Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Jul 1871, p. 1

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. VOL. x111, No. 9. , ______o_s, W. I IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY ALEXANDER IICIIMOND HILL, And dispatched to subscriberrb) the onrlie llllllls_ill‘ otherconv :vance,wliense desired The Yonit Ilium [.13 will always be found to coiitttiiitholatestand most iinportant“breign and t’rovincial News and Markets,and the greatest care will he taken to renderitac- coptable to the man ot'husnioss,antl a valu- able Family Newspaper. ’1‘1‘111MS:â€"()no tumor. _ Dollar rt iid ti‘it'tyconts wtllbo charged. Albotters addressed to the EdUorinustbe pest-paid. No paper liscontinued lttitil all arrearages titre paid: and )ZUIION'OIHSIIlg‘ papers without paving up, willhe held iccountzihlo for the “inscription , RAT E S OF AI) VE RTISING. Six ines and under, tirstinsertionn "$00 511 Each subsequent insertion.... .... . 00 121‘ . (It) 75 (It) ‘30 ()0 (17 01102 50 (Ill 30 (It) 510 00 rI‘on inesitnd tllltlt’”, i'irsti iisortion. . l‘inch subsequent nsertion.. . . . . . . . . . Abovetonlliios. tirst: sortion, portino. Erich snhseqtionti nsertion. per line. . , , Uno Column poi‘ twelve months. . .... . 11,111 a column do do Quarter ol'rt coin inn pertwolve months. One column pui six months.... , , _ n . .40 no llalt'ncnlnmn do 25 (to (Jiittrler ofn column porsix months. . . , [8 (H) ,( card of ten lines. for oneycur. . , ‘ _ , 4 ()(l Acnrd oflifteoli lines, do 525 A card ol‘twentvlinos. de (5 5i; U:T,\il\101'[l<61|]8111S‘\'11110111\V1'11,l011(111CCUOIIS nscrtedtillt'ot-bid,niidchnrgcd accordingly All idvertisctnentspnblisbedforalessporiod t Inn one month, in ust he paid forin advance. ......- All re.nsitorvnt1vorlisomontsfronistrangers or'i'i'eggnlni istoiiiers, must be puidfor when handed iiit'oi'inser’ion. mszc-q-x‘c mitotic RF 310V AL. II. SANDERSON .1: sons, ruornmrons OF THE RICHMOND IIILL DRUG STORE, Ilave removed to their new and commodious building on the corner' of Yonge and Centre St. East. and would return their thanks to the public for past patronage, hoping to tnorita continuance of the same, They have greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment of Paints. Oils, Perfumery. 'lloiletSoaps, Drugs, Chemicals, liar-t swath S C O T ’1‘, Dollar peraiinnm, IN Au» it' notpaid within 'l'wo .‘.Ionths,Ono JNO. D. MCCONNELL M.D., GRADUATE OF TORON"O UNIVER- srrv. RESIDENCEâ€"Adjoining ThornhillHotel. July 22,1869. 575-1y DR. HOSTETTER, R/[EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE Surgeons, England, Residence: North of Richmond Hill, opposite the Elgin House, All calls (night or day) promptly attended to, Elgin Mills, January 1, 1870. 598 DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF V ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to I) A.M. Mr A. F. Armstrong is authorised to collect Accounts. Richmond [1111, Oct. 14,1859. 568* JOHN N. REID, M.D., ‘IOR. OF YONGE AND COLBORNE j streets,'l'lloriiliill. Consultations in the olliccon the mornings if’l'nosdnvs,Thursdays and Saturdays, from 8 ‘ 9101...“. Allconsultations in the otlico, Cash. 'l'lioriihillJnno11.1805 l CARD. Brâ€"TIIE PUBLIC WILL PLEASE .l - take notice thrit Mr. .lonh ’l‘nilor has ceased to collect for John N. loid. 311).. and ll]:’tti\'ll‘..1011l1(frtlt‘loll. of 't‘hornhill. is author- ised to trolloctfor the subscriber until further notice. JOIIN N. REID. M.D. Thornliill, December 9.52, 18139. 597 R. E. LAYV. llIEil‘lIST AND DRUGGIST, RICH- } HUNDHILL. Physicians iroscriptions carefully prepared Richmond Hill, Doc.1.181i9. 594-tf THOMAS CARR, DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, (}i~ocei-ios,\Viiies and Liquots.'l‘hornhifl. Bi/ Roi/lit Letters patent/y has been Impartial > Issuer of i’lI/u'riz/gc Lumiscs. Thronhill, Fob.‘26, 1868. WAT. ALLINGEIADI. L.D.S. (J’URGEON DENTIST, k l)F1"lCl~l.â€"COI‘H(‘.1‘ of Albert and Yonge Sts , Toronto, (opposite the Green Bush Iletcl, over R. Law.<on’s Grocery Store, tit Special attention paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. N.1}.â€"(}h:irges moderate and work war- Modicinos, Varnislies. It‘nncyiirtioles Dve Stutl's, Patent Medicines, and all other articles kept by Drnggists generally. " ,* Physicians l’i-agm-ipt’iouw carefully comâ€" pounded. and all orders attended to W111] care and despatch. Farmers and I'hvsiciansfrom the country will find our-stock of Medicines completeâ€"wart ant- cd genuineâ€"and eftho best quality. Richmond Hill, Nov..‘2.3, 1309. 593, P. O.SAV1NGS BANK. RICHMOND j, PosT lllLL <4. v, * OFFICE. .7y‘tifljg. EI’OSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (OR any niim torâ€"notoxcocdingtnroc hundred dollars by an y one tlepositor.) null he received nttltc Richmond Hill l’ost Ulljco, for which Governmentwillttllow Interest. 1‘101pftl‘lltlllllll'sapply10 M. 'I‘ICEFY, Postmaster. ”*"‘ ‘21.; 'l‘i;i;ri( is Government. Agent for he sale of; LICENSES. use AGENT FOR 'rm: IlIONTlIFAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Otl‘ice hours: from 6:30 [ 9:301’.M. May 4,1361). EtiIl-tf PAINTING & WHITE WASHING. . r 11E SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN- nounco to the inhabitants of Richmond P; Hill and surrounding country that he has coni- inencv-d the above business, and will be pre- pared to do all orders promptly. Ile trusts by strict attention to merit the patronage of the public. . Charges very diodcrttic. HENRY CHAPMAN. Richmond Hill, April G, 1871. GU‘Z-tf RINGWOOD MARBLE WORKS. wrummx, MANITFACTU run or u all kinds of Monuments. lloutlsiono,&c Coll ant. examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere, as you willfind it to your interest. if? Issuer of dfwrriagc Licenses. Iting'wood,Sept,13,1867. 497 J. H. SANDERSON, V E 'l.‘ E R IN A R Y SURGEON, GRA- duaio of Toronto Veterinary College, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. East, Rich- mond llill, begs to announce to the pnhlicthat he is now practicing with 11, SANiiimsoN, of the some place, where they may be consulting do personally or by letter, on all diseases 0 Horses, Cattle, Azc. Minincmns or EVERY DESCRIPTION for Horses and Cattle always on hand: such as Physic, Diuretic. Cordial, Tonic, Cough, Condition and \Vorni Ilalls and Powders, The Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleviating many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokeliwind or Ileaves in Herses Colic, Draughts, Liniments for Sore Threats, .' Sprains, Curb, Spnvin, Ring-bone, A'Lc. Blist- ering Oiiitinonts, also lloof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for wounds, Bruises, Saddle Gulls, lnfallible Oil and Sheep Tick Dos- trovor. All orders from a distance proniptlynttended to, and medicinessentto any partot' the Pro- VIIICC‘. llorscs examined as to soundness, also bought and Sold on commission. Richmond IIill,April‘~’3, 1868. 510 ranted, ‘VM. A LLINGIIA M, DEN'I‘ISTL. January 111,181]; _ ’ u; ,1 . l C A; ROBINSON‘S, L.D.S., “\JEIV METHOD OF EXTRAC'I‘ING I t 'l‘eolh without Rain, by the use of Ether Spray, which alfects the tooth only . Il'he tooth and gum sui'oniiding bt‘cnn‘t. insonsihlo with this external agoiicyuvhcn the tooth can be extracted with no pain and \Vl'l‘thU'I‘ ENDANGERING THE LIFE As in the use of Chloroforni. Drs. 1’. and R. will he in the following places prepared to extract tooth with his new apparatus, All other operations in Dentistry performed in a worltnittnlike manner:â€" .‘turorzi,1.~t, 8th,1tithand‘2:3nd ofcaclimonttt Newmurkot.... 51nd “ ~‘ Richmond Hill. . . . . .. .. 91h and 524th“ Mt.Albert............. 111th H N 'l'oriihill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23rd ” ” Maple................90111 “ “ lintwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4111 “ “ Kleinhiii":....-........ 251111 5‘ “ Nobloton.............. 30111 “ “ Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand atAurora Anrora,April 53‘, 1570' (BIS-if W. H CANNON, LD.S., DENTIST, (LATE ASSIST ,5 , its'i' to Dr. Elliot, Dentist, 'I‘oi'oiito.) respectfully announces that he will visit the following pluces,(Sun- dirt excepted). where he will attend to Den- ‘ in all its branches: King......... .lst of each month Richmond llill...........51h “ ..,--....- tof Markham. I’,O,Address~â€"l$nttonvilie. can Innkearrangementsat the HERALDOIIICO overthc \Vesloyan llook Room, BARRISTER, CON VEYANCER, the. Street, Toronto. JOHN llUGGAN, mo. . Eitcnseb Qtttttioitccrs. J. RAFFERTY J County of York. 111‘ Sales punctunlly attended to. CHARGES MODERATE. Acmmss: King I’.O. t’i33-4m M. FISHER. HENRY SMELSOR, r Counties of York and Pool, Coltectcrot holes, Accounts, &c. Small charges and plenty to do. Luskuy, March 2nd 1865 liD-ly FRANCIS BUTTON, JR., ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of York. Sales attended to on the shortest notice and at moderate rates. I) O. Address,Buttonville. Markham, July 94. 1868. 497 H. D. BENNETT, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of York. Residence lot No, 14. 2nd (.‘on. Vaughan. 1’. 0. Address, Currville. Allordors left atthe " York Ilot'ald”otlice. Richmond llill, or attlie I’,O.Maple,\vill be attended to. _Vaughan. Oct. 10 1867. 1â€" \. JOHN CARTER, ‘ ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Counties of York, l’eel and Ontario. Residence: Lot 8,6111 concession Markham. l’ost()thceâ€"~Unionville. Sales uttended on the shortest noticennd onroasonablotorms. V Orders let'tai the “Herald” 011100 for Mr Cartor’sservmos will be promptly nttcnilcdto Jnne.‘2'i'. 1587. EDW. fl '. NDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Counties of York and Feel. Ilesitlein-eâ€"-~I.ot 20,1‘08T0f31‘tl Concrssion Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’s service Junnarr4. ICGS._ :31 mum-mm, 11am (baths. WlLLiAMAtAJsoy ~ 1 {3.1" i - cJmmthanc r}, ,onveyzi er,«=c. Orritt‘. : No 781011;: Street East,'l'oi'0i:to Toronto, December-'2. 18119. 594 J N BLAKE, Orr‘icn.â€"No. Gt} Church Street, Toronto. December 25), 1860. 593‘ DUGGAN 6L MEYERS, BARIIISTERS, A'I‘TORNEYS-A'ULAW Solicitors in C hancerv, Convevaiicorsnlt c Orin‘ici::-â€"l’rovinciul Insurance Buildings, .tiiAiiiii.nii:vi1i;s,Jit. Toronto Dec. 334, 1868. till-Iv “mm-m mmrmam MARRIAGE LICENSES, RICHMOND HILL. TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND I . Commissioner in ll.ll.,is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the County of York. Otlico hoursâ€"7 A.lil. to 9:30 PM. Richmond Hill. October 23,1869. JAItIES BOWIVIAN, SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Almirn. Mills. Markham,‘Nov 1.1862). 22 Newmarkot...... . . . . . . . .Itlth " Aurora..................1511| ” Teeth inserted iii the most Improved Styles, on Gold, Silver, Vulcanized Rubber, and Al- luininum Base. 'l'oeth filled in such a manner as to preserve them from further decay. Tooth extracth with the least possible pain, and especial ttltclllloll paid to the regulation 01 childroii'stccth. Charges Moderate, and work warranted to give satisfaction. I - All letters addressed to Aurora W111 receive prompt attention. Aurora, May '35. 1870. 619-Iy G. H HUSBAND, L.D.S. DENTIST, BEGS MOST RE- specit'ully to announce that he will be at. Unionville, . . . lst Monday ofoach month, Weston .. . . . .tlth day “ Klineburg....ltith “ u r wick.....‘2‘2nd “ , carboro’. . . .231'd H t} Where he willbe prepared and mosthappy to I wait onthose who may require his services, Gr. 11.11..having had over ELEVEN Yimus’i I’itAC‘i‘icu,feelscontidentofgiviiigentiresatis-t faction. ' To these who have favored him with their patronagein the past he returns his sincere ’ thanks, and to those who mav do so in the fu- ture, he would say that no endeavor on hisl partwillbe wantingte meettlieirapproval. I Reunititzscns.â€"Tliofollowinggontlemoncan, withcontidence,reconnnend (11.11.1‘Iusbanddo‘ allrequiring Dental aid: l)r.Reid,’1‘hornhill; Dr. Bull, Weston; Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Corson, Brampton. Riisiiiizxcn.â€"'1‘lior1ihill. Thornhill Septembor17,1868. 1y GEO. MCPHILLIPS 86 SON. ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS, Seaforth, Ontario June 27. 186' ' 1 WILLIAIVI COX, I’CCESSOR TO JAMES IIOLLIDAY, Burcnnnfilnd door north of G. A. llarnaids store, Richmond Hill. keeps always on hand the best of Root", Mutton. Lamb, Veal, I’ork. Sausages, Arc. and sells at the lowest prices. 'l‘lichigliest inurketprice given for Cattle, Sheep, Lambs. etc. Also. Corned and Spiced 1100f, Sinokedand Dried Ilams. WILLIAM COX. Richmondllill.October15.18137. l-y J. SEGSWORTH, MI’ORTER OF IVATCIIES, CLOCKS, and Fine Jewelry I {Id Yonge St., Toronto. *3 Masonic and other emblems made to order. Toronto. April 27, 1866. P. A. SCOTT, UMBER MERCHANT d7 BUILDER, 618 Yongu Street, Toronto. Doors, Sash, Flooring, Blinds, Sheeting Mouldings, &c. All kinds of Building Materialssupplied. Post Olfice Addressâ€"Yorkville. Toronto. May18,1868. FARMERS’ BOOT & SHOE STORE ()HN BARRONT-lllnNUFACTUREIL and Dealer in all kinds of Roots and Shoes, 38 west Market Square, Toronto. 3-in, 113’ Bootsand Shoes made to. Measure. of the Best Mntorialsund VVorkmanshin, at the Lowest Remunerating Prices Toronto , Dec, 3. 1867. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE ICENSED AUCTIONER FOR THE .1 County of York. Lot 4, 3rd COHCCSEIOII, Vaughan. 1’, 0, Address, Concord, orders No sigh when I‘m sad, no song when guyâ€"â€" promptly attended to. From the lawn is gone that grand‘bld tree. Concord, March 1631870. 606 ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE A9 Sympathy. ronnu When our hearts are sad and da‘gk clouds lower. '4 My father’s hall own’s the strangers sway, And the spot. seems lone, so lone to me; A touch of love clicer‘d my old time moan; My joy was lit by n face so fair,i An angel’s sigh in her silver tonc,f A wcnlth of glee iii he:- goldcnhnir. . That tone is new hcartl in anch song, 'lliat golden hair never tut tied to gray; In sorrow or Joy my soul still lungs , . It or veice and gold that have passed away, Oh man! 011 incnl in :1 Changing world Are sorrows to lighten, joys to share; Our fellows may droop o’er flag be foiled, The hero be crowned mitt trumpets’ blare. Then hands he reached to the friends who fall, With hearty cheers greet the Victor’s . palm; So live and love, that missed by all, You may sink to rest in endless calm. AT610'1)077U'.IZ’Z'071 .Uont/fly for July. M . Finances of the Dominion. The Montreal Gazette, whose editor has lately been at the capital, has 0b- t‘nincd sonic particulars relating to the financial operations of the fiscal yearjust closed, which are in themselves of :1 pleasing and satisfactory character, and most strongly attest the wisdom of the policy pursued by the government as 0pâ€" poscd to the policy of the gentlemen who sit on tho left of the Speaker. Sir Francis Ilincks’ estimates of last. session have been even more than realized.â€" “ “Then,” says our contemporary, ‘l‘vtlie “ heavy supplementary estimate..'_ the :‘ year was brought forward, tovflé ,1 I the ‘closc of last. session, it Was stag t by ‘ the Finance Minister that he ,‘i " ‘fidcnt that the very large r a" i ‘ which he had made in M: .i-ch‘ ‘ t 11:) ». “\fla‘“ g 0 so i. ' -. W, ;' "’ largo its i v ‘ cccdod, and that the 0113161115 “ rioldcd 11 awards of $11 500 000. The .1 l 2 a . ‘ Excise revenue for 1870-71, which was F}! 9:) LC? ‘0 J as 7‘: "Q C: m a < e D 01 i 31 O ."“ "Sh “calculated on by nearly $100,000.»â€" “Tlic aggregate revenue of the year ‘from all sources, will, we have been as ‘surod, exceed $18,500,000. We be- ‘licvo that we erc correct in stating tlnitl “ no portion of the loans for tho purâ€"i “ chase and organization of the North “ chst Territory, amounting to £000; “ 000 sterling, has yet boon raised, and “ that every dollar uncxpcndod on tho “IntCicoloniol Railway is deposited zit: “ interest; in the Brink of Montreal." It will be remembered that when Mr. Rose was Minister of Finance he negoti- ated the first lonn on the English mar hot for the construction of the Iiitcrcol» oniitl Railway. his command than he required be 10» Having more money :it vested a considerable portion of the loan in Canadian securities bearing six and seven per cent. interest. It was :illijigcd by the Opposition at. the time that tho Go'ornmcnt had not only diverted the proceeds of the loan from its legitimate use, but had availed them of a plethora of Intorcolonial Railway money :0 make good deficiencies which they were not bold enough to acknowledge. The conâ€" dition of the railway fund to day is the best possible answer to the anlmfldVCI‘» sions and misstatements which the Op- position indnlgcd in two years ago.» “ The Exchequer Bill which was so fro- “ quently snccred at by the Opposition, “ and which was never to be paid, is no “ longer in existence, and the Dominion “ has gained two or three hundred thou- “ sand dollars by n policy which was not “ only vehemently denounced by the Op- “ position, but which with reckless dis- “ regard of the true interests of the ” country, was stigmatized {IS injurious “to its honor and credit.” The Go- vernment policy was simply to invest in securities hearing it hiin rate of interest a sum of money which was not needed at the time obtained at a. lower rate. By this operation the country was benefith to the extent of from two to three hundred thousand dollars, and, as our Montreal contemporary very properly observes: “ The credit of Canada never stood “ higher than it does at present. The “last quotations of our five per cents “were 101 to 102 and of sixes 108 to HERALD BOOK STROE. FRIDAY, JULY 28, 187117.“ An old elm stood by my childhoo, I home, I aCkHOWIedgC their force and do justice .Withcliirrup of birds each glad eliour, t0 the men to Whom 1110 country is 111- tha moan of boughs, when ' d winds debted for such a satisfactory State of affairs. since his return to Canada, Sir Francis Hincks has not only shown his aptitude for financial management, but most of- fectually closed the mouths of his vio- lent dotraetors.â€"â€"â€"Leancr. The Vfashington Treaty. The Edinburgh Scotsman in summing up an article on the Treaty has the folâ€" lowing judicious and truthful remarks: “ Are these the things that, really in the long run, make for peace ? Ono di« ffieulty in believing they are is, that no such things, but things of an opposite character are habitually done by those with whom we are dealing: The extent of the accusation made against us is, some neglect; or mismanagement in el- lowingr aid to a. beligcront to escape our ports in disguise ; but the United States Government permits hostilities without :n'iydisguisc,10 be carricd on against us by its subjects. thon the crazy Fo- nians desire to get: up it raid against Caâ€" nada, they hold public meetings, an- nounce their intention, open recruiting offices in the streets of New York, and then get their leaders recognised at formal receptions by the Prosidcnt. In point of fact, therefore, the Yankees, we have always, found, are impossible to please by any amount; either of compli- ment or compliance. What they seem to need to be taught; is to respect us, which may in sortie measure mean to It is such facts as these which make the Opposition so weak in Parliament. .lBrought face to face with them the people’s representatives are compollcd to In every act of his oflicial life A Bad Fire. “ No, Smith, where was it ‘3’” “ Here in the city.” “that: n misfortune to him. a good house ‘3” home for any family.” “ What a pity! take ?” tlioughtlcssly set it himself.” “How sillyl was burned too 17” “Yes, 101; and all; all gone, slick and clean." “That is singular. It: must have been a terribly hot fireâ€"and then I don’t well see how it could burn the lot.” “ No it was not: :1 large fire, nor a. very hot fire. Indeed, it was so smnll that it attracted but little attention, and did not; alarm anybody. The man for whom it did so much mischief, saw it all the while, and thought it. a little matter. A few drops of water would have put it out at any time. In fact, it often went out of itself, and the man lighted it again.” “ What for, I should like to know ?” “Oh, he didn’t seem to think what harm it was doing. He liked the smell of fire, and amused himself with the pretty smoke.” I “But how could such {111L110 fire burn up a house and lot '3 You havc‘nt told me ” “ It burned a long timeâ€"«more than . 20 years. And, though it seemed to consume very slowly, yet it were away. about one hundred and fifty dollarsy fear us. They are not a. people whose habit: of asking 18 to be satisfied by n"iving, whose threats are to be silenced by submission, or whose insults by; apology.7y In his speech on the anshington Treaty in the House of Lords, Earl Granville said : U “ There is one question connected with ~ "1.1 .u .. A- 7 . . .. ~- . ,. e to‘ obit," an Claims. w ecogiii - . 4 (Hour) Her Majesty’s solves the whole resposibility of this. We did not press those claims because, ‘ stimuth in 1841, VIZ Z fits-1,000,000, ! having arrived at £1. satisfactor ' zit-runge- large farm in the country. . u . 1 . . D . i: . 'm. ‘t'fiv v. n . '. . , , .L- L m. ., ,. INS lllwmtw “ACLU-10d “11le “7315 t1lm'mcnt on all the numerous and conipli- pity the fatnin of the man who 11215 so {01 CO Hdm y m t] 1 p1 10mm Des ezitcd questions at issue between us and the United States, and knowing that the opinion of the High Commissioners, in- cluding that of Sir John Mite/lonnld, was that, in the present state of parties, it would be impossible to Obtttll] from the United States a recognition of those claims, we had to consider whether we ought. to destroy all the fruits ofthc High Commissron and allow a third failure to I be the result of the negotiation. t Napoleon the Second. There was :1 time when if the son of Napoleon had been presented “to the French people, they would have chosen him I‘ln’ipcror by acclitinzition. Many fl fair lady and gallant soldier were fziin to kiss his hand, as the hand of their Sovereign duringr his life-long cxilc. But whether from four of the Austrian Court, or from natu'nl timidity, the Duke of Reiclistndt over shrunk from these loyal approaches. lIe scented to have, with all his sclfconsciousness as the heir of Napoleon, with all his wild dreams of future eminence, an instinctive eonv10~ tion that his hopes would never end in attainment. Vtht 2i lIumlct struggle his whole life wast Are we wrong in seeing in the fate of this poor boy :1 continuance of Napoleon’s divinely-inflicted punishment. IIis seed was not to inherit the earth, liowcvcr meek and mild and affectionate it might be. The the daughter of Austria’s Emperor, for whom he had put away from him his lawful wifo, was son of to be it lacklmid and a prisoner, a prey to ambition which had no energy, upd agi- tated by aspirations which were denied achievement ; while the children and do- sccndants of her whom he so cruelly rc- jcctcd were destined to occupy the very positions among the nations of Europe, which in his eyes constituted the highest happiness. Justice of this kind is to be met with in fact as well its in fiction ; and it is not limited in its operations to aspirants after thronesâ€"Nut: Dominion Monthly for July. THE modern majesty consists in work. worth every year, till it was all gone.” “ I can’t quite understand you yet. Tell me where the fire was kindled, and all about it.” i l “ Well, then, it was kindled in the cud of a cigar. The cigars cost him, he himself told mo, twelve and a half dol- lars a month, or one hundred and fifty dollars aycttr, and that in twenty-one years, would amount; $3150, besides all «WA. .7 “Jones, have you heard of the fire: that burned up tliemanls house and lot ’3’“ I I “III 1 77777 I ‘ leisit “Yes, a nice house and lotâ€"~a good How did the fire I ’ . ‘I‘ho mun played With fire, and Did you any the lot N0. 679. lVHOLE A oooo farmer will never be satisfied with his farming; until he is confident his land grows better every year. ll'nv docs frost benefit soils? Bea cause it expands the clcds, and causes them to break and crumble into fine dust}, exposing their matter to the air, onrlch- ing them by the absorption of gaseous) matters. Loss or IIA it IN IIORsEs.â€"â€"â€"Tlie fol- lowing is very useful in CRSOS where there" is falling out of the hair of the mane and tail, viz :â€"â€"Glyccrine, two 023 ,' sulphur, one oz; acetate of lead, two draohms ;1 water, eight oz. To be well mixed, and apply by means of a Sponge.- FLOiVEI‘.S.~The cultivation of flowem in the house and garden not only affords a pleasant and intelligent occupation for leisure hours, but is well calculated to aid the skilful housekeeper in adorning and beautifying home. Who does not; feel the genial and refining influence of. flowers blooming in the window, and in‘ the neat beds of the garden or the front: yard? Graceful vines trailing over the door my give a charm to the poorest dwelling, and make the humblcst cottage attractive. Donnâ€"«In the life of the farmer, as‘ in that of every other man, it; is of the utmost importance to make home attract- tivo to :ill the family; and it is hardly neodful to repeat that the strigtost neat? noss and good order in all the domestic” nrragcmcnts is most conducive to this end. Without; them no dwelling cam have the air of chcerfulnessand Comfort. But it must be added, all this uvails‘ little without corresponding dispositions and virtues 0n the part of the husband and father. Nothing on earth is more to be pitiod than a virtuous, industrious and intelligent woman with a shiftlesS‘ and lazy husband; and worse still, as is commonly the case, if he adds the de-‘ basement of intertipernncc, paralyzing the energies and breaking the heart of‘ his wife, and rendering his children“ years. So that the an' " whole sum wouldl has Government, however take upon them» be more than ten thousand dollarswl , , , [ plough them under, it is about time that: That: would buy it fine house and lot, oven in Chicago. It would pay for Don't youy l slowly burned up thclr home '3’ ‘ thughd me, for I have smoked more than twcnty~ But; I didn't know it cost so 0ft my own, Have always tcntcdâ€"tlioughtl 1 And I I guess now you meant yours. much as that, and I have no house I was too poor to own a house. I fill because I IItLVC been burning it up 1 l What a fool I have been 1’ l ‘ There is still another idczi,’ ‘ ll'hnt is that ‘3’ ‘ You may live twenty years longer, l and burn up another liomc.’ ; I ought to leave ofi'smoking.’ 1 ‘ I see. ‘ Yes, many smokers feel that thcyl ought to leave elf.y i ‘ But I mean to give tip my cigar, and quit.’ t ‘ Yes, I have known many to quitâ€"1 the same man at least half .1 dozen times.7 ‘ Friend Smith, I tell you I am deter-i mined to quit, once and forever, and to, break inysclfcomplctclv of the bad habit. I am resolved to put out- this, never to light it again. I won’t burn up another home, that my family so much nocd,nnd t that. I shall need in my old age and my children, after I am dead and gone.’ ‘Wcll, said Jones! now I trust you‘ will. If you are fully resolved, you can, ‘ though I promise you :1 severe struggle. If you are not fully set in your potposoy the old liiibit will be strong 101' you, and your second house and lot will vanish in, smoke.’ The boys had better never set a fire which costs so much, and which, though it might be so easily put out, is yet so likely, ifoncc kindled, to keep burning all Sunday 8.711001 Scholar. their lives. i'lpprchensions are felt in Jamaica ofan- the 1 scene ol'tlic bloody Olll‘lH'Czlli which Coven, other negro rising at )Ioi‘aiit liziy, nor Eyre had to deal with some ycnis ago It appears that there ztrc It ntiinbcr of negro ‘ squatters" :it’ that place, whose interests tLl'C likon to be llljlll‘i()1131ytilll‘Cl.Ot1 by an expectcd decision of the courts upon a question involving,r the legality of their title: They threntcn that ll‘jlltlglllt‘lltt£0CSVZL‘1IIIIISI them tlicy Will take up arms to Vindicntc their claims 5 and the Government, \vttrnodi in time, is taking measures to moot the danger. The constnbulatiy is to be armed and the troops and militia hold in readiness What it man can do is the greatest orno- merit and he always consults his dignity by “109.” - doing it. to check any out break. The rlctcrniinatimi is evinced by all parties to teach the negrocs to respect law and order, and to put down all attempts at rchcllion with a strong band, '- ‘ . ,.._'II,WU1HNQ__ For the 1 ason that nature applies her fertilizers upon the surface and does not‘ agricultm’alists should consider whether they or Nature are right when they difa Dtuno Nature make a mistake when she sets out to enrich a continent by spreading (ICtld loaves, twigs, trunks, grasses woods over the whole surface for years ?' Docs Nature mistake when she interposcs a loaf before the boating rain drops, and saves the earth from being pounded into the 5011113111100 of n brickâ€"keeps the soil light and porous that. the air carrying its ammonia and-its carbonic acid may penetrate to waiting roots below? Is, she doing wrong; when she lays a mat of decaying humus over the soil and only allows the searching .Iunc sun to gel: to the earth as a gentle heat, capable of, drying up the moistnio held there by tho mulch ‘? Or are we wrong when we Iii-d6 :thly our fertilizers at the bottom of n. t furrow and leave the surface bleak and: biirc to be beaten down with the rain and baked with the sun, and in that oouditicin’ ito refuse the good gifts which the air is willii’ig to yield up to the moist. and porous soil? Professor Blockio was one of the speakers at the annuztldinncli of tho‘ Sutlierlnndsliirc Association hold in; ljldinburgh on the 16th inst, Touching upon the question of land, the Professor“ warmly condemned the system of politi? cal economy which' dictated the heaping He‘ thought as rcgsirdcd land the true inter; ests of the country urged that thch W149» Aaaonoy for Iris. 0W1) SHIKC. ,should not be large farms alone, but. large farms and middle farms, and small farms and smaller farms. No laud-lord was doing his duty to his country who did not make it his principal object; to‘ have its many people on his property as be possibly could, consistently with their health and prosperity. Doing other- wise, and following the dictates of the ‘cry system of political economy, took away all thc‘joy, and the dzmce, and all A large pro- prietor in Skye had once said to him- sclf that he did not go on the principle of gigantic farms, because he wished to bc 2t king, not of mountains and over‘ moors, Even in it pecu- tlic songâ€"all the fun. but of men. nini'y point of view he was it gainer by that course. Thoonly reason he (the Professor) could sec for the opposite course wns thrit the proprietor wished to not. from one mm £1000, instead of go- thering: £100 each from ten men. and to spend it as easily in London or Paris.

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