HE ENC And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mail: or other conveyance. when so desired. Tani YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most. important Foreign and Locnl News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Family NeWSpaper. Tums: One Dollar per annum, in ad- Vance; if not paid within Two Months. One Dollar and Fifty Cents will he charged No paper discontinued until all ’urrearages are paid; and parties refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. .. 1 ., ALA (1.13... “mm: 1". Blluaulnl; All 16251:; addressed to the Editor must be postâ€"paid. One i'nch; one year. . . . . . . . Two inches. one year \ . . .. Three inches, one year . . . . Over three Inches. one year . . . . .. . . . . Adveriisememg for a shorter period than Atlva Llaulllunn‘u .v. v. V , I one year. ï¬rst insertion. . . . . . . . . . 5“ Each subsequent insertion . . . . .. . . . . . . 25 20 inches will be considered one column. Advertisements willinut written directions inserted till lorbid and charged accordingly. All transitory ndverlisemenls, from strangers or irregular customers. must be paid for when handed in for insertion 6L1): {Dark £32mâ€: BOOK & JOB PRINTING ’ " UBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR 0‘1? “ Tm: Yon HmAyv." Uï¬eap Book é Job Printn'g Establishment. .lJ Cuï¬glg'iof York. Lot 4. 3rd concession, Vaughan. P.0. Address. Concord. Orders promptly (mended lo. Orders for any of description of lPlai‘n and Colored Job Work, Will be promptly atlended lo; Fancy Sills. Business Cards. Circulars. Law Forms. Bill Heads. Blank Checks. Dral‘ls. Blank Ordere. Receipts, Letter Heads. Fancy Cards, Pamphlets. Large and Small Posters, and every other kind of ‘ ‘ Having made large additium to the printing matoriul. we are better prepurud than ever to do the names: and most buaulil'ul printing of every description. Nptes. Aact plenty to do ll CuuuLiusof York and Feel. Iiesidenceâ€"â€"Lot ‘20 ,I'earui‘ 3rd Concession of .Vlarkhain. 1’.O , Addressâ€"~151monvilIe. Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’a service canumkoirraugemenHalthellkznALDoflice. Counties of York. l’ael and Ontario. Residence: Lot 8,1.(ith concession Markham. I’ostOI‘ï¬ceâ€"Uuionville. Sales attended on the shortest notice,and on reasonablelerlns. Orders leftauhe “Herald†ofï¬ce for Mr Carler’sssrvices willbe promptly attendedto lVl*»Six;rgenns. England. Residmme; North of Richmond Hill. opposite the Elgin House, All calls (night or dav) prompt!) attended to. ME? W home l'foin 810 9 A.M. Mr. A. Eb‘Aymstrong is authorised to collect- Acéonhts. Richmond H'Ill. Oct. 14, 1869. 558†Linda)“ March 2nd 1865 DR; JAs. LANGSTAFF ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home l'foin 810 9 A.M. U s‘reets,’l‘lmruhill. Consultations in the oï¬iceon the mornings {f 'l‘uesdavs, Tluusday: and Saturdays, from 8 to N) Am. fl" Allconsullationsiu the ofï¬ce. Cash . 'l‘horuhil|..lune 9,1865 ' 1 Concord, March 16, 1870. HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND. 14.nov, between .T‘ J. M., the Rev. JOHN BREIHN and others, (in the York HERALD during (h. mouths of July. August and Sep- tember. iSbB). is satly printed in pamphlet form. and whth a perv :al: VOL. XIII, N O. 20. Junuary4.1565. CliN'l‘S.’ For sale at the HERALD Book Store, Richmond Hill; BANNER Orï¬ce, Aurora : .H. Wilson’s Fach Store, Markham; Wesleyan Book Room. A. S‘ Irving’s and M. Shewzm’s, Toronto J sn‘Y. RESIDENCEâ€"Adjoining Th-ornhillfloteï¬ July 22,1869. M. FISHER. ICENSED AVUQTJONEIE FOR THE Elgin Mills, January 1. 1870. _ HENRY SMELSOR, 101mgan Agomogggg FOR THE June.‘27. 1857. FRANCIS BUTTON, JR , ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE OFFICEFYONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL. EDW. SANDERSON, ICENSISD AQCTIONEER FOR THE JOHN CARTER, ICENSED AUCTIONEER THE JNO. D. McCONNELL M D., ‘RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- Terms: $1 per annum in aflvauce. JOHN N. REID, M.D., 0R. 0F YONGE' AND COLBORNE EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, flucturï¬ nf @tcflicinc, 4.4. Uouuliesof York and Feel, Collector of Accounts, $30. Small charges and v LET’I‘ERT K ESS HUNTING. GEN T MUSIC For 5.10 It the Horuld Book Store. DR. HOSTETTER, MBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE ADVERTISING RATES. To Controversialists. ESTABLISHMENT. @uctinmcm ALEX. sch‘i‘; IS PUBLISHED THE HERALD the undermenlioned de- .dd PERINCH. ..........$4 00 .......... 35“ 3‘00 ......... 250 575-ly 39-1}; 606 598 31 Have removed to their new and commodious building on Um corner of Yongo and Centre St. East, and would return their thanks to rho public for past patronage, hoping to merita continuance of the same. They have greatly enlarged their old siockand have now on hand a good assortmentof Drugs, I’aiMs. Perfumery. Chemicals. Oils, ToiletSoaps. Medicines, Vurnishes. Faucyarlicles Dye Slnfl's, Patent Medicines. and all other articles kept by Druggisls generally. “,ï¬â€˜ Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded, and ad! ordeis attended to With care and despatch. Farmersand Physiciansfrom lhecountrywill ï¬nd ourslock of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuineâ€"and ofthe best quality. Richmond Hill. Nov.25, 1569. 593. MOND HILL. Physicians prescriptions carefully prepared Richmond Hill. Dec.1. 1869. 5944f R. E. LAW. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, RICH- MOND HILL. U7 Groceries,Winesand LiquonsThoruhitl. By Royal Lcucrs patently has been appointed Issuer of Marriage Lccnscs. Throuhill, Feb.‘26, 1868. \M'I-‘xcx~:.â€"Corner of Albert and Yonge S's , Tomi-7.0, (oppusite the Green Bush Hotel, over R. Lawson’s Grocery Store. N.B.~â€"Clmrges modcmta and work War~ ranted. WM. ALLINGHAM, Hf Special attention paid to the preservation) of the natural teeth. V Tegth without Pain. by the use of Ether Spray. which aï¬â€˜ects the tooth only . The tooth and gum surrounding becmrn insensible with this external agency,\v1mn the tooth can be extracted with no pain and As in the use of Chlorol'orm. I)rs.1’.and R. willhe in the following places prepared to nxlruct teeth with his naw apparatus. All onhar operations in Dentistry performedin a workmanlike manner:â€" Aurora. Isl, Blh, Hill) and 22nd ol’each month Ne\vmarlmt.... 2nd " " Richmond Hill} . . .... . . 9th and 24th“ Mt.Alberl............. 141l1 " '0 Turnlnll........-.... . 23rd " I“ Muplo 25m “ “ Buwvick .. 28H] “ " Kleinlmrg .. ....... . 29th -" ‘- Noblelou 30m “ H Nitrous Oxide Gasalways on hand atAurorl Aurora,Apri123. 1870: 6154f WITHOUT ENDANGERING THE LIFE ANT lb' Dr. Elliot. Dentisl. 'l'orunto,) respectfully announces that he will visit the following places,(Sun- days excepted ). where he will atlend to Dell- tisiry in all its branches: King. . .....lst of each month Richmond Hill...........5th " Nowuiarkei. . . . . . . . . . . . . . iOih “ Aurora..................1,5th " Teeth inserted in the most Improved Styles, on Gold. Silver, Vulcanized Rubber. and Al- lumiiium Base. | REFx-:mmcx-:s.â€"'I‘hofollowinggamlemancan, :withconï¬dence,recommend G. H Husbalxd,to allrequiring Dental aid: Dr Reid,Thornhill; Dr. Bull, Weston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Btu-wick; Dr. Corson, Brampton. : RES!DHNCE.â€"-T|I0rllhiâ€. “I Thornhill September 17, 1868. 1y N 'I‘eeth ï¬lled in such a manner as to preserve them from further decay. 'I‘eetii réitti'rzicted with {he Ieasl possible pain, and especial attention paid to the regulation or children’s ieeth. an _ “WW, All le'lers addressed to Aurora will receive prompt auemion. Aurora, May 25. 1870. 619-ly arges MonVerato, and work warranlod to giygsalisfaetiou. January 19,1871. Unionvillo. . . . 1st Monday ofeach month. Weston . . . . . . 91h day " Klineburg. . . . I 6th H Bur wick . . . . .‘l‘lnd “ Scarboro’ . . . .231‘d " Where he willbe prepared and moslhappy to wait onthose who mayyequirqï¬issetnges, » G. H. H.. having héd oGer ELEVEN chlms’ PRACTICE.fee]sconï¬demofgiviugenlire satis- faction. To thosewho have favored him with their palronagein the past he returns his sincere thanks. and to those who mnv do so in [he fu- ture, he would say that no endeavor on his parlwillhe wantingto meelthexnpproval. RKCHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, Consist of highly instructive and entertaining stories, which are deeply interesting 11* well as impressive of the principles of temperance and sobriety. Besides a large number of the stories. there are books 0! facts and arguments compiled from sacred and profane history. which cannot be contravened bv the ablth legit» of the moderate drinker; CATALOGUI: on application at the Temperance Works. THE SCOTTISH TEMPERANCE LEAQUE PUBLICATIONS EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING WM. ALLINGHAM, LHD.S a QURGEON DENTIST, THOMAS CARR, ALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, A. ROBINSON’S, L.D.S., W. H. CANNON, 1.435., 5} nENTISI, (my; ASSIST- H. SANDERSON & SONS, G. H. HUSBAND. LDS. BhENTIST, BEGS mos: RE. 1:01.... . Id Hill......... >rt............. --....-..-...-- ,.....-....-... PROPRIETORB 0" THE flruggiï¬tï¬, fleatiï¬trg. REMOVAL. spectfuliy to announce that he will be at l. is: Monday 0 {each month. .fllh day " . I 6th " HERALD BOOK STORI- DE Toronto 562 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1871. BEST FANNING MILL! FANNING MILL! Whenever shown, and are pronounced by com- petent judges as being the And. having recently heen Improved, the sub- scribers have every conï¬dence in its superior merit. THESE MILLS HAVE Stood the test of Competition ,! AT ALL THE PROVINCIAL EXHlBlTIONB 85 Cow-n Runs, The subscribers are now manufacturing a large number‘pf, the above : aud,l1aviug in- creased facilitieq fur preparling the lumber, can supply all ordérs promptly. Farmers will consult their own interosi by examining our Mill before buying elsewhere. as we feel conï¬dent tliev will be satisï¬ed our Machines are notsurpassed if equalled. D 1 on in Chancery. Conveyancor, 61c. OFFICE : No 78 King Street East,Toror.to overtho Wesleyan Book Room. D Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyancers.&c On‘lcr::â€"-l’roviucial Insurance Buildings, Street. Toronto. JOHN DUGGAN. mo. ADAM 11.311211“:st WILSONS’ IMPROVED DOUBLE AGTION Ni. Commissioner in B.l{.,is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the County of York. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 mu. Richmond Hill, October 23,1869. f 0 all kinds of Monuments. Headstone,&c Ca†annexamino my Stock and Prices be~ forpurclmsingelsewhere, as you willï¬nd iHo your interest. (If? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. )7 Vet Watches. Jewellry, &c., 113 Yongo Street. Toronto- .1. public willï¬nd ï¬rst-class accomudmion at the above House, at low rates. Thers is an extensive Stable attached, and large covered shade. An attemive and obliging hosller. J. N. BLAKE, sARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, Etc. OFFICE.â€"No. 66 Church Slreet,Toronlo. December 29, 1869. 598 Toronto. December 2.1869. Richmond Hill, Aug. 27, 1871. 5664!" Toronto Dec. 24.1868 . . RINGWOOD MARBLE WORKS. D WIDEMAN, Mâ€"XFIUFACTURER QF U Undertaker, 6L0. Rnsmnnramâ€"Nearlyoppositet he PostOflico' Richmond Hill. .1 ClATlON. HALL or flu: ASSOCIATION. 34 King Street East. Toronto. To Parents. Guardians, Pastors. and otherst whose Sous, Wards. or Friends maybe‘ leaving home for residence in the City of Toronto: The Young Men’s Christian Association of Toronto announce that they have a Committee for the purpose of showing kittflnesn to Young Men who are strangers. and leading them under religious influences. It is requested that all who desire the co-opera‘ion of this Committee, will send the names and addresses of Young Men about to remove to Toronto. in whom they are interested, by the perwn him- selfil‘ possible. or by post. with such particu- larsof character as they may deem proper. Jno. MACDONALD, THos. Jr \VILKIE. President. Secretary. Ringwood. Sept. “3,1867. J. Egrred tlieillrbibrnry to the Hug/nu Boot Store. wheré Stockholders and othe‘irs mag“ procure Books every Fr‘iday afternoon. a A. sco'r'r, ummm HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS- {erred than Library to the ergA‘va Boo! WILLIAM MALLOY, ABRISTER, ATTORNEY, SQLTCI DUGGAN az. MEYERS, ARRISTERSL AT TORISEYS-AT-LAW 597 September 1, 1871. THOMAS SEDMAN, ‘ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, 215 and 217 Yonge Street, Toronto. J. SEGSWORTH, ‘EALERV 1N FINE GOLD AND SIL gummy give/um. TEEFY, NOTARE'HPUB‘LIC AND OUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO- MARRIAGE LICENSES, IE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RICHMOND HILL GREEN BUSH HOTEL, (gaming gnaw. Manufactured in Canada ,- flimllanwm, 2:55am (W115, RICHMOND HILL. J. L. PARKER. Proprietor. A. & W. WILSON. ADAM u. mum:ng . 544-13' 0 94 497 684 CONTAINING EIGHT! ACRES Of valuable land, 72 acres cleared in a high state of cultivation. the remaindet is well tim- bered with pine and hardwood : there is on the premises a good frame house, with stone cellar. a kitchen and woodshed nearly new. a large frame barn 352175 nearly new. stable, sheds. and root.house complete. two never-failing springs of water. a cistern, and a thriving or- chard 9 acres of wheat in the ground. This farm is beautifully situated, fronting on Yongo Street. only 4; miles from King station. North- ern Railway. and 3} the thriving Village of Richmond HillI ten minutes walk to church. school-house, and saw-mill. 'l‘rrLIc INDtsrvnBLE.‘ Terms easy. Posseseiï¬n immediately. No objection to exchange («it n lerget’ farm in a good lo°ality. For further particulm-s apply to the owner on the promiaee. c 7 sale. being part of Lot 59. in the lat con cession of the QPLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR ‘ ,. A: I _. 2n 2“ A... 1... nan FARMS AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. The Subscriber offers for salo the following 63 ACRES ON LOT N0. 50. REAR OF 181‘ CON. VAUGHAN, Near Richmond Hill. The land is a“ clear, and in a good state of cultivation. There is on the premises a ï¬rst class Dweiling House. Barns. Stables. &c. There is also on this pro- perlv a ' SAW MILL In good running order. Being the rear half of Lot'No. 526, in the 2116 Con , Vaughan, 3†acres cleared. the remain- der timbered with valuablegino. For terms and other infor 3} owner on the premises. . ï¬gs! GIDEOMISLOP. Ion apply to the A STAVE, HEADING AND SHINGLE FACTORY 1 Silua'ed on lot No. 26,2nd Cow Markham, near Richmond Hill. Applv on the premises to DAVID EYER. JUN: [1 I good Brick Cottage erected thereon, situated on the Corner of Yongo and Comic Streets, in the vi‘lage of Richmond Hili. For further particulars enquire of JAS. M. LAWRENCE. HALF AN ACRE OF LAND, WITH I good Brick Cottage erected thereon, v duate of Toronto Vetorinarv College, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. East. Rich- mond Hill, begs to announce to the publictllat he is now practicing with H. SANDERSON. ot the same place. where they may be cnnsulting do personally or by letter, on all diseases 0 Horses. Cattle. A'Lc. J: H. SANDERSON, E T E R IN A RY SURGEON, GRA‘ duate of Toronto Vetorinarv College M .DlClNES or Ev my DESCRIPTION for Horses and Cnltle always on hand: such as Physic. Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic, Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and Powders. The Cough Balls have been found most serviceable in alleyinting many of the distressing symp- toms of Brnkehwind or Heaves in Herses Colic. Draughts. Linimenls for Sore Threats, Sprains. Curb. Spnvin. Ring-bone. 61c. Blist- ering Oixitmeiits,also Hoof and Healing Oint- ments. Lotions for wounds, BruiseS, Saddle Gulls. infallible Oil and Sheep Tick Des- troyer. JOHN BROWN,'Richmond Hill P. o. Vaughan. Sept. 27. 187,]. . 888 6 All] érders from n distancepromptb' “tended to, and medicinessentto any parlo Itho Pro- vmce. Horses examined as to scan ness aiso bought and Sold on commission. Richmond Hill. Apri123, 1868 501 T0 WN SHIP OF VA UGHAN, The power of arresting disease displayed by this preparation is honorably acknowledged by 1h: medical faculty in every section where it has been introduced: and the rapidly increas- lng sale is the best guarantee of the estimation in which it is held by the public. FELLOWS’ COMPOUND SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES. ’l‘he Syrup will cure Pulmnnmy Consumpâ€" tion in the ï¬rst and second stages: will giv‘e great relief and prolong life in the third. ll will cure Asthma. Bronchitis, Laryngitis. Coughs, Colds. It will cure all diseases ori- ginn'ing l'vnm want of MUSIIULAR Ac'rwx and Nmnvaus FORCE. such as Enlargamem of the LIVER. Enlargement. of the Spleen. Dyspepsia, Rickets, Feahle and Irregular Action of the l'lmm‘. LOCAL AND GENERAL l’Anuysxs, Aplwnia or Lass if Vnics It will cure Lou: r-orrhaea, Cinlurosis. Anemia. and restores the blood to puritv and health. “OR SAL: Markham, May 18,187]. Richmond Hill. May 11. l87l. ALL NEIV MACHINERY, SOLD BY APOTHECARIBS. Files. 9-50; Sii {of $7 50‘. , JAMES f.‘i‘ELLO'WS.'Chomiat, 4-8 St. John. N. B. groping; for ï¬nk. VALUABLE PROPERTIES, 1N Fmsr-an Rusuma 01mm. 100 ACRES, Farm for Sale. 8J1 atrium, For Sale, tummy: WITH GGB-Gm 667 -t! Climatic Influences on Emigration. In the year 1859 Mr. Henry C. Carey, the great political economist of America, ï¬rst published his new theory of migra- tions of the human race as affected by climate. This theory is, in brief, that migratory movements made on the large scale, and made for permanence, are never across parallels of latitude, from north to south, or vice versa, but always across degrees of longitude, and along isothermal lines. In the process of peace- ful emigration. says Mr. Carey, the emi- grant seeks in his new home the nearest} approach to the temperature to which he ‘ has been accustomedâ€"the Highlandcrl going to Canada, the Irishman to the Middle States, leaving to the Spaniard and the Portuguese the more shnny lands of the South. The people of New England, moving westward, seek ‘the northern portions of New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Iowa and’ Illinois, and the Northwestern States, while emi- grants from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, go to South- ern Illinois and Indiana, Kansas, &c. Dr. William Elder, whose important work on “Questions of the day†we lately noticed, thus shows how well the law of large migratory movements, dis~ coverd by Mr. Carey, is borne out by facts 2â€"â€" “ it is the custom of writers, especi- ally of moralists and theologians, to speak of man as cosmopolitan; that he is so much less affected by climate than plants and the inferior animals that he is almost independent of the meteorologiâ€" cal conditions of his habitation on the earth. This notion needs correction. The species, or collective mankind, is adapted to all climates ; but the varieties of races are governed by their natal habitudes in their ï¬tness for and choice of permanent location. Artiï¬cial de- fenses against vicissitudes of tempera- ture, and a considerable constitutional power of accommodation, enable the enterprising men of trade and travel to ‘ avoid the worst and most immediate con- sequences of a change of atmospheric conditions. The spirit of commerce and of conquest carry men all over the world, and across the zones; but colonization follows accustomed temperatures. The barbarous invaders of Rome came down ‘ upon Italy from the north, northeast and northwest, traversing perhaps ï¬ve degrees of latitude, into a more genial region; but they retired, after a tempo- rary sojourn, to their native climate. The Saxons could permanently inhabit England, for their native land lay in the same latitude; and the Normans had only to cross the English channel to change their residence without an impor- tant change of the climatic conditions to which they had been accustomed." “ So fate willed it,â€â€"that’s the reasonx Given by half the world today, For their sad and foolish blunders, For their stumblings by the way. Or should fortune prove inconstaut, Going sudden, as she came,: Blighting hopes and breaking day dreams, Luckless fate must take the blame. Should the maiden lose her lover, Or Sir Million lose his plate, Both would cr , with different tempers, Oh my arm». , cruel fate! So the idle and the shiftlessâ€" So the spendthrit’t and the sotâ€" Blind and foolish. weak and sinful, Lay to fate their hapless lot. Life is ours, and death is certainâ€" This ‘we know at any rate; But our acts, or acts of others, Surely make our daily fate. l Dr. Elder then proceeds to show that‘ geographical and climatic lines run through the politics of the people also, and that the political diï¬erences between North and South in Europe are repeated along climatic lines in the Western world. Emigrants from Europe, and especially those from the Eastern States of the Union carry with them the characteris- tics of the several regions from which they remove, and so give a. similar com- plexion to their political creeds'and‘ in- dustrial policies._ This is an interesting portion of' the subject, which Dr. Elder treats at considerable length, gives proofs from the political history of the North- ern, the Central, and the Southern Zones of the Union respectively. Into political considerations we do not propose now to enter, but the point we' wish to make isâ€"the superior physical adaptability, at all events, of the N orth- erï¬â€˜rae'es’, $6 (120‘ c'olohiuing of thg whole“ "So Fate Willed it.†gwlwtï¬inna; Emmy. vast portion of this continent now called l Canada. It was a Sound practical judg-‘ ment which long ago caused the Hud. son's Bay Company to choose their ser- vants in the northwest mostly from the hardy islanders of the north of Scotland; ‘ and this policy, once adopted; worked so well that it was never changed. With-j out at all underrating the value t6 Canag da of immigration from other quarters, we may be allowed to express the hope? that recent action, looking towards the promotion of a large influx to our shores! of Scottish Highlanders and Norwegians may be vigorously pushed. Our southern limits are ï¬xed and known, but a great problem for Canada yet isâ€"how far north settlement can be pushed. We touch the ocean both east and westâ€"gains to the southward are out of the questionâ€"the only further gains possible for us lie to the northward. A degree of latitude across the continent is something, and every degree of latitude gained makes Canada a greater country. Believing in the importance of this view, we boldly proclaim that it is for the in- terest of Canada to make special effort for the encouragement of immigrants of the northern races. There is nothing invidious in this; by doing so we should merely be acting in harmony with the irreversible laws of nature, and making the best of the circumstances in which we ï¬nd ourselves. These considerations are not merely matter of philosophic theory: they are of grave practical in- terest besides, and ï¬tted to engage the attention of our statesmen, as well as of every patriotic Canadian.-â€"â€"Pooples Journal. A book entitled “The Rrilways in Canada,†recently issued at Toronto, contains the following sketch of the ï¬rst attempt at railway working in Canada: “In 1836 the ï¬rst attempt at working a railway was made. The St. Lawrence and Champlain, (now the Montreal and Champlain,) was opened in that year; the rails were of wood with flat bars of iron spiked on them, and from the ten- dency of this class of rail to curl or bend upward as the wheels passed over it, it became known as the “snake rail.†From this awkward peculiarity it often happened that the rails came into con- ‘tact with the body of the cars or other rolling stock, in which case both fared badly. The ï¬rst locomotive used on the line was sent froin Europe accompanied by an engineer, who for some unexâ€" plained reason had it cagged up and se- creted from public view. The trial trip‘ was made by moonlight in the presence? of a few interested parties, and -it is not described as a success. Several attempts were made to get the “ Kittenâ€â€"for that was the nickname applied to this pioneer locomotiveâ€"to run to St. Johns, but in vain; the engine proved refractory and horses were substituted for it. It is re- lated, however, that a practical engineer being called in from the United States. the engine, which was thought to be hopelessly unmanageable, was pronounced in good order, requiring only ‘ plenty of wood and water.’ This opinion proved correct, for after a little practice the ‘ extraordinary’ rate of speed of twenty miles an hour was attained. Other difli- culties were soon overcome, and the ï¬rst Canadian railway became an accom- plished fact.†It is not at all wholesome to be in a hurry. Locomotives have been reported to have moved a mile in a. minute for short distances; but locomotives have come to grief by such great rapidity. Multitudes in their haste to get rich are ruined every year. The men who do everything maturely, slowly, and de- liberately, are the men who most often succeed in life. People who are habitu- ally in a hurry generally have to do things twice over. The tortoise beats the hare at last. Slow men seldom knock their brains out against a post. ‘Footraces are injurious to health as are all forms of competitive exercises; steady labor in the ï¬eld is the best gymnasium in the world. Either labor or exercise carried to exhaustion, or prostration, or even to great tiredness, expressed by “fagged out,†always doas more harm than the previous exercise has done good. All running up stairs, running to catch up with a vehicle or ferry boat, are ex- tremely injurious to every age and sex, and condition of life._ It ought to be the most pressing necessity which should induce a person over fity to run twenty yards. ‘Those live longest who are de- liberate, whose actions are measured, who never embark In any enterprise a without ‘sleeping over it,’ and who per- ffm‘m all the every day acts of life with 'calmness, , Quakers areasproverbially calm, quiet people, and Quakers are a lthrifty folk, the world our. First Canadian Railway Haste and Health. Herr Falb, the German aaednt, in ‘5 woilé just pnblished, shows that there- was a total eclipse of the moon c'ohcomf mitantly With the earthquake that 00- curred when Julius 0621881117633 assassin! ated on the 15th of Mareh, 13.0. 44.â€"' He has also calculated the Jeviish ca;- lendar to A.D. 31, and the result of his researches fully oonï¬rm§ trié faets re: corded by the Evangelism of the ticirali‘der‘r ful physical events that accompanied the Cruciï¬xion. Astronomical calctila: tions prove, beyond the shadow of doubt,’ that on the 14th day of the Jewish Month Nisan; (April 6) there was" a to? tal eclipse of the sun, Whiéh was acé‘oini? panied, in all probahility, by the earth- quake, when the veil Of the temple was‘ rent in twain from the" top'tio't-he bottom,‘ while the earth did quakeand' the rocks rent, (Matt. XXVII, 51‘) ;' white" St; Luke describes the eclipse these words :' “And it was about the sixth h'ou'r (12,; noon), and there was darkness oiver' all: the land until the ninth lionr, (3’0’exlock' u on ‘1er YORK HERALD,“ bUï¬LISHED AT THE OFFICE 01? Tm: .-" 0m mum per Aimm’h hi Manse: pm), and the sun. was darkenéd.†(Luke XXV11,44. leé inoae o'f reckbn‘l' ing corresponds perféctlf with thcjric‘éiflt of another calculationiqni‘ auihbtj made by reckoning backvi'ilrd from, the great total eclipse of April 10th, 1818, allow- ing for the_difl'erencé bétWécn the old [and new styles, whic‘li'also giviasflA‘pril' Gigsi the date of the nï¬Ã©Fniébn", A. D. 31. As‘ the vernal equinoi of, that year foll' on: M arch 23, and: the Jews atc thicir' Eéster Lamb, and c‘eléï¬gatéa'nheiE'Erjb‘Pusah; or Feast of the" Passover, on the follow- ing new moon, it is clear’ April 6 who~ identical with Nisau‘ 14 of the Jéwié‘li’. calendar, which, moreoviei', w'aé‘dzi Fri- day the Paraskeree or (lily'of pï¬para. tion for the Sabbath, and" this'agreeaf with the HebrewTalmud. Tlius, united teï¬timony of astronomy, arc‘hhéJ ielegy, tradition and Biblical historj; 1there can be but little doubt that the date of the cruciï¬xion was April 6,‘ ;A. D. 31. g .. Never sendest thou an article for who! lication without giving the editor thy name, for thy name oftentimes secures publication to worthless articles. Thou shouid’st not rap at @hel door of. a printing oflice, fbr hé lthat answereth‘d the tap sneereth iï¬â€˜his slee'via'hnd loseth' time. Neither do thou'lozif'aboï¬f, ask clues.» tions, or knock ddwn tape, or the boys will love thee like't'h’e'y do sï¬Ã©dé tree:â€" when thou leaveth‘. Thou should'st never read the copy on the printer’s case, or the shitty andi hooked container thereof, or he knock thee down. Never enquire thou'of the editorfor‘ news, for behold, it is his business at'th'p': appointed time to givé it theé‘ Wiï¬ï¬oï¬t‘ asking. ‘ '. , , ., It. is not right tbaï¬: thou should§t ask‘_ him who is the authoi' of an articlvetfor: his duty requireth him to keep suchl things to himself. When thou dost enter iii-90 his) 01599,; take heed unto thyself that" thou' ddst. not look at what may be lyiiié open and: concerneth thee not, for thï¬i‘ is not meet in the sight of good breediï¬g’é'. Neither examine thou thé'p’fdiii' sheet for it is not ready to meet thine eye," that thou mayest understand. Prefer thine own town paper to my other, and subscribe for it immediateâ€; Pay for it, in advance, and‘it shall be well with thee and thine. u If a gentleman wants a wifehe wears a ring on the ï¬rst ï¬nger of the left hand; if he is engaged he Wears on the sec" ond ï¬nger ; if marriedi‘on the third: and on the fourth if he never intends to be married. When a lady‘is' not engaged, she wears a hoop or diamond on her ï¬rst. ï¬nger; if engaged, on second; if married, on the third; and'onthe fourth; if she intends to die unmarried. Whenl_ a gentleman prelents e fan, flower,.or trinket to a lady with the hand, this}: on his part. is an overture: of, regard ;’ should she receive it yvith the 142 hnndt it is considered as an acceptance of his4 esteem; but if with the right hend, it. a. refusal of the offer. Thushlbyigfeï¬ simple tokens explained by rule; the his.†sion of love is expressed;,‘gnd,'through the medium of’th‘e‘ telegraph, the most timid and__diï¬_ident may, without diï¬- oulty, communicate his sentiments of regard to a lady, and in case his offer should be refused, av'oid eiï¬eï¬Ã©nc’ing' the m‘ertiï¬â€˜cation of an egplieit ritual: â€"EhԤuire Within, Iss‘ued Weékli 6n Friday Mowing. A Quaker Printer; 15roiérbai‘ ALEX. Soon, Pnornimon. ' Date of this mama; WHOLE NO; 690: Yoxc: ST. 1219;111an HILL. Love’s Telegraph.