.POSITIVELY THE GREATEST 0n Richmorzd Hiâ€, at BOOTS AND SHOES AT AND 1 Clifton of llm Village of Riclunuml Hill. an Insolvent. A weeklv journal of current events, Lirera- ture, Selence and Arts, Agriculture and Me- chanics, Fashxon and Amusement. Sold at 10 cents a number ax the Has been prepared. open in objection until 1110 twenty-lint (lay of August instant, after which Dividends will be: paid. - Dulml :xt,Tu:0ulO. this 5th day of August. Cotaining (54 pages ï¬lled with choice litera- ture original and selected, and one 01' more 3i orinl illustrations. be>ides 0 piece of music. $160 a year, 15 cents a number. Sold at the THOMAS CLA RKSON, Ofï¬cial Assignec. Nos 7 :uul f) Merchants’ Exchange, W'elling ton street. 681-2 A monthly comang 64 pages: $2 a year or 20 cents a number. For Sale at the NEW DOMINION MONTLY, CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NE W S, A {L191 Has been prepared, open to objection until the twenty-ï¬rst day of August instant, after which Dividends will be paid. Okï¬cial Assignee. Nos. 7 and 9, Merchqnls’ Exchange, Wailing- tou Street. 681â€"2 CANADIAN MAGAZINE, The Creditors of the Insolvent are notiï¬ed to meet at. my ofï¬ces. Nos. 7 and 8 Merchants’ Exchange, \Vellinglon Street. on Monday. the twemly-ï¬rst day of August. A.D. 1871. at one o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of examnling thu Insolvent. and for tha ordering of the affairs of the Estate generally. Dated at Toronto. this bth day of August. A.D. 1871. Nos.) and 9 Merchants’ Exchange.\Vulling- 1,111 Street . 681-2 N THE MATTER OF JARVIS HENRY Elgiu Mills, August 10, 187l ALL nus MONTH u mam-1mm Hm, Aug. 10, “2871. AM NOW PREPARED TO TAKE N THE MATTER OF JOHN HILL, BOOTS 81: SHOES N THEAgATTï¬ER 0F ADDISON LAWR, Dated at Toronto, this 5th day of August, .D. 1871. Richmond-Hill, Aug. 10, 1871. GBl-tf. Insolvent Act of 1869 and Amendmentahereto. Insolvent Act of 1869 and Amendments thereto. FINE l’K’ENC’II C'ALF BOOTS of the Village of Lemonvillr‘, an Insolvenf For Sale, QUANTITY OF SH[NGLES, AP- NUMBER OF THOROUGHâ€"BRED Young Pigs at $l each. Apply to W. COX, Butcher. ply to A FIRST DIVIDEND SHEET A FIRST DLVIDEND SHEET BELOW COST ‘olvent Act of 1869 and Amen-:iments thereto. BARGAINS EVER OFFERED n of Pine Grove an Insolvent. Gents, Attention ! AT $5 rm: PAIR. Selling off. Your order for THOMAS C LARKSUN, THOMAS CLARKSON For Sale, T. DOLMACE, HERALD BooK STORE- HERALD Boon STORE. J. G. BERNARD HERALD 500K STORE. H‘- DOLMAGE’S T. DOLMAGE’S. Excelsior Boot Maker. Ofï¬cial Assignees, 681-lf Remember that V". II. flfycrs’ is the place to gas a good Article. And thén you will have time to look through BOOTS AND SHOES 0F Sunday at Home, Leimm Hour. Bow Bells, Every \Veek, London Journal, Cassell’s Educator, die , for sale at the Farmers and all othefé should protect their horses by calling at once and securing one of MYERS’ HORSE SHEETS FLYS! FLYS !! FLYS! 1! Rmnmnbcr that he has (5' full stock of Harness that will bc'sold as Cheap as the CVLcapcst. H- Which he has imported in great abundance' VV ORK BOXES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, THE GREATEST SHOW IN THE W O R L D Is COMING To RICHMOND HILL. UNDENIABLE PROOF OF THE Superim'ity of all goods sold at W. H. Myers’ is. that ho sells more than any two bombs in the place. 1 tisfactiou is guaranteed at W. H. Myers Cheap Boot and Shoe Establishment. sells all tho Fashionable Boots & Shoes Because he is the Cheapest. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, HOW IS IT THAT W. H. MYERS calla all 1h" Vnchinnnhln Rnnm S7 Shani" 120 Champion Double and Sinch Farrow ’NTENDING V S I T O R S ' RICHMOND HILL DON’T MISS 1T! COME EARLY! During the Show will do we“ to can and see our stock of 667-†Sand for Illustrated Catalogue. OUND VOLUMES AIR, TOOTH, NAIL 8; CLOTH And all kinds of Plough Fittings kept in stock. YMN AND MAYER BOOKS EVERY CASE ENTIRE SA- THAT IEIBIENSE STOCK The Latest and Most Approved ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTO Importer. Manufacturer, and Dealer in JOHN GRAY & CO.’S IT ls Goon AND CHEAP. WM. RENNIE, AT W. H. vams’. OR NETS, PLOUGHS! BRUSHES AT THE Augsme AT 'mu OF A LL KINDS. F011 SALE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. 0F HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD 1300K S'romc. HERALD BOOK STORY WM. RENNIE. P. O. Box 1355, TORONTO. YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1871 ‘â€" as now perfected, are the {511009de re- sult of twelve years endeavor to supply a want universally felt. ‘- eveu in their hitherto imperfect form, have in all instance: carried off the highest prizes from all competitors. L are adapted for the deepest wells. Re- feronces to aâ€. Depths from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. l- have a continental reputation.and are fast supesoding all other kinds both in wood and metal. I cannot ‘Be rivallmg without infrrngiug Powell’s Patents. Users of infringing pumps are liable. C. Po“ L, Patenteo, Newtonbrook l haw) all the merits of other pumps with- out their defects. No others possess their pet culiar advantageous features. I‘ while [hay Cannot be approached i1; wood, have never yet been equalled in metal at double the cost. I“ have been sustainod by the highest legal tribunals, and univcnaliy approved by an en- lightened public whorevur introduced. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS an “mu na‘rl‘andm! mm elm .mmmMrnx M POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S, . :n «huh. ‘\:f‘\nan :m.»m..(',.,.: r.-.“ POWELL’S PATENT P~U M P nrn aliqn‘nr] l‘m- Hm Rnnnnnl "Mn- TV.‘ ‘- have already taken the leading place in some of the United Statés,as well as in Canada CONCERTINAS, fronting: nu Vnylge gttf‘sfli good “Rid; ings, we" rented. [minty of warm, and eight acres of spk‘ndid hardwood bush. App‘Ey at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. 675~6m SEW IN G MACHINE. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GRATIS ‘- erected within the last ten years, can have recent improvements attached, and guar- anteed superior to any other make. NOISELESS MOVEMENT, GREAT SPEED. No. 3 Machine, price $45, improved and re- duCed tn l‘ as now made. have no castings to come loose or break. Have all steel bearings, guaranteed. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S “:11â€: n runnï¬nnnhal mmnuflm‘ om! mm (2-; Reduced Price List! ‘- The only efï¬cient ï¬re engine pump. availaqu in a few secmldsgvimoraud summer, day and night. Infrmgers beware. 1 POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S, while [hay cannot be approached in No. ‘2. Urnamanial Bronze, silent feed, price $.35. reduced to $45. No. l, L ilvel' plated, silent feed. price $65, reduced tu $550, lTaH' cases. from $7 to $15 extra. Full cases, from $25 upwards extra. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS hnvn n†Hm morin no" nflunv nu...“ m: ‘ POWELL’S PATENT PUMP Mum†f... mun“: mmm... :“r_....~:..~ Hitherto the facilities of the Wheeler & VVilsnn Manufacturing (10., great as they were. have been inadequate to supply the un- prcedented demand at this favorite machine. Recent extensive additions to the company’s manufacturing resources. however, enable them now not only to supply the demand of the world, but at a much cheaper rate. ‘lhe public in Canada will now reap the beneï¬t of these changes, and it is expected the present large reduction will increaw the sale still more extensively. The privilege ol‘ showing any person tho remarkable simplicity of con- struction and consequent ease of management of the Wheeler & Wilson, lways afl'urds us great satist'ac:i0tt. \Vo therefore invite all interested. (and who is not?) to call and see, and try for themselves. Those who cannot call at the wurerootns will be waited on at their residences. POWELL’S PA TENT PUMPS I‘:I1\:I\ H groanâ€! ‘ in Inn. on“ "A-.." A-.. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S In“... 1mm, MVJALMJ L.. um 144‘,“ IA__1 J are made under genuine patents in Ca- nada and the United States. Are no spurious imitation or infringement. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P Thu nnlv nmn;nn} RN. numb.“ “u..-†"V act as housekeeper, apply the HERALD Ofï¬ce. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS 9Q nmv 1“!!!ng haiun un twain...“ 4a ,m.“» POWELL’S PATENT PUMP'S 11mm «ah-“.m- {alvnn a.“ humm- “hum .‘ Tul'msâ€" Cash, or approval Notes with interest. {have great pleasure in stating that the Wheeler 61, Wilson Sewing Machine I pur- chased of Mr. C Chapnmx: gives perfect satis- faction ; after using it for tome Lime and careâ€" fully examining and testmg it by the side of other machines. I am fully satisï¬ed that for durability. simplicitv, shout running. ense of motion and adjustment. it cannot he equalled. and in the end is far the cheapest machine that can be purchased. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS nm main Ilhr‘nr "munun “nun.†... PIANO - FORTES Piano Covers (Rubber) and Music Stools in great variety. ORGANS & MELODEONS The above instruments are all fully war- ranted and sold at manufacturers’ prices. Per- fect satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Circulars post free. ‘VANTED, AN ELDERLY LADY TO act asAllousekeeper, apply to ~1’.Q. at TUNING & REPAIRING ATTENDED T0. LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. CALL AND SEE IT. C. CHAPMAN. AGENT; )APER BOOKS Gold Medal. Paris Exposition, 1870; 82 Competitors. June 15, 1870 From the Establishments of R S. IVILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, AND OTHER CELEBRATED MAKERS, EVERY MACHle \VARRANTED. HEINTZMAN @- G OMPANY’S AACRES UFLVALIIABLE LAND, N'HEEL‘“ DIFFERENT PRICES, AT THE Farm for Sale, 01" A FULL ASSOR'I'MENT OF TESTIONIAL ALL KIN )8 AT THE CELEIKRATED Stouï¬â€˜vilkx, April 27. H371. ER 8.: WILSON “mum: Boox STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE ‘. E. Fâ€. Gee. W. I“. Ministel‘. Markham. FLANNELS, BLANKETS WOOLEN MILLS! ROE & BROTHER CUSTOM CARDING lhi‘linger Jacob Beeston C. E. Boothhy T. Carnahan Miss L, Claï¬v J. Clark l‘IihS M. Conway F. Clark Levi Drfme Mrs S- Fryalt W. Fletcher J. H. Fullerton John Gordon Miss M. Heslip G. Kennedy D. Kefl'er Miï¬s M. J. Lawson T. Metcalf Mr. Morison M. Munshaw Emma CHEAP AND GOOD. FELLOWS’ COMPOUND SYRUP OF IIYPOPHOSPHITES. The power of arresting disease displayed by this preparation is honorably acknowledged in the medical faculty in every section where it has been introduced : and the rapidly increas- lng salo is the best guarantee of the estimation in which it is held. by .1116 public. WOOL. WOOLWOOL. The Syrup will cul‘e Pulmonary Consump- tion in the ï¬rst and second stages : will give great relief and prolong life in the third. It will cure Asthma, Bronchitis, Lm‘yngitis. Coughs, Colds. It will cum all diseases ori- ginating from want of MUSCULAR ACTION and NERVOUS FORCE, such as Enlargement of the LIVER. Enlargement ofthe Spleen. Dyspepsia, Rickets, Feeble and Irregular Action of the HEART, LOCAL AND GENERAL PARALYSIS, Aphonia 01- Loss If Voice. It will cure .Leu~ (-orrhcna, Chlorosis. Anaamia, and resloresthe blood to purity and health. ' JEWELRY I JEWELRY l WESLEYAN HYMNS, May 10. 1871 Pure Elephant Oi'. $1 per gallon. Pure Machine Coal Oil, 50 015.1)01' gal. at July 20.1871, SOLD BY APOTHECARIES. 500,000 POUNDS OF W001. Proprietors Woodbridge Woodb EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND r Hilll’osloiï¬ce. [st August. 18'“: ON THE SHORTEST Nomm! THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Spinning and .Zl’Ianufactuï¬ng OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, For Sale cheap, at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. At Wholesale Prices ! Done in the Best Style, and WANT.ED! We hold a Heavy Stock Price. $51-50; Six for $750. JAMES 1. FELLOWS. Chemist, St. John, N.B. List of Letters Which we are selling TWEEDS AND YARNS, WOODBRIDGE Machine Oil, WILL BE PAID. Sign of the British Flag Staff, ALL SIZES AT THE HERALD?†K STORE- FOR “’HlCH FOR THE G. A. BARNARD’S. 0F tered) McAdam J. Mclntosh James McCafl'roy Mr. l’ugsley ll l’ugsley W. H. Phillips Peter Patterson Allan Pollard E. l). Pugsloy Mr. Quance John VVakeï¬uld .105. West Mr. S. W'ilson R. West Mr, W'hitlock F. MunshawW. Mason IL McKinnon J. (regis- M. TEEFY,P.M. Richmond Hill. For Cash or Short Credit GROCERIES AND HARDWARE 1 Ladics’ Gents†and Children’s Summer Hosiery and Socks .L chased the above mills,is having the same put in thorough repair,and will open them for work in time for the incoming clip of wool; and he is determined to conduct the business wilh energy and entarprise. and as a means to this and has resolved upon the fol- lowing reduced 7 HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PUR- V chased the above mills,is having the Mourning Goods, Cobourgs, Crape Cloths, Plain and Silk wove Lustres, with the Gents’ Shirts, T 663, Cravats, Roll Gaming three cents per pound instead instead of ï¬ve as heretofore. ' Yam Spinning ton cents per pound instead of ï¬fteen as heremt'ore. DRESS GOODS! Manufacturing Wool into C‘oth or Plaid Flan- nel. twenty-ï¬ve cents per yard iuséead of thir- ty-‘ï¬â€™ve as_ herefofore. r" . . . n1. ., n u VJ Manufacturing \Vool into White Funnel twenty cems per yard insload of thirty as here- tofore. Into White Flannel with Cotton Warp, ï¬f- teen cents per yard instead of twenty~ï¬ve as heretofore. Custom Cloth Dressing will be done for twenty, twelve and six cents instead of twenty-ï¬ve, ï¬fteen and eight cents as here- tofore. Having :1 large stock of Finished Goods on hand. he is always prepared to exchange Cloths and Flannels for W001; and will also pay the highest market prices in cash for good clean fleece wool, free from buys and dirt. Having an ample power of water and steam. no inter- ruption to the business need be apprehended.» Sincerely thanking the public for the generous patronage herebfore extended to hin‘, he is re- solved to merit. and respectfully risks a continu- ance of it. NELSON GORHAM. BRITISH FLAG STAFF, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, JUST RE CE IVED, ROM THE PREMISES OF THE Subscriber. Lot 5]. lst Con. Vaughan. lilgin Millsv Farm. about three weeks ago, 5 DAY MARE with a rope round her neck and a Scar on her hind leg. also a two-year old BLACK HORSE COLT. Any one giving infor- mation as to their whereabouts or returning them (0 the subscriber will be rewarded. CONCERTINAS, A STAVE, HEADING AND SHINGLE FACTORY I Situmed on lot No. 26,2nd Con. Markham. near Richmond Hill. Applv on the premises to DAVID EY ER, JUN. Sunday at Home for June at Herald Book Store New Gloves, Parasols, Newmarket Woolen Mills- Newmarket. Juno 1. 1871 BLEACHED & FACTORY COTTONS, Elgiu Mills, June 22, 1871. Coilars, Fronts, &c., on Richmond Hill. 'OR SALE OR TO RENT. SPLENDID VALUE! Markham, May 18, 1871. ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS ALL NE IV MACHINERY, .EISURE HOUR, Prints, Plain and ancy Brilliantes, Marsallas. Giughams, &c , A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT LARGEST &. MOST VARIED Cottonades. Gambroons, Denims, Tickings, Laces. Small Wares and Fancy Goods, with a Window Glass in all Sizes, WITH SELF [SNSTRUCTOR, AT THE WELL SELECTED N FIRST-RATE RUNNING 01mm. IN ALL SIZES. SCALE OI“ PRICES: Paints. Oils, Varnish, A Nice Assortment of Which will be sold Consisting in part of A New and Varied AS CHEAP AS Strayed NELSON PLAY TE R. STOCK 0F STOCK 0F HERALD BOOK STORE. AT THE 0F THE VVI'I'H lARNARD’S. n‘QlAAAJva-H III“. GEl-3m GUS-Gm 674-lf GAMES, TOX s, &c.,‘ MOURNINGâ€" GOODS 1 [1 a good Brick Cottage erected thereon, situated on the Cornar of Yonge and Centre Streets, in the vi'lage of Riohmond Hill. For further parliculars enquire of JAS. M. LAWRENCE. NEW PRINTS. 1.1 ahaul 112 acres. more 01' less. good for grain or diary purposes, situated east of Thorn- hill and 14 miles from Toronto. There are on the premises a good house, a large barn. large driving house, good fences and plenty of Water. This farm will be sold on Apply to the proprietor on the premises FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! NEW SPRING GOODS z THE CENTRAL- STORE. MALLOY’S AXES BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY April [3.5.187]; The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in H a County. A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York Herald Book_Store Richmond Hill ALWAYS ON HAND. THE LAkG'EST. BEST AND Richmond Hill. May 11, 1871. POCKET CUTTL ERY. Markham . June 01“ NO: f1, 22m CON. MARKHAM, ALF AN Acng OF LAND, WITH AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- The Central Store! FRESH GROCERIES ! For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,at the EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. DR Y G OODS DEPAR TMENT. DOW CURTAIN FIXTU RES. AN ENORMOUS‘DISPLAY (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE NEW COTTONS, NEW BR1LLIANTS.' NEW LINEN GOODS. &c. &c. &c. NORTH OF TORONTO. HARDWARE. CROCKERY, Farm for Sale, Also a full supply of THE STOCK INCLUDES FOR SALE BY DANIEL HORNERg UN . Lot 20. ‘led com Markham CHEAPEST sweet of FOR SALE AT THE mu m: smnx'n For Sale, HERALD 1300K STORE. s. BOYD, Dollar RC. 29, l871. 675- OF THE HERALD BOOK STURE. HERALD BOOK STORE W. ATKINSON, Richmond Hm. 637 667-1! gelling 20 'p'erâ€"chn . house in Toronto“. MAGAZINE S, PAPERS, &c.‘ GROCERIES, HARDWARE,‘ MOURNING‘ G‘rO'OIDS3 ‘ HENRIETTA CLOTHS, LOWEST CASH PRICES} COLLARS AND CUFFS SCHOOL REQUISITES CANADIAN GOODS" 1. thanks to his friends for ihe pmronage he has received since he commenced business as a BUTCHER on Richmond Hill. begs to an- nounce to them that he has dispdsed of his business to his son, HENRY Hornm. who will in future carry on the Business, He also trusts that his customers will contiuu‘é to bestow their: patronage on his successor. ’ FIRE PROOF STORE :5 HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the pmronage POCKET BOOKS J. thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received sinoe he commenced business as a Boar AND Saar; MAKER, ml Richmond Hiil, begs to announce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son ROBERT SIVER, jun“ who will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will continue “I. bestow their patronage on his successor.' ROB'I‘. SIVER,Sem In referénco tothe above the subscriber begs to announce that he will give his best attention to business and will heap on hand a select stock of Ready-Made Boots and Shoes. suita- ble for the trade, in the neighbourhood. and hopes to merit the support of his father’s friends. HE SUBSCRIBER, IN- RETURNING (hnnks to his friends for the natromma JUST RECEIVED; I ROBT. SEVER. Jun. Ruchmond H11], Feb.9,1871. 6554f I1. calved cows, all in good order. and wiil be sold cheap._ Apply to Richmond Hill, Aprii 6, [871. ‘ “.67 King Sf. East.. Toroï¬to.‘ August, 25. K {0. 6924f. Richmond Hill, June 15,1871. 1 For Sale at less thin half price. Apply to‘ . . P. PHILLIPS. , Pump Maker: Richmond Hm. June 15. 1871. 673-6 DENIMS, ’I’zckihgs’, Tm'zzed'Sheen'ngs, &c. &c. &c.' Richmond Hill, Jan. 7, 1871. ALAPA OAS, L‘oRNE' SHIRTINGS, Richmond Hill,Ju11e ll.’68. Powell’s Swing Pumps _â€" NUMBER OF THE ABOVE PUMPS‘ June 8,1871. ICE’S PUMPS Craps Cloths, Fv‘ench Merinos, Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the BOUT FIFTEEN HEAD OF NEWLY LBUMS E ALBUMS ! ! NEW SPRING GOODS Kept Constantly on Hand DRESS GOODS, stock of: ~all kinds of Dye SQufl’: IN T WEEDS. ‘COTTONS, THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE LARGE LINES IN HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE A MAMMOTH STOCK or CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F HUGH MILLER 85' CO. 013' ALL KINDS, AT THE Conovxas. &c. &c OF ALL KINDS AT THE; Dye Stuffs ! SUPPLIED AT THE Cows for Sale. &c. &c. &c. 6w. &c. &c. CONSISTING OF HERALD BOOK STORE. FOR snazzy HERALD BOOK STDRE. Notice; HERALD BOOK STORE} HERALD BO0K_ STORE; Notice PRINTS, HERALD BOOK STORE» AT THE 391‘ J.BR1LL1§_QER, BURT; HOPPE Rx ISAAC CROSBY. R. J. S'I‘ANTQN, .au any other Richmoé'z Him 8. u.“ ThorhhilL .672-4 652v t~£ 585