SABBATH SCHOOL PICNICJâ€" The Episcopal Church Sabbath School of our town, jomed with that of Thornhill, held their aunqu Union Picnic in Mr. VVur- ren’s bush, on \Vcdnesdauy last. The party had a good time, every one sueur ing to enjoy themselfcs. The members of the Temperance Loawe of this town are re ucsted to be 5 present at the Hall on Wednesday evening ncx1.,as some special business is to be brought forward. The Yonge Street Sabbath School Teacher's Association will hold their next meeting on the 4th of Sept‘mber next, in the Lecture Reom of the \\"es« leyan Church, liehmond Hill, at 7:30 P.M.. on which occasion the Rev. 0. Fish has kindly consented to deliver a lecture on Sabbath Scheol Teachers, their man- ner and motives. (w "r @1153 Saw): DIEHL WHEM.â€"â€"'Mr. Joseph chfer, of Lot 14, 3rd Con. Vaughan, advertises this week that he has a quantity of Diehl Wheat suitable for seed; It is a beautiâ€" ful simple, and true to its. kind. A sample may be seen at this ofï¬ce. HOME AND HEALTILâ€"Wb have re- ceived thelScplomber number of this val uable 'f'aiiiily magazine. It is replete with sound and pructicul articles suitable for every household, and is rapidly bo- comiug‘ an authority on matters concern- ing health . ' PIOVNIC.-â€" Arrangements are being _made to hold a grand Picnic on Wednesâ€" day ext, the 6th inst, in Mr. Edward Seaaar’s grove, Thornhill. Games and athletic sports, for which valuable prizes are provided, will be perhaps the landing features of' the day’s amuscmcnts. A good Qimdrille band has also been so- oured for those who wish to engage in the mazy dance. Tickets 30 cents; children 15. The profils will be given; to t Thornhill 117. 0. Church. PHOTOGRAPHS. ~â€" Mr. R. A. Gray, Photographer of our town, has this week published three beautiful Pholos of buildings in the town. They embrace the “Tesleyan Church, ‘l’esleyan Parson- age, and the Masonic Hall. Mr. Gray has, during the short. time he has been at the business, proved himself a natural artist, and he has already produced a few splendid pictmres. The church, the parsonage and the hull may be pur- chased at .10 cents each, either at Mr. Gray’s studio or at the Herald book store. It is now reported that Victor Emmanuel has appointed C'uont Selopis as an Alabama arbltx‘ator. The Emperor Napoleon has given afczfc at Chiselhurst, at which telegrams were re. ceived from the Czar of Russia, the King of Sweden, the Emperor of Austria. the King of Holland, the King of Portugal, the King of Portugal“ the Prince, of Wales, and others. Edward Bayer, Esq., Horton, Kings Co., N. S., writes that an astonishing cure has effected on his dnn'rhier by the use of John- son’s Anodg/ne Lim’nzcnt. The whole spine‘ became diseased, she lost the use of her limbs, and her back was rounded up like a bow, in consequence of taking cold after having been innocniuted fur the time puck. She is now well. Another terrible slaughter of human life had occmred across the border, on Saturday last, under circumstances which a. rigid inf vestigatron will most probably demonstrate ‘ were of a most criminally careless charac- ter. rJ‘he disnster oecured on the Eastern Railway, at Revere, some seven miles from Boston, where a delayed accommodation train was overtaken by a heavy lightning express. Tlie‘loter came thunderng along at full speed, and they were “ telescopeâ€"â€"†shut up as :t telcsc-Qpe~conveys perhaps the most. concise and vivid description ofthe eiiect of this iron “courier of death,†upon the {our ears of the accommodation train, erowtied with living freight, vainly endow venting to move away as it crushed down upon them with terriï¬c force. It out its way nezirly threugh the ears, dealing death and destruction, and to adtl to the horrors of the scene, the locomotive was thrown over, casting scalding water upon the wounded ~and dying. The debris was set on ï¬re by the same agency. An attempt to describethe horrible scene would be almost superfluous. Twenty-ï¬ve bodies were taken up dead and dying, and so terribly mangled that: their identification was very diflieult and in 50mm vases impossible. Fully forty persons re _7 The greatest exertions were put forth by the neighbouring citizens to sueeor those for whose recovery hope could be entertained. 1m; in severity. .\._ Ctl we at very Stray Sheepâ€"James Booth. Cardâ€"J. chswm-Ih. Diehl Wheatâ€"Joseph Kefi‘er. _Astl‘ayâ€"-J0hn G rahm-n . Corn Crusher fm- 82x40. RICHMOND HILL, SEPTEMBER 1, 1871. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS $10,000 WORTH or PROPERTY DE‘ STROYEDrâ€"“YHISKEY THE CAUSE! Special to the [{crzzld. It seems that Brampton is to be no ex- ception in the almost universal visitation of ï¬re to the towns and villages of' VVCS- tern Canada. On Sabbath evening, the 27th inst., about eleven o’clock, the ï¬re bells tolled the alarm of the destructive element, and soon dc ise clouds of smoke were seen issuing from the stable loft of the hotel on Main street. It was quite evident that danger Was imminent, for very soon the columns of' smoke were changed to immense sheets of flame, shedding: lurid light» all over the town. The ï¬re spread eastward, catching the outbuildings ol' Welsh‘s hotel, on the north side of Queen St. East. The ut« most efforts of the ï¬re engines could not ‘stay its progress until it reached the ‘hotel. It then became evident that the whole block must go. The houses yet shut up were immediately broken into, and the inmates most unceremoniously lawakened, and the ‘i'urniture and et ecle- ms thrown promiseeusly into the street. By this time 11 urst’s liquor store was on ï¬re. the flames spreading with amazing lity, and soon the whole block eonâ€" si 3; of Hurst’s grocery store, Welsh’s ta\ era, McCombs’ grocery and some other houses, together with their stables and carriage houses were one mass of flame. The scene was grand in the extreme, and really enjoyable were it. not for the consciousness of the immense loss of property sustained by those whose build- ings Were consuming. The light from the ï¬re could be seen for miles around, and made the streets as light as day. It revealed also one of the most promis- cuous crowds it has been our privilege to \vitntss. From the grandfather in his gray hairs to the little boy hurriedly awakened from his crib; from the ma- tron in her dressing-gown to the maiden in her curl papers; all were out and all were anxious, until the ï¬re 'as mastered by the untiring energies of those who worked, pumping and carry water as best they could. } GNTARiO TEMPER'ANCE UNION. Monday morning: revealed a gloomy sight. The whole block was a blankâ€"~11 heap Bf smoking ruins. Two horses were burned alive, and their half-con- sumed bodies lay steaming in the ruins of the stable. Ten thousand dollars worth was de- stroyed, and it is more than probable that whiskey did it all. A worthless fellow, half drunk, (so they say) was sleeping in the stable loft, and in all likelihood set. ï¬re to the hay while light- ing his pipe. When will people learn Wisdom? The families unhoused have found lodgings elsewhere in town, and are made as comfortable as circumstances will allow. The executive ofï¬cers of the Ontario Temperance Union, in accordance with the instructions of the last meeting, hercby announce that the Annual Con- vention of this important organization will commence in the Temperance Hall, in the city of Toronto, on Tuesday, the 5th day of September next, at 2 O’clock P. M. The great design of this institu- tion is the practical co-opeiution‘of all forms of the Temperance enterprise for the ultimate attainment of the complete prohibition of the Liquor Traflic, and therefore it is the earnest wish of Execu- tive of the Union, that this Convention shoqu be well attended, by delegates from all the different Temperance Socie- ties throughout Ontario. All Ministers of the Gospel, who approve of the prin- ciples, are invited to be present and aid us with their countenance and counsel. The subjects which will come under con- sideration are of vast importance, viz :â€" ’1‘hc present License Systemâ€"its inconâ€" gruities and dangers. Total Prohibition) -â€"its necessity and safety. Petitions and action regarding the next session of the Ontario Leg:slature. Temperance VSocieties, â€" their multiplication and union. How best attained. The Hon. Neal Dow7 of Main 3, has kindly consen- ‘xed to be'present, and will, in the Conâ€" lvcntion, and at Public Meetings, explain and defend “ The Principles and Results of Prohibitory Legislation.â€- The Hon. Malcolm Cameron, Presi- dentof‘ the Union, will attend, and again give his powerful assistance in the dis- cussion of great questions together with many other distinguished speakers. This Convention will be one of great interest; the platform of Prohibition proclaimed, and the. practical wail; 0F the Union de- termined. All friends of i’rohihition are invited who are prepared to ce-operate whether as delegates or individuals. The work requires the hearty and practi- cal union of all. Let us have a Conven- tion that shall reuse the whole country to immediate action. The Toronto Local Committee, eon- Sistiner of the ,Rov. Alexander Suther- land. Messrs. J. Gavin, E. M. Morphy, J. ‘Thompson, E. Coats‘worth, M. Nas- uiith and T. Cuswell, will arrange for public demonstrations in suitable places for the evenings of Tuesday and Wed- nesday the 5th and Gth of September, having in view the unity and prosperity of the work in Toronto, as :1 great centre of influence. Again urging our friends from all parts of Ontario to attend in large num- bers the approachng lonvention, the Executive have pleasure in stating that the following arrangements have been made with the Northern Railway: Delegates by the Northern Railway will pay Full Fare to Toronto, then reâ€" ceive a Certiï¬cate of Attendance, ena- bling them to pmoure at the Toronto Depot, :1 return xicket. at one-third fare. W. WILLIAMS, S . REV. “7M. Soon, ecretams- Naomer, August 30. 1871. DESTRUCT IVE F1 BE IN BRAMPTON. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1871 In conseq'iience of a. vessel arriving at Hui], on board of which deaths from cholera had occurred, an Order of Council, appli- cable to England, has benn published rela- tive to shipping, which is substantially the same as the regulations issued by the Board of Supervision in July, 1867’. The total production of pig iron in the United States in the year 1870 was 1.800,. 000 tons. In addition to which 200,000 tons were imported, almost exclusively from Englandâ€"'making the total consumption in the country 2,000,000 of tons. The produc- tion and consumption of pig iron in the civi- lized world is stated at 9,500,000 tons.â€" me’er. The ï¬rst teetomller in the Kingdom of Great Britain, it appears from an English paper isistill living. His name is John King, and he is a Quaker, seveenty-ï¬ve years of age. He has been for many years an employee on the Lancnshire and York. tl’iire Railroad, but he is now superannuated- He has received a silver medal for his went. as ï¬rst teetotuller, and new it is proposed that all the brethren of that ilk in the United Kingdom sl‘ould contribute a penny: a piece as a testimonial to the old king of teetotallers, thereby providing liberally for lzis declining years the “cup that cheers, but not inebriates.†The worthy old Quaker has not. been equally abstinent in all things, having heengnarried four times, and living now with a young wife at Ainsdale. ‘ Of the 38,555,983 population of the United States, it. is now reported from the Census Doreen only 4,968,994 are black, coppers coloured, and yellow. Of these only 63,254 are Chinese, so that the pros- pect of the proud Caucasian race being swamped by Mongolians or negroes is very remote indeed. The grand total foreign born population, _as compared with that of native birth, seems small. but it must be recollected that, no allowance is made for children of foreign parents born in the United States. â€"Leader. Every one knows that tobacco was ï¬rst brought into repute in England by Sir Wal- ter Raleigh. At first he smoked in private, not wishing it to become common; but sit ting one day absorbed in meditation, with a pipe in his mouth, he called his servant: to bring him a mug of beer. The fellow, as soon as he entered the room, was seized with terror, threw the contents of the mug into Sir Walter’s face, and running down stairs, bowled out, “Fire! ï¬re! ï¬re! helpl Sir Welter has studied till his head is on ï¬re, and the smoke is bursting out of his mouth and nose l†In the year 1870 the exportï¬ from the ten chief ports of the Unith States amounted to something over $471,000,000, and of the, sum the ï¬ve Southern ports of New Orleans, Savannah. Mobile, Galveston and Charles- ton exported to the value of $185,000,000. New Orlears exported more than three to one more than San Francisco, Savannuh more than twice as much as Philadelphia, and GalvestOn a third more than Boston.â€" Leader. The following are returns of population of the several provinces of New Zealand as shown by the sensus taken this present year: Auckland,62,335; '1‘aranaki,4,480 ; Hawke’s Bay, 6,051); Wellington, 23,982 ; Marl- borough, 4,‘ 35; Nelson. 22,438 ; Westland, 15,357; Canterbury,46,401 ; Otago, 60,578; Southland, 8,769, and Chatltam Islands,133. Total, 256,167, of which 150,211 are males, and 105,956 females. The population in 1867, the date of the last census, was 218,- 658, so that the gain per cent. in four years has been 17.14. It will be seen that there is {1. difference of nearly ï¬fty per cent. be- tween the male and female population,which the colonial authorities endeavour to coun- terbalance by ofl'ering free passages in Great Britain to all single young women of good character. The satisfactory ï¬nancial con- dition of the colony is evidenced by the ne- eeipts and expenditures for the quarter end- ing 31st March last, the receipts being £850,676 19s. 4d., and the expenditures £563,236 183. 6d. In reading over the list of imports for the Province of Auckland for the six months ending 30th June last, we ï¬nd it includes 4,495 tons of flour, priu cipally from Sonth Australia and Tasmania. :Lcadcr. Remember that W H. Myers’ is the place to get a good Article. BIRTH. At Richmond Hm, on the 27th ult.. the wife of Mr. Asa Wilson, of a son. A momth containg 64 pages; $2 a year or 20 cents a number. For Sale at the CANADIAN MAGAZINE, A weeklvjournal of current events, Lirera- ture, 30191106 and Arts, Agriculture and Me- chanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sold at 10 cents a number at the INTENDING VISITORS TO RICHMOND HILL SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, WESLEYAN HYMNS, During the Show will do we.†to call and see our stock of N A D I A N ILLUSTRATED N E W S , /' ‘3‘ (‘3 . ‘ ï¬gmml 319mm News Summary 11‘ 1s Goon AND CHEAP. ALL sxzm AT nun: Hsaunh: x Swing- HERALD Boox STORE, HERALD Boon S'rorm. i all pupils desiring to be admissible for the tun-em half year, should be in auendance before the 8th day of September. The public will take notice accordingly. Every farmer may in a short time secure the above reward.- This host of all good varieties of Full Wheat, after a fair trial 0! four years, has proved to be Farmers of OiitarEo. do not swindle; your- selves out of the above reward by sowing Diehl wheat that is mixed with perhaps a half- dozen other kinds when, with a lillle care you can obtain an Irticla xhrt is nearly pure, a TRUE sample of which mav be seen at the HERALD Ofï¬ce‘ Richmond HIâ€. And consequently the most REMUNERATIVE The subsoniber has a large 'quanlity of this variety of wheat on hand. which is well adapted for seed, being entirely free from smut, chess, cockln. or any other rubbish. Call and examine for yourselves. Hillside Farm, Lot No.14, 3rd Con. Vaug'hnn. September 1. 1871- 684 EALER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL- ver Watches. Jowollry, 61.6., [13 Yongo Street. Toronto. ‘ Various Games and Amusemams will be provided. and prizes given for athletic sports. An excellent Quadrille Band has been secured for the occasion. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1871, Tickets: Adults, 30 cents; Children under 14 years. 15 cenls. Farmer: and all others should protect their horses by calling a! once and securing one of Remember that he has a full stock of Harness that will be sold as Cheap as the Cheapest. - - FLYS! FLYS H FLYS 1 I ! MYERS’ HORSE SHEETS FRESH BUTTER! MRS. CAMPBELL’S DAY AND BOARDING SEJHOOL For Young Ladies, will to open QN ï¬UBSDâ€"AY. THE 24TH lNSTANT. Richmm‘mn, Aug. 17. 1871. 692-1! Which be In: importod in grout lbundunce- II Ipplicable to all seasons of the year, In sammer it makes Butter Firmer. keeps it sweet :3 longer time. and prevents it turning rancid. During autumn, w‘mhar and spring when cows aw fed with 'I'nrnips. Mangolds. &c., and occasionally eating Wild Garlic, giving an unpleasant flavor and bilternms to butter; ali of which is entirely removed by the use of this preparaxion. Cost of material only 15 cents for every 100 pounds of butter. Recipe sent (mo of charge for 50 cents. Address. WILLIAM MILLER A&, C0., Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing It saves Time, Money {r Labor. Great Imp‘ovemcnt in Butter Making I Horses and Cattle. MILLER’S DERBY OIL September 1. [871. Richmond Hill High School. August 93, 1871. lDANCY GOODS Roman Catholic Church, Thornhill, Thomhill, Aug. 23. 1871. CHURNING OF HOURS Reduced to Minutes I August 17. 1870 }Y SECURING-“THE BEST AND PUREST DIEHL WHEAT FOR SEED, 682-1! gm: @dvzxtmmmw. This wholesome and inexpensive way of IT PRODUCES MORE BUTTER. E NEW LAW REQUIRES THAT THE MOST PRO DUCTIVE FRESH CUTS 011 OLD SORES. ALL THE YEAR ROUND. In Edward Seagar’s Grove. @ï¬iï¬neummm, J. SEGSWORTH, FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE $500 Reward. HUGH MILLER &. CO. _ 167 King St. East Toront 7. 1870 631- tr Grand Pic-Nic MAKING BUTTER, on, NETS, In aid 0! the Butter. Hahn» nook STORE. gosij» KEFEER, JAMES DICK,_ 0N Chairman ‘U.B.S.Y. 693-2 Box 239, l‘oronto. 683-2 684 SIG-N OF THE TEA CHEST. FAMILY‘ FLOUR! Call é‘ Examine for Yourselves. ‘ THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED BUTTER AND EGGS The Creditors of the Insolvent are notiï¬ed to meet at my ofï¬ces. Nos. 7 and 9 Merchants' Exchange, Wellington,S(reet. on Tuesday. the twentieth day of June. A.D. 1871. at two o’clock in the afternoon, for ï¬le purpose of examining the Insolvent. and for the ordering of the affairs of the Estate generally. Dated It Toronto. this “ï¬rst da'y of June A.D. 18'“. The Insolvent has made an Assignment of his estale to me, and the Credilors aro muiï¬ed to meet at my oflicos', Nos. 7 6L 8 Merchants’ Exchange, Wellington Street. Toronto. on Tuesday the eighleenth day of July at. twelve o’clock. noon, to receive statements of his nfl'airs, and to appoint an Assignae. Dated at Tin-"onto. this ï¬fh day of July A. D. 1871. stock of all kinds of Dye Smfl's. of the very best possible description, which we are selling 20 per cent. cheaper than any other house in Toronto. Which will be Sold at Reasonable Prices that will suit Purchasers. STATIONERY MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS of Sunday at Home, Leisure Hour. Bow Bells, Every Week, London Journal, Cassall’s Educator, &c.. for sale at the ‘ BOUND VOLUMES 'N mm 013 J_OHN HILL, N THE‘MATTRER oi AprSON LAWR, Richmond Hill. Aug. 23, 187l. 683-2 August, 25. x in. A Fresh'siock: @ruceriw, gxnvizinm’é, Insolvent Act of 1869 and Amendments thereto. Insolvent Act of 1869 and Amendments thereto. FEED SOLD. WINES AND LIQUORS, ï¬mnï¬mt whim, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS A‘I‘ THE of Pine Grove an Insolvent. of Lemouvills. an Insolvent ALWAYS 0N HAND! THE HIGHEST PRICE Sign of the Tea Chest. HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE Grocerieo, Provisions, In Exchange for Goods. HUGH MILLER & CO. €67 King St. East..:[‘qrm_1to. THOMAS CLARKSON. NORTH 0! TORONTo; Ol‘ All KINDS AT THE OF ALL KINDS Ol‘ Dye Stuffs! JUST REC EIVED, AND CROCIERY, THOMAS CLARKSON. Intorim Asaignea. Assigneo, Commissioner. ï¬e, THE BEST HERALD 3001': we! I. GlVll '0- HERALD BOOK STORE. ALEX. MOODIE. HERALD Boo: Sronz‘ 6324f. 6, 3 '1 sells all the Fashionable Boots & Shoes? Because he is the Cheapest. u Superioriu‘ of a" goods sold at W. H. Myers’ is. that he sells more than any two houses in the plate. HOW IS IT THAT W. H. MYERS calls .1] flu: F‘nd‘innnkln Rnnlu Sr .Qlum:9 UNDENIABLE PROOF OF THE Superiorin‘ of a" goods sold at W. H. BOOTS AND SHOES AT AND On Richmond Hill. at POSITIVELY THE GREATEST I AM NOW PREPARED TO TAKE J and Dealer in 'all kinds of Boots and Shoes. 38 west Market. Square. Toronto. And then you will have time to look through THAT IMMENSE STOCK FARMERS’ BOOT & SHOE STORE TOHN pARRQNTMANUFAAQTURER [ï¬' Boolsand Shoes made to Measure. of lhe Best Materials and Workmauship, 11 the newest Remuneratin g Prices THE GREATEST SHOW IN THE w 0 R I. D l thanks to his friends for the patronage he'has received since he commenced busines as a 8001' AM) SHOE‘MAKER,DH Richmond Hiil, begs to announce to them that he has disposed of his business lo his son ROBERT SIVLR, jun., who will in future carry on the busihesa. He also trusts that his customers will continua to bestow {hair patronage on his successor. In reference to the above the subscriber begs to announce that he wiil give his hvsv. attention to business and will keep on hand a select stock of Ready-Made Boots and Shoes. suita- ble for ihe trade in the neighbourhood. and hopes to merit the support of his father’s fliends. BOOTS AND SHOES 3' 4isfaction is qunrnnmed at W. H. Myers Cheap Book and Shoe Establishinan lFHE ISOLATED RISK FIRE INSUR J» ance Compme of Canada. HEAD OFFICE: King St. Corner of Church, Toronto. Capital ..................$500.000 Deposit with Government.. 50.000 President, ALEXANDER MCKENZIE. Esq., ALP. Manager. JOHN MAUGHAN. Jun. ADVANTAGES OFFERED : 1st. Absolute security to Policv Holders, in the shape of a very large Cash Capital POETICAL WORKS GAMES, T01 S, &c., HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the patronage ï¬nd. The important feature introdur'ed by this Company of insuring NON-HAZARDOUS l‘nonrm-v ONLY. being the means of giving iIs Policy Holders VERY Low RATES on detached dwellings and farm property. 3rd. The Stock-hdldels.Directors and Agents being all resident in Canada. loses will be ad- jusqu ghhoul delay and paid IN CASH AT ONCE. The under-.sig‘ned. havmg received an agency for the Townships of Whitchurch. King, Mark- ham. Vaughan. York and Etobicoke. begs leave to say that. he is now actively engaged in canvassing the same : and those wishing to insure before being called on in the ordinmy routine of the canvass, that by addressing him at Newmarket. or at head efï¬co. giving No ot lot and concessin and name of township. they can secure prompt attention. ROBT. SEVER, Jun. Richmond H1". Feb. 9, 1571. 6554f 41h. Rates as lav; as i". is possible ,for any Mutual Company to make theâ€). keeping m View? the (fecu‘li‘ly of‘ils po‘licy hqldgrs. Am. 1115 MONTH LT Richmond Hill. Aug. 10,1871. 6814f BOOTS & SHOES 'l‘oronlu ,1)ec. 3. 1867. THUS. ATKINSON, Agem. Newmarkot. Aug, 16. 1871. 682 lv DON’T MISS 1T! COME EA-RLY ! FINE FRENCH CALF BOOTS EVERY CASE ENTIRE SA- £11m anti 51mm, OF‘THE DIFFERENT POETS, AT THE BELOW COST ls Canto 1'0 RICHIOND “ILL. BARGAIN» Evan Onxno u gm ï¬lmmam, Gents, Attention ! AT $5 PER PAIR. A1- W, H. anks’. Selling oï¬! FOR SALE AT THE Ydur order for Notice HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. T. DOLMAGE. ROBT. SlVER, Sen. 0F T. DOLMAGE '1‘. DOLMAGE’S. Excelsior Boot Maker. E’S‘ l are made under genuine patents in Ca- nada and the United Slates. Are no spurious imitation or infringnmem. ‘- The only efï¬cient ï¬re engine pump. available in a few seconds,wimerand summer, day and night. Inh'mgers beware. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS urn mmin unï¬nr nnnninn “Mann. in Pa- l as now made, have no castings [0 come loose or break. Have all steel bearings. guaranteed. .- havo already taken the leading place in some oflhe United States,“ well as in Canada POWELL‘S PATENT P U M P S. ’l‘hn nnlv aï¬ir-imn ï¬rn angina numn l erected wi‘hin the hast ten years. can have recent improvements attached. and guar- anteed superior to any other make. .- hava all the merixs ol’other pumps with- out lheir dsfer'ls. No others possess their po- culiar advantageous features. l- as now perfected. are the succsz‘ul re- snll of twelve years endeavor to supply »a want universallv felt. l‘ are adapted for the deepest wells. Reâ€" ferences to all. Depths from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. POWELL’S- PATENT P U M P S, Arm-Ind u-hhiu lhn Inn. 4m. “aura no“ 1 even in lhei-r hitherto inuierlecl form, have in all instance: carried oï¬â€˜ the highest plizes how all competitors '- Ieavu a coulinenlal reputation.and are fast supeseding all other kinds both in wood and metal. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S n nnm nm-fnnqml, urn mn annual“! m- I‘ while lhny cannot be approached ix'l wood. have never yet been equalled in metal at double the cost. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS, m 11".}... hirlmnn :m..'.,-r....n I'm-m ' cannot be rivailed without ini'rrnging Powell’s Patents. Users of infringing pumps are liable. C. POWELL, Patanlee. Newtonbrook POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S as: nnw nmdA, hulln nn mun-um In nnnxn l have been sustained hv the highest Inga! tribunals. and universally apprl‘ved by an en- lightened public wherevur introduced. P OWELL’S PATENT havn n†Hm rum-Ha nl'mh: POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S haun sulraur‘v Ialznn Ihn Inmiin.r nlnr-n in POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S urn vamsml rm :lm dnnnncl \unlln 0-- POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S hmm n nmninnnml mnnuï¬m‘ null urn 6‘“: POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS, whiln Ihnv nounn: In. unnvnunllnl‘l h. NOISELESS MOVEMENT, GREAT SPEED. SEWIN G MACHINE. Piano Covers (Rubber) and Music Stools in grealvuriety. PIANO -â€" FORTES TUNING & REPAIRING ATTENDED TO. The above instrumenm are all fully 'ware ranted and sold at nmnul'nctnrers’prices. l’er~ fact satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Circulars post free. Stoufl‘ville, Aï¬ril ‘27. [871. [have gloat pleasure in stating that [ha Wheeler 61 \Vilsun Sewing Machine I pur- chased of Mr. (1 Chapman gives perfectsatis- faction ; alter using it for some time and cm'e-' fully examining and lestmg it by the side of other machines. I am fully satisï¬ed that for- durabililv. simplicitv, si'em running. ‘ease of moï¬on and adjustment, it cannot be equalled. and in the end is fur the cheapest machine taut Can be purchased. The new and innefl'aceable Marking Ink for Cotton. Linen. &c.. for sale at the The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in ll :3 County. A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York Herlld Book Star. Richmond Hill POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S cannot be rivailed without ini'rrnging FULL INSTRUCTIONS GRATIS. No. 3 Machine, price $45, improved and re- duced to $42. No. 2, “rtmmental Bronze, silout feed. prico $55. reducad 10 $4."). ORGANS & M ELODEONS Reduced Price List! No. I. Silver plated,silont feed. price: 365 reduced to $5â€, Hulf cases. from $710 $15 extra. Full cases. from .' ' upwards extra, Hillielio the facilities of the Wheeler & Wilson Manuiacturing (20.. great as they wars. have been inadequate in supply the un- prcvdonted demand of [his favorite machine. Recont extensive addilil'ns to the company’s manufucluring resources. however. enable them now not oan to supply the demand of lhe world, lint at a much cheaper rare. '1 be public in Canada will now reap ihe benefit of iheSb changes, and it is expected the present large rednclion will increase lhe sale still more extemivelv. The pi‘lvllr‘gn 01' showing any person the remarkable simplicity of con- slrnclion and cor n'quvni case 01' management of the VVheelar AL Wilson, lwuys affords us great salisl'ucion. We therefore inx'ite all inturesled‘ (and who is not?) to call and see, and try for themselves. Those who cannot callml the warerooms will be waited on at their residences. LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. CALL AND SEE IT.’ C. CHAPMAN. AGENT; “TETOLINEï¬ {jOWELL’S PATENT PUMPS hnun ‘lunn enquiuml hr Hm hinâ€"hnu ‘unu' Termsâ€"Cash. or upprnwt Nalcs with introâ€. POCKET CUTTL Jn11915,1870. Gold Medal. Paris Exposition, 1870; 82 Competitors. R S. IVILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. HEINTZMAN & COMPANY’S WHEELER 85 WILSON ï¬cxving gimmm, AND OTHER CELEBRATE!) MAKERS. £nwcll’5 3311111115. From the Establishments of A FULL ASSOR‘IMENT OF TESTIONIAL‘ CELEV‘RATED HERALD BOOK STORE; i. E. 1'7. Gee, W. M. Minister. ERY. PUMPS Markham;