Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Jul 1871, p. 4

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SLANbER.~â€"Pay no attention to slander or gossip. Keep straight on.your course, and let their backbitings die the death of neglect. What is the, use of lying awake nights brooding over the remark of some false friend that runs through your brain like forked lightning. What’s the use of getting into a worry and fret over gossip that. has been set afloat to your disadvantage by some meddlesome busy body who has more time than character. These things can’t possibly injure you, unless you take notice of them, and in combatting with them give them character and standing. If what is said about you is true set your self right at once, if it is false let it go for what it will fetch. If a bee stings you would you go to the hive and destroy it? Would not a thousand come upon you ? It is Wisdom to~say little respecting the in- juries you have received. We are general- ly loser in the end if we stOp to refute all the backbittings and gossipings we may hear by the way. They are annoying it 1s true, but not dangerous,, so longr as we do not stop to expostulate and scold. Our characters are formed and sustained by our- selves, and by our own actions and purposes, and not by others. Let us always bear in mind that calumnies may usually be trusted to time and the slow but steady justice of I public opinion. There’s no a‘tglling, Johnnie, when the sail- day will be, That’ll tak me frae ye Johnnie, or ye, joe, frae me ; But doot na that a day, a sair day Will com” For ane, am’ for a’ of us to travel to the tomb. 89.6 while, John, thegither, let us mak’ the waist 0’ time, " Pit a.’ the rights about us, as twa for ither clime ; That when the day sal com’ there’ll be little mair to do Than for you to pray for me, Johnnie, or for me to pray for you. We’ll no he like the folk, too proud amaist ' to pray, Whn pig repentance aff ’till at hun’ the sair a . They’re aj’r, John, 0’ the wrang road, stran- gers to one ither, Stane blin’ to God’s gude han’ wad lead them by anither. Ye’ll no think Nannie lo’es the less to gie ye this advice, ’ The heart that lo’es in earnest is ne’er, John, owre mce; We’ll baith be up an’ doin’, leave maething gude undune, An’ Wesal meet agen, Johnnie, when the sair day is game. â€"From the New Dominion Monthly. THE modern majesty consists in work, whst a. man can do is the greatest ornament, and he always consults his dignipy by so doing i_n. MAN’S happiness springs mainly from moderate troubles, which afford the mind a. healthful stimulus, and is followed by a reaction which produces a. cheerful flow of spirits. W11me ten men watch for chances, one may make chances; while ten men wait for something to turn up, one succeeds, and is called a. man of luck, the favourite of fortune. There is no luck like pluck, and fortune most favours those who are indif- ferent to fortune. A TRULY noble and courageous spirit is best [tried by that patience which he shows in the times of adversity. HUMILITY is the first lesson we learn from reflection, and selfldistrust the first proof we give of having obtained a. knowledge of our- selves. News has been received that the arsenal at Rio Janeiro, Brazel, has been totally destroyed by fire, involving a. loss to the Government ofmore than £300,000 sterling. NEVER‘say what may lead you into dis‘ pute with anyone; if a person be in error and be obstinate, that is no reason why you should dispute with him, and make yourself uncomfortable to put him right. BE A MAN.â€">F001ish spending is the father of poverty. Do not be. ashamed of hard work. Work for the best salaries or wages you can get, but work for half wages rather than be idle. Be your own master, and do not let society or fashion swallow up your individualityâ€"hat, coat and boots. Do not eat up or wear out all that you earn. Com’ pel your selfish body to spare something for profits saved. Be stingy to you appetite, but merciiful to other’s necessities, Help others, and ask no help for yourself. See that you are proud. Let your pride be that of the right kind. Be too proud to be lazy ; too proud to give up without conquering every difficulty; too proud to Wear a coat you cannot afford to buy; too proud to be in company that you cannot keep up with in expenses; too proud to lie or steal, or cheat, and too proud to be stingy. THE mqre a. man knows the less he is apt to talk; discreation allays hIS heat, and makes him woly deliberate on what and when to speak. ~YoU'rH.â€"â€"-The first years of man must make provision for the last. He that never thinks can never be Wise. Perpetual levity must end in ignorance. Intemperance, though it may fire the brain or s irits for an hour, will makefife-shm ' . Let us consider that youth is of no duration, and that in mature‘ age, when the enchant- ments of fancy shall cease, and phantoms of delight dance no more about us, we shall have no more comfort but the esteem of wise men and the means of doing good. SINCERITY.â€"-Give us sincere friends, or none. This hollow glitter of smiles and words-compliments that mean nothingâ€" protestations of affection as solid as the froth from champagneâ€"invitations that are but pretty sentences, uttered because such things are customaryâ€"all are worthless. There is no need of them. It is proper to be civil and, courteous to the mom in- different. stranger; but why assume friend- ship’s outward show when no reality under- lies it? When one feels friendship, the object of that sentiment cannot sufi'er, and leave our hearts untroubledâ€"cannot be slandere‘d, leaving us unharmed. SINCERITY.-â€" Give us sincere friends, or none. This hollow glitter of smiles and wordsâ€"compliments that mean nothingâ€" protestations of affection as solid as the froth from champagneâ€"invitations that are _ but pretty sentences, uttered because such things are customarywâ€"all are worth- less. There is no need of them. It. is proper to be civil and courte0us to the most indifferent stranger ; but why assume friendship’s outward show When no reality underlies it? When one feels friendship, the object of that sentiment cannot suffer, and leave our hearts untroubledâ€"cannot be slandered, leaving us unharmed. Golden Grains. The Sair Day. Emmy. All our Machines are warranted to give Esazfisjwction, and purchasers will have an opportunin of testing them. both in Mowing and Reaping before they will be required to finally conclude! the purchase. I For further information. address ANY ONE. on ALL or THE ARMS of the Reel can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver. by a Lever readily operated by his foot. The cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing the entire work of the machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team ’I'he Table is so constructed as to ga- ther the Grain into (L Bundle blforc it leaves the Table, and deposit it in a more compact form l/um any other Real Ra/w. figfiqkes are driven . ' of Chains} hndjdthergfore Iz‘ f“ A new and complete Illustrated Gala- logua If all our Mac/lines is being published. and WI” be ready for'early distribution, free to all applicants. Twofnr Blowing and twofm' Reaping. one If which has a. Sickle Edge for cutting ripe, clean grain. the mhe'r a Smooth Edge for cutting grain. m. which {here is grass 97' seed clover. THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WORKS, Alfiong Its many advantages, we call utter.- tion to the following : It has no gears on the Driving W726th I Enabling it to pass over marbhy or sandy ground wilhouL clogging uh the gearillg,1here- by rendering it less liable to breakage. It is furnished with g It has malleable guards both on the Mower Bar and Reaper Table. with cast steel Ledger Plates. it is also furnished with our The Table is attached id the Machine both in front and rear (if the Driving Wheel, which enables it to pass over’rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain Wheel Axle is on an axle with the axle of the drive wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. Greatly improved for 1871. with either I Pat‘s. Peltnn, Planet. IVoodbury, or Hall's 8 or 10 horsepower. We shall also ofi'ex‘ for the Fall Trade a new Clover Tlmsher and Huller. very much supe- rior to any heretofore introduced. No. One and Two Buckeye Combined Reaper and JIower, with Jaim- son’s Selfâ€"Rake Im- provcdfm- 1871. We believe this machine. as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever yet offered in the public of Canada. For: Plcxma UP LODGED GRAIN. This is the only valuable Tilting Table ofi'ered on any combined Reaper and Mower. The Table can be very msin 7'aiseil or lowered by the Driz‘m‘ in his sent without stopping his Team. This is one of the most important improvements ef- fevted in any Machine during the past two years. Trim PARTS ARE ALL NUMBERED, so that re- pairs cau be ordered by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted. There is no side Draught in either reaping or mowing. and the Machine is so per- fectlv balanced that there is no pressure on the llorses’ necks either when reaping or mowing. All our malleable castings where they are sub- ject to much strain. have been twice Annealed. Thereby rendering them both tough and strong. Our Johnston Rake is so constructed as to 26* Ohio combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. ‘ Cayuga Chief J12, Mower. Buckeye Mower No. 1. Buckeye Mower No. 2. Ball’s Ohio Mower No. l.' OHio Jr., Mower. Taylor’s Sulky Horse Rake. Farmers’ Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay 'I‘edder. And our celebrated MAN UFAC TURING COMPANY, Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in removing the grain. The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. The boxes are all lined Willl Raise the 0am so far above the Grain Ta‘ ble that tke Grain does not inter- fere with the Machinery OF THE RAKES 0R. REELS. \Ve make the above Machine in two sizesâ€"No. One, large size for Farmers who have a large amount to reapâ€"No. Two. medium size for farmers hav- ing more use for a mower than for a reaper. With the exception of difference in size, these Machines are similar in every respect. Our No Two Machine supples a want heretofore anfilled. viz: a medium between the Junior Mower and the large combined machine both in size and price. We shall distribute our sample machines in March among our Agents, that intending Purchasers may have an early opportunity of examining their merits. and we a" Johnson’s Self-Raking Reaper,improved for 1871. with two knives, smoolh and sickle edge. and malleable guards. ’35" Wood’s Palenc Self-Raking Reaper. “jg-\B‘uckeye- Reaper No 1, with Johnson’s *fi‘ Buckeye Reaper No. 2, with Johnson’s Self-Rake. HALL THRESHER AND SEPARATOR, self-Rake. We invite the public to withold giving their orders until they have had an opportunity or inspecting our Machines, as we believe that they are unsuipassed by any other machines ever set oflered on this continent. We also offer among other machines : Guarantee that all machines shipped this season shall be equal in Quality and Fmish lo samples exhibited by our Agents. 668-5m NEW PATENT 'I‘ILTINGâ€" TABLE Oshawa, Ontario. THE JOSEPH HALL We desire to call attention to our FOUR KNIVES! steady uniform Motion, BABBIT METAL. ESTABLISHED 1851. PROPRIETORS. F. W. GpEN, Pansujmm, OsHAwA, ONTARIO, YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILLONT.” FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1871’. JOB PRINTING 1- public for the liberal patronage he has re- ceived since first introducing to their notice Begs to assure fihem that he will, in future, as in the past, endeavor to deserve this confidence by supplying Farmers willconsulttheirown intereslifthey will exanmia our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are notsurpassed if equalled. CELEBRATED PUMPS 1 Pumps as superior to any hitherto pro- duced as those he has supplied were to the kinds which they superceded, Cislern Pumps. Churn Styla . . . Excelsior or common lever. . . Swing, Wrought Gearing . . . . . . Swing, do ‘do Large Swing Force. Large Size. . . . . . . N E W PAT E N T WROUGHT IRON GEAR CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS AND AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION ! POWELL’S PATENTS ! $20 for first 20 feet; after 20 ft. 60 'cts per foot. BEST FANNING MILL! And. having recently been improved, the sub- scribers have every confidence in its superior merit. $12 for first 20 feet, after 20 ft. 50 cts per foot‘ FANNING MILL! Manufacturing a large number of the above; ', Stood the test of Competition ! This pump, as now made, will throw more water in shallow walls, and work easier in deep wells than any ulher made. Whenever shown}. and are pronounced by com- petentJudges as being the c. POWELL, . N RETURNING THANKS TO THE Done Neat and Quick at the Herald Office Richmond Hill, Aug. 27,1869. 5664f PROVINCIAL Exnnin‘lon‘s 3L COUNTY FAIRS, AND ‘USERfl OF SUCH INFRINGE- MENTS And having increased facilitiesfor pre- paringthe lumber. ls greatly improved this season With LARGER CYLINDER and BEWARE!!! SWING LIFTING PUMPS,_ SWING FORCE PUMPS. DOUBLE ACTION Manufactured in Canada ; INFRINGERS T H ESE MILLS HAVE Will be held Responsible. The subcri‘bers are now PROMPTLY. AT ALL THE HIS NOW A. &. W. WILSON. To manfac- tuAre under RIGHTS POWELL’S PATENTS Size PATENT SALE FOR $ 2 50 6 00 7 00 900 ‘ 20 co THE YORK HERALD AT THIHIARALD Boon STORE, JOB PRINTING DAY BOOKS, PLAIN AND COLORED BOOK & FANCY STORE POCKET DIARIES Sets Jet Jewelry , Brooches Fancy Goods, Jerelr-y, Shirt Studs Sleeve Water Color Paints &: Brushes Crag/0715 Puzzle Blocks Clothes Brushes. ' Nail Brushes Gold Pens Writing Desks Work Boxes - Wallets Tin Toyf Wax Dolls Bonnie 910. EXECUTED WYTH' PROMPTITUTE. Cassell’s, Bow Bells, Josh Billings’, and Canadian Of Every Size and Darcription. ALMANACS FOR 1871. CONSTANTLY 0N HAND Humming Tops Canes China; Dolls Gold Plated Penholders - Gold Plated Pencil Cases Gold Chains ltncls Sleeve Links Toy Wajchgs ESTABLISHMENT. PRINTING THE HERALD teertinas Needle Shell Cases Shell Boxes :sks ' Parian Vases A LL KINDS OF PAPER BOOKS FOR. 1871. A LARGE STOCK 0F JOURNALS, Shaving Brushes Razors Razor Straps Dressing Combs Circular Combs ’le . Coronets Ear Rings Pocket Cutlery Hair Brushes 28, Tooth Brushes AiLEX. SCOTT. . Richmond Hills Transparent Slates Mirrors Ladies’ Com anions 1’ Pocket Books Pocket Combs Sheet Music Pearl sets LEDGERS, Portfolios HE EXCELSIOR PUMP, MANU- factured bv P. Phillips. Richmond Hill. THIBPUMP 1s EASIEST WORKED, Mos'r Dum- BLE AND NEATEST MADE IN THE DOMINION. It is so consirncted with the castings of the handle as to make it taillight therefore pre- venting children from putting anything into it, TheSubscriberwouldrespectfullyannounce thatheis preparedto put in . Now, as lhe public are aware that many worthless things are passed into notoriety, in order to prove that this is no humbug;y and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oilagents, ; many of whom will not hesitate to palm of the mere offal of oil refineries, as being identical with Stocks extra machine oil; we prepose to those who are largely interested in the truth of those statements, to send to them on applica- tion by express, or otherwise free of charge. a sample ofthe oil that it may speak for itself, we will with the sample furnish applicants free of charge, with a few simple tests as ef- fective, as those tests by which Gold is known from the base metals, and which will enable parties ordering to secure themselves against imposition, by enabling them to determine at once. whether the oil forwarded _is as good as sample. . All parties interested in the luhicat- in; oil trade, before purchasing elsewhere Will do well to cbmmunicate with Agent for the Dominion. Brougham, Ontario. H. Sanderson & Sons Agent, Richmond Hill J- public will find first-class accumutl aim) at the above House, at low rates. 'l‘hers is an extensive Stable attached, and large nuvel'ed sheds. An attentive and obliging hostler. Or “they are not preferred to any otheypump they may be returned,and the money wil! be refunded. ' These Pumps are suitable to all depths from a cistern to a well of 150 feet They are not so liable to get out of rep‘air. being Double-valved, and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently there is no Leakage at the joints which is invariably the’ case the common Log Pump made by hand. . Price: $5 above p'l‘atform; and 40 cents pei‘ foot below. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6. complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. Chum Pumps for Cisterns $3 each. Well-digging dongs," fihe “ShottgitmNgiicek August 9. 1870. 630-137 RICHMOND. “I” It will not gum . hence machinery can be kept clean with but little trouble,and it will clean machinery that has been gummed by other oils. It willnot congeat or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the highest importance, from the fact that an oil not having this quality will not lubricate a cold shaft, such an oil may be applied in a heated state; but the moment it touches a cold shaft it is congealed, and it will notbegin to lubricate until the jopmal. bv friction, acquires that temperature ‘iecessnry to reduce it to a liquid state. liiracquiring a hig er temperature by friction, the journalexpand . and the box is in- jured. It is as impossible to use all that will chill on a cold sh ' ' ' Mortgage" Apply’to GEO. B. .l. CIATION.‘ H ALL on THE ASSOCIATION. 334 King Street East. Toronto. To Parents, Guardinné, Pastors. and other§ whose Sons, Wards. or Friend> ma" be leaving home for residencei n the Ci y of Toronto: _ The Young Men’s Christian Assocmtion of Toronto announce that they have a Committee for the purpose of showing kindness to Young Men who are strangers, and leading them under religions influences. It is requested that all who desire the co-operation of this Committee, will} send the names and addreSses of Young Men about to remove to Toronto. in whom they are interested, by thevperson him- selfit‘ possible. or by post. with such particu- lwsnf character as they may deem fropor. JNo. MACDONALD, THos. J. VVI‘LKIE. President. Secretary. to mingle oil w’iiiT'Wfimf Stockes’r'oilr (vii lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied; it is now used in over two hundred establishments. andall unite in saying the pre- fer it to Refined Sperm. or pure olive oil : it is free from all objections urged against all other oilas it neither gums or freezes. This Pump on Trial for One Illa/nth! And if accepted $1200 F1Rs1‘B90K,withSliHustrations,stronghboun inl 'mp clothâ€"5 cents. FIRS'rBooK. (second part) with 54illnstrations, strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND Boox; With 56 Illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"29 cents. ‘I‘Hmn BOOK, 4i illustrations,strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"~30 vents, FOURTH Boon, ~15 illnstrmions,stronglybound, ' in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH BOOK, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€" 50 cents. COMPANION 1'0 THE READERSâ€"25 cents. P‘orsale at the This oil excells all others for Lubricating purposés. both animal 9nd vegetable. We are prepared to have the merits of this all tested against all oils now being used on machineryâ€"both light or heavy: from a clock or sewing machine. to the heaviest of Steam- boat shafls. The following are the points in which it calls all other oils : THE NEW CANADIAN NATIONAL Series uf School Books. ' Toronto,ApriH, [869 597 Addressflating depth of>well, MPORTANT T0 PARTIES USING {‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLICG Richmond Hill, Nov. 25. Authorisedbythe Council of Public 111- struction for Ontario. TATIONERY 215 and 217 Yimge Street, Torontd OUNG MEN’S CHRlSTIAN ASSC) ONEY TO LEND 0N GOOD FARM factured by P. Phillips, Richthond Hill. WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Security, in Sums to suit appiit ants. GREEN BUSH HOTEL, STocx’s EXTRA MACHINE OIL‘ MONEY TO LEND Money to Lend 0!" All. KINDS AT THE G. 13. STQCK, DUGGAN & MEYFRS, Attorney-W Cowl St. J. L. PARKER, Proprietor TQ LEND, FOR A TERM 3f years, HERALD BOOK “TUBE, MACHINERY. HERALD BOOK STORE. P. PHILLIPS, on a satisfactory NICOL, Barrister 1869‘ o >3m fl 593»H' Add 25 cents to above for postage when or- daring. SpirmalMagazine. . . .. . t . . . . . . L . . 2 ()0 Sunday Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Sunday School Teachers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 Sunday Maga’llne. . . . .. .. . . .. . . . 2 00 Sunday at Home . . . . . . 2 00 St. Paul’s Magazine . . . .. . . . . . . . 3 75 Scottish Journal. . . . .. . . 2 00 Technologist. . . . . 3~75 Temple Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Tinsley’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Townsend’s Costumes. . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . . . ¢ . 3 75 Truthseeker . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10 Union Review [alt. month]. . . . . . . 3 75 United Methodist Free Church Mag 52 ()0 United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . l 25 Veterinarian.......... . . . . . ‘ 575 Victoria ~Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Watchword 110 West End Gazette of Fashions... . . 3 75 World ofFashion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Young Englishwoman ........ .. 200 Young Apprentice. . . . . . . t . . . . . . 2 00 Young Ladies".10urnal.,. . , . . . , . . 3 25 Young Englishman’s Magazine. . . . 2 00 Young Men of Great Britain . . . . 9 00 Zoologist........................ 375 *3 Can supply any Magazine published not on above list Parties wishing Magazines, &c. bound in volumes will receive prompt attention. “ York Herald” .(jlmap B'ook and-Job Print- ing Establishment. - ALEX. SCOTT. D ‘nnd Magazines supplied by Alex Scott, “ YORK HERALD” Office, Richmond Hill, ANY PUBLICATION m nus LIST MAILED T0 SUBSCRIBEHa WITH PaoMP'rNEss. MONTHLIES. fer All the Year Round Athenaeum U... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arnzan...... ... . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . - Annals of Natural History. . . . . . .'. Argosy (The).. ..... ...........- Army List . . . . . ................. Art Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - Astronomical Register . . . . . . . . - Aunt Judy’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . Beau Monde (Le) . . . . . Belgravia [inclu.. Christmas num] Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Christifin’s Magazine. . . . . . . Bible 'l‘reasury.... . . . . . Burgeon’s short sermons . . . . . . . . . Boy’s Journal” ............... . . Boy’s uwn Magazine . . . . . . . . . . - . . British Friend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bow Bell‘s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Boys of Lngland. . . .... . . . .. . u. Broadway, 'l‘he.. Blackwood (Edinburghed). . . . . . . Builder, The [price varies] . . . . . . . BondStreet . . . . . . . . . Bov’s Book of Romance . . . L . . . . . Cassll’s Biograpllical Dictionary. . Cassell’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chamber’s Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chamber’s Enimological Dictonnry __ghes,$-‘ nuts 1&1wa Chess \Vorltl. . V . Children’s Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 Christian Advocate and Review . . . 3 00 Christian Consoler. . . .. . . . .. . . . . 1 10 Christian Observer . . . . . . . . .. . i . . 5 75 Christian Society. . . . . .... . . . 3 75 Christian Spectator . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Christian Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l 00 Christian World Magazine . .. .. ‘2 00 Christian Work .. . ........ 2 00 Churchman Magazine, The . . . . . . 3 75 Ch. of England Temperance Mag. 1 10 Church ol' the People . . . . . . . -. . .. . 1 IO Church Choirmaster and Organist. 1 ‘10 Church Missionary Intelligencer _. . 2 ()0 Church\Vurk........... . . . . . . . 110 Cliurchman’s Companion. . . . . . . . 2 75 Churchman’s Family D'legazine.. 3 50 Civil Engineer and Architect‘s Jour 7 50 Colonial Church Chronicle. . . . . .. 2‘ 75 Contemporary Review . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Cornhill Magazine... .... .. 3 50 Cutters (The) Mo Journal. . . . . . . 3 ()0 DayofRest . . . . . . . . . . . ... 200 Dublin University Magazine . . . . . . 9 ()0 EastAnglian......g...... . . . . . . 325 Ecclesiatic and 'l‘heologiuu . . . . . . . 3 75 Ecclesiologis‘. (all. mo.) . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Eclectic &. Congregational Review 3 '75 Edinburgh \’ledi(:a|&Slli'gical Jour 7 50 English Presbyterian Messenger. . . 1 10 English Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Q5 Englishman’s (The) Magazine. . . . 3 75 Englishtvomun’s Domestic Mag . . 3 75 Entomologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Entomologis’t’s Monthly Magazine 2 ()0 Evangelical Christendom . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 Evangelical Magazine . . . . . . . . . .. £2 75 ExolerHall . . . . . 375 Family Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Family Treasury. . . . . . . . . .... . . . 2 00 Family Herald” .......... . . . . . . 200 Farmer’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 50 Floral Magazine, . , . . . . . . . . '. .. 9 50 FloralVVorld....,..... a - . . . . . . . . 2 00 Florist and Pomologist . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Folet (Le) . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . ... 575 Fortnightly Review (mo) . . . . . . . . 7 5f) Fraser’s Magaxine . . .. .. .. . . . . . . 9 50 Froumason’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Friend.................. . . . . . . . 200 Gardener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (i0 Gents Magazine of Fashion . . . . . . 4 0i) Gentleman’s Magazine. . . . . . . . 9 50 Geo-ogical Magazine . . . , _ _ , . . 5 75 Geological & Nat. Hist. Repertory. 0 75 Good Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10» Gooleords............., . . . . . . .17 Good Words for the Young. . . . . . . 1 75 Gospel Medalith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Herald and Geologist,(alt.month) 475 Honiilist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 325 Horological Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l0 illustrated London h‘lagazine . . . . . 3 75 Intellectual Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7.5 Intellectual Repository (New Ch.) 2 ill) Journal of Agriculture. . . . . ._ . . . 3 75 Journal oftne Chemical Social} . . 3 75 Journal of Practical Medicine . . . . . 3 75 Journal of Social Science . . . . . ... 5 7f) Kitto’s Bible Illustrations . . . . . . . . . 3 75 LadieS' Cabinet 01’ Fashion . . . . . . . 3 75 itailies’Companion...... . . . . . . . 3 75 Laclies’ Gazette of Fashion. . . . . . . 3 75 Ladies’ Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2 515 leisure Hour................... London .‘ourual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London Socieh‘. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .’ London and Paris Fashions. . . . . . . Mechanimall .-............. Medical Mirror. . . . ..; . . . . .. . Merry and Wise . . . .... . . . . .'. . . . lVIelhodist Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missing Link Magazine . . . . . . . . . . Mission Life”.................. Momhly Packet Museum and Journal of Education Musical Times.................. Naiuralist....................... New Monthly Magazine 7, . . . . . . New Mon. Mag. for S. S. Teachers ()ncea Week.................. Our own Fire Side . . . . . . . .. . . Peoples Magazine . . . . . .. . . ... . . . Pharmaceutical Journal. . . . . . . . . . Philosophical Magazine . . . , , , . _ . , l’honographic Reporter. . . . . .. . . . - Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . Post Office Dirantor. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . PoullryBookn- Practical Mechanics’ Journal. . _ . . l’iimitive Methodist Magazine . .. . l’rnpheticTimes )‘NGLISH LIST OF NEWSPAPERS meal \Jilnswuuulu . oiical Magazine . Hail.. . .. Friend . . . Treasury. . . . . Herald” "5 Magazine. . . . . . Magazine, \Vorid....,.....~-........ and Pomulog'i [htly Review (mo). . . . s Magaxine . . .... .... [son’s Magazine . ...-;.-.l..... ..o..-.. --....-. .o.. ifll' . .. Magazine of Fashion . . . . . . man’s Magazine. . . . . . Kai Magazine . . . ' Bax‘nuuuu "UV . . . . . . 375 nx.... .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 'Natural'Histox'y. . . .. . .'. 9 50 L‘he)..................- 200 it . . . . . . ............. 575 {a1 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 950 ical Register . . . . . . .. - 3 75 y’s Magazine . . . . . . . 200 |de(Le) . . . . . ..........375 1y. . n’s Magazme. . . . . . n‘t sermons . . . ....v.....-.-. [gazinm . . ............. and. . . .. he. . . . . . ldinburghed). . . . . . price varies] . . ’ Romance .. rapjlical Dictionary. gazine. . . ‘urnal. Msgazjner; - cats and Review . . . altar”... id Magazine K .........--.....- agazine, ’I'lie . . . . . . id Temperance Mag. People . . . . . . . master and Organist. nary Intelligencer _. . 2 00 . . . . . . . 110 Companion. . . . . . . . f2 75 3 50 7 50 1‘ 75 9 00 3 50 3 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 My Magazine . . . . . . 9 00 . . . . . . 325 l 'l‘heologiau. . . . 3 75 (alt. mo.) . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 iqregational Review 3 '75 Family Magazine. . und Architect‘s JOLH‘ ch Chronicle. Review . . . zine... ........... Mo Journal. . ----.--- harnrnhfimâ€"Eu‘mmâ€"Drifiwâ€"IHHMâ€"tmb-vâ€"Abâ€"H“Cy-hwyâ€"JQ: L/llt‘llllufll cubmlg .. 0 Id :Lical Medicine . . . . . 3 75 in] Science . . . . . 5 7f) lusil‘aiious . . . . . . . . . 3 75 tol’ Fashion . . . . . . . 3 75 Vnion...... . . . . . . . 375 a of Fashion.. . . . . . 3 75 ry . . . . . . . 2515 2 ()0. ll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (7' \‘ . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ’ 3 50 Wis Fashions . . . . . . . 3 75 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 9 50 375 ;e...... ...... ' 110 amine . . . . . .. . . . . . . 375 Iagazine . . . . . . . . . . l 10 . . . . . ’200 . . . . . . . . . . . 375 um: Auaguhlnu - ‘ .......--..-....- l)0.-....-..-....v .... no...- 10 of Fashions... 'oman - . CB...-. “Yum... Iournal....,...,.. man’s Magazine . Sreat Britain . . . . Teachers 1 ~25 325 200. 200 375 ........ 950 ‘. . . . . . .. 075 .. . . . . . . 950 . . . . . . . . 375 375 113! . . . . . 375 zine.... 200 . . . . . . . . 175 ........ 200 .-...... ‘200 1.0.... 110 . 200 .. 200 Boys...200 .. . . . . . . 3-75 200 . . . . . . . . 125 e....... 375 . . . . . . . . 280 .. . . . . . . ‘200 Pery’r. PrNo. .. . . 3 00 25 33 33 .80 17 50 80 33 . H. . . goâ€"Iâ€"CSAWWWEDU‘IICCC GHCJUIOQCKIUIQCL‘. OCOOCUWOUIOCICC (CM) CO CO to N} 01 ‘2 ()0 u q :1- .950 5 75 3 75 2 00 2 ()0 .200 2 25 2 00 .110 . 3 75 3 5 75 2 00 ‘~w~wuwwwm HQ»\IU-1L-:C omsmomco; 1110 .l3()() -1 550000005590000 7~100055Uâ€"17.D5000 «232227923579222 U 0 4 5 ~/ 9 5 50 075 1 10 555555555 777777779 333533339 17 13 50 33 IQ 33 33 17 17 30 1'7 17 33 80 08 80 33 33 33 I7 15 X7 17 10 17 l7 17 33 17 13 33 33 33 I3 10 I7 l7 l7 17 ‘20 17 33 80 5” 17 17 17 20 33 06 10 lb 13 3!) â€"-pâ€": ‘1 ‘1 17 33 80 50 07 10 27 17 17 80 m 33 50 17 3 3 5(2 17 1‘7 65 90 1 7 33 50 8“ l7 PRICE 15 CENTS. For sale at the HERALD Book Store, Richmond Hill; BANNER Office, Aurora ; H. Wilson’s Fancy Store, Markham; Wesleym Book Room. A. S Irving’s and M. Shawn’s, Toronto . .1. ENCE between T. J. M., the Rev. Joan BREDIN and others, (in the York HERAan during thu momhs of July, August and Sep- tember. {868). is neatly printed in pamphlet form,and wth a pal-ma]. POETICAL WORKS 'HE POLEMICAL CORRESPONDA ENCE between T. J. M., the Rev. Joan f1. MINION. at $6 per l00 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails, Cider Mills, Washing Machines, Shingles Waggon Felines, and LumberSawedto order. For particulars address Is the most wondgrful discovery in chemistry farhealing . Horses and Cattle. MILLER’S DERBY OIL Can be had at he Post-office, for 19 CENTS WEEK. THE MORNING PAPERS Store. thoré Stock idTT‘eTS‘" Vâ€"E-fi'lifiug-{i‘l‘fl-‘I'VS “15;; procure Books every Friday afternoon. A. SCOTT, Librarian. HERE. THIS AS.SOCII:L‘\TION 'Hgs TRANS. South halves of lots Nos. 12 and 13. is! Con. Township of Mo'sa. 200 acres. situate about 1% miles from Newhury. where cordwond brings a good pricerand it is well éimbered with hardwood. Also farms and wilds in various othercounlies. Apply (if by letter, prepaid) to .i. N. BLAKE; Barrister 3-0. No.61 Church St. opposite St. James’ Cathé. drul, Toronto. ' Farm in'Lhe Township of Adelaide. fromng on the Egremunt Gravm Road, of 200 acres, 70 acres cleared and free from stumps; on the pl'ezyises ,there is a good house, barn, stable, &c. There is a spring close to the house, and a spring creek runs across the lot. The un- cleared part is well timbered with hardwood, situated about 3 miles lrom Kerwood Station, and 7 miles from Strnthrov. FELLOWS’ HYPOPHOSPHITES. For Sale. FIRST-CLASS FARMS AND WILD LANDS, CHEAP AND EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. Vimâ€"Farm of 133 acres, siiualed in the Township of Vaughan. on Yonge Street, about 12 Iniles north of 'l'oronm‘ on which there is a commodioushouse,barn,21 stables,sheds, an orchard, about ‘7” acres pine and hardwoodtim- bar mixed; we watered, Debilily resulh'ng from Typhoid and other low fevers. Uiphtheritic Prosn'ation. Hystefia. Hypochox‘idria, Amenorrhma, Chlorosis, Amae- mia, Leucorrhma. Nervous Excilabilny, Mn- rasmus or VVnsting of the Muscles. Aphonia or Loss of Voice, (11101123, or St Vitu: ’s Dance. Sluggishness ol' the Liver. lntormptvd and Feqbie Action of the Heart, b'ufi'ucuting Frml- ings caused by mucous obstructions of the Lungs and Air Passages leading therer, and. Debilitv from various causes, many cases of which appealed hopeless. ' I U Undermker, A'zc. RES!mmcn.-â€"â€"NearlyoppositotIIe Post Oflice Richmond Hill. Fellows’ Compuuml Syrup If Hypophosphihs, Cbnstipatlon, Asthmaflonsumption, Lar- yngitis, Nervous Debility, Dyspep- sia,Chr0nic Bronchitisfihronic Diarrhoea, Melancholy. pANCY GOODS Steam Mills,ThornhiIl Thomhill, Nov.3,1869. August 17. 1870 THOMAS SEDMAN, ‘ARRIAGE AIISD WAGON MAKER, May 14, 1869 SOLD BY APOTHEC‘ARIES, Uctnber 27, 186i ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO; 00K Telegraph, LIBRARY A‘SSOQIATION, Amongst the diseases overcome by the use of OF THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE FRESH CUTS OR OLD SORES‘ To Controversialists. Patent Eaveâ€"trough Temperance Works. to the HERALD BOOK A FULL SUPPLY ofthoseintercsting and wellâ€"written Works, which will be disposed of at a Low Rate. CATALOGUE on application at the If you want gettlm publications of the Scornsn TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. Price. $1130; Six for $7 50 JOHN LANGS'I‘AFF, FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE HUGH MILLER & CO; 167 King St. East Toront JAMES 1. FELPOWS. Chemist, RICHMOND HILL HERALD BOOK STORE 0F TORONTO 2 Appiy to HERALD BOOK STORE. HER ALD BOOK STORE. Globe, ARE M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill. St. John, N. B. Leader, 631- tf 564-“ 5884f

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