Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Sep 1871, p. 3

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The Morgen Post of Vienna, advocates .an alliance between Austria. and Germany. It says Germany needs Austria as a coumer- balance against France and Russia, chiefly -so at the present time, when the French Government. is about to introduce a plan for .the increase of her army to 2.000,000 men. Germany is also interested, that. the east should not fall under the control of Rnseia. Another Vienna journal the Ll'agblatt says: “France meditates revenge, and the WQrdS lately addressed by the Czar to the French, Minister at” St. Peter-sburg, are in- tended as the response to the interview be tween the Emperor William and Francis Joseph at Isehl. The contemplated Austro- German alliance will be answered by an alliance between France and Russia. Ger- many can only resist the enemy by whom she is threatened in front and rear, by an alliance with Austria, and Austria. can only wit schemes of Russia with support of nany.” Beatrix, Aug.'28.-â€"T.he Prussian Cross Gazette confirms the report that the second meeting of the German and Austrian Em- perors has been arranged, and states that it will take place probably on the 27th of September, at Salzbury. (A'II'S also appeared equally as severely 'mutiluted. As they lay in the station, it was painful to witness the eugerand anxious faces of.those Wllol sought through the rem- znantzs of mankind, in search of some beloved relative or :friend. Up to one am. there had been no one identified. The wounded were removed to houses near by, and those who could bear the journev were taken to ilie Chelsen‘ Marine Hospital, lliree miles distant. Their injuries are fer the most» ‘pfiart a. severe but not dangerous character. SALSBURG, Aug. 28.â€"â€"It is positively af'. firmed that a new secret treaty of alliance defensive or offensive, has been concluded between the emperor of Germany and King of Italy. The Italian Government is said to be apprehensive that the clerical tenden- cies of the maJm-ity of the National Assem- bly might ultimately drive the French Government. to an active interference in favor of the temporal ‘power of the Pope. The menacing language of the majority du~ ring the recent debate on the Roman question and the well known aversion of Thiers to Italian Unity, has led to advances between 1he Cabinets of Rome and Berlin, which are now stated to have culminated in an alliance between the two countries. 3ismarck is said to have represented to the Italian Gov- ernment that they had both one common interest, that of resisting the threatened French aggression, pointing to the great result achieved by the alliance between Italy and Prussia in the war of ’66. The report that: William and Francis Joseph would meet at Salzburg has been denied. It is now stated in a. semi-oflicial manner that the Emperor of Austria will pay a re- turn iit t0 the Emperor of Germany on Prussigsn territory. The meeting will take place at Goblentz but no date has yet been fixed’ for the Imperial interview. The Em'peror Fi'anélis Joseph will be ac- rconppimieq bx Count: Von Beust. Dr. Livingston, according to the'latest re- ‘ports from Dr. Kirk, Zanzibar, had made a. journey to (place undecipheru‘ble), adistance of say 200 miles west of Tanganyika. Dr. Kirk had no letters from the Doctor, but heard regularly from Arabs at Ujiji. Bosron, MASS. August 26.â€"A frightful accident occurred on the East; Railway to- night, at Reveie, seven miles from Boston. The accommodation train started behind time. and while stopping at the station in Wint op the Portland lightening express 0v 0k and telescoped it, killing twenty five passengers outright, and wounding some forty or more. ’l'he cars took fire, and two or three were consumed. Most of the wounded are scolded, and their limbs frac- tut-ed. A large number of physicians and surgeons were in attendance. 'Ihe facts seem to be as follows:â€"Thefit'teeu minutes gast seven passenger accommodation for1 everley under charge of conductor Nason, l was delayed half an hour beyond the time' of its departure by the non-arrival of inward trains. Not, deeming it expedient to remain longer, Nason started his train with one baggage and four passenger cars at half- past. seven o'clock. and made usual stop- pages until he came to Revere station. There T his train was brought to,a halt. He started on then, and for some reason not yet. under- stood it was halted again. , Suddenly he heard a cry of danger and looking back he beheld a. bright light; coming round" the curve, scarcely half a. mile from the station.‘l He saw danger at once and gave the signal to start, but it was too late. That light was the courier of death. One moment later and the ponderons engine Newbury- port, drawing the Pullman express train of cars, came crashing into the rear of the ill fated accommodation. A shriek of horror .arose on all sides as the machine plouuhed its way twotlnrds of the way through the swaying mass of humanity before it. and was only stopped in its career after nearly the whole train had been crushed into fragments. A firm basis was laid at Gastein for rela- tions whereby Germany and Austria are to assume a joint attitude. Italy has uncon- ditionally agreed to the same policy. and commumcations have passed between the three Governments looking: to the establish- ment of a. complete understanding. TREATY BETWEEN GERMANY AND ITAY.â€"DE SIst 0F FRANCE CHECKMATED.â€"RUSSIAX JEALOUSY OF GERMflN-Y. To add to the terrors of the scene, scald :ing water from the locomotiVe was thrown upon the crowd, and the entire train burst into flames. The agony of the moment can be much better imagined than described. Loungers about the station, and they 'were 1but: few in number, recruited from those passengers who were unhurt, hurried to the :spot and tent their ready aid in the amelio~ ration of the sufferings which were occa« .sioned. One after another of the bodies of =1he dead were taken from the ruins-21 in mumber-an’d laid side by side in tLe wait ‘ing room of the station. They presented a. sickening sight. Not one was there whose face or body was not scalded, almost be- yond possible recognition, and their blood :stained their garments, and the bubbling forth which lay upon their lips be-tokened too well the agony which they had suti‘ered. There were but three women in number, .and their dress indicated that. they belonged to the middle Wallis 0f: life. Their faces were distorted beyond power of description. Among the men there was one whose right side was nearly destitute of flesh, and whoWimbs were gashed to the bone. __... n..- uuuulu|l~llulll" WVIVEENX, Aug. 28.â€"-â€"The new free Press confifixs a. report of the entent e cordiale between Austria. _and Germany. Frightful Railway Accident. Secret 'AI‘Iance. Whammy. Amongst the symptoms of Consumption which present themselves as the disease progresses, are cold chills. cough. shortness of breath, restlessness at night, loss of ap- petite, loss of flesh, nightsweats, hectic, ex: pectoration of white mucous, pellets. also yellow and bluish or grey matter, some- times streaked with blood ; burning pains in the chest. diarrhoea, general prostration and incapacity for the ordinary duties of life. As the patient becomes reduced,other complications appear and he rapidly sinks. A remarkable and very common physical sign among consumptives is their exemp- tion from alarm ; notwithstanding the den- gerous character of their disease they be- lieve in ultimate recovery. This very con- fidence prevents the patients from resorting to the only means of cure, and that watch. l‘ulness necessary in so critical 9. time, until finally they lapse into hopeless irrecovery.’ Like the first adventurous boatman that rowed down from Erie; broad and smooth was the river, rapid his progress, and pleas- ant his antic1pations. Alas, the tide which drifted him so rapidly was one of destruc- tion, and when he would retrace ’his way he found the current too strong to stem, ‘and that he drew nearer every instant to lthe mighty Niagara. Down, down he was l carried amidst the seething spray, and with l his bark was dashed to pieces. The Spaniards who have been, since the greater freedom consequent upon the over- throw of Isabella, entered the bonds of matrimony without the assistance of the priest but merely through the agency of civil ofl‘icers, are placed in a predicament by the Archbishop of Madrid. That pre- late has determined that unless persons united so repent publicly of their transgres‘ sion, they are to be considered as living in a. state of coneubinage, and to them the priests are not to administer the sacrament. Among the many branches of industry engaging the attention and capital of the Torontouians, none is more-indicative of the aciivity of trade in that city than 16 file egg business. There are upwards ofsixty fii‘ms making a specialty of this articie, who handled 1he past year 6,307,500 dozens of eggs, or 76,410,000 single eggs, which, at an average of 'twenty conts’a dozen, repre- sent $1,273,500. '0 FELLOWS’ HYPOPHO‘SPHH‘ES. -’â€"Mr. Fel- lows wishes us ~Lo state that he has no autho- rized agent, bug that his Eypopnosphites may be obtained of al‘l respectablé Drug ist and Apothecaries at his prices. ’ m (r- 5 Sir Francis Lycett has promised a con- tribution of £50,000, on condition ofasimi‘ lav amount being subscribed by the provin- ces, towards a thud.d£3007000»~w4fieÂ¥* is being raised for building fifty new Wes‘leyan chapels in London. King Victor Emmanuel has appointed Gen. Count Louis Frederick Menabrea ar bitratoi‘ on the part of ltély in the ,case of the Alabama claims. It is unofficially re- ported that the President of the Swiss Con federation has appointed MJacques Staemp- fli, senior Federal Councillor, and iornierly President of the Republic, arbitrator on the part of Switzerland under the Treaty of Washington. A cable'dispatch announces the death of Charles Buxton,the eminent reviewer, Mem- ber of Parliament; and leader in the edu cational movement. in England. Tha consumptive is admonished to resort t6 Fellows’ Compound Syrup of Hypophosâ€" .phites, when the first symptom presents it- self, as it is the only sure remedy. 20,000,000 copies of Spurgeon’s sermons have been distributed in the English lan- guage alone. In London at present there cannot‘be fewer than twenty five or thirty Hindoos who are studying for the bar. Thiers has promised the National Guards of Bordeaux that, as a toke n ofapprecialion of their services to the country, they shall be the last of the citizen army to be disbanded. It is saxd the Count de Chambord has dis~ approved of the seekihg on the purc'of the legitimists of the successor to Thiers. I PARIS, Aug: 28.-â€"The Prussians W111 evacuate the farts near Parisposgib'ly on the 5th. September. Several of the Paris papers have prgsecuted for publishing false news. The deputies of the extreame left, right and ;eft centre held meetings after Mend; y's sitting of the Assembly to deliberate as to them future conduct. The Paris Journal has been prosecuted foripublishiug false news. The Siccle says that'Thiex-s is opposed to the wording of the report. of the committee on the bill for the prolongation of his pow- ers, and will speak against its adoption on Wednesglay. _ PARIS, Aug. 29.â€"The Journal des Debuts depldres the introduction ofDuf'aur’s amend men‘t. inflfilw_Assembly 5_<3§lerduy. It is said that! since the annexation of Strasbourg to Germany, 2,300 of the in lmbitalns of the city have emigrated to Frnnce and America. I Rims, Aug. 29.-â€"M. Larco, the French Ministex‘of War, has resxgned his pmr-H'olioi NEW YORK, Aug. 29.â€"All the Havana papers have of late been ominously silent; on the occurrences in Santiago de Cuba and in the eastern department generally. The following account of the first open conflict between the regular forces of Spain and the ruflianly volunteers may partly ac- count for this silence :â€"On June 25th last the Catalan volunteers of Sanaliago de Cuba broke open the jail ofthet city, in which a number of political prisoneis were confined, and killed seven ofthem. The G0vernor,' Palanaca, soon arrived on the spot at the head of a body of marines whom he had or- dered from the men of-war in the bay._ ‘A bloody fight ensued, in which several were killed on each side. The mutiny being fili- ally suppressed. Gen. l’alanca selected by . lot. from the volunteers seven officels and l soldiers, and had them shot on the spot, at l the door of the jail. ;, towards. a tunddizwoomm Vie} Miscellaneous. France Cuba YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT; FRIDAY, AUGUST 25,1871 been SIR: Grumbling as usualâ€"our little : village has not taken the hint already ' given in regard to the cleanliness of the . place. It has long been a source of contention, that the slaughter-houses shOuld have a local habitation in our pre- cincts; it has been promised over and over again that they would be removed, 'but they yet remain a perpetual and standing nuisance. In the most popu- lous part of the village we have yet three such buildings. I have been informed ' that the proprietor of one of these has leased a place without the limits for. slaughtering purposes...l It cannot be denied that wherever you have such matters of decomposition, in case of di. sense, the peculiar malady must by accumulation of animal poison be in.‘ creased. If, for instance, scarlet feverl [should be prevalent, the extra poison thus locally generated, would tend mate- rially to so far depress the system by present poison, as to prevent the health- ful elimination of the specific or scarla- tinal poison. But late investigation has shown, and we have yet to learn that it is not correct, that decomposing blood is a specific source of the generation of. scarlet fever. In a late number of the “ Lancet” there is an article written by one Dr. Carpenter, well known to the Profession, in which he adduces a num- ber of cases where scarlet fever and pro- pinquity to slaughter-houses, and conse- quently to“ decomposing blood, was made the radical and direct cause of the di- sease. On Cottenham street, we have no less than three slaughter-houses, on the adjoining street, one block off, we have one, and the smell that they create between them is something extraordinary in these “dog days,” I have' heard and believe it to be t'rue,’that between these four buildings two children in one t'amilydied of scarlet fever within fifteen days. Can we make this a definite mat- ter for cause and effect ? There are the deaths, and there is the theory vet un- contradicted; one slaughter house lies. immediately opposite to the house in which 'the deaths took place. In the article to which I have alluded, written by Dr. Carpenter, he finishes by saying, “ I believe that Scarlatina would be shorn ,‘_‘ ijitsfatal tendency, if blood was not “allowed to be shed in our towns and “ villages, except with certain precaution, “ so that none should enter our sewers. “If our houses were built on proper “ foundations and well ventilated, and if “pure water was always provided for the “people, it'lsewcrs were so constructed “ as to be self-ventilating, continuously, “and so arranged that the products of? “ excrement putref‘action could not po’ssi- “ blv pollute the air of dwelling houses.” It was pretty well understood by theI villagers, when our Councillors went into oflice at the late election. that there should be a general “ Abaltoir” or general slaughter-house, but, unfortunately for that poor man‘who has lost the only two children he had in the world, they have been, 1 must say, derelict in their duty. I am' afraid of trespassing upon your columns to an untoward extent, but I trust you will forgive me when I ask you to become the medium of protest on behalf of the general community, and: iuot of Yorkville alone. 'The Cholera is Lat the present time travelling ‘fast to our lshores, and all {such matters of cleanli- fness and hygienne should be immediately attended to. It would be a serious pro- posrtion to urge novel and expensive drainage, but for the sake of the health of our people, it is not too much to-ask, that such local nuisances should be removed. Our Legislature has given such power to our local Corporate Bodies, and woe to them if they neglect such great responsibilities: 7 We pledge our reputation on the asser. tion that any :educated physician. after a careful examination of the recipe, will say that Parsons’ Purgatz've Pills possess more merit. than any other pill now‘ offered for sale. Russia is planning a. grand exhibition to be held in Moscow in 1872. and calls, for contributions of manufactures, apparatus, machinery, models, etc. Everything in- tented for that occasion, provided the sender has the certificate of the committee at Mos- cow, will be forwarded at half rate and duty free.â€"â€"Leader. ’ Two facts in Earl Russell’s life may be noticed. When he was young he was so weakly that no one supposed he would live to be an old man; and for many years this weakness continued. But when he got to be between-sixty and seventyâ€"nearer sixty than seventy, we fancyâ€"he picked up amaz. ingly, gathered-flesh, and new be has nearly reached the age of fem-score, a greater age than any Russell has reached, it is said, for a century or more. SANITAS. Yorkville, August 28, 1871. @fimmmmflwm YORKVILLE NEWS. the Editor of the York Herald. Yours, &c., U any num )erâ€"notexceetlingLnree hundred dollars by any one depositor.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post VOflice, for which Government willallow Interest. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Office hours}: from 6:30 Am. to 9:30 mu. May 4,1869. ~ 563-” The rate 011 Letters 2'01" the United Kingdom (via Quebec in summer. and Portland in win- ter),is new reduced to 6 ceMs per g 0:. weight If sonl_via New York. it will he 8 as per; oz These rates apply on ly to prepaid Iellexs; ifsenl unpaid, or insufiiciemly prepaid. them w-H be a line of double the amount or" deficient postage. M. TE EF‘ Y. Postm aster. ‘Jl mond Hill PostOffice.‘ Until furlher notice. the mails will be closed at this office as follows : N‘B. REGISTERED Lm'rms will require to be handed in 15 minutes bcfun the time of closing. .â€" ' BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto as follows: By. Cunard, Line. every Monday. . . 10:30 A.M. By Canadian Line.over_v Thursday 10:00 RM. N.B. Letlers for Despatch by these hues of Steamers should be so marked. Brifljngor Jacob Bgeslpn C. E. Boolhby T. Carnahan Miss L, Clafl‘v J. Clark Miss M. Conway F. Clark Levi Drane Mrs. S- Fryalt W. . Fletcher J. H. Fullenon Jolm Gordon Miss M. Heslip G . Kennedy D. Kafl‘ar Miss M. J. Lawaon T. Melcalf Mr. Morison M. Munshaw Emma Flour. What-rel... Who“. 39 bush .. Spring Whealflfi‘buslhuu .. Harley, 1.9 bush.............. Peaso. do .............. Oats, do. .......... .- Hayflfitoll Srraw,'§9t0n Butter §9 1%) rolls. . . . . . . . . . Pork 7419 pen-100%.... ........ Woolfiiib- Apple» p6! bbl. (new crop).... Potatoes. (naw,) per bushel, . . . '3‘ MR. TEEFY is Government Agent for he ulo of J." RichmumlHillStafion. taking efl'ect April 24, 1874 : Going Nunh 8.04 A._M....... Going South 9.34 A.M....... PEMAINING IN THE RICHMOND \a HillPostL‘fficertAugust.1871: RICHMOND HILL POCKET BOOKS N DOLLARS AND CUFFS CONCERTINAS, SCHOOL REQUISITES Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.187X. J. G. BERNARD Elgin Mina. August 10. 187]. 681 Soulharn mail Richmond Hill, Aug. 10. 187i. 6814f. Northern Mai]. . . . . ... . Southern Mail. . . . . .. . .. Mail for ATmira. .. " Cashel........ "_ Gormlev ...... “ Headfurd...... “ Victoria Square Richmond Hill, April 19, 1871. P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. ‘EPOSITS 0F ONELDOLLAAR, (QR NUMBER OF THOROUGHâ€"BRED Fol particulars appiy to, ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH. For Sale, Cheap, CORN CRUSHER. APPLY AT A. moonms QUANTITY OF SHINGLES, AP- Powell’s Swing Pumps ply to AGAZINES, PAPERS, &c. Young Pigs at $1 each. Apply to W. COX, Butcher. QB. flepartmmt. WITH ELF lsxsTRUCTOR, AT THE MARRIAGE LICENSES. THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE TORONTO MA RKETS. List of Letters 'llhll.-----.-- n! ml, 184mle uush....... lo. .. tuna-nunn-o-uannn rolls............. 100M). .-......- tu.... ALSO AGENT FOR THE OF ALL KINDS, AT THE 1‘ ALL KINDS AT THE gm (Salt, lel........ ... ‘. nlev } l J dful’d....... Jria Square . . . . EVENING MAIL. Ll .......... SUPPLIED AT THE For Sale, For Sale, Toronto, August ,24 1871. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. MORNING. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. tered ) McAde J. McIntosh James McCafl‘rey Mr. Pugs-lay R. l’ugsley W. H. Phillips Peter Patterson Allan Pollard E. D. Pugsley Mr. Quance John Wakefield Jos. West Mr. S. Wilson ll. West Mr. W'hillock I“. Munshaww. Mason ll. McKinppn J. (regis- ...........6:30AM. ...........6:30 A‘l‘. M. TEEFY, r. M. . .... .5.04 P.1d. . . . .. .8.09 mm. Change of timo Grocery Store- 6844f ‘040800 Qllbh40020356 SIIOOUOMUMUIO @@@@@@@@@@@@@ D05. 01. U 0 POST OFFICE. 11:30 A M. on Tuesdays and Fridays. 681 -tf The highest marketprice given for Cattlm Shggp, [iambsi &c_. M A 'uuuuouuu J. U u nmu :1 lAULILIan 1, BUTCHER, 52nd door north of G. A. Barnards store. Rickmond Hill, keeps always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton. Lamb. Veal, Pork, Sausages, &,c. and sells at the lowestprices. «L thanks to his friends for the patronage he has raceived since ha commenced business as a BUTCHER on Richmond Hill. begs to un- uounce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son, HENRY Hay-Pun. who will in future carry on the Business. He also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. Aléo. Corned and Spiced Beef, Smokedand Dried Hams. WILLIAM COX. RichmoudHill, October 15, 1867. 1-17 BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY ROM THE PREMISES OF THE Subscriber. Lot 6|. lst Con. Vaughan. aBluck and White span-ed Sow. about five months old. Any one giving Information as to her whereabouts or relurning her to the sub; scriber will be rewarded. JOSEPH GEE. \J subscriber, 1ot No. 33‘ 3rd concession of Vaughnu. about July 21M). 1: young Cow a'im Calf. The owner is requested Io prove pro- perly. pay expenses. and remove the same at 01188. \J the Subscriber, on Lot No. 40, rear of lst Con- Vaughan. on (he 21nd July last, a SHEEP. The owner is-rnquesred to prove pro- perly, pay expenses and take it. away. Ladies’ Gents’ and Children’s Summer Hosiery and Socks GROCERIES AND HARDWARE ! For Cash or Short Credit CAME INTO THE PREMISES OF Athe finhscriber, on VLoLVNo. 40, rear of Mourning Goods, Cobourgs, Craps Cioths Plain and Silk wove Lustros, with the DRESS GOODS! Gem‘s’ Shirts, Ties, C'mvats, ., ANY 110 USE IN THE TlfitDE. At G. A. BARNARQ‘S. BRITISH FLAG STAFF, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, JUST RECEIVED, GSS-tf Vaughan. August 28, 187-1 August 23, 1871. ROBT. HOPPER. Richmond Hill, Jan. 7, 1871. 6524.! Can-ville. August 24, 1871‘ New Gloves, Parasols, ‘ WILLIAM COX, UCCESSOR. TU JAMES HOLLIDA'Y. BLEACHED & FACTORY COTTONS, Coilnrs, Fronts. &c., on Richmond Hill. AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- AME INTO TH E PREMISES OF THE SPLENDID VALUE DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. For sale, Cheap. only 25 cts.,atth-e CENT MUSIC’ ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS Consisting in mm of £131; ofinmlfi, firnmiw, E SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING Prints, Plain and Finley Brilliantes, Marsallas. Ginghams, die , A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT LARGEST & MOST VARIED (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE Collonades. Gambnoons, Denims. Ticking-s, Laces. Small Wares and Fancy Goods, with a Window Glass in all Sizes, WELL SELECTED IN ALL SIZES. For Sale at'the Herald Book Store. A Nice Assortment of Paints. Oils. Varnish. flickering, Which will be sold Stray Sheep. A Néw and Varied AS CHEAP AS fitmgcd, Strayed Notice. Astray. HERALD BOOK STORE STOCK 0F HERALD BOOK STURE. STOCK 0F AT THE JOHN GRAHAM. THE JAMES BOOTH. Richmdnd H'IIL Oak Ridges R0. 683 -3 684-3 684-3 JOB PRINTING" MOURNING G O O D S AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, @gximltuml ,ijmptmmutfi, Champion Double and Single Furrow NEW PRINTS. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH! NEW SPRING GOODS ! AD? THE CENTRAL STORE. 6674f Done Neat and Quick at the' Herald Office ALWAYS 0‘" HAND. THE LARGEST. BEST AND April I3. 1871. Sand far Illustrated Catalogue. And all kinds of Plough Fittings kept in sxock. Qty 65110115, (faxmriw, The Central Store! FRESH GROCERIES .' DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. The Latest and Most Approved AN EN ORMOUS DISPLAY Importer. Manufacturer, and Dealer in NEW COTTONS, NEW BRILLIANTS. NEW LINEN GOODS &c. &c. &c. NORTH OF TORONTO. JOHN GRAY & CO.’S HARDWARE. CROCKERY, 'ELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTO WM. RENNIE, Also a full supply of THE STOCK INCLUDES CHEAPEST STOCK 0F PLOUGHS! 0F ALI. Kmns. MAY BE SEEN AT OF THE W, ATKINSON, WM. RENNIE. P. O. Box 1355, TORONTO. Richmond Hill 637 The Syrup will cure ‘Pulmnymv'y Cunsump- lion in the first and second stages; will give great relief and prolong life in the third. If will cure Asthma. Bronchitis, Laryngitis. Coughs, Colds. It will cum all diseases ori- ginnling from want of MusuuLAR AcnuN and NERVOUS FORCE. snch'as Enlargament of the llivkn. Enlargement of the Spleen. Dyspcpsitz, Rickels, Feehle and Irregular Action of the HEART. LOCAL AM: GENERAL l’An‘IJYSIS, Aplioniu or Lnss 19" Voice. I: will cure Leu- corrhaen, Cinlorosis. Anaemia, and restores the blood to purity and health. The power of arresting disease displayed by this preparation is honorably acknowledged by the medical faculty in every section where it has been inlroduced : and the rapidly increas4 ing sale is the beat guarantee of the estimation in which ii is held by the public. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, MOURNING GOODS HENRIETTA CLOTHS. LOWEST CASH PRICES. FELLOWS’ COMPOUND szUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. MALLOY S AXES Qfimiage 8: Wagon swam, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker, &c. Rusmmcm.-â€"-Nearlyappositet he Post Office. Richmond Hill. CANADIAN GOODS FIRE PROOF STORE ! JUST RECEIVED. SOLD BY APOTHECARIES, Richmond Hill,Jnne l 1.’68 Richmond IIill,April 6, 1,871. DENIMS, ’I'ic/cings, Twillcd Sheetz'zzgs, ICE’S PUMPS ALAPA OAS. LORNE SHIR TINGS; LBUMSI ALBUMS H m @nuxta, firmrm, Grape Cloths, Fw-ench Marinas, Bough! in the Best Market and will be sold at the NEW SPRING GOODS Kept Constantly on Hand DRESS GOODS, IN TWEE DS. COTTONS. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT ‘1"!!! LARGE LINES IN THOMAS SEDMAN, Fries. $150: Six for $7 50. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF A LARGE ASSORTM T 0!“ FOR SALE BY. DANIEL HORNER, UN . Lot 20. 2nd con Markham JAMES 1. FELLLQWS Chemist, Conouncs, &c. &o FOR SALE BY &c'. &c. &c. &c. &c. «Sic. 6m. &c. Sm. CONSIS'K‘ING 0F HERALD BOOK STORE. PRINTS, J.BR1LLINGER, AT THE ISAAC CROSBY. St. John, N.B. RichmoWl Hill 8. b 1-“

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