Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 May 1871, p. 4

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. r “a”? “““““ Which all the week hath bound us; Thane-spite gives to heart and brain, From thousand cares around us ; That in the milsome march of life So bids us take for one day Best from the battle ancflhe strifeâ€"- Oh' l‘God be thanked for Sunday I If thus by all one day of rest Be hailed rs rGSpite solely. How (‘0 the christian doubly blest Must be the Sahlmth holy ; As in fuith’s light he lifts his eyes To the blight world where, one day, He long; to Spend beyond the skies 0m blast eternal Sunday. Ndw God be thanked! That he has gI'Ven B-iost'b'oon to saint and sinnerâ€"â€" A day of rost~0rxe duy in seven, Where toil is not Ihe winner ; Rest-font the tired nndjadod brain, The wearied hand on Sunday, That rhéy might gather strength again For 101'! renewed on Monday. The merchant in his counting room, The clerk o’erdesk and ledger, The artisan at forge or loom, The ditcher and the hedgerâ€" The laborer who must toii and slave From early dawn of Monday Until the week sinks in its grave, All cry, “Thank God for Sunday l” The day that lifts the weighty chain It", ,- , I ‘ ..,., .,, “L. .u W. pathway, reviving and cheering us. Let a man :50 home at. night, wenried and worn out by the toils of the day, and how plesant is a. word dictated by r sweet. disposition ! It is sunshine falling on his heart. He is happy. and the cares of life are forgotten. Asweet temper has a soothing influence over the mind of the whole family. When it is found in the wife and mother, you ob- serve kindness and love predominatinqr over the natural feelings of'a bad heart. SmilesY kind wonls and looks characterise the children. and peace And love have their dwelling there. Study, than, to acquire and retain 1! sweet temper. It, is more val- uable than gold. It captivates more than beauty. and to the close of llfe retains all its freshness and power. Goonxm‘mu A'i‘ HCME.â€" No trait of character is more vuhmlrlo in a wife than the possession of :l‘ sm-et iemper. 'Home can :'never be made happy’ without it. It isffikethe flowers that spring up in our pathway, reviving and cheering us. Let a [315m :50 110x139 mm. 151' r112, wem-ied and worn A RAM: G1N‘.â€"~How {‘ew know when to speak and whle 20 he silent mev bountiful the word “ {My spoken! ” How g‘uHun the silence when wmds m'e I:nuv:li!i.~lg!Some we have k:1()~\'n\vhr). w'th Him mot. and broad philsmlmgvhv, :md Hnmmgh unselfish ness,c:un do n” Hus. Rm your shall-aw person. your bluslumr. ymu- ogMist. ridns rmnyhshm] (Nt'r hmnis “NI oppmlunitins with axocklcssness 1(1) make angels ween. Cfluusn ever Ihe plainest )ond ; it. always anhvors l-os-t. Fm- Ilw same reason, choose ever to do and fly whul is «he must just, and 1le mosldirwt. This c‘onduct will save 9 “1011mm! Hughes, and a thousand struggfos, a’nd will deliver you from sow-N Hmrmnts which are the never tniiing attendants of dissimuln‘swn. ‘ ' POLITESESS is the spbntaneous movement ofa gocd liemtnnd an observing mind. Be. nevolenm will touch reinpnmnce towards the feeling'ts (if others, :m‘d llubllS ol‘ubservution will enable us to judge prompth and easily what tlmse feelings are. GIVE not. * thy tongue too great :t,.1ibe1‘ty, lest iHake (her: prisoner. A word unspokn is-fik‘gflihe sword in the scabhm’d, ‘thine .; if vented, thy swmd is in nnolher’s hand. If thou dgsirc to be held wise, be so wise as to hnld your tongue. I. â€" v1 ll UllhllCIUl barrister and Q. C. ~“Fair woman was mad9 to bewirch; :1 companion, a nurse, a. blessing; :L curse « Mir woman was made to be which ?” He had better put the matter to a p‘uclicnl lest. YOUR neighbour is anyone (0 whom you can do good. â€"To the (lore, give substantial aSsistfince ; to the rich. sympathy and the like. Weale alldependent on each other. Do good to thy friend,t1mt he may be more than thy friend 5 your enemy, that. he may become Lhy friend. Be :Lfriend to virtue, a stranger to vice Govern thy tongue, and learn to bear misfortune. CONSI‘MPTION does not fear drugszof a cérfaiu sort, but that dread disease fear pure nir, thick shoes, wurm clolhimr, decent A ¢ . C dlel, guod drum:ng and venlllnnon. TRUTH is the bond of union and the basis of human happiness. Without this virtue thgere is no reliance on language, no con‘ fldence in friendship, no security in promises dud camsâ€"Collier. ’ WHAT sn‘nshine is to flowers, amiability is to the family. Cross looks, and much the more. harsh words, dwarf-and starve the souls of those around us. LLUKE is the soul, the life. and animating Principle ofmnh; and so m only as llwre 15 good in truth,so {Eu- xml} more islil'e in it. REAguN requires culture to expand it. It resembles the fire concealed in the flint, which only shows ilselfwheu struck with the steel. ‘Nxvnn forsake :1 friend. When enemies gather around, when sickness falls on the heart, when the world is dark and cheex‘less, is the time to try true friendship. "Thank God for Sunday.” EXCESSI'VE sensibility is the foppei-y of modern refinement. DEATH is n commingling of eternity with lime; in [he dehth 0f :1 good man, eternity iaseeu looking through time. THE folluwing lines are by a bachelor CAT music is done mrr- usslv Isn’t it? 1 P . y â€"-Wm'tten for the Herald, Bray why do pretty girls, Willi liu‘ums sli'nighl lmd tall, Afi'ecl the ugly "Grecian bend ?” (Not Grecian bend a! all.) Why do (hey choose such crooked ways, Andpnly speak in grasps, And draw lhe lace“ 01' their stays, ‘Like ill cludilimxed wasps? Pray why do pretty girls. With step so light and airy-â€" And delicate fret so small and neat, That well might grace an airy; Ahl why do lllCV pre’er to wrench Their uulih-s out of joint, *Atd slump :Ilongrn cubhnge pegs, 'Which seem to have no point? Pray why do pretty girls, With lressvs Sol-L :‘ml longâ€"- Ancl ringlels lair of gullleu hair, So tamed in port’s song; Whj do they lhink it fine to wear A thing so comma and stale, And place light on each woman’s head 7A left ofi' horse’s tail? Lunar Observation. Odds and Ends “figs My your shallow egojist. ridps opponlunitins angels weep. N0 trait of J OB PRINTING Farmerswillcousulltheirqwn interesfll’tliey will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel confident thev will be satisfied our Machines are notsurpassed if equalled. CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS M'amufactmz'ng a large number of the above ; And. having recently been Improved, the pub- scribera have every confidence in its superior merit. BEST FANNING MILL! Whenever shown. undue pronounced by com- petent judges as being the Done Neal and Quick It the Herald Offiea. Richmond Hill,Augt 27,1869. 566‘ FANNING MILL! Stood the test of Competition ! C P keeps also a Stbck of Common Pumps as follows : 'I‘HE SO-CALLED ICXCELSIDR Pump. for (he first 2” feet. $8, nfwr‘ilO feet, 30 cents pogfoot.” ~ The ,Mm'klmm ‘or Cash S‘yle. first 20 fegl. $10. after 20 feet. 40 cents penlfoat. Newton Brook. April 26. 18731. ‘ 665-ly VVILSONS’ IMPROVED PROVINCIAL Exummons & Couxn Funs POWELL’S PATENTS Z Cislern Vamps. Churn Slyla . . . :xcekior or common lever.) . . . Swing. Wrought Gearing . . . . . . Swing. do do Large Swing Force. Large Size. . . . ... And having increased fucilixiasfor pre- paring the lumber. N E W PAT E N T WROUGHT IRON GEAR Pumps as superior to any hitherto pro- duced as those he has supplied were to the kinds which they supcrceded, $l2 for first 20 feet, after 20 ft. 50 cls per foot $20 for first 20 feet. after 2;) ft. 60 am per foot AND AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION! This pump, as now made, will throw more water 171. shallth walls, and work easier in dcrp walls than any uthur made. Begs to assure them that he will, in future. as in me past, endeavor to deserve this confidence by Suppl} iug ' 1 public for the liberal patronage he has re- caived since first introducing to their notice CELEBRATED PUMPS ! AND USERS OF SUCH lNFRINGF- MENTS C. POWELL, N RETURNING THANKS TO THE Ill/Vow” W‘ ls greatly improved this season with LARGER Cvumw and Manufactured in Canada ,- BEWARE!!! DOUBLE ACTION The subcribora are now SWING LIFTING ,PUM’PS, THESE MILLS HAVE SWING FORCE PUMPS. INFRINGERS Will be held Responsible. PROMPTLY. AT ALL THE A. & W. WILSON. HIS NOW 0 F InCmIada. and the United States. To manfac- ture under POWELL’s PATENTS RIGHTS Size. . SALE, PATENT FOR . , THE. YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT; FRIDAY, MAY 26,187L $ 2 5 6 on 7 00 9 00 20 H) U a'tthe Herald Ofl‘ice‘ in from (bro‘Joaep; Hall Works, Oshawa; PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ' executed at lhe Herald 0me HERALD BOOK ST( *RE. HISTORIPAL, POETICAL, N‘vADQITIQN '_I‘O_ OUR_ NEW PRESS lnclndiug'the Canadian Illustrated News. Hur- per’s WPekly, Frank Leslie’s; llluslralod, and The Chimney Corner. at the He_mld Hook Store. The above instruments are all fully warranted, and sold at nwnul‘acmrer’s Irizes. Perfect satis- } Faction guaradtecd in every: case. Circulars post free. LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE, CALL AND SEE IT, C. CHAPMAN, A GENT. June 15, 1870. Mark/mm. N NEATNESS THE HERALD PRINT - is without a rival. TUNING AND REPAIRING ATTENDED TO ' ""h”... u..- ‘0- finish. .- l’iano Covers (fi‘ubber) and Music Stools in great Variety. -- All instruments are furnished with the AE- gmfi'a Aar, and are dialinguish‘ed for thrir singing qua. ity-, vommn. and purin of tone. elastic. even touch, durabili.y of construction. and bealuy 0! fl._‘ I, ORGAN S & MELODEONS, These Instvuments are mada with a full Me- tallic Frame, are an oversnung, and are mauu~ faclured by the best workmen. under the super- [endence of Mr. Hoimzmun. who has had up wards of thinv years éxpc-riz-nco in the business PIANO â€" FORTES! ORDONLS PRESS (USED Mn. C. CHAPMAN. Déar Sir,â€"-â€"We have used the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine about ulna veers, and during that time it has cost ndhing for repairs. We sew heavy lulled cloth wilh cnarse linen thread. stronger than can be’ done by hand: while all fine stitching on light. fabrics gives the boat satisfaction. We can with coufidance re- commend lhe Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Muihinoas the best for family use. SAMUEL REESOR. Cedgr Grovo, March 18. 1870. REFERENCES Kindly permitted to: Mrs James Newton. jun., Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. Clarke, Miss VVhiIe. Mrs. Willmm HurdingJfins Russell. Mrsx Alex Marsh, Mrs. Sanderson. Mus. Jos. Kefl‘cr, Mrs. D. Hexse. Miss Henry Lever. ‘ ONE_ BUT/THE 133s: MATERIALS Mn. C. CHAPMAN, Dom- Sir,â€"â€"I had been informed by in~ torested parting that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing, Machine was not to ba depended upon. which t'br a time induced me to deter purchasing one“ After your description of said machines, I pnrghasad one, and Mrs. Fawcett, who is well acquainted with other machins. states that after a year’s trial in various kinds of workJ she can confidently recommend it as a' useful family sewing machine, and as all that you statedit to be. M. FA WCE'I‘T. 'lVeslayan Minister. a. .‘ -- . .-. LLUSTRATED PAPERS New Type has also been added. EA_TNE_SS, CHEAPNESS,QUICKNESS SEWIN Gr MACHINE ! FULL INSTRUCTIONS GRATIS ECENTLY ADDED, A NO. 2 GORDON Card Press. to the Herald Book and Job Printing Estab’ishmenL NOISE LESS MOVEMENT, - GREAT SPEED. LITERATURE! E BEST PRINTING INKS ARE used at the Herald Office. made use of at‘lhe Herald Uffice‘ Markham March 18th, 1870. three chafacteristics of the'H'eruld {miâ€"ca executed at lhe Herald Office R. S. TVILLIAMS‘, R. H. DALTON TEMPERANCE WORKS, Gold Medal. Pam's Exposition, 1870 ; 82 Competitors. HEIN'I'ZMAN .S- COMPANY’S EVERY MACHINE \VARRANTED. AND OTHER CELEBRA'IlEl) MAKERS. WHEELER 8; WILSON ELIGIOUS, AND ALL Frdm (ha Establishments of A FULL-ASSOH'IMKNT OF STANDARD AT THE .l‘ES'I'lMUNlALS. CELEHRATED ALSO AT Tfll Hnuum Boos Swan, DAY BOOKS, POCKET DIARIES Mm ‘m. 4w- &6- «ya Puzzle Blocks Shirt Studs v V . Water Color Paints cf: Brushes 0103/0118 Gold Pens Sets Jet Jewelry Brooches Clothes Brushes Nail Brushes Wax Dolls Tin Toy} Albums Writing Desks, Work Boxes Toy Books, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, BOOK & FANCY STORE PLAIN AND ' COLORED JOB PRINTING THE YORK 11mm» MISUELLANEO US 0°: STANDARD EXECUTED WITH PROMPTITUTE. Cussell'a, Bow Bells, Josh Billings’. and Canadian 0f Every Size and Dercription. ALMANACS FOR 1871. Humming I Tops (Jams JHWV Gold Plated Penholders ' Gold Plated Pencil Cases ' Gold Chains China Dolls Toy Wajcllgs CONSTANTLY ON HAND Bibles Uoncertinas ESTABLISHMENT. PAPER BOOKS FOR 1871. PfiINTING THE HERALD JOURNALS, PERIODICALS. A LARGE STOCK 0F ALL KINDS OF Needle Shell Cases Shell Boxes Ear Rings BOOK Dressing Combs Circular Combs 11/ Coronets Shaving Brushes ‘ v Razors; Pocket Cutlery Hair Brushes 5s Tooth Brushek Wallets 'cstamenta ALEX. SCOTT. Richmond Hill... BOOKS Transparent Slates ' Mirrors AND deies’ Companions Pocket Books Pocket Combs ' Sheet Music Hymn Books Prayer Books ’earl sets Razor Straps Sleeve Links LEDGERS, School Books 'am‘an Vases Polry’olios Agent for Ilia Dominion». ‘ Brougham, Ontario. ‘ H. Safiderson & Sons Agent, Richmond Hill‘ Now, as the public are aware that many worthless things an; passed into notoriety, in order to prove that this is no lmmbug. and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oilagents,: manv of whom will not hesitate to palm off the mere ofl'al of oil refineries, as being identical with ‘ Stocks extra machine oil; we prepose to these ‘ who are largely interested in 'he truth of those statements, to send to them on applica- tion by express, or otherwise free of charge, a sample ofthe oil that it may speak for itself, we will with the sample furnish applicants free of charge. with a few simple tests as ef- fective, as those test: by which Gold is known from the base metals. and which will enable parties ordering to secure themselves against imposition. by enabling them to determine at once, whether the oil forwarded is as good as sample. All parties interested in the lubicat- ing oil trade, before purchasing elsewhere WIll do well to communicate with The following are the points in which it ex- cells all other oils : it will not gum , hence machinery can be kept clean with but little trouble,and it will clean machinery that has been gummed by other oils. It will not congew or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the ‘ highest importance, from the fact that an oil 3 not having this quality will not lubricate a cold ‘shaft, such an oil may be applied in n heated state; butthe'moment it touches a cold shqu it is congealed, and it will nntbegin to lubricate until the journal, by, friction,’ acquires that temperature necessary to reduce it to a liquid state. in acquiring a higher temperature by friction. the journaloxpands. and the box is in jured. It is as impossible to use (ii! that will chill on a cold shaft without this‘ result, as it is to mingle oil with water[ Stockes’ oil will lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied ; it is now used in over two hundred establishments, and all unite in saying the pre- fer it to Refined Sperm, or pure olive oil : it is free from all objections’urged against all other oilas it neither gums or freezes. Wu are prepared to have tho merits of this oil tested against all oils now being used on machinel'y-vbolh light DrheaVy; from a clock or sewing machine. to Hm heavie§l of Slenm- boat shafis. This oil ‘nxceiis all others for Lubricating purposes. both animal _uud vogetablo II"! . F1Rs1‘B')0K,with3I iIlusn'alions.strunghboun _ ~ inl 'mp clothâ€"5 cenls‘ FIRST Be OK, (sncoud part) with 54illustralions, strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND BOOK; with 56 llllisll‘aliOHS,’ strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"~20 cents. 'R'Hmn BOOK, 41 illustrations, strongly bound in cluth boardsâ€"30 cents. FOURTH Boon. ~15 iHueralions.strongly bound, inclolh boardsâ€"~40 cents. FIFTH BOOK, 51) illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth boards.- 50 cents. Commmon‘ '10 TM: READERSâ€"25 cents. Forsale a‘ the HALL OF Tm: AssoqArn-N. 34 King Street lin- t, ’I‘ornnto. To Parents. Guardians, Pasture. and others whose Sons, Wards. or Friends may be leaving home for resideucu n the City of Toronto: The Young Men’s Christian “summation of Toronto announce thm they have u Commin for this purpose of showing khmness to Young Men Whe are strangers, and loading thorn under religions influuncus. II is roqnesmd that all who desire the co~01)e‘rn ion of this Committee, will svnd the names and adE-Imswrs of Young Men about to remove to 'l'ornnln, in whom [hay are interested, by tho perron him e selfif pasxibVe. or by past. with such pux‘licu-j Iarsof character as they may deem proper,’ ‘ Juo MACDONALD, THOS‘ J. WxLxuz. I’r nidenf. Secretary. Mortgngfi $1200 To? OUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO CIA'I‘ION. LBUMS! ALBUMS! l 1 public will find first-class acunnmdation at the above House, at low rates. Tilers is an ex|ensive Stable attached, and lal‘gju ocvered sheds. An attentive and obliging in‘SUBI‘. 597 J. L. PARKER. P. uprielar. V ‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING public will find first-class ammmndminn Also mauufaotures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6, complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. v Chiml Pumps for Cislerné $3 ouch. Well-digging done on the Shortest Nolice. Address,statihgdepth of well, ‘ ‘ P. PlleLLIPS, August 9,1870. 630-13} RICHMUVNVDIHILL Or “they art; no! preferred to any othey pump they may be: rbturned, and the money will be refunded. They are not so huble to get out of repair. being Double-valved, and the joints are all turned in a lathe. couquuemly lhem is no Leakage at the jc‘mts which Is invminhly the case the common Log l’ump made by hand. Plice: $5 above plnatform'. and 40 bents per foot below. . It is so constructed with the casfings of, the handle as to make it all tight merofom pro- vemiug children from putting anything Into it. The Subscriberwould respectfullyannounce thatheis preparedto put in 'I‘he'se Pumps are suitabia to all depths from a cistern to a well of ISO feet MPORTANT T0 PARTIES USING HE EXCELSIOR PUMP, MANU- factured by P. Phillips. Richmond Hill. THISPUMP 1s EASIEST Wonxm), Mos'r Dum- BLE AND NEATEST MADE m t 'nul. DOMINION. This Pump on Trial/'01- One Month! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Authoriscdbythe Council of Public [11- struction for Ontario. Toronto. April 1, 1869 Richmond Hill, Nov. 25-1889. HE- NEW CANADIAN NATIONAL Series of School Books. 215 and 217 Yonge Strent. Turomo. 'ONEY TO LEND 0N (TODD FARM CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE CIA'I‘ION Security, in Sums to su;u.pplica|11s. Appl_y_t'9_ 7 ' ' s'rocx’s EXTRA MACHINE om. GREEN BUSH HOTEL, G. I}. STOCK, MONEY TO LE ND. Money to Lewd. fiERALD BOOK STORE. DUGGAN 5: mums, Applyâ€"to GEO. B. '\'\'COL, Barrister TO LEND, FO R A TERM J. 1,. PARKER. I’mpr‘ietar. HERALD BOOK STORE. yours, on :1.satisfactor) Album-gs, Ga'ug‘t S1 on PO rd 5934f " York He'rald’.’ (illéapBookand Job Print- ing Establishment. ALEX. SCOTT. Parties wishing Magazines. &c bound in volumes will receive prompt attention. *** Can supply any Magazine published not on above list ' Add 2.3 cents to above for postage when or- daring. :4 "Townsend’s Costumes. . . . . . . . . . . Leisure lloul'................... 2t London .onrnal. . . . . . . 24 London Societv . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . 3.‘ London and Paris Fashions . . . . . . . 3 T iv‘lechanicmn 91 Medical Mirror.................. 3‘: Merry and Wise ....... . . . . . . . . . l l Methodist F’ngnzine . . . . . ........ 37 Missing Link Magazine . . . . . . . . . . 1 l ‘Missionlaifufl.............. . . . . . 2l Momhly Packet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Museum and Journal of Education ‘2( Musical Times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OS Naturalist”... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... l I Now Monthlv Magazine . . . . . . . l3 (1 New Mnn. Mag. for S. S. Teachers 1 2 Queen Week . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . 32 Onrown Fire Side .. ....... 20 Peoples Magazine . . . . . . . . i . ... . . . 213 l’lmrnmcenticnl Journal . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 Philclsonhical Magazine . . . .... . . . 9 5 l’honographiq Reporter. . . . . . . . . . - O 7 Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . S) 5‘ Post ()ffica Director. ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 PoultryBaok.«. ............... 3 7‘ Practical Mechanics’ Journal . . . . . 3 7. l’iimitivc Methodist Magazine . . . 2 01 Prophetic Times . . . . . 1 7; Pulpit Analyst . . . . . 2m Quiver('l‘he) . . . . . . ............. ‘lUt Reinemhrancer . . . . . . ............ 1 It Reynold’s Miscellany . .. .. .. .. . . 2 0i llohinhnorl . . . . . . ......... .... 20‘ Routle dge’s Magazine for Boys . . . 2 0’ St. James’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Scientific Ru'i'ew ............... 2 Oil Scottish Congregation-dist». . . . . . . . l 25 Sharpe’s London Magazine....... 3 75 Shorthand Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Sixpenny lllngazino . . . . . . . .. . . _ . . . '2 0t] Sooner or Later................. 375 Spirtualiliagazine. . . ... . . . . . . . . . Sunday Reader . . . . Sunday School Teachers’ Meg. . , _ Sunday Magavine. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ..-..--- .u Sunddy at Home _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 St. Paul’s Magazine '375 Scottish Journal. . . . . . . 2 00 'l‘ccknologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 TempleBar......; . . . . . . .......375 Tiusloy’s Magazine. . . . . .. . . . . . . . Traill's Illustrated Josephus 'l'rnthseeker . . . Union Review [n‘lL month]. . . , , _ . United Mellwd’ist Free Church Mag 2 00 United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . Voterinarian..... . . . . . . . . ....... ...... -.Ianuv - - . . . ...-. Victoria Mugazinel..\............ 375 Watchword .............u..... 110 West‘End Gazette of Fashions. . . . . 75 Worldoi'Fashion ...........-..t 375 Yoflig Englishwoman . ...... . 2 00 Young Apprentice..... . 2 00 Young Ladies Journal... . . . . . . . ': Young Englishman’s Magazine. . . . 2 00 Young Mon of Great Britain _. . . 5‘ 00 Zorlogisl.............. 3 75 Journal of Agucniimé. . . . . . Journal of the Chemical Society Journal of Practical Medicine. . Journal of Social Science. . . . . Kim’s Bible Illustrations. . . . . . Ladies’ Cabinet of Fashion. . . . Ladies’ Companion. . . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion" Ladies’ Treatury , . . .. Leisure HourH . ...... I Ean;lislima11’s‘(Tlie) Magazine. . . . 3 75 I'lnglishxvomnn’s Domesxic Mag . . 3 75 Entomologist. . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 Entomalogist’a Monthly Magazine ‘4 ()0 Evangelical Christendom. . . . . . . . . 2 (l0 Evangelical Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 Exeiorllall . . . . . . 375 Family Friend ........... . 2 00 Family Treasury..............;. 2 00 Family Herald” ................ 5200 Farmer’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 50 Floral Magazine. .. .' . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 FluralVVol'ld.... ..... . - . . . . . . . . 2110 Florist and Pomulogis! . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Follet (Le) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Fortnighin Review (mo) . . . . . . . . 7 50 Fraser’s Magaxine . . .... .... . . . . 9 50 Freeumson’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Friend............-......-...... 200 Gardener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (I0 Gents Maguzino of Fashion . . . . . . 4 Oil Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Geological Magazine . . . .. . . . . . . 5 75 Geological 6; Nat. Hisl. Repertory. 075 GoorlSturifls . . . . . 110 Good \Vords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 75 Good Words for the Young . . . . . . l 75 Gospel Manama . .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2 00 Hamid and Geologist.(alt. month) 4 75 llmmlisl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 llmologlcal Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ll) l'lustramd London Magazine . . . . . 3 75 Intellectual Obwivor . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 liilelleolnol Repnsitory (New Ch.) 2 (l0 (C British Friend :1. . . . . . . . How Bell's . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . Bu_\s ol‘tngland...... . . . . . ..... Broadway. The . . . . . ...... ... ... Uiuckwood (Etlinhurghed) . . . . . . . Builder, The [price varies] . . . . .". . Bond Street . . . . . . Boy’s Book of Romance . . . . . . . . . (‘ass “’5 Biographical Dictionary. . Cassell’s Magazine. . . . .. . . . . .‘- - Chamber’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Chamber’s Em‘mological Dictonnry 2 00 Chess-Flaver’s Magazine. . . . .. . . . 3 75 Chess \Vorld.......... - - - - . . . . . . 375 Children’s Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 Christian Advocate and Review . . . 3 00 Cill‘iaiinll Cottsblcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . - l 10 Christian Ubservor . .‘l . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Christian Society. . . . .... . . . 3 75 Christian Spectator . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Christian Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 00 Christian World Magazine . .. 2 00 Christian Work . 2 00 Churchman Magazine, 'l‘he 3 75 Ch. of England Temperance Mag. 1 10 Chuvch ot‘ the People. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l0 Church Choinnastor and Organist. l 10 Church Missionary Intelitgencet‘ . . 2 00 Church Work........... 110 Churchman’s Companion . . . . . . . . 2 75 Churchnmn’s Family l\'l'-guzine. . 3 50 Civil Engineer and Architect’s Jam 7 50 Colonial Church Chronicle. . . . . .. 2 75 MUICWMI udiir~lcwa UIUICUVCUIO MEN) CCC OD: . 9 ()0 3 50 Cutters (The) Mo Journal. . . . .. - 3 ()0 Day of Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 Dublin University Magazine . . . . . . 9 all EastAnglian . 325 Ecclosintic and 'l‘heologian. 3 75 Ecclesiologisi (alt. "10.).- . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Eclectic &. Congregational Review 3 75 Edinburgh Medicaid; Surgical Jour 7 50 English Presbyterian Messenger. . . l 10 English Mechanic . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 95 ANY PUBLICATION m nus LIST MA'ILED 1‘0 SUBSCRIBER: wn'u t’nomv'rnxss. MONTHLIES. All the Year Round . . . . . . . Athenmum .... Arnzan...... Annals of Natural Hiswry. . Argosi‘ (The). . . .... . . .... Army List. . . ............. Art Journal Astronomical Register . . . .. Ann! Judy’s Magazine. . . . . Beau Monde (Le) . . . . . . . . . Belgruvia [inclu Christmas Bentley’s Misceiiany. . . . ,4. . Bible ChrisLiau’s Magazine. Bible 'l'rensury. . . . . . . .. . . . Burgeon’s short sermons . .'. Boy’s Journ L. .. Boy’s uwn Mngazine. . . . . . . ;‘NGLISH LIST OF NEWSPAPERS J and Magazines supplied by Alex Scott, YORK HERALD” Office, Richmond Hill, Aucu uvuuu.--.......... I’UU ,. :um . . . . . . 345 375 ot'Nutural History . . . . . . . . 950 (The)..................- 200 list . . . . . 575 Irnal nnical Register . . . .. . . . . . . udy’s Magazine. . . . . ionde (Le) . . . . . . . ..-.-. u...” ..-u-- some“: sacx)<;‘ memo unruuuanuuuuul. . . . v . . - - Qu’ UU calMagnzine ........... 275 all . . . . . 375 'rlend................... 200 Freasury”.............. 200 lera]d.................. 200 Magazine . . . . . . . . 7 50 Agnzilm....' ... ...95() NHL... ..... ~ - . . . . . . . . 2110 d Pathologist ......... . . 3 75 .e) . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 575 [3‘ Review (mo) . . . . . . . . 7 50 Vlagaxine ...... ........ 950 nn’s Magazine . . . . . . .... 200 ........................ 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 no xgazinoof Fashxou . .. . .. 4 00 m’s Magazine........... 9 50 uangazino...... 5 75 d 6; Nat. Hist. Repertory. 075 tins . . . . . 110 rds . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1755 Ms for the Young i 75 aqnznw . .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2 00 Duh . . n n I U... . I I I u a . u n . OZJ 'iru Side . . . . . . . . . . . ... 200 l‘;aZiHB.... . . . . ‘ . 2130 Men] Journal . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 wal Magazine 9 50 big Reporter.... . . . . . .. O 75 1.16 l‘ortrails........... 950 Director.‘...... . . . . . . ' 75 k.“ 375 echanics’ Journal . . . . . 3 75 lethodislMagazine .. . 200 ‘imes.... . . . . . .......175 yst . . . . . 200 \e) . . . . . . ............. 200 mm . . . . . . ............ 110 Iiscellany u... 200 . . . . . . ......... .... 200 ; Magazine for Boys 52 00 Mngazine............ 375 (View ............... 200 ngregation-alist. . . . . . . . l 25 ‘nduu Magazine. ...... 3 75 dam-zine...” . . . . . ... 200 ugazino . . . . . . '200 ater................. 375 “inch...” 200 ;dor.... 900 00] Teachers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 -a7ine..........,. 2'00 0mg _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 'agazine......... 375 rnal..... . . . . . . ......200 t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....375 . . . . . . .......375 agazine.. .. . . . . . 3 7.. Cos!umes........... 375 [rated Josephus . . . .. . 3 75 ..... .....LIO WV [3%. month]....... 375' v1 qu nuagumuu zine: . em: of Fashions. . . , on woman ...... lice..... Journal.... man’s Magazine. Great Britain .n.........o ....u... .--o..-- u........ :uuululru . . . . . . . . . o H) 3 Chemical Society . . 3 75 action] Medicine . . . . . 3 75 mini Science. . . . . ... 5 75 Iiiustralions......... 375 let of Fashion. . . . . . . 3 75 wanion...... 375 Lie of Fashion"..... 375 my .. . . . . . . . 225 '................... 200 1a). ......... . . . . . . 200 :W . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . .. 350 ’aris Fashions . . . . . . . 3 75 950 375 ise ....... . . . . . . . . . 1H) [HZiHG ............. 375' Magazine .. . . . . . . . . 1H) . . . . . 200 91.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 lournal of Education 2 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 050 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 Magazine . . . . . . . 13 ()0 l 1:) lUll \JlllulllUon -- v zRoviow ........ azine... ........... Mo Journal . bfa'g'gtz-ine . . . aviagofiggagnz' 1'. (uh. "20.).- . Human)...“ . . . . . ..- Um) u’s Magazine . . . . . .. 1 30 'y . . . . . . . . ...... HO n't sermons . .'. .. . . . . 2 ()0 ................ 200 ugazine . . . . . ........ 200 .. . . . . . . . .......... 5200 . . . . . . . . . 225 and...... . . . . . ..... 200 he . . . . . 375 Idinhurghed) . . . . . . . 950 prico varies] 5 75 . . . . . 375 :‘Ronmnce......... 200 raphical Dictionary. . 2 00 gazille............‘.. 200 rnrnal . . . . . . 225 ate and Review . . . 01‘”... n.... - Ior..l........... nor ..... ... Magazine . . . . l 10 . . . . . . . 1300 TeaclwrleS . . . . . . . . 323 ....... 200 2130 . . . . . . . . 375 950 . . . . . . .. 075 950 num Pery’r. Pr No. 300 375 ....375 950 .... 200 25 33 33 80 I7 CD 4 U! ChwwwaYlCfl: ONCK)UINIC GUICUIOL‘ICg (.7- C CGOCU‘COU‘ OCCEIIC‘IUIUI‘I ‘ :nwwwwwwcoquw *IQ?0 MUIU’I ~19: fink) GUI 110 mu. Q10 01".“ ~r 2 ()0 ‘4 00 2 00 2 75 3 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 7 50 9 50 2 HO 3 75 5 75 7 5') 0: L 17 13 50 33 H 33 33 17 I7 30 17 17 33 l7 17 I7 l7 I7 17 33 17 33 33 33 55 33‘ H) 33 80 08 80 33 33 33 i7 15 l7 I7 10 17 I7 17 33 17 13 3;) 33 17 ()6 10 33 80 33 H) 33 IO 33 33 33 33 20 l7 l7 30 l 7 33 33 33 H) 5b 17 17 l7 l7 17 65 80 17 33 50 65 89 l7 l7 I7 33 80 50 07 10 l7 l7 PRICE 15 Cnm's. Fur sale at tho HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill; BANNER Office, Aurora: H. Wilson’s Fancy Store, Markham; Wesley-m Book Room. A. S. Irving’s and M. Showau’q, Toronto: â€" .L ENC}; helween '1‘. .I. M., the Rev. Jon" BREMN and (fillers, (in the York HERALD durng tlu. months 9f Ju!y, August and Sep- tember, i8b8), is satly printed in pamphle: form. and wm‘ih a perr a1, IU 30 33 33 17 33 80 13 10 l7 l7 17 17 20 17 33 80 5“ 33 l7 l7 17 2O 17 33 33 10 95 50 33 10 17 17 33 10 10 10 17 65 17 so 33 30 17 80 30 33 33 33 POETICAL WORKS ND WATEHSPO-UTS FOR- THE DO- MINION, at 356 per 100 feet. Also Floor ing and other Lumber Dressed ; Sap Buckets. l’uils.CidorMiHs. Washing Machines. Shingles Waggon Fences. and Lumber Sawed "0 order. For particulars address . JOHN LANGS'I‘A FF, Steam Mil]s,ThornhiH HERE. Ba7'7‘istci; tS-c. No.64 Church St. opposite St. James’ Came drul, Toronto. "ctcbor 27, 1859 ' 5884f Soulhhalvos of lots Nos. 12 and 13. Is: Con. Township of Mos” 2H! acres. situate about 1% miles From Nuwbmy. whore cordwmd lninas a good price.and it is well (imbered with hardwood. Afso farms and wildsin various olhercounlios. Apply (if by letter, prepaid) lo 17am: in'lhe Township of Adelaide. fronting on [he Egrmnvnt Gravm Road, of 200 acres, 70 )cros cleared and free frum mumps; on the premises there is a good house. barn, sluble. &c. 'l‘here is a spying close to the house. and aspring creek runs norm-s the |ot. The un- cleared pnrl is well limhcred with hardwood, situated aboutn‘i mik-s from Korwood Station. and 7 1|:iles1'rml) Slrntlu'm‘. Thomhi”, Nov.3, 1869. Vizâ€"Farm of 133 acres, situated in the Township of Vaughan on Yougo Slreel, about 12 miles north of 'I‘m'omn, on which llmre is a commodinus house, ham-n.1,) slables,slxeds, an orchard, about 2!} acres pine and hardwoodtim- bermixed; well watered, FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. FANCY" GOODS ,7 ,V - _. _,_----M-.7 U Undermkex', &c. [{Esxmmcmâ€"Nuarlyopposi‘let he Post Office‘ Richmond Hill. Debi]in manning. from Typhoid and other Yow fevers. Uiphlherilic l’rnsn'ation: Hysteria. Hypochondria. Ameuorrlxma, (‘hloros-i‘, Amaz- miu, Leucorrhma, Nervous Exciiabihiy, Ma- rasmus or Wnsting of LI e Muscles. .Aphonia or Loss of Voice, Chorea, or St ViUJr’S Dance, Sluggislmess of the Liver. Interrupted and Feeblo Action of the Henri, Samflmuting Faul- iugs caused by mucous obstructions of the Lungs and Air Passages leading filerely, and Debi'litv from various causes, man; cases of which appealed hopeless. ‘ HIS ASSOCIATION ITA'S TRnua- > ferred then Lihmu~ to the HERALD Book Store. whore Stockholders and olhar’s may procure Books every Friday a fmrnoon. Can ballad at He Post-ofl‘mo, for 10 CENTS WEEK. Constipatlon, Asthma,Consumption, Lar- yngitis, Nervous Debility, Dyspep- sia,Chronic Bronchitis Chronic Diarrhoea, Melanc 01y. Is (he most wonderful discovery in’ chemistry for healing THE MORNING PAPERS FELLOWS’ HYPOPHOSPHITES. Fellows’ Compound Syrup I f pruphusphihm *- Horses andT Cattle. MILLER’S DERBY OIL THOMAS SEDMAN, mam/mm AND WAGON MAKER: 00K SOLD BY A PO’I'HEC'ARIES, Price. $150; Six for $7 50. , JAMES 1. FELLOWS; Chemist E POLEMICAL CORRESPOND. August 17. 1870 May14,1869 OF THE DIFFERENT POI-ITS, AT THE To Controversialists. Patent Eaveâ€"trough Telegraph, LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Temperance Works. Amongst the diseases overcople by the use of CATALOGUE bn appficalion at tho A FULL SUPPLY oflhoseimercsting and we]!-wriltm_1 Works, which wirl be disposed of at a Low Rate. -- If you want get the pubficalions of the SCOTTISH TEMPELIANCE LEA-Gus. FRESH CUTS OR OLD SORES4 FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE HUGH MILLER & do, ‘ V 167 King St. East Toront 7.1870 631- tl‘ HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL HERALD BOOKSTORE. For Sale. 0F TORONTO 2 Appiy to HERALD BOOK STORE. A. SCOTT, Lima-m. Globe, ARE .i. N. IgLAKE, M. TEEFY. St. John, ’N. B; Richniond HiIL Leader, 510-.tfi E 64â€"“

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