24 Ems Tudiun com, 151, Jacob Lemon; 2nd, ’Cqus 1) Mullins. JBar'rel Elp'ygeg'; 3~, Int! 5T 01m Reegorignd. IKSmitb: j "- ~' - '2 - Bhï¬el pot atan peak}, 1,113+, B F Regqor‘. Parties who took the spscial priies given by H P Crosby. for soules and spring wheat; are‘not reported. I EXTRng R§COMMENDED.â€"- H Miller 65 00.", Yorkshire cattle feed; 'J'ohn Bike, Norway flats. _ " Calfskius,4. 145st, James Robinson, 2nd do. ' Cent Ieam harness, 2, lsr, Geo Digby; 2nd, 2nd, R :'.‘David Johnston. 1 Dinix Double carriage harness, 2, Est, George ' Sam] ADigby552pd,‘ David Johnston. _ ‘ ‘Forc .-. “wall sink" Long orange carrots, 6, lat, Geo Cooper; 2nd, John Nicholson. EXTRAS RECOMMENDED.â€"George Miiler. whitegiobetum‘ips; Geo Miller, grey stone turnips; Edwin Law, white winter radishesl A 'nom‘mumumn pnonnc'rs. ' ' JUDGES“? Patterson, Patterson 5 1 George Leshe jr., Lesiieville; Jas Kew, Pickering. «Fall cooking apples, 13 entries, let, Clans ' D Mei-tins; 2nd, James Fairles. ' flush early .polatoes, 5â€"ehtries, o lst, Robt. Armstrong; 20d not reported by jud_g_cs'.‘ . Seedling pears, (special prize by G Leslie & Sou, Toronto) 5, lat, Joseph Keffer. IMPLEMENTS. JUD'GEsâ€"ThogHunter,ltingwood; Aaron Bell, Unionville; James McGowan, Wex- ford. . Chum, 4, lst, W H Jones; 2nd, Perry Crosby. Washing machine, 2, lat, George Shatz. Fanning mill, 2, lat. A & W \VilSOn. Cider mill, 1, lst, John Langslaff. _ Grain crusher, 1, lat, A Fleury. » Grass seed sower, 3, lst, Joseph Fleury; 2nd, John Colgan. ‘ Farm wheelbarrow, 1, Alex Fleury. EXTRAS RECOMMENDED.â€"-:Jab6b"Ho'i~ner, half a dozen axe handles; M Vickers, stump machine; S Beanie, root sneer ; L Crosby, portable fence and farm gate; Adam Arm- strong, hay elevator; J J LappinLthreshing machine gear. ' CARRIAGES AND CUTTERS. JUDGESâ€"Same as preceding class. 1 Horse carriage, covered, 2 entries, lst, 'Henry R Wales ; 2nd do. 2 Horse open carriage, double sealed, 1, Henry R Wales. . . ‘ ' Open carriage, single seated, 7, let. Eak'iu & Stevenson; 2nd, Morrison & Oliver. Cutter, 1 or more horses, 4, 1st, Eakin & Stevenson; 2nd, H R Wales. LEATHER AND LEATHER MANUFACTURES. JUDGESâ€"Jame§ Newton, Richmqnd Hill; J 'g Cai-naghan,» Scarboro.’_ 'Small pumpkins, 4, judges report none worthy. Cauliflower, 3, let, George Cooper; 2nd, John hicholson. T'abLevéarrots 4 lsi WilliamFr ' 2nd John Nicholson: , ’ ,y,’ ’ White or yellow onions, 5, 131:, J Nichol: SOIL; 2nd, William Fry. ‘ ' " Tomatoes, ,4, Ist, George Cooper; 2nd, William Fry. ‘ “' ~ ~ ' Celery, 5, 1st, William Fry; 2113, John Nicholson. ‘ ' ' ‘ " . ' ,Citrons, lst, John Nicholson; 2nd, Geo Cooper. ~ ' Water-.melongï¬, ,lst, William Fr}; 2nd; Thomas Longley. " _ i}, My jg. ‘ Musk melons, 4, 4156, Thor}an ï¬ongley; 2nd, George Cooper. V, U . 3),], A Bouquet, 4, lst, Geo Coo'p’eï¬ (2‘113; 59David A Crosby. ' Apples, 12 varieties, 6 of each and named" 6 lst. J D Stotté' 2 'd ' crest) , , n , Lyman ' Plurï¬s, 2, lst, Jimes Hastings; 2nd, Geo Cogper: Biack grapes, 5, lat, J L Patterson ; 2nd, Hon D Reesor. . White grapes, 1, 131, Henry Wilson. ‘ Red grapes, 6, lat, Hon D Ree‘sor; 2nd,- Henry Wilson. . . Mahmoth purï¬pkius, 4, lst, James G Thgmpgon ;. 2n_h, William _Fry. Reaping machine, 3 entries, lst, Patter- Ioghqus; 2nd, ‘Browp Patgerson. r Mowing- machine, ,2, lst, Brown 55 Pat- terson: 2nd, Joseph Henry. Double waggon, 2. lat, '1‘ Speight dz Son. ' Three spring market waggon, 2, lst, Eakin & Stephenson; 2nd, H R Wales. Iron plough, l, lst, Geo Wilkinson. Wrought iron beam plough, wooden handles, 2, lst, (jet) Wilkinson; 2nd, John Calvert. ' ' . V 1:; Bush. potatoes, 19, lst, John Nichol- 50'135 2nd) 139bergAr‘nlstron‘g.†_ Winter table apples, 20, lst, Geo Cooper; 2nd, Lyman Crosby. " _ ' Largest and best-assortment of apples, 3 of gach and named, 4, lst, Lyman Urosbv; 2nd, J D-Stotts. ' Crib apples 5 let, Georve Coo er- 2 d 501m Nicholsén.’ ° P .’ n! Winter pears, 12, 1st, James Russell; 2n§_,_ Lymgn grosyy. Téble squash,o5. lst, Geol‘Cooper; 2nd, Daniel St-rickler. - Red peppers, 3, lat, . John , Nicholson; 2nd, George_CoopAel-._‘ ' Seedliï¬g a'pple's,’ (special prize presented by Geo Leslie 65 Son, Toronto,) 7, 1st, J D Smtts. Gang pléugh, '3, 1st, John Nichbls; 2nd, Algx _ Eleury. Straw cutter; 5, 15!, Pattér'so’n Bros ; 2nd, A19); Fleury. * i 7' ‘ ’ Mangel Wurzel, red or yellow, 5, 181, S Bennie 5, 2nd, James G Patterson. ' Mangel Wurzel, globe, 3, 1st, James G '- atterson; 2nd, J L Patterson. . . ' ' Parsnips,f4,"lst, John Nicholson"; 2nd, Gegrge Cooper. : .Fall table apples, 14, Ist, Geo Cooper; 2nd, Lyman Crosby. - . Winter cooking apples, 25; 151:, Joseph Keffer; 2nd, J D Stons. .Cast beam plough, 2, lst, Johnson Gib ney_& Soq; 2r_1d,‘A1exa11d9r Fjl‘gufy: CultivatOr, wood or ir'on, 2,_Ist, T 55 G Morgan ;, 2nd, J Gibney 85 Son- Iron harrows, 3, lat, A Fleury; 2nd, W B GOwer. , Turnip drill. 1, 15!, John Calvert. Turmp scuffler, 1, lst, A Fleury. Seed grain drill, 1, lst, Joseph Fleury. Hprse hnv fork, 3, list, Samuel Reaman; 2m}, Jaco})Raymer. ' _ Harnessuleaiher, 4 entries, lat, James Rojginmn it 211d do: ' Fall pears, 12, lst, J D Stotts; 2nd, Jos Kefl‘er. Best. variety of garden vegetables. 4, 1st, Ge_9 ngper; 2nd, JohnrNicholson. "Vï¬ï¬'ï¬Ã©Ã©- iééiifefll, . lst, James Robmaon ; 2nd do. - - do. Kip skins, 4, lat, James Robinson; 2nd Co‘fnmon7beets, 4,‘ Is},- Simsou Rennie 2m}, GgoILge Cpopgt.“ » ' Swede ’fqrnips, 11, Ist, Thomas HHall do. ' . . .. .x.. .. ‘ White Carrots, '9, '1st, Sixï¬pson Rennie 2nd, William Crawford. ' . ' jDGES-‘Same as preceding glass. .g. ROOTS, FIELD CULTURE. flannel, 9 entries, lst, Jacob Lemon; . ;Vincent Johnston. > 10 yds home; aide‘full cloth, 4, 1st, Vin- cent Johnston}; ‘ ',,"}William For'far. ‘ Home-made b nkéfa, 9, lat, Wm Forfar; 2nd, Joseph Ni' “winder; - .1 Sample tailo ‘ ‘Vidrkï¬, 11st, Hughes 65 Co; 2nd, Cox & Co; , Woolen car ' Gentleman’ ston; 2nd, Ju‘ Horse blan 2nd, Mrs Jns pp. Pair stocki ,«lst,_M1:s Malone; 2nd} Mrs William. ing.. Pair soc-ks,- 8“ ,st,._M,:s William Fleming; 2nd do. ‘3 Jacob Lemon. 4 , 3, lst, Vincent John- 3 Dimma. I 43 ‘lst,. M1? Canning; Specimeh braidirriévinigyist, Mrs Jo_h_n Golly-(hit 2nd_ not reportAedt O'rnamental enmanship, 2, hit. Miss N 8&3ngan ;A 2ndp, Richard Simmoï¬ds. Lady's undercléihihng, lst, Miss M A Fairles ; 2nd. Mi.s b" Slonehouse; 3rd. Miss Nellie‘ Wismer.‘ ’ Embi-oidcfy iu' muslin, 8, 15¢, Miss N Strickland ; _2ndA,hMis§ Mï¬u‘icklandt W Knitted cotton stockings, 2, lst, Mrs Mon gan; 2nd, Mrs Vincent Johnston. Netting, 5, lat, Miss M Strickland; 2nd, Miss N Strickland. (jhil‘nl's driess, 2, lst; MES WirfFlemihg ; 2mg. Mys 0 gempjpgway: ' Embroidery in silk, 5, 15", Miss Sarah Baikey; 29d, Miss M Strickland. Specimeh braiding in silk, 5, lstl Miss N Stgcqund; 72nd(.rMiss Sarah Barker. Fancy knitting in cottdn, 2, lat Mrs T Hsggermap ;_ 2pd‘qot yeported. Fancy liï¬itting in unread, 2. lat. Mrs T Haï¬egma‘n; 2nd, Mrs; _J0hnACollur_d_. v _ Tatting, 2, 181', Miss Nellie Wismer; 2nd, Miss L Bell. Gentleman’s ï¬ne shirt, 6, lst, Mrs A Mal- com; 2nd, MiSs J Ferrier. UUUI; gnu, lule U Perl-"ï¬r- Flannel shirt, 3, lat, Mrs A Malcom; 2nd, Mrs William Fleming. Ornamental needlework, 4, lst, Mrs A Honodj 2nd, Migglif Striï¬lflanj. 7 H g Sofé. pilldw, [2; lst, Miss K Bell; 2nd Mrs H Tane. ‘ Berl‘ih' W670!" flat, 1.11, 1st, Miss Sarah Bar;- kexl; 2nd, Mg‘alRauki‘u. ‘1 1b homefmgéyugf4L1é‘thMrs-H c Narr; 2nd, Mrs alone. Woven Acoverle; ï¬rm: M13“ Morgan ; 2nd, Mrs Phillip Wade an. ; Bed comforwrgi 1&3 Vincent John: stony; 2nd, Missw‘ em r.†EXTRA.â€"COX £00., highland suit and pen'jacket, recommended. > - _ LADIES DEPARTMEST. 1 J ï¬DGEsâ€"Mrs James Robinson,Mark‘ham ; Mrs Fairles,‘ Hugermun’s Corners; M13 Si: mou Miller, Milliken; Mrs John Robinson, Markham; ‘ ‘ 1 -' Lady's dress, 3 entries, 13:, Mrs William LIBQQIV'V; _2n_d, Mrg Dy. CglAdweIJ, . Crochet work, 13, lat, Miss M Strickland; 2nd, Miss L Beâ€. «Jami jyvool flowc 1st. Maw-Nam Wi_sm<_e£; 2nd_, Mrs Gwraxizant; -‘ .. mum, mm, m“, u . mm...“ . Berlm wool mats, 2, lst, Miss J Farrier; 2nd, sts MSco’Lt. , . G'érma'h rdi‘ééd‘wmk 3, lst, Mrs E Milroy; 211g, Miss J Trann. Rï¬Ã©tic work, 5, Isl, Miss S Stonehousej 2nd do. Hair flowers, 1, Mrs William Fleming. Silver wire flowers, 2, lst, Miss N Strick- land ;_.2;;d, Mrs G R Vauzant. ~- ~ ~ Paper flowers, 2, Isl; Miss M Tram; 2nd; Mls Vanzant. I . l V V ' I Fe’a’tger flowers, 1,.Mrs Perry Crosby. - Spepimen bead work, 2, lat, Miss N Strickland] _2nd-, Miss Lizzie Bell. Shell work, 2, lst, Mrs JFairles; 2nd, Mrs G R Vauzant. Farmer’s wreath, 2, 1st, Miss M Trann; 2nd, Mrs R Vanzant. Géntleï¬lan’oigï¬irt, hand made, (prize pre- sented by Mrs §Holderness, Toronto), 8, Lst, M13 John Conard. Oil paingihg (amateur), anysubject, 2. 1st, Miss N Stricklahd 3- 2nd, Miss M Buick land. . _ . » Oi} painting (ainat‘eui‘), huihhis,‘ 1,‘ Miss N Strickland. «- ‘ Oil painting pozgrait, 1, Miss ‘N [Strick- land. . W ' ‘ ’ ï¬gs, 131;, Mrs Vincent Pair Wool Joyst‘gnj 2nd, Mré Georgg Apgus:_ Leather work, 4, lat, Miss J Trann; 2nd, Mrï¬'ygno Nighgwapdér: >_ ' Specimen fancy sewing machine work, 1,. Charles Chapman. Sewmg malachine at work, 10. lat, Charles Chgpmgn; ZIQAQQYilhqm Rennie}. EXTRAS RECOMMENDED.â€"Miss Bell, Otto. man; Miss Sarah Mason, Antimicassar wool; Mrs Collard. fancy knitting in wool; Mews Cox 5; 00., ladies’ millinery. ,mz ARTS. _ '~‘ ' JUDGES‘ReV. G S J Hill, Unionville'; Re! MpCulbqgh; Markham. -' Collection of'plibt-ographs and ambrotypes 3, lst, WeedenAdamson ; _2ndl Jamflels- E Clarkson. ' Waler color animals, 2, lst, Miss N Strickland; 2nd, Mrs William Padget. ' Water color flowers, I, Miss M Strickland. Water color‘J‘andscnpe, 2, .lst, Miss N Stricklane; 2nd, Miss M Strickland. Pencil c'rayon_ Colored, 2, lst, Miss Mary Ho_rsey._‘_ _ _- Pen'cvil crayon drawiug,‘ 5,‘ lst, Miss N Strickland; 2nd, Miss Annie Rankin. Piano, 1, CHMIBS Chapman. Melodeon, 3,. let, J T Dales; 2nd, Chas Chapman. Berlin ï¬o’ol “raised, 5, 1st, Niss Nellie Wi_smeAr,; 2qd__ngt reRox-led. _ Wax flowers, 2, lat, Mrs J 03 Wales; 2nd, Miss Amelia Reesor. Wax fruit. 1, Mrs G Vanzant. Fancy baket, 4, lat, Miss M Strickland ; 2nd, Miss Jane Farrier. Quilts in silk, 1, Miss Mary Horsey. Quilts in piece work, 15, 1st, Miss Jane Farrier; 2116, Mrs John'Wahon. Rag carpet, 7, lat MISS E Brown; 2nd, Mrs Claus D Mertins. Hearth rug, 9, lst, Miss Ferrier; 2nd, Miss M Horsey._ - Specimen piain sewing machine work, 1 Miss Ferrier. Plain business penmanship, (special prize, gold pen and casn, awarded by Mr Hughes, Haad Master Markham‘Gx‘ammar School,) 2, lst, James Smith. EPTBAS RECOMMENDED._â€"-J Authony,agri- culturé‘il drawing ; James F Clarkson, tinted photograph, colored; Miss Lizzie Fargu- har’son, painting. Indian ink; Miss Lizzie Farguharson, velvet painting, ’ ' V - MISCELLANEOUS. JUDGESâ€"Same as Implements. _ Bureau, 2, lst, T Johnston. Bowmanville. Sofa, 2, lst. T Johnston. . . Hairvcloth chairs, 2, lst, T Johnston. ’ Centre table, 3, 1st, Wells 8; Stewart; 2nd, R. Hay & Co. ‘ ' Dining table, 2, lst, T Johnston. ' Sample tinware, 2, Ist, G R. Vanzant. ‘ ‘Force pimp-2,155 Moore, Moss work, 2, lst, Miss N Strickland; 2nd,r Mrs G Vunzantt 7 THE. *HERALERIUHMOND;=11th 395 QFBIDA 13-20. CTOBER.‘ 20,-:1871 Common wood pumps, 4, lst A T Moore. Farm or school hell, 2, lst, Levi Jones. . Cooking stoves, 7, lst, G R Vanzant; 2ï¬ï¬‚,' Robert) Armstrong. Parlor stove, 4, 1st, Robert Armstrong; 2116, G R Vanzant.- Sample castings} 2, lst, Gibney & Son. 2 Bunches shingles, 2, lst, .S Lehman; 2nd; L Anderson. EXTRAS RECoMMENDED.â€"Wel{ & Stewart, drawing room set; Hugh Miller & 00., pm pared glycerine. Michigan,Wisconsin and‘Indiana have intely’been devastated by the most fearâ€" ful conflagrations immaginable. In some counties 3,11 the farm houses, villages and towns have been destroyed. The‘sufl‘er- ing is extreme; the blackened eount‘ry is strewn with the dead bodies of men and beast, while many of those whq escaped with life have been fearfully burned. The loss of life and prbperty is said to be even greater than that of the Chicagq conflagration. ' ' ' We @ana Egmmm. POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS.â€"The Post Oflice authorities have thought ‘p‘roper to make new arrangements with regard to the despateh of mail matter to the se- veral post oiï¬ees in the Western part of the township of Markham, which for many years past were made at the Post Ofï¬ce in our village, on Tuesdays and Fridays. At present the bags for Buttonville, Headford, Victoria. Square, Gormlcy. Cashel, Almira, etc. are despatehed from Toronto to Unicnville by the Nipissing Railroad, and from there sent to the va- rious ofï¬ces on the route on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This may be an advantage to some, but to many resi- dents in the western part of Markham it will prove a great inconvenience. Numbers of the people living near Headâ€" ford, and on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th con- cessions did the greater portion of their business in this‘ town, and now, if" they wish to communicate by letter, it must go by Unionville to Toronto, and thence to Richmond Hill; a distance of some- where near forty-ï¬ve or ï¬f'ty miles, when the actual distance is only about three or four. This may be an improvement on the former programme, but many of the parties mainly interested think differently. ON DIT.â€"A report has been current in our town during the past few days that Mr. Jolly, late Head Master of the High School here, has left the country for the land of the “free.†It appears that last week he availed himself of the provision in the School Act which pro- vides for teachers during the year having ï¬ve holidays, in order to allow them to visit other. schools. Monday last, the time for again re-opening the school at- rived but no teacher, though in his place we believe a telegram was received by one of the trustees, announcing that he had gone on a visit to uncle Samuel; time of return, indeï¬nite. Report says that he omitted to square up a few little bills previous to his exit. The trustees held a meeting on Wednesday evening last, and, we understand, have taken steps to advertize for another teacher“ We cannot say we regret Mr. Jolly's dc- parture. He has managed to work up several little difï¬culties in connection with school matters, which were certain to bring a storm upon his head s00ner or later. He had also formed several rather unsuitable associates, which were unbe- coming to the Head Master of' our Grammar School. Taking all things into consideration we say,» go and presper. FIRE m MAnKHAM. â€"-‘On, Sunday last, the “whole of ‘Mr.‘H. R. Wales’ car- riage factory, including show room, wood shop, blacksmith, e'upholster and paint shops, were destroyed, including a.large quantity of valuable stock and tools, making a total loss-of $2,000, besides the logs to his business, which will be probably not less than $1,000. The pump factory and dwelling house adjoin- ing. belonging to D. Cash, Esq., were also burned. The house was occupied 'by Mr. T. Cumming, for many years an invalid, who was carried out on his bed to the house of a neighbor, and the furni- ture was saved. Mr. Cash’s loss is about $1,000, $400 of which is covered by in- suaance. Mr. Wales unfortunately had no insurance. The origin of the ï¬re is not positively known. _ Mr. Joe. Wales and one of the bands was at the shop at eight o’clock on Sunday morning, there was no appearance of ï¬re then. About nine o’clock the ï¬re was ï¬rst disdovered by Mr. Henry Wilson, who noticed a thick smoke issuing from the back part of the blacksmith shop. The wind was blowing a perfect gale, and before he could get half a dozen people out, the buildings were in flames. The ï¬nished, buggies and carriages, and some of the unï¬nished work was'got out. The ener- gies of the who populace, men, women, and even children. worked with a will to stay the spread of the ï¬re, to the sur- rounding buildingsâ€"Economist, Yorkshire Cattle Feeder.â€"H. Miller 66 Co., N0!ice.-â€"-P. Crosby. - , Stripgd Shawlsâ€"Wm. Atkinson. Richmond Lodge, No 23, G. B. C. ’ Rwaubxn HILL, OCTOBER 20, 1871. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SATURDAY, Oct. 21.‘â€"â€"Credit Sale of farm stock, implements, &c.. on lot No. 10, rear of 3rd Con. Whitchurch, belonging to Mr. J ames Lloyd. Sale at 12 o’clock, uoou., J. Gorxnley, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, Oct. 27.-â€"-â€"-Cash Sale of Village Lot and other property at Headford. 2nd Con. ‘ Markham, the property of Mr. Francis I Bowes. Sale at one o’clock EM. F1 Button, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Oct. 3L-Credit Sale of valuable ‘ property on lot No. 35, 2nd concession Vaughan, belonging to Mr. Sam’l Thomp- son. Sale to cémmence at 11 o’clock. A.M.V Gormley 85 Sanderson,- auctioneers. THURSDAY, November 2.â€" Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements &c., on lot No. 16, 3rd Con. Vaughan, the property of Mrrl’eter Rupert, Senr. Sale to begin at 1 EM. J Gormley, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, November’35â€"Credit Sale of farm stock, timber, «$56., on lot No 10, 4th Con. Vaughanybelonéing to Mr ChristiauviMus- selman.’ Sale to-commence at 12 o’clock sharp. Henry Smelsor, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, November 4.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, 310., on lot No 25, 5th Con. I Vaughan, at Lynn's hotel, Teston‘, belong- l ing to Mr John.Thompson. Sale at one {I o’clock RM. Henry Smelsor, auctioneer. ’.' Parties having Sale Bills printed at this oflice, will have a notice similar to the above, free of cliarge. Cramps and pains in the stomach are the result of imperfect in digestion, and may be immediately relieved by a dose of'Johnson’: Anodyne Liniment. A teaspoontul in a little sweetened water is a dose. A Weekly Journal for Canadian Homes, Representative of all that is Host and 'I‘mest in the Current Thought and Moral Sentiment of the Dominion. Sixteen pages a week. $2 1 year or 5 anti a number. For sale at the Heavy oats are good for horses; none will deny that; but oats can’t. make a horse’s coat look smooth and glossy when he is out of condition. _ Sheridan’s Cavalry Condition Powders will do this when all else fails. A monthly eonlaing 64 pages; $2 a your or 20 cents a number. For Sale at (he A weeklvjournal of current events. Lireru- ture, 80161100 and Arts, Agriculture and le- chauics, Fashion and Amusement. Sold at 10 cents a. number at the 'l‘her next regular chï¬â€"llnunicalion of the above lodge will be held next Monday evening, at 7 oclock precosely. 691â€"1 . R. E. LAW, Sec'y. Sun iny at Home for June at Herald Book Store CANADIAN MAGAZINE, CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. PURE GOLD. COPY BOOKS Better paper than any in the neighborhood. GAMES, T018, &c., COLLARS AND CUFFS TEMPERANCE LITERATURE, lnculcative of tempeperance principles. It the MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS Now is the time to secure one. WM. ATKINSON. WESLEmN HYMNS, SCHOOL REQUISITES HYMNS, ANCIENT & MODERN KN O '1." HE R LOT OF THOSE FASHIONABLE STRIPE!) SHAWLS. 6894f Usually sold at )0 and 12} cents minced to 7 and 10 cenl each. .EISURE HOUR, LBUMSI ALBUMS H SUI'FQBLEXQE PRESENTS AT THE “HERALD BOOK STORE. ï¬p‘rztial 2mm. THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE CHEAPER THAN BE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. Dealar in all kinds ol Mullinerv. &c. Richmond Hill. ICHMOND LODGE,A.F.& A.M. ) No. 23, GJKIC. AUCTION SALES. At the Central. OF ALL KINDS, AT THE A NEW SUPPLY AT THE FOR SALE AT TH! ALL sms u 1-ch HERALan [Sm-on. For Sale at the HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK S TORE- HERALD BOOK STORE. ,Hgngyp Boo: Sfou. HERALD Boo: STORE. HERALD Bobx S'rons HERALD Boo: S'rou. HERALD Boon STORE. R. E. LAW, Sec'y. Horses. Cows. Sheep and Pigs fed with the Yorkshire Cattle Feeder have always taken ï¬rst priz'ea. ' ' ‘ Used by all First-class Stack Breeder: It. Fattens One-fourth the usual time. We have nix‘r'nberless congatulary recom- mendations from Agricultural Societies for the beneï¬t may have derived from iis use in rai_sing stodk. ma. 25 come and $1'00 per box. A dollar box contains 20 r feeds. I Prepared in Canada onlyby HUGH MILLER 65 CO., Camus“, 167. King'St. East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. ‘October 18. 1871. ’ 691-“ ['1 against the lale Andrew MacBeth,cnr- riage builder, Richmond Hih, are required to deposi: a statemenl wilh lhv undersigned on or before the ISI day of December next. And all parties owing this estate are required to settlo the same previous lo the above date. Colaining 64 pages ï¬lled with choice litera- ture. original and selected, and one or more pictorial Illustrations. besides a piece of music. $1.50 a year, 15 cam: in number. Sold at the Hun: Boo: Bron. Th3 ï¬es! of Workmanship guaranteed. Plus- leriug done on the shortest notice. RESIDENCEâ€"MEMB- Maple. Oct. IQ. 1871. 690-1y NEW DOMINION MONTLY, BRUSHES. WHIPS AND LAsnEs in great vaxiety. H H C, would also intlmate that ho (ho- roughly ndderstands COLLAR MAKING In all its branches. having of late years do- voted much time and attenton to this most important branch of the trade, he can conï¬- dontay guarantee a safe and easy collar. All who may have the kindness to favor him with their patronage can rely upon a ï¬rst-class arti- cle as nothing but ï¬rst-class stook will be used, made up in a workmanlike manner by expaâ€" rionced workmen. ‘ I1 Stables, aild about two flows of land. mi Yonge Streat within one miie of Richmond Hill. For further particulars. apply to JAMES M. LAWRENCE. 1.) Plasterers, are prepared m contract for erecting all kinds of Bwellings. Churcht‘s. Schoolg, &c.A Begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Rich- mond Hill and vicinity that he has opened the above named establishmom, one door north of Mr. Barnard’s Store. where he is prepared to make to order on the Shortest Nolice. every description of Humnss. He also intends to keep on hand a well assorted stock of Harness Oil and Varnish Always on hand. Richmond Hill; Son. 13, 1871. 686-1y Single and Double Harness! SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, Is the Place to get a Good Arficle, †R ' You should Call (it Examine the Stock Conï¬dent from his success and the liberal patronage he has received in the past years. that he can slitl suit imending purchasers in good serviceable articles, W. H. respectfully solicits theinspeclion of his present stock of 14' FIRST PRIZES By the six following Agricuvlural Societies: Yonge Street. Ease York. Markham. North York. King ahd Vgughun. Together mm a. good nasorlment of Whips, Lashes, Curn' Combs. Cards, Brushes. 64c. for the lowest remuneragive prices. All orders attended to with Promptneas, Cheapness and Disputch by the proprietor. W M. HARRISON. COLLARS WARRANTEI) To Fit, Look & Wear Well Richmond Hill. Oct. 1% 188]. Richmond Hill. Oct. 12. I871. Richmond Hill. Sep. 21, 1871. I 687-6m {grew gammmmm CANNOT BE SURPASSED. HAVE NOW ON HAND, LL PARTIES HAVING CLAIMS WOODBURN 8a STYLES, UILDERS, BRICKLAYERS A‘ND New Harness Shop. _..__â€"- ICHMOND HILL COLLAR AND HARNESS EMPORIUM. To Rent, prSE, _GARDEN, 039mm), SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS. T runks, Valises, Cards, Combs, ,E YORKSHIRE "C A T T L E FEEDER H. H. CLARKE HARNESS ESTABLISH MENT. Throughout Europa and Canada. For Single and Double Harness; Fattening Cattle. ASSOR'I‘MENT 0F Before pnrchasihg elsewhere. To which has been awarded wmcn mm“ 1m Qï¬iï¬ity Is recommended and AS W. H. MYERS’ gamma 8w. Richmond Hill A veï¬y good Notice. P. CROSBY. 891-†690-nwtf .1. tion will be made at the next session of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario; for an Act to amend the Act incorporating the Credit Valley Railway Company. to’ extend the pow- ers conferred on the said Company. to grant the right to build a branch from sonic point on the line of the said Railway to Fergus or Elora, and for other purposes. Dated this 10th day of October. A.D. 13"“. W. H’. BEATTY, Solicitor for the applicants. 1- Civil Enginéer and Draughtsman. _ i Sgocial attention *pnid In preparing Plans, ‘Spe iï¬cntions am] Bali; of Material for building Bridges and Culverts: also to preparing For. ï¬les’nnd Estimnos for: Grading'Hills. lnd Drg'aghmr.Eetemï¬iahï¬- PETER s. GIBSON. ROVINCIAL; LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. v. . ._.,;.. ét 'WmoWdï¬x'Yange Streak. in the Township of Yorkâ€, I. . . ‘ Orders by lone! promptly “tended to. October 4, 1811: 699-211} In the County of York, Waggon Maker, de- ceased, are hereby required to send in particu- late of their claims in writing with dates and items to JANE McBEm. or RICHMOND HILL. arciesaid. administratrix of the said estate, on or before the ltith day of October next: and Creditors and others are further notiï¬ed that the said administratrix shall at the said time proceed to distribute the assets of the said An- drew McBeth. amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. and that she shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof. so distributed. to any persun of whose claim she shall not than have had notice. G RVEAT' ‘SUUG C 335’?†‘t 1'“ <1»an WY "Am '06 nt‘ ’61!†01' hi: largo stocks Tormer haw“ indflcéd'h‘lhi . logecurg n‘sljll v 'rne' must-mu bags w'aunomicp that he_ has now on hand Ihe Good, Fresh and Strong Young Hyson Tea, only 50 cts 331' if) Superior Maynne Young Hyson Tea, from 85 cts per 11). Fine flavored Black Tea, from 80 NS per i‘b Finest flavored and best Black Tea imported, $l_(l0 _per‘lb Th6 above Teas ware carefully selected and are fully ten cems per {11 better than any Teas sold on Richmond Hill. Examine and test them and I Will guarantee you will hear me out in my assertions. . "Ar-‘YAI‘V‘ G. A. BARNARD. Sign of the British Flag Stat}; Richmond Hill] SuptombnrflS; “371-. y - ' 6864f Everything Good & Cheap "Vi‘vmo full-flavbred Young Hyson Tea. only 60 cts per “L rIn Canisters of 5 158.5 cls per 1!: less than the_s_e pri_co. NEW ,EALL GOODS ! B! GEORGE KERR. Jr.. her Solicitor. Toronto. Sepmmber 84h, \87] . Groceries, Crockery; Hardware, (ï¬e. (fee: Shawls in all the Latest Styles, [Jae/nets, Wool Goods m ‘ Great Variety, ' Wmceys. Cobourgs. Alpacas. Marinas, Fancy Dress Goods. Prints. Coltons, 'l‘ickings. Plain and Fancy Flannels, Blan- kets, Carpets. Hosiery, ' Gloveg. Furs, LARGES'i‘, Cï¬EAPEST'ï¬ BEST TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS Thou Goods have all been purchased before the late Rise in Prices. Notice ’ . '8 HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA- HATS AND CAPS, ,&c. ’ In the Gredtest Variety. ,~ 1m This success is‘ Unmistakeable Evidence of the conï¬dence Qf a pa- tronising public. Will be fouhd'y‘to captain everything that is beautiful. chaste, elegant and :Qf the lalest stylcf ’ Toronio. Oct. 12. 1871. Richmond Hill, Oct. 5.1871. New Crop. $RESH NEW TEAS. Richmond Hill. Sept. 27. 18'“. STRONG ACTIVE BOY TO LEARN . blacksmithing. Apply to MILLINERY DEPARTMENT REDI'i‘ORSV A’N D OTHERS HAVING LATE AN DREW McBE'I‘H , Formerly of the Village of“ Richmond Hm, Ready-made Clothing, gm flaw, @mveriw, OF THE‘ CENTRAL STORE, Wanted Immediately. claim: against \he estate of the Larger Stock for this Season.’ Doc skim, silk-mind Cloths, Velveteens, Accounts rendered October lat. inmmtmmm The stock consists in part of Estate N otibe. Stock-he ever offered. A_§Rleud;id Slack-of W. ATKINSON, as usuu. Till DEALER 1N JAN E MCBETH. Administralrix. WM. TREN C H . 6894f. (590-7 2mm sag THE ONTARIO HOUSE, DRY GOODS, ,GROCERIES, The_ Highest Cash Price give‘n for Farm Produce. ‘, .1. - ._ _ROBERT FIRE PROOF STORE! B LANKETS,_ WINCEYS. ,szé‘QTancy Woolen. Goods I ! SHAWLS, r 7 cannot. be riva||ed witlmul infrrnging Powell’s Patents. Users of infringing pumps are liable. C. Powmn, Patenteo, Newtonbrook r v been sustained by the hi host log-l tribunals. and universally approved an n:- lightened public wherever introduced. ‘ even in their hitherto impefl'ébt form, have in all instances carried off the highâ€! prizes flom all competitors. I while they cannot be approached if: wood, have never yet been .equalled in metal at double the cost. V . CANADIAN TWEEDS! ‘ are adapted for the deepest wells. Re- ference-ï¬lo all. Depths from cistern to cum hundred and thirty feet. l- have a continental reputationmud are fun: supeseding all other kinds both in wow and metal. 1 as now perfécled, are the successful to- sull of twelve years endeavor to supply a want universallv felt. . Mantle Cloths, Furs, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, POWELL’S PATENT P U M P s, . , . :D‘ mum in their hnlmrln Imnnrl'lmt farm. '- have already taken the leading plate in sbm'e of the United States,†well as in Cnlndn ‘- > have pll’the merits of other pump-witho- out their defects. No others posses: their po-' culiar advantageous feaLu-es. ‘pOWELL’S PATENT PUMPS urn ndnnmd for Hm deanest walla. Ra. POWELL’S PATENT P U M PS h'ava been sustained by the high“ Ion-l .- erectad within the last ten yours._ycali have recent improvements aiiached. una'guar- anleed superior to any oiher make. Ready Made Clothing, &c. &c. GRbCERlES, HARDWARE, Accounts are rendered on the Ist. October. and it is expected that they will be promptly met this fa‘.| as we have been hieusad with on abundant harvest, which brings good prices. 1- The only efï¬cient ï¬re engine pump. available in a few seconds,winlernnd summer, day and night. Infrmgers beware. POWELL’S PATENT PU M PS 1m nnw narf‘énhd. nm {ha mmnalgfnl m- POWELL’S PETENT PU M P 3, while lha“ cannot be nnnroached in POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS cannot. be riva||ed witlmul infrrnging ‘MPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. LOWEST CASH PRICES. r are made under genuine patents in PC8- nada and the United States. Are no spurious imitation or infringement. l as now made, have no castings to comb loose or break. Have all steel bearing» guaranteed. POWELL’S PATENT P U M? S. The nnlv amt-inn! ï¬rn nun-hu- nuvnn POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S hmm a continental remualionmud are fun POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS urn mmin undnr nnnninn untam- in'l‘g_ POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS, nrnntnd urilhin lhn Incl {an ‘YA-II nan POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS haw: all’ the merits of olhnr Immunwilho- POWELL’S PATENT P U‘M P s have already taken the leading plate in POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS nu “mu Inn/h: hnun nn again". In gun-n“. gar-y cam, Qï¬rnmm, New Fall é‘ Winter Goqu, Septa‘mberï¬ï¬‚‘e‘il 87 l. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH. Richmond Hill, Sept. 21.1871. Clan Tartan Woolings, ' HoSiery, Gloves, UTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT. 00A TINGS AND VESTINGS, Is now open with a large stock of Clothing, Boots (15: Shoes, (596. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold In the Great Bargains 1. a. New Fall Goods. Kept Constantly on Hand ISAAC CROSBY. GRAND DISPLAY: gum/W 33mâ€. R. NEWBERY’S GO AND . SEE THE A LARGE ASSURTMENT or He can giVe you in The Stock includes Double and Single BROAD CLOTHS, New Store, Crockery. Sac. AT THE is-a'm 7‘ 585