . 23rd “ " Maple 26th I‘ H Burwick . . . . . . . . 28H] “ " Kleinburg............. 29th “ ‘- Nobleton.............. 30m “ H Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora Aurora, April 23, 1870: 6154f Mt. Albert. . Tornhlll. . . . Maple . . . . . Burwick . . . Kleinburg .. A bly good looking, aged 21, wealthy. wishes to correspond with a limited number of youin ladies for mutual improvement, and perhaps something more serious. Photographs exchanged if desired. Address M. HENRY, Victoria Square P. O, EMAINING; IN THE RICHMOND HillPo’stOffice. 1st April. 1871: Ambler. Vt’illiam Killops, W, Appleby. George H. (2)11auter J. Atkinson. Jacob Lewis. H. T. Carrick. John Moore, Joseph Coyle. Thomas Munshaw, Wm. Clafi‘y. Margaret Melloy, John Clafl'v, Elizabeth Miller, Edward Charters John Pogue. Elizabeth Cook. Sylvester Penruse, Ida Clark, Melinda Phi'lips. Thomas Dalton. Mrs. Jane Rutherford, Mrs. Ro- Dixon, George bert .l. Dohson,'1‘hos. J. Robinson, Robert Fulton, William, Simson. Miney Giebner. Otto Stephenson. Josh German. Jane Siver. Robert Hollinshead’y C, L. Scott, Thomas Hocter, Bernard Sibbam , C. Hunter, Mrs. Rachel Williams, John Horne. Mr. Walker, Mrs. John lgram,J- Wice, H. The first edition of one huudxed and fifty thousand copies 9f CATALOGUE OF SEEDS Is published and ready to send outâ€"100 pages, and an engraving of‘ almost every desirable Flower and Vegetable It is elegantly printed on fine tinted paper, illustrated with Three Hundred fine Wood Engravings and Two The most beautiful and the most instructive Floral Guide published. A GERMAN EDITION published. in all other respects similar to the English.“ :- 1n~n ,, §ent free to all my customers of 1870, as rapidly as possible. without application. Sent to all others who order them for Ten Cents, which is nothalf the cost. Address, Richmond Hill, April 6. 1871. ply to ALAPAC‘AS. LORNE SHIRTINGS, DENIMS, Tic/tings, Twilch Skeetz'ngs, Markham, April 13111, 1871. EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING 661-3 Grape Cloths, French Marinas, l doornorth of G. A. Burnard’s Store. Richmond Hill, March 9, 1871. 659-“ 'ICK’S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1871. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the BEAUTIFUL COLORED PLATES. NE W SPRING GOODS YOUNG GENTLEMAN, TOLERA- Wanted Immediately. OUR SMART YOUNG LADIES, TO DRESS GOODS, A. ROBINSON’S, L.D.S., Kept Constantly on Hand IN TWEEDS, COTTONS. ical-n the Dress-making business: Ap- LARGE LINES IN HENRI ETTA CLOTHS, A MAMMOTH STOCK OF L...- Hill. .... VlCK’S ILLUSTRATED A LARGE ASSURTMI’JNT 0F AND FLORAL GUIDE. List of Letters Conovnas, &c. 61c. MRS. HENRY CLARKE. &c. &c. &c. &c. &.c. &c. CONSISTXN G 01‘ &0.. «Sw. &C. PRINTS, AT THE bert J. Robinson, Robert Simsou. Miney Stephenson. Josh Siver. Robert Scott, Thomas Sibbam , C. Williams, John Walker, Mrs. John Wice, H. ISAAC CROSBY. JAMES Vch. M. TEEFY, P. M. Rochester. N.Y. 585 663 In the matter of the East Half of the West Half of Lot Nnmber Twenty- two, in the fifth Concession of the Township of Vaughan. John Line. of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York. Yeoman. has made an application) to the Court of Chancery for a, cer- tificate of title to the above mentioned pro- perty, under " the Act for Quieting Titles to Real Estate in Upper Canada.” and has pro- duced evidence whereby he appears to be the owner thereof in fee. free from all encum biances; wherefore any other person having or pretending to have any title to, or interes in the said land, or any part thereof. is required, on or before Wednesday, the third day of May. now next ensuing. to file a statement of his claim in my office at Osgoode Hall. in the City of Toronto and to serve a copy on Messrs. Duggan and Meyers, of the City of Toronto. Solicitors for the Petitioner, and in default. every such claim will be barred, and the title of the said John Line become absolute and indefensible at Law and in Equity. subject only to the reservations mentioned in the 17th sec- tion of the said Act, and therein numbered one, two. three and four. Dated this 30111 day of MarchI 18'“. (Signed) T. W. TAYLOR. IN CHAN CERY. SHIN‘GLES ! ‘ Sluggiahnee-Enf-Ahp Feeblo Action ofkth'e H r , Squaw“, 4 ings caused by mucous obstructions ofVâ€"the Lungs and Air Passages leading therety. and Debilitv from various causes, many cases of which appeared hopeless. The subscriber is prepared to furnish parties building with a quantity of FELLOWS’ HYPOPHOSPHITES. Constipation, Asthma,Consumption, Lar- yngitis, Nervous Debility, Dyspep- sia,Chronic Bronchitis,Chronic Diarrhoea, Melancholy. Fallows’ Gampound Syrup of Hypaplwsphilw, Debilily resulting from Typhoid and other low fevers. Diphtheritic Proslration. Hysteria, Hypochondria, Amenorrhma, Chlorosis, Amm- mia, 'Leucorrhaeu. Nervous Excilabilny, Ma- rasmus or Wusling‘ of the Muscles, .Aphonia or Loss of Voice. Chomp, qr SkYilu-w’s Dance, U of Mr. David Train). Lot No. 26. 41h Con. Markham Farmers wishing to improve their breed of Pigs, can rely on his being pure bred. us he is from the celebrated stqck of Mr. Boyer. Parksburg, Chester Cy., Pa. CHAPPED HANDS. PREPARED GLYCERINE ! N0 Person should be Without it For Sale at H. Sanderson &Sons. Richmond Hill. Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing a 662~2 MILLER’S DE RBY OIL WNERS OF THRESHING MA- ; chines will do well to call and examine our stock of oils. The Cheapesi and Best in the City. HUGH MILLER 81, C0. FIRSTâ€" CLASS SHIN GLES. J. FREEK. Richmond Hill. March 29, 1871. 661-2m SOLD BY APOTHECARIES, SCHOOL REQUISITES TERMS: $1 IN ADVANCE March 18th. 1871. 6444f OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT August 17. 1870 The Chester White Boar, ‘HIQ ECLIPSEJB-EHE PEOPERW August 17. 1870. HOWEVER ROUGH 0R SORE, Amongst the diseases overcome by the use of Pro pared b Y FRESH CUTS 0R OLD SORES. Price. $150; Six for $760. AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. HUGH MILLER, & (30., Horses and Cattle. JAMES l. FELLOWS. Chemist, 'St. John, N. B. HUGH MILLER & CO. SMOOTH AND SOFT. Machinery Oil. To Builders. SEINGLES! MAKES THE HANDS, OF ALL KINDS. AT THE MILLER’S 167 King Street East, Toronto. 167 King St. East Torom ) 63lâ€" tr 167 King St. East. Toronto 0. 6314f HERALD BOOK STORE. DAvgp TRANN, ARE Victoria Squire P.O. 661-2 Referee of Titles. SHIN GLES l HALL PAPERS! IN PARLOR, NEW ARRIVALS WINDOW SHADES, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Groceries, Procisions, Flour and Feed BOW BELLS FOR MARCH, NEW [GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE. Large Rainges in Silk Lustre, splendid va- lue. New Prints; a splendid lot of new Printsâ€"Cheap. - WM. ATKINSON. .IJ Wednesday evenin last, a Loss BLACK MERRINO SHAWL. with a ong Black Fringe'on one side. and the ends Embroidered with black Beads, The finder will here warded on saving it at this office. ln pursuance of a power of sale contained in a mortgage bearing date the 28th day of Octov ber AD, 1858, and made by JOHN VINCENT, late of the l‘ownship of Whitchurch. yeoman. now deceased. and ANN VINCENT, his wife, to THOMAS DENIsoN, of the Township of Mark- ham. yeoman. to secure payment of the sum of seven hundred and sixty dollars. with inter- est at six per cent from date, all ofthe princi- pal and interest being now due and unpaid, there will be sold by Public Auction. on the premises MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. at one o‘clock, in the afternoon. the following Valuable land ituated in the Township of Wnitchulch, in the county of York, containing forty-seven acres, and being, composed of the East fifty acres of the west half of Lot number fifteen. in the seventh concession of the afore- said Township of Whitchurch, save and eXcept three acres on the north-east corner of said fifty acres. A good House and Burn on the land. The Mortgage and an abstract of title will be produced at thefale. On Saturday, the first day 0] April next, Tum-5'. One-third. Cash; balzmce in four equal instalments. with interest at 7 per cent, sec_ured Aby_a mortgage on the property. “For fufiher pariic‘illnrs apply '10 Geo. B Nicol. Esq , Barrister; Richmond Hill, or J. GORMLEY, Auctioneer, MALLOY’S AXES 661-2 Finished Borderings, CHILDREN’S CARRIAGE S PEOPLE’S STORE; AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 05:15pm RICHMQND mm,“ 0N I DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,ut the HERALD BOOK STURE. Which will be sold Cheap for Cash. ' GOLD AND SATIN Also a large assortment of PLAIN & FIGURED With a choice lot of Arrived at the Herald Book Store. FOR SALE BY DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 201' 2nd con. Markham BEDROOM, A'T his: AND PIG. SAVAGE KITCHEN 1. thanks to» his friends for the patronage he has received since hevrcommeuced business as a Boor ANDSHOEMAKER,fln Richmond Hiil, begs to announce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son ROBERT SIVER, jun..« who will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will- continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. ‘ ROBT. SIVER, Sen. In reference to the above the subscriber begs to announce that he will give his best attention 'to business and will keep on hand a select stock of Ready-Made Boots and Shoes. suita- ble for the trade in the neighbourhood, and hopes to merit the support of his father's friends. STANDARD S 0 A LE S HE SUBSCRIBER, IN.RET»URNING thanks to» his friends for the patronage Richmond Hm, Feb. 9', 1371. In a good state of cultivation. Tim'ier land consists of splendid Pine and Hardwood 1n the vicinity. there is a church, and a saw: mill. and a school within a half mile. Framing on Yonge St', Containing 8 0 Ac res, SEVENTY CLEARED, There is on ths premises a good frame house. with stone cellar, kitchen and woodshed, new : large frame barn, two threshing floors,nearly new : stable, sheds and failing springs of “111M: «soft water cistern ; a thriving orclxard,;~'iand 7 acres of wheat in the u ‘ r . ‘Pfice $4,000; for furthar particulars apply to the owner on (he premises. favors we would notify the public that the partnership that has existed for the last three years between Was dissolved on this date by mutual consent. Dr. Robinson having purchased Dr Peck’s night to and interest in the practice of Dentistry in this locality. Mr. Robinson trusts that, by careful attention to the walnts of the people, to transmits. continuance of the very liberal pa- tro_n_age that has been enjoyed, by the hem firrn. --v run u..- â€"--.. v.1 J". .1, .‘.- ._.V w...â€" ” B’ V y Mr- Robinson will wait on those who wish his service_s_at the _usua1 plgcps‘of‘gppoiqtmgnt. N.B.-â€"Those who aré indebtodifiq {he hate hrm will please settle their accounts’itan early day. 7 FAT CATTLE. ITH MANY THANKS FOR PAST favors we would notifv the public that CATTLE FEEDER Florence Sewing Maqhine Company’s ONEâ€"FOURTH THE USUAL TIME I Sold in packages 8:25 cm. and $l-00; the dollar size is snficiem for 200 Foods. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, For particulars address GAMES, T018, &c., Vaughan. March 9. 1871 PLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR Dissolution of Partnership. Richmond Hill. March 81h, 1870. 651 GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE 15 recommended and used by all first class Breeders in Great Britiuiu. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, January 19. 18'“. It Futtens Cattle, Horses, Pigs, ch. FRfiIT TREES.‘ an“. N. J. PECK AND A: ROBINSON. Sale, being part of lot No . 59, in the lat Concession oflhe DRUGGISTS. 167 King St. Eas‘t. Toronto. Solo Manufacturers for Canada. Suitable for Farmers. Farm for Sale. Seeds, Fertilizers, Showroom up stairs. FOR ALL KINDS OF 120 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. THE YORKSHIRE HUGH MILLER &. CO., Toronto FOR SALE AT THE Notice WM. RENNIE. HERALD BOOK STORE. ROBT. SEVER. Jun. IN 669-4 655 -lf 652-11‘ gMIsoELLmEoUs BOOKS HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks. to» his friends for the patronage he has fec‘eived since; he commenced business as a-Bvrcnm on Richmond Hill. begs to an- nounce to ‘them that he has disposed of his busines to his.son, ‘HENRY. Henna. who‘will in future carry on the Business.-. He also trusts; that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. . ROBT. HOPPER] A; BI‘B‘LE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY‘ 14f Special attention paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. N.B..â€"Charges moderate and work wu- ranted. 1- ~ ' WM. ALLINGHAM, COLLARS AND CUFFS E HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE stock of all kinds of Dye Slufl‘s. oflha' very best possible descripfion, which wo-nre selling 20 per cent. cheaper than any othel‘ house in Toronto. f\)rncn.-â€"-Corner of Alberi and Yongé 8385 Toronto, (opposite the. Green Bush Hotel. over R. Lawsonfg Grocery Supra. 5., ‘ 2 POCKET BOOKS WILSONS’V IMPROVE}; FANNING MILL if St‘bod the test of Cdmpetitibn f BEST FAN N ING' MILL f Whenever shown. and are ronounqed by com-'- patent judges aslbeing the Ahd. having reéently lleen Improved, the subs acribers have every confidence in its superior merit. Manufactum'ng a large number of the above ,- CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS Farmerswillponsult theirowxi interes'liflhey will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. January 19, 1871‘. Richmond Hill, Jan. 7, 1871. August, 25, 1 (0. THE LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF, England. in Richmond Hill. intend .L England. in Richmond Hill. intend holding a Bazaar some time in the ensuing sapring for the Sale of useful and fancy articles: The proceeds to be added to the church build. ing fund. Contributions kindly ofi‘erod by’ friends may be addressed to any of the undori mentioned ladies : Rnnmanmmm TABLE â€" Mrs. Powell. Mm Hopper. Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs. Sedman. TABLE FOR LADIES' Wonâ€"Mrs.Barnard,- Mrs. John Palmer. Sam, Miss Campbell, Min Linfoot, Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Nicolls. Miss Pol- lock. Miss Little, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Myom Mrs. Thea. Cook. Mrs N. Playter. and Mlii Beoston 7 Pnovmcui Exnmfnoua 61, Conn-n Pulls, Richmond Hill, Aug: 27, 1869. 566-" WM. ALLINGHAM, L.D.s. g QURGEO'N DENTIST,‘ And having incrensbd' facilities for pro"- paring the lumber. TATIONERY 'fiiéiiinona Hm. Doc. 2, 1370‘ soc-m (RICHMOND mu BRANCH) AT nil Hanan 13001: "on SWITAELE FOR PliEIENTs AT TH! THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE DOUBL‘E ACTION {Manufactured in Canada ;' THESE mums HAVE-1‘ HUGH MILLER Ga 00., :67 King St. Bash; Tam; The subcribers are no»? OF ALL KINDS AT THE Dye Stufl’s ! OF AI Ia KINDS AT THE . PROMPTLY. AT ALL THE Notice. HERALD BOOK STOE. HERALD BOOK swomn. HE‘R’AL‘D‘ BOOK Home. HERALD BOOK ‘TORI. Bazaar. A. & W. WILSON. DEN‘I‘IGI’I'QH Torpnto. 652-“ 2°-

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