4 ALE-x. score-r. “WUBLISHER AND PBOPRIETOB or “ Tm: Your: HERALD.†Terms: $1 per annum in advance. Cheap Book I; Job Printng Establishment. Orricr uYonci: Sr. RICHMOND HILL. VOL. XIII, NO. 22. IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Arid dispatched to subscribers bv the earliest mail: or other conveyance. when so desired. Tim YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Local Bloom and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Family NeWspeper. Tamas; One Dollar per aniium, in ad- vance; if not paid within Two Months. One Dollar and Fifty ()oiits will be charged No paper discontinued until all tirrnaragcs are paid; and pzirtios refusing papers with...†paying up, will be held act-.ouiitnble for the subscription; All letters midiessed to the Editor must be post-paid. ADVERTISING RATES. PER INCH. One inch. one year. . . .... . . .. .. . . ".534 “0 Two inches. one year 3 5“ Three inches, one year . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 3 (10 Over three inches. one year . . . . .. . . . . 2 5t) Advertisements for a. shorter period than one year, first iiisertion........... 5†Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . , . .. 23 211 inches will be considered one column. Advertisements without written directions inserted till toxbid rind charged accordingly. All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular custoiiioi's. must be paid tor \vneu bended in for insertion THE HERALD BOOK & JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. Orders for any of the eiiiloi'iiientione-I 6o- description of Plain. and Colored Job li’ork, Will be pi'omptli Attended to: Fancy t‘Iills‘, 13141le Liartls. Circulars. In": Emmi. llill Heads. Blank Clih'ks. Duns. Blink Jr-lcr . liet'cipts. Lettcr H‘il ls. Foiicy C I'ds. Pamphlets, lmrgc null 5.11mi Posters. and every other kind of LE'I‘l'EIi- PRESS I’Klï¬'l‘l FIG. leng mode largo rritltii on to lug printin.r mat’ttl t . We eti- ‘o-ti-r purl... r41 |"l‘l on" It; (in [11“ non-wt 111111 most miniirtii printing ol every description .. . w “--m‘ flagâ€".4 -w.~,na.m 7 r 7 . I 1' m - 1;" 1 31. ANOM") All ‘ltvlltzww ..-.’.w. t , V 1.21. FISHER. V" MEETIRIAI) aUO'l‘ION'rLIl. FOIL THE A t; mu . ul Lurk Lot 4. 31:1 cotittroeton. V9.1 r-ivt P. 1, Mill ass, Concord. Orders promptly a t’lltltttl :0. Concord, vlui’c‘i Iii, 11470. {10!} EI‘CNR"? S'QELSOII, ICIZN‘llll 13.l't"i‘lU_“ll-:iil’§. l"()l’t'1‘lll‘l .J \'o. “1" 111' kink niii't Frct, Cnil’tflul' of No... summits. Kc. {Smell charges and plt‘lll) o 51% Iqflgity‘ ‘o‘Iarcli ‘2‘?! “365 so- i y FR. 'ti‘l'CIS BUT EON. JR . ICENSED AUCTICNEEII FOR THE County of iork. Sal-s «thrilled to e n the shortest unit-o and at moderate (1119s.. I" 0. Address. Buttonville. Markham. July ‘21, 1868. 497 EDIV SANDERSON, ICENSED AUC'I‘IONEER FOR THE Counties of York and Feel. IIasitl-nt-vâ€"â€"l.ot 2t) ,renrui' 3rd Cniw ssioii of .\'Ie.|'l(ll¢til. l‘,O.Addressâ€"â€"1$nitoiiville. Peru's requiring Mr. Sanderson“ aervico 6811tlIlIe\l’rallgetnelllballll6IIEKALllufllCB. .luiiuervL 11565. 31 JOHN CARTER. ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE Counties of York. Feel and Ontario. Residence: Lot 8,61h concession Markham. I’ostOiï¬ce‘Uuionvillo. , Sales itlsiided on tlieshortcet iietico,nnd anteaseiiableteriiis. Orders leftotthe “ Herald†slice for Mr Curter’sservicrs tvlllbe prciiiplly attendedio Jniie.‘27. 1867. ttrtlrinr. r} C) flaunts of JNO D. McCONNELL M D., RADUATE or TORONTO UNIVER. SITY . Reï¬nanceâ€"Adjoining Thoruhillï¬ otol. July 22. 1569. 575-151 DR. HOSTETTER, 1“, EMBER. OI“ THE ROYAL COLLEGE Surgeons. Eng'and. IIPSIH «we: \‘m-ih of Richmond Hill. opposite Ilio Elgiii House, All cells (night or (in ; promptly attended to. Elgiii Mills. January I. 1870. 598 DR. JAs. LANGISTAFF iLL GENRE \LLY on FOUND AT liniiic fro II N to ‘1 Art ’Vlr Ad“. \r1ii~trong is authorised to collect Acrwulits. Richmond llill.1lt:t. 14.11369. 568" JOHN N REID, M.D., 1011. OF YONGE AND COIJRORNE 1 :treeis.'l‘linriiliill. Unsultntiunr iii the .itlice. In tho v-iorniiius I l‘uwsdru‘s. 'I‘hiiisdav: and Saturdays. from t". '1 »" A M. 50 *1: nsli . “hm-ii -ill..liiiIr-ll.l>'ltiï¬ | All-,nnsttltritionsin 1110‘1'11133. " Tu Controversialists. 7 ‘IIE POLEWICAL CORRESPOND I41V('|‘,l|“"v“,\t"l '1‘ T. 15-1., 1119 ilov JOHN ll-mnn ind filli'“- {ill the York I'IERHD du- ‘1." ' 'l'll‘lltllr ut' lu‘v August and :‘Jep- 11ml. ,«-- 4., is «\tlly pi’ititud in pamphlet t" ,; . \" wih a imi'l' ail. I " * t‘mvrs I'm- s'nh' at tho lll-‘RALl!* it n2. " w ixicliniond llill; llAXNIs “Hit-'7 2‘: -i~i '1 “WI-son's Irtiiit‘t Slum. .‘l'rll'lillitl'll ll‘mlt lturiiii. F gnu-Hm 9.- . ll'l'lllt‘rls 11nd \‘ I'..u“;â€(, I 5 CENT MUSIC For Sale at the Herald Book Store. dip RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, OCTOBE RE M OVAL. H. SANDERSON & SONS, ritevninrolts or THE RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, Have removed to their new and commodious building on the corner of Yonge and Centre St East. mid would rrturn their thanks to the pubic for past patronage. hoping to merita continuance of the sumo. They have greatly enlarged their old stock and have now on hand rt good assorttlient of Points, on... Vni'iiislies. Perfumery. Chemicals, Toilet Soaps. Medicines, Fancy articloC Dye Stull's. l’atciil Medicines. and all 011161 articles kept by Druggists generally. Drugs, “,f‘ Physicians Prescriptions carefully com- pounded. and all ordeis attended to With cure and despatch. V It‘armersand I‘hvsiciansfromtlie country will ï¬nd on rstnck of Medicines completeâ€"warrant- ed genuineâ€"and ol'tlio best quality. Richmond Hill. Nov.95, 15119. 593. R. E. LAW. {NHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, RIGH- . 1 :iiosii mm“ Physicians irescriptions carefully prepared lticliinond llill. Dec.1.18(59. 594-tf THOMAS CARR, DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, GroceriesJ‘Vinorand lliqiiOis.'l‘l‘.0i'iiliil Ur, Rag/111 Lollnrs 7111113111111 has [men (1)1]10'111111 [mill-tr (If [lIIir'riogc LCImSCS. 'riimi:i.iii.'t‘ei..zts,18118. @rntirtxg. WM. ALLII‘TGEIA '1 17.113 (SURGEON DENTIST, \\ . lemonâ€"Corner of Allmrt and Yoiige Sis . I‘omnto (Opposite the Green Bush Flotol. over it Lawson’s Grocery Store it‘l Sflt‘t'l‘l a’tv’lltltitl pnid totiio prosorvntiou at me. Iia‘iii-.| tooth. N K. ~tlii argos lllod’TllO and wot k o'er- innit-1d WM. ALLINGHAM, D I; N r i 9. 'r . Toronto. January tf‘l, 18“]. 562 3.. ROBINSON’S, L.D.S., \TEW METHOD 0 F EXTRACTING I, v Tacili n itlwut I‘uili. by ;i:e Iiï¬l‘ iil' Lilmr Sprnv. \\'lll('ll Htict-ls Illt‘ tooth only. 41"!i‘ltltllll ‘ and gum \‘llt‘tllllllllllg tint'nii'i. tiisv-iisihlo with this external :ignncy . win-ii llir. tooth can ho extinctctl with no pxiii and \VII‘EOUT ENDANGERING T1111) 1.111} As in the use of Clilnrofoi'iii I)rs.1’. an!l R. willhe in the following places prepared to extract tenth r ith his new apparatus. All othoropornlions in Dentistry poi-foriiiedin a workmaiilike manner:â€" F.nrorn,1st. 8th, ltiih and Q‘Tlnd ereacii month Newtiiarkot.... 52nd " “ 'Ricliinond Hill 9th and 24th“ Mt.A|bert............. leih “ '- 'I‘Oriihll,l. . . . . . ....... . L‘3id " " Maples................2llth 'l “ Bu wick..............‘2rth " " Kleinbnrg . . . . . . 539th 5‘ " 3tltli “ " Nitrous Oxide (l ‘snlwaye on bond atAIrern .‘tqrora,Apri123,1670, 615-11" Nobleton . . . . . W. H. CANNON, L.Ds,, :(‘t‘rl'lll'l‘ll from sacred and j wltli‘lt grinning glttllï¬, mum . .' _ l grumpy, ‘VILSONS‘ IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION FANNING MILL! THESE MILLS HAVE Stood the test of Competition ! AT ALL THE I’itOvINCiAL Exnini'i'ioss COUNTY F'Ains, Whenever shown. and are pronounced by com- petent judges as being the BEST FANNING MILL! Manufactured 1'11 Canada ,- And. having recently been lmprnvod, the sub- scribers have every conï¬dence in its superior merit. The subscribers ere new manufacturing a llrge number of the above; and. having in- creased facilities for piepnrtiiig tlte lumber. can supply all orders promptly. Farmers will consult their own interest by examining our Mill before buiing elsewhere. as w" feel conï¬dent thev \viil be satisfied out Machines are notsurpnsst-d il’ eqtinlled. 11.61. W. W ILSON. Richmond llil|,1\iig. 27, 1871. Slifi-tl' glow (mints, J". N. BLAKE. BARIIISTER, CONVEYANCER, &c. Quinnâ€"No. 6‘1 Church StreeLT’oronto December 29, 1559. 5195' WILLIAM MALLOY, BABEISI‘ER, ATTORNEY. SOLICI- 1 on in Chancery. CoiiVe-yaiiccr. A 0. Drumâ€. : .Vn 71% King SII'CPI East, 'l‘uroi it 0\'?1'llle Wesleyw lloolt ttooni. Toronto, December 1!. ll‘tl9. 594. DUGGAN 6b RIEYERS, A RRIS'I‘ERS, A'I‘TORNEYSA T LA Vl' Solicitors in Ulisticorv, (ltiiivevnncors..\ l' ()i-‘r‘iCI :â€"-l‘i'ovincizil Insurance Buildings Street. Toronto. roux UUGGAN Q.c. ADA! 11.11pm): Toronto l)ec.24,1858. 5-14 MARRIAGE LICENSES, RICHMOND HILL. NT TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC ANI) ll . (,‘omiiiissionei' in 11.11.,is Government Agent for issuing Marriage License: in the County of York. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 A.fl. to 9:30 P.1l1. Richmond Hill. October 23,1869. RINGWOOD MARBLE IVORKS. WIDEMAN. )IAFâ€"NUI‘AC’I'URER OF - all kinds of Mulliltllfllils.1‘I6Rtlst0110,t&t Call uncexaniiiie my Stock and Prices he~ forptll‘til‘ rising elsewhere, as you willtind itto your interest. 01‘? Issuer of rilnrriagc Licenses. Itiiigwood. Sept, 13.1867. 497 DENTIST, (LATE ASSIST- ANT to Dr Elliot, Dentist. , 'l‘oronto.) respectful y announces that he uill visit the following places,(Siin- drift: excepted). where he will attend to Don- tistry in all its branches: King....................lst of each month Richmond Hill. . . ... . . . . .5111 " NOWIIIRTIIEI...... . . . . . ...lllth " Aurora..................1511| " Teeth inserted in tho inc-.1 Improved Styles, on Gold. Silver. Vulcanized Rubber. and Ale luiiiiiiun Iliise 'l‘uetli ï¬llvd in such a manner as to preserve them from l’uithnr decay. Teeth extiactod With the lrnst possible pain. and especial 31111111011 paid to the tegiilution ot children’s teeth Charges Moderate, and work warranted to give satisfaction. All le‘lei's addressed to Aurore will receive prompt attention. Aurore. May 25. 1870. 619-ly G. H HUSBAND, LID S. DENTIST. BEGS MOST RE- speuil'ully to announce that he will be at Unionville. . . .lsi Monday 0 feech month. Weston .. . . . .Slili day " Klinebnrg....ltltli “ Burwick . . . . .L’Qi:d “ Scarboro’. . . .Qiii'd " Where he \villbe prepared and mostliappy to wait Oiitliose. who may require hisserviccs. G. H. 11.. having: had over EmvrfN Ynltns’ PRACTICEJ‘eBlStHillfldBl)It)Iglvlllgelllll‘esal‘ls- fat-lion. To ihosewho have favored him with their pulrmiageiii the past he returns his sincere thanks. and to those who may do so in the fit- tiire. he would say that net .leavoron his part willbe \vaiitingto meettheirapproval. IIi-zirHumansâ€"'1‘liefollowinygeiiiteiiionran, withcotilidciicen‘ecommendG. ll Iliisbnndtn nllrequiring Denial aid: llr Reid,’I‘lioriiliill: Dr. Bull. Weston: Ur. I)’Evlyn, Burwiciv, l)r. Corsoii. Brampton. Ri-Lsinizncr: ~â€"’rllt)l‘lllllll. Tliornliill September 17. 1868. 1y Temperance Works. ’1‘ HE SCOTTISH TE MPERANCE LE AGUE PUBLICATIONS (‘mpH of highly instructive and entertaining .>l"‘. 'rs '\111‘ll tire (I milr interesting a- well as .111 . vow of the pilot-inns (l1 temperance -- til -w;eti'. Busirlnx 1i large number of the 1.1 tho»: era but lts O In s .1111 al"[lllnt‘llit~ pin/211w history. cwiinoi, lll‘) c.;iiixn\mltt(l by the “1118\1 ‘ logic of the iiiodernle drinker. CATALOGUE on application at the HERALD BOOK STORE. attentional, J SEGSWORTH, DEALER 1N FINE GOLD AND SIL ver Watches. Jewelli'y, &c., 113 Yongo Street. Toronto September 1, 187l. GREEN BUSH HOTEL, 215 and 217 Yongo Strent. Toronto. 'l‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING public will ï¬nd lii'st»clnss acconiodntion at the above llOiise. M low rates. Then is an extensive Stable attached. and large covered sliriis. An attentive and obliging hostlor 5:17 .1. L. I’ARKEII. Proprietor. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker, o'zc. llrzstiiicivcr:.â€"Noarl) oppositet lie I’estOï¬ice HICIIJIUIHt Hill. ZOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO- cunion. IIALL or THE ASSOCIATION. 34 King Street East. Toronto. To Parents. Guardians, Posters. and 011mm Whose Sons, Wards. or Friends may bi- leaving home for t‘e.~l(letl(‘.t_~ n the Cur at Toronto: ‘ The Young Men’s Christian Association Of Toronto announce tlitil thy) have a Committee for the pui‘pois't- of showing kindness to Young Men \Vlll’ are strangers. and leading them under religions inflni-iices. 11 is riqusstm' that all who desire the co-Opci'a inn 111‘ this (Iniiliniltee vvill s 1:11 the names.- ltl‘t‘l II’IhlI'I'S as of Young: Men about to remove to Toronto. in whom they file interested. by t'epei‘:t1ii liiin sell'il' possible. 01 by p.‘sl. with .«iich particu- lnrsot' character as tin-y may (il‘Blll pinpnr Jun MActmNALn, Tiios. J Wt: x112. l’resitlt iii. Sprrpww. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RICHMOND HILL Store, whore Stockholders 711111 others may procureBuoksevei-y Fridov afteriiomi. A. SCOTT,l.ibraricm r' ‘IIIS ASSOCIATION HAS TitANs! ti-rieu Iliell Linrnr} in 1111‘ I-Iiimm- tinnit- r _r FARM F011 9. in the lat con cession e, ., t TOWNSHIP 0 , CONTAINING me UGBAN, 'Acaiss Of valuable land, 7'2 ncr state 01' (minimum. the re bored with pine and hard premises a good frame hot a kitchen and \‘t'OOdSlK-ï¬lx '1 rIv new. a large fneme barn 32x73 nearlv I W. treble ShOilb, and rnothouse ctimpvoio.‘ {'o iicvu-failiu, springs of water. it ci~teru," .l e lLl‘lVlb! or» whard 9 acre: of wheat lithe groeiid. This form is beautifully situated; outing on Youqo Street, only 4} miles from '5 ‘ig steliuu. North- ern Railway. and 31 from? a thriving rill-gt. of Richmond Hill. Ion min-_ 3 walk to church. school-house, and saw-inilli‘ 'l‘i'i'Lic InnisrU'rABLi. Terms cosy. l’ossesiaioiï¬dmmediaielv. No objection to exchange fort-g; lei-gar farm in I good lo'hlity. For l'urther-"plniculersnpply to the owner on the pretiiis JOHN BRO wit. Richmond Hill P. o. Vaughan. Sept ‘27. 1871. 7 688 G cured in 3 lolin do. is well tituv . than: is no the I'iih monocular. FARMS AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. The Subscriber offers for info the 'ollou'iiig VALUMILE PItOi'Lrt'i‘iEs, NADELY': H3 ACRES UN LUT no. 50. man or m CON VAUGHAN. New Richmond 11111. The land is all clear, and in P. good 14an of cultivation. 'I'li: re is .m the premises it lirstc-n-e Dwelling liunsc. llariis. Stuhlos. etc There is also oti this [no pel'IV a s A W 3.1 I L L In good running ordgnf *1 1 o 0 3A 0 It E s, ‘1 fl. _ lit-lug the rear linlf tar/120: 3Nt.. 21;. in the Qiid tfon . Vaughan. illll‘acre: toured. the remain- tlor illllbr‘l'cd W'll] letlnla; piiio. For terms and other itit‘nnimtiou apply to the ownixr on the premne. (1' Vaughan, Aug. ‘23. 1 N 11151.0? 683-“ ,. t A S’l‘AN , A in NG AN 1) x " . SHINGLE FACTORY :- WITH ALL NE IV MACHINERY, In FirtsT~Rnrz Rnsnma ORDER, Sittia'ed on lot No. 26,9nd Con Markham, near Richmond Hill. Apply on tliO premises to DAVID EYER, JUN. Markham, May 1'8, Io'll. (Elia-6m For Sale, 'ALF AN ACRE OF LAND, WITH It good [lriuk Cottage erected thereon. siiuzitcd on the Corner of Yongu and (Tantra S'rcets. iii the viltiiLro Ol' ltioliiiiond llill. I‘lt-r ttirilier particulars oiiquiio of JAS. M. LAWRENCE. Richmond 11111. May it. 1871. 6‘ 7-11 sz.«( tittitmtfy, dilate of Toronto Votorinnrv College. ('oriierol Yniige and Centre St East. Rich- mond llill, bugs to announce to the pnlilicihoi ho is now practicing: with H. SASIIERFON, (ll the someplace. whore-they maybe consulting do personally or by letter. on all diseases 0 Horses. Cattle. &C. Micniciuns or Ev nnv Dnscnirrinn for Horses and Cattle always on hand: such as l’liysic. Diuretic. Cordial. Tonic. (longii, Condition and Worm Balls and Powders, The Cough llalls have been found most serviceable- in alleviating many of the distressing- symp- toms of Bl't'kl‘llwltld or Hooves in Horses Colic. 1)l‘BllEll|S. l.iniinents for Sore Threats. Spraiiis. Curb. Spnviii Icingâ€"hone. dc. Blist‘ oring Oiiitments, also Ilool‘aiid Healing ()im. Lotions for wounds. Bruises. Saddlt: lnfallible Oil and Sheep Tick Des menls. Gulls. I]‘0_\'fll‘. All orders from a distanconromptl} itlended to. and ineiliciliessenito any part0 Vince. llprscs exainiiiod as to souii no.“ alst bought and Sold OII ceiiiinission. Richmond Hill. Apriltlil, 1‘4113 the I’l't‘» 51'] FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP or iivrornosrnn‘ns. J. H. SANDERSON, V E T E R I N A RY SURGEON, GRA- "â€_ l The power of arresting disease displayed by ‘ this preparation is lionorabl'.‘ acknowledgwd h: l t ) ï¬levllf‘fll faculty in every section where it has liven iiitioduced: and the rapidly iiirrioas-' lug 55116 is the lit-st giiaraiitr-e o‘ the estunfltion' iii “'lllf‘ll it is lirltl by the public ' rl‘lie S‘ rup will cure [’11/11111'11111'1/ Consump- tion in the first and sccond stages: will give. great relief and prolong life in the third It] will cure Asthma. Ilrmtc/Iitis. Luryngitis. Cong/Is. Colds. It Will i'nrr all diseases ori- i gloating from want o.†\li's ULAR 1‘» Orion and‘ ernvous FORCE such as Eul-rguiiient of the lumen. Enlargeiiieut of tlic Spleen. Dyspr'psia, i [tick/:15, Enable and lrretrnlur Action of the‘ “rum. Loon. Aw Grown. I’AIIA‘ YSIS, [lo/Ionic or Loss of Vnicr. I: wil' cure Lou i ,mrctimn. Clalomsis. \ivmmin. and restores the blood to purity and health. i $0..†BY A PU'I‘H RCA RIES. l‘rice. 1H 50: Six for $7,511. ‘ JAMES 1. FELLOWS, Chemist. . {St- John. N43. I 4-8 among. The St. Lawrence. [Prize poem read at the Univoreity Col- lege, Toronto, on Friday the 13d: ine‘..] Whore, unto the ‘oorld of waters. Old S“ Lowrance rolls his flood. From those lukes,proud Ocean’s daughteie Skirts; by Conndinn DOOd. Fed by merry a distant fountain, 011, through ï¬elds of moving grain, Past Cope Diemond‘n rockv mountain, Pouring onwerd to the main. Britons there. in battle.’ glory, And in nobler peaceful art, To the tide of Albion} glory I’roud have been to add their part: Proud to wreath the red cross banner With our maple cliaplets green, While Britonnia’e ï¬eld of honor, Joining ocean, tolls between. Noble river! bear thy burdens, Bear them proudly to the seal Loyalty’s and lttbOi"S guerdons Are the freight embarked on thee. Bear the islands of the refremen. \‘i'ith tlwir forest conquered prize; Soon. by hands of cunning craftsmen, They shall into novice rise. Bear the Westvlend’s harvests golden ; Bear the North lonrl’e furry spoil ; Bibi-.5 back, from the E:ist~l.iitl Olden. Wealth to (iiil'et‘, and hands to toil. Bi d our l’rovincrs together With iiitliss illlll a chain; lliiiil Ilil-iii ï¬rmly in tench ntht‘l' Ami the Empire of the ruin. annly ti’rt. thou in tbv childhood, As thou sports-st. robt-d in smiles, ’Mungst the flu-ere, and rocks, and wild wow] 01' the boanteous Thousand Isles. Noble art thou. dashing looping, In ihv pride of youthful nii 'hl, Down the foaming rapids swooping, Swtft as on arrow in its flight. And a calm mojt'siic river Art. though rolling in thy prime; Like in thought. that flows lbievcr, Fast. reeis'lcss and sublime. Countless me the generations. T111111 lust. marked upon thy sands; We n..c y'utlligesl of the 1111110118, And oldest of the. littlda‘. Tlicn and Time. with tiesscs hoary, A gas han together rolled; v “ I‘ Thou con 11st tell to us it story Stu-h as V'ilunics have not told. Tell its 1 1' the vanished riices, Fort-st lords of (lll]“l‘ days. With lllt‘ll' dim and diiskv litres Pool in; through the Iii-111s of moizc: CHOW llit‘: Niivliflvu, Ht) noisolvss, Lilu- n '1 riwiit. urn: Illt'l‘ crept. Mmlc lltv lltlttill‘a l) itiilt-l Vltit't‘lt‘h's, llrokc his hutclwt while he. slept: How Jocq .os (‘nrtior from St. Malt), Cziiiic ticinss itw tlismiit so»; Arid thorn shone 2t SZICl‘t (1 halo Round his cross and Ilenrde lis: How the people brought their ailing For the pole faced chief to save, And. the prayer of faith availing, Blessed the healing that he gave : How the sailors, in amazement, Sow, and named Quebec afar; 0ft. huth. since, its rocky basement Rolled aback the tide of war! How u people, brave and loyal, Built their white faced homes by thee, Won to where the Mountain ltoytil 'l‘owci-cd nbove tho Ville Marie: Tell of Montcalm brnvcly fighting, Dying bravely. but in vain; And the smile of tiinniph lighting Wolfe’s last gaze on Abiohnin’s plain. Bravely, by thy silent river, Climbed the hardy, highland menâ€"- Well I “can that focmcn never Shall ascend those heights again! Ahl melbougbt thee half a traitor, Fuvnring tlicir silent oarsâ€"- Or didst thou ibisee a greater Empire rising on thy shores? Wes thy freedom for another And a mentor destiny? Did it need a. foster-mother Better ior than Fi'tinec could be. Tell us how thy children bore them; One to thice, they scorned to 3ield, When tlicv drove the for before them, As on Crystler’s bloody licld: How the slave looked Northward to thee, Never bondintin breathed by thee. How. escaped, his glad eyc knew thee As the river of the free. Aye, we love thee, noble riverl Love thee with a jealous love; Thou art Ours. and ours for ever. E'en though death our title prove! Welcome kindly every stranger, If ’tis peace his white soils bear; But let him tliiit threatens danger Of thy sturdy cons beware. Heaven bless thy sons and tinnrhtors, T111lllt'yullllh'bctliks with Sonar; Gliding (for thy summer waters, Ur thy li'ozeti bet-st ttttiiigl Send the hUSllltlllllllltl his lint-rdtms, Iii the ï¬elds of gonlen grain! Send thee ever Costly buidene, As thou i'Ollest. to the main! JonN Ii. STUART. Angels Wait beside the Door. Angel forms are over inc bonding, Angols \Viiii beside the door, And I hear sweet. VUIC‘“S blending, Over on lllt: Otht-r shore. Dark and still the slindcs are falling; Bill the flush of St‘rll'l‘V wings. And the S‘)l)ll(1 «if voiccls culling, Joy unto my spirit brings. I am ivcarv. doubting. grieving, God will set my troubles right, When for 1110 the morn is wakinbr Over on the hills of light. To endeavour to work upon the vulgar with line: sense is like attempting to how blocks with a razor. R 2'7, 1871. WNW troll}. "mm YORK amnion." UBLISHED AT THE OFFICE on Yoxon S'r. RICHMOND HILL. Issued Weekly on Friday Morning. Terms: One Dollar per Ammm in Advance; ALEX. SCOTT, PROPRIETOR. Vaughan and West York? The Annual Fall Exhibition~A Great I Successâ€"~7,000 The Prize List. Correspondence of the TELEGRAPH. 't'sitors Present. - Woonnumun, Oct. 20.â€"â€"The annuall fall show of the Township of Vaughan and West York was held yesterday and today in this village. It has generally been the case, for the past: few years, that the fall shows have happened to come in, very bleak. cold Weather, and yesterday and this morning it: w is feared that the old trouble was to be encountered. Yesterday afternoon the tent in which the shout was held, in erected on the ground, and after a quantity of the ar- be said of that. ticles had been placed in it agneli of were also excellent. WHOLE N O. 692. I ‘ POULTRY. In this department the competition l was not as large as has been the case on some occasions. but there were some ï¬ne Spanish fowls, and dorkings. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. A splendit lot: of ï¬eld roots were in the tent, and also garden produce. Beets, turnips, and ninngrls were of ex- traordinary growth. Cabbage was excellent. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Persons who attcndcd the great inter- national exhibition hove pi'OIiounced the wheat exhibited here equal to any on exhibition there, which is all that need Barley, peas, and oats Timothy and flux wind levelled it to the ground, and ed seeds were fully represented, but of attempts to reconstruct it were fruitless. choice seed there was only one cum-y. This morning, however, in spite of a very chilly atmosphere, the village was early thronged with visitors, and about nine o’clock the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway arrived with an extra car at- tached to the usual train in which the passengers were packed like herring. The rural districts too must have been desortcd BIKIDSL totally if the crowd which made their way into the village is any criterion from which to judge in the matter. The stream of visitors kept pouring in until about eleven O’clock when the clouds had cleared away, and the sky was perfectly cloudless, which. with a Warm sun, rendered the day all that could be desired, to the great satis‘ faction of the managers of the show. The usual number of vendors of quack medicines and lottery men were on lizind. ambitions to get an early start zit their day’s work so as to rent" a rich harvest from those who had more money than wit. Among others, on entciprising woman had perched herself uptn a wag goo and was selling,r lottvry tickets as fast as she could hand them out. One scouii» drcl on the ground was selling chances for the drawingr of a sewing machine A little boy happened to draw the number Of the machine, but: the fraudulently disposed which he had in his Waggon. scniiiidrt-l rcl'nat'd to give up tho machine, and ho was so much abused by the crowd that ho was glzid in get out of the way as fast :is possible. The society have long contciiiplzttod erectinf,r a build- ing for their Oirii convenience, but the right of way to the ground has been held in dispute, but now that the Ob- stucle is removed they intend to hold their next show in u new building. Messrs. John Abcll and J. Duncan, the presidents, with the assistance of the secretaries, Messrs. Thomas Grahame and John Clarkc,bad everything in apple. pie order, so that all the arrangements passed OI'I admirably and gzivc general satisfaction. of entries was 964, which was far in excess of any previous year. The following are the entries in each class :â€" HORSES. Blood homes. . . . . 2 Draft horses . . . . .26 General Purpose. .44 Road or Carriage.62 CATTLE. Durbams .. . . . . . .34 Dcvons ., . . . .. .16 Ayrshircs. .. . . . 3 Galloway’s . . . . . .113 Grade ..........51 Fat Cattle....... 7 Working oxen. . . . 6 The number . SHEEP. Leicesters . . .. . . .39 Cotswold .. . .. . . .33 Southdown. . . . . . 21} Merino. .. . . . . . . .10 Fat Sheep . . . . . . . 5 MISCELLANEOI‘S. Pigs............70 Poultry _ . . . . . .. 47 Roots. .. . . .. . . . .60 chotiibles . .. . 21 Fruits ..... . . . . 32 (liain ltll'l seeds . 41 Implements... . . .32 D.i1!’V Produce . 59 Home manufact’rs 72 indics‘ work. . . .139 Fine arts . .. . . . . .11 Brass bonds. .. . 3 HORSES. The number Of entries in this class were unusually large. and the animals exhibited were of excellent quality, more especially the general purpose class. Of 100d horses there were only two entries. CATTLE. Durham cattle made a prominent part in the Show. and in grades there was a ilzirge competition. There were also six yokes of workingoxen. G‘Illthflys were exhibited principally by Mr. McNeil of Vaughan, who has been successful at all the shows of the season. SHEEP. Messrs John Collv of Albion. and George Weldrick of Vaughan, had the largest. flocks of sheep, of the Liecester and Cotswold breeds. Several other ex- hibitors had also some ï¬ne sheep of these and other breeds. EWINE. In this class there was a very large competition. Messrs. Joseph Feather- ton. of Credit, and James Main. of Tm ‘legar, were on hand with their imported stock, and of course carried off a large number of the prizes, although the others shown were by no means of inferior 1 quality. IMPLEMENTS. In this department there was a. very extensive show, but the heaviest por- tion of the articles Were from the exten- sive works of Ni. John Abcll, of Woodbridge. He had on the ground ti. portable steam engine which was highly i'cconiitiondcd, and from which he drove :i threshing machine which took the ï¬rst prize at Kingston in preference to the Climax double cylinder machine, with which it. Ooinpctcd in the work 01' thresh- Mr. Abell also exhibited a horse-power threshing mit- 11);; :1 10nd Of wheat. chine, clover machine, combined reapars and mowers, sowing machines, strawâ€" cutters, fanning mills, and other kinds Of useful machines and implements for , which he obtained prizes. A large num- ber of other articles of machinery was exhibited by other exhibitors, some of which were rather foreign to the place. FRUITS. The lateness of the season is rather detrimental to the exhibition of a large and varied aSSOI‘IlIlCIIt of fruit, but; of the common kinds the fruits made a good display. DAIRY PRODUCE. Thcro mm :1 fnir (listll‘ly in this class. the huttcr lit-inc; in mine. instzinccs very tristci'nlly clnb'n‘tttctl. T112316 were a ‘i’iiiiiibor Of Ctlllle‘ of hum-c inido hi‘cnd, lurid some very tempting jars ofstrziiiied i liOnoy and also some boxes in which the honey rcmniiicd in the combs as the busy insects had left. it. HOME MANUFACTURES. In this department there was on av.‘ ernge display, more especially in woolen goods. Messrs. Cox do CO. of Toronto bod a large display of clothing and clothes. LADiEs’ WORK. The number Of entries in ladies’ work Quilts,- i'ugs, ‘inuts embroidery, tattinoj, knitting, was in excess of {my other class. fancy sewing, and cverv other kind of Indies’ work was in cndlcss profusion. FINE ARTS. In this class there was only a limited number of entries. BRASS BANDS. Two prizes were Offered for the best brass bands, open to the province. and in response there were three entries. The Union brass band of Etobicoke, Cooks- ville brass band, and the Scliomberg brass band were the entries. The ï¬rst prize, til'tci‘ ugOod deal of diï¬iculty in deciding". was awarded to tho t'ooksville bond. and the second to the Smombcrg‘ Both Of these bonds played wcll. and the‘ the ï¬rst prize in considcriition that. lllt‘Il' playing Cooksvillc only was awarded had more of a military style than thcir competitors. The Union bond was also recommended for their playing, but their number is too sm 111. THE DINNER. After the prizes had been aWnrdcd, the judgcs and directors of the society, together with SCVCl‘ztl ntlirr gentlcmcn, pni'took of their :xniiunl dinner in the Tuckcriiion liOlel, kept by Mr. Wallace. Among those present. were Messrs. Jail Dunczm, Presidt‘nt of the west rid'irig' Of the County of York; John Abell, Presiâ€" dent of the Vaughan Agricultural SO- ciety; John Gordon. President of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway; A. ‘R. McMaster, J. G Worts, Professor I Buoklund, Thomas Grahame, Secretary of the Vaughan Agricultural Society; 1 William Clark, Secretary of West York Agricultural SOciety, and others. The chair was occupied by Mr. James Dun- !can. and the vice chair by Mr. John Abcll. Speeches were delivered by Professor Bucklarid, Messrs. Gordon, Warts, and several of the members of the Agricultural Society; after which the Toronto gentlemen left: for home by special train about. ten o’clock. For the prize list, see second page.