Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 Oct 1871, p. 1

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TickMs: One Dollar per annum, in ad~ Vance; if not paid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty Cams will he chm-38d. No paper discontinued until all 'urrearagos are paid; and parties refusing papers wilhuut paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. “X“:VlloirtsrsV addressed to the Editor must be pogL-paid. Uné inch one \‘ear........ . . Two inches. one man _. ..... ...... .. 'I‘hree inches one year . . . . Over three inches. one year . . . ... Advortisemems for n shorter period than All transitorv advertisements from strangeIs or irregulax custoIIIeIs, Inmt be paid fOI when handed in for InseILion THE YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most lmp'urlam Foreign and Local NeWS and Markets, and the grealest have will be_ taken [0 render ll acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. n .. . 1 one year, first insertion... . . . . . . . . . 50 Each subsequent insertion .. . . . . . . . . . . 25 20 inches will be considered one column. Advertisements without written directions inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest m'ails or other conveyance. when so desired. BOOK & JOB PRINTING .lJ Coumv of Yoxk, Lot 4. 3rd cuncussion, Vaughan 1’. 0. Address, Coucoxd. Orders promptly attended to . ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Counties of York and [’901. Residenceâ€"-Lot 20,1’eal'oi‘3rd Concession of Markham. 1’.O,Addressâ€"â€"b’nltonville. Parties requiring Mr. Saudorson’b sarvice canmakmrraugamenlsattheHERALDot‘fice. Juuuary 4. 1565. 31 ALEX. SCOTT,- UBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR 013+ “ THE YORK HERAID. ” Orders for any of the uudermemioned deâ€" description of Plain and Calorcd Job Work, Will be promptly attended to: Having made iaIue addition: to Ihc [H'illlillfT mateI'Ia’ we are helm prulmmd II :III evertu do {he neatest and most humiiiul pliuting of Every description. .LJ Coumicsof York and Peel, Collector of Notes, Accounts, 8w. Small charges and plenty to do. (Ill): mark fietuln Fancy Bills.B usiness UaIds. CII'acnl l'S. Law Forms, Bill Heads. Blank Checks. Dral'Is. Blank OIder~. Receipts. Lettm Hands. 1* ADC) Cands, Pamphlets. lungs and Small PosLeIs. and every other kind of l1 County of York. Sales attended to on at moderate I'atos.. l’ I Sales attended on the shortest noticeand onreasonableterms. 11 Counties of York, .L'eel and ()ntarxo Residence: 1101845“) concession Markham I’olefiico-Unionville. Orders leftatthe “ Herald” office for Mr Carter’sssrvices willbe promptly attendedto Cheap Book (2' Job Printng Establishment. lVl ’Surgeons. Engiand, Residence: North (if Richmond Hill. opposite the Elgin House, All calls (night or day) promptly attended to, U streets, Thornhill. (lonsuHaLions in the emceonlhemorninus1! I‘nesd:n',s \Thulsdam and Saturdays flom 8 D1“); m. ”,g" Allconsultations in the office, (lash . 'I‘lmruhillJune 9.1865 1 DR. JAs. LANGSTAFF ‘ ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 A.M. .L ENCE between T. J. M., rho Rev. JOHN BREIHN and others, (in the York HERALD during Nu, months of Ju‘._v. August and Sep- tember,'l8h8). is aatly printed in pamphlet formgmd worth a new :1‘. HE POLEMICAL CORRESPOND. ENCE between T. J. M., rho Rev. JOHN ,PRICE 15 C1“ 'rs. I‘uf sale a: the HERALD Book Store, Richmond Hill; BANNH: (mice, Auro'la , H Wilson 5 Funcx Store Markham; “'eslepn Book Room. \. S llving’s and M, Shewr‘x’s Tomnm Lflskay. March ‘lud 1865 Concord. March 16, 1870. Markham. July 24. J 5111’. RESIDENCEâ€"Adjoining Thornhil] Hotel JOHN N. REID, M.D., "OR. 0F YONGE AND COLBORNE July 2'2. 1869 Elgin Mills, January 1. 1870 I’V home from 8 to 9 A.M. Mr A. F. Armstrong is amhorised tocollect ccounts. Richmond Hill. Oct. 14,1869. 568* Jn 116.27. 1867. VOL. XIII, N 0. 21. M. FISHER. ICENSED AUCTIONER FOR THE HENRY SMELSOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEEK. FOR, THE FRANCIS BUTTON, JR , ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE JOHN CARTER: ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Mo. 1). McCONNELL M.D., {RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER. OFFICE rYoNaI; ST. RICHMOND HILL flutters? m5 Egtmlicim. DR. HOSTETTER, ‘EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE Terms: $1 per annum in advance‘ EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, CENT MUSIC LET‘T Eli-1’ HESS PRINTING. ADVERTISING RATES To Controversialists EDW. SANDERSON, ESTABLISHMENT gatc‘tiumew. For Sale at the Herald Book Store} IS PUBLISHED THE HERALD |he ximrxes| notice and 0. Address. Bultonville. 1868. PER INCH 575-13’ 39-13‘ COG 497 98 00 50 00 50 Physicians l’rosc Won: .refullv com- po ounded. and all ordels attended to wnh care and despatch. Farmers and ['hvsiciansf'rom the country will find ourstock of Medicines completeâ€"wan ant- ed genuiueâ€"and oflhe best quality. RICHMOND HILI; DRUG STORE, Have removed to their new and commodious building on tho corner of Yonge and Centre St. East. and wouid return their thanks to the pubhc for past patronage, hoping to merit a continuance of the same, They have greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment 0 f Drugs. Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oits, Toilet Soaps. Medicine‘s, Varnishes. Fancy articles Dye Stnfl's. Patent Medicines. and all other articies kept by Druggists generally. MOM) HILL. Physicmns prescripfions carefully prepared Richmond Uill,1)ec.1.1869. 594-tf Glocm'ies, \Vi1)c~:and Liquors. 'l‘laornhi‘l B11 Rnuul [1011111 5 7111111111111 has been 01710111011 Issitcr (If Maningn Lcwscs dn-‘chc.-â€"Cornnr of Albert and Yonge Sls‘, Toronto (opposite the Green Bush Hoke], over R. LaWson’s (zlm: n1 fit Special aneution paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. N.B.â€"Chm~ges moderate and work war- ranted. 'l‘oelh without Pain, by the use of Miler Spin‘.‘ . which1::flbdslhomoth unh . 'l'he tooth and -rum suaruuudinu bocuu h iiisensible with this exteiiial agmm} when the [001]) can be extracted with no pain and WH'HOU'I‘ ENDANGERIN 1 THE LH'E As in tho “so of Chloroform. Drs‘. I’. and R. will!!!) in lhe I‘mllo'aviug planes propmed to ~xiractt001h \‘JiLll his now apparatus. All nlhoa-opermiout: in Dentistry performed in a workmaulike manner:â€" ‘xurora. he. 811),)($111 :md 'an ofuach month ~xurora. 1%. 8111,1611]:mdtlt'lndofuachmonlh vamm‘km‘... ....... 52nd “ " Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . 9111 and 9.4111 “ Ml.Albert............. 14111 " " 'l‘ornlnH............. . 23rd ” “ Maple ...... ........ .. 2th " “ Huzwick .............. QM!) " " Kleinhurg..... . . 52ml) -" ‘I Noblutuu .. 31m] ” " Nilrons ()xido Gasalways on hand atAurora Aurora,Apri123,1870' (HS-If W l' uronto) respectful _\' announce» lhnt he will visit llxu following plm-se ,(Suu- dus excepted). where he will attend to Den- tisirv in all its branches: King. .. ...... ...........lst of each month Richmond Hill. ..........’I|l1 " N8\Vlllflll(et..............llllll “ Aurora..................l5lll “ Teeth inserted in the Inml Improved Styles on Gold. Silver, Vulcanized Rubber. and Al- lumiuu m Base Teeth filled in such a manner as to proservo them from t'ulthnr decay. Teeth extxactvd With the ‘east possible pain, and especial attuntlon paid to tha regulation of children’s moth. Charges Moderate, and work warranted to give smisfacnion. All le'ters addressed to Aurora will receivo promIM allemion. To those who have favored him with their palronagein the past he returns his sincere thanks, and (0 those who mav do so in the fu- tnro, he would say that no eldenvoron his partwillbe wantinglo meetthelrapproval. Unionvflle. . . .151 Monday ofeach month, \Veslon ......9Lh day “ Klineburg....1iith ” Bur wick . . . . .‘JQnd '- Scarboru’ . . . .5331'd " Where he willhe prepared and mostlmppy to wait out]: <2 who may require hisservices, G. H. 11.. having had over ELEVEN YEAus’ I’uAcn01:.feelsconfidentofgivingentiresatis- facxion. _ R. E. LAW. "VHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, RICH REFIcnnsmds.â€"'I‘hel‘oHowinggunflemencan, withconfidence.recommcnd G. H Hushand,t0 allrequiring Denna] aid: Dr R(=,id,Thor11hiH'7 Dr. Bull, \V’bston: Dr. D’Evlyn, Burwick; Dr. Carson , Bramptuu. RESIDENCE.-â€"Thol‘llhiH. ,Thornhill September 17,1868. 1:; Consist of highly instructive and entertaining stories, which are deeplv interesting a: well as impressive of ‘he pIiIIciplns of temperance and sobiiety.Bu-51rius a large number of the stOIies thei'e aIe books of facts and aIgnments cnmpiied from sacred and pIDfane lIIstom which cannot he controvelted bv the ablest legit: of the moderate dl‘lllkel'. CATALoG‘iIE on application at the Richmond Hill. Nov. 535 ,1569 Thronhill. Feb.‘26, 186R Temperance Works. THE SCOTTISH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE PUBLICATIONS January 19, 18.] Aurora, May ‘25, 1870. THOIVIAS CARR, |EALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING WM. ALLINGIIAM, L313 2;; QURGEON DEN TIST, A. ROBINSON’S, L.D.S., G. H. HUSBAND, LD s. ahENTIST, BEGS MOST RE W. H. CANNON, Lbs, E§‘ nENTIST, (LAV'VI‘E ASSIST- H. SANDERSON & SONS, PROPRIETORS OF THE flmggiz‘im, «givnfirstm. RE MOVAL. spec-[fully to announce will be at . . .151 Monday ofeach m ...9Lh day " . ”16th “ . . .‘JQnd " HERALD BOOK STORE \VM. ALLINGUAM, to Dr. Elliot. Dentist. respectfully announces following plar'es, (Sun- he will attend to Den- Toronto 552 619-ly 593. that he RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA FRIDAY, OOTOBERQO, 1871. BEST FANNING MILL! FANNING MILL! THESE MILLS HAVE Stood the test of Co771petz'tz'0n ! AT ALL THE And. having recently been Improved, the sub- scribers have eve ' confidence in its superior merit. The subscribers are new manufacturing a large number of the above: and, having in- creased facilities for preparting the lumber, can supply nil urdevs promptly. Whenevel shown andare pronounced by com potent judges as being the Farmers will consult their own interest by examining our Mill bel'ot'e Inning else-where. as we feel confident lliev will be saiisfibd our Machines are notsurpassed if equalled. OFFICE : No 78 King Schet East», Toronto overthe Wesleyan Book Room. 1) SolicitorsinClmncerv,Convm‘uncers.&c CHICKâ€"Provincial Insurance Buildings, Slreet, Toronto . JOHNDUGGAN (LC. ADAMH.M}1YHRS.JR. ‘ ILSONS’ IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION 1V1. Commissioner in B‘ Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the County onork. Oflice hoursâ€"7 AJI. to 9:30 P.M. Richmond Hill. October 23, £869. l: c all kinds of Monuments. Headswne,&c Call almoxamiue my Stock and Prices be- fm‘purcliasing oisewhcre, as you willfind itto your interest. 0:? Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ringwodd. Sept, 13,1867. 497 DEALER IN F‘ n" 3 GOLD AND SIL ver Watches, Jewellm 610., 113 Yongs Sheet. Toronto- J. public will find first-class accunmdalion at the above House, at low rates. 'l‘hers is an exlensive Stable attached, and large ouvered sheds. An attentive and obliging hustler. PROVINCIAL Exmm'nous & COUNTY FAIRS, U Undertaker, 6w. R1451omenâ€"Neariyoppositethe PostOflico' Richmond Hill. J. CIA’I‘ION. ”ALL or Tm: ASQOCIATION. 34 King Street East, Toronto. To Parents. Guardians, 7 Pastors. and others whose Sons, Wards. or Friends may be leaving home for residence in the City of Toronto: The Young Men’s Christian Assocration of Toronto announce that they have a Committee for the purpose of showing kindness to Young Men whe are strangers, and leading them under religions influences. It is requested that aii who desire the co-opera‘ion of this Con‘imiltee, will sound the names and addresses of Young Men about to remove to Toronto, in whom [her are interested, by the pencil him seifif possibie, or by post, with such particuâ€" lnrsof character as they may deem proper. Jim. MAcooNALn, THosi J. quma. President. Secretai HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS t'erred then Library-to the HERALD Boon .1. {erred then LibraI-yto the HERALD Boox Store. whore Stockholders"and others may procure Books every Friday afternoon. A. SCOTT, librarian. Orncn.â€"-â€"No. 66 Church SlreeLTorontu. December ‘29, 1869. 598 Toronto,Deaomben-‘2.1869 RINGVVOOD MARBLE WORKS. D WIDEMAN, MANUFACTURER OF Richmond Hill, Aug. 27, 1871 Toronto Dec. 24,1868 597 THOMAS SEDMAN, WARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, September ‘, [67L J. 1m BLAKE, ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, &c. WlLLIAM DIALLOY, AKRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLTCI 215 and 217 Yonge Strent, Toronto. ‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELMNG DUGGAN ($2. MEYERS, ARRISTERS ATT0R§TEYSATLA§V 1 on in Chancery. Conveyancor, flu: OUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO TEEFY, NO'l‘ARXvPUBVLIC A'ND @hmiuge @immfi LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, MARRIAGE LICENSES, GREEN BUSH HOTEL, gnawing mm. Manufirciured in Canada; i’t‘iimmmnxm, J SEGSWORTH, gm @mflfi, RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL J. L. PARKER. Proprietor A. 61, W. WILSON ADAM H. MEYHRSJK . 544-]3‘ 5664f 94 684 CONTAINING LEIGH'I'Y ACRES Oi‘ valuable land, 72 Miss cleared in a hlgh state of cultivation the Iemaindei is well t.iI..- hered with pine and hardwood : there is on the premises a good frame house, with stone cellar. a kitchen and woodshed nearly new, a large fiame barn 32x75 nearly new, stable, sheds, and ioothouse complete, two never failing Spiln'YS of watei. n cistein, and a Ilyiving or- cIIaId 9 acres of wheat In the mouiId. This farm is beautI‘fIIllt situated flouting on Yonge Sheet. onlv 4% miles from King station. North- ern Railway and 3‘ from the thriving village of Rinhmnnd Hill. ten minutes walk to church, sclIooLlIouse, and saw-mill. TITLE lNlHSi‘U’I'ABLE. Terms easv. lossession immediatelt. No objection to exchange for a laiger farm In a good lo nl.ity Fm further pmticularsnpply to the owner on the plemises. QPLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR k. sale. being part1}! Lot 59, in me Isl con C sale. being part1}! Lot 59, in me Isl con cession of the FARMS AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. The Subscriber offers for sale the following 63 ACRES ON LOT NO. 50. REAR. OF Near Richmond Hill. The land is all clear. and in a good slate of cultivation. 'l'hcreis on the premises a firstclass Dwelling House. Barns. Stables. &c. There is also on this pro- pel'w a S AW M I L L For ‘erms and other infurmation apply to (he owner on tho premiba‘ In good running order Being the rear half of Lo: No. 20,111 the 2nd Con , Vaughan, .3” acres dammed the remain- der timbexed \vnh valuable pine. A STAVE, HEADING AND SHINGLE FACTORY ! Situa‘ed on lot No. 26,211d Con Markham. near Richmond Hill. Applx‘ on the premises In 11 a good Brick Cottage erected thereon, situated on the Corner 01' Yonge and Centre Streets, in the viHaga of Riohmond Hill. For further paniculars enquire of JAS. M. LAWRENCE. V dawn of Toronto Vetoriuarv College‘, Cornerof Yonge and Centre St. East. Rich- mond Hill, begs m ammunce 10 the public-that he is now practlcing with H. SANDERSON. of the same place, where they may be cmnsulting de personally or by letlar, on all diseases 0 Horses. Cattle. Sm. H“; anchzsor l‘VII'Iu DESCRIPTION for Horses and Camila alwa_\s on hand: such as l’lI_\sic. DiIIIeIic. Cmdial 'loIIic Cough. Condition and Worm Balls and l’owdels. [he Con rlI Balls have been found must serviceable in alleviating many of [he disU‘assing symp- toms of Bmliehwind or Heaves in HNses Colic Draugllis.l IiIIiIIIeIIts i'm Sore Threats, Splains. Curb. Spavin. Iiing- bone, 52c. Blist- eling Ointments also Hoofand HealIIIg OIIIl- menls. Lotions for wounds BIuIses. \‘addle Galls. lIIfallible Oil and Shaw Tick Des- troyesr. All orders from a distance promptly “tended to. and medicinessentlo any [)fll‘lO H110 L’ro- Vince. Horses examined as to $01111 new also bought and Sold on commission. Richmond Hill. April‘élif. 1868 50] The power of arresting disease displayed by this preparation) is honorably acknowledged [iv [‘13 medical faculty in every section where it has [wen introduced: and the rapidly increas- lng sale is the best guarantee of the estimation in which ii is held by the public. 'l‘he Syrup will cure Pu/mnnm’y 007132107117.- ziim. in the first and second stages; will give great relief and prolong life in the third. It will cure Asthma, Bronchitis, Luryngitis. Cong/IS, Cal/ls, ll will cure all diseases ori- gina'ing from want of 'MIYSHULAR AC'I‘lON and NERVOUS FORCE. such as Enlargement of the LIVER. Enlargement oftlie Splcm. Dyspepsia, Nickels, Feehle and Irrenular Auiimi of the HEART, LOCAL AND GENERAL l’AnALYsIs, Apllmria or Luss If Vuica. L will cure Leu- corrhma, Chlorusis. Anaemia, and restores the blood to purity and health. FELLOWS’ COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. JOHN BROWN. Richmond Hill P.O. Vaughan. Sept 27. 1871. 688 6 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, Vaughan, Aug. 23, 13.71 DAVID EYER, JUN. Markham, May 1'8, 1671. (SSS-Gm Richmond Hill. May 11, 1871. ‘OR SALE OR TO RENT. SOLD BY APO’I‘HEC'ARIES, Price. _-$1 -;50 Six for $7 50. , JAMES 1. FELLOWS. Chemist, (-8 St. John, N,B ALL NEIV MACHINERY, ALF AN ACRE OF LAND, WITH J. H. SANDERSON, E ’l‘ E R I N A R Y SURGEON, G RA grupnrtg’ fur agate, VALUABLE PROPERTIES, N Fms’râ€"Rny. RUNNING 01mm. 100 ACRES, IST CON. VAUG HAN, Farm for Sale Sib’ctntiumt, For Sale, NAMELY : GIDEON HISLOP \VI'I‘H fiS3-tf 667-” . J UDGES-J as Burrows, Cedar Grove ;' William Padget, Unionville, and George Shadwick. Stallion, aged, 2 entries, lst, N Button. Brood mare, 1, William Robinson. Filly 3 years, 2, 18b, John Robinson; 2nd, Peter Zipp. Filly 2 years old, 1, Peter Zipp. Filly 1 year old, 1, Peter Zipp. Spring Filly, 1, Peter Zipp. SADDLE OR 0A RRIAGE. J UDGES.â€"Same as preceding class. Stallion, agéd, 3 entries, lst, Simon Beattie; 2nd, E. Majors. Prize List of the East York and \ Markham Union Fall Fair, held Oct. 5 and 6. Stallion, 3 years old, 2, lst, Jacob Rayâ€" mer; 2nd, Alexander Marsh. Stallion 2 years old, 7, lst,Simon Beat. tie; 2nd, John Peach; 3rd, Robert Downs. Stallion 1 year old, 4, lst, Michael Brown; 2nd, Edwin Law; 3rd,William Cowling. Stallion, Spring, 9, lst, W. B. Kirk; 2nd, \Vllliam Milliken; 3rd, Nicholas Phelan. Brood mare, 7, 1515, John Sanderson; 2nd, William Armstrong, jr. ; 3rd, John Reaman. Filly 3 years old, 2, 1st, James Hard; 2nd, W D Crosby. Filly 2 years old, 9, 1st, James Ridâ€" dell ; 2nd, Christopher Vradenbux-g; 3rd, John L Barkey. Filly 1 year old, 10, lst, John L Balk key; 2nd,Adam Armstrong; 3rd, Alfred Mason. Filly, spring, 4, 15b, John L Barkey; 2nd, William Armstrong, jr.; 3rd} John Sanderson. Buggy h0rse,31, 1st, J E Davis; 2nd, David Reesor,jr.; 3rd, Newberry But- ton. GENERAL PURPOSE. JUDGES.â€"Same as preceding class. Stallion, aged, 3 entries, lst, Jacob Brillinger; 2nd, Joseph Randall; 3rd, John M “Reaman. Span of carriage horses, 3, lst, Robt Reesor; 2nd, James Lund. Saddle horse, 12, lst, A Main; 2nd, Francis Button; 3rd, James Lawrie. Stallion 2 years old, 6 lst, Samu‘el Wilson; 2nd, James Powell; 3rd, Ben- jamin Stoufi'el. Stallion, 3 years old, 2, Ist William Armstrong, jl‘.; 2nd, William McIllmur- my. Stallion 1 year old, 8, 1st, Hugh Clark; 2nd, Henry Mason; 3rd, James I Davidson. Stalhon, spring, 13, lst, William Bell; 2nd, Robert Armstrong; 3rd, Phillip Macklcm, jx‘. Filly 3 years old, 9, lst, Wm Cherry;- an, William Milliken; 3rd, James Hodgson. Brood mare, 19, 1st,, George Skinner; 2nd, William Cherry; 3rd, -\Vm Ford. Filly 2 years old,16, lst, Geo Miller; 2nd, Joseph Graig; 3rd, James Mosley. Filly 1 year old, 10, lsb, James Gra- ham; 2nd, William Ford; 3rd, ’1‘. A. Milne. Filly, spring, 12, lst, William Bell; 2nd, William Ford; 3rd, John Eckardt. Span of' horses, 9, lst, John Little; 2nd, William Hood, senr.; 3rd, James G Thompson. JUDGES.â€"William Hood, Milliken; J L Patterson, Aglneourt; George Gra- ham, Markham. Stallion 3 years old, 3, 1st, John Mil- ler, senr. Stallion aged, 5 entries, 1st,, John‘ Kemp; 2nd, R T Hawkins; 3rd, Thos Everest. Stallion spring, (lst prize $20, given by J Holderness, Black Horse Hotel, Toronto,) 11, 1st, John Kemp; 2nd, Jacob Barkey; 3rd, Joseph Graig. Stallion 2 years old, 2, 1st, John Bentley; 2nd, William Armstrong, jr. Stallion 1 year old, 2, 1st, James Lawrie, 2nd, do. Filly 3 years old, 1, 15b, John Miller, senior. Stallion 3 Crawford; 2m Stallion 2 y Stallion 1 ‘ Davidson; 21-] John Gormley Bmod mare, 6 1st Wm Crawford; 2nd, Thomas Coates; 3rd ,Duvid Mason CANADIAN DRAFT. JUDGE s.â€"Same as preceding class. Stallion aged, 3 entries, lst, Joseph Lehman; 2nd, Isaac Piphcr. Stallion 3 years old, 3, lst, John Crawford; 2nd, D S McFarlane. Stallion 2 years old, 3, lst, John Cox. Stallion 1 year old, 6, lst, James I anidion; ‘2nd, David Mason; 3rd, Filly 3 years old, 5, 1st, James 1 Davidson (was sold to an American buyer on the g1ound for $1, 000 111 gold) 2nd, Ias Wliitson; 3rd, John Morrison. FillyZ years old 10, let, William Jefl" my; 2nd John Morrison; 3rd, James Whitson. Filly 1 year old, 5, lst, Wm Jefi'rey. Filly, spring, 3, lst, David Mason; 2nd, John Miller. Span draft horses 6, lst, John Gorm' 1ey;p 211d, James Trann. Sweepstake, draft stallion, imported or Canadian, 16, Int, J Kemp’s, England’s glory, $25.. HORSES.â€"â€"BLO0D. IMPORTED DRAFT. JUDGES. â€"H‘en, Square; J D Lin Concord Eennings, Victoria Wturora WBowes, Bull 1 year son; 2nd, yJofm Miller, senr. k?" lst, James Whlt- : ‘rison; 3rd, George Bull aged, 5 ehm tie; 2nd, John Mm Stonehouse. ' L.“ . Bull 2 years 01‘ 2nd, Wm Thomp; Heifer 1 year old, 10, Isl: John Miller, senr; 2nd, William Thompson; 3rd, John Miller, senr. Buli, spring, 13;Yilst, George Milleii‘f 2nd, John M Bell 373$, John Miller,jr. Milch co 513, 1%, John Miller; 2nd, William ’1' mfigrd, George Miller: SGHI‘. Heifer 2 years old, 9, lat, George Miller, senr.; 2nd, do; 3rd,'William Thompson. Heifer, spring, 10, 15%, Geo Miller, sr; 2nd, J M Bell; 3rd, George Miller, at. Herd of Durham cattle, consisting of 1 male and 5 females, owned by exhibiâ€" tOr, 7, lst,Geo1ge Miller; 211d John Miller; 31d, \Villiam Thompson. GRADE. J UDGEsâ€"Same as preceding class. Bull aged, 2 entries, lst, John Pike Bull 2 years old, 3, lst, ‘Vm Hood; 211d, John Jamieson. Bull 1 year old, 7, lst, T P ”White; 2nd, David Reesor jr; 3rd, Thomas F Boynton. Bull calf, 9, Ist, James Milne; 2nd, Joseph Lapp; 3rd, George Weldrick. Milch cow, 9, lst, William Thompson; 2nd, John Mlller ISL; _3rd, William Thompson. Heifer 2 years 0151, 9, 1st, James Whitson; 2nd, do; 3rd, H C Marr. Heifer 1 year old, 12, 1st, John Rus- sel; 2nd, J_ohn M. Bell; 3rd, William Thompson. Heifer calf, 10, 1st, Birrel & John- ston; 2nd, James Whltson; 3rd, James Milne. John Millér semfl FAT CATTLE AND WORKING OXEN. J UDGEsâ€"Same as preceding class. Fat ox or steer, 3 entries, 15b, '1‘ R Armstrong; 2nd do; 3rd do. Fat cow or heifer, 10, 1st, \Villiam Thomg‘o‘r}; 2nd, John M Bell; 3rd, Working oven, 6, lst, James Lawrie ; 2nd, Joseph Lupp; 3rd, Jonas Raymer. Cow giving milk, 7, 1st, John Miller 81'. DEVON. JUDGESâ€"Robert Reid, Buttonville§ James \Veir, Scarboro’; James Welsh. Bull 2 years old, 1 entry, 1st, James Patton Bull calf =1)“an lst, H H Spencer; 2nd, do. Milch cow, 7, lst, T R Armstrong; 2nd, do; 3rd, H H Spencer. Heifer 2 years old, 3, lst, H H Spenâ€" cer; 2nd, T R Armstrong; 3rd, do. Heifer 1 year old, 3, lst, T R Arm strong; 2nd, do; 3rd do. Heifer, spring, 4, 1st, H H Spencer; 2nd, T R Armstrong; 3rd, do. AYRSIURE. JUDGESâ€"Same as preceding class. Bull aged; 3 entries, lst, \Villiam Young; 2nd, James Lawrie; 3rd, ’l‘hos Patterson. Bull 2 years old, 1-, ISL, J P Wheeler. Bull 1 year old, 5, lst, James Lawrie; 2nd, Andrew Hood; 3rd, John L l’utâ€" terson. Milch cow, 10, lst,John Miller; 2nd, J P Wheeler; 3rd, James Lawrie. Ram, aged, 6 entries, 1st, Edward Sanderson; 2nd, James Trann; 3rd, Joseph Graig. Heifer 2 years old, 5, 1st, J P Wheeler; 2nd, James Lawrie; 3rd, do. Heifer 1 year old,9, lst, J P Wheeler; 2nd, James Patton; 3rd, J P Wheeler. Heifer c lf’, spring, 5, lst, Jas Lawrie; 2nd, J P Wheeler; 3rd, do. SHEERâ€"LEICESTER. JUDGEsâ€"â€"James Milne, Bangor; Wm Bell; William Storey, Bloomington. Pair Ewe lambs 7 9 lst Peter W Boynton; 2nd, George Miller seur. , 3rd, John J anneaon Ram lamb, 20, 1st, T R Armstrong; 2nd, Edward Sanderson; 3rd, John Jamiesou. Pair ewes 1 shear, 7, 1st, Geo Miller, soma; 2nd, John Jamieson; 3rd, G G Fenwick. _ Ram 1 shear, 6, 1st. T R Armstrong; 2nd do; 3rd, George Miller senr. Pair aged ewes, having raised lambs, 5 lst George Miller senr. ; 2nd George W eldrick:5 3rd, G G Fenwick. COTSWOLD. JUDGESâ€"Same as preceding class. Ram aged, 8 entries, 1st, Daniel Burk- holder; 2nd, George Miller soma; 3rd, William Padget. } Ram 1 shear,11, lst, Wm Miller jr. 2nd do; 3rd d0. Ram lamb, 25, lst, Johti Jamieson; 2nd. William Miller jr.; 3rd, George Miller sem‘: Pair ewe lambs, 16, 15%, George VVel- drick; 2nd, Geo Miller sanr. ; 3rd, J 0111: Miller sent. Paxr aged ewes, 9‘ lst, Geo Miller sr.; 2nd, George Weldrick; 3rd do. Pair ewes 1 shear 12 \\ m Miller jr.; 2nd John Miller sr. ;3rd do. GATTL‘. fist, Geo Millet";~ Brd, W B Kirk. 7,, lst, JamresAWhlt- lst, Simon Beat- jr.; 3rd, George ,HAM. " THE YORK HERALD.” PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE 013 Ybnan S'r. Ricamoun HILL. JUDGESâ€"Robelt Marsh Richmond Hill- William Fo1ster, Markham, andâ€" Ram aged, 1 exitiy, lst. H H Spencer. . Ram 1 shear, 2, lst, H H Sp‘encer; 2nd, John Wilson. , FAT SHEEP. J UDGEB Same as preceding class; Pair fat ewes, 3 entries, 1st, Jonathan Young. Ram lamb, 5, lat. John Wilson; 2nd; H H Spencer; 31-,d Phillip Wideman. Pair aged ewes, 4, lst H H S encer; 2nd John Wilson; 3rd, Phillip Wi eman. Pair ewes 1 shear, 2,15t,H H Spencer: Pair ewe lambs, 4 let H H Spencer: soo’rxmowxa JIUDGES-Same as preceding class: . . Ram aged, 6 ent1ies, let, Phillip Wide' man; 2nd, John Wilson. Ram l shear, ,4, 15t,1:l H Spencer; 2nd do. Ram lamb, 12 1s1, John Wilson, 2nd; R H Spencer, 31d, Phillip Wideman. Terms : One Dollar per Annum in ldvdncg Pair aged ewes, 7, lst, T A Milne; 2nd; John Wilson; 3rd, Phlllip Wideman. . l Pair ewes 1 shear, 4, no prizes reportéd by judges. Pair ewe lambs, 7, 1st, John Wilson, 2nd, H H Spencel. Sow aged, 7, lat, Simon Beattie; 2nd doi 3rd, William Robinson. Boar pig 1871, 9, lst, Birrell-c’zJohn: ston; 2nd, Geo Weidrick, 3rd, J Trann. Sow pin 1871, 5, 15b, Birrell & John- ston; 2nd do; 3rd, J Trann. SMALI BREED. Boar aged,7,1st,ThosF Boy nton; 2nd Joseph Lapp; 31d, Joseph Break. SWINE. -LARGE BREED. JUDGES-Same as preceding class. ‘ Boar ag rred, 3 entries, 1st, Jas Hodgsou; 2nd Simon Beattie. r Sow aged, 10, 1st. John Wilson; 2nd; William Forfar; 3rd, John Miller. B01111319:1871,18,1st,DavidReesorjr.; 211d, RTHawkms; 3rd, UBir1ell&.John_ston.{ Sow p1g 1871, 20, lst, Joseph Lapp; 2nd do; 31d David Reesm Jr. POUI TRY; JUDGES â€" William Strachafi'; ;;Toronto 1;. George Graham, Brampton; Frank Scott, Agincourt. Pair; game fowls, 7 entries, .lst, James D Stott's; 2nd, Orson Hemmingway. Paxr geese, 9, 1st, Wm Robinson; 2nd, William Major. ‘ ,3 Pail Turkeys, 4, 15?, Simon Beattie, ' 2nd, J D Stotts. Pair Aylesbury ducks, 3,13t, Jno Wilson“ Pain ducks any bx-,eed 8,18L, DCrosby; 2nd, I D Stotts. _ P2111 dmkings, 4, lst, Geo Miller seam; 2nd, J D Stotts. 1: 1., Pair black Spanish fowls, 6,18t, James DStoLts; 2nd, David Crosby. Paix Polands, 3,13t, John Sanderson; 2nd James Dale. P1111 Hmnburgs 5,131 JamesDStotts; 211d. John Sandel'l’son Lot of poultry in pen, 6, lat, Simon Beanie; 2_ad,Ja.mesDa'1e. EXTRAS RECOMMENDEDrâ€"R J Vardon, pair pigeons; Dayjd Wlsmer, turtle doves 7.: W D Reesor,"proc yon lotor; J D Stotts, white guinea fowl. JUDGES~James Park, Toronto; Silvester, Ringwood; James Fairles, man’s Corners. 6 lbs. Butter. 35 entries, lst, Mrs James Patton ; 2nd, Mrs Cl ms DMertens; 3rd,; Mls Jas McCovmn: 4tb,MD15 Henry Mason , 5th, Mrs John Sleigh. 40 lbs Butt01,(specia1 prize by Mrs H01- derness. Black Hoxse hotel, Toronto,) 11, lst James Patton. 25 lbs Buttm‘,,(special prize by Mrs J Reuholtmr, Wellington ,hotel, Markham) l5, lst, Mrs William Major. 12 Ibsd :1in cheese, 6, lst, Mrs T J Pato zerson; 2nd, M13 Robt Cunnintrham, 3rd, Mrs S Rennie. 50 lbs factmy cheese, 23 lst, A Malone,, Rin rwood; 211d, R Hoover. Whitevale; 3rd, Ira Chapman, Uxb1id<re. 12 lbé and under of Stilton cheese 20, lst, A Malone; 2nd (1913131, P R Hoover. Home-made Bread, 15, lst, Mrs William Holden; 2nd, Mrs J L Patterson; 3rd, Mrs Vincent Johnston. . 6 lbs st1-,ained Honey 7. lst, Geo Miller, senr; 2nd, John Millery jr. Cntsup, 4, lst, Mrs George Cooper, 211d Mst William Majo1., . Honey in the comb, 6, lat, Jas D Stom; 2nd, Alexander Marsh, Sample p. eserves, 5, 1st, Mrs Claus D Meltins; 211d, .Mls William Major. , 5. Jar pickles, 3 lst, Mrs Geo Coopei"; 2nd, Mrs Joplm Sleigh. Maple surrm,‘ 1. lst. William Major._ EXTRAS RE COMMENDED.- -â€"M1s H R Carson, c1511) apple jelly; Jas Hastings, grape wi1ne, G00 Miller Beeswax. JUDGES â€"Hugh Claxk. Arrincourt; Wm Helllw ell, Highland Cxeek John Coxworth, Ced Ll‘ Gxove. 2 Bushels fall wheat 17 entries, lst, War Fat-Mal 2nd, JOSEph Nighswander. 1 Bush flax seed, 4, lst, P Ba'rtholoméw f 2nd, Joseph Lapp. 2 Bush white oats, l5, lst W H Fergu? son; 2nd, Adam Bell. 2 Bush black oats, 11, lst, Simson Reni nie; 2nd, William Padget. 2 Bush marrowfat peas, 5,15t, Pbillip‘ Ba1tl1olomew; 2nd. J B McLean. = 2 Bush small peas, 19, Ist, W H fiergu- sou; 2nd, Simon Horsey. 2 Bush six rowed barley, 14, let, Simson Rennie; 2nd, Jacob Lemon. 2 Bush two rowed barley; 4, lst, J Lemon; 2nd not reported by judges. 1 Peck white Beans, 3, lat, Henry Rob son; 2nd, John Reeqon 2 Bush midge pxoof wheat, 11, lstj W A mear; 2nd”, Jacob Lemon. 2 Bush Spling. wheat 20, lst, Samuel Dawes; 2nd, Jonathan Baker. _ ~ ‘ 1 Bush timothy seed, 9, 13!, Joseph“ Impp ;’ 2nd, Robert Armstrong. , 1 Bush clover seed, 5, lst, Jaéob Lemon 2nd, Phillip Bartholomew. Issued Weekly__gn_ Friday Morning. HAMPSHIRE AND SHROPSHIRE DOWN. AtEX. SCOTT; Pndrmmon.‘ WHOLE N 0. 691. DAIRY PRODUCE. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Hagar-

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