The people living in the neighhnutlmu'l of Wuolwic'u, England, the site of the r0tlll nrsenul, have been latelv gravely disturbed by the rlsscuvery that. the ground beneath their feet. was liable at any moment to give wary and let them down into a. cavern or Iubterrnnepus reservoir containing thirty f~et bf water, Excavationsnnd probinge at different points have pl'OVrd that a consider able area is thus undermined. and the con leqnence has beat a general removal of all who could nl'furd to take other and safer habitants. For the security nf' such as re mdin government survejs of the ground we to be made inxmehiutely, and such sufe~ guards adoptcd\uguirxst accident as the ne- 'ouhy of the we shall demaud.â€"-Laadar. A Ncwwny 0f chculing nt ch‘cï¬nus was develnped in the recent mum-i: in San Francisco, Cnlif‘orni-n ()n a numhm- ol‘ Bï¬'llots, nitrate} 0T émer was applied [0- the name of {he luxpn}(3|‘s' (-umiuhAe fur ans-es Bur. This suhslmu- prnduu-s no inmwdialw effect, an that the mler would deposit Ihe bull withmn uuspicion. By the time, how- ever, Ih:-t the hox th arcing-(1m count the vote. lhe name was entirely emsed by [he chmnicul Helm†of thedlu; on the inh’. And yet, notwi'hslzmding Ihis innumerable other forms of fraud practised in the Hm'wd States, we are told by some people that the ballot Ought to be introduced in lhis cuumry. TUESDAY. October 10. â€"-â€" Credit, 83's: of Live Stock. Implenmn's. furniture. &c‘. the propl-rvy m' .\l r. Jusvph \\"ilhr-rswmr-, Sale at 12 (fulfl0k,5h:1|‘p. Hemy Sulel sen, Auctiunver. '.' Put-Iits having Sale TENTS primed at this ofï¬ce. wiEl have a notice similar to the above, free of charge. V A‘_CULYERT.â€"-ch hare received a communication from ageutleman com- plaining that the superintendent. (Mr. James,) will not do the necessary im- provements on Yonge Street, where it is really required. It. appears, by the atatemcnt (if this correspondent, that at Cook’s hotel there is a small creek, the «’*‘bed of which lies between the hotel and the driving shed; and at; the time Youge Street. was maeadamized, the road was raised four or ï¬ve feet, 31d of course a culvert Was put. in for t te fut-pose of carrying off the water in i s proper channel. After the elapse of years the culvert has decayed, and the fallen earth has damned up the water so as to throw it back on private property. \Ve are sure Mr. James will give this matter careful attention, it' propeer brought- under his notice. If it is the duty of the County to repair the cul- vert, Mr. James will have it done at once; if a private interest, of course the interested parties must. have it. “ranged to suit. themselves. The health of Queen Victoria has not imprbvcd, Mr. Gladstone is paying her a visit at Bul'moral. Cantata of Esther, the beautiful Queen. according to notice last week, was given by the Newton Brook choir in the MuseuievHul‘, in this town, on Tues- day evening last.‘ The Singing, under the leadership of ‘Mr. A. \Villson. Was excellent ; and a large audience showed their appreei‘ttiun lof' the efforts of the fraternityjn buildng the nmSt cnnnno- dioué hull in the county, by ï¬lling it comfortably. @113 iug.IF pump. This enterprising manuf'uc. turm- hus taken ï¬ve Provincial prizes and also the Society’s diploma in succes- sion. We can cheerfully beur testimony to the excellence of M r. Powell’s pumls from pClSOHle experience of their limits. To cur per<omtl knowledge :I child three years ofagc can cmin pump water l'mm n well thirty-one feet in deptli by the Powell swing pump. Under these cirâ€" cumsfnnccs no person requiring a yump should be without one. FIRT RE-UNION.~â€" The managing com mittee in our Mechanics? Institute, tu- ling time by the ï¬bre-luck, announce that they huvelnade arruugcmema 10 givu the ï¬rst re-union of the $0350" iu‘ the Mnâ€" sonic; Hall, on Tuesday awning next. Mr. James Hum†Kay, the pnpular clo cutihnist, will give an entertainment composed nf' cell-minus from Dickens and Poets, which will be interspersed with some choice musical productions by several locml amateurs. Dow‘s open at 7:30; to commence at 8. Pownn's PUMps.â€"â€"l\lr. Chas, Powell, of Newton Brook. Yonge street, has been again‘sucoessf'ul at the exhibition with his swing pumps. M 1'. Powell took the ï¬rst prize for wooden pmnps, and he also rl'cochd an extra ï¬rst prize for his forc- “awfle Ggpdsxâ€"jw'l'n. Atkinson. Sll'agedâ€"â€"â€"1\‘. iii-by: ' '4 ’ " New Toasâ€" G. A. Riv-mud. The Ontario HUHSG- H. Newbery. ‘Farm for SaJc- John Rrowu. Ewuuoxn HILL, SEPTEMBER 22, 1871- NE»;ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCT] 0f SALES. l In a sketch of the Mont Ccnis Railway. lpuhhshed in tlze Journal des Debuts the ‘wrilea says :â€"“ The. UplnlOIfS 01' the geolo- qists have been conï¬rth at. all points as to the cumpnsilion of the mountain, and there is much to rxcite wonder and admit-n lion in the exactness with which science has shown the thickness of the different soils that they have'had to proforate in the mountain. It wrs calculated that there were 8,000 metres of shistone and limestone on the ltalian slope, and in reality they found 8.000, and some hundred odd metres of limestone. Farther on, in exact, conformity with the. calculations. they came across 356 metres of compact lime, then 388 metres of quartz. 411112096 metres of anthrnctic on the French slope. A better prediction could not have been made had the mountain been transparent, and it is altogether a grout triumph for the geologist. l , A. H. CHANDLER, “.0. H. A. JACOBS, 31.1). ; Moxcrox, N.B., November 9, 1867. l Belgravxa and Mayfair have been shaken to their centres by the armsuncvment that .the Prince and Princess of Wales, journey- ing _ to Ober-Atamergau to sec the Passion Play, havellweu compelled “to lodge in the cottage of a Wand-cutter and to put up wtth the humble-st fare." Such was the rush of t‘ileOI'é to the seclttdt‘d Bavarian valley to witness the wondmns dramatic power or Joseph Mair, that even rcyalty cuttld nut secure apartments in the hotel. It could not Lave been so had a prepara- ti-m at'terfall, for the strange and snlemn spect: cle he had gum; so far to see. that on thy way thither the P ~lace shunld lodge by the wayside in poor-harm’s huts as did Joseph and Mary 011 thét'r way into Egypt. As this did nut occur to him doubtless, it. may yet have been well that he shanld learn to “ rough it†a little for once.â€"â€"Leader. , ~.--The North 33511 Exhibition is .an.‘ nounced to be he]d'_ap'N'evymarket, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 3rd and 4th"6f October. ~1Al'i'uhge amount will be given in pfizfs. : ‘_ ._ The nineteenth annual exhibition of the East Riding of‘ York and Markham Agricutu'inn Societies iiill rm lieldvin the agricultural grounds, Markham Village, on Thursday and Friday next, the 5th and- 6th ‘of' October. Prizes to the amount of $30007,will be ofl‘ered for competition, and. gift prizes amounting to upwards .of,l$2;00. ‘A good brass band [ms been engaged for both days of exhibit’iOn. ~The Directors have this year erected on the thir ground, for the aceonnnodzit‘ioh 'of exhibitors, 25 large stalls for horses, 25 cattle stalls, and 50 sheep pets Arrangements have been made with the Toronto and Nipissing Railway to carry visitors and articles in- tended for exhibition at half fare. All entries must be made by Tuesday eve- ning, 3rd day of October, and may be made by letter (post-paid) to James Robinson, Secretary, or any day previous. Committee of management: Messrs. Fpeight, Rennie. Crawford, Carter, Me- gnl. lleesor, Davidson, Tram), Stevenson, J. G‘ Reesor. AfLer a fair and protracted trial of Fel- lows’ Compound Syrup of Ilypophosphites. we consider it :1 very valuable nervous tonic, ï¬u' surpassing many others of Considerable repute, and well worthy the conï¬dence of the profession generally. The grand Union Exhibition of the \Vest Riding,r and Township of Vaughan Agricultural Societlcs will be held in the village of Burwick, on Thursday and Friday, October 19 and 20th, when premiums will be awarded, amounting to one thousand dollars. The secreta- ries will be on the fair ground on Mon- day, the 16th, at one o’clock P.M., for the-purpose of taking entries. A dinner will be provided at tne‘Inkerman hotel. at 4 P.M., on the second day, for the Judges, Oï¬iccrs and friends of the So- cieties. The Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway have kindly consented to run special trains on the 20th to and from Toronto and ~Omagcville, and way stations, to Woodbridge, for one fare. A conunodious tent. will be provided for the reception of produce and ladies’ work. The price list will be declared immedi- ately after dinner; brass band will be in attendance. The trial ofRochefort has been concluded by the com: martial aiming at Versailles. The prisoner was convicled of participation in ihe acts of the Communists and sentenced to imprisonment in a penal colony for life. A pestilent agitator has thus been got rid of forever. The Whitchurch Agricultural Socieiy will hold their annual Fall Show in Stuuffville, on Tuesday, October 10th. A large number of prizes will be offered For competition, and u conmmdious can- vass tent. will be provided in which to exhibit produce, manufactures, ï¬ne arts, &c.; to enter which a charge of 10 cents niil be made to nun members. Dinner will be served at the Queen and Ameri- can hotels, after which the Judges will enter upon their respective duties. A want has been felt and expressed by physicians for n safe and reliable purgative. Such a want, is now supplied in Parsons’ Purgative Pills. FALL SHOWS. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ON T'., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1871 Can be had at the Post Ofï¬ce. for 10 ans ‘ wnx. Apply to Farmers will consul! their own interest by examining our Mill bul’ore buiiug else-where. as we feel conï¬dent lhev will he salisï¬ed our Muchinesare nolsurpaswd if equalled. THE MORNING PAPERS he subscri‘reru are now manufacturing a large number of the nbwe: and, having in- creased facilines fur prepaning the lumber, cw supply a†orders promptly. And, having rocoullv been Improved, the sub scribem have every conï¬dence in its superior merit. BEST FANNING MILL! Whenever shown. andan pronounced by com pelem judgts as bring the FANNING MILL! THESE MILLS HAVE Stood the test of Competition .’ AT ALL THE PROVINCIAL Exmmnons Sb COUNTY Funs, CONTAINING EIGHT! ACRES 0f valuable land, 72 acres cleared in I hlgh mam of (:ullivaiion. the remainde. is wall tim- hered with pine and hardwuud : them is on the premises a good l'zame ho use, wixh stone cellar, l kilcheu and woodshed uaur'y new, a large fmme barn 32x75 Nearly new. s'alrlo.slrods. and roothouw complete. two nevur~fniling springs of watov. « cistern, and a 1hriving orâ€" nhard 9 ntresnf when! in the ground. This farm is beautifully situated. framing on Yungo Street. only 4} miles from King simian. NONI]- ern Railway. and is; from llw thriving village or [iii-hmond Hill. ten minutes wqu [0 church. schnol-honse, and snw-Inill. Tran lnmsrurnu. Terms easy. l’ussession immediately. No oijclion to exchange for I larger farm in a good lovalily. For further [)M'xiuulus apply 10 the owner on rho premises. ’-_ Pfï¬siflen‘t‘il‘hiem has been presented by King- Amudeus of' Sï¬ain with th‘é' Urder‘bf‘ the Golden Fleece. Hem-y K. Bond, of Jefferson, Maine, was cured of spitiing blood, soreness and weak nns of the stomach, by the useof Johnson's Anodyne Linimcnt. Mr. Disraeli made a speech at Hughenden yesterday in which he spoke in high‘y laudatory terms of the Queen. This fact aï¬'ords a pretext. to the New York lVorld to manufacture a despatch from London, in which it is stated that the Conservative len- der declaled Her Mnjesty morally and physi cally incapacitated {in longer exercising her high functions. This decimation, it in added,‘ has created such consternation that a line of the newspapers will suppress‘Mr. Disraeli’s statementmhile others will publish TIN; ahovo Tenn warn camfu'lh' «WE-led llld nr’o fully ten cenis per 1b b'tlar than may Teas soId nu Richmond Hill Examine and “at them and I Will guarantee you will bear mo out in my assertions. The good news Is telegmghed that the 'chiï¬Ã©fa is' once more decreasin in violence . V _ g "in-Northern Germany. All the way from Hong Kong comes a. complaint to the British Government that life and property in that far distant land is becoming exceedingiy insecure. They ask remedial measures and no doubt will obtain them. V Mamet-ix hand the host of met". Mut- lnn, Lamb. Von]. Punk, Sausages. &c. Ind sel' ' at the lowest price The highest um'rkel prions given for Cllt’e. Shvflp, Lambs. &c. Good, Frnsh and Strong Young Hyson Ten, onlv 5(3 cxs par 1!: Fine full flavored Young Hyson Tel, only (5|) ch [ml' n. Snpwior Mayuuo Young Huon Ten, from E5 cts par fl). Viva fl worad Black Ten. from R†N5 per 1b Fllienl flavored and best Black Ton imported, $1110 per Yb 7 In Canisters of 5 its. 5 cm per IL lens than their} perves. Sign of the British Flag Staff. Richmond Hill Seplvmbor 28. 18'“. 6364f For bravely defending Fort Wellington in the sham battle at Prescott yesterday beforé the Governor-General, the 56th Ba!- talion received the tide of “ Lisgar Rifles.†it. The ingenuity of this fabrication is Gui! surpassed by ils mniice and cruelty. Mr. Disraeli is about the last man in ihe world to make such an assertion as is attributed to him. even if ti‘ere \ ere foundation for it in fact, which of course there is not.â€" Leader. Also. Corned and Syiced Bnef. Smoked sud Dried Hams. ‘VILSONS’ IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION Q P LE 1;: p [D wags“: pump FOR is salt. being part of Lot 59. in the lemon cession of the WILLIAM‘COX, BUTCHER, RICHMOND HILL, HAS nmmsnn hand [he hast of “emf. Mut- 0F TORONTO: TELEGRAPH. !4: )6â€- Richmond Hill,Ang. 27, 1871. 5664f New Crop. JBESH NEW TEAS. JOHN BROWN. Richmond Hill P. 0‘ Vaughan. Sept ‘27, lb“. 658 G Richmond Hill, Sept. 97, 1871. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, gm gslvtrtimmzw. Manufactured in Canada; News Summary Farm for Sale. GLOBE. G. A. BARNARD. AJJL W. WILSON. M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill WILLYAM COX. LEADER. 688 Is (he most wonderful discovery in ilmmialry for healing MILLE R’S DERBY OIL Old piuiures of deceaaod friends copied and enlarged suitablo lor 'ramiug. ï¬t Dull and cloudy weather no hindrance to the an. NB. Children Ind Inimlll move risk of the owner. Begs to inform tha' pubï¬c that. having com. meuced operuion in the nbuve business. Le is pu-plred to lake Percom, 'lnimdh, Houses or Landscape: Better paper than any in the neighborhood. PHOTOGRAPHY. COPY BOOKS GREAT '_SU'C,CESS DRY GOODS, GROCERI-ES, NEW m}: GOODS ! The Highest Cash Price ginn for Farm Producc. ROBERT NEWBERRY. THE ONTARIO HOUSE, Of his large stocks former'y has induced him to secure a still TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS Gracerz'ca, Crockery, Hardware, (56. (kc. Read y-made Clothing, Shawls in all the Latest .S'tylesl Jackets, W700] Goods in Great Variety, Wmcevs, Colmuv‘gs, Alp-wens. Mt-rinoa. F! Dross Goods. Prime. Canons, 'l'ickings‘ Plain and Palm “annals, Blan- kels, Ca puts. Hosiery, Glows, Furs, LARGEST, CHEAPEST 65 BEST T his mccess is Unmigakeable of the conï¬dence If a j tronising public. EIATS AND CAPS, 800 Will be found to coritain werytln'u that is beauhful. chaste, cltgant an If the latest style. Then Goods August 17, mo Everything GCod & Cheap Richmond Hill, Sept. ‘20. 1871. MPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE Richmond Hill. SepL ‘27. 187] September 28. ISTI. Usually sold at 10 and 19} cents reducod (o 7 and 10 cents each. MILLINE RY DEPARTMENT New Fall W’inter Goods, gym (5mm; (ï¬mmm. PHOTOGRAPHS W. ATKINSON. 03' THE CENTRAL STORE, The subscfih begs to announce lb!“ he hzu now on hand the FRESH OUT! 03 OLD SORIS. Central Store! Larger Stock for this Season. Clothing, Boots ((6 Shoes, 41:. ls nowppen with 1 large stock of Great Bargains Doe :Icim. silk mixed Cloths , ; 3’ clveleens, ' Accounts rende'rad Combat 15!. Horses and Cattle. tTYLE 0R SIZE R. A. GRAY THE QUICK DISPOSAL HERALD BOOK STORE. In. (71.6 Greatest Variety. The stock consists in pan of HUGH MILLER Jr. CO. G0 AND SEE THE R. NEWBERY’S is have all been purchased before the late Rise in Plices. Stock he ever ofl‘ered A Splendid Stock of He can give you in IN ANY REQUIRED For 5:19 at the flownâ€"â€" .- 'iéi‘kâ€"iii'éifï¬ali Torom 0 631-1! AS USUAI. THE New Store, BFALEH IN rinoa, Foncy 9 Evidence Pa' E|giu Milk. 558-31“ 687-]y at the 688 Fresh Goods Made this season. and AT A LESS PRICE THAN OLD GOODS I WOULD SAY TO THOSE I am not selling 017cm old slack (Jouwnv F. Cnruahun, Letty Cushmnu. Frank C. Craig, “'Illimï¬ Hanan. Mr. Danton. Brown Fowler. Thomas B. Gaaham. Miss B. A. “is'op, John Jobbelt. Jumea u. Hill Poumï¬co. 131mm irilxer. 1971: Alexander. David Cronnu, l’alrick Phillie. l-lliza eth (/remhlay. A dulphe (2h.is1inn. John (flarlr. Emma (Jouwnv F. Cnruahun, Letty (Tuslmmu. Frank C. Craig, “'Illialï¬ Dalian. Mr. Damon. Brown Fowler. Thomas B. Gaaham. Miss B. A. llislop, John Jobbelt. Jumea Kaascnd-len. Maggie Korswell. Mrs. C. H. Kay. William Lemiue. J. Muss-nightly". James Mnrdeu. William Pogue, W. lieoike, Miss Sutherland. Marv Ann Sulde-r. Joliu . Sipprell, Julm 'l'lmmpson. Samuel Tucker, Mark 'l'easdnll. Phillie “Night, R. Y. Young. William Cvnï¬dem (run: his uuccau and the libernl patronage ho has received in :he past years. that he can slil suit imonding purchasers in good: service: his articles. W. H. respectfully solicit-J lheinspacliou of his present stock of 14 FIRST PRIZES Bv (he nix following Agricu lural Societies '. Yonge Street, East York. Markham. North Yolk. King npd Vaughan Together with a good nsuortment of Whips, Lashes, Currv Combs. Cards. Brushes, &c, for the lowas! remunerazivo prices. [n the County of York, Waggon Maker, da- censed, are hereby required to send in particu- lars of their claims in writing with drum: nun items to Jun: McBErH. or RICHMOND HILL. aforesaid ndmintstrntrix of the said vstuto. on or lmt'oro the lï¬th day of October next: and Creditors and am furtht-r llhtiï¬t‘d that the said udministmtrix shall at the said limo proreed to distribute the assets of the said An- drew McBeth, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. nud thwt. the shall not be [table for tlro assets or Inypart thereof. so distributed. to any person of whose claim she shall not then have had notice. COLLARS WARRANTEI) To Fit, Look 80 Wear Well By GEORGE KERR. Jr.. her Soliciton Toronto. September bib, 1871 . All orders hue: do] In with Prumpmens, Chonpneu and Dismwh by the propriolor. Bogs to intimate to tho inhnbitnnts of Rich mom! Hill and vicinity that he has opened the above named estalilishtm-nt. out! door north at" Mr Bartmrd’s Stare. where he is prey-and to make to order on um Shurtest Naive. every descriptinn ut Ilumnss. He ntsu intends to keep on hand a well assorted stock of Bnusnas. \Vulrs um LASHES in great va‘iely. H H C. womd nlso intimate that he (ho- rougl-lv udderslands COLLAR MAKING In all its branches. having of late )enrs de' voted much time and attention to lhls most important branch of the tnde,he can coilï¬~ dalxti} gunramee a safe and easy collnr All who may have the kindness to favor him \- ixh their patronage cun rely upon n ï¬rst-class ani- clo as nothing but ï¬rst-cuss sxo k will he used, muda up in a workmunliko manner by expe- rienced workmen. Is the Place to get a Good Articlez You should Call ck Examine the Stock SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, Harness Di! and Vlrnlsh nlwnys on hand. Richmond Hill, Son. 13. 1871. OSG-Iy Single and Double Harness! W: H . M‘Y E R S Neither Can not Will bl Undercold. J claims against the eslnte of the WM. HARRISON. Riohmnnd Hill. Sep. 31, [571. 687.61: "REDI"OBS AND OTHERS HAVING CANNOT BE SURPASSED. HAVE NOW ON HAND Village of Richmond Hill, List of Letters EWWINQ _IN THE RICHMOND BOOTS &: SHOES, SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS. ICHMOND HILL COLLAR AND HARNESS EMPORIUM. That has been in ma shop for year- but I offer you HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. T ranks, Valises, Cards, Comba, H. H. CLARKE For Single and Double Harness, LATE ANDREW MOBETH, CAN 3:: Gur Is um town. ASSOR'I‘MENT 0F New Harness Shop. To which has been awarded Before purchasing olsewhere. Which forrPrico and Quality That may be in want of AS W. 11..â€YERS’ Richmond Hill gamma, 8w, Estate Notice. Remember that Formerly of the A very good v THAT JAN E MCBETH. M. TEEFY. r. u. Aaminialratrix.. 'omco hog": from 6:30 hi. to 9:30 nu. Ely 4,1569. V 563-2! MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. U any nqm verâ€"Ilotexeaedmgmree Imudr-ed donuts l‘ynlly 01w depositor.) will be received althe Richmond Hill PM! Uï¬ice. for which Govermnomwilldllow [mu-est. 553, Oxford Street (late 244, Strand), London, W. 0., Sept. 1.167]. 587-6m a" Mn. Tn“! is Government. Agent for hauls of Chmnisls and [huggisls who desire to ob- tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lnwest whrlesnle prices in quantities of not less than $20 wor h (for which remittance must. be sent in advance)â€" viz., 8s 6d . and 2-25,, and 343.. per dozwll hoqos of PMS or pots of Uinunem. nan, with u! dlSCOINH. ‘ l have the honor to be. Wllll grant respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. RICHMOND , 7. row HILL 0 F r I c E. nEPOSITS 0F ONEVDOLLAR, (03, h‘hould any pevsuu have ronsun lu believe that he has been decaived by bming spurious imilnlinm of these Medmines, he will do well to III-mi me. in a letter, to Ihe address at fun! (which he can do at a co~t of six cents In post- age) one of the books of insrrucnons which are! utï¬xed m [Ins same. I pmmme to examluo il and send a reply. stating wheflner [he Modi- cmns are genuine or nut, so that if spurious he "my apply In the permit from whom In» pur- chased them to have his money refunded. FIRE PROOF STORE I 1 would ask. as a great favor. llml should it come to the knowledge uf any person llmt spu- iuus medicines are being nm- a or sold in my name. he [)3 ploasvd to send me nil the punicu- lure he can collect respocling the uan. that is to any. he name and address of the vendor who is selling the spurious medicines, and likes- wiso the name and nddress of the linuae in the Uniled States. or elsewhere. which may have supplied them. so as [0 enable me. for tho pruieciiou of the public, to instituxe pro- ceedings "gums: such evil-doers. and l engage (o remunerle very handsom-ly' am‘ parwn who m -y give me such informnziun. the in- formunl'u name never being divulged. CANAD IAN TWEEDS! ‘1 mod earnenxly onlren! ail those who may mad this adveriisement that they be pic-«sod. in [he puhlic inlarest. to communicate the pur~ port of the same to their friends HIM they may not be defrauded of their money by purchasing Worthless imitations of the gunuiuo “OL'LO' wn's PILLS AND UINTMJdN‘I‘. COATINGS AND VESTINGS, Mantle Cloths, Furs, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, van-um.†“nu Inn um um v: uuu cums. No representative of mine will ever travel through any pan of [he British l'rovnn'osor the United States. either to sell, or uriake orders for my Pills and ()innnenLand as l have reason to bolieve that attempts will very probably lm made [0 deceive the public in this way by persons calling on medicine vendors, falsely re resenting that they are acting fur mo, and with my knowledge and consent. 1 dW‘IH it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such deceptiuns. GROCEBIES, HARDWARE, Al rnovmcrzs or how"! AMERICA. I lrg-g Inosl reqmctfully lo acqunim tho pub~ liu ofulhe Brini-h North American provi 066 that in May last I mused the business M H! Maide'u harm, New York. for the sale of How Lowu'l PM M AND Um'rmzx'r. which were up 1' lhal time pv'epumd ln‘ Willinu‘ Brown. v-nw decomed. to ba clused. These Modicnms wars. 1 I‘egl'f't to any, {rorn'whn has lawly come to my knowledge, made tin of ï¬nch veryordilun' ingrudiems as to render them nlmont worlh‘ess. and therefore calculatvd lo damage my good uamu. Thth who do not wish to ho deceived by buying spurious medicims. whinh are now likelï¬m emanate from the Slams on elsewhere. bull to possess themsoives of the genuiuo H01.- wwu‘s l’u.l.s [um Omrmmr wiH do well m two that much pol and box [wars Hm British Government. slump nu which is engraved [he words " HoLLowAr's PILLS nu HIM‘mm'r.†and (hat the addressam the inlml is 5.53 Oxvnko STkrznz'r. Lennon: whom only lhoy are man“, l'aclurcd. and in no other pan of the world. 'l'lw rnlmi prices are on Ihn labels in Briaish currency, and not in dollars and cents. Nice Fancy Woolen. Goods ! ! Ready Made Clothing, &c. 8w. LOWEST CASH PRICES. Accoums are rsndorad on the M October. and it is expectnt‘ that they will bo promptly me: this {all as we hnva bum: blessed with an abundant harvest. which brings good piicas. P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH. Richmond Hill, Sept. 21. I871. F01 particulars apply to UTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT. i §Wrw W (gait. Boung in the Best Mnrkel and will be sold at the lan Tartan W’oolings. Hosiery, Gloves, New Fall Goods. Caution! ! Caution ! ! ! THE PUBLIC OF THE BRITISH MARRIAGE LICENSES. Kept Constantly on Hand B LAN K ETS. WINCEYS. GRAND DISPLAY A LAllGI AS! ALSO AGENT FOR THE The Stock includu Double and Single BROAD CLOTHS, Crockery. &c. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. SHA WLS, AT THE ISAAC CROSBY. 585 1. thanks tn his fritmd~ for the patronage he has received since hn commenced busiqu as a BUTCHER on Rivhmnnd Hill. hugs to uh nounce to them 1! :1 he hm: disposed of In. business to his son. HENRI Hornnuwho will in future carry nu the Ihnnilwss. He also trum- gh‘nt his customers wnH continue to bestow 1110i: patronage on his successor. Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER. IN RETURNING thanks tn his frieud~ for the patronage BUTTER AND EGGS By virtua of a Power of Sale contained in I certain Mortgage hearing dale the 1"th dny of August, “36:2. made behvmn Andrew McBMh and wul'e. and John Kennedy Falconbridgo. than: will be sold by Public Auction, on ‘E The above Sale ofers a splendid chance : for any persnn dw‘rom of commencing { Business in the above line. FAMILY FLOUR! ‘2. Part of Lot 47 in the Pirsl Concassion of the TflWlhhlp of Vaughn". containing one 11ch and seven-pights ol‘un have. This parcel will he sold in lots ol‘abuul half an acre etch if do- sired. Tums or Sunâ€"One-tenth ol' the purchnsn numey to he paid at tho time ofsnlo, lwu-lemhl on the dwliwry of (he Deed to tho' purchuer. and the balance in ï¬ve equal annual instal- mems. with interest at 8 per cent. payable half \‘oarly. secured by Mortgage and hum-nee on the premises. Further conditions will he mad.- known on day of sale. and information may ho had on application l0 WEDNESDAY, THE 41‘“ DAY or 0010â€" BER. EXT, The Lands and Promise: mentioned in aid mortgage. viz .â€" Call 9‘ Examine for Yoursclves. Which will be Sold at Reasonable Prim, that will suit Purchase". WTAGON SHOP,DWELLING HOUSE, VILLAGE LOTS, 850., l. The Dweliing House. angon Shop and Premises lalely occupied by the said Andrew McBeth. in Richmand Hill. GEQRGF; KERR. Jri, 1 Mortising Machine. 1 Tenon Machine, 1 Spoke Machine. 2 Turning Lathes, Boring and Ripping Machine, Saws, Chisels, Shafting, Belting, and a great. variuty of Wagon Maker’s Tools and Implements, also a considerable quantity of Lumber. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST“: And on the Premises will be :old A STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER TERMS: Under $50, Cash; over 850,, three months, on furmshing approved en- dorsed notes. i‘unher particulars mly be had on applied- lion to PARKER CROSBY. Esq. Richmond III". JANE MCBETH. Administrnlrlx. By (-‘EURGE- KERR, Jr . her Solicitor.- noa'r. momma Riehufld mu. Jan. 7, 1871. use-u Richmond Hill. Aug. 23. 187! . Toronto, Septothr 8th. 187! THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED A Fresh Stock !‘ AT RAYMOND’S HOTEL, @rumm, grnviï¬imï¬. FEED SOLD. Royal Insurance linildings. Toronto, Solicilor for [he Vendor. WINES AND LIQUORS, TH E HIGH EST PRICE Sign of the Tea Chest. ALWAYS 0N HAND! Groceriu, Provisiona, A! Twelve o’clock, noon, In Exchange for Goods. Mortgage Sale. "CRT! 01‘ TORONTO; PARKER CROSBY, Esqf. thnnonn HILL. RICHMOND HILL. 0" ALL KINDS 0' AND CROCIERY. JUST RECEIVED, TEAS GIVEN '05 THE BEST ALEX. MOODIE» luchmou‘d' um 686.3