1.1â€" Vcimmies of York and Feel, GuHactor of Notes. Acédunls, ï¬e. Small charges and plenty to do. A, .LJ County of York. Sales amended to on the sharks! notice ind at moderate rates†I’ 0. Address. Butmnvi‘lle. Markh'rfm; July 24, 1868. 497 1177 Counties of York, l‘oel llld ()ntnrio. Residence: l.<,118,(ith concession Markham. Pom{)iï¬caâ€"Uuionville. Having- made large additions- to the printing material, we am betier prupamd than ever in do the Ileamst and most beautiful printing of every dosci'iption. Sales «Handed uuthoshortest notice,nnd on reasonabletorms. Orders laftatthe “ Herald†ofï¬ce for Mr Carter’swrvices will be promptly attendedto Will be promptly attended to: Fancy Bills. BxL-inesxs Cards, Clrculnrs. Law Forms. Bill Heath. Hank Chasm. Drnï¬a. Blank Qrderï¬ Receipts, lwllvr Humln, Fancy Cards, Pamphlets. Large and Small Posters, and every other kind of Orders for any of the undermentioned deâ€" descriptibn of" V * Plain and Colored Job Work, one year, ï¬rst insertion... . . . . . . . . 50 Each subsequent insertion . g . . . . . . . ... 25 ‘20 inches will be considered one column. Advertisements without written directions inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers. must be paid for when handed in. for insertion BOOK & JOB PRINTING L1 Counties of York and Feel. ‘ ‘ Rexidenckâ€"Lï¬t 20,1'earqi' 3rd Concr-ssion of Markham. P,0 .Addressâ€"â€"Butmnville. Parties requiring Mr. Sandorson's service can make irrangememmtthe HERALD ofï¬ce. One inch. one year............l .....1 Two inches, one year ‘ . . .. Three inches, one year . . . Over three inches. one year . . . . Advertisemean for a shorter period than And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails or other conveyance. when so desired. THE YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Local News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man 'ol' bnsmess, and a valuable Family NeWspapar. TEKMs: One Dollar per annum, in ad» vanco; if not paid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty Cents will he charged No paper discontinued until all urrenragqs are paid; and parties refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. .. t . .u myâ€; ..___t L, All lights-1:; addressed Lo the Editor must be post-paid. iVL Surgeons. Eug‘aud, Residvnce; .‘orlh of Richmond Hill. opppsite lhc Elgin House, Allcall§01ightorday) promptly audnded to. Elgiu Mills, January 1. 1870. 598 M ALEX. SCOTT, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR 0E ’ “THE Yonx HERALD." GEM With germ Accounts. _ , Richmond HUI. Oct. 14,1869. DR. JAs. LANGSTAFF ‘ ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 Am. Cheap Book sf: Job Printng Establishment. k} ssh-051.4,'l‘hm'nhill. Consultations in the ofï¬ceun the mornings rf"I‘uesdavs,Thlusdays and Saturday“. from 8 {a N Am. a" Alhonsuitations inï¬lla ofï¬ce, Cash . 'l‘horuhillJlme9.1885 1 V o take notice that Mr.Jonl1 Tailor has ceased to collect for John N. laid, 31.0.. and that Mr. John Gnrton, of Thoruhill. is author- ised tn collectfor the subscriber until further notice. Lï¬skay, Mamh 2nd 1865 JEWELBY 14V JEWELRY! Junuary 4.1665. J SITY. . RESIDENCEâ€"Adjoining ThornhillHote]. July 2-2, 1569. 575-15: Jnneï¬ZV. 1867 M. FISHER. IOENSED AUCTIONER FOR THE HENRY SMELSOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEEB THE JOHN CARTER, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE FRANCIS BUTTON, JIL, ICENSED AUCTION EER FOR THE Thornhi". Becember 22, 1869‘ EDVV'. SANDERSON, ICENSIGD AUCTIONEER FOR THE Jim. D.'M¢CONHELL M.D., RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- VOL. XIII, N O. 17. JOHN N. REID, M.D., on. 93330ng gm) CQLBORNE £111:th ni @tedipim. DR. HOSTETTER, ‘EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OFFICE->YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL. LE'I'TJGRJJ RESS PRINTIN G. Terms: $1 per annum in advance. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, B.â€"THE PUBLIC WILL home from 8 to 9 Am. A. F. Armstrong is authorised to collect ADVERTISING RATES For'Sule cheap, at H]; fireman Ofï¬ce, ESTAB L18 H MENT. ‘endel gutstiwmsé. THE HERALD IS PUBLISflED JOHN N. REID. M.D. CARD. PER INCH. ....$4 00 39-1y PLEASE 568* 597 50 *** Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- poundod. and all orders attended to With care and despatch. Farmers and Physiciansfrom the country will ï¬nd onrstock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuineâ€"and oflhe bast quality. THOMAS CARR, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Groceries,Winesand Liquoxs.Thornhill. By Royal Letters patently has been amounted Inner of Marriage Lcenscs. Have removed to their new and commodious building on iho corner of Yoiige and Centre St. East. and would return their thanks to the pubiic for past patronage. hoping to merit a continuancu of the same. 'l‘hny have greatiy oniarged their old stock and have now on hand a good nssorlmeutof Drugs, Paints. Perfumery. Chemicais, Oils, Toilet Soups. Medicines, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stufl's. Patent Medicines, and all other articies kept by Druggists generally. R. E. LAW. HEMIST AND DRUGGIST, RICH- } MOND HILL. mom) HILL. Physicm‘as prescriptions carefully prepared Richmond HilhDec. 1,1869. 594-tf «)FFlcn.â€"â€"-Corner of AHer and Yonge Sta , Toronto. (apposite the Green Huqh Bowl, 076! R. Lawson’s Gmcorv Store. m Special attclltion puid to the preservation of the natumi tenth. N.B.â€"â€"-Ch:u-ges moderate and work war- ranted. 'E‘ee‘lh withnut Pain-,‘byflhe aw ofï¬ï¬‚mr Spray. which affects the inolh only. The {oath and gum surrounding hacmrs inaelmible with this external agency, Whau the toolh can be extracted with no pain and‘ .l Vfl'l'HQU'I‘ ENDANGERING THE LIFE As in the use of Chloroform. Drs. P. mud R. will be in: the following places prepared to flxtr‘act team with his new apparatus. Ali othgr operations in Dentistry performedin a worlunaulike manner:â€" Mt. Albert. . 'I‘ornth. . . . Maple . . . . . Burwick . . . Kluinhurg .. Noblelon . . . WM. ALLENGHAEL -.D.S w {QURGEON DEN TIST, axtr‘act team with his n>éwr appafnlurs. Ali othgr operations in Dentistry performedin a worlunaulike manner:â€" ~kurm'u. Isl, 8Lh,16th and 92nd ofsnch month anmm’ket. . . Qud 5' " Richmond Hill. . . 91h and 24th " Aurora , April 23. 1870' “ï¬r†1â€") ANT 10/ Dr Elliot, Demial,_ I 'l‘m'unto,) respectfully nnnouncea that he will visit the following placos,(Suu- days cxceptsd). where he will attend to Den- tistry in all its branches : Kingâ€.........~........lst of each manth Richmsnd Hill.. .........51h “ Newmarket... .... . . . . . “1(th " Aurora..................l5tll “ Teeth inserted in tho mm! Improved Styles, on Guld. Silver, Vulcanized Runber. and Al- luminum Base Teeth ï¬lled in such a manner as to preserve them from further decay. Teeth extiacted Willi the least possible pain, and especial attuntion paid to the regulation or children‘s 166th. “Clmrréererdderate, and work warranted to givgrsgtisfucliqu‘. a All Ie'ters addressed to Aurora win receive prompt attention. Aurora, May 25, 1870. GIS-Iy Uniouville. . . .lst Monday ofeach month, \Voston .. . . . .ch da'y “ Klineburg. . . . lfith “ u r wick . . . . .221â€! “ carboro’ . . . .931‘d N Where ha wille prepared and mosthappy to wait qpthflosg who m_zxy_requirejisservjpes, G. H.1‘I..having had 0981' ELEVEN YEAizs’ PRAcrlcE.feelsconï¬dentofgivingentiresatis- faction. To those who have favored him with their pall‘onagein the past he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who mav do so in the fu~ lure. he would say that no endeavoron his part wiHhe wantingto meeltheirapprovn'l. KEFmnmchcs.-â€"~'1‘hefollowinggautlemencnn, withnonï¬denm;rocommend G. H Husband,to all requiring Demal aid: Dr Reid,’l‘hornhill; Dr. Bun, Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwicx; Dr. Carson, Brampton. RESIDENCE.â€"â€"T|I0rl‘lhin. ThornhiH September 17.1868. 1y Richmond Hill. Nov.25,1569 Throuhil]. Feb,‘15, 1868. HERE. January 19,187]. a1)le................25m " " urwick .............. 23th " " Hinhurg....-........ 29th 5‘ " oblelon.............. 30th “ '- Nitrous Oxide Gnsalwnys on hand at Aurora RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, EW METHOD_ QB“ EXTRACTING 00K A. ROBEI‘ESDET’S, 3.10.3" W. H. CANNON, L.Ds., 3:» “ENTIST, (LALI‘E A_S\SIS_T‘ _4_.A G. H‘ HUSBAND, LD s. anENTIwI BEqs MOS'Ij RE H. SANDERSON & SONS, Temperance Works. If you want get the publications of the SCOTTISH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. A FULL SUPPLY ofthoseintercsting and well-written Works. which wi|| be disposed of ma Low Rate. CATALOGUE on application at the PROPRIETORS OF THE flmztimm @mggia‘w. RE MOVAL. specd‘ufly to afmounce that he will be at flERALD BOOK STORE. VVRK. A LLING HA M 14m 23rd Tox'nMo 56:2 6154f 593. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1871. Matthew Flint ......... William Graham ...... William Jordan ....... William Jordan ....... Susan Nesbitt. ........ Alfred Palmer ......... John McLaughlin . Alexander Ross. Michael Harman ...... Do do .;.... Do do ...... Alexander Ross ....... Charles Shaver. . Charles Cobb .......... Alexander Patton . . . . . Patrick McGavin ...... J. W. Mott ............ Do do ............ Do do ............ Do do ............ Miss Gwynne, by Geo. Brady, her steward Mary Boleng .......... Catharine Nolan Do do ...... Do do ...... Caroline Scott ......... Do do ........ John E. Scott Archd. J. Thompson. Wilham Awde ......... Edward Clark .......... Thomas O’Conner. John James Meehau . Joseph Fine ............ Sylvester Wallace . Jane Fine .. James Bean ............ Michael Henessy ...... William Lunney NAME OF PROSICUTOR. John C. Daniels. Richardson Castles.. James Austin ........ Andrew Kirkpatrick Ellen Davey .......... George Williams:.... ‘H‘I"MOï¬i'é. Do ............ James Morden ....... James Hughs ........ James Morden ....... William A. Sinith . . J :me Tilson .......... County of York ..... Before Justices of the peace for the County of York, transmitted to this Ofï¬ce by the Justices whose names are annexed, and now published by me under Statute in that behalf. . JOSEPH JACKES, Samuel Ashton . Do - . . Henry O'VVells . Do do do do 7 George Whitmarah John Oliver . . . Marmaduke Jarrett Alfred Roe Alfred Roe Do do . . . Daniel Ryan . . . Martin Ryan . . . Thomas Nolan . . John Gleeson . . Sarah Maggitt . . Jane Saumeraux . James Langstaï¬' . George Killem . . Nancy Thompson Robert Rumble . Elmabeth Huntley Do. do Do do Do do Hugh S. Ritchie . Samuel Archibald Catharine Hurst . George Ardell . . Mary Hollingshead Robert Wallis . . Do do . -. Eli Spencer . . . John O’Neill . Edmund Elvidge Do do Robert Wallis . Do do . . Mary Bloomer . . Francis L. Wytney iVJJ Commisasionerin B.R.,is(}overnment Agent for iSsuing Marriage Licauses in the Conuly of York. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 Pm. Richmond Hill. October 23,1869. JOB PRINTING Ofï¬ce of the Clerk of the Peace, County of York, September 13, 1871. Dono‘Noat and Quick at the Herald Oï¬ice TEEFY, NOTARg _PUBLIC AND MARRIAGE LICENSES, )rden......... Ighs........,. 3rden......... L Sinith 3n :‘ York... RICHMOND HILL. Julia Flint ............. William ,Holden ...... William Robson ....... William Burton....... Julias Miller .......... William Martin. John McLaughlin.... John Terry ............ John Broderick ....... Richard Broderick James Thoms ......... J amcs Peterson ....... John Scott ............. Robert Chadwick ...... William Young James Hendry ......... John Harris_‘.......... Henry Bacon. ......... John Garnell .......... William Lewis ......... Henry H. V’Villcox Sarah Hisson ...... Matthew Stoun George Budway. .. Michael Curl-en . .. John E. Scott ..... IJames Cassidy ..... William Beasly... James Hall ........ Andrew Young Craven C. Becket John Maynard ..... 130 do On line Scott Township of York XV. M:1tthows...... Frank Gentle. .. Lizzie Snnth William Brown. . .. John Robbins James Coulter ‘David Foster. James Robinson. George Canada . jMatthew Love... yRobert Johnson. Thomas Sweet ......... John G. Davis ........ Richard Boyd ......... Andrew Barr...... Michael Turau . ...... Michael O’Donnell A. Boir . ............... NAME OF DEFENDANT John Campbell George Grimshaw . James Malloy ......... Alexander Anderson. . John Andrson ....... .. Samuel Little ......... Daniel Malloy ......... Neil Malloy ..... Neil McNair Daniel. Malloy ......... John Nixon ............ James Conner . ........ John Wiles ...... . ..... Pauker Wiles ....... Robert Phillips . Adam Cairns.......... George Wells. ......... James Goddard ....... Samuel Carson ..... Thomas BnLtery _ Joseph Johnstone John Witty . . . . . John Roundtree . . . iJoseph Stump Robert Wallace . . Martin Ryan . . . . Catharine Ryan . . John Gleeson . . . Thomas Nolan . . . 3A. Hakney . . . . Jane Smith . . . . J. W. Jolly . . . . Alexander Thorburn. Joseph Waker . . . Joseph Devlin . . . George Watson . Chl‘iSlOI‘hel‘ Terry . Elijah Tanner . . . Henry Watson . . . George Keefe . . . Joshua Rhyndress . Francis Loudo, senior Robert Till . . . . Mary Bloomer . . Robert Newton . . George Newton . . Robelt Murray . . . William Johnson Michael Howlatt ‘Jnmes Mix . . LFrank Russel Vincent Deune . . Mary Holliugshead Iflilliam B. Robson L - all kinds of Monuments. Headstone,&c Cull alluexamiue my Stock and Prices be< Forpm'cliasing elsewhere, as you willï¬nd itto your interest. RINGWOOD MARBLE WORKS. (If? Issuer of [Marriage Licenses. Ringwood, Sept. 13,1867. 4 ‘ Do do Assault ...... Malicious injury to property. Assault . ..... Neglecting to pay toll ...... Assault, &0. Do ...... Do . ..... Disorderly on public highway Leaving his employment ...... Shooting 4:. dog . ..... Assault . . . . .. Non-payment of wages . ..... Assault Do ...... Do Do Trespass on Lake shore . Assault , Trespass and threatening Do do Do do Assault . Drunk and Disorderly Frofane Language ...... Trespass Assault »,_ ...... For Wages ...... Selling intoxicating liquors af- ter seven on Saturday night thrancy Nonâ€"payment of wages ......1 Assault and Battery . ..... l ?uisauce' (dead horse) ~ 1 .. {mamas .. J» .J: r ,, mung; its-smut ' Assault and Battery ...... Do do Do do Do do Do do Hon-payment of wages Blasphemous and grossly in- sulting language Threatening Selling liquor Q3 Sunday......l Assault and battery Selling liquor on Sunday ...... Assault and Battery ...... Grossly insulting language Selling goods as a transent D0 Dogs killirg sheep Assault ...... Do Do Do Do Do Do Do D0 Do Do .Do Do D0 Do Do D0 Assault and Battery . . . . Nonwpnyment of wages . . . . Non-performance of Stat. labo; Drunk and disorderly, and using profane and grossly insulting language on public highway . Aiding and Abetting in above offence . . . . Do do do . . . . Threatening language . . . . Do do . . . . Threï¬ts of personal injuxjy . . . . traacr‘ . ..... Refusing to do Road work .. Do do ' Do do . Non-payment of wages Assault and Battery . Assault . Selling liquor on Sunday . ‘Assault . Receiving money not his own ..v.-. yAssaulL . . Breaking Sabbath . . Do do . Do do . . Deserting employment . . Assault . . Larceny . . Assault and Battery . . Assault . . Disorderly conduct .. Drunk and disorderly . Rescuing animals being ponndéd Assault Di§prderly coqduct Do do . . . . Violating Village By-law relat- ing to slaughter houses _ . . . . l 1 Do do do . . .- .‘ Threatening Assault and Battery CENT MUSIC For Sale at the Herald Book Store WIDEMA N, MANUFACTURER OF SCHEDULE OF RETURNS OF CONVICTIONS NATURE OF THE CASE}. May 20, 1871 May 20, 1871 May 20, 1871 May 20, 1871 May 30, 1871 June 24, 1871 May 27, 1871 June 3, 1871 July 29, 1871 June 3, 1871 June 15, 1871 May 15, 1871 Do do Do do July 3, 1871 March 17, 1871 March 22, 1871 March 27, 1871 April 1, 1871 May 5, 1871 June 16, 1871 May 29, 1871 April 21, 1871 May 9, 1871 April 25, 1871 June 17, 1871 Feb. 17, 1871 ‘April 15, 1871 April 15, 1871 ’ Do - do July 5, 1871 ‘July 27, 1871 1June 6, 1871 ‘July 4, 1871 July 13, 1871 July 10, 1871 May 16, 1871 June 10, 1871 June 28, 1871 June 17, 1871 Aug. 5, 1871 Aug. 19, 1871 Aug. 5,1871 Aug. 19, 1871 ‘Juue 3, 1871 Do do June 6, 1871 June 13, 1871 June 22, 1871 Sept 1, 1871 Ang. 29, 1871 jJune 12, 1871 June 29, 1871 Aug. 1, 1871 June 23, 1871 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do April 15, 1871 May 9, 1871 {June 10, 1871 ‘Jaly 20, 1871 ; do do ; do do June 14, 1871 June 17, 1871 July 3, 1871 July 4, 1871 Aug. 4, 1871 Aug. 16, 1871 Feb. 16, 1871 May 26, 1871 June 4, 1871 June 28, 1871 Aug. 26, 1871 do do do do do do July 22, 1871 Aug. 26, 1871 do do April 17, 1871 July 4, 1871 7 July 26, 1871 Aug. 8, 1871 Aug. 14, 1871 Aug. 18, 1871 Aug. 24, 1871 ‘ do do Sept. 7, 1871 ‘Sept. 11,1871 DATE OF CONVICTION. 497 ' ‘ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker, &c. RnsmEmamâ€"NearlyoppositqhePostOflicei . Richmond Hill. THOMAS SEDMAN, I do & Edv George Flint; do i do ‘Dr. Norris do Samuel A. Mercer do do > Samuel Machell . do do A. Macnabb do 1 do I do Richard L. Denison... do do do do do do .do do do do do do do do do do George Bostwick do do do- do Wm. A. Wallis . ........ Geo. Flint A; T. R. Brown} do ....... .. W. A.Wallis & W. Hartman Wm. A. Wallis ......... Seth Ashton do do ‘Wm. Develin do [do Â¥ | ‘ do John Wm. Gamble do do do do do d do d W. J. Mitchell do. do . . . . . . do do . . . . . . do do . . . . . . do do . . . . . . do do . . . . J. C. McQuarrie . . . . . . do do . . . . . .‘ do do . . . . . . do do . . . . . . R, T. Willson . . . . . . do . . . . I .1 do . . . . . . do ' . . . . . . EL Treloar .. RH. Tr_eloar,A.}_Ego& U_."t:[enry do do John Fairbarn E. Jackson } do i do NAME OF CONVICTINQ JUSTICE. & Edw Whelerl & W. A. Wallis (<\‘¢s H JOSEPH JACKES, Acting Clerk of the Peace, County of York. OR DAMAGES FINE, 1 PENALTY; $500 300 500 \100 722 _,1, oo 1 00 1'00 1 00 ,5 00 5 00 5 00 41 10 20 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 14 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 6 00 16 00 1 00 1 00 20 00 2 00 20 00 5 00 10 00 100 100 200 100 100 100 500 400 200 720 100 100 100 100 100 40 00 10 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 £8 00 2 00 10 00 10 00 400 1 public willï¬nd ï¬rst-class accomodation at the above House, at low rates. ’I‘hers is an exlensive Stable attached, and large ouvered sheds. An attentive and obliging hostler. HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING Dublic will ï¬nd ï¬rst-class accomodation EVERY WEEK FOR AUGUST, 597 215 and 217 Yonge Street, Toronto. FINIJVHIN 1mm, ‘ on TO B] PAID TO SAID JUSTICE. Time given, twen‘ Time given till‘ Time given, 8 days} GREEN BUSH HOTEL, Arrived at the Herald Book Store. J. L. PARKER, Proprietor. . ‘ to 1211 . . 2 do . . do . . County Townsl Paid to Prosecutor. 1 To Clerk of Municipality do do do 1 do do do ‘ Complainant. County Treasurer. Alexander Ross. County Treasurer, 1 do ' d0 ’ do do iComplainant. iTreasurer Etobecoke. do do To Justice for T9 Treasurer ’Complainant. Township Clerk. ‘ do. do do do do do [2} to Prosecutor g- to Treas] date from R. L. Denisonl Buried the horse, abated the Ordered to remove and pay Prosecutor not appearing or Withdrawn upon payment County Treasurer. do do do do ‘ do do i do do ty-one days. §~ to Informant, § to Town do do do do ,do do Township Treasurer. é; to Informant, if to Trea‘ Treasurer Etobicoke- ‘ ‘8th instant. ‘County Treasurer. Remitted upon payment of Not yet received. County Treasurer. do do i do do Bound to keep the peace. do do do ‘ Paid to A.» J. Thompson by ‘Yorkville Municipality. Complainant. lYorkVille Municipality. Complainant. T0 WHOM PAID OVER BY SAID Jï¬STtCE. Settled by Cou‘ncil of Whit County Treasurer. do do do do do do Appealed. County Treasurer. do do do _ do Not yet paid. County Treasurer. do do do . do do do do do do do do do do do do do Treasurer of Vaughan. Prosecutor. do a to Informant, 3‘; to Treasurer] Treasurer, E. Gwillimbury. i to Informant, 51:0 Treasurer 1 do do do do do do County Treasurer. Township Treasurer. ;Case dismissed, complainant Township Clerk, N. Gwillim Vxllage Treasurer. 1 do do i do do Village Treasurer. do do Township Txeasurer. 5 to Tréasurer, § to Licensa Township Treasurer. a to Informant, ,1 to Village do do do Not yet paid. Acting Clerk of the Peace, 00. of York. M. Teefy, Esq. “ THE YORK HERALD†UBLISHED AT THE OFFICE 0N YONGE ST. RICHMoNb HILL. Terms: One Dollar per Anan in Advanco. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL & CLOTH WORK BOXES, Sunday at Home for J um at Herald Book Stem Issued Weekly on Friday Morning. 'EISURE HOUR, ALEX. SCOTT, PROPRIETOR.. WHOLE NO. 687. Yurer of Vaughan. \Sent to Gaol. [Whitehurem Sent to Gaol for 2 months. Markham. do leosts. ship Treasurer. do do do do the Township upon certiï¬s and John Baxter, J.P.‘s. ‘ nuisance, no cost-s charged. constable costs. dered to pay constable costs. of constable’s costs‘ ‘surer, E. Gwillimbury. Discharged. Appealed'. church. GENERAL OBSERYATIONS.. do ‘ do Bouï¬d to keep the peace. w do do do do do do do do ‘ do To Prosecutor. Costs of Prosecution. Sent to Gaol. ‘E. Gwillimbury. do do do do Treasurer. do Bound to keep the peace. ‘ do‘ do do paying costs. bury. ‘Se’ttled. Inspector. Vaughan. BRUSHES AT THE ALL SIZES. AT THE Hnmm Boo: Srou. HERALD B00: 8108:.