BOOTS AND SHOES As I have everything in the shape of a. Bont 6r Shoe. Bring your children, Large and Small. and 1 “ii! ï¬t them -h chased~ the above mills,is having the heme put in thorough rupair, and will open them for work in time for the incoming clip of Wool: and he i‘; determined to conduct the business with energy and enterprise, and as a ineans to this end has resolved upon the fol- iowing reduced HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PUR- chased~ the above mills,is having the Yarn Spinning ten cents per phmd instead of ï¬ï¬een as heretofore. 110" Gaming Ihree cents per pound inste’d instead of ï¬ve as heretofore. Manufamuring Wool into Cloth m-I’laid Finns no]. twenty-ï¬ve cams por yard ins‘ead ofthir- ty-ï¬ve as heretofore. Manufacturing \Vool into ‘Nhito Vanna] {wenty cents per yard instead of thirty as here- tofore.’ lulo White Flannel with (70mm ‘. 'a'p. ï¬f- lulo While Flannel with (70mm ‘. “mp. ï¬f- leen cents per yard instead of twvnty-ï¬ve as heretofore. Custom Cloth Dressing will b6 done for lwenty. twelve and six cents instead "of tws-nty-ï¬vm ï¬fteen and eight cents as here- tul‘nre. Having a large stock 0? Finished Good»: on hand. he is alwavs m-epared to exchange Cloths and Flannels for W054; and WM nlsu pay the highest market prices in each for grad clean ï¬ner'e wool. free from hum and dirt. Havng an ample power of 'water and Noam. no Inter- mpuou to the h11<ine~s nend bu npp=ohendNLâ€"» Sincere'v thanking the public for the generous patronage heretofore extended lo him. he is re- soived to merit. and respectfully :sks a continu- ance of it. NELSON GORHAM. H maloes. V W-inningstadt, Early York and French Quin- till Cabbage. French Lenorm and Cauliflower (the 'best Variety planted). COLLARS AND OUFFS inï¬nigliuid: intend having a Sale of a Variety of Useful and Fan'ry Articles in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, on WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, The QSth and 29111 of June. in aid or the Church Building Fund. Cbntï¬- butions will be kindly received by the members of the Bazaar Committee until Monday. the 26th June. Newmarket ’Woblen Mills. MAGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. Ne'wntarket. June 1. 1871. 111 Flat Dutch, Drumhead. St. Dennis. and Red Dutch Pic-kï¬ng Cabbage, Cauliflower and Kohl Rabi. Red and Yellow 'I‘omatoe. Red Peppers, &c. all grown in the open air. Or- ders immediately attended to. Take notice, No Cash Nu Cabbage. GEO. SIMSON. 671 Stindy Bank, Tliornhill. You Cannot do Better Elsewhere W; H. MYERS! Filden. Gen. Grant, and Large Yellow Toâ€" Call and see the Immense Stocï¬. NEAT, CHEAP AND GOOD. Richmond Hill, May 27. 1871, _ The Best and Cheapest Asmrtment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in H a County, A Frésh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufacturpu. 1H thgt'ork Herald Book Store Richmond Hi†POCKET CUTTL. DRY; TRONG HEALTHY PLANTS Richmond Hill, 315i. May. 1871. is NOW AN UNDISPUTED YMN AND PRAYER BOOKS ARLY YORK, WINNINGSTADTi G. A. BARNARD’S GARDEN. E LADIES OF THE CHURCH 9F THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE GENTLEMEN. SCALE OF PRICES [a taking the lead in Church Bazaar- PARENTS. FA CT THAT LADIES», 0R SALE AT THE SUPPLIED AT THE FOR SALE AT HERALD 1300K STORE. HERALD BOUK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. PlantSa W. H. MYERS; Richmond Hill. (EH-3m. 671.2 671 No. One and Two Buckeye Combined Reaper and fliower, with John- son’s Selfâ€"Rake Im- proved for 1871. We believe this machine. as'we how build it, 10 be the most pelfevt Reaper and Mower over yet nfl‘ered io thb fluhlic of Canada. THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE THE JOSEPH HALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Alï¬ong Its maï¬y adv-vantages. we call atten- tion to the following : . It has no gears on the Driving ‘ TWwels ! Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground withouL dogging up the gearing, there- by rendering it less liab‘.o to breakage. It i furnished with Twafm' I‘Tmlving and twnfar Reaping. one If which has It Sickle Edge far cutting 1'ipe,4:lctm grain, tho 0Lhm' a b‘mnoth Edge f0 ‘ cutting grain m which them is grass ur smt (2 (mar. ‘ AMI Om: on Am. or THE ARMS 0f the Reel can he made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by :1 ].ever readin operated by his font. The cutting apparatus is in front of the Mav‘ninn. and lhm‘el'o‘e whether Reaping or Mowing the emire work at". the machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding'hjs team The Table is so constructed as to ga- t/ycr the Grain into (4 Bundle brgforu it leaves 1/": 'I'ItI/le. and (ra‘pusit it 1'", a more compact farm. llum. (my other Rigel Rake. = H has malleablg guaFfls'both on the Mower Bar and lieup‘er 'l‘ab‘e. with cast steal Ledger l’la‘tes. It is also furnished with our F01: I’lcktrra UP Lone:th GRAIN. This is the only ‘valnablc Tilting 'Iahle oï¬'nred on any combined Reaper and Mower. ' The Table can he very easily raised or [mom-ell by the Drirar in his seat wit/umt slurping his Team. This is one of the most important improvuments ef- f'efled in any Machine during the past two years. The Table IS attached to the Machine both in from and rear 01' the Drivmg “Wee-l, which enahles it 10 pass over rough ground with much greawr ease and ‘Iess injurv lo lh'e Table. The Grain Whovl Axle is on an axle With the axle of the drive wheel. which enables iL to turn the corners I'oad'nly. Making thorn much [ms liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in removing the grain. 'l'hu Gearing is very simple,strong and durable. 'l‘ho buxes are all Imed wih The {Rakes art driven by ,Geaz‘MiM 07' Chains, and. tharefm‘e have a steady mnfm-m motion, - Tm; PARTS Am: ALL Nrmmcmm, so that re- pairs can be ordered by lekng'uph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wautvd. 'l‘hem is no side Draught in either reaping or mowing. and the Machine ls: so per- 1‘ecm' balancc-d that there is no pressure oh lhe llnrses’ necks either when reaping or mowing. All our maHeabla castings wlwre they are sub- ject to much >lrain. have been twice Anncnlml. Thereby rendering them both tough and strong. Our Juhmton Rake is so constructed as to Raise the Cam so far above the Grain Ta- ble that the Grain does not inter- fere with 1ch Machinery OF THE Links 01L, RHsz ‘Ve make the nhovu Machine inqsvo sizesâ€"No. One, large size for Farnmrs who have a large amount to reapâ€"No. ’l‘wo. medium (size for larmers hav- ing more use f'dr :1 mower than for a reaper. \Vilh the excrplion of (iiifai'exice in size. these Machines arP similar in every respect. Our Nu 'l'wo Machine simples a want heretofore unï¬lled, viz: a medium between the Junior Mower and the large combined machine both in size and price. We: snail distribute our sample machines in March among ourAgsnts, thai intending Purchasers may have an early opportunity of exmnining their merits. and we “'0 invite the puh‘ic to \vitho‘ld giving their orders until they have had an opportunity 0! inspecting our Machines, as we believe that they are uusmpnssed by any olhef machines ever yet oï¬ered on this cominem. We also ofl‘er among other machilies : *ï¬ Johnson’s Self-Raking Rnnpel‘,impmved for 1871. with two kniws, mouth and sickle edge. and malleable guards. a" Wood’s Palem Self-Raking Reaper. ’3," Buckeye Reaper No 1, with Johnson’s Self- Rake. *,* Buckeye Reaper~ No 9. will] Johnson’s Self-Rake. - “,3 Ohio combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. Cayuga Chief Jr., Mower. Buckeye Mower No. l. buckeye Mower No 2. Ball‘s ()liio Mower No. 1. Ohio Jr., Mower. 'l‘aylor’sSnlky Horse Rake. anners’ Favorite Grain Drill, Champion [-lav ’I‘edder. And our celebrated Guaram'ee that all machines shipped {his season shall be equal in Quality and Fmish to samples exhibited by our Agents. Oshawa, Ontario. NEW PATENT 'I‘ILTING TABLE All our Machines are warranted to give satisfaction, and pu7‘bhasel‘s will have an opportunity of testing them both in Mowing and Reaping before they will be required to ï¬nally conclude the purchase. For further information. address HALL THRESHER AND EEPARATOR. We sha“ also oï¬'er for the Fall Trade a new Clover Thresher and Huller. very? much‘ supe- rior to any heretofore introduced. 1’“ A new and complete Illustrated (7/1111- lnguo If all our Mae/zines is being published. and Will be ready fur early distribution, free to all applicants. We desire to (£2111 attention to our SSS-Em Greatly improved for 1871. with either Pttl's. Pulton, l’llmut. IVoodbury, 01' Hall's 8 or 10 horsepower. FOUR Kvamsz ESTABLISHED 1851. BABBIT METAL: PROPRIETORS. WORKS, F. W.- GLEN, PRESIDENT, Gun-AWL, ONTARIO. THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND. ONT“. FRIDAY, JUNE 9, .1871? WOOLEN MILLS! WOOL. WOOL. WOOL. FLANNELS, BLANKETS CUSTOM CARDING 500,000 POUNDS OF WOOL DOUBLE FURROW PLOUHS ’ CHAMPION SINGLE FURROWS. ALSO Light Iron Ploughs, Got up expressly mgr}: Dopble Mould Board Ploughs. with Max-keI-LCheap. With Steel Moukl Board and Steel Shares. Pricé $90. The latest and most approved steel [mould boards kept in st ock. Sand for Illustrated Catalogue; WM. RE N N] E , 1'20 Adelaide St. East, Torohto. P. O. Box 1355. 667-“ of ahmit lb or17 yeah. to learn the Blacksmithing business. Apply to EDWIN BOOTHBY. Almira 5th Com, Markham. Apprentice Wanfzed.‘ ~ WANTED, A STRONG, ACTIVE LAD of about lb or17 years. to learn the THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Spinning and M anufacmring OUR. OWN MANUFACTURE, ER. STEAM SHIP “OTTAWA,†From Scotland, A LARGE STOCK OF JOHN GRAY & Co.’s BEST We hold a fleavy Stock At Whoksale Prices ! Done in the Best Style, and WOODBRIDGE Which we are selling Twmms AND YARNS. Fon THE CANADA TRADE. WILL BE PAID. just Arrived, FOR WHICH FOR THE OF AND BRITISH FLAG STAFF, JUST RECEIVED, DRESS GOODS! Scotch and Canadian T weeds, Mourning Gocds, Colmurgs, Crapo Cloths, Plain and Silk wove Luétrea, with the Ladvies’ Gents‘ and Children’s' Summer Hosiery and Soéks Gents’ Shirts, T 1533, C'mvats, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE ! BLEACHED & FACTORY COTTONS, New Gloves, Parasols, Situa’ed on lot No. 26,2nd Con. Markham. near Richmond Hill. Applv on the premises 10 DAVID EYER, Jun. Coilm, Fronts; &c.», on Richmond Hill. ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS SPLENDID VALUE! VALUABLE FARM FOR. SALE. Lots 21 6‘ 22,‘ llfh Con. Brock; There are aboilt 60 Acres cleared. and in 11‘ good state of cultivation. balance heavily tim- bered. There is a spring creek on the farm. The Cannington Station of the Toronlo' and Nipissing Railway is situaied on remaining poi"- tion of the Lots. For further particuius apply to CHAS. GIBBS, Canninglon, or G. LAIDLAW, Toronto. Prints. Plain and Funcy Brilliantes, Marsallas, dinghams, &c , Markham. May 18'; 1871. LARGEST _& MOST VARIED Cottonades, Gambroons, Denims. Tickings, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Ma'y10,1871. ALL NEW MACHINERY, AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- Laces. Small Wares and Fancy Goods, with a PART OF THEVNORTH HALVES Window Glass in all Sizes, now CURTAIN hx-runns. For ssla,'Choap. only 25 cts.,ut the WELL SELECTED IN ALI; SIZES. 1x FIRST-RATE RUNNING 03mm. A Nice Assortmant of Consisting in part of Paints. OHS. Varnish. ABOUT 136 ACRES. A New and Varied Which win be mild s'i-ocx 0F AT THI STOCK 01' TH! boï¬umm 0! mgng 3901s new" wiTH 0F (SSS-Gm 667-4 NEW SPRING GOODS! THE CENTRAL sToRE. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! NE W PRINTS. MOURNING GO ODS I “my: on HAND. THE LARGEST, BEs‘r AND INSECTS, Gmnzs ANi) CATERï¬ILLARS, “,3 Pfice 95 cents per backage: For 81116 by Drdggists and Seedsmen. Prepared only by POCKET BOOKS rThe Central Store! CONCERTINAS; DRY GOODS‘ DEPARTMENT. 6664f CHINESE GARDEN POWDER On every descriptibn of Trees and Plants. 1. A Light Buggy, V A set of Single Harness, Silver Mounted. Apply at the Ten Chest. > ‘ t. FRENCH. V Richmond Hill', May 3, 1811'. 666-tf FRESH GROCERJES ! AN ENORMOUS DISPLAY LIGHT THREEâ€"SPRING WAGON, NEW COTTONS, NEW BRILLIANTS, NEW‘LINEN GOODS. NORTH OF TORONTO. ï¬umwnm. CROCKERY, wi-rl‘nu' uxrrmc'won, n rm; THI STOCK INCLUDES HUGH MILLER. & 00.. Also a fun suppIy of CHEAPEST STOCK 0! For Sale, Cheap. “A! ll BEEN E‘P 6m. 6w. 61c. Destroys all kinds of or flu; xixbé IiT' Tim ‘ MEDICAL HALL. 167 King Street East, Toranto‘. 0!" 111's or 1mm L-D’ BOOK STORE; HERALD BOOK no: 1}». THE FRESH ARRIVALS; FIELD & GARDEN SEED FAMILY' FLOUR UREA TL Y RED UOED SIGN OF THE TEA "CHEST! Richmond Hm, Apm 12‘. 1371. d av. “TE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE stock of all kinds of Dye Stuï¬'s, oflhe Very best possible description, which we are selling 20 per cent. cheaper than any other hruée in Toronto. [men MILLER 5300. chines will do well to call and examine curlslock of oils. 1 The Cheapest (3716 36545 iii the Cth. HUGH MILLER & CO. , _ ‘ 167 King St. East. Toronlo. Aï¬mmt 17. [870. _ 631-“ MALLOY S AXES WINES AND LIQUORS! Eachmond um. March 8th. 1879. 651 A’L WAYS 0N HAND, A'ugu‘sl, 25, 1 w. Sign of the Tea Chest; Aï¬guat 17. 1870. AN EXCELLENT VARIETY GROCERIES PROVISIONS, TATIONERY _ Machinery Oils lWNERS OF THRESHING MA- WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT AT THE TEA CHEST; Fonsun BY bANIEL HORNER, mm, _ Lot 20. 2nd con. Markham oi" A‘u xmxi‘sn'f Tun THE BEST Dye Stuffs ! 05' ~(Siâ€"ignigi‘St. Eris!" Toimï¬to; U. 632-“: mum! BOOK <10"; ‘1. FRENCH. 535 FIRE PROOF STORE ! JUST RECEI'V‘ED. CANADIAN GOODS. MOURN’ING Goobs HENRIETTA CLOTHS. LOWEST CASH PRICES. GR-OCERIES, HARDWARE, I CANADA, Provinco of Ontario, Count'y of‘York. Din-Mm ay. the third day of July next, the' undersigan will apply to the Judge of lhe said Court, for a discharge under the said Act. MRS; MYERS And surrounding county. that sliq/ha's receiï¬e'd MILLINERY GOODS Styie, Quaiity anti ‘ Price, CANNOT BE SURPASSED ALAPACAS. LORNE stmws; Richmond Hm, April 6', 1871. 1; «ms, Tickings, Tabillcd sheeting» N THE MATTE'R 0E GEORGE AL: LEN BARNA RD. AN INSOWENT. .1; thanks lq ‘his friends for thé patronage he. has received since he commenced busineu as a BUTCHER on Richmond Hill. begs wan,- nonuce tb thqni that he has dispoaed of his business to his' son, HENRY HOPPER. who will 'in future carry on the Buéiness. He also trash that his customers wi_il_continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. ‘ HE - th T’EIE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNINGv thanks to his friends for the patronage" thanks to his friends for the awnings“ he has received since he commence business as q Bom- AND SHOE MAKER,011 RichmondH‘lil,_. begs to announce to them that he has disposed4 of his business to his son Romnr'Smixgjnnu who will in future carry on the business. Ho' also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. ROB‘Tuv SIYER, Sun.- In reference to the above this subscriber begs to announce that he will give his best attention to business and will lump on hand a select stock of Rï¬ady-Made' Boots and Shoes. suita- ble for the trade in the neighbourhond. and hopes tumex'rtthe support of his father’s friends. ROBT. SEVER. Jun. Richmond H1". F65. 9, 1871. Richmond Hm. April 20. 1871. RICHMOND HILL Grape Cloths, French Marina, NEW SPRING GOODS Bought in the Best Market 1min“! be sold at tho Richmond Hill; Jan. 7’, 1871. menmmm HillJuhe unge. my DRESS GOODS, Takes ilnis oppovtiinity of informing the Ladies of Kept Constantly on Hand ISAAC CROSBY; insoli‘rent Act of 1869 ICE’S PUMPS IN TWEEDS. COTTONS‘ LARGE LINES IN sPRtNG~ TRADE, A MAMMOm 51:00]: or A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F V Notice. SUBSC'RIBERJNV RETURNING Conouncs, &c. 8202 510. ‘90. 6le 6w. HER STOCK 0F CONSISTINQ Of Nth-til of Toronto. &.e. &c. &c. PRINTS, 11‘ mt FOR SALE BY J.BR1LLINGER, Richmé’d Hm; Which for FOR THE 631:5. Notice N THE COUNTY Court of the county of York, ROBT. HOPPER. 585 652M" 664 655-1!