Elm gym: ngmm. The South Simcoc Fair was held last week at Bradford. Seéeral exhibitors went from this section, among whom was Mr. George Weldriok, who brought home nine prizes. He received ,a set of China for the best butter, over 28 competitors. The good housewives of South Simcoe were rather annoyed at the loss of the China. GRAND CONCERT. â€"- The Orange Young Britons of this town announce that they will give a concert in the (Ma- sonic Hall, on Friday evening, the 13th inst. A number of musical professors and amateurs have been secured for the occasion. The proceeds will be devoted to the purchase of a banner for the As- sociation. Tickets are only 25 cents. FREE Tamâ€"The backwoods men .111) in North Wellington, are to have a free trip on the line of Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, on Wednesday next â€"0ne of the days on which the Central Fair is to be held at Gilelph. A train of- ï¬fty cars has to be run to and from Har- riston, an enterprising village in the township of Mintoe. This trip will afford many inhabitants of these parts an opportunity of visiting the exhibition in one of the best farming sections in the Province, who otherwise would be unable to do so. PRIZES AT THE PROVfZNCIAL.â€" As usual, quite a number of important pri- zes were taken byofarmers 'and others from this neighborhood at the Provin- cial Exhibition, held at Kingston lz'st week. Mr. James MeNair' for the sec-i 0nd time,got the Canada Company‘s prize ‘ of $100 for the best fall wheat; Mr. McNair also took the Agricultural Asso- ciation’s prize for the best wheat. Mr. James Russell was very successful with his sheep, taking several prizes and ma- king some good sales. Mr. R. Farris‘ imported draught horse, “ A 1" took the ï¬rst prize and diploma. J. Brillinger’s ianadian bred horse, “ Young “’allace Glenelg" took the 3rd prize in his class, and, we understand, has'been sold at a good price to go to the-States. MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE. â€" Under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Me- chanics’ Institute, Mr. J. Room Kay entertained a large audience with a seâ€" ries of readings on Tuesday evening last. Mr. Kay’s abilities as an elocu- tionist are unquestionably of' a superior character. He appears quite at home among the Poets, and the rendition of hisexcellent selections displays a thorough conception of this favorite author’s ideas and aperfeet command of voice and gesture in portraying them before his audience. Shakspeare, Dickens, Thack- eray, Brette Harte, and Edgar A. Poe were each in turn made to contribute to the evenings’s entertainment. Ranging from 50,000 emigrants sailed from Liver- pool for various parts of the world during the last three months, the princi- pal part of which were bound for the United States and Canada. This numâ€" ber exceeds that of the previous three months by 5,000 persons. Canada can accommodate all comer, has more and better land and a healthier climate than the United States; we have an abun- dance of cheap food and one of the best and freest forms of governments in the world. Immigrants will do better to make this country their desti-i nation than to risk hard tinxgs, high taxes, mob law and general misery in the States. All mechanics and agricul- turalists coming here need not be a day idle if they are willing to work. For conï¬rmation of' what we have stated we have only to point to our surplus revenue, to the large sums spent in opening up the back country and in draining swamp‘ lands, to our immense natural resources, and to the great prosperity enjoyed from One end of the Dominion to the other. The afliuent, the humble, the man of moderate means, and all aspiring to better‘ their condition will ï¬nd in Canada the opportunities and encouragement which will call forth all their energies both of‘ mind and body. Cardâ€"Peter S. Gibson. Fishâ€"Wm. Atkinson. List of Letters in P. 0. Boy Wantedâ€"Wm. Trench. Apple Barrels for Saleâ€"Wm. Atkinson. “ Grave to gay, From lively to severe,†Mr. Kay kept- up the interest of the oc- casion by variety, and pressed into his services the pathetic, the comic, and the tragic. The several readings were inter- spersed by instrumental and ’vocal music given by excellent amateurs who ellicited from an appreciative audience many hearty encores. Rwamoxo HILL, SEPTEMBER 22, 1871- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We publish to-day two letters on the late troubles in our schools; one from the Board of Trustees, and the other over the signature of “Z.†We have always taken pride in noticing the atten~ tion and care this institution has re- ceived from the trustees who have had the management of school matters from year to year, and would be sorry to record \anything that would in the least retard their usefulness; still we think, by the‘ ’reSOlution published in another column, that they carry things with a high band. The letter from “J. L.†published in the HERALD last week, cannot be untrue from beginning ‘0 end. The trustees might have modiï¬ed their resolution so as not to say the publichave no right to question their doings. Surely something must be wrong when we have two efï¬- cient teaehers' tendering their resigna- tions to the board within six weeks of each other." ' The letter from “Z†states the management of the affairs of the school in a very different light from “J. L.â€; it is from one who has taken a'deep interest in our schools, and is in a position to know the facts with regard to school matters. The above Council met at Size’s hotel, Unionville, on Saturday last, the 30th ult. .Present, Messrs. Robinson, Reeve; Lane, Deputy Reeve; Millikan and Padget. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and canï¬rmed. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Milliken, moved that the account of John Lang- stafl', amounting to $21-22, be paid, said account being for plank and timber fur- nished for the bridge acr05s the German Mill creek, on the sideroad between Lots 10 and 11, in the 2nd concession. Mr. Padget. seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that the sum of $8-38Ibe paid to David Steépef,"f'or repairing the bridge on the sideroad bei'ween Lots 15 and 16 in the 10th Con. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Milliken, inoved that'ï¬l‘le‘sumhf 3430 be paid to Samuel Reesor for costs of defending suit of McBrien vs Township of Markâ€" r.am, in regard Ito a bridge on the 10th Com, in fron’tl of Lots 3 and 4. 'Mr. Padget, seconded by Mr. Milli- kgn, mpyegl ithab the summof $53-50 be paid ‘16 A. Fleiiry fair 5 xo’ad'éh'oveI pui- chased by A. McKinnon, road overseer in DivisionNo. 38; said sum payable on order of ‘the‘ Reeve. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Padget, moved that the following parties be paid the sums set opposite their names for damage done to their sheep by dogs, it being two-thirds of the value of said sheep, as prbved on oath : James Thomas, 34; John Button, $12. Mr. Padget, seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that; the sum of $2860 be paid to Mr. Holmes. commissioner, for build- ing a bridge and approaches thereto on the 4th Com, in from: of Lot No..17. Mr. Padget, seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that the sum of $741 be paid to William Haaoke. road overseer, Beat No. 39, for 1140 feet of plank for bridge on the sideline between Lots 15 and 16, in the 6th Con. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Millikan, moved that the Treasurer pay to the order of the Reeve the sum of $7, being for the burial of James Wellman, a pauper. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Lane. moved that the sum of $8 be granted to build a small bridge on the townline between this municipality and Scarboro’, at the foot of the 8th Com. on condition that Scarboro‘ grant an equal amount, and that Messrs. Allan McLean and Wm. Robb be commissioners to expend the same; said sum payable on order of the commissioners. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that thï¬s‘um of 310 be paid to Henry Duï¬ield, he having caught David Whalcy’s dog in the act of killing sheep, said award being in accordance with a standing Iesolution of the Council. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mt. Lane, moved that the sum of 50 cents per week be granted to Edward Doheny, an inï¬rm and destitute person; said sum payable on order of Mr. McCaï¬'rey. Mr' Lane, seconded by Mr. Milliken, moved that the sum of 50 cents per week be granted to Mré. Riddeil, an old and indigent person, said sum payable on order of David Reesor, J r. The Council adjournéd, to meet on Saturday, the 28th inst. POST OFFICE SAvmas’ BANK.â€"The following is astatement of transactions in the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce Sa- vings’ Bank to 30th September :â€"-â€"- Total deposits _. . . . . . I . . . . . . w . $34,481 Withdrawals in Sept, . . OUR. SCHOOL TROUBLES. MARKHAM COUNCIL. Sept, . . . . . . . ... . . 1,466 M. TEEFY, Postmaster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,481 in month of Sept" THE YORK HERALD, RIGHMON D HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 187} This fair was held at Newmarket on Tuesday and Wednesday last. The en- trics were quite equal to that of former years, and the quality of the stock, pro- duce, implements, &c.; exhibited, far excelled that of any previous fair. The immense number of visitors on the the second day was highly gra- tifying, there being upwards of 7000 tickets sold on that day. We annex a portion of the prize list which we have culled from the Globe; the remainder will appear in our next. HORSE}. ANSHIP. J mansâ€"Messrs’Samtel Proctor, Elora; Edward Reynolds, Whitclzurch; and George R. Hogaboom. Newmarket. Lady rider eceom-pan’d by gentlemen, on An _â€"1â€"th Emma H'a‘mbly,Kingl $4 00 2nd do, Miss Evans,EasL Gwillimbury 3 00 GRAIN. J UDGESâ€"-Messrs William Scott,Mmâ€"kham; James Bugg, King, and Mathew Badgers, Scott. Wheat, fall, 10 bushels, prize by Mr. J ~McClintock, 1st prize, Francis Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 00 WheagDeihl, 2 bushels,lst prize,Wm McGill . . .» . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . 2nd do, P Bartholomew . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd do. John Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheat, white, full, 2 bushels, prize by J K Macdonald, of Toronto, 1st prize, Wm McGill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, P Bartholomew . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd do, Francis Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheat,Treadwel],2 bushels, lst prize, hewton Graham . . . . . . . . . . l. . . . 2nd do, F Garbutt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd do, Calvin Weddell . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . Wheat spring, of any kind,2 bushels, prize by Messrs Ramsey & Brother, lst prize, Seth Heucock . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, Wm McGill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd do, F Gal-butt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barley, six-rowed,2 bushels, prize, by Messrs Rumsey & Brother, 1st prize Wm Mcuill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, Seth Heacock . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd do, Isaac Stokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barley, anv other kind, 2 bushels,lst Huang), any uumx uu-u, nu "nu prize, Seth Heacock. . . . . .. . 2nd do, Jacob Leham.. . . . . . . . . . . . Oaits, yvhite, 2 bushels,1st prize, John Stbkes..;. . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, John Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . Pegs, large, 2 bushels, lst prize, Wm Irwin. . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, Isaac Sto-kes.' . . . . . . . ' ' ' . . Oa}S;l}lack, 2 bushels, Ist prize, Isaac Youngiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do. P Bartholomew . . . . . . . . . . . Peas,small. 2 bushels, 1st prize,Isaac Stokes . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, Henry 'l‘raï¬s . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bu_ck_wheat, ‘2 bushels,lst prize,Jacob Lehamfl. .. .Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coln, Indian, 12 ears lst prize, John Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do. John Rogers . . , . . . . . - . . . . . Tares,bush., let prize,P Barthobmew Begns: white, peck of, lst prize Isaac Stokes....'.-......'....i . . . . . . . . . 10! 2nd do, Levi Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 5‘ SEEDS. J UDGESâ€"Same as in the preceeding class. CloverrSgedr, half bushel, lst prize, Jacob Lehman . . . . . . L. 2nd do, Mathew Homer.. . Tilnothy~Se§d, half bushel, Isaac, Stokés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. 2nd do, P Bartholomew . . . . . . . . . . . Swedish Tugnip Seed, 4 lbs, lst prize Isaac Stoker} . . . . . V . . . . . L.. 2nd do, Isaac Stokes . . . . . . . . ‘ Flgx Seed, peck of, Is: prize, Stokes. 1 .‘ ...... '. ........ ' ...... 1 00 2nd do, F Garbutt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 ROOTS. JUDGESâ€"Messrs Z Tyler, North Gwillim- bury: A J Hughes, East Gwillimbury, and Philip Macklim, Whilehurch.’ ' Collection of different varieties of roots, not less than 12 specimens of each variety, special prize by Harri- son, Sheppard & 00., Time. Ross, King, 32 varieties . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .310 00 Early: liege poggoesbushelflst prize, mgs Rossâ€..........;........ 2nd do, Wm Gamble, Yonge sh. . . . Long rgd mangel-wurtgels, lst prize, J6!) Welli, King: . . . . ‘ . ' ...'...' 2nd do, Allen Henry, Newmarket. .. Peggh blgrw potatoes,bnshel,lst prize, Thns. Roés...!...............; 2nd do,Jacob Lundy, E Gwillimbury Pirlk ey_e .potafoesi bmihey 1st prize, Jacéb Lundy, East Gwillimhhry.; 2nd do, Walker, Whitchurch . . . . . .. Cufl‘pptqtoe‘g, bl’l‘shg‘l‘t 1§t prize, J as. W deblé Yonge sf. . .7 . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, Wm Poynter. ..' . . . . . . . . . Long bloodpggls._10, _1st prize,Jabob Leppard. East. Gwillimburyf. . . . . 2nd do, John Irwxn, Whitchurch. . . . While turnips, 12, lst prize, Wm Robinson, Whitchurch . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, John Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . . Mangel-wurtzels,globe, lst prize,Tho- i VEHP Irwin, Newmarket: . . . . . . . .; 2nd do, Thomas Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsnips.12,lst prize, Edw Reynolds 2nd do, Edward Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . VEGETABLES, FRUITS, 6w. Jannaâ€"Same as in the previous class. Pumpkins5 yellow, 2, let prize John . .. .n. n A): n. Peérson, Newmarket.. . . . . . . 2nd do, John Greenwood, Yonge st. Early Goodrich potatoes,two bushels, 1%! prize, Edward Reynolds, Wh1t~ church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, H Walker. Whitchurch . . . . . Bushel any other kind of potatoes,lst " LEham, Whitchurch. .2 .. .; ..... 2nd do, Thomas Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bussino or turnip bggts, 10,13t prize, W John Fergusoil, King. . .' . . . . .; 2nd do, Jacob Leham . . . . . . . . . . . . Swedish turgips, 12,__1_st prize, Ben "“'"K""“"’: .‘"* 1 r, , Randall, Whitchurch . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, David Rogers, Km: . . . . . . ' . Spuashes,Table.lst prize,J J Pearson 2nd do, David Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cabbages, 3, 1st prize, Thomas Ross 2nd do, James Sislev, E Gwillimbury Capsncuxgs, §Z_1§tprize,Abram Doan, ’ Ni'chols, East Gwin'imbq‘ry. . L . . .. 2nd do, Thos. Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chili potato‘egh bushglhlst prize, J J prize, Thomas Ross. . . . . .. . ; .'. .. 2nd do, Reuben Powell, Yonge st.. . Collection of different varieties of po- tatoes,nnt less than three specimens of each, lst prize, L Weller Scott. 2nd do, Levi Rogprs Yonge st . . . . . . Early horn garden carthsJZ. Ist prize ’ Wilson Rem, East Gwinimbur‘y. .. 2nd do, Wm Poynter, Aurora. . . . . . . Whiteï¬eld carrots 12, lst prize, Thos Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do. R Simpson, Whitchurch. . . . Red or Qraqge__carl'ots, 12, lst prize, ’ East GȤi11imbdry..' ........... Tomatoes, 6, lat prize, L B Pearson, 2nd do, David Rogers............. NORTH XORK FALL FAIR. lst prize, Isaac $3 00 2 00 $0 75 050 075 0 50 1 00 050 150 HM CO OH GO é CO a QC 0 co Celery, 3 heads, lst prize, Po'y'nton....' . . . . . . . . . ;........ 2nd do, William Poynton . . . . . . . . . . Caulifloyvergyvp headg, lst prize,J S Wilkin, Whitchurch . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd r'o, William Poynton . . . . . . . . . . Unions, peck, lst prize, George Wel- driek, Vaughan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, George Weldrick . . . . . . . . . Winter_AREles,q_ox_eP,l§t pnze,Jacob Lundy,'East Gwilhmbn-ry . . . . . . . . 2nd do, Wm McGill, King . . . . . . . . . 3rd do, John Salter, E Gwillimbury. Fall Apples, _dozen, 1st prize, Silas Armitage, Yonge Street . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, 6930. L Pearson, Whltchurch 3rd do, John Ferguson, King . . . . . . Pears,dozen,1st prize,Josbua Bogart, Whitcnurch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do. L B Pearson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd do, Mark L Ferguson, King. . . . Apples,coilection bf named varieties, not less than three specimens of each variety, lst prize, Jas. Bugg. Yonge Street, 7 prize by Andrew Henderson, an album Worth. . . . . . 2nd do, John R. Chilbine,‘ ‘Yonge, Street, Society’s prize . . . . . . . . . . . Pears, collection of named varieties, not less than three specimens of each variety, 1st prize, Jas. Bugg. 2nd do, David Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grgpes, three pounds, 1st prize,John Rbgérs....; . . . . . . . . . . . . . L.... 2nd do, A J Hughes,East Gwillimbury qupy‘tte‘p Roundg, pfize, Calvin prize of}; large cheesé worth“ 2nd do,Daniel Kelly.Kii1g,by Socxet; Bread, 4 1_b, lggï¬bakey’s lst prize W Weddell, East Gwinix‘nbury. .. . . 2nd do, L Waller, Scott. . . . . . . . . . Bread, 41b, loaf of home-made, lat Wm Young,Whitchurcb,O S Phillips’ , H Bowr’én Newmarket. . .2 . . . . . . l 00 2nd do, W H Bowden Newmarket. . 0 50 MANUFACTURES,FUENITURE,&C J messâ€"George Stevenson, Aurora, and J S Hughes, Sco‘mberg. Uppeyleagger, sidq, lst prize, William -Wallis, Neï¬market . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . 2nd do, Wm Wallis, Newmarket. . . . Ca_l_f_ gkin, ï¬nished, 1st prize, Wm Wallis; . . . . . . . . :........; 2nd do,Wm Wallis . . . . . . . . . . . Bogts, pairfalf-Skiq, lst prize, Ste'wz-lrb Newmarliet. .: . . L; . . . . . 2rd co, Peter Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bogts,pair _strong,Robert Stockwood, New-market. ..â€"L...............; 2nd do, iobest Stockwood. .‘ . . . . . . . Seyiqg mackingt'family use,lst prize Osborne machine. .. ......... 2nd do, Grover & Baker’s machine. . Sewing machine, manufacturing pur- poses, lst prize, Grover & Baker’s machine...................... J ovensâ€"Professor Smill: Newmarket; J D Graham,Sharon, and Professor Clarke, Toronto. Melodeon, single reed,Canedian man- ufacture, lst prize, Thoma: J Dales,Newrr arlznt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 Melodeon single leed, open to all the world, lst prize, Thoman J Dales. 2 00 EXTRAâ€"Housekeepers’ pastry Iablc,Wm Shaw Aurora, recommended; cabinet, 01'- gans, A S Hardy & Co, Guelph, lst prize; Thomas J Dales,cubinet organ, 2nd prize. FINE ARTS. JUDGESâ€"Mrs Thos. Drilï¬l, Bradford: Ms J C Robertson Newmarket; and Mr. Joseph Cawthra, do. Ph‘gtograpll specimens, W L Jones, New‘ma'rketf. . .u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do, W L Jones Newmarket . . . . . Drawing pencil H Wood, Newmarket 2nd do, Harry Wood Newmarket. . . Dx‘fx‘wing, p‘laip crayon, Harry Wood. Newxï¬'arket ; . . . . . V... . . . . . . . . .1. 2nd do, Jas O Pollock, Keswick. . . . Spgcimens vehet Rafiming, lst prize, Newfï¬arkef................... Painting, water colougy Hary Wood, 'Mrs J Harper, King. . . . . . . 2nd do, Mrs Chas Lundy, East Gwill- imbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plain Berlin wool work,lst prize,Miss A weekh‘joumal of current evean. Lirera- ture, Science and Arts. Agriculture and Me- chanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sold at 10 cents a number at the TUESDAY, Oct. lowâ€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, &c., on rear of lot No. 12, 6th Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. Joseph Wilherspoon'. Sale at 12 o'clock, sharp. Henry Sme'éer,, Anctioneer. THURSDAY, Oct. 12.--Credi: Sale of Furni- ture, &c., at (Riohmond Hill, on the pre mises lately occupied by Mr. Andrew ' McBeth. Sale at 1 o’clock P.M. James Gormley, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, October l7.-Credit sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c. on lot No. 18, in rear of the 6th Con. Markham, the pro- perty of Mr. William Padget. Sale at 10 a.m. James Gormley,‘ Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18. -â€"Executors’ Credit Sale of farm,farm stock, &c.,on lot 27, 4th Con. Markham, Victoria. Square, belong- ing to the late Mr. George Peach. Sale at 10 A.M. Gormley & Sanderson, Aucts. ’.' Parties having Sale Bills printed at this ofï¬ce, will have a notice similar to the above, free of charge. ‘ HOME AND Hummâ€"The October number of thieuva'luable household maga- zine has been received. It is replete with valuable family matters, and ought to be taken by every householder. VAUGHAN (humanâ€"The municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan will meet at the Town Hall, on Monday next the 9th inst, at 10 am. A Weekly Journal for Canadian Homes. Representative of all that is Best and Truest in the Current Thought and Moral Sentiment of the Dominion. Sixteen pages a. week. $2 a your or 5 canu a number. For sale at the Burns King . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . '. . . 2nd do, Miss Burns King........... . . POETICAL WORKS PURE GOLD. C ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. OF THE DIFFERENT PORTS, A'l‘ Till MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AUCTION SALES. HERALD BOOK STORE. ............. 1$5oo 'HERALD' Boon Swan. HERALD Boo: S'rou. William Peter $3 00 1 50 $1 00 0 50 00:0 05nA 100 pâ€"uâ€"a co 200 100 100 050 A for storing in apples, for sale at the Con- tral Store. Richmond Hil'. October 5. 1871. A nice lot of the abévo jun received at the Central Store. WM. ATKINSON. I Civil Engineer and Draughtsmun Special attelliibn paid to preparing Plans. Speciï¬caiions and Bills of Material for building Bridges and Culverts; also to preparing Por- ï¬les and Estimates for Grading Hills. und Dranghts for Patent. Rights. PETER S. GIBSON: ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Draughtsmun Ofï¬ce at Willowdalo: Yonge Sweet. in the Township of York. 0:ders by letter prompin attended to. WHITE FISH, SALMON TROUT AND MACKERAL. EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND HillPostUfllcer:Oclober.187l: Allsopp John Jones Gen. C. Ambler W. Killips'Wm. ‘ Benson Jane Kirby Hamlet Baker John Kennedy Duncan Brown (culls trader) Klinck W . J. Bracken Rachel Kerswell Charles v Baku James Kerswell Mrs. C. H. Clifford Mrs James Lymhuruer Mrs. R. H. Crcnen Patrick (2) Metcalf Thos. Carnahan Letty Mager Andrew Chaswell James Me'ssingham Jamel Cos'grove James McDonald Rachel Clark Emma Mcllugh Mike (2) l'onway F. McNair James Crlï¬euden Benj. McKinnon Miss S. A. Chapman John McGillivmy Duncan Car-null A. Mclniosh Mrs. J. Deadman John McEvoy John (2) Dnnion James McConnell James Donor Salvenia Powell Lucy Demon Brown Russell Ernest C. (2) Dalso-w Mr. Ross David Dnrow Mr. Shall William Espev Joseph Sisco Isaac Gorman Jane Taylor Charles Hitchins John Rev. 1.. Warner Haly Mrrlha Wilson G. Ingram John GREAT SUCCESS Richmond Hi“, Oct. 5. 187]. NEW FALL GOODS ! Of his largo stocks formerly has induced him to secure a still 7A momhly containg 64 pages ; $2 a your or 20 cents .a number. For Salqat the JOB PRINTING CANADIAN MAGAZINE, TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS These Goods have all been purchased before the late Rise in Prices. Shawls in all the Latest Styles, Jackets, Wool Goods m - G7'eat Variety, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, ($0. (to. ' mmm IN Everything Good & Cheap Wmceys. Cobourgs. Alpacas. Marinas. Fancy Dress Goods. Prints. Cations, 'l'ickings. Plain and Fancy Flunnels, Blan- kets, Carpets. Hosiery, Gloves. Furs, 689-1! HATS AND CAPS, 860. In the Greatest Variety. This mccess is Unmistakeable Evidence of the conï¬dence of a paâ€" tronising public. WM. ATKINSON. Cheap Dealer in Crockery, Glassware. 5m. Will be found to contain everything that is beautiful. chaste, elegant and qf the latest style. 0c;ober 4,181]. Wanted Immediately. STRONG ACTIVE BOY TO LEARN.“ N IMBER OF BARRELS SUITABLE gym gdvertimmmm Richmond Hill. Sept. 27. 187]. Done Noatand Quick at the Herald Oï¬ice. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT m 6011115, @rn'ccrm, Ready-made Clothing, hlacksmithing. Apply to ARGEST, nHEAPEST dz REST LBUMS I ALBUMS 1 I The subscriber begs to nunounco Ihat he has now on hand the W. ATKINSON. OF THE CENTRAL STORE, Fish! Fish†Fish!!! AT THE Central Store Larger Stock for this Season. Doe skins, silklmixed Cloths, Velveteens, Accounts rendered Omaha 1:!» THE QUICK DISPOSAL CHEAPER THAN EVER A‘l‘ 'I'HI The stock consists in part of List of Letters Apple Barrels. Grocer‘npd Dry Goods Merchant, ' Richmond Hill. Stock he ever of‘ered- A Splendid Stock. of _As usuu. Tu: HERALD BOOK STORE. WM. '1‘ KEN C H. Hnuw Boon S'mu. M. TEEFY, II. M. 689- U. GPE-Qm 689-1! 688 IST 14 FIRST PRIZES Bv the six following Agricnflural Societies: Yonge Street. East York. Markham. North Yolk. [{jng 331d ngghnn. Conï¬dent from his success and the liberal patronage he has received in :ho past years. that he can Itill suit intending purchasers in good serviceable articles. W. H. respectfully solicits theiuspection of his present stock of Together with a good assortment of Whips, Lashes, Currv Combs. Cards. Brushes. 61.0. for the lowest remunerative prices. COLLARS WARRANTEI) To Fit, Look 8c Wear Well All orders attandnd to with Promptnou, Cheapnosa and Diapuch by tho proprietor. ‘ WM. HARRISON. Bag: to intimate to the inhabitants of Rich. mond Hill and vicinity that he has opened the above named establishment, one door north of Mr. Bernard’s Store. where he is prepared to make to order on the Shortest Notice. every description of Human. He also intends to keep on hand a well assorted stock of SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, Bananas. ers Arm Luau in great variety. H. HA C. would also inllmato that he tho- roughly udderstands COLLAR MAKING In all its branches. having of late years do- voted much time and nétemlon to this most important branch of the trade, he can conï¬- dently guarantee a safe and easy collar. All who may have the kindness to favor him with their patronage can rely upon a ï¬rst-class arti- cle as nothing but ï¬rst-class stock will be used, made up in u workmanlike manner by expe- rienced workmen. Hnrneu Oil and Varnlsh nlvuys on hand. Richmond Hill; Son. 13, 1871. EBB-lg Single and Double Harness! Which‘x-for Price and Quality CANNOT BE SURPASSED. AS'W. 11. MYERS" Is the Plfum'ce to get a. Gobd i'Article, [n the County of York, Waggon Maker, de- ceased, are hereby required to send in particu- lars of their claims in writing with dates and items to JANE McBETH. or Rtonmoxn HILL. aforesaid. admimstratrix of the said estate, on or’ before the lb“: day of October next: and Creditors and others are further notiï¬ed that the said administrutrix shall at the said time proceed to distribute the assets of the said An- drew McBeth. amongst the _' rties entitled thereto, having regard to the c' ims of which she shall then have had notice. and that she shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof. so distributed. to any person of whose claim she shall not then have had notice. JANE McBETH. Administratrix. Th6 above Teas ware carefully selected and are fully ten con-.3 per ï¬t better than my Tens sold on Richmond Hill. Examine and test them and I Will guarantee you will beat me om in my assertions. ' G. A. BARNARD. Superior Mayune Young Hyson Tea. from 85 cts per 11). Fine flnvprod Black Tea, from 80 cts per HI Flues! flavored and best Black Tea imported, $l‘00 Ber)!» ; GAMES, T013, &o., Good, Fresh and Strong Young Hyson Ton, only 50 cts nor lb V-Ih Céniéte’rs of 5 lbs. 5 ct: per 1!. less than the_s§ pripes. Sign of the British Flag Staï¬'. Richmond Hill. September 28. “371. 6864f Better paper than any in the neighborhood. “Fm; {fuvll’flavbrred Youn H son Tea I SOctsperib“ g y 'ony COPY BOOKS Br GEORGE KERR. Jr.. her Solicitor. Toronto. September 8th, 1871. HYMNS, ANCIENT & MODERN, Richmond Hill. Sep. 21, 1871. ' 687-6!- New Crop. TRESH NEW TEAS. SINGLE 6; DOUBLE HARNESS. HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. “REDITORS AND OTHERS HAVING J claims against the estate ol‘ the New Harness Shop. _â€" ICHMOND VHILL COLLAR AND HARNESS EMPORIUM. H. HLCLARKE .«c To which has been awarded HAVE NOW ON HAND Usually sold at 10 and 12; cents reducld to 7 and 10 com: each. For Single and Double Harness, You should Call (‘c’ Eeamine the Stock Village of Richmond Hill, Trunks, Valises, Cards, Combs, LATE ANDREW McBE'l‘H, Ass'dn'rMEN'r or Before purchasing olsewherd. HERALD BOOK STORE. gamma, 8w. Richmond Hill Estate Notice. § IIW SUPPL‘ AT THE "Tinnn Boo: Bron. IOR SALE AT TH! Formerly of the For Sale at the A very good HERALD BOOK STORE. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. New Store, THE ONTARIO HOUSE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, The Highest Cash Price given for Perm Produce. ‘ ROBERT NEWBERRY. FIRE PROOF STORE I CANAD IAN TWEED S! 00A TIN GS AND YES TIN GS, Mantle Cloths, Fun, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNEï¬', Nice Fancy Woolen Goods ! ! SHAWLS, Clan Tar-train Woolings, ' Hosiery, Gloves, Ready Made Clothing, 8Lc.78u:~ GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing thainlng 64 pages ï¬lled with choice liters! lure. original and selected, and one 0.1- more picturinl illustrations. besides a piece of music, $11-50 a you, 15 can“ a number. Sold n! tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. Accounts are rendered on the )st October.- and it is expected that they will be promptly mex Ihis {all as we have been blamed with an. abundant harves‘, which brings good prices. TEMPERANCE LITERATURE, Inculcativo of tempeporanco principles. at tho HERALD Boox Ston- NEW DOMINION MON TLY, Old pictures of deceased friends copied Ind enlarged suitable for iraming. NB. Children and animals move at the risk of the owner. Richmond Hill. Sept. 20. 1871. 687-ly MILLER’S DERBY OIL Bag: to inform the public that. having com- menced operation in the above business. he is preparod to take flf Dull and cloudy weather no hindranc to the In. . PHOTOGRAPHY. gm ($031M, (ï¬rmnm, Persons, Animals, Homes or Landscape: New Fall 9‘ Winter Goods, September 28. 1871. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH. Richmond Hill, Sept. 21.1871. August 17. l870 UTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT. I: now open with a large stock of PHOTOGRAPHS Clothing, Boat: (9: Shoes, 4'6. Great Bargains 1 He can give you in New Fall Goods. Bough! in the Best Market and will be sold a: the GRAND DISPLAY B LANKETS, wmcms. FRESH CUTS 0‘ OLD BORIS. Kept Constantly r on Hand R. NEWIBERY’S R. A. GRAY G0 AND SEE THE STYLE OR. SIZE. Horses and Cattle. A LARGE ASIURTIIEI'I' 0" HUGH MILLER & CO. glxntugmplxy. The Smck include: Double and Si nglo BROAD CLOTHS, IN All! RE‘UIBED Crockery. 5w. 167 King St. Eu! Totem: E 0 631- a» ‘ AT THE 0' HIMLn Boo: Stout. ISAAC CROSBY. Elgin Mills. 588-3m 585