The Fr ench deputation headed bv Count de Fluvigny, who xecemly landed 1n helund have cmssed into England and will 11311 the city of Y01k.ihevme e11thu<mstically1e ceived everywhem. The object. of the visit to the Unued Kingdom 13 to pelsmmlly 1c- turn the thanks of the French people for the aid so freely given by Engiishmen and Irishman {01‘ the wounded and suffering and French during the war. Lomoxï¬uâ€"g‘ 22.â€"â€"The coal miner’s strike in South Wales is reported at an end. DUBle. Aug. 22.-â€"As a. band of music was passing through the streets of Limerick to-duy. followed liy'a large crowd, a signal was giVen at which the mob commenced stoning the police, who were watching the, proceedings. The latter immediately rushed upon their assailants, and, after some hard ï¬ghting, succeeded in dispersing them. Several peasons were injured and taken to the hospital. PARIS. August 21. â€"â€"The Assembly com- mittee on the budget has agieed to ï¬x the salary of President Thiers at 500 000 lianos, with a credit in addition for ordin'ny expen- ses and presents. A b1ll providing for the the dissolution of the present Assembly will soon be brought forward. The deputies of the Left are preparing a manifesto donnind lng the restoration of ll’a: Constitution of 1848. It is reported that a compromise has been made in the matter of the prolongation of Thiers’ te1m of ofï¬ce, unde1 which he is to receive the lillu 0t P1esident and hold po- sition until dissolution of the piesent As- sembly. NEW YORK, Aug. 22.â€"The particulars of the ï¬ghting as given by correspondents do; not va'ry essentially from the summary re- ceived by telegraph. The Tribune‘s corres- pondent, wsiting from Shanghai, says every- thing tends to show that. the Coreans were aware of the coming,r of the expedition, and Had made preparations for resistance. It was also found during the ten days of inac tivity, and while waiting for an apology, that the ofï¬cials who ï¬rst came of? had in- formed the Uorean Government of the peaceful character of the expedition. But they sent an unusually great number of troops to oppose the fleet. Certainly no less than 10,000 were on Kanghoa Island slene. and more forces were concentrated on the road to the capital. The Governor- of Kanghoa has been degraded on account of American success. Since this light. the Pains and [lionocracy have returned to Shanghai to reï¬t, while the remainder of the fleet has gone to Chee foo. It is hoped here that the American Government will send out reinforcements so as to enable the Admiral to carry the programme of the we pedition to an end; if not it: would have been better if the expedition to Corea had never been mrde. As it is, it will do a great deal towards stirring u'p antiforeign feelings among the Chinese, because the ships have left Corea without having reached the capital. VUnless something is done soon the Americans will lose greatly in the esti. mation of both Chinese and Japanese. L0.\‘DON,August 22.â€"News from Persia is still contradictory. The Levant Herald de- clares the famine and pestilence are worse than ever; that there have been 27,000 vic- tims at lsnpllan alone; that the crops have been destroyed, and that Ole-third of the population has been annihilated. The de- tails are said to be heartvsickening. KINGSTON, Aug. 22.â€"A sermus railway accident, occasioned by the collision of two freight Mains, occurred 011 Mondav 11i;1'.l1t on the G1and Tiunl: Rail\vav,:1t'lllnttles Hill, about three miles east of Kingston. whereby one man was killed and {our injured, but not seriously, as they jumped 011" the train immediateh p1evious to the collision. It appeared from the evidence at the corn ners inquest that the accident ocenued through a mistake of the ope: ator 111d des- patcherat Kinwston, Mr. John Nelson in orde1ing on No. 1:) train goinr' east without waitinw for the report 0f1 0. litrain,goin1r west, which, he su1)poscd,l1ad anivcd at the Kinvston station. It; was evident that the jury Dat, the einqnest took the most favorable view of the action of M1. John helson, but it was quite patent, to all 111esent that had that ofï¬cml taken the necessary precautions to satisfy himself of the actual arrival of No. l-L train the accident would not have occurred. The man who was killed was 2111'. Nicholas \Villonghhy, a farme' and cheese factor of Gunanoque; and it appears that he got. on the train at Ganmmqne without permissi011,it l>ei11<r contrary to the onions oi the (31211111 ltunl' aull; oiities for 1) 1~se11 gers to be taken on freight trainé.’ His exact, position at, the time of the accident. does not, appear quite plzuu, but, one of the witnesses stated that he saw him on the engine on No. 14 train previous to the aeci dent. TSour ems we1. badly dammed, but both trains were 1111111in r at lows medâ€"one at them 11 ith the b1alccs onâ€"or the d: image to the cars would have been much greater. An inquest 1 as he ld by Dr. Bailie ‘ at Qu1gâ€" ley s tavern, and [he vn1dict0f1.1:1ju1-ywas. “ That the deceased came to 11': 5 de- 1111 acci- dentally, on the 2lst of Auqursi. in .1 cell's- ion 011 the Grand Trunk Railway, having been on board the engine without the consent of the Grand Trunk authorities†Mr. John Nelson. the person to whom he blame is attached, cannut be found. The Staten Island Ferrv Company will have to pay heavily for the culpable 110in gence of its chief oflicmls as some 101w ac- tions for damages have been instituted by the 1e1ati1 es of victims oi the “ Westï¬eld†disas.te1 who 1esided 111 Biooklyn. On Satmday last the Hon. Joseph Howe left Ottawa to attend the gullleiing of the Howe family. which takes place at Fanning ham Grove, Boston, (he 3151. instant. The honorable gentlemen will deliver an oration 11) his liinsmenmnd after spending some days mnongst them he will proceed. to Nova Scolin. Grand Trunk Collision @n! ELM“ 13M Great Britain Ireland France Japan Persia The Council met 011 Thursday last at 10 0 clock. The Waran 111 the chair. The minutes of yoslmduy" s p10ceedings we1e mad and C(mï¬nned. Communications were received from .Jcssxs. Leith & Kennedy, Solicitoxs, re- shaming" dimug‘e sustained by 110159 and busy belongiiiq to Mr. Shields. by goin'r over an embankment on Dund: ‘stwei. F1011} M'..J 1111105 Re 1H) respecting the dannelous connition of the 10nd 111 {rout of his house on You‘re sheet. The Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges presented a. report on the petition of certain Trustees of Christ’s Church, in the township of York. asking the Council to confirm a. Bylaw passed in 1870, by the counciL of the township of York, providing for the closing of a certain road :ill'owance. A By-Iaw Was introduced conï¬rming the said Bylaw of the York Township Council, and read a ï¬rst, second, and third time and passed. 1 uxs’nant to notice, Mr. Munsie inhoduced :1 Bylaw to appoint a County 801101101. '1" me Bv law passed throw-h commitiee, but 11'11511151011111011111d 1eadi110 in council. 1st. With rogmd to the petition of L. Lanast 1i? askingr for 1119 estubiishmont of :1 new 5111001 500111111 in K111â€, 110 action could be taken bv the Council as 110 xesolution 01' lw-l 11w 111111 111: 6:11 passed by the 1111111ic1paiitv 01 the tmv11si11p. 110r110 gluuud of appeal 01 complaint existed. The following report wag-presented from the Committee on Education:â€" 26d. The Committee could not entertain the request in a communication from Mr. Hodson, Head Master of Weston Gram mar School. for semiannual appropriations 1.0 schools, as it would add to the labor of the Count‘il without. any real beneï¬t. .3111. IL was 1eeommcnded to pay the inci dental expenses incumed by the Board of Examinem {(11 the County of Y01k,at its lecent hlst meeting Seveml of the journals of the Province are considerinrr whethet the approaching visit ol l'the M 1'qu1s of Lorne 11nd wife to this country might not; be turned to good account They are of tl1e1; pinion that. it LOId Lis<1:1r is to leave us, it would be well for Canada and well tor himself it the Mur- quis weie to mount the vice rowel throne and be the Ii‘fllle head of the Dominion. Ihete is 11 considerable quantity of good sense in this snmrcs tion. The Marquis, :11- though :1 1'011110r 111: 1111, has :11) old head; and with?3 it and with the income which he re- ceives by his wife, he could do well enough both for 11s and for himsel". He has seived a. diplomatic apprenticeship 111 which he now quitted himself with credit, and he has shown by his writings that he has :1 compe- 41101vledgc of the world and of the art. of rulingr men. Under these circumstances, and ‘in View of the fact; that. his governor- generulship would draw them closer to the old country and to the throne, the people of Canada. would hail the young nobleman with :n’l'cction and pay him the most (lntit'nl respect. Moreover the services which he would render to the Empire by presiding 011.1' the at il'11i1's of Can-111311 would lie :1. mat- ter of congratulation for the Eiwlish people. 'lhey 11111) lime to pay 11 practty round sum annually for the suppoit cf the toyal familv. i would relish the fact. that. the Qveen’s dauwlr lter and son i11l:1w wcr,e in 11‘111eas11;e_, in: 1'01 111021 livhrr, and wmthink more highly oi the younw couple for so doin" The «(waning of a. countty lil he this would be infinitely more creditable than dwelling in the paths of the Btitish nobility. The one would be a life of usefulness and honor, the other a. career of frivolity and dissipa‘ lion witlmutany great degree of credit to its follower. Dr. Guthsie brave the \Im‘quis the best of characters 111.1911 he said at the wedding that " he knew of no more worthy youth.†He has shcwn that he has higher aims and aspirations than mere court life and thut he believes in a higher destiny for himself than perpetlml "' leuling around the throne."â€"Telegraph. From tl.e N, Y, TVorld’s account oszm demilt 3.3 Co's incurcmmion we clip the fol lowing passage 2â€"â€" The Distriet Attorney having,r communica- ed back to the Coroner, it was only a. few minutes before the clerk had walked mocha- nicnlly to :11111'ge case on another side of the roo111,t.1ken three “ commitments†out of a piweon hole, and filled them out 1eady for the signature of the Co1o110r. Captain Ulinon seiyed the three moms in one hand, gave a signal to t. squeer tiio 0t prisoneis, and shot out of the room. In another min- 11te the pruty who had entered at the front of the City Hall had "one out at the rear, and were steering for the tombs. Mi'. Vau- derhilt seemed to hold his umbrella. trenr bii11gly,and B1aisted retained the pine bo'ud to whittle 011 while 111 his cell. While the pmty was 11' "sing along: Chambers stieet towirrds 1.19. '1'11e street Mr. \.1.1.]1'11111 asked leave to (hop into his law'1e1 s otlim, and Captain Ulmun and the other two prisoners stood on the side walk till he 0111110 out. The In; treh to the 'l'olnhs was then 111s11111ed. Ar1i1i111r there they 111 111%(11111 at the mute. and soon the door of cell No. 113111.15 closed before Mr. Vanderbilt’s face. As they pus sed in l31'11Lsted shook his he, 1d wmullv, sayin/r, “This is dreadful.†[hr- prisoners 'einuined in the cells only a short fime, 11nd then they were transferred to :1 small room over the boys’ prisoner. lhis room 1133' a strom1 door nittde 0t heavy huts, and :1 small table stands 111 the centie. Commissioner Bell arrived, and. together with a few other friends, visited the pri- somers in their narrow quarters. Mr. Van- de1l1ilt havi11<r become warm, owing,T to the excitement, .001: off his coht and tl11ew1t over his chair. As soon as it was known that Mr. Vanderbilt. and the two other pri- soners were in the Tombs there was great excitement in the streets outside, and the ‘ burden of the remarks made by the bystan- dersyas, “ Well that’s splendid beginning, but I'd like to know how long those pri- tson ers will stay in there.†Not very long, ,as the sequel shows. The Czar of Russia has issued an imperial ukase, pe1munently abolishing the wivileges immerly extended to Ge1mzm colonists in Russia. A gentleman in the eastern part of the State, who i'as about having his leg ampu- tntvd on account of its being bent at. right angles and stifl'at the knee, heard of John- son’s Ahodg/ne Liniment. After using it a short time his leg became straight, and is now as serviceable as the other. A cnhle despatch from Dublin on Tuesday slams that the Limelick boys have been amusing themselwr by peltil (r stones at the police, and that the luttex body have been p1actisin¢r baton exercise upon the skulls of iheir assailants, many of whom wele placed hors- dc combat and then accommodated with free lodgings in the hospitals.~â€" Leader. The Comm-i1 :Ldj‘ojurned sine die. Lorne as Governor-General YOrk County Council Vanderbilt Incarcerated. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1871 N Mm: 1mm MIMI THE QUEEN ON THE WASHING- TON TREATY. The Queen, when promgating the PIOUSCS of Parliament on Monday, the let- inst, used the following language in reference to the \Vdshington Treaty : " With sp'ecittl satisfaction I refer on the present occasion to our relations with the inited States. By the Treaty of Washing- ton, modes of settlement have been fixed for Several questions which have long re muined in dispute, my communication with the Americnn Government not being with- out promise o." advantage to other countries. The President has concurred with me in the application of that principle of amicable reference which is proclaimed by the treaty of Paris, which I rejoice to have the oppon tunity of recommending by exmnple, and we have also agreed in the adoption of cer- tain rules for guiding the nun-mime conduct of neutrals, which may, I trust, ere long, obtain general recognition and form :1. valu- able addition te.the code of internutimml law. I placefull reliance upon the dispo- sition of the Americans to carry forward with eordiztlity and zeal the subsidiary :ir~ rangements which have been determined on for the execution of the treaty. I shall apprise the Parliament of Canticle that the provisions which require its consent; are, in my view, highly conducive to the interests of the Dominion. On these provisions, however. that Parliament wilt puss an inde- pendent and ï¬nal judgement." ‘ Nothing can be clearer or more dis-‘ tinct than this, and this authoritative statement must settle at once and forever the right, which seemed by the terms of the treaty to have been so plainlyse- cured to Canada, that our own 1’arlia~ Ament should decide on the grave qtiestion raised by the “Oil; of the Joint High Commission, and that the Dominion, Without imperial representation, (shall not. have its interests treated as if it were a mere colonial dependency of the mother country. The fullest discussion of the whole matter by the representaâ€" tives of Canada, will we presume, be sure to ta.:c place, and whether the Dominion Pailiainent in its Wisdom de- cides to accept or reject the Treaty clauses which refer to this country, that decision will of necessity be ï¬nal and Sign of the Tea Chest.-â€"â€"A. Moodie Farms for Saleâ€"Gideon Hislop Insulvent Notice.-â€"T. Clarkson l’ic-uic at Thornhill Sow Astmy.â€"â€"â€"Jospph Gee Insolvent Act. of 1869.â€"-'l‘. Clarksou High School Notice Jetcline ht lhe Herald Book Store. About one A.M. on Friday, the 18th inst, a ï¬re was discovered in a large log built wagon house, in this town, the pro- perty of Dr. Duncumb. The building was stored with a large qnontity of dry lumber, windows, paints and oil, 850., all“ inflammable materialY which had been. collecte for the erection of a new brick tavern. Under such circumstances the flames spread rapidly, extending north to the frame of the old Masonic Arms Hotel, and south. to a pile of valuable lumber, and then to the large brick hall, which had been used for more than ten years, free of cost, by the Church of England congregation. Its high roof ’soon caught ï¬re and fell, and with it a costly stained glass window. The in- habitants of the town, with their engine, did all they could under circumstances, but With little erect. The Doctor esti- mates his loss at. 856000â€"110 insurance. Two hundred dollars is offered for evi- dence sufï¬cient to convict the cowardly villiau who committed the deed7 and who, doubtless, was aware of Dr. Duneumb’s absence to Barrie at the time. Within the last year 'wc have had several incen- diary ï¬res, and no exertion made to ferret out the evil door. {1†H)! IIHIIVC SABBATH SCHOOL Promoâ€"The children attending the Wesleyan and Presbyterian Sabbath Schools in this town had a great day of enjoyment on Thursday last. Some few days ago the teachers of both schools decided to hold their annual pie-nie on the above day. The preparations made for the pleasure of the pupils were extensive and com- plete. Mr. \V. S. \Varrenvery kindly gave permission to the committee to use his bush for the purpose of erecting swmgs and having other amusements provided for. 'The ladies connected with both congregations were in no par- ticular behind their former efforts in their ample provision for the excellent tea. The day was spent by all in the happiest manner, and the children seemed Divine Service and Sunday School in connection with the church of England will be held in the Masonic hall at the usual hours on Sunday the 27th inst. A gland Pic-\ ic will take place on Wednesday, the 6th September. at ’l‘homhill. See advertisement. to enjoy the day with a gusto not excelled we are sure, by any other in the country. RICHMOND Hum, AUGUST 25, 1871. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS INCENDIARY FIRE. r not to be {her crowd A map has been published, under the authority of the Canal Commission, pre- tending to show the various existing and proposed water routes of the Dominion. \Ve must say we are not' surpiised to ï¬nd that the line of the Huron and On- tario Ship Canal has been entirely omit- ted. We do not know who is responsible for this, but we rather fancy that the omission has been made with intent rnthcr than by mistake. The Huron and Ontario Canal was made a subject of discussion by the Commissioners, and its proposed route should not have been omitted from a map published under their direction. A very considerable sum of money has been expended upon this canal, in making surveys, obtaining charters, preparing plansJ getting the opinion of' eminent engineers in England, and in other ways furthering its progress. IThe Commission had no right to ignore it in such a manner; and we think we ‘may go further and say that if the Gov- ernment would ï¬nd some way of making compensation to Mr. Uapreol for the great expenditure of time and money .which he has made upon this great un- dertakingâ€" the beneï¬ts and advantages of which so many of our public men per- sistently refuse to seeâ€"there would not be a voice raised against subh action. â€" . Leader. A SECRET WORTH KNoWING. â€"â€" ‘ Peters’ Musical Monthly for September I is a splendid number. It. would seem I almost impossible to improve this excel- lent work, and yet each succeeding num- 1 her seems to be better than the last.‘ This present number opens with a beau- tiful Ballad by G. W. Persley, entitled! “ Barney Aleen ;†then follows a charm- ing Song by Tucker, “ My Mother’s Wedding-Ring 3†after which comes i l‘homzis's Sacred Song, “ The Cross and iCrown,†which is alone worth double the price of the Monthly. “ My Sister in Heaven,†Song and Chorus, and “The House of the Swzillows,†Duet, are also gems of great value. These are followed by ï¬ve Quarters, three easy Piano pieces, ï¬nd two elegant Transcrip» .tions by Leonie Touel, making a total el' ï¬fteen pieces, printed from thirty-six full~size music-phitcs, andyozn can get all {his choice music for thirty cents. Vol. VIII. commenced with the July number, and the publisher offers to send the July, August, and September num- bers for 75 cents. \Address J. L. Peters. _ 599 Broadwayf'NéxQ-York. HIGH SCHOOL. Attention ought to be given by pupils who purpose attending the Richmond Hiil High School during the coming winter, to the notice that they will require to be present on the 8th day of ‘epicmbcr next. MrsMoodle of the '1‘ch Chest notori- 3 Qty, announces the arrival of a new lot of ï¬rst class teas cheap. According to the New Orleans Picayune, the cotton crop 01'1870-71 will amount to four million four hundred and thirty thou- sand bales. Your million bales are reported to have been received at. the seaports, and three hundred and twenty thousand bales, it isbellevcd. have been used in the South- ern manufactures. and ten thousand bales, have been hni'ned. These figures give a total crop “4,430,000 bales, nearly equall- ing the crop of 1850-60, which amounted to 4,675,000 bales. ()n this basis the crop of 187071. is estimated at 2,082,100,000 pounds.-Lcadcr. A return has been irsued oi' the number of oiiicers who hold commissions in more than one branch of Her Majesty’s sex-rice. From this it appears that there are otlicers of the regular forces mi full pay holding commissionsâ€"in the Yeomanry, 20 5 Volun- teers, 5. The following are the numbers of ofï¬cers of the regular forces on unat- mc‘ned or temporary lilet'pny holding ICOIH- missionsâ€"in the Militia, 41 ; Yeomanry, 6 ; Volunteers, 30. The ofï¬cers holding coni- missionsâ€"in the Militia, Yeomunry, and Volunteers are 2; Militia. and Yeoinmiry, 11 3 Militia. and Volunteers, 101 ; Yeomnnry and Volunteers, 47.â€"Lcader. Canadizns us agenerul rule, can form buta very inadequate conception of the amount of taxes annually paid by their American co‘usins. Mr. Boutwell puts the amount of Federal taxes received from the people in 1870, at $383,323,940. When all the receipts of this character are aggregat- ed, the amount will be swelled to at least $400,000,000. This stream has been run- ninlgr with steady current since the war, during which time the country has contrir bnted at least, $2,700,000,000 to the govern- ment. In addition, there has been the sale of munitions of war, the proceeds of‘which have been unaccounted for, raisingr the amount of money passing through the hands of the government, in six years, to $3,000,000,000. As Mr. Bontwell’s great expectations are founded mainly upon his reduction of the public debt. it is only fair to compare the amount he has received, with the extent of his performances in that direction. With three thousand millions taken from the peo- ple, he has reduced the debt, by only two hundred and eighty-four millions. Where have the other $2,716,000,000 gone? The answer can be read in the Evans case, in the twenty millions defalcation of Radical ofï¬ce-holders in all parts of the country If all the money collected from the people had been honestly applied. both debt and taxation would have been in an altered con- dition to dayâ€"Leader. To the Editor of the York Herald. SIR: The letter of your correspondent upon the “ Markham Inquest†has been i read no doubt with great interest by your ‘ readers, and I trust your able writer‘ will not allow things to subside quietly down, but will endeavor to stir matters to such. an extent that the Government will have to take notice of the doings of their officials in the shape of coroners; that these gentry require a weeding out no one hardly will deny. That nine- l tenths ofthe inquests that are held re- sult in no good to the public at large, must be obvious to the most obtuse indiâ€" vidual in the community. \Vhy, it may then be asked, are so many inquests held? The answer to this is, for the I purpose of the fees. I have been induced to make these remarks Mr. Editor, from the fact that at the present time there is an inquest being held at the “ Red Lion†in this village upon a child by the name of Bailey. \Vithout going into the merits of the law, I would merely observe that the Co10ner IS the Doctor that attended the child. Now, is it according to com- mon decency, that he should be the judge and witness too? Again. you would have supposed that if he deemed it no- cessary to hold an inquest, he would not have allowed the child to in: ï¬rst buried, and then order an inquest. No, the fees for exhuming the body would then have been lost. It is said the Coroner ordered two children, one aged r1 ven, and the 1 othei eight who were tot witnesses, to i be suein, but some of tie jury showed such an aversion to it that in one ease> he had to give way; here comes the fees again in getting so much for every oath. Constable Daniels gets great credit for I the manner in which he conducted the case, not only in being aspeahing trum- pet to the Coroner, but for ti o fatherly advice he gave to the babies about speakâ€" ing the truth, and asking it they knew where they would go to if they told a lie, &e. 'l'hc case is not yet ï¬nished, but verily, sir, an alteration is required in the law with regard to holding inquests, and it is a grave question, seeing that the County has to be at the expens ~11 of these inquests, whether the County Council should not take action in th matter and endeavor to get the govern- ment to make an alte1atiou 1n the law, and la the mode of {upointing eoronexs. I do tiust, lir. Editor, you will give us your views upon this matter, as it is a worthy subject- for your pen to handle. On'l‘fednesdny last a deputation rep- resenting both parties in St. Paul's parish had an interview with the Bishop for the purpose 0t stating the whole question in dzspute to him for his judgement and decision thereon. As we stated in our remarks on this case, the Bishop is int vested with sole power to adjudicate on such questions, and any decision of a vestry is merely relevant so far as if may indicate the feeling or" certain per- sons interested 1n the matter. After learning the facts of this question, to which he was no stranger, the Bishop decided; that the parish be divided; that the separation take place on the ï¬rst of September next; that the sum offered by the vestry of the new section, $800, he accepted as the condition of such ar- rangement, half to be paid dcwn on the date named and the rest in two months afterwards ; that Yonge street; be the boundary of the two parishes, and that no restrictive conditions be imposed on the new congregation as to removing or enltwgingr the wooden church or building: The Globe says that the Premier of On- taiio is endeavming to gain a vote in the House by seekingr to nominate a. Reforme1 fox the Speaketship, but thinks that the knowledge of the “ political annihilation ‘ that. would follow will prevent any of. the party accepting it. Possibly, remarks the Galt Reporter; but we’ll guarantee that many of their months will water at the bait at “ a three cornered hat and a thousand dollars a session,†and that in their hearts they’ll bewail the hard fate that keeps them so unfeelingly below the thumb of the Globe’- a DCW OUC. The whole parish is to be congratulated on this wise, christian-like judgement, and we felicitate ourselves on having so materially helped to bring this vexed question to so prompt and so equitable an issue. \Ve trust, too, that the whole dispute ; will be quickly forgottcd by all parties; that a broad wave of charity will wash over the parish and obliterate all trace of discord. “ Let the dead bury “ the dead,†and let both churches, com- posed as both are of so many intelligent and prosperous laymen, at once address themselves to the reorganization of those works et'education and benevolence which they each have such ample pOWcr and means to carry on with more than ordi- nary successâ€"Leader. Yorkville, Aug. 21, 1871. @mwpmmï¬wm YORKVILLE Yours, &c., SENEX. ST. JOHN’S CREW Wms.-â€"RENF0RTH DEAD. TORYBCRN, Aug. 23, 6 a.m.â€"â€"Water as smooth as need be now; and every appear- ance ofa, grand race. The city is emptied into the Kemebecasis valley. 7:25 aimâ€"Boats elf; St. John leading. 7:27 am.â€"â€"Tyne lending. 7:30 a.m.â€"0ut of.sight; signalled; Paris crew ahead. LATERâ€"Paris still leading. LATHEâ€"Tyne given up, Renforlh laid down iii boat. either broken an out or blood- vessel. Paris crew rowmg over conrse. Tyne men gone back to theif quarters in un- ‘ other boat. ‘LATER.â€"Renf01‘th had a ï¬t, just passed oflice in a coach. LATERâ€"Paris crew went round the course in 40 min. 11 sec. ST. JOHN’S, N. B.7 Aug. 23.â€"â€"Mornine cleat' and hrightpmd water quite smooth,and thousands of spectators on the shore in steamers and small boats. St. John‘s crew ï¬rst at Judges boat. and waited 15 minutes for Tyne crew. The Tyne crew left, boat and took position on Judges boat at 7:15. The Tyne crew came out in white shirts and blue cups; and ARM a few minutes choice of position fell to the lot; of the Tyne crew, who took inside course and immediately peeled to the bare buff. St. John stripped on Judges’, boat, and then took up position after a short lime. in which they handled their boat admirably. The start was made by the l‘CfGVCC, who said, “ Are you ready, go,†and at the word both boats flew away, St. John pulling 42 and Tyne 39. St. John leading slightly, the “ Are you ready, go,†and at the word both i boats flew away, St. John pulling 42 and1 Tyne 39. St. John leading slightly, the1 Tyne then spurted, and the St. John tell he- i hind, but the steady stroke of the St. John told. and gradually they drew ahead, keep- ing the lead, although the distance was every now and then shortened by the mighty spurts of the Tyne. When three quarters of a mile was reached. the St. John led three lengths, when suddenly Renforth dropped his ear and fell over in the boat apparently in a ï¬t. The boat, was turned; into the shore, and accompanied by Cham- bers, he was taken back to his quarters in a coach. The St. John quietly pulling over the course in 40 minutes. Feelings of deer) regret that accident, should have in- terf'erred with the race, which bid fair to he exceedingly close contested, and under auspices the most favourable. Betting has been quite free at two to one on the Tyne. chiefly among Canadians and Pittsburtr men. After Renforth was put to bed he rallied a little and “as able to speak a few words, but. violent pains in the stomach ensued with discharges of blood and mucous matter from the mouth. and severe purgings. His condition grew perceptibly worse until about, halt‘vpast 8 o’clock when he died in consid- erable agony. These symptoms pointed stroequ to the operation of some drugr and this suspicion was increased by what subse- quently transpired. ‘ Coroner Enrl is now holding an inquest, and n searching enquiry will be necessary in the it‘toresls of all parties. N0 suspicion can liemtnclied to the St. Jnlin crew or their friend's; but if wrong has been done it can only be traced to outsiders having a. heavy interest in the race. A good deal of sympathy is evinced at, the tragieal termina- tion of the :ill'air. Flags are flying at half mast, over the town {mil harbor. Althon-rh mmiv aw disposed to rejoice at the “inningr of bets, the good sense of 1e- speetabie people pi‘exents any boistemus 111anifestati0ns of joy over what must be conmdeied the unsuostantial and delusive victory of St. John oarsmeu. Ficuows’ HYPomxosvaes.â€"Mr. Fel- lows wislieS'us to suite that he has no autho- rized agent, but that his Hypophosphiies may he obtained of all respectable Di'ugg- ist and Apolhecm'ies at his prices. in In it announced that by the man steamer twemy Belginyimmigrants, from the neigh- borhood 0f Nmnur, will arrive, with the intention of'settling in Canada. They are, says the Montreal JIcrach, pioneers of a great emigratinn movement. in Belgium, which. it is said, will «lireet itself to the Province of Quebec. A good idea may be formed of the rapid increase of the commerce of Great Britain and her Colonies from the following statis- ticszâ€"On December 31, 1870, there were registered in the ports of Great Britain 23,- 189 sailing yessels, measuring 4,577,785 tons, and 3,178 steam vessels, measuring 1,‘ 112,934 tousâ€"nmking a. total of 26,367 vessels, measuringr 5.690,?80 tons. One year preceding, on the illst of December, 1869, the sailing vessels measured 41,765,304 tons, and the steam vessels 948,367 tons; so that, the increase that year was 187.449 tons in sailing vessels, and 161,567 tons with steam- ers. In the ports of the British colonies, the registered tonnage, Dec. 3lst, 1870, both sailingr vessels and steamers, was 1, 400,562 tons. For the entire United King» dem of Great Britain and her colonial pos- sessions on Dec. 31, 1870, there were regis tered 33,797 sailing vessels, measuring 5,- 948, 626 , tons, and 3,796 steam vessels, measuring 1,202, 215 tens, or a total of 37,573 vessels of all kinds, which gave [150,841 of tonnageâ€"Leader. mm rm": -v~ Yzm \m arisen at Berlin respect to the evacuations of the four departments still held by the Germans. The French Government, by way of retaliation, refuses to admit Alsatian produce to the French until after the depar- ture of the German troops from the soil of France. This new difference will fall heavily on the Alsatians, who will thus be deprived of markets for their produce, The information. moreover, from all parts of the country, and especially those portions still occupied by the Germans, or districts close to it, goes to show that the feeling against the Germans is intensified and bitter in the extreme. The present state of France however, does not encourage any hope of chance in this direction for some time to come. If France could depend upon re- ceiving the assistance of Russia, no doubt the war debt would be repudiated and a Vigorous war of retaliation with Germany would ensueâ€"Leader." ‘ E veiy day almost bxings us iresh news of the continued unfiiendly 1elations existing between the French and the Germans. SO long as the Germans remain on French soil so long will disagreements exist between them and the peeple they are with. We learn this morning that difï¬culties have now The Great Race. News Summary Montreal is being fumigated in view of the cholera. A new ministry has at last been formed for Bavaria, though, no doubt, the King will continue to devote himself to music to the neglect of State affairs. It. will an'ord our readers much plensuré to learn that, Mr. John Bright has almost re- gained his health, and will be able to re- sume his place in the House next session. We learn from the Telegraph that Ber- lin is at present prosperinn‘. A large num- ber 'of pldces of “mess and private resi- dences are in the course of erection, and everything is flourishing. I can lostify to the high therapeutical v9.1- ne of Fellows’ Compound Syrup of Hypop- hosphites, and consider is deserving of at~ iention by the profession generally. AAnox ALWARD, M. D., Mayor of the City of St. John. The town of Winnipeg, Manitoba, is going ahead rapidly, and new buildings are going up in all directions. Dr. Schultz has two large brick buildings and a couple of wooden ones in the course of erection. The two former are to be used as whole- sale and retail stores, and the latter as pri- vate residences. The Apaches in Arizona. Territory have been committing more atrocities. two proba- bly innocent white men being the victims of passions stirred up by their countrymen. In addition the red men made :1. successful cat- tle mid into a settled district ; and the reâ€" sult will be a. war of extermination against the rapidly diseuppearing tribe. Toromo, August [‘lonr. qabane!........- $5 Wlxeat.v])lms]1......... .. 1 Swing h heat 1?) bush...†.. 1 Barlny, “+71 bush............-. (J l’ease, do ..... .... U Unis do .......... .. 0 Butlm' ‘JnlexHS...-........- (J loll;1:)‘p01‘lt<£lh........u.. G VVUM 11)“) ..._............ 0 Appios pm hhl. (new crop)... . ] Potatoes. (hum) 1161‘ bushel. _ . . ( Wheat. lesh .. 1 Swing h heat 1f1lmsh....... 1 Bavlny,}.1bush....-....-.. (J l’ease, do ..... .... U Uals, do .........1 .. 0 Hayfrflou ............---.15 S raw,“ tan ................ 12 Butler 111:1 H) rulis............. 0 Pork ‘19 pm‘ WM'm... .. . . .... G VVUMERH). ...........----- 0 Appios pm lib]. (new crop)... . ] Potatoes. (nuw.)perbu:hel._.. 0 The Snbscr'ahcr offers for sale flue following 63 ACRE Near Richmond Hiâ€. The iand is» a“ clear, and in a good slam of cultivation. 'l'hueis on the premises a ï¬rst (11:15:: Dwelling House. Barns, Stables. &c, There is also on lhis pro- perw a SAXV MILL In good running: order. For terms and olhnr owner on the promiws â€0311;: the your bah of Lot No. "6, in (be 9116’ Con , Vaurrh 111, 30 ames cleared, the 1011miu< dur limbmed with valuable pine. . Subscriber, Lot 61. 1st Con. Vaughan, aBlauk and White spoiled Sow. about ï¬vs months old. Any one giving Information as 10 her whereabouts or returning her to the sub- scriber will be rewarded. 1. all pupils desiring to be admissible for» tlm cmrent half year, should be in attendance before the 8th day of September. The public: will take notice accordingly. This Insolvent has made an Assignmoat 0‘ his estate. to me, and ll'm Credilors are notiï¬ed} to meet at my ollices, Nos. 7 at 8 Merchanls’ llechange, Wellington Street. 'l‘oronto, on Tuesday the eighteenth day of July at twelve o’clock. noon,‘ to receive statements of his. afl'uirs, and to appoint an Assignee. Dated at Toronto. this (51h day of July Various Games and Amusemems will ha provided. and prizes givsn for athletic sports. An excellent Quadrille Band has been secured for the occasion. Au gush23,1871. ROW THE PREMISES OF THE Subscriber, Lot 61. 1st Con. Vaughan, “ZEDN‘ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1871, Tickets: Adults, 3'.) cents : Children under 14 yam-s. 15 cents. Thomhill, Aug. 23. 1871. ' 683-2 A. D. 1871. [FARMS AND SAW MILL N THE MATTER OF ADDISON LAWR, 'aughan, Aug [‘HE NEW LAW REQUIRES THAT ’3-‘2 August 23,1871. Richmond Hill High School. Roman Catholic Church, Thornhill, FEE/m Siwcrtiz‘a‘mnmtï¬. insolvent Act of 1869 and. Amendments thereto. VALIJ ABLE PROPERTIES, TORONTO MA RKETS. 01 Pine Grove an Insolvent. Miscellaneous. U1 UN LOT NO. 50. REAR 0F in Edward Seagar’s Grove. 151' CON. VAUGHAN. 100 ACRES, Grand Pic-Nic THOMAS CLARKSUN. FOR SALE. In aid of the Strayed NAMI'ILY 1 wd JAMES DICK, GIDEON IIiSLOP 3, 1871. 682 (\ N information apply to tho JOSEPH GEE Chairman VU.B.S.Y, 693-2 Interim Assignee. Oak Ridges RO. 683-3 u 75 rm 0 00 n 45 @ 0 50 15 (iU@20 00 1-2 on @14 00 016 rm 0 23 6 an» 6 75 0 s7 @ 0 38 M m2 no 0 (30de 070 ,24 1871; 683-Lf