Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Jun 1871, p. 3

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Having a large stock of Finished Goods on hand. he is always nrepared to exchange Cloths and Flannels for W'ocl; and will also pay the highest. market prices in cash for good clean fleece wool. free from burs and dirt. Having an ample power of water and steam. no Inter- rnptlon to the business need be apprallended.â€"- rSincere‘y thanking the pubch for the generous patronage heretofore extended to him. he is re- solved lo merit. and respectfully ssks-e continu- ance of it. - NELSON GORHAM. Reapers and flowers, Horse Rakes, (90., N.B. Mowing Machine Knife Grinder. ’Price $11-00. V l the Victoria Hall. Thornhill. win he received until the 28th inst. Plans and speci- ficaliuns may be seen at the store of THOMAS CARR, Sec’y. and Twas. The Directoys do not bind themselves to ages-pt the lowest or any tender. ’5 nuLuuuu \JL' .LLLAJ LAuV'u .1 For 5.).10 at less than half price Apply to AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, UBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON- 1-0 Weekly Papers. received at the IImuLn Book Store. Richmond Hill. A chased the above mills, is having the same put in thoroth ruminand will open them for work in time for the incoming clip of wool; and he is determined to conduct the business with energy and enterprise. and as a means to this end has resolved upon the fol- lowing reduced I‘ Subscriber, Lot 51.1st Con. Vaughan. Eigin Mills Farm. about lhroe weeks ago, a BAY MARE with a rope round her neck and a Scar on her hind leg. also a two-year old BLACK HORSE COLT. Any one giving infor- mation as to their whereabouts or returning them (0 the subscriber will be rewarded. 7 ENDERS FOR THE ERECTION OF the Vlctm-ia Hall. Thornhill. will be CHAMPION DOUBLE AND SINGLE FURROW PLOUGHS I Yarn Spinning ten cents per pound instead of fifteen as heretofore. Roll Carmng three cents per pound instead instead of five as heretofore. Manufacturing Wool into Cloth or Plaid Flau- nel. twenty-five cenls per yard instead of thir- ty-flve as_ liex'e_tofol'e. ' Manufacmring Wool into White Fannel twenty cents per yard instead of thirty as here- tofore. into White Flannel with Cotton Wa'p. fif- teen cents per yard instead of twenty-five as heretofore. Custom Cloth Dressing will he done for twenty. twelve and six cents instead of twenty-five. fifteen and eight cents as here- tofore. 120 Itis ten times Cheaper and Better than any other Remedy. In difi'erent parts of Canada. THOSE DESTRUCTIVE PARASITES I anunn nuun, 10% Sun by at Home forJune at Herald Book Store Riéhmond Hil], June 15, 1871. EXTERMINATOR POTATO BEETLE. f1 calved cows, all in good order. and will I8 sold cheap, Apply to A NUMEZER OF THE ABOVE PUMPS EVERY WEEK FOR JUNE, Richmond Hi”, 11111015. 1871. Thornhili, June 14,1871. Sand for lllustmlcd Catalogue P. O. Box K355. June 8,1871. E‘gin Mills. Juno 2'2, [871. G74-lf Manufactured only by Newmarket Woolen Mills. Newmarket. June 1, 1871. 0W BELLS FOR JUNE, Only Reliable (fa Economical Method Strayed ROM THE PREMISES OF THE BOUT FIFTEEN HEAD OF NEWLY ‘EISURE HOUR, RAVAGING THE POTATO CROP Pow 311’s Swing Pumps iE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PUR ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTO The latest and most approved Prue); ‘25 AND 50 CENTS A Box. Importer, Manufacturor, and Dealer in THE COLORADO SCALE OF PRICES: HUGH MILLER. & Co.- Arrived at the Herald Book Store. Cows for Sale. Arrived at the Herald Book Store. WM. RENNIE, -0 not fall to see thé POTATO BEETLE To Builders OF DESTROYING CHEMISTS. 167 King Street East, Toronto. 6220. &c., Szc. WHICH ARE NOW N ELSON PLAY TE R. 15 THE R. J. STANTON, P. PHILLIPS. l’ump Maker 3. 1871. 673-6 'I‘horixhill 671-3m. 6744f 672-4 G71 STOCK OF HARNESS TUNING & REPAIRING ATTENDED T0. The above instruments are all fully war- ranted and sold at manufacturers’ prices. For- fact satisfaction guaranteed in every case). Circulars post free. ‘ PIANO - FORTES Piano Covers (Rubber) and Music Stoois in great variel)’. ORGANS & MELODEON S Neat, Cheap and Good. Stouff‘villo, April 2". 1871. I have gveat pleasure in stating that the Wheeler 61, Wilson Sewing Machine I pur- chased of Mr. C Chapman gives perfect satis- faction ; alter using it for sometime and care- fully examining and testing it by the side of other machines, I am fully satisfied that for durability, simplicitv, silent running. ease of motion and aojustment. it cannot be equalled. and in the end is far the cheapest machine that can be purchased. nnnn LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. CALL AND SEE 11‘. C. CHAPMAN. AGEN'T. GREAT EXCITEMENT. SUMMER GOODS! Hitherto the facilities of the Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co.I great as they ware. have been inadequate to supply the un- prcedented demand of this favortte machine. Recent extensive additions to the company’s manufacturing resources. however, enable them now not only to supply the demand of the world, but at a much cheaper rate. 'lhe public in Canada will now reap the benefit of these changes, and it is expected the present large reduction will increase the sale still more extensivolv. The privilege of showing any person the remarkable simplicity of con- struction and Cotzscqnent ease of management of the Wheeler & Wilson. 'lways affords us great satist'aciion. We therefore invite all interested. (and who is not?) to call and see, and try for themselves. Those who cannot call at the warerooms will be waited on at their residences. No. 3 Machine, price $45. improved and re- duced to $42 No. 72,. Ornamental Bronze, silent feed, prige $55,};ducefl to‘$4§. No. 1. Silver plated, silent feed. price $65, reduced to $50. Half cases, from $7 to $15 extra. Full cases. from $25 upwards extra. Which for Variety and Quality cannot be aur- passed in Richmond Hill. MRS. MYERS HAS JUST RE- Reduced Price List! FULL INSTRUCTIONS GRATIS. Terms-#04311. or approved Notes with interest. SEWIN G MACHINE. NOISELESS MOVEMENT, GREAT SPEED. June 15,1870. Cheap Boot and Shoe Shop, Richmond Hill. All Work Warranted such as soldfor. Ladies’ Prunello Boots from 90 cts. upward. Gentleman‘s “ ” $l-50 " Children’s in all sizes from 25 “ Now is the time to secure Bargains at Call and examine the prices. they are very By going to that shop thin will give you ARMERS, LOOK TO YOUR Gold Medal. Paris Exposition, 1870; 82 Competitors. From the Establishments of R. S. IVILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, SUMMER MILLINERY, HEINTZMAN ‘8' C 0MPANY’S EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. AND OTHER CELEBRATED MAKERS, WHEELER 8; WILSON (SINGLE AND DOUBLE.) Call and Examine my THE BEST ARTICLE A FULL ASSOR'I'MINT 0F IMMENSE STOCK OWN INTEREST. CEXVED HER STOCK 0F TOR THE PRICE. TESTIONIAL You will find it CELERR‘TED W. H. MYERS. D. E. F. Geo, W. M. Minister. W. H. MYERS’ Richmond Hill. Markham. 673 THE YORK HERALD; RICHMOND HILL. ONT, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1871 1. would skate that having bought at“ the old Tea Chest. I will do my bostto have P.S. Those indebted to me will please call at once and nettle eiflxer by note or cash. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, But will continue liberally as heretofore to pa- troniso the old establishment, for I feel every confidence in recommending GROCERIES,CROCKERY As one who will deal fairly and honestly. and always strive to accommodate his customers and keep the As I intend buying for cash. 1 hope to be able to sell at prices and keep a quality of goods that cannot well be beaten. Wlth these few remarks 1 will take my seat I take the present opportunity of ofl‘ering to the inhabitants of the above place and sur- rounding country, my heartfelt thanks for their kind and very liberal patronage for the past two years and a hell. and sincerely hope that they will not forget Hoping to merit the patronage of Richmond Hill and vicinity. I remain respectfully yours. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST! N REFERENCE TO THE ABOVE I Richmond Hill, June 14, 1871. THE TEA CHEST WELL FILLED EFORE RETIRING FROM BUSI- REMEMBER THE OLD PLACE; MB. A. MOODIE THE OLD TEA CHEST I CONSTANTLY 0N HAND, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WINES AND LIQUORS. NESS UN WINES AND LIQTTORS. Sign of the Tea. Chest.- BEST AND CHEAPEST WELL SELECTED RICHMOND HILL. ALEXANDER MOODIE. A LARGE AND CROCKERY, WITH THE STOCK 0" I. FRENCH. ROE & BROTHER .1- Engiand. intend havng a Sale of a Variety of Useful and Fanry Articles inlhe Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill. on HE LADIES OF THE CHURCH OF Engiand. intend having a Sale of a WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, The 28111 and 99th of June. In aid of the Church Building Fund. Contri- bulions will ba kindly recmved by the members of the Bazaar Commime umil Monday. the 26th June. FLA NNELS, BLANKETS CUSTOM CARDING COLLARS AND CUFFS Vaugfiéfi, 'Richmofld mu.’ :1 Sheep. The Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. ‘AME INTO THE PREMISES OF J the subscriber. lot 46, in 571,13 lst CR“. 111 Flat Dutch, Hrun‘head. St. Dennis. and Red Dmch Pit-l; 'ing Gawain, Cauliflower and Kohl Rabi, Ru and i‘vl‘ow 'I‘omatoe. Red Peppers, &c. all snwn in the open air, 01'- dera immediate‘y nttemiwd to. Take notice. No Cash Nu Cabbage. GEO. SIMSON. 4W ARLY YORK. WINNINGSTADT, J Flat Dutch, Hrun‘ilead. St. Dennis. and WOOLEN MILLS! WOOLWOOLWOOL. May 10. 1871 Richmond Hill, 3lst May. [871. JOHN MINTON Richmond Hill, June 2,1871. > 675 67] Proprietors Woodbridge W'wolen Mills. ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE! 500,000 POUNDS OF W091. YMN AND PRAYbTfi BOOKK.‘l AGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. Spinning and Manufacturing THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE Done in the Best Style. and At Wholesale Prices ! WANTED! We hold a Heap}; Stock Church Bazaar. Which we are selling waxns AND YARNS, WOODBRIDGE Stray Sheep. Woodbridge. Ont. , FOR SALE AT THE WILL BE PAID. SUPPLIED AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. FOR WHICH Plants. H ERALD BOOK FOR THE Ol‘ Sandy Bank, Thomhill. 672-3 671 For Cash or Short Credit U the side line wI-st of the Elgin Mills. near Richmond Hill. two Receipts of Deposit from the Toronto Branch of the Bank of Mon- treal, al<o a New, drawn‘ by John McCague. in favor of the undersigned, for $800, dated April 3li,187l. and payable one year after date The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving them at Ihe Herald Office or with The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery [o be hau m II a County. A Fresh Supplv of the gnuuixw Rodger’s, and also olhchelebr'ated xnulllfi‘mal’ffres. at the York Herald Bunk SL011! liiclmmnd Hill Ladies’ Gents’ and Children'? Summer Hosiery and Socks GROCERIES AND HARDWARE 1 Situa'ed on lot No. 96,211d Con. Markham, near Richmond Hill. Apph‘ on chv premises to SHINGLE FACTORY I VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Gents’ Shirts, T669, Crawls, DRESS GOODS Mourning Goods, Cohourgs, Craps Cloths, Plain and Silk wove Lthf'F‘S, with the Lots 21 6' 22, 111/1 Con. Brock, POCKET CUTTI There are about GU Acres cleared. and in a good slam of cultivanuu, balance hmva timâ€" bered. There is a curing creek on the farm. The Cannington Human of the Toronto and NipiSSiuQ [{anay i~- simmer] on remaining por- fion of tho ham. “'0: further paniculrms apply to CHAS. Gums, ( '1;}I1g'.ml,,0." 0 LA I DLAW, Toronto. CONCERT E'NAS, BRITISH FLAG STAFF, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, JUST RECEIVED, Skirving’s [’urp1e Top Swede Turnip, Yellow Aberdeen Turnip. V’Vhiie Globe Turnip, A'r Tumm‘ro l’nlCEs, at Richmond Hill ,June 7,1871 Markham, May29, l87l. New Gloves, Par-03018, DAVID EVER, JUN. Markham, May 18, 1871. SSS-Gm "OR SALE OR TO RENT. May 10, 1571. BLEACHED & FACTORY COTTONS, Coilars, Fronts. 610., on Richmond Hiil. ‘N MONDAY, THE 729;]; _MAY,__Q»N ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE. ALL NEWV MA OHINERY, SPLEl‘JDID VALUE! ASSORTMENT 0F SPRING GOODS .‘ b PART OF THE NORTI ,ESH TURNIP SEED. Prints. Fisin and Funcv Brilfiantes, Manama, Singlmms, 6L0 , A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT LARGEST & MUF'W‘ VARIED Collouades. Gambroons. Denims. Tickings, ' ‘ A STAVE, HEADING AND 1N FIRST’RATE RUNNING ORDER, Laces, Small Wares and Fancy Goods. with u Window Glass in all Sizes, WITH SELFISNSTRUCTO'R, AT THE WELL SELECTED At The Third Supply ABOUT 1% ACRES. IN ALL SIZE-‘5. A Nice Assortment of Paints. Oils. Varnish. Which will be sold Consisting in part of A New and Varied AS CHEAP AS G. A. BARNAR‘D’S. Sign of the British Flag Staff, G. A. BA RNARD’S. CONTAINING STOCK 0F STOCK CF HERALD BOOK STORE. Lost AT THE WU H THE JACOB BAKER. DRY. Richmond Hill. 671-3 667-4 672 I good Brick Cottage erected xhereon, situated on the Corner of Yonge and Centre Streets, in the village of Richmond iii”. For further paniculars enquire of JAS. M. LAWRENCE. GAMES, TM 8, &q , u“ A via-Al VV of n‘huul lb or I? y‘mrs. to learn the Blacksmixhing bugiHPSS‘ 119*}in to EDWIN BOUTUBY. AÂ¥mira 5th COIL, Markham. MOURNING GO OD S 1‘ Ambler W. Brown & Bros. Brillinger, Jonathan Cunan. Thomas Freeman, T. B. Flord, Mrs. Gr§st, James Gee, Joseph Hisiop. J'ohu Hird. Robert, Hurd Wm. Kindrick, Mises John Killips. Mrs, Eliza Klinck, VViHinm POCKET BOOKS SCHOOL REQUISITES VV favms we would notify the pub 'c that the partnership that has exis‘ed for he lqst three years betwsen NEW PRINTS. Was dissolved on this date by mutual consent. Dr. Robinsnn having purchased Dr Pock’s light to and interest in the practice of Dentisny in this locality. Mr. Robinson trusts that, hr careful attention to the wants of the people, to transmit a continuance of the very liberal pa» tronage that hes been enjoyed by the late fir.:‘.. Mr“: Robinsnn will wait-on tliose who wish hisservices at tho usual placo< of appointment N.B.â€"Those who aré indebtedYo the law firm w1|l please settle their accounts at an earl) day. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! NEW SPRING GOODS I ‘ ANTED. A STRC ol’ n‘huul lb or I? , ACTIVE LAD rs. to learn the BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY ‘ ITH MANY THANKS FOR PAST favons we would notifv the public that THE CENTRAL STORE. April l3. 1871. Richmond Hill. May 11. 1871. ALWAYS 0!! HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST 3ND Richmond Hill. March 8th, 1870. Dissolution of Partnership. AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,atthe For Sale, ALF ANVAVQREV OF LAND, WITH N. J. PECK AND A. ROBINSON, The Central Store! DOW CURTAIN FIXTUR P15. FRESH GROCERIES ! DR Y G O ODS DE PAR TM ENT. HillPostL ffice. lst June. 1871: Apprentice W'anted. (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) n nu: AN ENORMOUS DISPLAY NEW COTTONS, NEW BRILLIANTS. NEW LINEN GOODS. &o. &c. &e. NORTH OF TORONTO. HARXMVARE. CROCKERY, List of Letters OF ALL KINDS. AT THE A150 :1 fuli suppiy of OF ALL KINDS AT THE THE STOCK INCLUDE! CHEAPEST STOCK 0’ MAY BE SEEN A'l‘ HERALD BOOK STORE HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HER-A m‘noox s'roR‘r's. H ERALD BOOK STuRE. OF THE W. ATKINSON, Ledgerwood. Agnes Merriden. James Messingham. James Moffil. James Mackiney, Fanny McQueen. Alex. Nigh. John Shea. Owen Spring. William btratton, A. Temple. Richmondhill Wiltshire, George (2) Williams, Stephen M. TEEFY, r. M. Richmond Hill. 637 657-11 651 (:AXADA, Province of Ontario, Commy ofJYork. On Monday. the third day of July next, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court, for a. discharge under the said Act. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, stock of all kinds of Dye Slufl's, ofthe very best possibb description. which we are selling 20 per t ant. cheaper than any other house in Toronto. U chines will do well to call and examine our stock of oils. The C7Leapcst and Best in the City. HUGH MILLER 8; CO. 167 King St. East. Toronta, August 17. 1870. 6314f LOWEST CASH PRICES, Dmcd at Toronto, this twenty-fifth day of May, AD. 1871. A .1. thanks to his fliends for the patronage he has received since- he e-mmenced business as a BUTCHER on Ruthmnud Hill. begs to and nounce to them mm in.» has disposed of his business to his son, 1:: r .y HOPPER. who will in future carry on the 3 Mess." He also trusts that his customers wiEi .mtiuue to bestow their patronage on his sucrw‘ ‘ 1' J. lhanks to his. :nds for the patronage he has received siur commenced business as 3 Hum AND Sum 'f- manmn Richmond Hiil, begs to announce i new that he has disposed of his business m his son ROBERT SIVER, jun.. who will in future carry on the. businesa. He also trusts that his cus|omem will cominne to bestow their natronage on his successor. In referenCe to the above the subscriber begs to announce that he wiH give his best attention to business and will keap on hand a select stock of Ready-Mada Boots and Shoes. suita- ble for the trade in the neighbourhood. and hopes to merit the support of his father’s friends. R0 BT. SEVER, Jun. MOURNIN G _GOODS A HENRIETTfi. CLOTHS. ' HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the patronage HE SUBSCRHI thanks to hi5 Richmond H1“, Feb. 9, 1871 CANADIAN GOODS FIRE PROOF STORE 1 fiiALLOY’S AXES JUST RECEIVED. N THE MATTER OF GEORGE ALI )ICE’S PUMPS Richmond Hill,April 6, 1871. August, 25, '1 {0‘ 669-6 August 17. 1870. Richmond Hill. Jan Richmond HillJune 11. ’68 1313:»11229g Tzckz'ngs, Twiiicd Sheetifigs, TATIONERY ALA PAC'AS. LORNE SHIR TINGS, Machinery Oil. lWNERS OF T H 1% E 8 mm; MAA Grape Cloths, French Marinas, Bough in the Best Market and will be sold at the NEW SPRING GOODS Insolvent Act of 1869 Kept Constantly on Hag? ISAAC CROSBY4 DRESS GOODS, IN TWEEDS. COTTONS, LEN BARNARD. AX INSOLVEN LARGE LINES IN Dye Stuffs ! _.__. HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE A MAMMOTH STOCK OF A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HUGH MILLER & C0. DANIEL HORNER, UN . Lot 20, 211d con. Markham Conouncs. &c. &c. By Nelson Gordon Bigslow, His Attomey ad litum. 0! ALL KINDS AT THE HERALD noon «on. &c. 8m. 5w. &c. Jae. 6w. FOR. SALE BY &0. 6m. 6w. CONFISTING Ol' FOR SALE BI G. A. BARNARD. $67 King St. East.. Toronto. {0. 6324f. Notice. Nc‘ PRINTS, J.BR1LLINGER, RichmOWl Hill Iunell.’68. 5_.7~lf ‘1‘ THE Rom. SIVER, Sen. 1 Court of the county of York, :UBT. HOPPER. 7, 1871 . 6-52 LOG :, VINV RETURNING N THE COUNTY 585 655w

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