Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Sep 1871, p. 1

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Cheap Bdok »& Job Prl'ntng Establishment, “A mommy 'mnmin-g (‘4 waves: 9-"? a \‘ear or 20 owns it number. For Sula at 11m JOB PRINTING I Date Ni“ and Quick at the Hakim“ ‘Wilham Awdc ...... . Edwud Cl-Irk ....... Thomas ()'C<mlxel'.. John Jcmes Keelwn Joseph Fine ..... Sylvester Wallace . June Fine..' .......... James .1361!) .......... Michael 'Heneyesy.... William Lunney H. Moore ............ VOL.â€" XIII, NO. '18. John C. Daniels. Richardson Castles” James Austin ........ Andrew Kii-Kputricl‘ EiIen Dith‘y...l........ George Williams ..... NAME OF PROSECUTOR Matthew Flint ......... \Villiam Graham ...... “'illiam Jordan ....... William Jordan ....... Susan Nesbitt. ........ Alfred Palmer ......... John McLaughlin Alexander Ross ....... Michael Harman ...... Do do ...... Do do Alexander Ross ....... Charles Shaver. . Charles Cobb .......... Alexander Patton . . . . . Patrick McGuvin ...... J. W. Mott ........... Do _do .......... Do do- ............ Do do ' Mir.“ Gwynne, by Geo Before Justices of the peace for the County of York, transmitted to this office by the Justices whose names ' under Statute in that behalf. ' Brady, her steward Mary Bqleng . ......... Catharine Nolan ...... Do do ...... I Do do ...... Caroline Scott ......... Do do ........ John E. Scott ......... Archd. J. Thompson . Samuel Ashton . Do do . Henry 0’ Wells Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do 6 0 Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do Do do OFFICE ~YoNGE Sr. RICHMOND Tfinn. Do do . Do (‘0 Do do Do do Do do Do do Do ' do Do do 'Do do Gem'ch \Vhilnmrsh John Oliver . . . Marmaduke Jill'TOlt Alfred Roe NANADIAN MAGAZINE, Alfred Roe ‘ Do do . . . ‘Dzmivl I’nyzm . . . Marlin szm ' ~. . Thumm Nulnn . . John G‘cwsml Sarah Wren-gin. . Jame Immemux James lunrslaif . George Killmn . . Nancy Thumyson Robert Rumble . Ehmbeth Huntley Do do ' Do do D.) (10 Hugh S. Ritchie . Sammel Archibald Calhan-ine Hurst . George Arden . . Mm'y 'qulimrshead Robert Wallis Terms} $1 per aimum in advance. DO d1) Eli Spencer Jnlm O‘Neill . Edlifimd E‘yidée Robert. Wallis Do do . . Mary-Bloomer . . Francis L. \Vilney Wm. Hndgson. . Nancy Tinmpson . Do do . J nne ‘Wulkm Pntriuk Hogan .. John Graham . . . Office of the Clerk of' the Peace, County of' York, September 13, 1871. E AQWH‘II . full-ace enoesy...... mney. u...” Hy IULIJ 1500K STORE. Julia Flint ........... William Holden William Robson. .Willium Burton..... Julius Miller ........ William Martin...” John McLaughlin .. John Terry .......... John Broderick ..... Richard Broderick . James 'l‘lioms ....... James Peterson ..... John Scott ........... Robert Chadwick... William Young James Uendry ....... Jnlm Harris Henry Bacon. ....... John Gurnctt ........ .Wiliian Lewis ....... l iJames Cussidyun William Beasly . . James I’Iun . . . . . . . Andrew Young: .. Graven C. Becket John Maynard.... NAME OF DEFENDANT Henry H. WiHcox Sun-uh Hissnn . . . . . . \lutthcw Smun George Budwuy . .. \jichuci Curx'cu . . John E. Scntt ..... D0 do . ..... Cwoline Scott ...... Fownship of York . W. Matthews. ..... Frank Gentle. .. Lizzie Smith . Wiliixm Br.)wn.... John Robbins ..... James Conifer ..... lhvid Fostgr. ..... James Robinson... George Canada . . plat/[1ch Lode)‘.... ,Robcrt Johnson... Jnlm Campbell Gem-g0 Grimslmw . James lellny ....... Alexander Anderson John Anderson . Samuel Little ....... Daniel Blillloy . . . . . . . Neil Mullny .......... Neil Mcflair ........ Dani‘el Mnlloy ....... Jolm Nixon .......... James Cnnner ...... . John \Viles .......... Pmlkcr Wiles.... Robert Phillips . \dam Cairns. George \Vclls. .. James Goddard . \‘umuel Carson l‘humas Bullel'y Joseph Johnstone John “'iHy lIolm Roundtree 'lolmrt Wallace “Harlin Ryan . . l(Julhsu-ine Ryan .lulm Glrxesnn . . 'l‘lmmas Nolan . \ Halmey . June Smhh . . . . 3.1, W. Jully . . . . â€"\ll‘x=m=lel' Thm‘imrn. J .spph Walker . . . .lnsl‘pli Devlin Gwn‘;e Watsqu , _ Cln'isl()"hel‘ Terry . l‘llljitll Tanner . . 1. Hem-y wusml . . . art-uric Kvefe . . ;J )shuzl llhyndrpss 'Fruncis Lnudu, senior Rnllerl 'l‘ill . . . . Mary Bluumex' . . Hubert. Newton . Getn'ge Newton . . llolJcJL Murray . . . Joseph Stu m p William Johnson Michm-l Howlam James Mix . . ‘ank Russel . Vincent Dpnne . . Marv Hollinusheud Viliinm B. Robson James Kmndrick 4. ‘Jnseph Walker... Mary Jane Walker Yancy 'l'hompson . .lnhn Graham . . .. L’uhick Hogan .. . U” l 4 mw.m ynmnufl nderson.. m y -.......u “0...... ........... rmmm ........... § .......... Wk anuu &umm udmmfi mumu“ :I'y . _ , sz.. 6Z4: JOHN DUGGAN. Q,c. Toronto Dec. 24 j) A RRIS'I‘E RS, A'I‘TO RNTEX’S-A T LA “' _ ) S dig-Lays in ‘Jll'mcmw , \quve'vame-Prsfi c JIM-1c: : â€"-l‘roviucia| insurance Buildings Streel. Toronto. DUGGAN 5L MEYERS, j) Amm'rms, A'I"!‘ORNT§YS-AT I. ) R .lin} 1|"Q:'I ( 'lvmr-un , l funvn'vnne'r‘r Do do ' ‘Assault ...... Malicious injury to property. Assault Neglecting to pay toll ...... Assault, &0. ...... Do ...... Do . ..... Disorderly on public highway Leaving his employment ...... Shooting 3. dog . ..... Assault. ...... Non-payment of {vages . ..... ' Assault ...... Do . ..... Do ...... Do . ..... Drunk and Disorderly Frofune Language 'l‘respass Assault; li‘nr Wages Selling intoxicating liquors nu... nu... tgr Seven on Saturday night1 Vagrancy I Non-payment of wages Assault and Baftery l Yuisance (dead horse) Trespass Stealing ASSMUH Assault and Battery‘ .. Do do .. Do do .. Do ‘ do .. -Do do .. Non-payment of wages Mlasyhemqus and grosst D0 Dogs killing sheep suiting: huggag‘c Threatening l‘respass on Lake shore . \s‘suult ' . Trespass a d threatening Do do Do do Assault ahd buttery Selling liqum- on Sunday Assault and Battery Grossly insrllting language Selling goods as a transenl Assault- Do ' Do Do .. Do .. Do Do - Do Do Do Do .. Do Do ‘ DI) . i Do ‘ Do Do ' \ssn’nlt and Battery . . . . \l'm;~puylner1t of wages .. . . Yourperformance ()f'Smt. lnlnu‘ lDunli and disrn‘derly, and using profane and grossly insulting langunge on pubfic hiqhwny . Aiding and Abettin; in above offence . . . . [)0 do do . . . . Threatening language . . . . Do do . . . . Threats of personal injury . . . . Do do . . . . Non payment of wages .. . . Assnnlt and Battery . . . . Assault, . . . . Selling liquor on Sunday .. .. Ausmlt ’ Receiving money nct his own . . Assnnll. . . . . Breaking Snlwbath . . . . Do do . . . . ‘ D4) :lo _ . . . , , Desertng omplpyment . . . . .‘Assanlt V .llmrcen)’ . . . . . Assnulp and Battery . . .‘ Ass-stilt . . . . IDisnrderly conduct . . . Drunk and disorderly . . . . Rescuing animals being: im \Srlult Threatening traderr (Refusing to do Road work Do do pauudled Assault . . . Disordefly conduct . .. “0 do Violating Vi'. age By-law relnl in; to slaug'm’er houses . . .. D0 do do . . .. Threatening , . . . A‘sszluh sud Rafter}? \ .. . Stealing a plant from garden. . lAssault ' Threats SCHEDULE OF RETURNS OF CONVICTIONS NATURE OF THE CASE. 24.1868. ADAM u. MEYEBBJE . 144-137 in I‘Jlme16.1871 May 29, 1871 April 21, 1871 may 9, 1871 April 25, 1871 June 17. 1871 Pub. 17, 1871 April 15), 1871 ‘April 15, 1871 ‘Muy 20. 1871 May 20, 1871 May 20‘ 1871 “fay 20, 1871 May 30, 1871 ‘June 24. 1871 May 27, 1871 Jpne 3‘ 1871 July 29, 1871 June 3, 1871 June 15, 1871 '.\lay 15, 1871 A Do do a Do do [July 3,1871 March 17. 18‘ March 22, 18‘ March 27. 18‘ April 1, 1871 May 5, 1871 :June 0, 1871 i-Iuly 4-. 1871 ‘July 13, 1871 Iuly 10, 1871 May 16,1871 Do do July 5, 1871 July 27, 1871 June Jane 13.18;; June 10, June 28, Tune 17, Aug. 5, T Aug. 19, ‘Juno 12, 1871 ‘June 29. 1871 :Aug. 1. 1871 June 23, 1871 do do do do do do do do do do do do I do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do April 15. 1571 May 9. 1871 June 6, 1871 ' July 22 Sept- 1. Aug. 29 Jmie 10, 1671 my 20, 1871 do do do do June 14, 1871 Ulme 17‘ 1871 .lu1\‘ 3, 1971 July 4. 1871 Aug 4. 1871 An. 16. 187.1 Feb. 16. 1871 11:13'26. 1871 June 4. 1871 June ‘23. 1971 'Auq. 26, 1871 do do (11) do «10 do Ju1y2‘2, 1871 Aug. 26, 1871 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1871. April 17. 1871 July 4»‘ 1871 July 26, 1871 00 do DATE OF CONVICTION. Aug. 24, 1871 do do Sept. 7. 1871 Sept. 11,1871 ‘July 9. i871 June 20, 1871. ‘ Do do Do do August 24, 11.871. \uv \u‘r a \l) V August. 25, 1871. DOV do d}, 20, 30, 24‘ 27. 1.1871 29.1871 5,1871 19,1871 8.1871 14, 1871 18, 1871 2‘ 1871 Drum : No 78 King Street East,Toronto oval-Kl}. Wesleyan Book Room. 1871 Tofonf‘6.’Doeumvbor 2. 1869. 1871 1871 1871 do WlLLIAM MALLOY,~ AHMSTER, ATTORNEY. SQLTCI 1871 1871 1871 '1 m: ll] Chaucex'j Convevancer. &c 1 00 do Samuel A. Mercer > do do Samuel Mac-bell do do A. MacuaLb do do do & Edw George Flint do do 0):. Norris do do do George Bostwick do _ do do do Wm. A. Wallis Geo. Flint & T. R Richard L. Denison do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ..... .... W. A.Wanis& \V. Hartman Wm. A. Wallis ......... H. Dupe; Seth Ashton do d1) Wm. Develin do do ‘John Wm. Gamble (In do do do W. J. Mitchell do do ; . . . J. (‘u McQuarrie . . . . . . do do do do . . . . . . do do . . . . . . R. TVWiHson . . . . . ‘ do . . . . .1 'do . . . . . . ‘ do . . . . . . H. Tl'elnar . . . . . H. Trelour,A;E :0&W. Henry do do do John Fairbarn . . . .. E. Jacksnu . . . . . . do . . . . . . do . . . NAME OF CONVICTING JUaTICE. do do . do D. Cash A. Mucnnhb J. C. McQuzxrrie DJ do Do do ‘Juhn Peich } Do do & \V'. A. Wallis do II' Brown} Whelefl JOSEPH JACKES, Acting Clerk of the 594 ' DAMAGES mm, PENALTY $500 300 500 100 722 HHHHHKIN‘fiGIHHbâ€"‘NHHuwavu 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 ()0 00 20 00 41 10 1 00 1 00 1 (*0 1 0i 6 00 16 00 1 00 1 00 20 00 2 ()0 20 00 5 00 10 00 .lJ (3 mmimol' ank und Peel ' {widowsâ€"«Lot ‘21‘.rvrrui' 3rd Con» s-imx of “ax-khan“. V.” \IMI‘PWâ€"-Hullmwilh Parties requiring Mr. Saudérson’s servicn canmnkqurahgemenfleaithsfltguwpfiipe, Jufiu'a‘xi'i, 1865. 81 ‘ 40 00 100 100 100 10’ 500 10 00 l -00 [QNNDNNN 00 00 00 00 00 IONNNNLONNSLO .v “(EN 00 US) 00 00 00 00 00 ()0 00 00 00 10 00 10 00 E'DW. SANDERSO‘N, ICENSND AUCTIONEER FOR THE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FINE,WIIEN PAID,‘ on TO BE PAID ‘TO SAID JUbTICE. Time given, twen Tune given till hme gwcu, 8 days JOSEPH. JACKES, are annexed, and now published by m( 5'Paid to Prosecutor. iTo Clerk of Municipality do do do do do - do Complainant. County Treasurer. Alexander Ross. ’County Treasurer, do” do do do B to Prosecutor é- tu Treas Complainant. Treasurer Etobicoke. do do To J ustlce for Tp Treasurer Complainant. ‘ iTownship Clerk. TO WHOM PAID OVER 33 ; SAID JUSTICE. YorkviHe Municipality. 1(,‘om'plninant. i'iork ville 'Municipality. jComplamant. County Treasurer. “emitted Upon payment of Not yet received. County Treasurer. (16 do do do Bnund to keep the peace. do do dn }Paid to A. J. Thompson by cute from R. L. Denim}: Buried the hnrsc‘ abutvd the Ordered tn remove and {My Prosecutor not. appeming m Withdrawn upon payment County Treasurer. . ' do do do do do ‘ do do do ‘tyfone days. do "And" dd do do do Township Treasurer. l} to Infin‘mnnt, g- to Trea H‘reasuror Etobicoke. ' 1i8th instant. $9 Informant, a; ?0.Tfip“ ’ Settled by Council of wmcn‘uwh. County Treasurer. do do do do do , do 'A ppenlod. iCounty Treasurer. ‘ do ' do Not yet paid. County Txeusurer. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Treasurer of Vaughan. Prosecutor. do . Viliaueâ€"Treasurel'. do do A to Informant, 5 to Teasuxer "l‘reasm'er. I3} GwiHimbury. \a m LlfOl'lTHUl" an: TI'GHHIII‘P do do do do do do Crmnly Tu easurel'. Tuwumhip ‘l‘rensurer. ('nse diémisspd. (‘nmplninam 'l‘vwnshin Clo-rk. N. (iwillim Vlllage 'l'reusnror. do do do do do do to Informant, & to Village“ do do do Acting Clerk of' the Peace, Co. of York. “0”. 0‘3 YONG u AND (‘0;JR()I‘|LVV .1 streets.Thln‘nhtll. Huum‘ I'm-x: In II: {we m Hm murmnus i'!‘~,ms«'d ..'i‘hm;da‘3 lid Satuuhqs. from t‘ 3 H A M 'L‘Iiom‘mlmuna 9,1865 do ...... Discharged. ......;Appca}!ed. Peace, County Alhousultgtion s in the 05100 . Cash . JOHN N. REID, MJ) urer of Vaughan. Sent to Gaol. do Whitchurob. Markham. ‘costa. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. ghe Township upon certifi‘ 11d John Baxter, J.P.'s. misnncc. no Casts char-gee! cmusluble cons‘ dured to pay cnnsmblc costs If cunstublc's casts. 'Shi p‘ Treafiurér. ” '66 do do do ‘surer, E. Gwillimbury. an- to Gaol for 2 months do ' do Round 10 kpep the peace. do . do do I do do do ; r‘n do do To Prmnr'umr. lusts of Prosecution, Vaughan: Settled. E. Gwinimbury. "1‘0 60 ‘(lo d0 lnspedor. waving ccsts. Bury. Sent to Gaol. l‘rensuret‘. do Bound to keep “me peace. do do do Articks of the Peace. D1,) Do Do Do ' do do do do of York. Tum-w (he Dunn:- par annum. in I‘ vuncu: '1' nm paid wnhiu 'l‘wn “Mulls. Una DoHnr and Fil‘l) (In-ms WU! lm rh v . ~d N0 puppy dlit‘ul genial.“ "will! at urrvnl'wrzus are pad: and p mus rni‘uging ['flpfll'td “Mb-m pming up. Will hrs held wacogulahlu fur Im- eu'bslfiriwion. All I'P’lurs addxessBd to the Editor mun: bv post-paid. = Una im-h. one yuan, [‘-.\'n inuln-A. one 3-9:“ l'lvree l'lrl'llv's‘. (Inn ye; Over “iron in hm. um Advertifiemeuls for a s And dispatého-I to suhunribo-s hv the earliest nai’;~l or ozlmr uoexveytwr's wnnu so duâ€"erl TH'..YO'. “."aua WM. alwayq bu t'uund m roman: In . . . Jul“! Impn'lgul Fuwign 1nd 5 --| N» '. .ud Mame-V, mm the gruawst l'lu'ee I'm-lune. (Inn ygar . . , ... .. . . . . . . Over lhrou in he .IJIH: ya ' . . . ... - - - . Adveltkemeuls for a uh'r‘ler uurum' than: one year. first inswym. . . . . . . . . .. Each Rllbqu'lenl insn‘. an ............ a no 2 5,) 5‘) r 2.) 2“ inches \Vl“ he cmlazdared on. (:0 umu. Advnrxiseumnm wilhwut urilmn dimctiom inselled till ‘onbid and chm-ng accordiu‘w AH transitory advenisemmvsa, from Q'rungers or irregular cusnnnhrs. mud be pail Hr when handed in for quruun mr. mil bc- mkun kl rendc-r 3! In mid?!" [u h» man 1} bueinans. ar.‘ :1 him" q Fan ily Kr. nape». ' But here the question is naturally suggested, whether tlte moon. which is but a quarter of a million of miles from us. mtg-ht. not first to he criminal for signs nt' life. or. at least, of heinj.Ir fi-tetl For the support of' lif'-. When the tele scope Was first inwutttl. it is curtain that :t.~trnumners Wt't‘e ntm'e hopeful of nette- nisittg such \lfJ-h‘. in the union than any other C‘rler-‘tiul hoiy. As tele<crtpes of greater :tnll gre-tt, r power Were c uhtt'nc led. our satetiire “‘HS seazehed with a And mztny a long; year elt.p<eti birthre ustt‘qunw time and more eager sctutiny. mers would accept the conclusion tlttt the union's surface i< wholly unfitted fort the support of any of those farms of life. with which we are familiar upon earth. That the belief in lutlitl' men prevailed in the popular ntitttl long after .strouo- titers had aliandcttcti it. is $186196 h}! the I eager; crednlity with which tlte story of Sir John lIet-t-cltel’s supposed Ol)SQ.V‘J- tions of the customs autl manners of the Lunurians was accepted even among; well- cducatcd tuen. Who can forget; the gravity with which that most; amazing) it was, indeed ingeniously contrived, The. hoax was repeated in all quarters? anxiety nt' Sir John llerscltel to secure assistance from Kine: \Villictm, anti the care with which our “ sai‘t0t'-l\'it‘t§,.r lltq‘lll’t‘ll whether the. interests of nautic t1 tisrt-ono my would be advanced by the proposed ' inquiries; the plausible explanation of the mode of (thserration depending. We were graVe‘ty assured. upon the transl‘u sion of light; the tremblingr anxiety ct" Herschel anal his t'elln\r-n‘orkcrs as the l moment. arrived when their search Was to commence; the fl-twers, resembling poppies, which first rewarded their fern- tiny; and the final introduction upon the scene. of those wingei beingsâ€"mtg strictly speaking, men, nor prnperlv to he etlled angelsâ€"fit whom Herscltel‘ assigned the generic appellation Vrsprr- til 0 Hammer Bat-men. All these thitth ; and nutty others equally an'using, were' described with mztth-llnus gravity, and“ with an attention to details t't’t'ttitltiingl one of" the tiescriptictts in "Gatllivet's Que ctu hat-thy wonder; then. .‘ 'l‘ravels." that the narr-ttive was rec-fired in mat y quarters with unquestionable f'aith, nor, 1 perhaps, men at the simplicity with" which (as sir J-tllll Herschel ltitnselt' re lites) pet-sons planned 1 measures f'nr sending tttissicnat lt‘fi "umong' Well-tttcttltllt! the poor hcnighted Lunariaus." a Yet astronomers have long known full ‘certainly that. no Turing of life. such as: we are familiar with, cm nxist uan tht' mnon. They know that if our satellite has an atmosphere at all, that utmosphew‘ \must be so limited in extant”th nnl creatures we are acquaintf'ii} ii'ith could live in it. They know thzit she has Ill» oceans, seas, rivers nr l-ukos, neither clouds nor min. and that if' she int} there would be no winds to Walt Illtls- ture From place to place, or to cause tlu- clouds to drop fatness upon the lunm‘ fields. They know, also. that the mom)” =urf'nce is sulijvcted alternately tn :1 cold f'nr nmre intense than that, which binds our arctic regions in cvor‘un'ing h'0'~'t. url to a heat cmnp-n-od \vfth W1 ich the ’iurce man of' trowel} (by is as: the fresh- "985 of a spring: morning. TLey Clelol'X‘l] onIy m'or Ilvo. 1mm!" (ii-c f'm' Ihe Sign; nl‘ «Jennie nevirm. i'ne‘iug wall «Rm-0d Hm: wo Raw: 01' Kim ex“‘o!ur‘.e 0'? “King (:1le- sluuds nor min. and that if' she 11: I ‘ Ax AGRICl-ZABLP.'CONTIKAST.â€"IF we 106k- iw'” ‘1“. rpm-419 m’ind. wo- shlll find virluel '1 --w (b‘no “‘il'st : . hem 011” L m 0 “fit “1' h pf n h'ulner hue. though n01 of1he sumo ure From place to p‘ace, or to cause thv '5(]1l|"§1".\\‘hi('h we hnnst. we have 2.93.“. fiends m drop fatness upon the lunar r , . _ { . “053 n nrecw-nnn. ' I _ fields. They anv, also. that the mom. .3 is mnwmsmvd h), we“. hwhums. If we) =urf'nce is suijcted ahernmely tn a mid have mum (-oqu!“ to brave danger. they: h,|\vn f'm- murn f‘mlhlldfx to meet dlfitlt‘fis. Fur nmre intense than that, which binds m up powsnmium- Théir vimws aro. femio. ' ‘ ~'.m,hm as su‘muminl and as useful as ours, Yd“ m-vm- hers- women mil "rains! {116 mm arctic regions in cvor‘em’ing fro-w. url to a hen cmnp-n-r‘d wfth W1 ich the 'ivrce man of' troy-(:11: (by is as the fresh- "M id}. (Mullmmss an] qumw-anco are IQ ~- ' ‘ ~~ ' a . a: :nd 1' flu in .h-"r " on!“ nvor Ilve lunar dl~c f'm' Iln Slum n[ 5'39",” ' mpmpi ‘ n m" d t ”. co-m‘ 1' . ) Wm 1.99.. , n n J ,1 qmmmns. lh-t Ikev hear me ha-v-dslnps o?- i'?! '4‘ t W ‘5‘ '- ~f ‘. , ' ,. a -‘ I (. nu, C .1 . _..lll_ \u '0‘\.11-)(k rm. Hum: in!“ dqm_veg. p and“. fievmfim may "0 ‘r‘n‘m‘a M H", ‘Xmemme “1 hull" mm" he, wilhmn levvmng a. smi'e agaiimr such Lures Â¥\ 11 (Mar be detented m that deso- late orbâ€"Camfiazalagazims . wss nf' a spring: 11‘.m'!|ll‘._::. TLey cenrrh ‘ guided.“ mom fortunate» . JPNh m" im‘PsYiJiltiUn! 'hPV‘ g"°""'r “"me' " ()m slrmxgth of mind“ Hm- anv.o:mfl has mm? f-rce: theirs'liao‘“ i} l <1a¥flzmnmnlrrde r39" frequently?“ '. 1n wig are, by h,“ generality Qf {kg-i: 30g, EVERY FRIDA Y MORNING, Is our Moon Inhabited ? ADVI'ZRTIa'LV'G RATES inau‘rk firm”: gslrrfimm. IS PUlll.l&:H h PI R [N‘H my} lll " “Yuma Shnmifiom; in. .._â€". taut-d lesly on Friday '- , M mamsnnn AT THE (gnu? 6&1, Tam: : One Dellar yer ALEX. Soon; Pnonaffibm‘ Commend us to the girl'ol‘ wliom it sneoringly said “- She works for a living.“ V. In her we are suro'to see tin dome“! of a true wom‘unoâ€"a real lady. Two“ We are. not prepared to seeai mincng step, a haughty lip, :1 silk dresstor liear' a splendid swing of nonsense about hallo: and )1;ng men, or the new fashions on the next partyâ€"no, no; but we are prey: pared to .:e.-Ir the sound words of good. s'nsc, lziugl-ing becoming}: woman; to,- sve u neat drew, :1 mild brow, and' to witness movements that would not} dis-J grnoo an angel. . You who are looking for wives and“ cnnip'uvions. turn from the fushiopableb' haughty girls, and; select one of thosov wqu wgrk £0: a livingfuud neverâ€"our, Wnl‘zl f”: itâ€"will you repent your choice; Y n wwt 3 substantial friend. and 110th 0 help 0o o.‘t -â€"â€"a counsellor, and not av similetra. Yew may not H: able to carry a piano into 5631' house, but. you can, ' ‘ buy a sewing mn‘ohine, or a set of knit- ‘ ting needles. If you cannot, purchang every new novel, you. may} be, able to, take son 6 valuable paper. IF you can-‘ not buy a ticket for a ball, you may visit," 5 mm :iflicted neighbor. I Be careful, than, when you lack for 3; compnuiun, and whom you choose. W6 know many a findish man who, instead of h-‘L‘lucfing :m industrious and prudent “om-m, fur a wifn, took one from the. fashionable Stock. am] is now lmgemilng his fuliy in dust and ashes. He ran into. \hc fin: with lxix- vycs wide upenyauda- who but hi1u~=ulf is to blame fur it? - The' Greme'gftmy in tho-Worm. ‘ The tune was when the ladies fienta v1.3:i|.;: and tank their work with them; This in the remm “1:51 we had such ex~ c :cht mmlaew. Hmv singul-w would any wnmzun hulk in a flashiumaam circYe, 11$!‘HilijJ: :1 father’s St”(:l§iҤ.'. \Vo'lld not her cwmpmiuns laugh Miler? And yet such .' woman would be :1 prize to some. body. b’mssad 1> the man \th ghooscg i'm' a wife one from the desyiel git”!qu n who “ won‘. for a living great Inell‘t);‘olis in the position of the» fiist city in the world. it is a noticeath fact. that, with th?s immense populat.ion,_ havinf.r its: l'ait' share nl‘ l‘();ll\‘H and \il- lains nf' allrgradfi. it is 5» “11-1 {3; mined and so well pulleud that we svldum heat of ~crimes cumlnitlcd like unto our late street, car murder. The criminal there meets with prompt punishment fulluwirg prompt arrest. Money and influence aVail them nothing; honee crime is not, ‘at, u twigunimn. as in other places we know of. Human life is cmnparatively 9111's,, unless: men are rerlifill enough to perm“ themselves to he caught in the very den: of thieves and other miscreants. The Vprmplu travel in every dlx'ectiun without ifear nf' death at the hands of a sidewalk» ‘rnfii‘m. The mnrdetmts car hook ha! no terrors to a citizen of London. He' enters a ‘bu>s’ withnut the liability of" ll“)ng mal rented hel'me his journey it over. If insulted he has immediate tom 1 (lress,ennscqut'nt1y crime is held- in ehcck.. Indeed Lnudun. in this respect, will seer The censhs recently taken of Qhe city OF'LOlldull shows its pnpuluthm to be. three; and a quarter mllllmus. This has never been «xceilud even by Home in its. p-llmicst days and it at Once places ‘hat ns :1 nmdul to some ’citivs which claim to be perihelion in everything appertahtln‘g” to good and Snunll government. Again, the mnrmlity in London is known to be] less in pmporlimt to in pnbnlafion. thaw that ul‘ an) city in the world. From this our city fathers may take a lesmn._ We have ample mom fur impz'ovemenh. in our smilnry regulations. Much can fi‘ti‘bfl «lmw whomhv New York may be. rondured equal to Lnnllmi in 10th of health. And we cam only urge upon our au‘lmrities the necessity of doing wary, thing: to I'Olldt‘)‘ our city the first in the: wmild in cleanliness and. as a. natural; muquuence, heulthfulucss.-â€".\'ew Yoda;- l Herald. “- She ‘Works for a Living," WTHE’ YORK HERALD“? WHOLE. N 0.. 688..

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