Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 May 1871, p. 3

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ANY ONE on ALL OF THE ARMS of the Reel can be made to act as Rakes at the option 01' the Drivar. by n Lever readily operated by his foot. The cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, and therel'one whether Reaping or Mowing the entire work of the machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team 'l'he Table is so conmrflcted as to ga- ther 1ng Grain fill!) 0 Bundle [11’ are it leaves the Table, and deposit it in, a mart; compact form llmn (my other 1?ch Balm. The Table is attached to the ll'Ii-ichino both in front and roar of the Drivtng Wheel. which enables it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table, The Grain Wheel Axle is on an axle with the axle of the drive wheel. which enables it to turn the corners readily. To. One and Two Buckeye Combined Reaper and filower, with John- .- son’s ‘Selfâ€"Rake Im- ‘ Proved- for 1871. Twofnr Naming and twofor Reaping, and (5f which has a. Sickle Edge for cutting ripe, clean grain. the m/Lcr a Smooth Edge for cutling grain m wilf'C/L flare is g'mss {17‘ sued clogfr. Von PICKmG UP Lanai-:0 GRAIN. This is the oniy valuable Tilting Table offered on any combined Reaper and Mower. The Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Diircr in his scat without stopping his Team, This is one of the most important improvements ef- ferth in any Machine during the past two years. Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in removing the grain. The Gearing is very simple,strong and durable. ' ‘he boxes are all lined with Tm: PARTS ARE ALL Nl'mmcmzn, so that re- pairs can be ordnred by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving tho number of the part wanted. There is no side Draught in either reaping or mowing. and the Machine is so per~ fecih' balanced that there is no pressure on the Horses’ necks either when reaping or mowing. All our'malleable castings where they are sub- ject to much strain. have been twice Annealed. Thereby rendering them both tough and strong. Our Johnston Rake is so constructed as to We believe this machine. as we new build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever yet offered 1'0 the public of Canada. r Aniong its many advantages, we call atten- tion to ma following: v It has malleable quurvds both on the Mower Bar and Reaper Table. with cast steel Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our OF Tinc- Rims or: Rams. We make the above hitchino in two sizesâ€"No. One. large size for Farmers who have a large amount to reapâ€"No. Two. medium size for farmers hav- ing more use for a mower than for a reaper. With the exception of difference in size, these Machines are similar in every respect. Our No Two Machine snpples a want heretofore unfilled. viz: a medium between the Junior Mower and the large combined machine both in size and price. We shall distribute our sample machines in March among ourAgents, that intending l’lirchasers may have an early opportunity of examining their merits, and we THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE dexs, MANUFACTURING COMPANY, It has no gears 0n the Driving W736ch ! Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clogging an the geming,1hel'e- by rendering it less liabie to breakage. It is furnished with Raise the Cam so far above the Grain Ta‘ ble that the Grain does not inter- fere with tkc Machinery The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains. and. therfurc have a steady uniform motion, We invite the public i0 wilhoid giving their orders until they have had an opportunin or inspecfing our Machines, as we believe that they are unsuipassed by any other machines evm' yet oflorad on this continent. “’0 also ofi'er among other machines 2 ’3‘“ Johnson’s Self-Raking Reaper,improved for 1871. with two knives, smooth and sickle edge. and malleable guards. *1} Wood's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. W ‘5": Buckeye Reaper No. l. with Johnson’s Self-Rake *,* Buckeye Reaper No. 2. with Johnson’s Self-Rake. All our Machines are warranted to give satisfaction, and purchasers will have an opportunity of testing them both in Mowing and Reaping before they will be required to finally conclude the purchase. For further information. address Guarantee flmt all machines shipped this season shall be equal in Quality and Finish to samples exhibited by our Agents. *3 Ohio combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. r Cayuga Chiell J12, Mower. Buckeye Mower No.1. Buckeye Mower No. 2. Ball's ()hio Mower No. 1. Ohio Jr.. Mower. Taylor’s Sulky Horse Rake. Farmars’ Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay ’I‘edder. And our celebrated We shall also ofl'ar for the Fall Trade a new Clover Thrcslmr and Huller, very much supe- rior to any heretofore introduced. Hf A 31cm and complete Illustrated 0am- loguo If all our Mac/(inns is being puhlished, and will be ready for early distribution, free to all applicants. HALL THRESHER AND SEPARATOR. 668~5m NEW PATENT 'I‘ILTING TABLE Oshaxva, Ontario. Greatly improved for 187]. math either Pitt's, Fulton, Planet. TVoodbm‘y, 07' Hall’s 8 or 10 horsepower. THE JOSEPH-HALL We desire to call attention to our FOUR KNIVES! BABBIT METAL. ESTABLISHED 1851. PROPRIETDRS. F. W. GI ZGLEN, PRESIDENT, 0mm“, Orruuo. WOOLEN MILLS! FLANNELS, BLANKETS WOOL I CUSTOM CARDING ER STEAM SHIP “OTTAWA,” From Scotland . Light Iron Ploughs, DOUBLE FURROW PLOUHS ! With SQeel Mould Board and Steel Shares. Price $20. The latest and most approved steel mould boards kept in stock. Sand for Illustrated Catalogue. WM. REN N IR, 120 Adelaide St, East, Toronto. Light Double Mould. Board Ploughs. with Markerâ€"Cheap. VV of about lb or 17 pairs. to learn Blacklmithing business. Apply to EDWIN BOOTHBY, Almira ANTED, A STRONG, ACTIVE LAD of about lb or 17 years. to learn the May 10. 1871 P. O. Box 1355. 500,000 POUNDS OF WOOL ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE! CH AMPION SINGLE FURRO WS. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Spinning and Manufacturing OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, From Scotland, A LARGE STOCK 0F Proprietors Woodbridge Woolen Mills. Woodbridge, Out. Apprentice Wanted. WANTED! Done in the Best Style, and At Wholesale Prices 1 We hold a Heavy Stock Fon THE CANADA TRADE. JOHN GRAY & Co.’s Bus-r W0 ODBRID GE Which we are selling Twuos AND YARNS, Just Arrived, WILL BE PAID. WOOL I i Got up expressly ROE & BROTHER. FOR WHICH 30R THE AND ALSO 62h Com, Markham WOOL x 11 697-3m 6674f THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND HILL ONT, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1871. DRESS GOODS! BRITISH FLAG STAFF, Ladics’ Gents’ and Children’s Summer Hosiery and Socks GROCERIES AND HARDWARE ! For Cash or Short Credit Mourning Goods, Cobonrgs, Craps Cloths, Plain and Silk wove Lustres, with tho JUST RECEIVED, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Gents’ Shirts, T z'es, C'mvats, A STAVE, HEADING AND SHINGLE FACTORY I Situa1ed on lot No. 26,2nd Con. Markham. near Richmond Hill. Applv on the premises to DAVID EYER. JUN. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. IL The ownei’ J. Nelson, Maple. April 27. 187 I . Lots 21 Q‘ 22, 11th 0071. Brock, i ER Cuéumber and Melon Plants of all kinds 1:! There are about 60 Acres cleared. and in a good state of cultivation, balance heavily lim- beled. There is a spring creek on the farm. The Cnunington Station of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway is silualed on remaining por- tion of the Lots. For further parliculaxs apply to CHAS. GIBBS, Cannington, or G. LA lDLAW, Toronto. OMATO, CABBAGE, CAULIFLO W: ER Cucumber and Melon Plants of all all parties infringing on Wilkinsons Pa- tent Plough, palented Sep. 20, 1868, will be prosecuted to the utmost rigor of the law. without further notice. fl. 3 good Brick Collage erected thereon, silualed on the Corner of Yonge and Centre Streets, in the village of Richmond Hill. For furthe? particulars enquire of STATIONERY 665-1 New Gloves, Parasols, BLEACHED dz. FACTORY COTTONS, Markham. May 18, 1871. T‘OR SALE OR TO RENT. Richmond Hill. May 10. 187l. May 10, 1871. Collars, Fronts. &c., on Richmond Hill. GEORGE WILKINSON. Dated at Gormley, this 8111 day of May, 187]. SPLENDID VALUE! Richmond Hill. May 11. 1871. ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE. ALL NETV MACHINERY, T r MAPLE, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PART OF THE NORTH HALVES Plants ! Plants ! Plants ! Prints. Plain and ancy Brilliantes, Marsallas, Ginghams, &c , For Sale, ALF AN ACRE OF LAND, WITH A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT LARGEST & MOST VARIED Cottonades. Gambroons. Denims. Tickipgs, Laces. Small Wares and Fancy Goods. with a N FIRST-RATE RUNNING 01mm, Window Glass in all Sizes, WELL SELECTED Notice to Infringers. At G. A. BARNARD‘S. ABOUT 136 ACRES. IN ALL SIZES. A Nice Assortment of Paints. Oi!s. Varnish. Consisting in part of A New and Varied Which will be sold 0!‘ All: KINDS AT THE AS CHEAP AS JAS; M. LAWRENCE. CONTAINING STOCK 0F STOCK 0F can have it by applying to and paying expenses. HER ALB BOOK ‘TORI. Found AT TH: A SUM OF MONEY. W I 'l‘ H Till WM. POLLOCK’S. 0F Richmond Hill. GGB-Gm 667-4 667-3 667-“ BOOTS AND SHOES!!! TRY W. H. MYERS BOOTS AND SHOES YOU ARE INVITED Of Evew Description. And surrounding count '5'. that she has received MILLINERY GOODS FOR THE BEST & CHEAPEST MRS. MYERS REALLY GOOD AND CHEAP Style, Quality and the shareholders of the Toronto. Grey and Bruce Railwav Company, that a Specal General Meeting of the said shareholders will be held attire offices of the said Company. in City of Toronto, on Monday, the fith (5) dav of June, /,\.1). 1871, at the hour of twelve ([22) o’clock, noon, for the purpose of giving to the Directors of the said Company. the sanction of of the said shareholders, to the is>ue hy the said directors of the ironds of the Company, under. in pursuance of, and for the purposes declared in the let section of the Act of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, incor- porating the said Company. EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hilll’ostll (lice. 131 May. lB7l: Brillinger. Jacob (2) Bullon, W. Craddock. A. (2) Connors. James Clark, J. B. Coleman. Dennis Demon. Mrs Donor. Sylvanus Dixon. George Dalton‘ J. Espy. Joseph Gee. Joseph Hunler, Rachel Hislop. Mrs. l'illen Hutchins, J. W. Pird, Robert ('2) Hurd, William Kayam. Oliver Lawson, Thomas Ledgerwood , Agnes Miller, Frank Mnffit, James Miller, Edward McKenzie, Fanny Nigh, John l’hillips. Isaac G. Phillips. Thomas Patterson, Allen Rennie. Robert Robertson. Wm. Rutherford. Eben Strutton, A. Scott. Thomas Stephenson. Nathaniel Sihborn, C. (2) Then, Owen Whitlock, F. Wice. H. Wright. Hassard Williams. M. \Vilford, Wm. Dated at Toronto, this 28th day of April, 13'”. CONCERTINAS, JEWELRY ! JEWELRY! For Sula ehonp, at the Hunt: Oflioeg Richmond Hill, April 20, 1871. RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill,June 11.’68 SPECIAL GENERA L MEETING. W. H. ‘MYERS' OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. ICE’S PUMPS AN IMMENSE SPRING STOCK. Takes this opportunity of informing the Ladies of ' By 017/ or VARIOUS ARE THE STYLES. AT W. H. MYERS'. SPRING TRADE, CANNOT BE SURPASSED WITH SELF ISNSTRUCTOR, AT THE 1300219 AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES W. SUTHERLAND TAYLOR, Secretary. List of Letters To call and examine HER STOCK 0F North 0 f Toronto. GO TO W. H- MYERS‘ ASSORTME NT 0? FOR SALE BY Which for FOR YOUR FOR THE HERALD BOOK STORE. J.BRILLINGER, M. TEEFY, r. M. Richmond Hill. Ric/171w“! Hill 666-5 b 7-“ 664 NEW SPRING GOODS! FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! GAMES, T01 s, &c., THE CENTRAL STORE. JUST RECEIVED I NEW PRINTS. MOURNINGâ€" GO ODS I ALE AND PORTER The Best and Cheapest ever offered in the neighborhood. at the Tea Chest. BIBLE SOCIETY DE POSIT ORY INSECTS, GRUBS AND CATERPILLARS, ‘3" Price 25 cents per package; For Sale by Druggists and Seedsmen. Praparad only by Currant Bushes 6' F wit Trees POCKET BOOKS MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS April 13. 1871. ALWAYI 0N HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST AND Richmond Hill, May 3. 1871. (SSSâ€"(f 1. A Light Buggy, A set of Single Harness, Silver Mounted. Apply at the Tea Chest. Richmond Hill, May 3, i871. CHINESE GARDEN POWDER On every description of Trees and Plants. EATH TO CATERPILLARS! The Central Store! FARMERS AND GARDENERS. DR Y GOODS' DEPAR I'MENT. FRESH GROCERJES I LIGHT ujfiREEâ€"SPRING WAGON, STOCK 0F BROOMS, AN ENORMOUS DISPLAY (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE THE TEA CHEST! Or VERY SUPERIOR QUALlTY. NEW COTTONS, NEW BRILLIANTS. NEW LINEN GOODS. SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE HERALD 300K STORE. NORTH OF TORONTO. HUGH MILLER. & Co.. Ale and Porter. HARDWARE. CROCKERY, For Sale, Cheap. 'Also a full supply of THE STOCK INCLUDII CHEAPEST STOCK 0" Destroys all kinds of OF ALL KINDS AT THE FOR SALE AT THE &c. &c. are. Look out for your HAY Bl SEEN AT A large stock of MEDICAL HALL, 167 King Street East, Toronto. 'Also a large HERALD BOOK STORE. IIERA LD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE OF THE THE OF W. ATKINSON, Richmond Hill 637 J. FRENCH. I. FRENCH. 666-1! 656-lf FIELD & GARDEN SEED FRESH ARRIVALS. FAMILY FLOUR AtyCurrent Rates. All orasrs aeoompanied by CASH and BAGS. left at Lamon’s Hotel on douda)’. VVedne-sdnv and Friday of each wtsek, will be delivered wihin twentv-i'our hours from hour of ordrzr. Tue subscriber will ad- heie to this contract. and hopes to prove that the new ideawiil be as profitable to himself as to his Customers. HE D! J. 77 hard to furnish families in the neighbor- hood wigh the different grades of FLOUR. also SCHOOL REQUISITES Chopping Done on Reasonable Terms! JOHN BRUNSKILL. VV favors we would notify Ihe pu‘whc that the partnership that has existed for the last three years between GREATLY RED UC'ED SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST! Was dissolved on this dale by mutual consent. D1. Robinson having purchale Dr l’ecli’s xipht to and interest in the practica ol’ Domislry in this locality. Mr. Robinson trusts that. by careful HHOIIHUII to the wants of tho people. to lransmit a continuance of the very liberal pu- tronago that has been enjoyed by the late firm. a ‘ . " ' ’ . Mr. Robinson wxll wall on them who Wish his services at the usqu plach of appointment. N.B.â€"-Thoso who art; indented-i0 the late hrm wiH please some their accounts at an early day. It} chines will du well 10 call and examine our stock of oils. The Cheapest and Best in the City. HUGH MILLER 5b CO. COLLARS AND CUFFS WNERS OF THRESHING MA \ chines will do well 10 call and examine ‘VITH MANY THANKS FOR PAST favors we would notifv Ihe pu‘wlic that MALLOY’S AXES The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in ll a County. A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York Herald Book Store Richmond Hill POCKET CUTTL ERY. Thornhill. April, 1871. Richmond Hill, April 12, 187i. BEAN, SHORTS, SCREENINGS. &c. Dissolution of Partnership. Richmond um. March em. 1870. 167 King St. East. Toronto August 17. 1870. 631 -tf AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- YMN AND PRAYER BOOKS N. J. PECK AND A. ROBINSON. WINES AND LIQUORSI For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,at tho AL WA YS 0N HAND, Sign of the Tea Chest. DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. AN EXCELLENT VARIETY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. CASH PAID FOR WHE WHICH WILL BE SOLD ACE THE unzsr STYLES, H mm HERALD BOOK STORE. AT THE TEA CHEST. SUBSCRIBER IS NOW PRE Machinery Oil. OF ALL KINDS, AT THE Pomona Mills. DANIEL HORNER, JUN., Lot 20. 2nd con. Markham FOR SALE AT THE THE BEST HERALD BOOK STORE. FOR SALE BY HERALD BOOK STORE: HERALD BOOK STbRE. m I. FRENCH. AT. 665-4 58 65l JUST RECEIVED. FIRE PROOF STORE I CANADIAN GOODS MOURNING GOODS LOWEST CASH PRICES.’ .1. thanks to his l'rx'cndx for fine muronago he hns received Sim-.0 hmcrnmnoncelf bnsmess as n IEU'rmnm on P" mmnd II'IH, bags to an- nouncu l0 them r at. he has «hsuusml of Ins business ll) his son, Ur:an UUPPHl. who will In future carry nu Hm Busihuse. Ho also trusts that his customers will mutinuu xu bestow their patronage on his succosmr. The subscriber is prepared to furnish partial building with a quantity of ‘ ‘ VV stock of‘ a]! kénns u! Ugo Smfl's, ot'lhe very hast possible desr-rip'ion, wlnch we are sélling 20 per com. cheaper Illun any other house in Toromo. GROCER-IES, HARDWARE, To Builders. SHINGLESI l thanks to his friunds I'm the pnh‘onnge he has recanted sinmv he commenced business as n Boer Am Sum“ MAKE“,An'mclmmud Hiil begs to announce to Lhum that he 1an disposeli of his business to his son Romzm‘ Flumjnn" who will in fululo currv on the Imsinus” He also Lrusls that his cnslonwrs will continue to bosLuw their patronage 0n lns succeswr. ROBT. SIVER, Sell. HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friunds I'm the nnh‘ounge In reference to the above the subscriber beg: to announce tint he wlll give his 1n st attention to business and wiH kcni) on hand a seiect stock of Ready-Made Boots and Shoes. suitaâ€" bl') for the [rude in {he neighlmmhond. and hopele merit lhn suppnrt of his1'u1heflsfxiends. BOUT. SEVER. Jun. ‘AME INTO THE PREMISES 03' J the Subscriber. Lnl 49. 15! Con. Vaughan Richmond NHL on Saturday. the L’Mh ML, a. Sum r. The (mum is requwed to prove pro- perty, pay eaponscs and lake it away. Richmond HI“. Feb. 9, 1571. 1. England. in Riclmmnd l'lill. intend holding a Bazaar some time in the ensuing spring for the sale 0: usol‘ul and fancy articlea. The proceeds to be addrd to 1he church build- ing fund. Contributions kindiy offered by friends may he addressed to any of the under- memionad ladies : TABLE FOR. LAnnzs’ \Vonnâ€"Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. John Palmer, Slam, Miss Campbell. Misa Linfoot. Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Niculls. Miss Pol- lock. Miss Little, Mus. Wilcox. Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Thos. Cook. Mrs N. l’Iuyler, and Mrs. Beerton RErrmsumm'r TABLE â€" Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Hopper, Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs. Sedmau. Large Rainges in Silk Lustre, splendxd va- lue. New Prints; 5 spiendnd lot of now Printsâ€"Cheap. WM. ATKINSON. August, 25. 1 1|) Richmond Hill, April 6, 1871. ROBI‘. HOPPER. Richmond Hill, Jan 7, 1S7]. 6524f FIRSTâ€" CLASS SHIZVG'LES. J. FREEK: Richmond Hilh Mamh 29, 1871. (361-2111 DENIMS, Takings, Twillcd Sheetings, ALA PA CA S. LORNE SHIRTINGS, Richmond Hi3]. May 4. !€71. Richmond Hill. Den. 2, 1870. Grape Cloths, French IIIerinos, EW GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the NEW SPRING GOODS :1; SLUBSQRIBERKIN RETURNING E LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF DRESS GOODS, Kept Constantly on Hand IN TWEEDS, COTTONS, LARGE LINES IN HENRIETTA CLOTHS, A MAMMOTH STOCK OF HAVE RECEWED A LARGE HUGH MILLER & CO. A LARGE ASSURTMENT 0F Cosounas. Aw. 6w. Dye Stuffs ! &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. CONSISTING 0F 61.". &c. &c. HINGLES! L67 King St. East, Toronto. {I}. 6324f. Notice. Notice Estray. PRINTS, AT THE ISAAC CROSBY. FRED. GABY. SHINGLES ! 644-5m 666-4 85 655-tf

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