mm articles Have removed to their new and commadions building on the corner of Yonge and Centre St. East, and would return their thanks to lhe public for past patronage. hoping to morna cominuance of the same, They have grenlly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment of Drugs. Painm. Perfumery. Chemicals, OHS, ToiletSoups, Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Farmers a nd thsicians from the country will ï¬nd our siock of Medicinos completeâ€"warranb ed genuineâ€"and oflhe best quality. A1ladvertisementspublishedforulessperiod tlau one month, must be paid forin advance. AHLrnusitm-yadvartisomeulsï¬rom strangers or rrngulamuslomors. must he paidfor when handed inforinsertion. ‘ "** Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded. and al! ordels attended to With care and despnlch. U any num lerâ€"notexceodingLhreehundred dollars by any one deposilor.) will be received althe Richmond Hill Past Ofï¬ce. [or which Guvurumonl willallow Interest. Sixiuesaud under,(irstiusertion....$005" Each subsoquenl insertion.... -- .. .. .. 00 [3 Ton .iuesand undenlirsti usortion. . . . 00 75 Each subsequenhusertiou.. . . .... . . ... ()0 ‘20 AboveLeuHuos, ï¬rsliusertion,perlino. 0007 Each‘zubsequenliusertion.1mrline. . . . 00 ()2 One Column per [waive months. . . ... . 50 00 Halfacolnmu do do ....... 3000 Quarterofa column partwelve months. 20 00 One column pol six months†.. . . . .. ,. 40 00 Halt‘acolumu do 25 00 Quarter ofa column parsix months. . . . 18 00 A card often lines, for onoyenl‘. . .. . . 4 00 Acardofï¬fteen liups. do .... .. 525 A cardoftwentylines. do G50 l‘D’Advertisemeutswithoutwritton directions nsormdtillfnrbid,andcharged accordingly J. nounce to the inhabitants of Richmond “iii and surrounding country that he has com- menced the above business, and will be pre- pared to do all orders promptly He trusts by strict attention to merit the patronage of the public . ~ _ _ MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Noï¬apcrliscontinued untilall arreurages Ire ptid: audnaxtiem-el‘using papers without paying up. willbe holddccouutable for the subscription. ,f - all kinds of Monuments. Beadstono,&c Call auu examine my Stock and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere, as you willï¬nd itto your interest. (if? Issuer of .Marriagc Licenses. Ringwood. Sept. 13,1867. 497 And dispatched to subscribersby the earlie mails.-)ruthercouv \\'ance,whenso desired The You]; HERALD will always be found to uunmimhelatestand most iinportamFm‘eign and Provincial News and Markets,nnd the greatest care will be when to renderit ac- ceptableto the man ofbusiuess.aud a valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMS:â€"‘-Oue Dollar peranuum.1N AD. VANLIE ; if liotpaid within 'l‘wo Months.0ne Dollar and Fiftyceuls willbo charged. Alheuurs nddressedto the Editunnusxbe post-paid. Ofï¬ce hours: from 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 7.31. May 4,1869. 563-†J. H. SANDERSON, V E '1‘ E R I N A RY SURGEON, GRA- duate of Toronto Vetorinarv College V duate of Toronto Vetorlnarv College, Cornerof Yonge and Centre St. East. Rich- mond Hill, begs to announce to the publiclhat he is now practicing with H. Smmcusom. of the same place, where they may he consulting do personally or by letter, on all diseases 0 Horses. Cattle. 8w. MEDICINES or EVERY DESCRIPTION for Horses and Cattle always on hand: such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic, Congh, Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. The'cougll Balls have been found most serviceable in alleyialiug many of the distressing symp- toms of Brokenwind or Hooves in Herses Colic, Draughls. Liniments for Sore ThreatsY Sprains. Curb. Spavin. Ming-bone, &c. Blist- ering Ointments, also Hoof and Healing Oint- meuts. Lotions for wounds, Bruisers, Saddle Galls. lnl‘allible Oil and Sheep Tick Des- Iroyer. 7 All orders from a distancepromptly' attended to; and medicinessenuo any parto who I’m- Vince. RICHMOND HILL *"‘ MIL. he sale of ALEXAQDER SCOTW RICHMOND HILL, Horses examined as to soun was also boughtand Said on commissnon. (El): $31M ï¬ctalh ALEX. SCOTT, ' ‘U'BLISHER AND PROPRIET‘OR‘ O‘E' “ THE YORK HERALD." Cheap Book ([6 Job Prinmg Establishment. PAINTING & WHITE WASHING. RINGWOOD MARBLE WORKS. D WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER QF Richmond Hill. Nov.25, 1669 Richmond Hill, April 6, 1871 P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. [Richmond Hill. April ‘23, 1868 RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, RATES OF ADVERTXSING. ,EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (01; VOL. XIII, N O. 12. Businsss Eircctorn. Fox particulars apply to OFFICE n-YoNGE Sr. RICHMOND HILL E SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN Terms EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. H. SANDERSON & SONS, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charges very Moderate. HENRY CHAPMAN. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. ‘Y is Government. Agent for ALSO AGENT FOR THE PROPRIETORS OF THE $1 per annum in advanca RE M OVAL. c IS PUBLISHED Igin POST 0 F FI C E. all other 6624f 593. 5'10 1‘, Hf Special attention paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. As in the use of Cllloroform. Drs. P. and R‘ willhe in the following places prepared to axmml teeth with his new apparatus. All MIMI-operations in Dentistry performediu a wm‘kmanllke manner:â€" nuroraJst, Bll1,lï¬lhand 22nd nfench month Nownmrket.... ....... 2nd “ " {lchmond Hill . . ..... . 9th and 24th“ Mt.A|bert.............14th " “ 'l‘ornlnll........-.... . 93rd ††Maple ................ 25th " “ Bnlwick .............. 28111 †" Kleinhurg._..-........ 29H] 5‘ " Nobleton.............. 30th “ “ Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora Aurora,April 2'3. 1870' 615-tf NILâ€"Charges moderate und work war- rmted. ' Teeth without Pain. hy the use of Ether Spray. which affects the tooth only . The tooth nnd gum surroundingbemmo insensible with this external agency. when the tooth can be extracted with no pain and Mt. Albert 'l‘ornhlll. . Maple . . . Bmwick . Kleinhurg \)1-‘F|cn.â€"Corner of Albert and Ym‘Ige S‘s , Toronto, (opposite the Green Bush Hotel, over It Lawson’s Grocery Store. AN1‘ 10 Dr. Elliot. Dentist. ‘vt Tuman respectfully announces that he win visit the following placesASun- days excepted). where he will attend to Don- tisiry in all its branches : I(inq....................Ist of each month Rlchmand Hill...........5[h “ Nownlarket..............H|lh " Aurora..................15th “ ‘ Teeth inserted in the most Improved Styles, on Gold. SIIVOI‘, Vulcanized Rubber. and AI‘ lumiuum Base. Teeth ï¬lled in such a manner as to preserve them from further docax'. WH‘HOUT ENDANGERING THE LIFE Charges Moderate, and work warranted to ginglisfacliqu‘. U spectfully ‘0 announce that he will be at Unionville. . . . lst Monday 0 {each month. \Veston . . . . . .9th day “ Klinebnrg. . . .1611) †ur\vick.....‘22nd H carboro’ . . . .23rd H Where he willbe prepared and mosthappy to wait onthose who may require hisservices, U Groceries,VVines and Liquors.’I‘hornhii[ By Royal Letters patently has been uyponlcd Issuer of Ala/"rings Lcunscs. 7 Teeth exh'acted with the least possible pain, and especial attenuon paid to the regulation of children’s leoLh. Ali le'ters addressed to Aurora. will receive prompt attention. G. H.H.. having held oQ'er ELEVEN YEAï¬s' PRACTICE.feelscouï¬demofgivingeutil‘e satis- faction. To thosewho have favored him with their patronageinthe past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who mav do so in the fu- ture. he would say that no ezldeavoron his partwillbe wanting to meeltheirapproval. Rm:mm;NcEs.â€"-Thefollowinggenflomencan, withcouï¬dence,1‘ec0mmend G. H Husband,to allrequiring Dental aid: Dr Reid,Thornhi1|; Dr. Bull. Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Corson, Brampton. REstImNcu.-â€"â€"Thornhill, Thoruhill September 1'7. 1868. 1y Richmond Hill, Dec. 1,1869. U streets, 'l‘hornhill. Consultations in the ofï¬ceou the mornings 0f 'I‘uesdavs. Thursdays and Saturdays. from 8 tn )0 AJI. “,f Allcousultations in the ofï¬ce. Cash. l‘horuhillJuue 9,1865 1 R. E. LAW. HEMIST AND DRUG-GIST, RICH I MON!) mu“ V u take notice that Mr. Jonh Tailor has ceased to collect for John N. Reid. M.D., and dun Mr, John Gnrton. of 'l‘hornhill. is author- ised to collectfor the subscriber until further notice. iVL Surgeons. England, Residence: North ofRichmond Hill. opposite the Elgin House, All calls (night or day) promptl} attended to. VV home from 8 to 9 AJI. Mr A. F. Armstrong is authorised to collect Accounts. DRt JAs. LANGSTAFF X ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 AJI. Thronhill. Feb.26, 1868. Januqry 19,187]. JOHN N. REID, M.D., NOR. 0F YONGE AND COLBOBNE Aurora, May 525. 1870 ./ moxnmu“ Physicians pres 1-iplions carefully prepared Thomhiï¬, December 22,1869 J 5111. REswsncnwAdjoining Thomhillflotel. July 22, 1869. 575-131 Richmond Hill, Oct. 14,1869. Elgin Mills, January 1. 1870. ‘ Seaforth, Onlariu June 27.‘186' THOMAS CARR, ‘EALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING GEO McPHILLIPS 85 SON, RQVI‘NQIAAL LAND SURVEYORS, JNO. D. MCCONNELL M 1)., RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- WM. ALLINGHAM, L.n.s, QURGEON DENTIST, DR. HOSTETTER, EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE G. H. HUSBAND, I._.D.s. ghENTIST, BEGS MOST RE CARD. B.â€"THE Puï¬c WILL PLEASE w. H. CANNON, mm, 5 nENTIST, (my: ASSIST- A. ROBINSON’B, L.D.S., rket. . . .. . . . . . . . . .th " . . . . . . . . . . . . .....15Lh " ‘ inserted in the most Improved Styles, . Sillver, Vulcanized Rubber. and AI‘ l\Ut..-- I‘IUIOI Id HiH‘ ........ :I't............. ....-. .--..- . .u............. 1.. ..... ï¬lshital (Katha. JOHN N. REID. M.I). WM. ALLINGHAM, 619-ly Toronto: 562 5944f 568* 597 598 Parties requiring Mr. Sandorson’s service canmnkaarrangemenunttheHEIuLDofï¬ce. Junuary4.1565. 31 U Solicitors in Chancery. Couvevancars.&c OFncu‘22â€"l’roviucial Insurance Buildings, Street. Toronto . JOHN DUGGANy Q’.C. ADAM H. MEYERE.JR. .LJ‘ Counties of York and Feel. Rasidence-â€"Lot 20,1‘earof 3rd Concession of Markham. P,0.Address~~l$uttonville. J.) '1 on in Cha'ncery. Conveyancer. 51c. OFFICE :No. 78 King Street East, Toromo ovarlhe \Vesleynn Book Room. ‘Wi. Commissioner in U.R., is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the Counly onork. Oï¬ice hoursâ€"7 AJL to 9:30 PM. Richmond Hill. October 23,1869. D Bumannflnd door north ofG. A. Barnardé store. Rickmond Hiâ€, keeps always on hand the beslof Beef. Mutton, Lamb. Von], Pork, Sausages, &c, md sell; at the lowestprices. Thohighest markuprino given for Came. Shggp. 11.1mm: 34c: _ _ .r. ~~ . . ‘ .1. and Fine Jewelrs ,‘,\.4 YongeVSt“ Togpmov. *3 Masonic and other emblems made 10 order Toronto. April 27. i866. Sales attended on the shortest notice ,and onreasounbletorms. Orders leftatthe “ Herald†ofï¬ce for Mr Car‘ter’sservices will be promptly attendedto mrAiéolCornedand Spiced Beef,Smolmdand Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. RichmondHiH.October15.1867. l-y L1 BIS Yonge Street, Toronto. Doors. Sash. Flooring, Blinds, Sheeting Mouldings. &c. All kinds of Building Materials supplied. Post Ofï¬ce Addressâ€"Yorkville. Toronm.May 18,1868. 3-m. 1.1 Counties of York, feel and Ontario. Residence: Lot 8,6th coIlcessioxl,(Markhnlll. I’ostOIï¬coâ€"Unionville. J and Dealer in [all kinds of Boots and Shoes. 38 west Market Square. Toronto. Allordors left at the "York Heraldâ€oflice, Richmond Hill, ornllllel’,0.1\’laple.willbe attended to. FARMERS’ BOOT & SHOE STORE L1 County of York. Residence lot No. 14. 2nd (Jan. Vaughan. P. 0. Address, Carrville. .LJ Coumieaof York and Feel, Uolleclorol' Notes, Accounts. Jae. Small charges and plenty to do. 1â€"1 County of York. Sales attended to on tho shortest notice and at moderate rams. P0. Address. Buttonville. 33’ Boolsand Shoes made to Measure. of lhe Best Materials and Worknmnshiu, at the newest Remuneratiug Prices «Ll Ooumy sf York. Lot A. 3rd concesz‘iou, Vaughan. P. 0. Address, Concord. Orders promptly nhonded lo.. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS Toronto Dec. 24.1868. SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Almiru Mills. Toronto. December 2. 1869. OI-‘ncv..â€"â€"No. 66 Church Slrooh Toronto. December 29. 1869. 598 Markham .Nov 1.186!) J. SEGSWORTH, MPORTER. 0F \VATQHEStC-IiQCKS, Jmle.27. 1867. Laskuy, March 2nd 1865 Toronto, Dec. 3. 1867. RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1871.- Vaughan. 001,. 10 1867. Markham. July 24. 1868. WILLIAM COX, UCCESSOB T0 JAMESEIO’LLAIDAYT, ()HN BARRON, “MANUEAQTURER lemmas: King I“. 0. Concord. March 1 6.31870. U Couluy of York. in Sales pa new-Hy lllondod to. GIAROII IODIRATE . DUGGAN & MEYERS, ARRISTERSL ATTORISEYS-AT-LAW J N BLAKE. ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, 310. EDW. NDERSON, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE WlLLIAM MALLOY, ABRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICI- P. A. S OTT UMBER MERCHANT & BUILDER, JOHN CARTER, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE H. D. BENNETT, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Iinnsth fluttinnurs. FRANCIS BUTTON. JR» ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE HENï¬Y SMELSOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE H. FISHER. IUENSED LUCTIONER FOR THE J. RAFFEBTY ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE TEEFY, N0TAR_Y_PUBLIC AND MARRIAGE LICENSES, R10HMOND HILL. SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT THE JAMES BOWMAN, flaw Qfarbs. HERALD BOOK STORE. ADAM H. mzwnsan . 544-1)‘ 633*4m 39-1y 594 497 606 22 In arecent article in the Methodist on this subject, Rev. T. M. Eddy makes a strong plea for a union among bodies of Christians that-hold the same creed and discipline.“ Most of what he says is just as applicable to Canada as the United States, and bears directly upon the ques- tion of Unioï¬i‘now being considered by the different,Methodist bodies in this Province. W’wsubjoin a few extracts from Dr. Eddgisartiele :â€" 2. It taxes you unduly to defray the expenses of operating the church. In the larger building, these would be diviâ€" ded among ï¬ve hundred persons and pockets; in the smaller compelled by sect divisions, the same must be borne by three hundred. In secular business this policy would be ruinous. 3. You have an inferior ministry. It is an axiom of pulpit power that men are inspired by multitudes. “ Great congregations make great preachers†has passed into a proverb. You cannot- have such apulpit in 5our small sect houses as where multitudes crowd to hear the word. Besides, the meagre support of the ministry under the present system cuts its sinews across. The constant hard grinding drives many from the pulpit. The inadequate supply cuts of sources of intellectual growth, creates a sense of dependence on a few, and gives a pain« ful conviction to the pastor that he is a burden to his friends, reluctantly en- dured, borne because it must be. Can he be at his best in such straits? Can his people hope to receive from him Full- hearted, twohanded work ? ‘1. It costéxï¬gou needless money to build np‘glwlggï¬â€˜ï¬‚'ï¬ohouses of worship not. demanded. It costs little more to erect a house containing ï¬ve hundred sittings than one containing: three hundred, and no more to warm it, no more to supply its pulpit. But because of some theo- logical abstraction, ecclesiastical “ Shib- boleth,†or political test-word, you are burdened with the‘erootion of two houses instead of one. 4. The dragging state of home affairs leaves you neither disposition nor means for sharing aright in the grand aggres- sive movements of the age. Can you alford to be counted out of the multitude of reapers while the world’s harvest is ripening? Can you be content that others shall have the aggressive glory, the chivalrous conquest, the hard-won victory, While you sit alone and nurse some ancient quarrel, to keep alive some feud of long ago~~s0 long that its occa- sion has been forgotten ? In the light of these suggestions, how can American Methodism be held guilt- less if it shall perpetuate its divisions? See our neighbors of the Dominion. Canada has these Methodist bodies: \Vesleyans, Methodists Episcopal, Primi- tive Methodists, New Connexion, and Bible Christians. Why should these be sundered for another day? Why set church against church, and Methodist against Methodist; With its banners floating o’er, Seen through a glass so darkly, They almost mistake their way; But faith throws lighten their labor, When darkness shuts out their day. And we shall be one of that number, Who mind neither toil nor pain? Shall we moan the loss of earthly joys, When we have a crown to gain? 01' shall we glide on with the river, With Death at the end of our ride, While our brother with heaven before him, Is rowing against the tide? It is easy to glide with its ripples Adown the stream of Time, To flow with (he course of the river, Like music to some old rhynie; But AM it takes courtge and patience Against it: current to ride; And we must have strength from Heaven When rowing against the tide. We may float on the river’s surface While our our: scarce touch the stream, And vision: of eartth glory On our dazzling eight may gleam; We forget that on -before us The dashing torrents roar; And, while we are idly dreaming, It: wateia wiil carry us o’er. But few‘ah, would there were many !â€" Row up the "' Stream of Life ;†They struggle against its surges, And mind neither toil nor strife. Though weary and faint with labor, Singing triu-phaut they ride; For Christ is the hero’l captain Wheu rowing against ih; Fat on through the hazy distance, Like a mis! on a distant ahore, They sag the walls of a gity, _ ‘17-,- Bpwing against the Tide. Too Many Seats. ï¬xlmmw. ammo NI. Teefjv': “A working man some time ago pub- lished his own biography, one of the most interesting little volumes that has appeared during the present century. One passage is as follows:â€"â€" ‘It may to some appear like vanity in me to write what I now do, but I should .not give my life truly if I omitted it. ‘Vhen ï¬ll- ing a cart with earth on a farm, I never stopped work because my side of the cartrmight be heaped up before the other side, at which was another workman, I pushed over what I had heaped up, to help him; so, doubtless, he did to me, when he was ï¬rst and I was last. When I have ï¬lled my column or columns of a newspaper with matter for which I was to be paid, I never stopped, if I thought the subject required more explanation, because there was no contract for more payment, or no possibility of obtaining more When I have liwd in a barrack room, I have stopped my work and taken a baby from a soldier’s wife when she had to work, and nursed it for her, or cleaned another , man’s accoutrements, though it was no part of my duty to do so. When I was engaged in political literature, and travelling for a newspaper, I have gone many miles out of my road to ascertain a local fact, or to pursue a subject to its minutest details, if it appeared that the public were unac- quainted with the facts of the ease ,V and this, when I had the work, was the most pleasant and proï¬table‘ When I wanted work I have accepted it at any wages I could get, at a plough, at farm draining, at stone quarrying, at stone breaking, at wood cutting, in a saw-pit, as a civilian, or as a sodlier. I have groomed a cab- man’s horse, and cleaned it stable for six- penee. I have since tried literature, 1 and have done as much writing for ten: shillings as I have already'obtainedâ€" both sought for and oï¬'eredâ€"ten guineasj for. But if I had not been contented to begin at the beginning, and accepted, ten shillings, I should not have risen to guineas. I have lost nothing by working at whatever I have been doing, with spade or penâ€"I have been my own helper. Are you prepared to imitate? Humility is always the attendant of sense,-â€"folly alone was proud. A Wlse divine, when preaching to the young of his congregaâ€" tion, was wont to say: _ “ Beware of golden apprentices, silver journeyman, and copper masters. The only cure for pride is sense; and the only path to pro- motion is condescension. What multi-' ‘tudes have been ruined by the pride of their hearts l†Here is testimony worth treasuring in the mind by everybody.“ The following extract, taken from the Iron Age, contains an excellent lesson for emigrants coming to Canada, end to not a few of our own people, who are ashamed to take hold of the ï¬rst work that comes to hand, or who, Micawber like, prefer waiting for something better to turn up 1â€"- l In the village of â€"--’ are two Methoi dist pastors. In time gone by, [they were 1" riendsâ€"they loved each other truly. Later, came divisions, and now the iron wheel rolls them to the same spot. They serve each a weak church, with 3 small Sunday school, a sickly prayer meeting, a disheartened ofliciary, and receive each a. meagre salary. T0â€" gether, there would be one strong charge, a Sunday-school of such numbers as to inspire enthusiasm, and such ability as to command all needed perquisites; the one pastor would receive such a support as would gladden his heart and multiply his energies. The burdens borne by the people would be lightened, and yet their power to help in the great movements of the uge would be increased. How long is the division so utterly without our warrant to continue? l The people Are weary of the divisions, tired of the strife, care naught for the dead diflerences of the past. The body of the pastor; who meet the every day hardships and bitterness of the situation are tired. The few, actors in the olden controversies, who carry angry memories and will not forget, still control the many, both people and pastors, and per- petuate our divisions. How long ? The German army of occupation in France has been reduced to 150,000 men. In Iceland, this year, the temperature of June was 12 degrees above the average of the last four years. The heat in the valleys is described as insupportable‘. THE following epitaph is to be found' in a: cemetery in the little Vlllage of Wyacena, Wis. :â€"â€"“ Seventeen years a maideh,one year a wife ; two months a. mothEr, and‘ that tool: her life.†How to get on in the World‘ Bathing for cleanliness should be re- gulated as follows: 1, Those parts of the body liable to become daily unclean or otfensive should be daily bathed in warm, soaped water. The whole' body should be bathed in similarly prepared water every fourth day. The object of such bathing is to cleanse the body of all kinds of ï¬lth. This ï¬lth may be ac- quired from the external world, or may be inherent; the former consists of lint from the clothing, dust from the air, &c., and the latter, the ever separating epithe lium or scarf-skin, the oil from the glands of the skin, ete. Warni wï¬er and soap are the best solvents of these substances. Such a bath may be safely taken just as the person is retiring for the night, and is a great luxury. Often securing a most refreshing night’s sleep, and not liable even in winter to render the bather susceptible to cold afterwards; It is well to lie down first in‘ the water a few minutes, and gently rub the skin with the hand; this relaxes the skin and softens the layers of epithelium ; then stepping out the body should be rubbed with the soap until a lather is formed. On entering the bath the séurf' (for this is the properteri‘n)‘ Separates and leaves the skin soft and perfectly clean. A dash of cold water over the body, fol- lowed with gentle friction of a soft tow- el, is the last step. The condition of the body at the time of the bath now spoken of is also important; it should not be overheated and in a. state of perspiration, for this would lead to an immediate congestion of the internal organs, that might result in grave disease. Nor should the person be greatly fatigued, as this condition would tend to prevent prompt and health- ful reaction. Finally the bather should exercise vigorously during the bath, and not remain in the water until it begins to grow cold and uncomfortable. On leaving the bath the skin should be dried thoroughly, and then rubbed by the per- son himself until it is all aglow. healthful; but if reaction is feeble and the Water seems to become colder ~the bath will be injurious. To enjoy a bath fully, the bathers must be nude. Bathing for health bï¬'ers a wide ï¬eld for discussion. The bath, in its various medicated and unmedieu‘ted form, is a most important remedial mcasnre ; unfmJ tunately,itistoo'muel1 in the hands of un- educated practitioners, who, by their malpractice, tend to bring it into disâ€" credit. 1% general rule can be laid down which it is safe for the invalid to follow but this, namely, consult a com- petent. physician. Bathing may be practised for pleasure, for cleanliness, and for health. There is no more pleasurable excitement than the bath, properly prepared and arranged. In our climate it is only in the summer that the luxury of bathing in the sea or lake or river Ecan bï¬indnlged’ in, ma then only for a lengthened period. It is healthful sport to all classes, but especi- ally to the young, when judiciously managed, combining as it. does, vigorous exercise of all the muscles of the limbs in a gently resisting medium which sur- rounds audienvelops the body. Bathing for pleasure requires that the water should be of an aggreeable temperature; it must neither be too hot nor too cold, and this will be determined very'much 'by the health of the individual. To I robust person in a nude state, the cold water of the lake and sea during the summer heats is most exhilarating, while to the feeble it is chilling and depressing. The degree: of temperature must be regulated by the sensations, and especi- ally the reaction ‘of the system after the ï¬rst plunge. If the body so rc-acts that the water feels comfortable and agree- able, the bath will be pleasureable and A VAST Gnomsnonâ€"Bear me witness if I exaggerate when 1 say that the country is rapidly becoming one vast grogshop, to which half a million of its youth are yearly introduced, and over whose threshold sixty thousand are annually carted to a drunkard’s grave. The streets of our cities echo to the shouts and oathsof drunken revellers, from whom society seeks protection through police regulations; and within hovel and mansion alike, not: entirely smothered either by physical fear or social pride. is heard the sound of insane violence and wailing. What river is there along our coasts, what harbor upon whose shore a city stands, whose waters†have not closed over the bodies of those who, victims to this trafï¬c, were flung by violent hands from pier or bridge, or madly sought; beneath their silent surface forgetfulness of woes or wretched- ness too pregnant to be borne? Within the darkness of dungeons and along our highways are seen wrecks of former beauty and manhood wrought by this trafï¬c, and now and then one, as by a miracle, after a long years of misery and debasement, res» cued therefrom, lifts up his voice in public, and makes men aghast with the recital of‘ his woes and degradation; Bathing. How‘ A FARMIR mucus Mont-J They take good papers and read them; They keep account of farm operations: They do not leave their farm’ im‘plé: menis scattered over the farm‘, exposed to snow, rain and heat, They repair' their tools and buildings at a proper time ; and not suffer a subsequent three. folded expenditure of time and money; They see that their fences are well re- pnred, and their cattle are not grazing in the meadows, or grain ï¬elds, or or- clxards. Lastly, they read tho advertise-J ments know what is going 011,; and save- moncy by it.- Under the above captiorf, a VVesterd exchange speaks of the agricultural ope? rations of a gentleman formerly a eitizeu‘ of Columbus: The farm of M. L.‘ Sulé livant, of Burr Oak, near Chzltsworth, Livingston County, 111., is not only a big but well-managed and proï¬table enter- prise; The farm is eight miles square; containing 40,960 acresâ€"64‘ sections,- Covernment survey." It is sub-divided into 32 farms of 1,280 acres each: Each farm has a Captain and a‘ First and Second Lieutenant, all under" the‘ com:- mand of a Commanderâ€"TinéLChief‘, its‘ owner, and Brigadier-General, J. M.‘ Miner. There are 15,000 acres under‘ the plow, 10,000 of which are in’ com; this year. The remainder of the. farm: is used for grazing, small grain: and grass; There are 250 miles of hedge fence; besides other fences ;; 100; miles of ditch‘ for draining wet land, 200’ men‘ emf 400’ work horses and mules are u‘sed 011' this farm. There are einployed', also, one surveyor, two bookâ€"keepers, four blacksmiths and eight carpenters. An' An accurate account is kept with each‘ man, horse and muleâ€"horses and mules being each 'named or numbered, and charged with the amount paid for them" and their food, and credited with their labor. There is no more regular or sys- tematic set of books kept in my banking or manufacturing establishment in the.‘ country. The Whole of this land was entered from Government about twenty years ago by its present owner at $125“ per acre. The farm‘ at this time, with the improvements made upon it and the? personal property connected with it, is‘ worth about $2,000,000; The colt is born with twolVe grinders ;3 when four front teeth have made their appearance, the colt, is twehie days old; and when the nest four comes forth it is four weeks old. When the corner teeth appear, the colt is eight months old; when the latter have attainedi n‘m‘ height of the front teeth, it is one year old. The two year old eolt- has the kernel: (the dark substanee in the middle of the tooth’s' crown) ground out of all .the‘ front teeth. In the third year,'the'mid{ dle front teeth are being shifted, and when three years old, these are substitu-' ted by the horse teeth: .‘The next four; teeth are shifted in the fourth year; and the corner teeth in the ï¬fth; At sit years, the kernel is worn out of_ the low-' er middle front teeth, and the bridle‘ teeth have, now attained to their full: growth. At seven years, a hook has‘ been formed in the eorner teeth 0? the‘ upper jaw, the kernel of the teeth next at the middle fronts is worn out, and the.‘ bridle teeth begin to wear off. At eight years of age the kernel is worn oh’t of all“ the lower front teeth, and begins to de- crease in the middle ripper fronts. In the ninth year, the kernel has wholly“ disappeared from the upper middle front? teeth, the hook on the corner teeth has increased in size, and the bridle teeth‘ loose their points: In the tentl'r‘, fear; the kernel is worn out of' the teeth {reï¬t to the middle front of the 5m, and in the eleventh jean-the kernel has' entirely vanished from the corner teetlf of the same At twelVe years old, the crown of all the front teeth In the‘ lower jaw has become triangular, and the bridle teeth are much worn down. As the horse advances in' age, the gums shrink away from the teeth, which con-‘ sequently receives a long narrow appear: ance, and their kernels have become me- tamorphosed into a darkish pointâ€"~grey hairs increase in the forehead, over theâ€, eyes, and the chin assumes the ferm of inn anslr .â€"-Journal of the Farm. CURE FOR RINGB’ONE:â€"â€"A e‘orrespon: dent of the Rural New Ymker‘ say? that he has? known a hoise thaï¬ went for' twelve months on‘ three legs ffom ring bone which was made perfectly sound by ‘59 application; once a‘ day,- of aï¬â€˜ ointment; Composed of brie-half Oï¬ï¬co‘ red‘ precipitate, one-half odné'e' 6f blue‘ stone, arid one-half pint of hirpefline; thoroughly mix, and keep’ ï¬fe" hoof greased. « 'IfHE YORK HERAiwi PUBLISHED AT THE OI<‘1<‘I(.‘V.Ai§{OfQq You]: ST. RICHMOND HILL. How~ td know the age of a; Mime Terms : One Dollar per Ammm I'n' Advance. Issued Weekly on Friday Morning. ALEX. SCOTT, Pgommmon. A Farm that is I Fsrni WHOLE No: 683.â€" mammal;