:1? n’mggmma. . NORTH YORK FALL FAIR.â€"-â€"The bal- ance of the prize list of this fair will be found on the fourth page. VJ. L.~â€"-Wc have received a communi- cation bearing on the sclmul question, from the gentleman who writes over the above initials. As our ~columns are crowded with other matter, it will have to be reserved for another issue. ’ GRAND CONCERTSâ€"F'l'he' concert- to be given' by the Lodge‘of' Orange Young Britons of this toivn, will come off this evening (Friday) in the Masonic Hull. All those who enjov an entertainment of this description will do well tovattend, as the committee hai'e secured the services of anumber of talented amateurs. The proceeds will be applied to the banner fund ofâ€" the association. “THE STEP AT THE GATE.â€â€"~We have Ireceived Whilney’s Musical Guest for l October, and ï¬nd among its many attrac~ tions the beautiful song and chorus under the above title, together with " Plant a Few Little Flowers,†“ Irving and ‘f The Bible says we may ;" , also a large amount ‘ of musical news, 850., combining in all, just. such a musical journal as every family should have. The publisher now proposes to send the Guest three months on trial, for only twentyâ€"ï¬ve cents. When four dollars worth of music can be obtained, for so small a sum, we think no one will fail to avail themselves of this liberal offer. Price $100 a year; specimen copy, 10 cents. Published monthly by W. W. Whitney, Toledo, 0. House to rentâ€"James M. Lï¬Wrence. Par-Harmony:Noticgâ€"vW. H. Beatty. Card-Woodbmï¬ & Styles. The Municipal Council of the Town- éhip of Vaughan met at the Town Hall ‘on Monday the 9th inst., at; 10 A.M. Reeve in the‘chuir. Members present: Messrs. Boyk, Reamgn, u'ud Webster. The minutes of last meeting read and approx ed. VA communication from the Secretary and Engineer of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway, relative to the crossings in the township, was read. Claims for loss of sheep killed by dogs Were presented to the Council by James McWilliams, John Coombs, and Daniel S) Reumnn. Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Boyle, moved that. the Treasurer be and is lierev by authorize'l tn- pay the fillowing claims for loss 01' shcup killed by dogs. T I Ja-ngs McWilliams . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 32 ‘ VJuhu CM)th . . . . . . . . . . . . . _..... 3 32 Daniel S. Reumun.... .' . . . . . .... 3 32 fCurried. ' Mr. Remnan. seconded by Mr. Boyle, meved that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized lo pay the following ac- counts as certiï¬ed by_tlie several Road Commissioners in their respective disâ€" tricts, viz : ‘ InyDisirict No. 1. to P. 3. Gibson. P.L.s., for survey of sideline between 'Luh-i '30and 00 W. Ludf'urd chopping nu Survey. . 3 12 Robert Henry for lumber. . . . . 8. 25) In'Dist. N0 2,J0hn Blum‘dlforlumber 1 82 James Brown for Timbér . . . . . . . . 14 30 In Dist. N0, 3, Noble-.Vanson . . . . . . 39 00 David Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 81 JohnH.E:ll‘is.... . . . . . . . ,..;..l49 50 â€"_Carried, TUESï¬AY, October l7.â€"Greditsale ofFarm Stock, Implpments. &c. on lot No. 18, in rear of llle 6th Con. Markham, the pro perty of Mr. William Padget. Sale at 10 a.m. James Gormley, Auctioneer. WEansnu'. Oct. 18.~â€"Execntors’ Credil- 85.19. of farn1,far1nstocl<. &cr..on lot 27, 41}: Con. ,Marklmm. VicioriaSqnape, belong ing to tlaelape Mr. George Peach. Sale at 10 AM." Gormley 65 Sanderspn, Aucls. SAT‘URDlAY; Oc't. 2Lâ€"Credit Salg of farm flock, implements, &c.. on lot No. 10: fear of 3rd Con. \V'hiwlmrch, belonging er. James Lloyd. 'Sale at 12 o'lock, noonn J. Gdrmley,‘ Anelioneer. 'I' Parties having Sale Bills printed at thisï¬ï¬ice', will have a notice similar to“ the aboy'e, free of charge. RICH-MON!) HILL, OQTdBER 13, 1871. ' Théw'QounciI then adjbixmea until Monday, November 13th, to meet at 10 o’clock AM." ’ Many' valuable 'horses die from the eï¬'ects of colic. The best thing to do‘ini a case of this kind is'to pour a bottle of Johnson‘s Anpdyne Liniment into a long necked junk bottle, add half pint of molassesand water, then-pour thg whole down the horse's throat. In tan minutes the horse will begin to eat. Parsons' Purgdiivé Tilla- will greatly re- lieve,.if‘not, emirer (cure, dysp'epsia. when eveiï¬thiug €158 fail. They have been, tried in éfm‘xe desperate cases, and have given more nliofthw any other medicine; N'Ew' ADVERTISEMENTS. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. AUCTION SALES. {which were good, were thronged with ,intending visitors en route tothe show. The East Riding ofLYorl; and town- ship of Markham~nggiitaitural Societies“ held their annual Fall Fair in Markham village, on Thursday and Friday, Octo- ber 5 and 6. ' The'we‘a'ther’was’ compara- tively ï¬ne for the season; the mowing of the second day, by its eloudyhappear- ance, threatened rainâ€"but before Old‘ 801 had ascended many degrees from the horizon, his benign influences dispersed all apprehensions of an unpleasant day. The attendancc_on the ï¬rst. day wasi small, but from all hours oi the morning of the second day till noon, the, roads, For a distance of' over twenty. miles in every direction from Markham village,‘ vehicles of'every description might have been seen conveying their contents toward the day's centreof attraction. The de- mand for horse flesh was in excess of the supply, and as a consequence numbers it t‘ a t t d t j l t were deprived of enjoying an anticipated day’s pleasure. The gathering may be I said to have been ,the opportunity of the Student of human. nature. Here might have been seen entering the village'the sturdy yeoman .with his family in the ing quite in keeping with the appearance of the occupants, both impressed on our mind an idea of the practical,only to be ef faced by the sprightly dash of the next “rig,†being a spirited blood in a turn out of the latest style; then came a group of blooming rosy-cheeked lasses, closely followed by a band of ardent admirers in their Sunday best, who, ever and anon, would greet our ears with an outburst of their high spirits; next an old grey-headed couple came lumbering along in an equally antiquated conveyance, which, like Horace Greeleyi’s white hat,had seen better days; in their wake was a motley crowd of both sexes and all ages, and these,- together with the herds of cattle and loads of sheep and swine which kept . coming in, gave an exceeding lively ap? pearanc‘e to the streets of Markham ; and thus the throng kept increasing until a number estimated by some at ten or twelve thousand had congregated. The streets and byways near the hotels were almost impaSSable, owing to the great number ct vehicles judiciously crowded together in the least pessible space, while the stables. sheds, yards and fence corners were literally packed with horses. Ano- ther source of influx of visitors was the Toronto and Nippissing Railway; not only every available passenger car,but also gravel and freight ears were utilized in conveying people from north and south to the village. The trains were crowded to suffocation, and many rode upon the root's ot the carriages. farm wagon; this vehicle of all uses bc- Upon entering the agricultural grounds the ï¬rst object that attracted our atten- tion was “ The flag that braved a thousand years The battle and the breeze,’7 Proudly waving over the ball, as if to assure the eager competitors that they should receive “British fair play." , The Societics‘ grounds are roomy, and the stables and sheds for the accommodation of the horses, cattle, sheep, swine, &o., are both connnodious and convenient. from the entrance we proceeded directly to the palace,'once inside of which the ï¬rst thing to be observed was a nice lot. of stoves, then a number of bells, which, though having a ï¬ne appearance, needed to be taught a few lessons in manners in order to become aware that their occa- lsional loud peels jarred upon the sensi- 'ance. tire nerves of those of the gentler sex who had the mistertune to come too near; but we should'say if they had been somewhat raised above the throng, they would, no doubt, have produced a more pleasing effect. The horticultural pro- duce was the next in order, of which there was a good display both in quantity and quality, being cabbage, cauliflower, beets, onions,rmelons, &c., and "Fruits in great profusion. The photographs, tis- sue work, leather work, and farmers’ wreath’s presented a beautiful appear- There were some delightful lots of bread, butter and cheese, backed up with strained and unstrained honey, preserves, pickles, &c., to match. With regard to the ladies’ work. the most limited stretch of our obtuse imagination could not form the least idea of the patience re- quired to produce some of the compli- cated specimens on exhibition ; the inï¬. nitesimal pieces sewn together in such beautiful order in the patchwork quilt; the complexity of the hand-worked coun’ terpanes, carpets, rugs, blankets, hose, mitts, &c.; the tastefulness of the em- broidered silk, Berlin wool work, worsted work, shell work, bead work, &c.; all conveyed to our minds only a faint idea of the higher beauty and reï¬nement of the inmost mind of our mothers and sisters, in comparison: with the-sterner qualities of'our sex. In wax work there. were some rare samples. In the ï¬ne arts department there was a creditable display, a number of beautiful paintings MARKHA'gM mm. THE YORK HERALD, RIGHMON D HILL, ONT, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13'; [1871 ‘ does its work well; it was entered by _ ronto. With regard to the grain and and drawings being exhibited. The Inn-l sical implements: \shown were Mason 85 =1 Hamlin's and Tyaylor&.Farley’s melo deons, Heintzman‘s pine, and T. J. Dale’s organ and melodeon; all of' excel- lent tone and ï¬nish. The show of fur- niture was Mr. Digby, of Markham, was the successful competitor ‘ in trunks and» harness, having received the ï¬rst prize for single, double, carriage meagre. and cart harness: In Sewing machines there were the Lockman, the Florence. ;thc Singer, the Howe, ï¬nd the Wheeler l&Wilson; the last named gained the ï¬rst prize, Whlcll,leil10ub doubt, is justly merited, as its triumph'at the Paris Exposition in 1867 proves. There was also Lamb's knitting machine, which Mr. C. Chapman. There was a ï¬ne disâ€" play of ready-made clothing from the ï¬rm of G. & J. W. Cox & 00., of' To- ï¬eld culture, we were unable to obtain any particulars, owing to the dense crowd in the shed where they were lshown; but we understand that the wheat was the most excellent and more ’ of it than at any preceeding fair, and. l owing to the unfavorable season the roots were somewhat inferior. The imple- ' .ments, buggies. cutters, 8.30., occupied the western part of the grounds. A ' Johnston self-rake reaper and a cutting box, manufactured by Messrs. Patterson & Bro., gained ï¬rst" prizes. Mr. J. Fleury, of Aurora, also showed a John'- ston reaper with improvements. Mr. A. Fleury gained the ï¬rst prize for a. grain crusher. Messrs. A. & W. Wilson, of this place, were again successful with their improved double-action fanning mill, with perforated zinc grain separator_ For cast beam plows, the ï¬rst prize was awarded to Mr. Johnston Gibney, of Stoufl‘villc, and for wrought iron beams, to Mr. George Wilkinson, of Gormley. For the Ontario grain drill and grass ‘ seeder combined, Mr. J. Fleury obtained the ï¬rst prize. In wagons, Speight & Sons Were the successful competitors. ‘ 'l‘o Eakin & Stephenson, of Unionvillc, ï¬rst prizes were awarded for a buggy, 'platform wagon, democrat sleigh and cutter. The show of horses was fair; stallions this year were pronounced by competent judges to be superior to any yet shown, but the carriage and riding horses were rather interior, with a few exceptions, one of which was a superior single driver owned by Mr. J. M. Davis, of this place. In cattle, the competition was keen and some fine animals had been entered, surpassingr any previous fair. The sheep were excellent, eon'iprisinp.r Hampshire, Shropshire, Leicesterl Cots- wold, &c. The swine were very good, of which there were a number of speci- mens of the large and small breeds. The entries in poultry were splendid, embracing some ï¬ne samples of geese, turkeys, ducks, chickens, &c., &c. The Markham brass band was in attendance, and enlivened the proceedings with choice selections of music. On the whole this fair was the largest and 'most successful of any ever held in Markham. It is a great satisfaction to know that the directors realized their most'sanguinc expectations. As a mat- of' course, everybody could not be suited, as not more than one could receive the ï¬rst prize for the same article; but we have every reason to believe that the judges acted impartially in their awards. These exhibitions are a beneï¬t to all classes of the community, inducing agri- culturalists, manufacturers and others to produce articles worthy of competi- tion'. The prize list will appear in our next *isSue' in full. I I COPY 3300KS Better paper than any in the neighborhood. CANADIAN MAGAZINE, A momth cumming 64 pages: $2 I year or 20 cents a number. For Sale at the ‘ I;culcativo of tempeponnco plinciplu. at the HszD BOOK S'ronx _ TEMPERANCE LITERATURE, GAMES, T01 S. &c., 8â€"inâ€"1)“ at flame foyJuno at Honld Book Store HYMNS, ANCIENT & MODERN Usuuily sold at 10 nnd IQ; conls reduced to 7 and I0 cams each. LBUMS! ALBUMS I l EISURE HOUR, H ERALD BOOK STORE. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE A saw sup“ n- nu HERALD Boox Bronx. FOR SALE AT THE For Sula at (he HERALD BOOK STORE. H ERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD Boo: STORE. Persons Afliicted, howeveï¬ï¬‚igbï¬ï¬‚y, with any weakness of the Chest or'-Thro_iu,involv- iug Gillie] the Larynx, Trachea. Brpnchialn Tubes. er' the Lungs themselves, should, on‘ the ï¬rst. sympton commence with Fellows’ Compound Syrup of Hypophosphriteatas its use diseases of those ergeus (evext Con sumptiou in its primary stage) are Speedin cm‘ed- ai‘ld more alarming symptoms prevented; ' ' “ ‘ A Slalfles, nhd about iv o écres of lmul. on Yonge Siren! wilhiu one_ mile of‘flichmond hill‘ For' further umliculars. apply 10 ' Plasterers-,nro prepnva m contract fur erecting [:11 kinds of bwelliugs, Clmnhus. Schools, &c. “'Vlr‘vhro I’M‘istréf workmanship gnunutood. Plai- lering done on the rhonosl nolico. ' Rnsmsxc: â€"â€"Muple. Maple, Oct. l2, ISZI. 690-1)’ PHOTOGRAPHY. Begs to inform the public thn'. having com- menced operation in the above butinou, he in prep-rod to lake ' Persons, Animals, Houses or Landscapes Old pictures of deceased friends copied Ind enlarged suitable lur 'mming'. ' 1‘4! Dull and cloudy weather no hixidrance to the an. NB. Childfan 3nd auimlll m". a! the risk of the owner. ’ Richmond Hiâ€, Sept. 20. 1871. 687-1)’ Richmond Hz". Oct. 1‘2. l’.~7l. For 815ng and Douch Harness, 11‘: like six fuuowing Agricu-Knml Societies: Yonge Street; East, York. Markham. North York. King and Vaughan. Cnnhdent from his success and the liberal patronage ho has received in :1â€: past years. lhm, Iw can mil suit intending purchasers in good Service‘ bio articles. W. ll. respucuully solicits theinspeclion of his present stock of Together wkh a good assortment of Whins, Lashes, Curr? Combs. Cards, Brushes. ï¬ne. for the lawns! relnunoraiive prices. All orders Intended to with Pwlnpmess. Chonhness and Dismmh by the pmprielor. COLLARS WARRANTEI) To Fit, Look & Wear VVell Rags to intimate to the inhabitants of Rich- mond Hill and vicinin that he Inns opened the almve named establishment. 'ono door nuth u! .\lr. Burunrd'a Store. wlwro he is preparnd to make to older on {he Shortest No‘iue. evmy description of “Aï¬ï¬‚liss. He also intends to keep on hand a well assailed mock of llnusuns. Van Ann Luna: in great va‘iely. H H C. would also i‘mlmate that he tho- .ronghlv udderslunds COLLAR MAKING In all its branches. having of Jane you're de- voted much time and attomlon lo lhls mom important branch uf 1hr: trade, he can conï¬c demq guarantee a safe and easy collar All who may have the kindness to favor him with Iheir patronage can lely upon a ï¬rst-clasp arti- cla as nothing but ï¬rnl-class slo k will be used, made up in a workmanlike- manner by expe- rienced workmen. N SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, i1sz @dmtiï¬zmmï¬t. WOODBURN 8t STYLES, UILDERS. BRICKLAYERS A ND "Eighties Oi! sin} Vnrmsh always on hind. Richmond Hill; Son. 13. 1871. ‘ ‘ ESS-ly ASSOR'I‘MENT 01‘» Single and Double -Harmss.’ AS W. H. MYERS’ Is the Place to get a. Good _ Article. You should Call é Examine the Stock NEW DOMINION MONTLY, ('Iokaining 64 pngas ï¬xled with clmico litera- lure. origin! and 50 acted. and one or more picmrinl Illustrations. besidnu n piecn of music. 5160 3. you, 15 com: 3 number. ï¬lold at tho To Rent,. ‘ ‘ HOUSE. GARDEN, ORCHARD, Richmmd Hill. Sop. 91.1571. PHOTOGRAPHS SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS. CANNOT BE SURPASSED. ICHMOND HILL COLLAR AND HARNESS EMPORIUM. HAVE NOW ON HAND H. H. CLARI§E Trunks, Valises, Cards, Combs, R. A. GRAY STYLE 0R SIZE New Harness Shop. Before purchasing “nowhere. Which l'or Pris-0 and Quality .Richmond Hill JAMES M. LAWRENCE. giarncï¬ï¬, 8w. IN ANY REQUIRED A very good W \l. HARRISON Baum BOD! Sm. IZES (590-1:th 657431- lion will ho made at thé'ne'xt session Mme Legislature of the l’rownce ofVUmariu. for an Act to amend the Act illcnipbrulilig the CreJn Valley dailway Company. to o'xmud the pow- e'rs conferred up themald Company; to gram me right to build I: branch from some poim on the line of: the said igailway to Fergus or Elam, and for ulllér plummet [ Dated 1h|s 10m day of October. A.l) [671. I, (Emil Enginaor and Draughlsman Special alienlion paid to propurmg I’laus. Spemï¬cnliuus and Hills of Malaria! for building Bridges and Culverts; also to preparing l'or- ï¬les and Estimates for Grudxng Hills. Ind Draugltts for Patent Rights. ..... A um. ,,),IA 11,-“ 5...â€.-. L. um Notice 'S'HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA- Ola-é at, Willowdalei: YongeStréot. in the Township of York Orders by lone; promptly unended Vto. PETER S. GIBSON. PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, (.‘wil Enginaor and Draughlsman [n the Coumy of York, Waggon Maker, da- censed, are hereby required to send in parlicu- hrs of their claims in writing Wilh dates and items to Jun: 'McBE'm. or RICHMOND HILL“ aforesaid. aduiimslrntrix of the Said estate, on' or bafore the lGIh day of October next: and Soï¬c‘nor for the applicalm Tommo, Oct. 1‘2, 1671. 090-7 Creditors and others are further notiï¬ed Ihat the said udminislratrik slmll at the said lime proceed to dislribula the assets of the said An- drew McBelh. amongst the [mules entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which sha shall then have had noticu. and that she shall not be hable for the assets or lnyparl thereof. so distrihuled. to any person of whose claim she shall not than have had notice. BY GEORGE KERR. Jr.. her Solicitor. 'l'orouto. September 81h, 1871. GREAT SUCCESS NEW FALL GOODS ! Richmond Hill, Oct. 5. 167]. Of his large stocks formor’y has induced him tu secure a still October 4,]81i. TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS Shawls in all the Latest Styles, Jackets, IVonl Goods in ' Great Variety, '- Wmcevs. Cobourgs; Alpacas. Mo-rinow. Fanc Dress Goods. l'rilfls. Canons, 'l'ickings. Plain and Fancy Flaunels, Blam- kels, Carpets. Hosiery, Gloves, Furs, This success is Unmistukeable Evidence of the conï¬dence (f a pa- tronising public. These Goods havola" been purchased before the late Rise in Prices. ‘REDITORS AND OTHERS HAVING FIATS AND CAPS, 800. In the Gr‘xatest Variety. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, (ï¬e. doc. STRONG ACTIVE BOYTO LEARLNI Everything Good & Cheap Will be found to contain everything that is beautiful, chaste, elegant and Q)" the latest style. 76001}, Fresh and Strong Young Hymn Ton, only 50 at: par 1!: I Suuo'ior Mayuno Young Huon Tea. from 55 cm per 1!). ‘ Vina fl ‘vored Black Tea, from ‘30 Ms per fl! Pines: flavored nnd hesLBlack Tea imported. $14M) _f_ver_ib lime flillhavgred Young Hysoil Ten. only 60 as p91 _ ’ The nhnw Tens was 'cnrefullv se‘ocled and are fully ten cams per it} bruer than any 'l‘en sold an Rxclunoud llnll. Examine and taxi! them and’l le guarantee you will bear me out in my nhel‘lians. ' VIn Canisters of 5 its. 5 cm per 11» loss than lheAse prices _ G. A. BARNAIKD. Sign of tho Brhiah Flag Stuff. Richmond Hill. 60me 98. 1811. 6864! Village of Richmond Hill, Qty ($03115, @rnmieï¬, New Crop. .â€" IRESH NEW TEAS. Wanted Immediately. blauksmithnug Ready-made Clothing, Richmond Hill, Sept. 27. 187]. ARGEST, nHEAPEST & [QEST MILLINERY DEPARTMENT The subscriber bags m announce that he has now on hand the claims againsx the «Late of the W. ATKINSON. OF THE CENTRAL STORE, Central Store! mmxmm Larger Stock for this Season. LATE ANDREW McBE'l‘H, Doe skins, silk mixed Cloths, Velveteens, THE QUICK DISPOSAL Accounts rendered chber lst. The stock consists in part of Estate Notice. Stock he even oï¬'ared. Formerly of the A Splendid Stock of AS UsUAl. TI-ll DEALER IN AT THE W. H . BEATTY, JAN E Mc BETH. {pp‘y NV WM. '1‘ R ENC H. Aominiatrakrix. 699-2m Gc9-1f. 688 IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. THE ONTARIO HOUSE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, The Highest Cash Price given for Fum l’roduce. ROBERT NEWBERRY. FIRE PROOF STORE ! CANADIAN TWEEDS! COATINGS AND YES TIN GS, Mantle Cloths, Furs, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, Néw Fall g Winter Goods, B LAN K ETS. wmcm's. Nice Fancy Woolen Goods 1.’ SHAWLS, Ready Made Clo‘thing, 8m. 8w. LOWEST CASH PRICES. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Accounts am randerod on the Mt Octobor. and it is uprpclar‘ that they will he prompin mat this fail as we have hem Menard with In abundant harvest. which bring: good plicos. Richlnona Hill. Sept. 2!, 1871. 585 Septnmber ‘28. 187 I . I are made under genuine patents in (3b mud: and (he Uni=ed Suites. Are 4'10 lpunous mutation or infringement. . I 1- ’l‘he only eï¬imem ï¬re engine pump. anlnMe in a few seconds.wimeraud summer, day and Inigln. lnfnngc-rs beware. I as now made, Imvo no culings lo came loose or break, Have all steel bearings. guaranteed. ‘ l- . erected within the last ten years. can have recent improvements quached. and guar- ameed superior to any (ill)!!! make. I have aireudy taken the leading place in some of the United States,“ well as in Canada If 1 as now perfected. are the successful ro- suh of twelvg years endeavor to Inpply a want universailv fen. r 7 hau all tho menus of other pumps with- out Iheir defects. No _olhers possess meir po- culiur advantageous features. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S. The nnlv pmumnl ï¬rs angina DquD. [)OWELL'S PATENT PUMPS mm. man nuan muminn nutnnln in (In. IV 7 «van in their hitherto imperl'ocl form', have in a“ instance: carried of the high"! prizes (10m all competiioi‘s. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH. POWELL'S PATENT P U M P s, arm-1m! \villiill Ilm but [an woan can ' Clothing, Boots (E Shoes, 4'0. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS “a nun: Inn-In, huvn nn onnlinau In nun]- POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S In." nll thn mama of other numos with- POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S u nuw mrfacmd. am the successful re- r 7 are adapted for‘ the deepest wells. Ro- forl‘nces to all. liepxhs from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS han abundv lnknu tlln landiml nlnco in POWELL'S PATENT P U M P S, tum“ in (hair hitlmrm imuerl'acl form. r 7 lenve a cominenlnl foputalionwnd are fast supeseding all other kinds both in wood and metal. I'm whiIe lhav cannot be npproachod in wood. have never yet been oqunlleé in metal in donb’e the cost. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S Ira .Aanmd for the deenest wells. Ro- r V have been austainbd by the hignat legal tribunals. and universllly lppNIDd y an n- Iightonod public whomor introduced. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S Innva n nonlinenlnl renmalion.nnd are fast UTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S, whiIe [how cannot be approached in P‘bWï¬LL’S PATENT P U M P s n-unnnl Im rivnllad without int‘rrnuino ‘ ammo: he rivalled without int‘rrnging P-m‘eil's Pahnns. Users of infrmging pump:- d‘u iiuhle. C. POWELL, Patenlee. Newtonbrouk POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS hnva has“ sustainbd bv (his hil‘heat Ion! Clan Tartan Woolings. Hosiery, Gloves, 15 now open with I large stock of Great Bargains ! New Fall Goods. Bought in the Best Market Ind will be sold at the GRAND DISPLAY Kept Constantly on Hand B. NEWBEBY’S New Store, G0 AND SEE THE £11mâ€? gumpï¬. He can give you in A LARGE Assok'rulfl'r or Tho Stock include- Double and Si nglo BROAD CLo'ms, Crockery. &c. AT “I'll ISAAGCROSBY. Elgiu Mills. 558-31“ A nice lolof the abovo jun received I! 010 Central Store. WM. ATKINSON. WHITE FISH, SALMON mourn AND HACKER)“. 689-“ Call 9' Examine for Yourselves. FAMILY FLOUR (mowing, ï¬xnvimun IGN OF THE TEA CHEST. Which will be Sold at Reasonable Price. that will suit Purchasers. BUTTER AND EGGS FRESH BUTTER! ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Great Improvement in Butter Making I ll upp‘icnblo .lo :11 masons of the your. In summer it makes Butler Firmor. keep: it sweet a longer time. and previms it turning rancid. During autumn. winter and spring when cows are fnd_ with annips. Mangoidn, &c., and necaaioilally eating Wild Garlic, giving an unpleasant flavor and biXtGIBOrI to butter; «H of which is omircly removed by tho use of this preparation. .- . - .A,‘ It saves Time, Money 4' Labor. Cost. of material only 15 cents for every 100 pom-do of butter. ' Recipe sent iroo of charge {or 50 cents. Address. WILLIAM MILLER & (70., ' Box 939, que oi. irvnin’d the best of Beer. Mu}- Ion, Lumb. Veal. Pork, Snungos. 61c. I134 lolls at the lowest pficos. _ . n .u .mw u. u... . .. -_. The highest market price: given for culls. Shenp. Lambs. Jae. Also. Corned and Spiced Beef. Smoked nnd Dried Hams. _.. . . .-. nâ€- THE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNINQ. thanks to his friends for the _pl}lro_nag. .1 thanks to his friends for the patron-g. ho hna received ainco ha colnmoncad businm u a Burcutn on Richmond Hill. begs to gn: “ounce to [hem Il‘nt ha has disposed 9! In. business to his son, Hum! Haunt. who will In futh carry on tho Business. Haul-o trust.- thu In. customers will cominnp to bestow III-iv pnlrouago on his tucceiwr. _ .. .â€" _nnnuâ€" THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED Fill! Fish†Fish!!! Richmond Hill. Aug. '23. 18‘“ . CHURNING OF HOURS Reduced to Minutes ! 6824f WILLIASI COX. Richmond Hill, Sept. 2'1. 187K. G Thin wholesome and inexpensivo way of v 303?. HOPPER. Richmond Hill. Inn V. 1871. ' CUE-t! IT PRODUCES MORE BUTTER. WILLIAM cox, UTCHER, 310391031? mum; 1348 FEED SOLD. WINES AND LIQUORS, ALWAYS 0! BAND 1 Grocer and Dry Goods Much-m. Richmond Hill. THE HIGHEST PRICE Groceriea, Provisions, Sign bf the Tea Chest. resh Stock I ï¬nttnr 3mm, In Exchange for Goods. noun or 'rouou‘ro; MAKING BUTTER or ALL KIND! on 1051‘ RICEIVID, ï¬ntvming. TEAS AND CROCIIBY , TH] 3381‘ (“VII ’0‘ Butter. Notice. ALEX. MOODIE. l‘ofonto. 683