Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Sep 1871, p. 4

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THE man of knowledge lives eternally af- ter his‘denth, while his members are reduced If; dysL beneath the tomb. But the ignorâ€" an . ' n1; 8 soon as\you Icando 7 ‘fiih . *swérm about you flke ges‘about :1 l1 _‘he21d of sugar. Lucky fire you if misfortune does not convert them into enemies. SATURDAY NIGHT.-â€"Saturday night makes people human, sets their hearts to beating, softly, as they used to do before the world turned them into drums, and jarred them to pieces with tatooes. The ledger closes with a slash, the iron-domed vaults come to with a clang, up go the shutters with a will, click goes the key in the look. It is Saturday night and we breathe free again. Homeward hot The door that has been ajar all the week closes behind us ; the world is shut out. Shut out? Shut in, me ther. Here are our treasures, after all, and not in the vault, and not in the bookâ€"save the old record in the old family Bibleâ€"and not in the bank. Maybe you are abache- lor, frosty and forty. Then, poor fellow, Saturday night is nothing to you,just as you are nothing to anybody. Get a Wife, blue- eyed or browneyed but above all, true eyed. Get a little home no matter how little: a sofa, to hold two or two and half, and then get the two or two and a half in it ofa. Sat- urday night, and then read this paragraph by the light of your wife’s eyes, be thankful and take courage. Therese, of old. they say, was white, Till love, one day, in wanton flight, Flirting away from flower to flower, A rose tree brushed, in evil hour. The spreading leaves concealed a thorn By which the boy-god’s foot was torn. The‘precious ‘drops in plenteous flow Fell on n rose’s breast below. And all her snow-white virgin pride In blushing: pure carnation dyed, To tell to future- times unbord How love virus wounded by a thorn. Sobbing with pain and weeping dew, The wounded hay m Venus flew ; Bug few the ills which boys endure A mother’s kisses cannot cure; And for such pleasure after pain, Love would be often prick’d again EVILS in the journey oflife are like the ills which alarm tmvclicrs upon the road ; they both appear great in the distance7 but when we approach them we find that they are far less insurmountable than we had imagined. WE all complain of the shortness of time, and yet we have mnch more than we know What to do with. Our lives are either spent in doing nothing at all, in doing nothing to the purpose, 01' in not doing what we ought to. We are always complaining that our days are few, and acting as if there would be no end to them. MAN excepted, no creature is valued be- yond its proper qualities. We commend a horse for its strength and sureness of foot, not for his rich comparisons; a greyhound for his heels,not for his fine collar; a hawk for his wings. not for his jesses and bells. Whe not, in like manner, esteem a. man for What is properly his own. FEW subjects are more nearly allied than vulgarity and ulfectatloxl. It may be said of them truly, that “thin paril‘iions do their bounds divide.” Thch cannot be a surer proof of {m innate moaness of disposition than. to be always talking and thmlring of being genteel. ' IT is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion ; it, is easy in solitude, to live after our own ; but the nrreat, man is he who in the midst of the crowds keeps with perfect sweetmss the independence of sol- itude. INDEPENDENCE is a jewel prized above all this world has to bestow; and there are but two Ways of reaching independence: that of super-eminent power which attains eminence by triumphing over all opposi tionâ€"or that of super-eminent moderation which' does not seek it. The man who is contented with what he has, is independent everywhere. DR. SOUTHEY says: ” The talobearer and the talehearer should be both banged up back t0 back, only one by the tongue and the other by the ear.” IT is not the multitude of applausers, but the good-sense of the applauderg,_ which gives value to reputation. A SOBER people must become moral,imeli~ gem, and free; a. drunken people will ever be immoral, ignorant and enslaved. THE best receipt for a clear complexionâ€" A clear conscience. MEN are content to be laughed at for their wit, but not for their folly. IT is the baseonly who believe all men base, or, in other words, like themselves. Do b'ut half of what you can, and you will be surprised at the result of your dili- gence. THE manners which are neglected as Small things are often those which decide men for, or arrainst you. Come, take the oerâ€" Let us 1311111 from the shore, And row from. the waters of time ; ' Where the ocean’s dull rear 15 hushed before Eternity’s awful chime ; Where the storms shall cease, And the breath of peace Shall fill the answering sail ; Where, no treacherous rock, Our vessel shall shock, Driven on by the angry gale; Where every kind VViil be sure to find A haven of peace and rest, And never is seen, From her topmost beam, The sign ofa ship distressed; Where no gathering cloud 'Shall ever shroud The smile of the heaven above, Nor the day go down With a threatening frown, As if God had withdrawn his love 5 Where never again Shall the monrnt‘nl strain Be told of the sinking ship, Nor the day o’er break But never to wake The smile on: the infant’s lip. The Ocean of Eternity. Why the Rose is Red. . ‘ mg; Golden Grains The trainer. He who is not tho- roughly under self-control should never .attempt to instruct the ignorant of clther his own or a lower race of animals. He cannot succeed well. The voice, the eye, the lip, betray the ungoverned man. How can he govern others, and train ,them in good ways, who cannot govern himself? He who would instruct must never yield the slightest evidence of pas- sion, anger or even impatience. Reason is his strength, and good sense his best reliance. HOW important then, that his mind be free from the dominion of bad habits, enslaved by no excesses. No intemperate man should ever take charge of animals in trainlng. Bab habits are mainly the result of want of care or of mismanagement on the part of those having the charge of animals. Animals have no knowledge of wrong or right, of cause and effect, or of hope and reason to stimulete them to labor.‘ This labor is obtained through man’s power over them. Let not that power be abused. By good judgment and kindness show yourself worthy of the service of a wellâ€"trained, noble animal. Our farmers are all possessed of the evil spirit of speculation. They plant a crop with an eye to a rise in prices, just as trades people buy stocks, in anti- cipation of an advance in Values. This they do without reference to the good of their farms in the present or future. They employ all their business or plan- nng faculties in devising some scheme or sharp practice whereby they can make good speculations. Should they exert the same sagacity or mental energy in perfecting the management of their farms, in framing and prosecuting a sys- tem of culture adapted to theii‘ location {ind soils, improving their breeds of stock, growing of fruits, working towards something like perfection in farmin‘g, how much different- Would be the aspect of our agriculture. In training animals it is necessary to understand their nature and habits. There is a great advantage in having all brood animals thoroughly trained. The offspring of such are more tractable and have less natural fear of man. All animals, male or female, used for breed- ing, should be thoroughly domesticated and taught to handle well, and have no fear of man. By this means their value for labor may be greatly increased and and their care rendered much more pleasant and satisfactory. Habit is with brutes as with men an ironâ€"handed master. It is one of the essentials in early training to bring the animal to depend upon the driver. Feeding, watering, care and training should be done mainly by one person. There should also be a strong friendship, a familiar acquaintance, and the fullest confidence of the animal. There need be no fear of unrequited affection. All our domestic animals love naturally the hand that cares for them and the voice that calls them. There never was a successful agricul- ture without system. The reason Why Scotch, English and Belgium agriculture is so much better than ours to-day, is be- cause they have adopted a system, ela- borated from experience, and adhere to it from decade to decade. They grow certain crops in rotation; feed certain of these to stock; make certain quantities of manure, and never deviate from this course when it is possible to adhere to it. The consequence is that their farms are growing more and more productive with each generation. Regular feeding and watering, good place of shelter and bedding should be be the points aimed at by every stool: breeder. It ought also to be rememâ€" bered that stock well summered are half win tercd . Dons SUBSOILING PAY?â€" In ans- wering this question the Rural Caroli- m'an, among other things says: Some soils will hold water, others pereolate through and go out at the base of the hill. Not only the kind of soil but the. peculiarities of locality should influence the decision on the subject. There are localities Where the surfeoesoil has been exhausted, when eight or ten inches below you may strike a. soil as good or better than the original soil on the sur- face. Here, I say, by all means subsoil, and not only subsoil, but bring a portion of the subsoil to the surface,if possible ; but if' you have two inches of soil and a pipe-clay substrata, subsoiling can do no good, for in a wet season it will hold too much water for the crop Without sub- soiliup)‘. What you now want is thorough draining, close and deep, with main trunk as an outlet. Training Animals for Vim-k. ggxiwmllmmll. System in Farming. THE YORK . HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15', 1871 Cotaining 64 pages filled with choice litera- ture, original and selected, and one or more pictorial Illustrations. beaidos a piece of music. $160 a year, 15 cents a number. Sold at the NE W DOMINION MONTLY, A monthly contang 64 pages; $2 a year or 20 cents a number. For Sale at the CANADIAN MAGAZINE, GOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS & HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS Count Selopis has been appointed by King Victor Emanuel arbitrator on the part of Italy upon the Alhbama claims. Count Luigi Corti, the Italian Embassador to Washington, is the third arbitrator under the Treaty of Washington, upon all ques tions between those countries which are not comprised in the Alabama. claims. FANCY GOODS THE PUBLIC GRANTS 'ro 'rx'n ROYAL FAMI- LY.-TllO annual grant to Her Majesty is fixed at 385,0001, and in addition to this the fellowing sums are annually paid to members of the royal family :-To the Prince of Wales, 40,000l, (independently of the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall); to the Princess of Wales,10,0002; to Prince Alfred, 15.0005; to the Princess Royal (the Crown Princess of Prussia), 80002; to the Princess Alice, wife of Prince Louis of Hesse, 60001; to the Princess Helena, wife of Prince Christian, 60001; to the Princess Louisa,6000l; to the Duchess of Cambridge, 6000l; to her daughter, the Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 3000l; to the Prin- cess Teck,5000l; to Arince Arthur.15,000l; and to Prince George of Cambridge,12,000l. TEMPERANCE WORKS The subscriptions in England to the So- ciety for the Aid of the Sick and Wounded in War are officially stated to be 900,000l; of'which an unexpended sum of 73,312l is to be invested. in the names of Prince Ar- thur, the Earl of Shaftesbury, and Colonel Loyd-Linsay, to accumulate until the next war breaks out. QTATIONERY CONCERTINAS, PAPER BOOKS Queen Victoria’s physicians say her re- tirement from society and from all public demonstrations is in consequence of their professional advice. They say she has ner- vous troubles, which might easily be con- verted by excitement into a dafigero'us malady. The Royal Geographical Society of Lon- don has just issued a specimen map of a new projection of the world by the Rev. James Gall, of Edinburgh, which seems a. great improvement on Mercator, which has now been in general use for 300 years. It is authoritatively stated that Mr. Bright’s health justifies the hope that: he will be able to return to his Paxliamentary duties next session completely restored to mental and physical vigor. A baronetc; has been offered to Mr. John Gubert, of Blackheath, in recognition of his great ability as a. painter. It is said that about fifty Japanese are now pursuing their studies in London. Some are/Studying international law, and others medicine or equally difficult branches of science. Twenty thousand applications for tickets of admission to the Wesleyan Chapel at Leeds were made when Mr. Morer Punshou preached there a few days ago. The chapel holds about. 2500 persons. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, at- tended by Baroness Stepanofl" and suite, has arrived in London. In the United Kingdom £89,000,000 were expended last year in ardent spirits, £58,000,000 of which was by the working classes. The Admiralty have resolved to suspend Vice-Admiral Wellesely, Rear-Admiral Wil- mot, and the Captains of the Minotaur and Agincourt. It is said that one of the objects of Elder Frederick Evan’s mission is to establish a Shaker community in England. Colonel George Chesney is the author of “ The Battle of Dorking.” Of the Scottish Temperance League at the AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN- DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. Forsale,Cheap. only 25 cts.,at the HERALD BOOK STU'RE. fipvvial ‘fllntmfi. @mfi DIFFERENT PKHCES, A’E THE FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE OF ALL KINDS AT THE PENCIL CASES AT THE 05‘ ALL KIEIDS AT THE FORSALE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. HEHALD BOOK STORE- HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD Boox STORE. ' 068-5m HERALD Boox STORE. HERALD 1300:: Storm. HERALD Boox STORE. HERALD Boox STORE. HERALD Boon STORE. 1“3- l All our Machines are warranted to give ‘satz'qfaction, and purchasers will have an opportunity of teslz‘ng them both in Mowing and Reaping before they will be required to itera- ifinally conclude the purchase. mqre \\ For further information, addres ' -ANY ONE on ALL or THE Arms of the Reel can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver. by a Lever readily operated by his foot. The) cutting apparatus is in from of the Machine. and Lhorei‘oie whether Reaping or iMowing the entire work of the machine is i under the eye of the Driver while guiding his iteam The Table is so constructed as to go- ‘thcr the Grain into 1; Bundle before it leaves Mlle Table. and dopasit it in a more compact farm. [Itan (my other Real Rake. 141’ A new and complete Illustrated Gam- lugue (5)“ all our Mae/zines is being published, and will be ready for early distribution, free to all applicants. ' We shall also offer for the Fall Trade a new Clover Thresher and Huller, very much supe- rior to any heretofore introduced. We invite the public to withold giving their orders until they have had an opportunity 0! inspecting our Machines, as we believe that they are unsutpassed by any other machines over yet oflered on this continent. We also offer among other machines : *fi Johnson’s Self-Raking Reaper,improved for 1871. with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards. *** Wood’s Patent Self-’Raking Reaper. *Q‘ Buckeye Reaper No 1, With Johnson’s Selfâ€"Rake. “if Ohio combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. / Cayuga Chief Jr., Mower. Buckeye Mower No. 1. Buckeye Mower No. 2. Bail’s Ohio Mower No. 1. Ohio Jr., Mower. Taylor’s Suiky Horse Rake. Farmers’ Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder. And our celebrated *3“ Bucks '9 Ben at N .2, “ self-Rake. y p o wuh Johnson’s HALL THRESHER AND SEPARATORI‘ The Table is alta'ched to the Machine both in front and roar of lhe Drivxng Wheel. which enables it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain Wheel Axle is on an axle with the axle of the drive wheel. which enables it to turn tho corn?! readily. Raise the Cam so far above m: Grain Ta- ble that the Grain does not inter- fere with the Machinery OF THE Runs on Reins. \Ve make ,the above Machine in two sizesâ€"No. One. large size for Farmers who have a large amount to reapâ€"No, Two. medium size for farmers hav- ing more use for a mower than for a reaper. With the exception of difference in size, these Machines are similar in every respect. Our No Two Machine supples a want heretofore anfliled, viz: a medium between the Junior Mower and the large combined machine both in size and price. U We shall distribute our sample machines in March amongourAgents, that intending Purchasers may have an early opportunity of examining their merits. and we Von I’ICKING U}? LODGED GRAIN. This is the only valuable Tilting Table offered on any combined Reaper and Mower. The Table can he very easily raised 07' lowered by the DIE-1‘67 in his seat without stopping his Team. This is one of the most important improvements of" l'evted in any Machine during the past two years. Making them much less liable to breakage on nuewn. ground, and more rsgular in removing the grain. The Gearing is very simple,slrong and durable. The boxes are all lined wilh THE PAnrs ARE ALL NUMBERED, so that re- pairs can be ordered by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number f the part wanted. ’i‘hcro is no side Draught, in either reaping 01' mowing. and the Machine is so per- fectly balanced that there is no pressure on the 'rlorses’ necks either when reaping or mowing. All our malleable castings where they are sub- ject to much strain. have been twice Annealed. Thereby rendering them both tough and strong. Our Johnston Rake is so constructed as to Twofor Mowing a1le twafor Reaping, one qf which has a Sic/ale Edge for cutting ripe, claim grain, the other a Smooth Edge for cutting grain m whip/L ghcrc is gfass 97- Mad clover. ' It has malleable guale both on the Mower Bar and Reaper Table. with cast steel Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our Enabling it {0 pass over marshy or sandy ground without clogging us the gearing, there- by rendering it les's linNo to breakage. It is furnished with Tie Rak . yziveaz by Gearing ins of 071.12% V ,‘mwl. therrgfore have a steady uniforvra motion, Guarantee that all machines shipped this season shall be equal in Quality and Finish to samples exhibited ” by our Agents. Among Its many adéuntagos, we call atten- tion to the following : It has no gears on the Driving Wheels ! THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE . WORKS, 1.70. One and Two Buckeye Combined Reaper and JIIowcr, with J07m~ son’s Selfâ€"Rake Im- provedfor 1871. We believe this machine. as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever yet offered 1'0 the} public of Canada. MAN UFAC TUBING COMPANY, Greatly improved for 1871., with either Pitt‘s. . alton, Planet. IVoodbury, 07' Hull’s 8 or 10 horsepower. NEW PATENT 'I‘iL'I‘ING TABLE Oshawa, Ontario. THE JOSEPH HALL VJe desire to call attention to our FGUR KNIVES! RABBIT METAL. ESTABLISHED 1851. PROPRIETORS. F. W; GLEN, by (gear-{n5} instead Pnnsnfinn, OBKA_WA, Onnluo. Farmerswillconsul‘ttheirown interesiiflhey will exanmie om- Mill before buving elsewhere. as we feel confident thev will be satisfied our Machines are notsurpassed if equalled. CAN SUPPLY ALL ORDERS Manufacturing a large number of the above ; And. having recently keen imprevod, the sub- scribers have every confidence in its superior merit. BEST FANN IN G MILL ! .1. public for the liberal patronage he has re- ceived since firat introducing to their notice Whenever shown, and are pronounced by com- potentjudgea as being the for the first 20 feet. 358, after 20 feet, 30 can-ls vagrth - The Markham or Cash Style. first 20 feel. $10, after 20 feet. 40 cents par foot. FANNING MELL! CELEBRATED PUMPS ! Begs to assure them that he will, in future, as in the past, endeavor to deserve this confidence by supplying L! P Imepa Mao 1 Stock of Common Pumps as follows : Stead the test of Competition ! Pumps as superior to any hitherto pro- duced as those he has supplied were to the kinds which they superceded, Cistern Pumps. Chum Style. . . . . . . . Excelsior or common lever. . . . . . . Swing. Wrought Gearing . . . . . . . - Swing. do do Large Size Swing Force. Large Size. . .' . .. . . . . . . . POVVELL’S PATEIJTS E AND AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION I N E W PAT E N T WROUGHT IRON GEAR VVILSONS’ IMPROVED $20 for first 20 feet. after 20 ft. 60 cts per foot. $12 for first 20 feet, after 20 ft. 50 cts per foot. This pump, a: now made, will throw more water in shallow walls. and work easier in deep well; than any other made. Richmond Hill, Aug. 27, 1899. Pnovmcun Exmm'rmua & Count FAIRS, C. POWELL, N RETURNING THANKS TO THE T_HE_ songLIgp EXCELSIOI§_Pump. AND USERS OF SUCH lNFRINGE- . MENTS Newton Brook, April 26. 1871 And havingincreased facilitiesforlpre- pariugtho lumber. ls greatly improved this season with LARGER CYLINDER and BEWARE!!! gummy gamma. SWING LIF'I‘ING PUMPS, Manufactured in Canada} DOUBLE ACTION SWING FORCE PUMPS. gaming £1i115. THESE MILLS HAVE INFRINGERS The subcribera are now Wu] be held Responsible. PROMPTLY. AT ALL THE HIS NOW A. 6L W. WILSON. In Canada and the United States. To manfacc lure under POWELL’S PATENTS RIGHTS FOR SALE PATENT 5964f 665-]y $250 600 700 900 ‘2000 FmsTBoox,witl131illustration.stronghboun inl 'mp clothâ€"5 cents. FIRS'i-Bo ox, (sacond part) with 54illustrations, strongly bound in limp clothâ€"10 cents. SECOND Book, with 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"~20 cents. THIRD Boox, 41 illustrations,strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"30 vents. Fovmn Boon, 45illustratibns.stronglybound. in cloth boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH Book, 50 illustrations’ strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"50 cents. COMPANION TO THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at the .L {erred thelrLibraryto the HERALD BOOK Store, where Stockholders and others may procure Books every Friday afternoon. A. SCOTT, Librarian. Can ballad at he Post-oflice,for 10 CENTS WEEK. HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS {erred their Library to the HERALD Boon HE NEW CANADIAN NATIONAL Series of School Books. THISPUMP 1s EASIEST Wommn,Mos'r DURA- BLE AND NEATEST MAN; IN Tm: DOMxNION. It is so constructed with the cast‘mgs of the handle as to make it all tight therefore pre- venting children from putting anything Into it. TheSubscriberwouldrespectfullyammunce thatheis preparedto put in THE MORNING PAPERS Now, as the public are aware that many worthless things are pasted into notoriety, in order to prove that this is no humbug. and at the same time to secure ourselves against the operations of unscrupulous oilagents, ; many of whom will not hesitate to palm off the more ofl'al of oil refineries.‘as being identical with Stocks extra machine oil; we prepose to those who are largely interested in the truth of those statements, to send to them on applica- tion by express, or otherwise free ofchurge. a sample of the oil that it may speak for itself, We will with the sample furnish applicants free of charge. with a few simple tests as ef- fective, as those tests by which Gold is known from the base metals. and which will enable parties ordering to secure themselves against imposition, by enabling them to determine at once, whether the oil forwarded is as good as sample. All parties interested in the’lubicat- ing oil trade, before purchasing elsewhere Will do well to communicate with G. B. STOCK, Agent for the Dominion. Brougham, Ontario. H. Sanderson & Sons Agent, Richmond Hill Or “they are not preferred to any othey pump they may be returnedband the money wiHbe refunded. These Pumps are suitable to all depths from a. cistern to a well 0(150 feet. They are not so liable to get out of repair. being Double-valved. and the joints are all turned in a lathe. consequently thei‘e is no Leakage at the joints which is invariably the case the common Log Pump made by hand. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6. complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet. ‘ Churn Pumps for Cisterns $3 each. Well-digging done on the Shortest Notice. Addl‘OSS,St*g depth of well, P. PHILLIPS, August9. 1870. 630-13! RICHMOND HILL. ltwill not gum , hence machinery can he kept clean with but little trouble,and it will clean machinery that has been gummed by other oils. It will not congeut or thicken in the coldest of weatherâ€"this is a quality of the‘ highest importance, from the fact that an oil not having tnis quality will not lubricate a cold shaft. such an oil may be applied in a heated state ; but the moment it touches a cold shaft, it is congealed. and it will ltntbegin to lubricate until the journal, bv friction, acquires that temperature necessary to reduce it to a liquid state. in acquiring a higher temperature lay friction, the journal expands. and the box is in jured. It is as impossible to use oil that will chill on a cold shaft without this result, as it is to mingle oil with water. Stocltes’ oil will lubricate the coldest machinery the moment it is applied ; it is now used in over two hundred establishments, and all unite in saying the pm- for it to Refined Sperm. or pure olive oil: it is free from all objections urged against all other oilas it neither gums or freezes. This Pump on Trial for One Month! Price: $5 above pila‘forml, and 40 Eents per foot balow. This oil excells an others for Lubricating purposes, both animalgxnd vegetable: We are prepared to have (“9 merits of this oil lasted against all oils now being usad on machineryâ€"bell] light or heavy; from aclock or sewing machine. to lluf heaviest of Steam- boat shafts. The following are the points in which it ex- cells all other oils : v CHEAP AND GOOD. Authorisedbythe Council of Public In- structionfor Ontario. £11m, gummm, 8w. May 14, 1869. ‘MPORTANT T0 PARTIES USING Pure Elephant Oil, $1 per gallon. Pure Machine Coal Oil, 50 ms. per gal. at July 20. 1871. OF TORONTO : Telegraph, ‘ _ _ _ LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, uE “913153193. PUMP, MANU- factured by P. Phillips, Richmond Hill. WARRANTED TWO YEARS, @xcelfiiqr 31111111. STCCK’S EXTRA MACHINE OIL gamma» @9721, RICHMOND HILL Machine Oil, And if accepted Sign of the British Flag Staff. Applyjq HERALD INF! STORE. MACEEIEEX‘. G. A. BARNAIID’S. Globe, 'M. TEEFY. Richmond Hill. 564â€"“ Richmond Hill. Leader, “York Herald“ Cheap Book and Job Print- ing Establishment. ALEX. SCOTT. Parties wishing Magazines. :90 bound ix; volumes will veceive prompt attention. ‘ *3 Can supply any Magazine publish“; not on above lis; Eyewapamw & @agazmfi. Leisure Hour......... . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 London .‘ournal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 [)0 London Sooietr.......... . . . . . .. 350 London and Paris Fashions. . . . . . . 3 75 Mechanictan 950 Medical Mirror.......... 3 75 Methodist Magazine . . . .. . . ... . . . 3 75 Mission Life.................... 2 00 lVlonthlyl’acket 375 Museum and Journal of Education 2 00 MusicalTimes.................. 0 50 Naturalist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 1 10 New‘Monthly Magazine .. . . . . . . .13 ()0 New Mon. Magfor S. S. Teachers 1 25 OnceaWeek . . . . . .............. 395 Our own Fire Side . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 ()0 Peoples Magazine . . . .. . .. 2 “0 Pharmaceutical Journal. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Philosophical Magazine .. ... . .. 9 50 Phonographic Reporter. . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Post Office Director. . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3 75 PoultryBook“. . . . . . . . . . . ..... 375 Practical Mechanics’ Journal . . . . . 3 75 Primitive Methodist Magazine . . . . 2 00 PropheticTimes ................ 175 Pulpit Analyst .................. 200 Quiver (The) . . . . . . ............. 200 Remembrancu . . . . . ............. 110 Reynold’s Miscellany ...“ . 2 00 Robinhood......u.-..... .. 200 Routledge’s Magazine for Boy . . . 2 00 St. James’ Magazine...” . . . . . . . 3 75 Scientific Review ............... 2 00 Scottish Congregationalist.. . . . . . . l 25 Sharpe’s London Magazine...._,, 3 75 Shorthand Magazine. . . .... . . . . . . 2 00 Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . .. .. . . . 9 00 SoonerorLater............ . . . . . 3'75 SpirtualMagazme................ 200 Sundav Reader . . . . . . 2 00 Sundaiv School Teachers’ Mag. . . . 2 00 Sunday Magp’line............ 2 00 Sunday at Home ........... 2 00 St. Paul’s Magazine . . . .. .. . . V . . . 3 75 Scottish Journal................. 200 Tecknologist..... . . . . . . . . . 375 TempleBar 375 Tinsley’s Magflzlne...... . . . . . . .. 3 75 Townsend’s Costumes. . . . . . . . . . . , 3 75 Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . . . . . 3 75 'l'ruthseeker.......... . . . . . . . . ..110 Union Review [alt. month]. . . .. . . 3 75 United Methodist Free Church Mag 2 00 United Presbyterian Magazine . . . . l 25 Veterinarian................._., 575 Victoria Magazine......... 375 Watchwurd ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 West End Gazette of Fashions. . . , 3 75 World OfFashion ............... 375 Young Englishwoman ........ .. 2 00 Young Apprentice... . . . .. . . . 2 00 Young Ladies' Journal... . , , _ , , _ 3 25 Young Englishman’s Magazine. . . . 2 00 Young Men of Great Britain . .. . 9 00 Zoologist.-...................... 375' ANY PUBLICA'uoN m nus LIST MAILED wo SUBSCRIBER: WITH PROMP'I'NESS. Photniialihic Porlraits . . Post Office Director. . . . . . . . . . . . Poultry Booku- . . . . . . . . . . Practical Mechanics’ Journal . . . Primitive Methodist Magazine . . PropheticTimes .............. Pulpit Analyst ................ Quiver (The) . . . . . . Remembrancar . . . . . ........... Reynold’s Miscellany . . . . . . . . .‘ Robinhood ......u.. ..... .. Routledge’s Magazine for Boys .. St. James’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . Scientific Review . . . .. . . . . .. . . Scottish Congregationalist. . . . . . Sharpe’s London Magazine. . . . _ Shorthand Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . . . Sooner or Later . . . . . . . . SpirtualMagazine. . . .. . . . . . . . . , Sunday Reader . Sunday School Teachers’ Mag. Sunday Magp'line. . . . . . .. . . . . Sunday at Home . . . . . . St. Paul’s Magazine . . . .. .. . . V . Scottish Journal. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. Technologist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TempleBar . . . . . . Tinsloy’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . Townsend’s Costumes. , , _ _ _ _ _ _ Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . . . 'l'ruihseeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONTHLIES. Per) All the Year Round ............. Athenwum . . . . . . . . . . . Artizen...... ...,..............- Annals of Natnral History . . . . . . .. Argosy (The)..................- Army List...................... Art Journal Astronomical Register . . . .. . ..... Aunt Judy’s Magazine . . . . . . . .. . . Beau Monde (Le) . . . . . . Belgravia [inclu. Christmas num] Bentley’s Miscellany;. . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Christian’s Magazine. . . . . . . Bible 'l‘reasury.................. Burgeon’s short sermons . . . .... . . Boy’sJournul”................. Boy’s own Magazine. . . . . .. . . - British Friend. . . . . . . .... .. BowBeli's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys of Lngland. .... . . . . . .. .... Broadway, The. ................ Blackwood (Edinburghed). . . . . . . Builder, The [price varies] . . . . . . . Bond Street .. ......... Bov’s Book of Romance . . . . . . . _ . Cass ll’s Biographical Dictionary. . Cassell’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chamber’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chamber’s Eerological Dictonal‘y Chess-r’layer’s Magazine. . . . . . '. . . Chess W0rld..........~---...... Children’s Hour . . . . . . . . . Christian Advocate and Review . . . Christian Consoler. . . .. . . . . . . . . . Christian Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Spectator . . ... . . . . .. . Christian Witness . . . . . . . . . . . .... Christian W orld Magazine . . . . . . . Christian 'VVOl‘k . . . .... . . .-...... Churchmen Magazine, The . . . . . . Ch. of England Temperance Mag. Church of the People. . . . . . . . . . . . Church Choirmaster and Organist. Church Missionary Intelligencer . . ChurchWork........... . Churchman’s Companion. . . . . . . . Churchman’s Family Magazine. . Civil Engineer and Architect’s Jonr Colonial Church Chronicle. . . . . . . Contemporary Review . . . .. . . . . . . Cornhill Magazine. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . Cutters (The) M0 Journal . . . . . . . ‘Day of Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dublin University Magazine . . . . . . 'EastAnglian... . . . . . . Ecclesiatic and Theologian. . . . . . . Ecclesiologis: (all. ma). . . . . . . . . . Eclectic do Congregational Review Edinburgh 'Vledical&Surgical Jour English Presbyterian Messenger. . . English Mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Englishman’s (The) Magazine. . , . Englishwomnn’s Domestic Mag . . linfinnologisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lCnton'mlugisi’s Monthly Magazine 5. (10 Evangelical Chrislendom . . . . . . . . . 2 (10 Evangelical Magazine . . . . ... . . .. 2 75 Exelul‘llall . . . . . . .... . - . . . r . . . . - 375 Family Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 Family Treasury. . . . . .. . . ... . . . . ‘2 00 Family Herald” ..... ........... 2 00 Farmer’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . ..... 7 50 Floral Magazine. M . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 FloralWorld . . . . , 200 Florist and Pomologist . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Follut(l.e) . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ..... 575 Fortnightly Review (mo). . . . . . . . 7 5i) Fraser’s Mugaxine . . .... .... . . . . 9 50 Freenmson’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 Friend.................. . . . . . . . 200 Gardener... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 HO Gems Magazine of Fashion . . . . . . 4 (It) Gentleman’s Magazine: . . . . . . . . . . 9‘50“ (Z'eologicnlMagazino .. u... . ... . 5 75 Geological & Nat. Hisl. Reporlory. 0 75 Good Stories . . . . . .......... . . . . . 1 10 Good Words . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 175 Good \Vords for the Young. . .... . 1 ‘75 Gospel Magazine . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (l0 Herald and Geologist,(alt.month) 475 lomilist . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........325 llorological Journal. . . . . . . .. . . . .. l 10 l'luslraled London Magazine . . . . . 3 '75 lnlcllecfuul Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Intelloclual Repository (New Ch.) 2 “0 Journal of Agriculture. . . . . . . . . 3 75 Journal oiiize Chemical Society . . ‘ ’" Journalofllm 'al Medicine . . . . . Jounial of Sunni] Science. . . . . _. . Kitio’s Bible Illustraiions. . . . . . . .. Ladies’ Cabinet of Fashion . . . . . . . Ladies’ Companion. . . . .. . . . . . . . Ladios’ Gazelle of Fashion .. .‘. . . . Ledies’ Treasury .. . . . . . Leisure Uour......... . . . . . . . London .‘ournal. London Socielv.......... . . . . . .. 350 London and Paris Fashions. . . . . . . 3 75 Mechanicran 9 50 Medich Mirror. . . .... . . .. . . . . ... 3 75 Methodist Magazine . . . .. . . N, . . . 3 75 Mission lzifo.................... 2 00 lVIonihlyl’acket 375 Museum and Journal of Education 2 00 Musical'l‘imes.................. 0 50 Naturalist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... I 10 CA. L71 mu: «Ia CPU! cud-aw oomcrmmv' wwwwwuw , Cl U and Magazines supplied by Alex Seoul YORK HERALD” Office, Richmond Hill, “ NGLISH LIST OF NEWSPAPERS JOEL Luauuu l0l~ zum U... ...... u" of Namral Histox). .. .. (The)..................- List...................... unal )mical Register . . . .i . . . udy’s Magazine. . . ionde (Le) . (in [inciu. Christmas 1mm] {’5 Miscellany;. . . . . . . . . )hrislian’s Magazine. . . . . . . i‘reasury............ un’s shortsermous .. loumnl............. vwn Magazine. . . li‘riend............... eli's...................... if Lngiand................ way, The.......... mod (Edinburghed). . . . . . . ', The [price vmies] . . . §lreet ............... Book of Romance . . . . . .. . . i’s Biographical Dictionary. . i’s Magazine.............. DCY’S Journal. . . . . .... 'VIIUfi| Ulllla\UHuUlll a . u g g I I n I alical Magazine Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Treasury................ Harald”................ :’s Magazine . . . . . . . . ...... Magazine... .n . . . . . . . . . . . World . . . . , and Pomologist . . . . . . . . . . . (Le) . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ghtly Review (1110)........ s Mngnxine ...... ...... .- Lson’s Mugazine.......... ‘er. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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